RRR (2022) Poster


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Rambo Meshed with Crouching Tiger + Musical....Say Whaaaat?
iquine16 September 2022
I bet you'd never think the mash-up the heavy-handed Rambo with the mystical stunning elegance of Crouching Tiger would work especially, while mixing in several musical numbers. Those who think that would be wrong. This movie was over the top in every way but it was pure awesomeness. Even with a 3-hour runtime, I was engrossed. It was a great story with thorough character development. A young native girl is effectively purchased by the mean British government who is controlling the people of Malli, presumably in India. This small tribe from which she belongs has a talented fighter who will stop at absolutely nothing to get her back. But the British government also has an Indian soldier who is equally as skilled; both of which dwarf all other soldiers as you'll see in the spectacular opening scene. As the two skilled fighters clash, will they come together for their heritage roots or will the duty of the one hold true to the army he works for. This movie blew me away. I've never seen special effects quite like this before. There were a plethora of frames that could be used for sweet posters. This movie was produced with smart editing, cinematography and choreography. This is a modern must see.
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Weirdly spectacular
JeanDeMichaque17 September 2022
When I pushed play, I did not really believe that I would ever watch the whole movie. I just wanted to take a look and bail on it.

Well, I was so wrong. This movie is a freaken masterpiece, combines some extraordinary drama, stunning stunts and action, great photography and absolutely beautiful music. Given that this is a Bollywood movie, you know that you are going to watch some pretty ridiculous action scenes, an overall cheesy direction and dialogues and that the acting won't exactly be Oscar worthy. But none of it made me not enjoy this movie. The time passed by very easily and I ended up having a really great time.

The eye candy that is Ram Charan made this movie even more watch worthy in particular. That is one ridiculously handsome man, I have to say ;P.
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The best superhero movie in years
Jeremy_Urquhart14 July 2022
I have to try and review this without comparing it to anything directly, because it's not really comparable to other action blockbusters that have disappointed me recently. But I can say that for large-scale, big-budget action movies, this is how you do it right. Hollywood isn't incapable of making movies that deliver excitement and emotion, but many pale in comparison to RRR. Again without pointing out any movies in particular (because I don't know what's directly comparable), Hollywood should take notes.

RRR has many familiar tropes and beats that you get out of historical epics/action movies, but it uses those tropes well. Things we've seen on-screen dozens of times before can still be exciting and entertaining if they're used properly, and RRR is a testament to that.

The amazing action is probably what stands out the most, but at its core, this film also has a really good story with heroes you want to see win and villains you want to see defeated. There's some extra conflict between the two main heroes for much of the movie, but ultimately it's a good vs evil story that's pretty straightforward and honest about that, and thanks to the great characters and strong performances, that ends up being enough.

There's very little by way of slow scenes or dead air, and another reason the three hour runtime flies by is because the action is so good. I complain about lacklustre action in modern action movies a lot, and so I was really happy to find that RRR does its action so well. Amazing stunts, great setups for the big set piece scenes, a level of brutality that makes you feel the impact of the combat (but not too much that it feels gratuitous), and a way of making things over-the-top in the best way possible (so not to the point where it feels like there are no rules or consequences for the good guys). The two main heroes in this are almost superheroes, which arguably makes RRR the best superhero film in years.

Excellent stuff. A couple of lesser performances from minor characters and some occasionally clunky English dialogue from the British characters is all I could criticise it for, and they're nitpicks. This is a great action movie and an epic that more than warrants its three hour runtime.
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Have Never Seen Anything Quite Like This
evanston_dad22 August 2022
I have seen a lot of movies in my time, made in a lot of different styles from different genres, from all around the world. I've seen everything from the most mainstream movie imaginable to the most experimental. I can't even remember the last time I came away from a movie thinking that I'd never seen anything like it. But that's how I felt after "RRR."

This movie is so much. Its "much"-ness may be a turn off to some, and almost was for me. My wife and I nearly bailed at the 20 minute mark because the film is so over the top and ridiculous. But we got hooked, and then I was totally in for the ride, to the point where I was disappointed that this 3+-hour behemoth was ending.

