6 April 2004
This little pre-code gem packs a ton of elements (part Hell's Angels, part Public Enemy) into one nifty little movie. Bette Davis (who no one can disagree with, aged badly after she hit 30) looks absolutely hot here in her platinum blonde days. Doug Jr. plays an adequate lead, although his shoes could've been filled by almost anyone (Chester Morris or Dick Powell leaps to mind). What I liked most was Warner's being unafraid to make the Depression itself a co-star (unlike other studios like RKO and Paramount that glossed over the effects of current events). Practically all the fun here would be killed off by the Production Code within 18 minths... lots of sexual references, Doug has some very non-PC cracks (one to a homosexual male secretary in the closing moments) along with the dope smuggling angle. Look for Walter (I was born looking like I was 70) Brennan gumming his way through an uncredited part as a greasy spoon cook. If you're looking for a crackerjack example of a pre-code programmer, look no further than PARACHUTE JUMPER.
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