The Killer Next Door (TV Movie 2019) Poster

(2019 TV Movie)

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Did they run out of 6 year olds?
jjmilne1 April 2019
Nicholas Borne is well over 6. I suspect he is a teenager. He has a full set of adult teeth and seems to struggle to use a child like voice. On occasion, you hear him speaking with a deeper voice. Unfortunately, it doesn't reflect well on his acting ability.
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Not so hot.
pmtelefon31 March 2019
My parents watched "The Love Boat" every week for ten years. They did the same thing with "Alice". Now I'm doing the same thing with Saturday night Lifetime movies. Obviously, some are better than others. "The Killer Next Door" isn't one of the better ones. The cast does its best but the material is just not there. At the end of the day, it's just kind of silly. I was never tempted to change the channel. If my wife wasn't sitting next to me, I might have. ("Kill Thy Neighbor" aired tonight on Lifetime under the title "The Killer Next Door".)
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The real villains are the neighbors
MIamiReviewer23 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Typical Lifetime fare. Watching it in the background while I work, and like most Lifetime movies, I have a low grade pit in my stomach for the movie's duration. Kind of a "don't go in the basement!" low grade stress.

Only in this case, I wasn't stressed at all by the evil sister in law murderess.

No, my blood pressure was highest every time the horrid neighbor ladies hustled out to the curb with their tut-tuts. Loud music! Loungewear during the day! Recycling bin still out! Missing kid! There was no issue, big or small, that these hags couldn't get their Lilly Pulitzer undies in a wad over. You could have literally removed the murder plot, and just had typical neighbor stuff happening (left the trash can out, security alarm unintentionally set off, etc) and the movie would have been just as stressful. Then the protagonist could have snapped and murdered the neighbors. Would have been just as watchable.
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How old is that 6-year-old?
polly_201011 October 2019
This Lifetime movie was incredibly boring. The villain was obvious from the start so this movie lacked the traditional Lifetime twist, which is honestly disappointing. As expected the dialogue, storyline and acting are awful and not in the funny way. My biggest issue with the movie was the fact that they expected us to believe that kid was six.
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Talent pool shows what happens when barrel is MT
Why is a 12 yr old playing a 6yr old?

The "killer" is pretty good, everyone one else should have been a victim.
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Lifetime Staple..Dramatic & Dumb
sugarnspices11 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I try not to watch lifetime movies very often, they are the same dramatic script over and over again, just with a different below mediocre cast.

So why did I decide to watch this movie? It was starting on a Saturday and I was too lazy to find something else.

This movie is so lame. Could they not have tried a little harder? I always find female murders quite funny in the lifetime realm. They are able to know where and be places before their victims (when it was not scheduled), lurk in the shadows (or broad daylight) without ever being spotted, have the strength to murder multiple people and then cover up/hid their dead weight bodies without leaving a drop of evidence. Why? Just simply bc they are obsessed with someone. They are also always beautiful, young and live in nice neighborhoods, so they have nothing else going for them then to murder and obesses over one person? In this case, a nephew. Right.

The kid? He is supposed to be 6? He is almost as tall as all the grown women cast members, has adult teeth and in no way shape or form even resembles a 6 year old. I would say the kid is at the very, very least, 10,12?

The neighbors? Laughable. It's crazy how they can all gather at the drop of a hat to stand around, with their arms folded whispering about someone for whatvever fill in the blank moment. Do none of them have jobs or anything better to do than over the top judge every single thing some woman does, or clearly does not do (the music)? Oh, but once the sun sets and the beautiful 115 lb murderer is out breaking into houses and MURDERING people, it's a ghost town.

I'd also like to know what sound system the main character woman had, it's turned up to "34" yet is so loud, it draws all the surrounding neighbors, you can hear every single word and beat OUTSIDE of doors and walls of the house on a busy afternoon. Good thing only one car of rap listening teens pulled up due to all the flyers that were passed out for this kick ass party!! Whew.

Speaking of this beautiful neighborhood, how does the main character (I honestly don't even know her name, never caught it, never cared) afford this half a million dollar house on a PT salary working at a small gym? Working 3 days a week, I might add. I would guess that is 20k a year, tops.

This movie was so ridiculous, it's actuallu still playing in the background, I have just stopped paying attention. I'm sure coming up is the dramatic showdown between the mom and aunt, mom will say some one liner like "he is MY son" before handing down the final blow. I'm on the edge of my seat, really......
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I'm impressed!
tomfsloan2 February 2020
I'm not impressed with the lousy movie, but I'm impressed with all the other user reviews. I agree with all of you. I never read such a better batch of honest reviews. Yes, we can all agree the acting is as good as mud, and the 6 year old teenager issue. On the other hand, in a sadistic way, this gives an extra dimension in which you can feel free to criticize and ridicule this lousy movie, especially in the presence of loved ones.
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Wow, terrible acting!!!
aknollenberg13 October 2019
The acting is so terrible, they sound so fake. It makes me cringe. Someone else mentioned a complaint about grammar, which I didn't notice even though I'm a grammar freak. I think I was too busy cringing to notice!
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Kept my interest
mary-179-6773834 April 2021
I thought this movie was great. The villain is predicted, I think it's clear if you read the synopsis of the movie. But I didn't mind that, I thought it was interesting. Also everyone complaining about the 6 year old, yes he looks a little olde but in saying that i have met some big looking 6 year olds. It's not that uncommon. Point is, it doesn't ruin the story in any way. It kept my attention and doesn't deserve the poor reviews.
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Super Lame, Very Predictable
saysjenn3 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This was Devin at the top of my list for worst lifetime movies. It was predictable from the moment it started. The main character was a total airhead and acting was B at best.

