Wu Assassins (TV Series 2019) Poster


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I don't know why I like it but I do
silentbobni21 August 2019
The acting isn't great, the special effects are probably from about 10 years ago standard and it's cheesy as hell but I'm really enjoying it. The fight scenes are fantastic. You'll know after 1 episode if you want to watch more.
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Could be better
dvted8 August 2019
The effects suck big time. The acting could be better. I had more expectations from the lead actor as he is ranked quite high for his roles in the Raid movie series. Somehow the hip hop tracks don't just fit in with the mood or scene. Honestly don't know how it has such a high rating.
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Cheesy but enjoyable
ToddynMissy8 August 2019
Predictable, cheesy bit fun... like crossing the movie "Bullet Proof Monk" with the TV Series "Kung Fu."

It was binge worthy on a night I couldn't sleep as it doesn't require a whole lot of focus to follow the in-surprising story line.
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Complete waste of Marc Dacascos and Iko Uwais
Plazeebo1 September 2019
I gave this a 6 but it doesn't deserve that. But - on the other hand I don't want the movie execs to think "oh - people don't like martial arts tv shows".

I do love martial arts shows. "Warrior", "Into the Badlands", "Daredevil". They can be made.

But this is just silly. The CGI is (very) low budget and low talent.

The stunt coordination is not worthy of skilled people like Dacascos and Uwais.

The use of stock footage, stock sounds and music is too much.

The story is good, but it's told in a really condescending way.

I sooo wanted to see Dascasos in a TV show. I was disapointed.
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An entertaining martial arts fantasy program
FrenchEddieFelson10 August 2019
Kai Jin is a serene and calm chef in a restaurant of San Francisco. He becomes the latest Wu assassin, i.e. the chosen one, thanks to a monk piece which gives him the power of a thousand monks. His mission, should he choose to accept it, consists in restoring balance in San Francisco's Chinatown.

A series avec Iko Uwais et Mark Dacascos, that's an offer you can't refuse. It's globally well-interpreted with a childish and cheesy atmosphère which reminds me Iron Fist (2017) and with a script freely inspired from The Last Airbender (2010). Even if the Computer-Generated Imagery is perfectible, the series is worth a stab, thanks to talented and perfectly orchestrated kung-fu fighting.
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Entertaining enjoyable show, Terrible Soundtrack
BDalais14 August 2019
It's got a decent enough plot and characters to just sit back and enjoy it for the action/crime/martial arts show that it is. It's not going to win any awards but at the same time it doesn't disappoint for what it is...

That being except "The Soundtrack". What in god's earth were they thinking when they put this together? The fighting scenes which are choreographed well enough are ruined by cheesy music that makes you caught between a state of wanting to take it seriously and have a bit of a chuckle.

Promising serious. Netflix, to save this show and improve it dramatically. Please fire whoever is in charge of placing music in scenes because they're absolute horrible at their job. Thanks
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Enjoyable but the music is horrible
harryneilson-904594 May 2020
It's an enjoyable watch if a little cheesy, fight scenes are awesome and I love the idea but the music is horrible and doesn't fit at all!! It completely takes away from the spiritual mystery at its core. Music should be there to help enrich the atmosphere and feel of the show (a part of a bigger whole) but all it does is make it feel tacky and forced, as if it was chosen because they thought having popular music would make the show more popular but all it does it take away from it.
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Definitely did not live up to the hype
nuallankelly24 August 2019
I absolutely loved Into the Badlands, so when I heard about this new show, I was excited! Was thinking it was going to be just as epic as Into the Badlands. Man, was I wrong!! Thoroughly disappointing show!! I had to force myself to sit thru each episode because I wanted to watch just the martial art fight scenes. Mind you only a handful of them were solid (the ones with Lewis Tan and Iko Uwais). Why wasn't Mark Dacascos given more fight screen time?? And Lewis Tan should've been cast as the lead. Sorry Iko, but your acting needs drastic improvement...monotone, deadpan, dropped lines, etc. The acting overall was terrible! The sad thing is you have veteran actors on this show like Byron Mann, Tommy Flanagan, Mark Dacascos, and Summer Glau. I'll blame the director and writers for these actor's out-of-the-norm subpar performances. I am thoroughly perplexed as to how this show is 85% on Rotten Tomatoes. Even The Iron Fist was way more tolerable to watch than this show!
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Better than it's rating!
Supermanfan-1314 November 2020
Wu-Assassins was a lot better than I expected it to be and much better than the 6.4 rating it has. It has plenty of action with great fight scenes. People seem to be all over the place on it, a lot of people either love it or hate it. I'm one of the people who liked it and can't wait for another season! Iko Uwais is one of the best martial artists in the world and so fun to watch.
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chimera-2536627 August 2019
A good choice when you're working out: entertaining storyline, some enjoyable fights, doesn't take any concentration to follow. Sure, the special effects are cheesy - but hey, it's a cartoon!

