Slayers (2022) Poster


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Like Zombieland For Vampires Only Awful
johnnyhbtvs2723 October 2022
13 years ago, Abigail Breslin starred in the very successful Zombieland. Slayers tries to be Zombieland but with Vampires and fails miserably.

Slayers has an interesting idea and could have been ok had it not been for the atrocious acting, awful directing and the worst musical choices seen in a film this year.

Thomas Jane, Abigail Breslin, Malin Akerman are a few of the faces who turn up in this and are all too good for the material. I have no idea why any of them would agree to appear in this.

The movie starts out annoying and by the end turns into a total cheesefest with horrific dialogue at every turn. One to avoid at all costs.
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Not sure how this happened, but oof..
HorrorFilmHellion23 October 2022
This is how you stack the deck with some fine actors and only enable them to fail. The script is surprisingly mundane on this. The camera work, directing, and editing is equally as bad. The end product, although entertaining for small occasional moments, is incoherent and tedious with just a lot of random surreal scene fractions spewed out to kill the time. There are pieces and parts that are ok, and some fractions can be entertaining at their core, but the clumsy filming style with the camera always moving and bouncing around brings it down to an abnoxious level, similar to the sterotype influencers put in as characters. The actors were the only saving grace to keep this from being a turned-it-off event for me.
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This Movie Sucks.
meddlecore30 October 2022
Slayers is a vampire parody that hits upon every wannabe social media influencer trope from tik tok to twitch streamers...and even tv.

We find ourselves following a collective of influencers, who call themselves "The Stream Team", on their journey to meet a powerful and influential former record turned television executive slash real estate developer, who gaslights the public by fashioning himself as a fake woke eco-warrior.

He pretends to want to recruit these social media icons to take over his company.

But, really...he and his friends are just vampires, who want to harvest them for their blood.

Being a parody, the cringe characters come off as particularly annoying.

But this is clearly part of the design.

The narrator and protagonist of the film is a rough and tumble vampire hunter who lives and operates out of his RV.

He acts as a parody of internet conspiracy theorists, after being initiated into the such a life, when his rockstar daughter was lured in by the same reclusive billionaire that is targeting this group of influencers...only to be killed and harvested herself.

He tried to intervene and save her...but he was too late.

Inevitably leading him down this benevolent path of vengeance.

The only one he is able to convince, however, is a completive Modern Warfare twitch streamer...who watched one of her friends being killed by one of these vampires.

So, obviously, they team up to try and stop John Carpenter fashion.

But they take way too long to develop the storyline...wasting too many minutes with pointless filler designed to lure in the attention of stream viewers.

By the time they get through this, they are already introducing the twist...but things are just too fast paced for any of it to really settle in...before we're into the action.

All of which is portrayed as a video game...streamed for an attentive internet audience...of course.

Ironically, though, the vampires suck.

They just aren't cool in any conceivable manner.

Plus, the action is super lame.

Further irony being derived from the fact that the entire allure of streamers is their character development...based around the idea that we are constantly able to tune in on their lives in the most intimate settings.

Whereas there is virtually no character development you never really care about any of the characters in the film, at any given point.

To their credit, they do make an effort to give the characters a backstory, but there is far too much going on for it to have the intended effect.

Making the whole thing feel empty and soulless.

It just plods on, and when it's over, it's almost like it didn't even happen at all...because you never gave a damn to begin with.

Which leaves you feeling like watching it at all was just a complete waste of time.

Is that the commentary they were going for?

Either way, the final third of the film is just bad.

Garbage action sequences aside...they keep stopping things to insert lore...but it just doesn't work...and kills any semblance of flow they still had going for it.

So chock up it's failure to bad writing and really poor construction.

Cause in the end, this movie just sucks.