Do you like to see muscle-bound, slicked-up men fighting tigers? Check. How about public floggings that turn into musical numbers? Got it. Evil British people so extremely evil that England should sue the filmmakers for defamation? Sure. How about evil British people being mauled by rampaging jungle animals? You betcha. Beheadings? Yep. Romance? Of course. Homoeroticism so intense just watching this movie may turn you gay? Hoo-boy. Let's just say that anything not already in this movie isn't worth having anyway.

Watch "RRR," and then make sure whatever the first movie is that you watch after it is one you don't care too much about, because it will most certainly feel like the palest imitation of a movie you have ever seen. Seriously, this movie is so deliriously bonkers and so unafraid to be absolutely absurd that it's almost impossible to watch pretty much any other movie now and not be disappointed by it for not being this one. Thanks a lot "RRR."

Grade: A+
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owenpont-7080329 June 2022
This was an incredible film. I never heard of this film until Netflix brought it up. I saw clips of the movie and decided it looked pretty good and watched it. I am glad I did, the dancing scene at the party was incredible. Arguably the scene was the best scene in the film. But also the first scene where Ram Charan takes on a mob of people was pretty awesome to watch as well. Overall this is definitely one of the best films of the year combining action, comedy, romance, dancing and great storytelling.
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I wish I could've seen this in a theater
matthewssilverhammer19 August 2022
There is officially ZERO reason to watch Gray Man; THIS is the only (not-so-)semi-subtle homoerotic Netflix action epic we need. A tightrope walk between complete silliness & beautiful sincerity, it has entertainment value dripping from every colorful pore: insane action, enveloping dialogue, sprawling yet intimate storytelling, elaborate dancing (yep!). Admittedly, the unfamiliarity of the tone may be a bit much for those prepared, but it's hard to deny the bravura movie-making, daring you to not to have fun.
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As An American, This is Everything Modern Star Wars and Marvel Should Have Been
Dark_Lord_Mark19 July 2022
SO long story short, word of mouth happened and more and more people including myself heard about this movie and here we are.

It's about friendship and honor and wants and well everything Star Wars Prequels should have been. It's everything Marvel should have been.

This movie is about 2 men, super human, some suspension of belief needs to be had. View it as a super hero movie and it delivers.

Plot: It's about 2 men; a hero and the anti hero. One has duty, one has family.

It's an action movie, think what Avengers Civil War, Batman vs Superman should have been. In modern American movies, the overuse of CGI makes the movies look cheap. RRR has CGI and some places it does look a little cheap, but for a modern big budget film, it delivers.

I have to give it between a 9 and 10. My expectations were low, but the AMAZING actions scenes were filmed very well, the acting and just the over the top hero moments were well done.

Highly recommended and a must see.
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Switch off your brain and then watch
tajimcom26 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Watched it in 3d. Some scenes are like over the top and illogical. You don't expect this from Rajamaulis movie. There were some boring scenes as well. Story is not so trong. VFX is good. Some section scenes are also good. Overall, after Bahubali and Bahubali 2 Rajamauli disappointed me.
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RRR (Ridiculous Riveting Rampage) - a great time!
jamesfaustino-8240529 June 2022
This movie is one of the greatest movies I've seen in my life not knowing that Indian movies would actually execute so well especially this one. The action is the best part of this movie, no scene in this movie cannot go untouched without action. Even though on some parts I never understood what they were saying the subtitles helped and I understood this movie. Some scenes were ridiculously funny and stupid but made me realize how good this movie is. Take notes Hollywood as this movie tops the majority of your movies today.
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VFX treat, but poor storyline, absurd scenes and back to the 80s dialogues
alphadude00727 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
RRR is an entertaining movie and is not a boring watch by any means. Rajamouli brings his usual grandeur to the movie and it is a spectacle. However, the storyline is super weak. Jr NTR's connection with the kidnapped girl is never established in the movie as a strong motive to bring down the empire. Ram's motive to kill and flay dozens of countrymen to fight against the British to get a stash of guns also is super bizzare. Lots of sequences in the movie also doesn't make sense, like Jr NTR spending months in the jungle to catch wild animals, transport them to the city, feed them for months and then unleash them on the British army? PLEASE! That was so funny. Then the main characters miraculously recovering from grave bodily blows in seconds and then doing full costume changes in a flicker? I mean, c'mon Rajamouli. Bahubali was epic cos it had a strong story to support the visuals. Here, the visuals are mediocre, story is piss poor and some of the scenes are cringe. The actors have done well though. Good chemistry and required machismo. Especially Ram Charan. Hopefully, we get such funds/resources to directors who can back up the visuals with an effective story.
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Rousing, Rampaging, Revolutionary...
Xstal28 December 2022
It strikes me that in recent times not many films coming out of traditional western studios can lay claim to being spectacular and yet, whenever I venture to the studios of India, and its array of languages, innovations and stories, the riches to be gorged upon are seldom short of extensive - and quite often spectacular. This is one such film, a jaw dropping piece of good old patriotic prowess that rips through three hours and leaves you desperate for three more. Read the reviews of others if you want to know the story, but take it from me, if overwhelming entertainment and spectacle in the grandest of ways is what sets you on fire, this is for you. On a par with anything you may have come across in the past, and sure to be replayed many times over once it gets its hooks into you, which it surely will - irresistible.
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A weak writing sparkled by Rajamouli's extraordinary mass elements and Ram Charan & Jr. NTR's larger-than-life characters
RRR (2022) : Movie Review -