Acting is uneven, but Celia Au is a cringeworthy standout: every one of her line readings is utterly unbelievable.
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Promising start..
karya-one27 August 2019
Great fight choreography. But Im pretty sure alot of Mark Dacascos scenes were cut. What a waste of a casting. Subplots set up, with little payoffs.
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Better Than Expected!
Rob133130 September 2022
Wu-Assassins was a lot better than I expected it to be and much better than the 6.4 rating it has. It's about a San Francisco chef (Iko Uwais) who becomes the latest in a line of assassins chosen to keep the mystical Wu powers out of the hands of evil people. It has plenty of martial arts and action with great fight scenes. It's not a perfect show but it is entertaining. People seem to be all over the place on it, a lot of people either love it or hate it. I'm one of the people who liked it and was hoping for another season! Even though a second season never came it was popular enough that they did make movie to finish up the story. Iko Uwais is one of the best martial artists in the world and so fun to watch!
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Where to start... erm...
spikeypoet2 September 2019
Firstly, this soap opera mixed with martial arts. The acting is trash, so is the CGI. A lot of the music doesn't work, it just detracts from what you're supposed to feel; it's very distracting. I really wasn't going to comment on that because I thought I could overlook it, but some of the music is so awful and doesn't work with the scenes that it's placed with. How do you misplace music!? Hahaha just awful!! I was glad to see Lewis Tan in this, he looks awesome, his acting needs work, but he looks fantastic (tall, athletic and very stylish). Joe Taslim would have saved this wreckage. The martial arts scenes are sick, but the rest is pretty bad. I'll endure it and then see what season 2 is about. I mean I got through season 1 of Black Lightning, which was terrible: season 2 corrected the teething issues, so I'll give this the same chance.
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Worst music for a martial arts series
xaydin-8197327 August 2019
Ok concept. Music selection is pretty bad. Wrong genre in this series.
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Skip and rather watch Warrior instead
GCBH8024 August 2019
Given the choice of two Asian martial arts tv series. Warrior beats Wu Assassins, Warrior wins hands down. Plot, cast, fight scenes, fight choreography, production design. Everything. So disappointed in this as it had some of my favourite characters from Into The Badlands (which was a 9/10 for me) Hard pass
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Could have easily been the live version of ATLA
TheDyingGirl24 August 2019
Is there even a point making a live version of Avatar the last airbender cause this easily could be it you know with the whole strength of the past dead monks etc. Having to defeat the bad guy AKA fire Lord Ozai. Entering the spirit world to get guidance etc. Oh man and then it went so pear shaped I had to give up. Initially gave it an 8 had to drop my rating to a six . It could have been more !!!
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Watched the first episode.
iambunny8 August 2019
Script seems fine. As like in trailer it shows the wu assassin fights back with his own father. It's predictable and easy to guess the plots. It's fine & entertaining to watch.
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Lame, but...
shefchenko29 October 2019
Yeah, this is the first noticeable thing- IT IS LAME. And yet, I kind of enjoy watching it. The music is terrible, the acting is ..eh, the script is childish, but I keep on watching it. I am not even sure why Katheryn Winnick agreed to be in this one. The theme is intriguing , and may be that's how it got me..I don't really know. More than a six would be too much, so I'm giving it my max- 6.
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Good fighting scenes and characters. Didn't like the plot decisions
hipark1-877-67011126 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers

I felt like they built up the first half of the season showing that Kai was a good guy and not a killer and then it ends with him murdering a man right when he is reunited with his family after 500 years..... Thought it would have been better if Kai found a way to do things "his way" which was what I thought the direction was going when he extracted the Fire Wu from Uncle Six. Oh and I was pissed when they killed Uncle Six right when Kai resolved things with him. UGH
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garber011822 August 2019
I really enjoyed Wu Assassins. The plot is a little out there... kind of like what you would expect from an anime series. But it's filled with lots of lore to explore, and characters I want to see more of.

