Review of Desire

Desire (1936)
Dietrich and Cooper steal away some laughs in this breezy romance
13 June 2001
Marlene Dietrich stars as a European jewel thief who comically pilfers an extremely rare and expensive pearl necklace from a renowned jewelry store in France. Making her escape through Europe, she keeps bumping into a persistent, not-so-bright, vacationing American motor engineer played delightfully by Gary Cooper. After blowing he and his advances off several times, she realized that he unknowingly has obtained her stolen prize, and now she must find him in Spain and play up to him romantically. The film is very breezy and light most of the way, and Cooper and Dietrich do a fine job together. Meanwhile, Ernest Cossart as the jeweler and Alan Mowbray as a psychiatrist who is an unwitting accomplice to Dietrich have a great comedic scene with each other early on in Mowbray's office. 7 out of 10.
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