High and Low. No, I'm not talking about Akira Kurosawa's Japanese flick from 1963, but I'm talking about SS Rajamouli's RRR. Actually, that's the best brief for the film I can think of. SS Rajamouli has been making mass-friendly commercial films for a long time, but Bahubali brought him pan-India popularity. He became a household name and a BRAND! So naturally, anything he would do after Bahubali was meant to look smaller or look comparatively less because the bar was set too high for any filmmaker and for himself too. The same happened with Prabhas when he came after Bahubali with "Saaho" and "Radhe Shyam". Let's just accept the fact that a film like "Bahubali : The Conclusion" (2017) can't be made again and again. Not just because it was a Massive Blockbuster, but also because the kind of extraordinary commercial cinema it presents is almost impossible nowadays. When I saw Bahubali 2, I called it the Greatest Commercial Entertainer of this millennium after Gadar (2001). Surprisingly, these two films are the only ones in this century to sell 5 crore+ tickets in the Hindi belt. It was acceptable to see such heroic characters in Bahubali because the film is set in an ancient period, which makes it reasonable. But with RRR, it can't be held reasonable enough because the film is set in the 20th century, where you expect some humanly possible stuff. It doesn't matter how big (fictionally) your character is, it has to make some sense when it comes to on-screen persona, as we have had so many legendary personalities during this period, who have served the nation till the last drop of their blood, and it all came with human restrictions. RRR looks problematic in that sense, but if you talk about mass cinema, then RRR is simply phenomenal.

RRR is a fictional tale set in the 1920s. Two Indian revolutionaries, Rama Raju (Ram Charan) and Komaram Bheem (Jr. NTR), try to fight the mighty British Empire and Nizam of Hyderabad in their own ways, which are interestingly opposite and unknown to each other. Bheem is after a little girl who has been abducted by British officer Steve (Ray Stevenson) and his wife, Lady Scott (Alison Doody), while Rama is a British cop who tries to stop him. Two powerful heroes, one fiRe and one wateR, are pitted against each other, and then you get to know about their agendas in the second half when the story unfolds the past events.

RRR presents Ram Charan and Jr. NTR in never-seen-before avatars. Rajamouli makes sure that their crazy mass fan following gets enough content to have a big mass party in the cinema halls. Ram Charan enters with a 5-minute long action scene, which does look a little too extraordinary for an ordinary mind, but that's what "mass cinema" means, right? On the other hand, Jr. NTR has got a crazy mass entry that has a class too. That entire forest sequence will blow your mind. A good happy warning to all Tarak fans: please keep your expectations high because Bheem is going to exceed all of them. The pair of Rama and Bheem work like a fireworks display during all those large-scale action sequences. Talking about the supporting cast, especially two Hindi actors, Ajay Devgn and Alia Bhatt, both have small but important cameos. Ajay Devgn does the speaking with his intense eyes again, and in other news, the sky is blue. This man has some charisma of his own. It's only a matter of a genius filmmaker who can use it correctly. Alia Bhatt as Sita looks gorgeous in every single scene, and her character plays a vital part in the narrative. Olivia Morris sparkles the screen with her beauty, and her accent is too cute. Alison Doody is the exact opposite of that, but that's what the villainous characters do. Both Samuthirakani and Shriya Saran appear in small roles, and both pass with good grades.

