1899 (TV Series 2022– ) Poster

(2022– )

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why netflix why?
rhiswakirana7 January 2023
Someone tell me why the hell all of the series that's been highly exciting me is getting canceled?

I had a high hope on "1899" because i watched barak odar's previous work "dark" and it became one of the best series i've ever watch. And so far this series has satisfied me and my passion for time travel. It has the same vibe, pattern and all of those symbol or elements like "dark". Also this series is really pleasing the polyglot out there, who else mix 5 different language at one? The plot is so intriguing even it built slow at the first couple of episode. But now that i'm really into it, i really need an ending to all this simulation games.

Well i guess we'll never know what the ending are now. It really is a huge disappointment netflix.
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Mystery for the sake of mystery is pointless
RomanXO23 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I just finished the show and am left disappointed.

The show has a pretty strong start, but quickly devolves into an annoying 'mystery-trap', where anything can happen and no rules or logic apply.

If you start asking why something happens or what's the purpose of this, you won't get any answer. Because I don't even think the show creators know it or even bother to flesh it out. In the end, nothing is real, so anything can happen and anything can 'work', right?

So ultimately, you feel less and less invested because nothing makes sense. It could've been a great show if it would've stayed in a mysterious but logic universe. Imagine The Matrix didn't have any rules, then you get 1899.

And the big reveal at the end just adds the icing on this. Everything you've seen was pretty much pointless.
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Decent, but ultimately plagued by the Netflix Disease. Comparing it to Dark is purely a marketing move because that was a vastly superior and far more complete series.
derbigpr18 November 2022

Let me explain what I mean by "Netlifx Disease", and why I'm so strongly opposed to what Netflix has become nowadays, because I truly believe they're ruining entertainment.

The primary goal of Netflix is NOT to provide good entertainment. Their primary goal is to provide entertainment for a LONG TIME, so you watch their platform for as long as possible and pay the subscription for as long as possible. For that reason, all of their exclusive movies and shows have been "slow burners", but in a bad way. A slow burner that requires intelligent thought, analysis, that's rewarding at the end, is fine. But 1899 is not that. The plot isn't particularly complex or hard to follow at all, yet, it's presented in such a stretched out way. Dark was not plagued by this as it was still made very much independently, but 1899 fully suffers from all the symptoms.

  • 90% of the running time are filler scenes, scenes of no value whatsoever, usually filled with silence, pointless and badly written conversations, slow motion sequences, and just uncomfortably long, clearly overly stretched out scenes for no reason other than to make them longer. There's no artistic value or any other value in what they do, all they do is extend the running time. For that reason, every episode that's 1 hour long realistically has enough content for 20 minutes, and that's a stretch. This whole season of 8 hours could have been a 2 hour movie, and it would still feel too long. Dark didn't suffer from that. Dark was the complete opposite, every episode was so filled with content and complexity it was hard to follow it all at times. Every second of every episode was relevant and the viewers were given some piece of crucial information or relevant information. When it comes to 1899 you can skip 5 minute segments and not miss anything, and even if you do miss something, it's of no particular value.

  • Literally needless sexual and gender politics being aggressively shoved into the viewers face. This is something that's become a norm with Netflix and American TV in general, it's like every movie and series is a political message.

  • Every episode is literally made in the same exact pattern. The first 90% is completely stretched out and virtually nothing happens that couldn't be comfortably covered in 15 minutes with no atmosphere, context, depth, etc. Lost. Then the last 10% suddenly ramp up, so you're left with a cliffhanger that makes you wanna watch the next episode. What Netflix does with this is masterful mind-control and manipulation of the viewer. They make their episodes just long enough to make you start feeling bored, and just when you'd say "screw this" and turn it off, something interesting happens that intrigues you and keeps you watching. Sadly, this show isn't remotely the worst example of that.

  • I like the fact that it's mainly a European cast and there's multiple langues being spoken, but it's so badly done, there's a scene after scene of totally unrealistic interactions between characters who apparently don't understand each other, yet they communicate as if they do. Clearly, the show has subtitles so we as viewers understand what's going on, but the characters in the show act as if they do as well. Point being, this is totally not how two people who can't speak the same language would interact.

  • Finally I'm giving this a 6.5/10 because of a fairly interesting story and a concept, but I wish the makers of the show were not in such a tight grasp of Netflix. It's not their fault the show ended up being far worse than it could have been.
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Great show ruined by Netflix cancellation hysteria
scottsideasare5 January 2023
I recently watched the TV series 1899 and was thoroughly impressed by its intriguing and original plot. The show kept me guessing and on the edge of my seat from start to finish, and I was truly sad when it was unexpectedly cancelled amid unfounded rumors of plagiarism.