1.5 out of 10.
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There's bad and then there's Slayers
billbo397022 February 2023
I've seen bad movies. I've seen horrible movies. I've seen movies so bad they're good. Then there's Slayers. It's just plain horrible. 81 minutes I'll never get back. Normally I like Thomas Jane, Malin Akerman., and Abigail Breslin, but I don't understand why any of them agreed to be in this insult to cinema. I know some actors do terrible projects for a paycheck. I just can't imagine any of them getting paid much for this thing. The concept is terrible. The writing is terrible. The directing choices are terrible. The acting is terrible. The editing is terrible. Throw every terrible cliché in a bag, pull one at random, and you'll find it in this movie.
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It's like someone made a bet...
thorsword20 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers much horrible crap can we stick in a vampire movie with a decent cast before people realize this movie is a joke.

Horrible CGI, acting, sets, even props! I mean... you couldn't even spring for red contact lens!!! This movie is by far the worst vampire movie ever! This interspersed cutaways to show internet culture make you want to scream at the scream!

Some better editing choices, better script, this could have been a solid cult movie. This sucks for Jane and Ackerman who are solid actors! I know they didn't know this is where the movie was going. The only enjoyable part was the owl commentary.
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All You Can Eat B Roll
FilmFarter24 February 2023
Part of the endless supply of awful movies brought to you by Hulu. This movie not only was terrible, anyone associated with it should question their judgement and life choices. Snap edits take the place of special effects and copious amounts of B-Roll take the place of acting and writing - not that you need more of either in this movie because both suck. How a movie like this can find funding to be produced is a question for the ages. The next question for the ages is: Why did I sit through this entire pile of garbage?

If you like torturing yourself by watching movies that don't even deserve one star (apparently I do), then go for this one. It won't disappoint.
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Another tik tok horror film!
samsanyb28 October 2022
You cant be using tik tok gen kids and horror together. The horror part being that it is all just tik tok. It will never work so STOP!!! You're making me throw up, seriously! I couldnt even watch the first two minutes without you spreading more social media on us: Instagram, tik tok, etc. Being desperate for views and attention type of spoiled rich kids and lovers of themselves only! I could see it already they all just being so oblivious and shallow on the inside, a lost generation, and that's how this "movie" i already knew within these 2 minutes how it will be, shallow. Just make something useful, outstanding or really entertaining. The BIG 3! This film is none of that, and Tik tok or who was the most followers on Instagram is not even that entertaining for the many of us.
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The Worst movie ever!
jwavisagie25 October 2022
There is absolutely nothing positive or good I can say about this movie. If I could give it a 0-Rating, I would. I have seen some 'stinkers' in my life, but this movie was so bad I had to come and warn you & other movie-goers:

"No! No! No! Steer clear & run away!"

I watched the movie till the end in the hopes that it might get better or end on a high note. It never did. The acting, the music, the camera work, the bad dialogue, the actors... everything is just bad!

I wish I had money to throw away like the people or film houses that actually produce or approve these films. Thomas Jane & Malin Akerman must really be hard up for work. It's sad, because they have made good movies before.
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Cult flick missed opprotunity
Gagarr22 February 2023
I started watching because of Thomas Jane and Abigail Breslin, before checking IMDB rating. It started off so poorly, that I had to check and the 3.0 rating made me want to turn it off. But I decided to see if it was bad/good enough to be a cult flick. Thomas Jane was perfect for his part a protagonist/narrator. The social media tie ins were good, but didn't go far enough. The live streaming with influencers the was great, but under utilized. The "How to" piece and old school fight sound graphics were cult film gold. The framework was their, the acting talent was good enough, the production value was "OK", but ultimately the directing/editing stopped it from becoming cult film. Gave it 5 stars for the attempt, but 3 stars was pretty correct.
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Fun Quirky Horror Adventure
milligancharm22 December 2022
This was such a fun movie I had a smile on my face the whole time. Thomas Jane has been doing some great stuff lately and his character was awesome in this. He's like Van Helsing meets Wyatt Earp meets Obi Wan Kenobi. There's so much going and different cinema "flavors" that it's best to just go in not knowing much and just let it unfold. The story is good and draws you in. I was worried the internet star characters were going to be really annoying and drag it down, but that wasn't the case and the social media stuff was an interesting dynamic with some subtle commentary on our culture perhaps embedded in there. But first and foremost it is a good vampire tale that isn't all "Twilighty" and serious. It has all the right tropes and twists them a little to make it fun and different. I would love a sequel.
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I will be generous by giving it a 6. Its barely above average.
destroyerwod23 January 2023
I had high hopes for this movie. A vampire movie with teen influencers and Thomas Jane as some gritty vampire hunter, it had everything to be some kind of new generation Fright Night or something.