RRR's basic script is as good as any Telugu action drama (mind you, some call it mindless), but the screenplay doesn't match that certain level you are expecting. The second half may bore you with outdated melodrama and may cause a little irritation too. All those flaws will be forgiven when you witness the Big-screen extravaganza in 3D. The action sequences of RRR have set the benchmark for all the filmmakers in India. Rajamouli outperforms himself from wherever he has done Bahubali. That film still had battlefield references to help a bit, but RRR, despite being driven by two characters, provides a better visual spectacle than Bahubali. That's not a small thing, mind you. The music of RRR is going to create some hysteria in theatres. If you don't feel like dancing while "Naacho Naacho," I'd say please consult a doctor. You are not normal. "Dosti" has got nice tunes for a situational song, and "Komuram Bheemudo" will take you all by surprise. I'm not sure if you can hear "Raamam Raaghavam" clearly because there will be a lot of noise, including big screams and whistles, going around at the time. But you'll ask for a repeat viewing after reaching home.

It's been more than two years since we haven't had a big pan-India event film and SS Rajamouli brings back that much needed "Big-Screen Experience" for us. Undoubtedly, the best director in India when it comes to commercial cinema. The name is SS Rajamouli! His extraordinary vision of looking at ordinary things is what makes him better than other filmmakers in India. Bahubali was an ordinary script, but it's Rajamouli who made it an extraordinary film. No matter how many resemblances you find between it and "The Lion King" or its original source material, Shakespeare's Hamlet, it's a story every Indian can relate to. That's the same case with RRR, despite some flaws in the writing. But that's where Rajamouli's genius mind works overtime. He presents the high-octane mass hysteria that is sure to make the masses go crazy. The hardcore patriotism will please a certain section too. Whether it be the introduction scenes of the two lead actors or that train bridge action scene or that pre-interval rampage or even that mind-boggling climax in the forest, SS Rajamouli has outdone himself. He has reached a level that other commercial directors in Indian cinema can never reach or even dream about. Give this man a weak script and he will still make a strong mass entertainer out of it. That's what he has done with RRR. Every single viewer is going to hail him for his superlative vision of how to look at period action dramas. Every filmmaker who wants to make a great mass film should learn from him. As a whole, RRR packs a solid punch of out-and-out commercial entertainer that we have been missing since the Bahubali juggernaut. Just don't mind the below average writing, and you are going to LOVE IT!

RATING - 6/10*
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praptialam1 January 2023
I watch films from all around the world in all genres. However, I didn't intend to watch this film. Because South Indian commercial films, while entertaining, are not really my cup of tea. But it was the reviews for this movie that really got my attention. Literally, they claim that this is an Oscar contender. I mean, I get that these movies are novel to them. They were therefore fascinated by it. But I thought it was over the top and foolish. I mean, while watching that, I actually laughed a lot. In this movie, there is no logic. Observing this will leave scientists completely perplexed. In this film, everything they have previously taught is a lie.

Well, there are some positive aspects to this film. The production quality is incredible. Great performances are made. The stunning cinematography and excellent background music are the icing on the cake. Overall, though, this film is little more than the usual masala flick that we have been seeing for years. Give us something unique, like Sita Ramam, Sir, Tumbbbad, Aamis, etc., dear India. Instead of watching this cheesy, melodramatic work of so-called art, you may watch one of these movies.
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SS Rajamouli Delivers A Power Packed Action Entertainer Once Again, Made Only For Big Screen !!!
cs_rahul_prasad25 March 2022
The last time director SS Rajamouli managed to wow the audience was in 2017 with the film Baahubali: The Conclusion. It took him 5 long years for him to conceptualise his next film RRR, shoot and bring it to the silver screen. Pulling off a multi-starrer with Jr NTR and Ram Charan in the lead roles might seem an accomplishment in itself. But Rajamouli manages to deliver even when it comes to the story.

RRR is set in the 1920s and revolves around the lives of two revolutionaries - Alluri Seetharama Raju who waged an armed campaign against the British and Komaram Bheem a tribal from the Gond tribe who fought against atrocities heaped on his people. There is no historical evidence to show that the two ever met or fought together but Rajamouli reimagines history and weaves a story around their meeting.