The author whining about plagiarism was gold digging and I don't know if that was a factor in its cancellation or not, but it shouldn't be. Just because they used pyramid shapes and so on in the series hardly constitutes plagiarism.

The show followed a group of immigrants traveling to America on a steamboat at the turn of the century. Each episode revealed new twists and turns, and the characters were complex and well-developed. The acting was top-notch and the production values were high.

Despite the cancellation of the show, I highly recommend checking out 1899. It was an excellent series that kept me guessing until the very end. It's a shame that it was cut short, but I hope that the talented cast and crew will continue to create new and exciting content in the future.
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These last couple years have changed people huh?
denverbaughman19 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I loved Dark. It's one of my favorite shows and I really enjoyed this show. It's very good. And obviously a lot of people are giving this show great reviews which is awesome to see....but others? They claim to like Dark, but all of their complaints of this show are also present in Dark. Also, this is just season 1. Watch Dark again and realize how little you knew what was happening by the end of season 1, they had barely explained anything. You know so much more in this. As for slow and having the same style? Go back and watch dark again, it's a very slow show and each episode follows the same progress with a song at the end with a montage. Has the last few years changed everyone this much? You see people complaining about the whiplash popcorn pace of marvel but then complain when something is too slow? Has everyone's attention spans really become this bad? I'm confused. I feel like if Dark had come out now, people would have had the same reactions they are giving this. Glad to see a lot of people enjoying this show but also upset by how quickly people complain about everything now. Also, I'm 21, I'm not saying all of this in a "you kids" way. Stop complaining about everything. Enjoy, it's not that hard. I'm not talking just about this show, but about everything, I'm sick of the constant complaining that started around 2020. Is it more fun to complain?

Anyway, very interesting show and knowing these creators they have a very definite plan on how to explain things in future seasons because they don't put things in shows for no reason.
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Unnecessarily Long
iamerkin22 November 2022
I love mysteries. But this isn't a mystery. Watching the first season of 1899 is like someone gives you a puzzle and then just leaves. And then returns after eight hours and tells you how to solve it.

You're given clues here and there, but no context as to how these clues matter. And since you don't know what's going on and what is at stake, there's little to no tension. So you just watch characters talking and running around without knowing what it is they're really after and how any of this matters.

You keep watching in hope of some mind-boggling twists and reveals but they never come or are very unsatisfying.

This could and should have been the first two episodes of a well-written show. Instead, it's a long bloated first season whose real story kicks off in its last few minutes.
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pretentious at best.
kxxxxxx20 November 2022
Dark is a masterpiece, this is not.

8 hours of endless unnecessary running around that adds nothing to the story, painfully long scenes of button pressing, plug switching etc.

Each character has its on back story with suspense but nothing is ever answered and then ultimately an anti-climate uncreative cliche twist that has been done endless amount of times, making the whole season pointless.

It would be better to wait for after the release of season 2 or more (if its not cancelled) and binge watch them at a go, then maybe u MIGHT get a best story with an actual answer/explaination that make sense.
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Boycotting Netflix Starts now!!
yunan-685995 January 2023
Boycotting Netflix Starts now!! And this time I'm serious! They crossed the line since cancelling The Midnight Club, but 1899 is a brilliant show!

Netflix keep cancelling good shows and renewing wrong ones!! And the worst thing that the shows they are cancelling is one that hits high rating! High viewership!

Netflix is so so freaking stupid, even a show created by Dark's creators got cancelled.

