First, kill all the lawyers!
21 December 2003
I bought this on DVD in a pawn shop, so it is available. It's freaking hilarious. The box made it sound like something really scary, so my friend and I put it on last night and almost immediately started laughing, since the intro music sounded like something from a goofy comedy (on the other hand, a similar thing happened to start Ghost Ship, and that was still very creepy).

The very next thing, however, is seeing a bunch of people in devil costumes that rival John Lovitz's Saturday Night Live portrayal of the devil. Turns out they all work in a bar called "The Devil's End" or possible "Inn", but while the actors have been dubbed into English, the bar's sign has not. The bar is complete with rocky-looking walls, real flaming torches, and a mariachi band. Yikes!!!

Turns out Mercedes Benz (the heroine) and her fiancé work at the bar, which was owned by her great-grandfather (or some such relation). Word comes that the esteemed relative has died and she is one of the heirs. Then they have to spend the night in the spooky mansion, together with the other heirs, who are being encouraged (by the lawyer, whose principal line of dialog is "you will now be silent!!!") to "Pray for your sins tonight and search for the treasure on the third night", though the subtext is "kill anyone who gets between you and the money."

The funny part is until the arrival of the blatantly comic detective, this movie could have been serious - only funny due to bad dubbing or something. But it's really meant to be a comedy. There's even a chase scene worthy of bugs bunny where Mercedes is being pursued by the cloaked man wielding an axe, and they run around a table again and again - she stops to take a drink of water and he waits, then they start up again.

Very silly, but a lot of fun, too!
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