Great Bob Hope Who-Done-It Comedy.
24 October 1999
Bob Hope comes to his own as one of the screen's best comedic actors of the 40s. Following his successful mystery/comedy THE CAT AND THE CANARY, Paramount was wise to recast he and Paulette Goddard as the romantic pair of the picture. Add the colorful (no pun intended) Willie Best as Hope's sidekick, a creative script, George Marshall's direction, two Anthony Quinns and you have movie magic. This, walking Zombies, crisp dialogue and real live ghosts floating about in a dark, dank deserted castle with flying bats and that long winding staircase and it's actually scary, even for television. I saw the original in the movie house and remember, although I was very young (ha ha) how it scared me.

And, of course, I fell in love with Paulette.
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