The only big problem I have is with the digital effects. They're pretty bad... it's almost kind of funny. A good comparison would be the Mortal Kombat films from the 90's. Just like that!

Bottom line, it's a fun, mystical, action thriller that needs some more seasons to flesh out what it brought to the table.

(Oh, and if you're reading this and have connections to the show, please don't waste an easter egg of Katheryn Winnick watching and rooting for a Minnesota "Vikings" game)
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Strong start/decent middle/ sloppy ending
Nob0dy3 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show is an americanized show that revolves around Chinese mythology, it was always going to be flawed, but most of them are forgivable flaws in an other wise enjoyable show. However the ending is very bad, the 2 final episodes feel like they were written in a rush 2 hours before filming was due to take place and as a result are riddled with inconsistencies and plot holes.

1: Not an oversight but a mistake I feel, why kill six? He was by a very very long stretch the best character in the show, killing a badass character in the midst of a redemption arc just seems like a waste.

2: Alec's story makes no sense 2b: First history would correct itself, he travelled back in time and effectively kidnapped his family. History would fix this because it means that past-Alec would put his wu hunting quest on hold and find his family. Future Alec spent 500 years trying to get back to his wife and kid, after running away with them past-Alec would not stop chasing, and what he would find would be a man who looks like him but sounds weird, is wearing stranges clothes and has taken his family. Past Alec would kill the modern day Alec and his quest would be for nothing

2c: Even if my above point wasnt true and 2 alecs existing at the same place and time fighting over the same family didnt result in death, the mere presence of future-Alec would disrupt the events for past-Alec. Meaning past-alec may never have become the wood wu to begin with which again would result in the timeline correcting itself because future-Alec would dissapear.

3: How did one woman take down an entire police station? Zan had backup, but they did not arrive until after she had taken control of the entire precint. Her backup were seen shooting 1 straggler cop, otherwise 1 woman with a pair of pointy shoes was able to single handedly annihlate an entire police force just because the lights were turned off. I know we are to suspend disbelief when watching tv but this just felt poorly done. A very minor tweak, like showing Zan's backup parked outside ready to charge as soon as the lights go out. That scene would take 5 minutes at most to shoot and would make that whole sequence make much more sense.

4: How did Kai get back to present day? We saw his friends run to the collapsing portal as Kai went through the sand portal thing to chase Alec back to a scottish forest in the 1500's, after that fight takes place the next thing we see is Kai back in his time working in the restaurant. How? If there was some kind of time travelling mechanism in the scottish forest then Alec would not have been on a 500 year quest to travel in time and in the same vein if the wu assassin has the ability to time travel Ying Ying could just send Kai back to her timeline and stop the wu xings from being seperated in the first place. So no matter what angle you look at it from this is more extremely poor writing because the only conclusions we the viewers are left to draw is that nothing makes sense, nothing that happens matters. None of Kai or Alec's storyline had any significance and the writers dont care to even try and explain things.

The following are not about the 2 part finale but are other incosistencies I noticed

The episode with the earth wu. He was holding a woman captive and asking her questions to see if she was "worthy" of being his successor. He asked the question "is the pace of nature everlasting?". His captive answered "yes". The wu looked dissapointed and proceeded to kill her. Later when fighting against Kai the wu exclaims " the pace of nature is everlasting" as a kind of battle cry. That means the woman gave him the answer he wanted and he still killed her.