RRR runs on a relatively simple premise. There's 'fire' - an angry, young police officer Ramaraju (Ram Charan) who is both revered and feared by the British. He has done their every bidding for years, he is the one they sic on anyone they want to capture and yet, he is the one who's never given enough respect due to the colour of his skin. Then there's 'water' - sweet, simple, innocent Bheem (Jr NTR) who has brute strength but uses it only when it serves his purpose. He's a Gond tribal who has come to the city to rescue a young girl called Malli, who was taken away by Lady Scott (Alison Doody), to be the singing doll 'on (her) mantelpiece'. But that is just the beginning of the tale.

Rajamouli's new calling cards seem to be building new world. Because, despite being based on two revolutionaries from history, RRR has a story that's completely fictional. Delhi of the 1920s becomes his new canvas. Bheem might have fought against the Nizams, so much so that one of them finds it imperative to warn the British that he's not to be taken lightly. But he also finds shelter with Muslims in Delhi. Ramaraju might seem like a well-trained soldier who will follow instructions blindly but he also seems to have a past no one but his uncle (Samuthirakani) knows about. Scott (Ray Stevenson) might believe 'brown rubbish' deserve even a bullet to be wasted on them but Jennifer (Olivia Morris) seems more empathetic. This is not the freedom movement where you turn the other cheek, this is the one where you use your hands as weapons.

The first half of RRR runs like clockwork. There's the emotional core in Malli, there's the song and dance with Naatu Naatu (it'll make you smile) and a friendship explored through Dosti, there's even a few laughs whenever Bheem tries to befriend Jennifer. Cinematic liberties are taken but they don't seem as noticable as in the later portions, half where the film falters a bit. The way Ramaraju's fiancé Sita (Alia Bhatt) is woven into the narrative, apart from Ram Charan's transformation to another look also seem forced in a tale that was smooth sailing. After the way Bheem is set up effortlessly despite nothing much being told, the way Ramaraju's story unfolds seems strained. The climax leaves more to be desired. The good thing however is that the film manages to surprise you. Rajamouli also manages to use certain tropes set up in the initial portions of the film in the latter portions cleverly.

None-the-less Rajamouli manages to pull off something people have been pining for - a commercial, action drama that will keep you thoroughly entertained - which it does. The length also doesn't prove to be a hindrance, thanks to a tight screenplay. The VFX in certain portions could've been better. Jr NTR pulls off his career's best performance. He's charming as Bheem, especially in the emotional bits and his desperation to find Malli comes through well, so does his love for Ramaraju. Ram Charan also does well, pouring soul into the transformations his character goes through. Tarak and Charan's roles require them to have chemistry, which they do. Alia Bhatt, Olivia Morris, Samuthirakani, Ajay Devgn, Shriya Saran and others play their parts well. Olivia in particular manages to win your heart. Alison and Ray breeze through their roles. Keeravani's OST for the film might not be for everyone but he does well with the BGM. Senthil's camerawork is a delight too.

RRR is made for a big screen viewing. The cinematography and visual aesthetics paint every frame in a radiating manner. Oodles of flamboyance is something one has come to expect from Rajamouli now. The background score thuds with relentless urgency and repetition, unapologetically melodramatic and quite smitten with itself. It numbs us into submission but post-interval as the pace falters a little, the pleasures dwindle too.

RRR is perfection by any means because after the way Rajamouli pulls off certain scenes, you wonder if he could've done a better job in others. But watch this one this weekend if you've been longing for a good action packed drama. Especially so if you're a fan of the lead duo.
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Three outrageous hours.
Sleepin_Dragon8 July 2023
Don't ask me for a plot, because I didn't have a clue what was happening, all I know is that I absolutely loved what I just watched.

I'll admit I was captivated The other day when I watched Jai Bhim, so I decided I'd opt for another Indian movie, RRR was suggested, wow, all I can say is wow.

This is one of the most spectacularly outrageous films I think I've ever seen, I loved it. As wild and over the top as you can imagine, all I'd say is please stick with it, I know it's a long film, but it's just so incredibly entertaining. I'm not sure anyone's going to convince me that anything here is based on real life events, but boy does it hold your attention.

This film is violent, dramatic, shocking when funny, you honestly don't know what on Earth is going to come next.

The visuals are quite sensational, it is one of the most visually decadent things I have ever seen. The tiger and wolf scene, that was mind blowing, talk about getting the pulse racing.