Sadly most of it is just so poorely executed. The story is rather simple. Influencers get lured into a vampire lord lair because he need them for something, they stumble across Thomas Jane character wich happen to be on a hunt for this vampire for reasons said in the movie. Yet the movie try to give us a ton of exposition on this old centuries war between Vampires and Humans, dumping exposition after exposition yet it just make the whole thing so convuluted and you never actually feel like it develope neither characters well.

The rest is just rather poorly executed. Everytime the movie had a good idea, it seem to never fully develop it. The characters all (exept Thomas Jane) are pretty blank and uninteresting, despite the solid cast of enjoyable B actors. Action is nothing great but ain't terrible, music is all over the place. Some weird special and sound effects are added to make it feel "more video game" or computer-like, i dunno, but it end up just feeling weird.

Yet despite all these flaws i can't say i "disliked" the movie. I was just disapointed cause i was hoping it would be cool super fun vampire comedy, but it turn out just being "meh". That said i do have a high tolerance to B and C movies. For me to really dislike a movie it need to be very offensive and boring in term of story and characters (Black Christmas 2019) or VERY badly made up (some asylum movies...).

With this one i was watching it without looking at my phone or hoping it would end soon, chuckling a bit in some rare moments, other times just telling myself "ok thats a bit dumb..." but it was ...ok. Thats why ill be generous and give it a 6 for slightly above average. But i fully understand peoples giving it a 4 ot 5.
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Pointlessly over the top and obnoxious; too few good ideas, too much inanity
I_Ailurophile15 April 2023
Not even five minutes have passed and it's already clear this movie is going to be facing a very steep uphill climb to try to gain any favor, made all the more difficult for the fact that it's already slipping and sliding further down that slope. That impression will not change. We're presented with absolutely obnoxious and unlikable characters (even the inhumanly surly narrator and supposed hero); an endless stream of contemporary references, allusions, and modern sociopolitical and cultural lingo; boorishly over the top music, overlaid graphics, effects, embellishments, editing, cutaway scenes, and cinematography; tiresomely excitable acting, overdone production design, art direction, costume design, hair, and makeup; and so on, and so on. Then factor in direly heavy-handed writing and direction. And all this is perfectly empty and hollow. I'm distinctly reminded of Gia Coppola's 2020 film 'Mainstream,' that also touched upon Internet culture - yet while the final product in that instance was imperfect, at least it made use of the bombast in meaningful ways. Here all the flailing flourishes and garish garnishes are merely pretentious flavoring. While there might be small glimmers of good ideas scattered across these ninety minutes, in no time at all watching 'Slayers' goes from "sure, I'll try it, how bad could it be" to "I've made a huge mistake."

This is not a good movie. It is far, far away from being a good movie. I feel bad for everyone who got roped into participating, whose skills were twisted toward such thin and flimsy ends. Apart from writer and director K. Asher Levin I'm not sure who is to blame for how thoroughly, excruciatingly unwatchable this is, but I assume one person can't be solely responsible for such tawdry bluster. There is no intelligence to be found here - not underlying the usage of what few, sparing possible good ideas one might find with a magnifying glass, definitely not in the unyielding assault on our senses, and least of all when it tries (and fails) to be "smart" by pointlessly throwing about terms and concepts that a 2022 audience would be familiar with. Nevermind Thomas Jane's narration as "hero" Elliot; the entirety of the script is 100% fluff, vacuous hot air of no real purpose. There are genuine specks of plot thrown at the wall, and they also can be handily ignored as they serve no real purpose. The viewing experience would probably be improved by playing the feature with the sound muted; scarcely any sooner than it began is it very easy to pretty much altogether check out of watching. And why shouldn't we? There's no entertainment to be found in this, and no value of any other sort. There is no useful or positive adjective with which 'Slayers' can be described. It's a waste of time, energy, money, and resources.

