Seedy B grade noir
1 July 2003
Alan Ladd as a youthful hitman who blows away everyone who crosses his path, Laird Gregar brilliant as an oily, overweight, camp villain, Veronica Lake sultry, blonde and devastatingly beautiful, raise this seedy film to an interesting noir that has been regarded by critics as a "classic".

This Gun for Hire is a typically B Grade feature with a slightly implausible plot featuring Lake as a performer who blends music with magic before becoming a spy. Ladd is the "likeable" perhaps misunderstood killer/hero who is kind to animals and children but slaps chamber maids and kills cops routinely. Advertising posters for this title featured some of the classic graphic art of the film noir and as such has raised the profile of the film to a higher level than it deserves. That aside, the film is still well worth seeing - great cast and classic noir.
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