I'm boycotting Netflix, so sick for giving bad excuses and chances for nothing believe me you keep paying for a blood-money drinkers, I would prefer to not watch anything than paying to a company who is basically a vampire who don't respect the viewers, Shame on you Netflix.
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Why does Netflix cancel some of the best shows?! It's getting old!!
rs28720322 January 2024
This show was.. busy to say the least, nonetheless it was intriguing. The actors were chosen wisely & characters well written. Every time you think you have it figured out & know what's going on there's a U-turn. The way the last episode ended made it clear that the story was going somewhere with a lot more twists & turns & answers to audience questions. I'm not sure what these networks base the decision of cancellation on, but when I look at IMDB ratings & reviews I just do not get it! Netflix, Prime, Hulu, etc must not check out this app/site prior to finalizing giving a lot of these shows the boot or don't take into consideration that new viewers are going to watch the show after all episodes have been released which would alter how many people tune in on each episode's release & even if an entire season is put out at once, a lot of people will finish binge watching whatever they're on before moving to the next. Some people may not start a new series until they & their significant other both have the free time to start it. The list of reasons can go on. I just feel that so many great shows w/great potential aren't given the proper chance to peak. At the very least there should be a system, if a show doesn't perform as expected in the first season the writers/producers/show in general should be given a second season no matter what to, at the very least, tie everything up for the story arch as well as for the audience. It's very unsatisfying to have a shows season end on a cliff hanger to just cancel it & us viewers not have a clue what might've been.
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Good Show with One Exception
heidibokor2 January 2023
The premise is fairly simple: numerous people from different countries board a ship to America in 1899 each with a history and story. When the ship is about half way to America, they receive a distress call from a ship that has been missing for four months and then embark on a mission to find said ship. Once they do, crazy and unreal stuff starts happening and people start questioning their reality. I have to say I really liked this show. It does remind me of such shows like Lost, Dark, and even a bit of Twilight Zone. I don't wanna give anything away, but you won't get many answers until the last few episodes, but leading up to that it's very entertaining and keeps ya guessing along the way. Not an annoying guessing like Lost. Yes, there are subtitles sometimes because there are many languages spoken.... English, German, Dutch, French, etc. But that doesn't bother me at all. Great story telling. Great acting. The one exception, and reason for missing a few stars, is the ending. Unlike other reviews, I am actually okay with the ending. But I wanted more. What happens next when we have all the answers? The question of what is happening is answered, but the why it's happening is not very clear. It needs more explanation and because it just ends, the ending feels flat. I don't think the ending ruins the entire show, but it definitely leaves you wanting more. The first 7 episodes are a solid 10, last episode maybe a six. Still worth a watch because it's great story telling. One of the best on Netflix as of late. Give it a try just don't expect an exploding ending.
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I wanted to like it more
daleykryochek5 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I love sci-fi and thrillers. I like mind bending shows and movies. There are so many things to like about this series. But I couldn't help but see it just all going nowhere. The show will forever continue to revolve around, is it or isn't it reality we are watching.

I still feel scarred from Lost and I can't see anyway this series could do anything other than dissapoint in the same way. Main difference being the characters in Lost were excellent and you really cared about them. In this series the characters are largely dispensable and most you really don't care for. The best character was probably the capitan in the beginning but his involvement dies off.

The one thing that made the first series interesting was the way the episodes unfolded and you learn more about the situation. Now that's gone there isn't as much to keep you watching the subsequent series. So many shows make this mistake. Intriguing first series and then when you know what's happening there isn't really any reason to keep watching to the same extent.

I can't imagine the amount of money they poured into this series either.
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People have no patience these days.
barcombea19 November 2022
I've come here after completing S1 and have so much praise for this show. It's absolutely worth watching. If you're easily bored because you're a victim of today's instant gratification problem, then this show is 100% not for you. It's meant to be a slow burn and to keep you wondering what the heck is going on, which is a good thing! If it's confusing to you or feels inaccessible the first watch, watch it again! Some TV shows and films are not meant to be understood the first time around.

Comparing it to Dark-> Yes, it's not as good, but that doesn't mean it's bad. Of course it's not going to live up to the masterpiece that is Dark. That kind of story telling amazingness only happens ever so often and we are lucky the the creators of Dark made another fantastic show for us. I swear, ppl don't know how to appreciate the time and effort filmmakers/directors put into making shows anymore. If you have a better idea on how the show should be written, then write about it in detail in your review, don't just give empty complaints.

Overall- you should watch this show. It's engaging, aesthetically pleasing, dark, psychological, and just mind-bendingly fun.
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This show ends up NOTHING like what you expect it to be when you first start watching it!
ariagane25 November 2022
I don't want to give away any spoilers (is really hard to talk about this in any detail without giving anything away, so sorry for the lack of details!), but this show goes crazy with the twists and turns, and goes through multiple genre changes as the story progresses! This can be a pro or a con, depending on each person's genre preferences, but for me it was good (it featured all of my fave genres!). The main genre for this show is suspense, so expect that with every question that gets answered, you'll have more questions pop up in its place! I found a few moments in the show to drag a bit longer than I would have liked in the search for answers, but overall it it kept things moving and want boring!

