Review of Smoky

Smoky (1946)
I liked this better than Black Beauty (any version)
11 July 2000
Macmurray owns Smoky. He is separated from him (it's been so long since I've seen it, I'm not sure how). I think Macmurray has an accident, and by the time he wakes up, Smoky has been sold. Macmurray searches for him. The tale tells of both man and horse's adventures apart. At the end, Macmurray inadvertently comes across a man beating his horse, and Macmurray comes to the horse's rescue. It's raining, the horse is harnessed to a cart on the city street, Macmurray suddenly realizes it's Smoky. Even through the rain, you know Macmurray is crying tears of joy. It almost seems as if Smoky is too. I love this movie and would love to find a vhs copy to watch over and over. It must be at least 35 years since I've seen it. It was made in 1946, but I think it was released in 1951, my birth year. Julie
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