Wow, those evil English people (even if they did have accents that were closer to Kentucky than Kent,) are really evil, they even make the British villains on Murder, she wrote seem subtle.

Outrageous. 9/10.
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Storytelling. This is how you setup and payoff.
bradclayton14 September 2022
RRR's strengths are easily worth suspending a little disbelief (though no more than the average blockbuster) and accepting the style of acting. If you can get past that, and if the violence isn't too much for you, you're in for a treat.

There is so much more heart in this movie than anything I've seen for a long while. It's nice to see a movie employ slow motion to convey emotion rather than try to magnify action. But more than the great camera work and fantastic music (this movie sounds tremendous), RRR knows how to setup a story. From the very beginning, screentime is being used to setup payoffs later.

I can see the violence being an issue for some (though, RRR is not nearly as gory as many films, but it can feel brutal at times--enough that I can't really call this a family film).

One of the best films I've seen. Excellent.
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probably the most brutally violent PG-13 in a while, plus a dance battle!
Quinoa198414 April 2022
Total militaristic propaganda on a scale that is as immense in scope as a David Lean and as bloody and brutalist as Mel Gibson. It's certainly nowhere near as subtle as the former (well, duh, kids), but it also manages to be rapturously stupid it's gruesome violence than anything the latter would do. My wife with me also pointed out Zack Snyder but far superior visa vi "here's a man with something to say... and it's LOUD and SLOW MO" and I concur up to a point. And if you don't like British people, boys and girls have I got a smorgasbord of "f the Brits" for you (it's alright there's the one good lady one).

But what experiencing all 187 minutes of RRR truly is - and final peppy and totally dissonant music number included that is the run time - is going to the All You Can eat buffet where you are not going to leave for like 10 hours: it's a somber and powerful war movie, a Gritty Run they the Jungle slaughter fest, a Cornball treatise on Friendship, a (at times very literally) fiery call to arms against the British or any Colonial power, a sliver of romance for good measure for Bheem, and for five to ten minutes a deliriously exciting Step Up dance-off movie. It's exhausting and crude and at times laughable (all those CGI animals oh my), and I had an absolute blast. You know what you're in for when our two heroes first meet under the bridge surrounded by fire. If you're not with it by then, leave and don't come back.

I know this is not historically accurate (LOL), but who needs accuracy when the exploitation-meter needs breaks through the glass and becomes a superhero bent on saving everyone with all the guns? This is gloriously crazy but it's totally sincere. Oh, and Ray Stevenson: performance of his career! (If only Aamir Khan was here, 5 stars easy).
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Just average stuff nothing great
vjkmr-8749026 March 2022
I doubt if ss Rajamouli has really directed this movie, i could see fire in ntr an he was very good but sidelined in the last hour of second half, ramcharan is ok and except for few scenes there is nothing great about this movie.
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When the movie ends, it was like completing the festival celebration
m-ramanan25 March 2022
RATED 10/10 Language: Telugu Media Partner: Zee5 Source: Nil HIGHLY RECOMMENDED

Movie starts with two hero introductions, that itself like full meals satisfaction...Really the trailer shown the 30% of the movie, it has much more action blocks and goosebumps moments in the movie... its real double treat. Mass moments also doubled with dual heroes... Naattu song is the cherry on top, whole theatre goes mad on this one... the interval block action sequence is real jaw dropping one, even though we can guess this one, but cant guess the scale...

Second half starts with bit slow flashback, but it picks up to the peak immediately. Second half has more sentiments and more screen space for RC. RC outshines NTR in lot of places... All the action blocks are gravity defying but enjoyable.... After credit Janta song has cameo from Rajamouli. When the movie ends it was like completing the festival celebration....

