Review of White Cargo

White Cargo (1942)
Shakespeare anyone?
28 April 2000
I was reading another members review on this movie and just was wondering what this member expected when he came across it. It was a simple jungle movie ( without the animals ). In fact the only animal that i found in this movie was that feline femme fatale Hedy Lamarr. The woman was dropped dead gorgeous, and true the lines weren't what you would expect as in a Shakespeare play, but it was campy. I defied any actress of that day, yes, that goes for Davis and Hepburn would of made it any better with those lines. Personally, they didn't have what Hedy had, the physical attributes that was required. I suggest that if your looking for great acting then go to Broadway. As i watched this movie, I couldn't help but see a parallel to that movie Jaws. Remember, you don't get to see the shark until the movie is almost over. In this one, they were setting up Hedy as Tondelayo, for she didn't appear until a half hour or so into it and boy, when she appeared, I actually felt the heat of that Jungle. Watch it and enjoy it for what it is, nothing more, nothing less, but you'll not forget Tondelayo.
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