Whatever it is that drew you to this, however you came across it, whatever you think you're going to get out of it - watching is a mistake. Anything that this picture might have potentially offered will not be found here, but can be found in countless other titles in varying proportions, and generally in considerable abundance. There is no reason to watch 'Slayers.' I deeply regret my decision to check it out. It's so rotten that I can't help but wonder if Levin was actively endeavoring to make as awful a flick as he could. If the very construction was a meta joke, performative art from the Shia LaBeouf school of "I think this will be clever and therefore it is," then it's the worst joke ever told. This is a sorry new entry on the short list of the worst things I've ever watched, alongside 'A karate Christmas miracle,' The Asylum's 'Golden winter,' or Uncork'd Entertainment's 'The 13th Friday.' Just utter rubbish. Do yourself a favor and avoid this like the plague - or don't, and subsequently be like me and wish in vain that you could forget ever stumbling onto it.
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Yeah it's bad
laceypletcher20 March 2023
If the rapid cuts dont make you feel like you are going to pass out from over stimulation then the horrible soundtrack cuts will.

I wanted to watch a silly horror (I knew it wasnt going to be good going in) that is at least entertaining and provide some escape, this isnt it.

There are just so many cuts and so much - "wait, what just happened?" this isnt the mindless movie for... ok anyone. Because even though I wanted something with low cognitive need, the plot and characters and acting are JUST SO HORRIBLE you cant even get a mindless escape from life for a bit. Because it is so horrible? Does that even make sense? Probably not. There are decent movies that are mindless, with an easy to follow plot, with some decent action and characters that they are worth watching (think some so bad but good, easy to follow streaming rom coms) but sadly this is not it. I saw the actors listed and wanted it to be decent but its just bad- and insulting to my minimal intelligence and then the rapid cuts with a jarring "who hired this DJ" soundtrack and - it's a no from me dawg. Skip it. Even if youve drank 5 red bulls and need your brain to engage, it's still just too much.
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Had potential to be so much more enjoyable...
paul_haakonsen23 October 2022
Well, the 2022 horror comedy "Slayers" definitely had potential to be something good. And I will say that I was initially intrigued by the movie's synopsis and also the fact that Thomas Jane was in the movie. Needless to say that I had to sit down and watch the movie and have my curiosity sated.

And while the concept for "Slayers" was good, then writers Zack Imbrogno and K. Asher Levin went a little bit overboard here, and the movie went from being a fun and enjoyable horror comedy to somewhat of a farce. The storyline just drowned away in the constant attempts from writers Zack Imbrogno and K. Asher Levin to put in as much crazy stuff as possible.

It was a shame that the writers went overboard with mutating this movie into something rather grotesque, because it took away from the enjoyment of the movie. I have to say that "Slayers" turned out to be quite something else than what I had anticipated.

They had a good cast ensemble for the movie, with the likes of Thomas Jane, Malin Akerman and others. However, the actors and actresses were struggling with having a subpar script to work with here.

Visually then "Slayers" was a good movie, and that at least counted for something.

While I sat through the entire 88 minutes that the movie ran for, I was only mildly entertained. It is not a horror comedy that I am going to be recommending to people, nor is it a horror comedy that I will ever return to watch a second time.

My rating of director K. Asher Levin's 2022 horror comedy "Slayers" lands on a four out of ten stars.
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Fun but really lame...
jurasikpaul21 October 2022
It's a mildly fun movie to watch, but better do it with friends and beers (and no brain) because it's not really not good, it fail short on nearly everything and end up with such a week ending that it leaves you really disappointed. Thomas Jane is maybe the only thing good, but even him can't save a movie and you can feel that he knows it as he act the bare minimum (but still better than the rest), the gore is really weak for an horror movie with vampire and blood, the action laughable, the scenario tries too much for not so much in the end, all the influencer gimmick is just easy and weak, the sound and soundtrack are horrible.

