Looks That Kill (2020) Poster

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Overall Score 7 out of 10, very enjoyable watch and would recommend but not a classic.
jasontaylorr3 July 2020
Story - 8/10 pros: interesting concept, witty dialogue, and fun characters for the most part. cons: it's an unusual concept but falls into some YA genre related cliches briefly.

Cast - 8/10 pros: Flynn and Telles share a clear chemistry on set. It's easy to fall in love with them as a couple. Telles in particular exudes charisma and charm, while providing some strong subtly during the more dramatic moments of her journey. Scolari and Mumolo provide nice comic relief as bickering parents dealing with a son that continually accidentally kills people in their small town. cons: some of the side characters feel a little under developed.

Direction - 7.5/10 pros: Moore creates an unusual world with a lot of originality. He garners very strong performances from his two leads and orchestrates a couple very dynamic sequences, namely toward the end of the film. cons: feels like at times there is some hesitation from the first time director to commit to a joke, but then at other times maybe he doesn't show enough restraint.

Pace - 6/10 pros: the story proceeds at a very fast easy viewing pace, you never check your watch to see how much time is left. cons: maybe it moves too fast at certain times. Seems like some characters or moments got glossed over or rushed through. not sure if that is a script issue or the filmmakers didn't always accomplish what they wanted but taking points off here.

Atmosphere - 8/10 pros: the world is pretty fun. the sets and decor have a great sense of whimsicality to them but at the same time feel genuine to the world they are in. The costumes accent the sets while sharing in that "Blegh" blahnes humor of the world. The camera work and framing seems to always have a purpose and interesting look to them while adding to the joke or emotion of the moment. The musical score slides by in the background creating a fun feel while also stepping up to hammer down an emotion in the more dramatic moments of the story. cons: a couple locations didn't seem to serve much purpose in the story

Overall Score 7 out of 10, very enjoyable watch and would recommend but not a classic.
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Fun and Cheesy
TheHoodOfSwords5 July 2020
With that being said I really liked the concept of this movie. I've only seen the first season of 13 reasons why so I haven't see a lot of Flynn in anything to know a lot about his acting. The movie started off quite dark and I was thinking it would be more drama then comedy however it quickly switched gears to be a comedy. I thought it might be some super dark comedy but instead it was just some average teen romance movie with a weird quirk in it. Flynn and his co star do an alright job but the movie doesn't really give them a lot to do. They kind of just walk around a lot.

My main problem with this movie is plausibility. Max (Flynn's character) kills anybody that sees his face. But he has lived his whole life without being arrested, and someone doctors or scientists aren't trying to run tests on him? As well as the fact that the whole seeing his face thing is never explained. Realistically for a lot of the movie only his nose and forehead are covered. What counts as seeing his face? Could he wear one bandage around His noise and have it count? It's just never really explained, which I wouldn't mind if the movie didn't put so much emphasis on the fact he has such a hard time making friends cause nobody wants to be around him.