Why was no one concerned about the water wu? She was the only person left alive in the realm between life and death yet Kai asked no questions and none of the 1,000 monks even mentioned it. The entire point of this season is that Kai "has" to stop Alec because if Alec suceeds he will exist in a time and place he does not belong and that will throw off the entire flow of time itself and be "catastrophic". Yet a now depowered water wu is left in a time and place where she does not belong and nobody gives a s***. That may be a small oversight in the writing but it completely diminishes the entire first season plot. It means that Ying Ying wasnt telling Kai to stop Alec because it would be the end of the world but they wanted to stop Alec because they hold some kind of personal grudge against him.

Kai's complete disinterest in everyone and everything. I know the actor is not a native english speaker and that is fine, my issue is not with the actors handle of the vocabulary, my issue is with the blase writing of the character.

-- He finds out that Alec is no ordinary crime boss, he is a wu, but not just any wu, he is an immortal previous wu assassin who was trained by Ying Ying and has more knowledge than Kai has been told, and Kai isnt bothered in the slightest. He finds out that a mystical force that is demanding him to risk his life and the lives of his friends has been lying to him and keeping huge secrets and he isnt surprised, isnt angry, doesnt grill Ying Ying to see if she is witholding any more important information.

-- He finds out that CG is a cop. He finds out that a woman is undercover police and has infilitrated Kai's best friends operation. Again Kai is not interested in the slightest, he isnt angry at her, he doesnt ask what her plans are with Lu Xin, he doesnt warn Lu Xin. He asks " are you going to arrest me?" and thats the height of his interest.

I cant speak on anyone elses behalf, but if I was in either of the above situations I would not simply shrug and be fine with finding this stuff out, I would have many questions for Ying Ying and CG and I would not trust them possibly ever again.

I know this review is entirely negative but unfortunately it is hard to ignore the negative aspects of this show. Personally i like the cast, there is no denying the skill that went into choreographing the action scenes and so far the balance between fantastical powers and real world dangers have been handled pretty well. It is just a shame that when the wrting is bad it is very bad. With some more time spent on the scripts and more time done with proof reading and checking for inconsistencies the show could be very good, whereas the first season while promising has had plenty of very noticeable teething issues weighing it down.
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Worst soundtrack ever and less than honed execution
matiasperkele9 August 2019
I love kungfu-movies and fantasy, so this show should have been perfect for me. There are a lot of good things in this show:
  • Very talented kungfu fighting.
  • The main character knows his kungfu moves
  • The bad guy did solid acting as well

Then the Cons: -The worst soundtrack ever. Poor R&M which does not match half of the scenes in any way and ruins the whole vibe.
  • Bad CGI.
  • The police woman plot arch is so bad that it makes me cringe.

My advice, watch something better.
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Cheesy SFX, clichéd Characters and Story, but who cares!
Lodewickus8 August 2019
It's got Katheryn Winnick finally given a chance to show off her karate chops, it's got Iko Uwais doing his wooden acting with fantastic martial arts and... It's got fireballs! If you like Oriental themed stories with great martial arts, the B-gradeness of everything can be forgiven, it's entertaining enough.
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Bad and good?
baruchsam18 September 2019
Having seen the entire first season, I can hardly say it's too bad to watch. Although it's definitely not an intellectual movie (you may even lose some brain cells if you watch the entire season), this will definitely be an enjoyable watch for action/fantasy lovers.

It's clear that the majority of the budget has been spent on fight choreography and stunts instead of on a quality lead actor and a script that doesn't resemble toddlers having a conversation. However, what they've invested in turned out to be so great you'd be tempted to try out the moves on your neighbors!

Although the acting is quite sub-par (-cough- no names, Iko Uwais -cough-) and the plot is certainly predictable at times, watching this show is not mentally draining and if you love some extensive, unrealistic fight scenes then this would definitely warrant a watch!

All in all, far from perfect but for me, the show's strength's outweigh the bad and although not thrilled, you could say I'm looking forward to the second season!
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Disappointing show
nautankey18 August 2019
The first 3- 4 episodes were above average and piqued my interest. Post that they lost the plot.

The hero is supposed to have the power of 1000 monks and it takes him 10mins to beat a gang henchman, serious WTF. Choreography of the fight sequences is outdated, the longish fights wud have worked in the 90s probably.

And the lead actor, guess the writer's note to him asked to underplay the role. He ends up not playing it at all.
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