With all of the genre changes and twists and turns, my head felt a bit overwhelmed by the end (though I binge watched the series in 1 day, so maybe don't do that if you don't want a headache!). I think my favourite part was the ending, as you realise that every single answer you got didn't actually prepare you at all for what's going to happen in the next season! It's ALL a big mystery, and the writers have virtually limitless potential as to where they can take the story!
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Is there a point to it all?
drifter_7420 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What we have here is an 8 episode mystery that could have been told in 4.

The very stylish series is set on a steam ship in 1899 transporting various European/Asian passengers from Europe to America. From the outset it is made clear that all of them are travelling to America to start a new life, none wanting the ship to return to Europe. The crew is mostly German while the passengers are multinational, each with their own reason for fleeing from their realities in their home country.

We learn that the shipping company recently lost a ship mid voyage and when this vessel turns up seeming abandoned things start to unravel. It is this point that the story starts to fall apart. Characters go from one bizarre situation to the next and the viewer is left puzzled by the meaning of it all. Somewhere around episode 4 a sci-fi storyline is introduced pushing the already confusing storyline firmly into the red.

We hear the same words repeated. "Realities, wake-up, memories, simulation, key" are all thrown into dialogues but no hints are offered as to what it all means. Only during episode 8 is some clarity offered and we realise the ship passengers are all really passengers on a space ship hurtling through space in 2099, all kept in stasis connected to some sort of computer that is running a Matrix-type of program. It would appear that the vessel is some sort of rescue/re-settling mission which ties back to the purpose of the 1899 voyage.

Somewhere in all of this is a mental hospital, a black pyramid, a boy with a health issue that is beyond saving, a tunnel below each bed that takes you to a memory, a father that owns the shipping line , a message to sink the ship, telegram messages made up of only triangle shapes and a missing brother that apparently wrote the simulation.

It feels like random ideas where just thrown together in an attempt to increase the "mystery" yet it does not contribute to the overall story.

Good luck trying to figure this one out.
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What is lost, will be found
awsafzidane17 November 2022
1899 is exactly what you'd expect from the creators of Dark. It's another dark, broody, cerebral, mystery drama, where most of the characters, like the audience, are trying to make sense of what's happening. Quite like Dark, 1899 starts off slowly, but once you get a vague idea of what is going on, you can't lose attention. It constantly surprises you with revelations, making you concoct different theories in your mind to find out the truth.

It's really a miracle that just over 2 years after finishing Dark, Jantje Friese and Baran Bo Odar have given us another similar mind boggling series. What a brilliant couple! I hope they never stop making such shows.

And now, the wait for season 2 begins.
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A smartly written, must-watch mystery.
ishraqrasif17 November 2022
1899 is a strong contender for the best feel-bad show of the year, with its conniving characters, unrelenting suspense, and grim stakes. It's a case of atmospheric gloom overload, and it proves all the more frustrating considering that the show's aesthetics are otherwise effectively spooky.

Like Friese and bo Odar's previous streaming gem, this supernatural thriller is so knotted up that trying to untangle its mysteries is not simply challenging but borderline headache-inducing-generally, in the best way possible.

With its mystery and horror, 1899 manages to right the ship, even if it's sometimes confusing. The truth is, fantastic costuming, strong performances, dynamic set design, and a score of modern songs that somehow works in the period context keep the series worth watching.

A perfect 10/10 for me.
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dwuudz-3577521 November 2022
What was the point of any of this show? What a tremendous slog. I seriously cannot wrap my mind around how anyone could give this higher than maybe 5 stars. The plot is senseless, the characters act senselessly, no one can understand each other and no one makes attempts to, yet there are multiple people who speak overlapping languages and could easily translate.

Seriously, entire "conversations" happen between characters who don't understand WTF they are saying to each other, and it's never addressed. Literally nothing ever actually happens because no one can communicate with one another, it's honestly bizarre to watch as characters give out a 4 minute monologues to each other while one just kinda blankly stares due to the fact that they have no idea what the other person is saying.

The frustration is compounded by the fact that there are so many shared words between languages (this is maybe used ONCE in the entire show) as well the fact that humans have the ability to make basic universal hand gestures or like, I don't know, take a pencil and draw something?

I watched the entire show and honestly all I got out of it was the feeling that I had actively lost brain matter. It's like the worst parts of West World and Lost combined into a horror show of absolutely garbage tier television.

Despite what people say about not comparing the two, that's how the show is being pitched. Even if you don't compare the two shows, it's impossible to deny that the first season of Dark was in another league compared to the slow burning, illogical dumpster fire that is 1899.

