Engaging though forgettable melodrama
29 January 2003
The Last Days of Dolwyn is an interesting minor drama set in the valleys of Wales. It is set in the 1890s, and details the events that lead up to the deliberate flooding of a village in order to create a new reservoir. Some of the villagers are excited about the prospects being relocated once their village has gone, while others wish that they could carry on living where they do.

The acting throughout this film is superlative, including a young looking Richard Burton making his film debut. However, the dramatic aspects of the story are rather low key, almost to the point where they don't work. The climax should be really exciting, since it deals with a handful of people who find themselves trapped in the village in the minutes before it is due to be flooded, yet the sequence fizzles out without making much of an impact.

The Last Days of Dolwyn is worth watching for the acting, and the lovely Welsh settings. But if you're wanting a strong emotional story thread, this film simply doesn't provide it.
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