Get ready for a shock...
12 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler Alert!! Are you ready? Do you need another minute? Okay, I'll wait...

This movie sucks.

I see you weren't ready. Take your time, get back to me when you're I was saying this is a bad movie. How this film has been allowed to rise to a position of immortality in Hollywood alongside works like "Casablanca" and "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" is a mystery to my pundit-like understanding of movies and their audiences.

I saw this movie for the first time after it was named the number three film of all time (Is it 3? I think so) by the AFI. I had heard the hype and was expecting a grand love story with a Civil War backdrop. Instead I got an eighteen hour soap opera with bad acting, bad writing and characters I wouldn't lift a finger to save if they were being mugged right next to me.

Scarlett O'Hara is one of the most well-known figures in American films and if you told that to an English person, they would say that they understood why. She is stuck up, self-absorbed, arrogant, whiney, spoiled rotten, unfeeling, conniving...hell, she married a guy to spite Clark Gable and doesn't even care when he dies!! Her inconsiderate juggling of the feelings of others is disguised by the filmmakers as charming befuddlement and/or coming of age. She's a bad person and I'm p***ed that she doesn't die in the end.

But I can forgive her. I can forgive the character, I can forgive the racially insensitive characterizations, I can forgive the fact that the Civil War was way the hell more important than these two losers...Here's why I will always hate this movie. They had a brilliant endline in "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn." Imagine a movie that ends on that line. What a perfect ending! Put Scarlett in her place, a star like Gable could shine. And how do they end the movie? With Scarlett's responsibility-dodging catchphrase, "I'll think about it tomorrow." And the overly-sappy, doesn't-mean-anything-really "For another day!"

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