Great Harold Lloyd Vehicle.. But not a great movie..
20 September 1999
Dang, I wish Harold Lloyd would get more attention.

While the Keatons and Chaplins of the world get heralded, Harold Lloyd is unjustifiably ignored. Which is too bad, but he could do it all, pratfalls, stuntwork, very subtle comedy and he was a great actor as well.

Watching the first 5-7 minutes of Haunted Spooks justifies my opinion. We see him as a suitor of a rich socialite competing with another suitor, and in this amazing montage, we see them duking it out, with Lloyd easily getting the better hand of the frustrated suitor.

The movie then bizarrely goes into another less interesting movie where Lloyd marries this girl who has inherited a house. The two occupants (were they servants? This was'nt clear) decide to scare them off, which leads of course to misfired results.

Lloyd tries his best in this part of this generally weak movie, but really shines in the first 1/4 of the movie, where he really is amazing.
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