Then the ending, she returns the camera bear to the evil sister-in-law. The evil sisters-in-law knows it records yet she decides to unload all her dirty deeds right in front of it. Beyond dumb! I want my two hours back!!
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Pretty good
jholderbaum-9005228 June 2022
I love LMN movies, they are my go to because I love crime, horror and thriller movies. I liked the movie but the only thing that I could think of as I'm watching it is there is NO WAY Matty is 6...He looks at least 10/11 and the youngest he could probably get away with is maybe 8 and that's pushing it lol but they have him playing a 6 year old and it's so obvious that he's not 6, it's ridiculous. Other then that it was a good movie. I just couldn't stop thinking about how he was way older then 6.
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andreyahcawesome30 October 2019
This movie is absolutely awful! The acting is terrible.
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madeeshag26 October 2019
The movie was beyond terrible... my niece laughed at me because it was our scary movie night & she thought it was a joke
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lwebb2645615 July 2020
This film was horrible!The worst acting I've seen in awhile and that kid was supposed to be six??😂😂😂
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Grammar issues. Painful inane tired trope.
mst9007 April 2019
Acting terrible. Grammar-between you and I is not proper English. Dialogue is juvenile, silly, and reminiscent of the Hallmark Channel. Storyline trite, worn, and boring even for this overworked genre. Had to endure this awful show because my friend wanted to watch. Hallmark Channel and Lifetime have 2 storylines; seen one, seen 'em all. Forgot to mention the gratuitous nudity. Turn the volume down and take a nap.
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Lifetime Movie FAIL!!!!
jennriley-760606 November 2019
I'm a lifetime movie lover, so I totally get cheesy acting and storylines that are far-fetched...this movie was HORRIBLE!!!! It's been a long time since I've had a doozy like this!!!! I mean they don't even want credit for their
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" Seen Too Many Times " Plot
carolynocean16 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Why does it always turn out to be the sister/sister in law in the end, even though we know this practically from the beginning ?

Such a far fetched story line, that she would bother going to all that effort , not to mention murdering several people ( for no reason ! ) because she blamed her sister in law for her brothers death and to get custody of their child !!!!!!!

Speaking of the child........she wouldnt have him for very long anyway , beacause he is obviously going to turn 18 any day now !!!!!!!!

This was predictable and far far far fetched , to the point of being funny.
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Bad acting and weak plot!
daiquiana20 March 2020
I'm writing this review as I finish the movie, this is the worst movie I've seen in a long time I thought it would be like the good lifetime dramas that use to play on Sunday's I was wrong, this movie was a real let down.
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Not that bad.
monicaspurpledoor30 January 2021
Yes it's predictable but it's watchable. I've seen worse. The kid looks about 9 not 6.
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Lifetime Fails Again
tuble_oliver20 January 2020
Why is it that if the films comes from Lifetime the actors are always OA with very predictable script and story.

They were just like robots acting in a film.
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Wait what?!?!
dewilliams3029 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I had to fast forward through the movie because I couldn't get passed a lot of stupid things. The child's age, the plot of the movie and motive of the killer. If the car accident had been her sister in law's fault maybe it would have been better to follow. But I couldn't get past the fact that she didn't go after the person who ran the red light 💡 in the first place. That would have been a better plot.
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This movie is more of a comedy.
bobbyisrael3 February 2023
Given how bad this movie was I didn't except to write a review. But after watching the performance of the kid who was suppose to be 6 years old but is clearly 11/12 I had to. Every time they force one of those scenes on us I couldn't help but laugh uncontrollably. There is no way this kid was even remotely 6. It's a shame they used the actor that way. It just literally rips you out of the film. Just awful. The acting in general is a bit cornball. Also the lighting in the movie is all wrong, makes it look like a cheap video production. Also what's with the neighbors always being outside standing in the exact same positions? Oh and let's not mention the dragged out 25 min villain Monologe of an ending...just terrible.
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Bad acting
anjakirkegaard7 May 2020
I normally enjoy lifetime movies, and mostly the acting is somewhat okay. But this one... I don't even know what to say. REALLY bad acting. It was I waste of time.
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It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood!
lavatch16 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"The Killer Next Door" (a.k.a. "Kill Thy Neighbor," a.k.a. "Hello, Neighbor") is clearly not a depiction of Mr. Rogers' neighborhood!

Julie Caster has begun a new chapter in her life after the tragic death of her husband Matthew in an auto crash. With her little boy Matty, Julie has moved into a beautiful neighborhood near her sister-in-law, Allison (Ally). She has a new job as a physical therapist, a beautiful home, a new boyfriend Blake, and a nice nanny, Marisol Garcialis. And, of course, there is Auntie Ally who dotes on little Matty.

Indeed, Ally's fixation on the little boy drives the film and does so at a labored pace. Early on, the viewer recognizes that Ally is tormenting Julie, attempting to make her the pariah of the neighborhood. The plan works until Julie finally gets wise to the twisted mind of her sister-in-law.

The film was a slow burner with the only missing link the motivation for what is driving Ally. The ultimate revelation was that Ally was Matthew's twin and, in her bizarre thinking, she equated her little nephew with the brother. But it was never a very plausible neurosis.

There were too many unnecessary casualties, including the previous therapist whose death provided the opening for Julie to take her job. Then, there was the nice bicycle cop, who was clocked with a tire iron and disappeared from the film. The angelic Marisol was removed from the script at the three-quarters mark. And poor Blake nearly had his kneecap broken. That is a lot a collateral damage for the sick aunt who wants to only to be close to her nephew.
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