Overall, it's an alright cheesy movie. Right up my friend Kiz's alley but it didn't blow me away. The last 30 minutes are also pretty slow.
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Surprisingly good
heywardyoung23 June 2020
Honestly had low expectations but really enjoyed this film Funny , sad and sweet Really good performances by the cast
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Cool Movie
johnwagner-8174223 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Fun fast paced comedy with some good dramatic moments created by stellar performances from Brandon Flynn and Julia Goldani Telles. The movie starts out quite light hearted despite the premise of a young boy who kind of murders numerous innocents due to his "unusual condition", but starts the delve into some pretty deep matters like death with dignity toward the middle and end. It's definitely not your run of the mill of romantic comedy, so be prepared for something different.
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Uneven but entertaining movie.
mooveephantom25 December 2021
When you get passed the ridiculous premise and glaring plot holes, the film is a good little black comedy/Romcom. The two leads are interesting and funny enough in their roles. Some good supporting roles from some elderly characters which ground the story with some nice comedic results. Now as far is the story outside the boy and girl's dilemmas, the themes and messages getting pretty muddled. It clumsily tries to tackle some serious subjects and gets lost. The movie is similar to the film Spontaneous with its dark/weird/funny/cuteness theme. But that film was more successful in its ideas. But still, Looks That Kill still makes for an entertaining ride.
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Euthanasia or not?
ks-6050011 July 2020
It's one of the saddest meaningful comedy ever. A boy who can kill by looking at him. Story goes to the way about whether or not should euthanasia be the way to get rid the pain? For this theme, it's unprecedented in the movie but nothing serious but entertaining. Making the decision by the boy to let the one he loved to go or not is the hardest thing even more in real life. He's the one to do that.
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Pretty Awesome And Unique Movie.
wizzywizzy-9454630 June 2020
The uniqueness and smooth charm of the movie is one reason one should try it, also as a lover of all things dark and dank I couldn't resist. The ending also had me guessing though It was as I predicted, you should definitely give this a try.
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Falls flat in all too many ways
robert_waked21 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Looks That Kill is essentially a somewhat different take on the very hotly debated subject of Euthanasia and Physician-assisted suicide. The movie is about a boy named Max, who was born fatally attractive to everyone but his parents (anyone who sees his face instantly dies). Obviously the amount of people he has accidentally killed in his life is traumatizing to him, and he's on the verge of committing suicide, but in comes the one saving grace of this film (in my opinion of course), Julia Goldani Telles' character Alex. A seemingly free spirited girl who falls in love with Max and makes his happy again. She lies to him about the fact that she has a fatal heart condition, telling him that she is taking medicine for it and improving (when she's actually dying and does not have long to live). Anyways, at one point in the movie, Alex essentially guilts Max into using his "fatal attractiveness" as a way to put an old lady they care for at a nursing home, out of her misery since she is aging and close to death. Initially, Max is enraged by Alex's request, but predictably ends up doing it. Max (who still doesn't know Alex is dying) and Alex spend her last few healthy days in love, even attending a high school dance together, where Max once again accidentally kills a girl who sees his face. Alex falls ill at the dance and is rushed to the hospital, all the while Max is arrested and released with no explanation. Max finds out Alex is dying when she asks him if he could be the one who puts her out of her misery when the time comes. Once again, he initially is enraged by the request, distances himself from her, and predictably ends up changing his mind. Max shows her his face, and once again, predictably she doesn't immediately die. She ends up staring at him for the last few seconds of her life, before dying. Then comes Max's big epiphany. He realizes that the fact that his parents can look at his face without dying, plus Alex being able to for a few seconds, means that he needs to trust people more and MAYBE JUST MAYBE this is the cure for his "fatal attractiveness". He also talks about how he is becoming famous worldwide and more and more people are reaching out to him to use his "services" aka killing their loved ones who are on their death beds. What a load of ****. Look, if that's the "happy ending" spin that this movie tried to take, it's weak writing, but I get that it could have a deeper meaning. The part that completely irritates me is that this movie promotes the fact that Max has the ability to play God or play doctor (depending on how you feel about death and the afterlife). Even if he is asked to help kill these people on their death beds, why does this movie not explore the fact that a serious issue like Physician-Assisted Suicide has consequences to it and is a very touchy subject on situations qualify for its need. So many different factors come in to play that need to be considered before Physician-Assisted Suicide. This movie is essentially saying that Max, who is simply a teenage boy, can freely kill people if their families ask him to do it...AND HE'S OKAY WITH IT!!! The whole subject of Physician-Assisted Suicide is a very touchy one, and this movie's take on it is way to nonchalant and not developed enough. I would have almost found it better if this movie would have had a comedic take to it, but it tries to be serious all the way through, and falls flat in doing so.
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Utterly shocked by the lack of praise for this small gem
pieromori22 June 2020
TL;DR: If you've loved The Fault in Our Stars and the sorts, you can't miss this; if you (like myself) hated it, you should still give this one a chance - you might be pleasantly surprised.

Whenever I finish a movie, the first thing I do is to check online for reviews; I like to see other people's opinion about it, wheter they agree with mine or not. It makes for an enriching experience.

So imagine my surprise when, coming here after watching this movie, I found out that not only there's not a single review about it, but also so few people have seen (the vote count as I'm writing is only at 177)! I mean, really? This is by no means a B movie (which usually have ten times as many ratings), and it's already been three days since it was released. For such a delightfully charming one, it's too much of an injustice, so here's my attempt to repair that a tiny bit.

Watching the trailer you might be tricked into thinking this is a silly YA rom-com, and sure enought I begins that way. But it soon goes from silly to charming, from charming to heartbreaking... don't get me wrong, at its heart this is still very much a YA rom-com, with all of it's clichés and pitfalls, nothing groundbreaking. But the way it blend those with some more dense elements (one of them being almost too somber) feels so right that you can't help but be captured by it; I've mentioned The Fault in Our Stars at the beginning, but in this sense it's much more akin to Me and Earl and the Dying Girl.

A lot of it goes to the impeccable production and cast. Both protagonists (Flynn and Telles) are so natural that they manage to somehow hoover above you're average in-love teen couple. The supporting characters are also on spot, including some hilarious ones having little to no lines at all. But what impressed me the most was the special care given to the cinematography, which leverages the movie concept to create some really eye-caching close-ups. All of this combined with a lot of funny references to '90s nerd culture. Considering that this is the first feature film of director Kellen Moore, it's even more impressive.

Of all of those tragic-teen-romance movies that have become a genre in and of itself, this is the only one that I've actually enjoyed. Give it a try - even if you don't like it as much, I think you'll agree that it deserves a LOT more attention than it's getting.
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Delightful but sad
hifiman-6227011 April 2021
Premise sounded ridiculous. 10 minutes in it was but then it just went in a great direction. Really impressed by this small movie.
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worst concept movie ever
suhejbemurllai27 July 2020
Wish i could take back the time.really boring movie,it was basically an ego boost for the guy worst movie ever
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Very good film!
ttubila24 June 2020
This is a surprisingly good film, with a wonderful performance by Brandon Flynn at its centre, that is equally matched by Julia Goldani Telles. Both of the main leads have been notably good in tv roles before (in '13 Reasons Why' and 'The Affair' respectively), and they take on very different characters here with great success.