In conclusion, it's bad, but kind of gently watchable and inoffensive, it's a mild horror movie with weak acting , writing and gore. So to watch half drunk for the laugh.
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A great movie...
rocknrollsteve26 January 2024 reset the "Crap Curve".

Every once in a while you get to a point where most movies are meh and provide you with nearly zero enjoyment. When this happens all you need to do is watch a truly horrible waste of time and all of a sudden those flicks you thought were 3s, 4s, or 5s are bumped up to 6s, 7s, & 8s by comparison - easy as that, abra cadabra.

I call this "resetting the Crap Curve" and this movie would be a great one to use for this purpose 'cause it su-hucks.

The wacky TikTok editing and broad-spectrum social media vapidness really makes me wonder why they didn't take it to the max and give us this pile in portrait instead of landscape.

It just shows they needed an idea guy like me on the team.
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Decent decent movie
stylishboy00423 October 2022
This here is a decent take on vampires, their history and an Anti-Hero who saves the day with the help of new recruits.

Not the best movie and not the worst. Acting is great by Thomas Jane. Needs work on the scriptwriting, cinematography, direction and dilaogues. It tried to act too cool and got the plot all confused. Even with the social influencer take, it should have been just a simple direction, not all woozy and stuff.

Good part is the acting, ending, makeup, visual effects, some of the dialogue, Thomas Jane.

Love Thomas Jane. And love low budget movies. These movies are movies too! Good Halloween 2022 movie.
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Actors should have read the script before ..
parbjorkman-9244311 December 2022
The essence and moral of the story is - if something looks to good to be true, it's often just tthat.

Both Malin A and Abigail B should have known better than to join this rotten apple of a movie.

The scenes, make-up and "special effects" are even worse than from a high-school movie club project.

I really hope for their careers that this movie will be forgotten by the unlucky few - like me - that wasted their time and brain power to watch this to the end.

I mean, to have a guy seemingly spilling the guts and eat from it, just to then jump away .. and low and behold .. the dress of the girl isn't even blood stained?!?

I mean .... even a HIGH SCHOOL acting class would have made the special effects in this movie 100 times better.

I hate to rate a movie with Malin Akerman at a 1, cause I really like her, but in this case, without her the movie would have been given a -10 rating instead.
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Obviously Aimed at the Backward Baseball Cap Crowd
blademan-956038 June 2023
Who wear baggy shorts year round regardless of weather, are under the false impression they're cool (only in winter because of the aforementioned shorts) and original for dressing with little deviation exactly like all their similarly socially afflicted maladjusted friends and acquaintances (IOW like toddlers), use the word "like" and the phrases "I mean" and "you know" at least three times in a sentence, and say "awesome" a lot. Not sure whether this one went straight to video, but certainly should have had it's premiere on someone's laptop where it would at least serve as a departure from (with the sole merit of being more edifying than) the mind numbing propaganda produced by the major fake news outlets.

The film's one saving grace though (and it's a minimal one) is Thomas Jane's tongue in cheek performance, who must have really needed the money.
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A fun and campy romp
macheteish22 February 2023
It was a fun campy movie that has a few A-list actors but seems to try and be b-rated in its presentation.

AN ASIDE: It hit on a lot of tin foil which seems to touch on some controversial issues but is thrown out there willie-nilly and then never brought up again. There could be something there, like the creators were subtly railing against the machine and makes me wonder if some of the actors in on the lines or if the were nothing more than livestock doing what they were told.