Also the remixed version of "White Rabbit" used in the opening theme is a crime against humanity.
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It kept me watching but sorry I did
dslip0519 November 2022
I watched it all but I'm kind of sorry I did. Just not my thing.

I like to binge-watch while I crochet. I had to pay attention which slowed down my crochet. It was semi-entertaining but also boring ?? Odd.

I'm pretty easily amused with movies and TV. If it makes me want to watch, it's good enough for me. This one is just weird to me with the combo of having to watch to try to figure out what's going on, but also boring.

Lots of character arcs that meant absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things. I honestly don't know why half the characters were even there. Like I said, odd. And the ending was just meh.

PS: I did not watch Dark.
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Just remember one thing, don't let the slow start fool you.
maulcun25 November 2022
I really thought 1899 was going to be just some regular period drama like a titanic, finishing with the typical ending, but was something completely different!

Just remember one thing, don't let the slow start fool you. With every episode, more details are added to put together the puzzle and you're left asking yourself questions and rooting for your favorite characters find out the answers as quick as possible!

They spends a lot of time exposing the backstory of the major characters. At first one thinks there is no connection, but through their "dreams" or is it their "reality", we began to see how each share a connection which brought them together on this voyage.

The cinematography and direction have been on point. The music in first few episodes where amazing, so appropriate to dark atmosphere, fear and curiosity.

I was mostly amazed by the diversity of the cast. The multicultural aspect led to a more authentic representation of life aboard an immigrant ship at the turn of the last century.

I hope to see a season 2 because the cast, producers and directors have really outdone yourselves.
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Only kept watching for the characters
45B8AC29 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
TLDR the plot isn't original at all and I don't think it's executed particularly well. I guessed exactly where it's gonna go very early on and only continued watching as a formality.

Personally I think it would've been a million times more interesting if instead of the sci fi Matrix route, the show was about an actual weird lovecraftian horror ship that was stuck in some time loop the passengers had to figure out how to escape. As it is it feels really cheap and boring.

I really don't understand why they bothered to give every character in the main cast an intriguing backstory only for it to not matter at all. The only thing this show had going for it was the characters and the different things each one was running away from, even the concept of their darkest memory being underneath their cabin and that they had to go through those memories again and again was really cool. Honestly the moment it was clear there's a single big bad guy behind it all and not some malevolent but uncaring higher power, I lost all interest, especially once the sci fi stuff started showing up.

Another part that really annoyed me especially as an European is how all the main cast speak different languages and yet have no issue understanding what the other wants from them or what to do. Every once in a while they throw in a shot of one of the character saying "what did they just say?" After another character monologues about something important, but it feels like they only put it in there for obligatory "oh don't worry guys we totally aren't ignoring this logical fallacy!" Because at no point does anyone actually acknowledge this issue beyond responding with "i don't know what you're saying" and moving on. The various characters of the main cast speak English, German, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Polish, Cantonese, and Danish. Some speak more than one language only when it's convenient, much the same way they understand or don't understand each other only when it's convenient to the plot.

And yes I get that some of these languages are very similar but I think people are highly overestimating how well two native speakers of different languages of the same family would fluently understand each other. Even if that were the case the show is still inconsistent because for example a Danish and a German character can communicate each in their native languages, but a Portuguese character who speaks fluent Spanish can't understand the French characters.

One area where I'll defend the show is many reviews are calling it pretentious, I don't agree. I hate pretentious media and while this one has moments where it obviously desperately wants to be viewed as #deep, I think it delivers on its philosophical themes and ties them to the plot beyond the point of simply saying flowery words for the sake of seeming smart and saying flowery words.

Overall watching this show only made me sad. These characters and the setting have so much potential and it was completely squandered. If there actually is going to be a season 2 I'll watch it but I don't have any high hopes.
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Fans of Dark, look no further.
lovemichaeljordan17 November 2022
1899 is very similar to Dark. If you enjoyed Dark you will without a doubt enjoy this new series as well. It's dark, mysterious, and well-made. The acting is fantastic and there are many intriguing characters who are already well-introduced in the first episode. There are many characters of different nationalities which is something that could have ruined the show, but it did not. It makes the show even more interesting to watch.

