Wildly Uneven, But Lively & Amusing
16 July 2004
This wildly uneven but lively and amusing short comedy features Louise Fazenda, Phyllis Haver, and Ford Sterling in a series of romantic tangle-ups and other adventures. There are some good slapstick gags, at least one hilarious title card, and plenty of action, with enough of a story to hold most of it together. There are also a couple of sequences that make little sense, aside from adding to the general tone of craziness. It is noticeably risqué, yet almost innocently so, rather than in the heavy, crude way that characterizes so many recent films.

Fazenda and Haver both have a lot of energy, and their characters give everything a spirited pace. Sterling does a good job as well, adding some refinement to his cad of a character, and restraining himself just enough that it works well. Most of the time, the rest of the cast are simply there to react to the main characters, but they generally go about their roles with vigor as well. It gets rather silly at times, and not all of it works, but it keeps you watching and smiling most of the time.
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