The subject matter of the story is very serious for the most part, but it is balanced out really well by some humorous interactions between the various characters. Also, a special mention to Peter Scolari and Annie Mumolo who are very good as the protagonist's parents.

The film has a lot of heart at its core, so be prepared to be moved a fair bit through the movie. One sequence in particular, that plays out as a music video montage, has really good creative direction and is complimented beautifully by the soundtrack.

This appears to be the first feature film by writer-director Kellen Moore, and he truly impresses. This film does not disappoint.
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Not a ordinary movie
studioginger4 February 2021
It is a journey, it has up and down but if watch it with the right angle, it's ain't so bad, in fact it is a good movie with a very unique message and plot, acting ain't bad either considering the young actors, a promising cast after all!!!
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Okay, but nothing special
lucijabelosevic23 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was interested in this movie because of its weird plot. Also I hadn't really seen any new, good, original rom-coms so I was looking forward to it. And to be sure, it was interesting and weird enough, but I just wish we would stop it with the John-Green-esque teen romance. DYING TEENAGERS SHOULDN'T BE ROMANTICIZED. It's not something for preteen girls to fawn over. It's a rather serious matter. Besides being blindsided by the teenage death rate in this movie, the characters weren't great, either. They were one note and it seemed like Max and Alex's disorders were their whole personalities. They completely defined them and I could not tell you anything about them besides what their sickness is. It's fun in the moment, but I'll bet I won't be able to remember the characters' names in a month. But I'm sure I wasn't the target audience since terminally sick teens having a short-term relationship that causes long-term trauma isn't my cup of tea. However, I don't think it's good enough for its target audience either. There are movies with basically the same premise that manage to execute it way better. The number of ratings, which are in the hundreds a few days after the release seems to prove that.
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New Take on Teenage Coming of Age Dramedy
johnaderson24 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Brandon Flynn shines as Max Richardson, a young man born with an unusual affliction; he kills people with his good looks. Julia Goldani Telles stars along side Flynn as a sort of empowered Pixie Dream Girl. The basic structure has been done a million times, boy is depressed, boy meets girl, boy learns how to be happy from girl. But the unusual condition Max suffers from and the comedic timing of first time director Kellen Moore takes this film beyond the standard teenage coming of age story. The world Moore creates around Flynn and Telles is quirky and unique and helps separate the story from more typical romps. The sets, camera, and music all create a sort of magical world that helps the audience fall into the believability of "Blegh, Massachusetts". The pace of the movie seems to be a bit scattered at times, but the strong performances of Flynn and Telles pull it through most issues there. Overall this was a surprisingly unique take on a somewhat tired genre.
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Not Bad😎
thilagaraj-9612126 September 2020
I will not tell that this is Perfect movie. It was OK and the concept is great. It is really a different one. But not re-watchable. Most dark comedies are boring. They tried really hard to make this.But will you accept a life like this and stay single for ur whole life?

Trailer was better then the whole movie. For the concept I gave these stars.
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Much better then most new movies out there
Bat066620 July 2020
The story had a good start and an Ok ending. This movie had an usual good cast which is very rare in these new movies nowadays. Music was great as well. Most ppl would enjoy it no matter the age.
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Watch it!
stoyantodorov-046301 February 2021
Amazing movie, but very sad. Everything less than 7 or even 8 is unreal!
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Emotional, not comic
Prof_McGonagall27 June 2020
It's more of a emotional romantic drama than comedy. It lacks entertainment factor
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This movie is mad good!
awa87029 June 2020
I don't want to spoil, but don't expect a comedy. This is a romantic story that gives you sweet and bitter, with a hint of funny. For some reason, some of the sweet laughable moments give me a feeling of familarity, as if i felt that happiness before. Some events may even be relatable to your real life, which resonate something deep down in your heart.
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Heartwarming science fiction romantic comedy
carriehggns15 November 2020
This was a very sweet science fiction romantic comedy. Refreshing take on a love story. I loved the message of what beauty and love mean with a diverse cast of characters.
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An average movie
Mah_Jam28 June 2020
Although it's a sad story, there are scenes that make you laugh. The movie overall is okay but it's slow and predictable, that I found myself playing with my mobile phone to move faster!
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Heartbreaking and Wonderful
jhuebel26 June 2020
This isn't a romantic comedy. But you'll love it. It's more than the sum of its parts.
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The method of ending movie
mohabkhaled-0431918 December 2020
I really liked the style of movie. The flux of story was amazing.it was impreesing me from the beginning, but I really I was waiting any solution of Brandon's issue. The ending gave me a bad felling. It was very sad. The ending would have been better than this. The beauty always good grace because without beauty we could'nt live with hope. It wasn't ever deadly weapon. I liked it but the style of story should be better than this
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cinerama102 February 2021
Very tedious film.. Truly the most ridiculous story ever for a film.-.A man with a face that kills people if they look at it.. How stupid is that for a story?
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