Like Dark, 1899 is intense and very intriguing. Especially before the mysteries are solved. It's a new world with new rules which we do not understand yet. The score is similar to Dark - great, uncomfortable, and tense.
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Dark was much better IMO
hirokoebizaki30 December 2022
It's an interesting series, however, I personally think that Dark was much better. In terms of cinematography and character development, Dark was superior - the plot had more layers and the whole series was so captivating for me to find out what'll happen next. I didn't get the same amount of excitement for 1899.. I'm very curious how other Dark fans feel about this.

I did like that the main characters in the series included various international backgrounds. Multiple language use in many scenes made it interesting.

I barely finished Season 1 though to be honest, I hope season 2 will be more exciting.
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don't worry about negative reviews just watch it
fsociety6917 November 2022
This is really good. First time I heard about this sometime before Dark Season 3.

So you can guess I had expections from this. This series doesn't disappoint me at all. I won't say anything about it otherwise it will be spoiler.

Now there are negative reviews but if you read them they all tells about how it has slow start. So all of them haven't watched full series and they are talking about only first episode.

If you have seen baran bo odar's work (Dark) you know it takes only 1 or 2 episode to to establish characters.

I guarantee you that if you watch 2 episodes then you won't stop watching this and I don't know why people are even complaining about pilot. Do you want to know what is going to happen in full series just by watching 1st episode?
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Extremely well made, kind of disappointing for me
lulabyladybird22 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
My hopes were high. Ships, darkness, mystery, drama ... all the things I hoped for were there but something was just off.

Firstly, what I liked: The acting is amazing and I couldn't identify a weaker link really. There is a great variety of characters and nationalities which helps making some scenes more suspenseful and interesting to watch since language barriers can make communication between the characters more difficult. Everyone did well on portaying their character in a believable way that made you feel for them. Actually I felt more for everyone than the main character, Maura Franklin for some reason but I can't really pinpoint why so I count that as neutral and just a very subjective aspect for me personally.

The aesthetic is a huge plus for me too. 1899 looks STUNNING in every single shot. I like films and series that choose a look and stick with it. This is so well done here. This is also where I got my expectations up when I was watching the first episode though. I loved the theme and aesthetic a story on a boat in a year like 1899 would bring and my brain immediately jumped to something lovecraftian. With the incredible creators of Dark behind this series I expexted a subtle lovecraftian horror that made me rethink my entire perspective on life.

Secondly, why I didn't enjoy this series as much as I would have loved to: After watching it one time now I have the same problem with this series that I had with Dark. I loved the vibe, I loved the topic and sometimes I like a little bit of pretentiousness too. This stretched my tolerance of the latter a little.

I get that characters have to keep their secrets to create suspense and keep the viewers interested but the amount of times I sat there thinking "Just answer the question!" or "Why don't you just say it!?" was a little much for me. Also a lot of smaller plot points were built up as something significantly more important than it turned out to be. Probably to make for a second season but it still made the ending feel pretty unsatisfying to me.

Also - so much unnecessary device using and cable plugging scenes where we didn't really get anything to hint at what the characters are actually doing by urgently pushing buttons and plugging cables in and out in a hurry.

All of that leads me to say that I actually liked the first and middle episodes the most because I thought it was interesting to see how they built up the mystery in the beginning and all the weird things happening. My favourite episode would be "The Calling" I think because the concept of this sound attracting certain people into the open sea and seeing all of them just jump to death gave me a good chill and nice eerie feeling.

This eerieness came back from time to time but mostly because of the music and not really because of what was happening anymore.

And in the end - did all of this even matter? I'm divided weather or not I should watch it again because on the one hand there might be more foreshadowing than I first picked up on but on the other hand with the ending in mind ... do I want to watch this whole thing again while knowing that none of this is really happening?

So I give this a 7 out of 10 because it's just an extremely well made show that a LOT of people will absolutely adore. I think I'm just disappointed because of my very specific horror/mystery interests and high expectations for the show.
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Just a massive disappointment
aivilovee29 November 2022
I was very excited for this show because I loved Dark, it's one of my favorite shows. Then, when I found out they were gonna take a Lost-style approach by introducing a new character backstory in each episode I got even MORE excited. It seemed like I was going to get a new exciting web of mystery to untangle.

Unfortunately, this show was more dedicated to having crazy twists and surprises than making sure they made any sense. It got goofy after the fourth-ish episode, and the final reveal in the season finale made everything we had watched and learned in the season completely moot. Sure, it set up what could possibly be an interesting second season, but it sacrificed all the character development of the first to do so.

That's not to say the entire show was a complete waste of time. It was beautifully made. The production, acting, and overall quality was great. It's just a shame it was wasted on such a silly and nonsensical story.
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