If it was terrible I would've shut it off before the credits but I made it to the end and now I'm wondering who that metal band was!!
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The truth has Fangs
nogodnomasters13 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The production opens by letting us know that vampires and humans have been at war. Famous vampire slayers include Ben Franklin, Joan of Arc, and Billy the Kid. (I didn't see Abraham Lincoln). Hitler was a famous vampire but not Nicolas Cage. The Vampire Illuminati control the world. Elliot Jones (Thomas Jane) has-been TV crime fighter is a modern slayer working out of his RV. A group of Internet influences called the stream team are headed for billionaire's remote house of Steve Rektor (Adam Ambruso) who we know to be a vampire, for a proposal. We quickly realize that Flynn (Kara Hayward) introduced first and our word of reason must be the final girl. Video games is her influence. Steve wants to give the group $15 million to be influencers for his biotech's new vaccine against everything. Flynn thinks something is up as the offer is too generous. She wants out.

This is another human vs. Vampire film. It has been modernized for the computer generation. At one point the vampire hunt is live streamed, but not too well. They missed an opportunity to make a decent film in what seems to be a haste to write and film it. The film was not edited well and camera work could have been better.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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If nothing else, a pointed reminder of Sturgeon's Revelation...
MrGKB29 August 2023
...and that there has to be a battom of the barrel within that aphorism. "Slayers" offers itself up as such, continually prompting its audience to wonder, "Who bankrolls junk like this and why, and how do otherwise talented actors get themselves involved?

That this thing wrapped principal photography in eleven days speaks volumes, none comnplimentary. One can imagine how little time went into the script. Loads of B-roll footage can't conceal the paltry budget of the whole affair, nor the lack of any consistent direction or vision. Maybe writer/director/producer K. Asher Levin has some sort of deal going with Thomas "The Mist" Jane or something, a poker debt or something, and they managed to talk some friends into helping out and...and really, who cares? None of it came to anything worthy of attention. None of the ladies involved will be showcasing it on their CV; well, maybe. Lydia "Z Nation" Hearst, if only to prove she's staying busy.

Enough words expended on this contender for worst film of the year. You've been duly warned, and not just by me.
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Are people just going to fall for anything?
lee_eisenberg20 June 2023
K. Asher Levin's "Slayers" is a completely ridiculous movie that owns its silliness. What it makes me wonder is whether people will end up falling for anything. In this case, a group of influencers answer an ad, leading to the horror part (and there's no sympathy to be had for them, seeing what a bunch of shallow, empty-headed people they are). One could use this to point to internet ads that lure people into traps.

Anyway, it's not any masterpiece. If you're looking for something totally over-the-top, then this will be the movie for you.

In case you were wondering: yes, Lydia Hearst (Liz) is the great-granddaughter of a certain media mogul satirized by Orson Welles. Ol' Bill probably would've gotten a shock to not only see his granddaughter denounce him as a capitalist pig after getting kidnapped, but later appear in John Waters's audacious movies.
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Better than I expected but still bang average.
CJWar28 January 2023
As my title states, I didn't expect much of anything from the movie. Thomas Jane and Abigail Breslin were the two reasons I watched it at all.

It isn't that bad. It just isn't good. The pacing is all over the place, the story is... disjointed at best. Let's be honest though, when you watch a movie like this, you're just looking for some gory, camp entertainment. It has that - sometimes.

Thomas Jane's character was an enjoyable take on an old trope. I'd quite happily watch him play the same character with a bigger budget. A crossover with Dolph Lundgren's character from Don't Kill It would be mindlessly entertaining - up there with Machete.
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I don't review often....
Endlessdark22210 October 2023
I'm just going to get straight to it. This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen in my life. There are so many parts that are not funny at all. It's so bad it makes me comfortable. I feel like whoever wrote this had never written anything before in their lifetime. The characters have nothing that make you interested in them or what happens to them. The cut away scenes are beyond horrific and pointless. I'm extremely glad I didn't h pay for this besides it being on Hulu. I feel like I should've been discounted for my Hulu subscription for this month. It took a toll on my health. Please do not waste your time watching this horrible film. If I could give it a .5 I would. DONT WASTE YOUR TIME!!!!
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