Doggone Tired (1949)
The Fun of Insomnia!
19 January 2004
Doggone Tired displays some classic cartoon gags that I never get tired of. Upon overhearing that Speedy the dog cannot catch the rabbit unless he gets some sleep, the rabbit concocts a plan to keep Speedy awake. One of my favorite methods the rabbit used was imitating a thunderstorm using a phonograph, a flashlight, and a sheet of metal (I think anyway, you would have to see it to truly understand). To drown out the racket, Speedy pulls a whole pillow through his head from ear to ear. That's just good physical comedy!

Another great gag that reoccurred at the ending, was substituting a candle with a stick of dynamite. When blowing the candle/dynamite out, Speedy covered his face, blew out the wick, only to get blasted up his face. Shielded by his hands, we don't see the horrific damage except for some burnt marks around his face. As you can tell, I just can't properly illustrate these gags by words alone. You have to see the cartoon to really appreciate it. It's just funny from beginning to end. Tex Avery once again shows why he is a true animation legend.

My IMDb Rating: 10/10
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