Exceeding expectations in all aspects....
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First half is good but second half ruined first half's intriguing
shubhamprakashkarad27 March 2022
Guys go with low expectations, This is not the movie what Rajamouli capable of... First half was good with some superb action sequences and character introduction but due to lack of story it looks bits and pieces in second half,either we can connect to emotions or to patriotism.. it's too lengthy.. but Hats off to both the actors they nailed their jobs..
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What a major discovery!
kevscratch-932-59594219 March 2023
We watched the Oscar show last week and witnessed the performance of the song from RRR. It was overwhelming and spectacular! So, we searched out RRR here at home and watched the entire movie last night. WHAT A THRILLING EXPERIENCE! I had never seen anything quite like this. The movie has everything - spectacle, action, music, dancing and singing, drama - and the list goes on! The three plus hours of its running time flew by and we finished it wanting more. Hollywood could learn alot about exciting film making from the Indian Film Industry. Now a few questions... Why was this film not nominated for quite a number of Oscars? It should have been the Indian entry in the International Film category. What about other Oscar nominations - for cinematograpy, costuming, music score, film editing etc.? We have decided to search out more Indian films available to us. It must have been a wonderful experience to see RRR in a theatre on a large screen. We highly recommend this fabulous, exciting movie.
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A fairytale for warmongers
justahunch-7054928 December 2022
There is no doubt that I am out of touch with most of the other reviewers here as well as critics as indicated by my falling asleep after the first hour. There is no questioning this film's technical achievements, which are many. The CGI could not be improved on as there is not a thing that does not look real in an action packed somewhat monotonous three plus hour film. This begins with a girl in India being kidnapped by a British governor due to the wishes of his horrid wife and because of that, hundreds, if not thousands, die. Throw all logic out the window with this one. Everything in this film is over-the-top. The action, the story, the characters, the violence, even the music. It is beautiful to look at, no doubt, but it is so ridiculously illogical it is sometimes just silly, though there are sequences that are pretty amazing to watch, but turn off your brain before viewing. The actors put a lot into this, especially the two leads, but their performances are just as larger than life as their characters are. Cecille B. DeMille would be envious.
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And the award for the most overrated film of 2022 goes too...
nathandm-752972 December 2022
RRR is one of the most critically acclaimed films of this year. It's been widely celebrated by both audiences and critics alike and is one of the most internationally successful Tollywood films of all time. My question is why?

I'm not familiar at all with Tollywood/Bollywood movies. This was the first one I've seen all the way through. But prior to watching RRR, I was familiar with all of the Bollywood clichés and have seen numerous infamous clips on YouTube. They're all very over the top with their presentation and acting, they're all very long, and they all include several dance/musical numbers. But I figured since this was the first Tollywood movie to get this kind of recognition in the states that there was something different about this movie, something that stood out and there really isn't.

As I was watching RRR I thought to myself, what if this was an American film and it featured the same story, the same action scenes, and the same length? I would think that this movie would be absolutely leveled by critics and audiences for being too bloated, too tonally inconsistent, having bad CGI effects, terrible pacing, underdeveloped romantic subplots, and one-dimensional villains. But I guess since this is a Tollywood movie all of those notable flaws are just fine? Do they add to the charm of this film? I don't know but I'm honestly low-key baffled by the reception that RRR is getting.

And I'm also baffled by how this Tollywood film looks just like every other Indian action film that has come out for the past several years. Seriously what makes this movie so special in comparison to other Indian blockbusters?

Here are a few positives I can give this film. There is some nice direction and cinematography, both of the lead actors have good chemistry, some of the action scenes are fun (some are also completely stupid) and sometimes the score is good (and sometimes it's not and very random). Clearly, Indian blockbuster films are just not for me, I'll acknowledge that. Cinema is subjective, so to the people who genuinely love this movie, I'm happy for you, but I still firmly stand by all of my criticisms for this movie and I still think it's easily the most overrated film to come out this year, by a lot.
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magadalwarmayur25 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not a native Telugu speaking audience so the first time i was exposed to ss rajamouli was when i saw eega that movie also i watched because i heard that ajay devgan was dubbing for the film from that day to this day you can say I'm a fanboy.

RRR bleeds ss rajamouli in every frame from the action to dance to the most mundain dilogue it has what i call rajamouli pitch to the film. The filmis three hours long but it never feel like it,the editing and cinematography is awesome the only bad thing about the film is the songs are not as good as his favourite films

The film is casted perfectly Ram Charan has played his most wonderful character, NTR has restraint yet powerful presence to the film Alia Bhatt is graceful. All the foreign actors are well casted special mention to the Olivia moris. Ajay Devgan is awesome even in a limited screen presence i would be tempted to say he outperormed both the heros of the Film.

The best thing about the film though is the action choreography and it was expected to be good but that have surpassed my expectations same goes with visual effects.

The action set peieces were meticulously planned and perfectly excuted.

The film will leave you with a wow and it will touch your heart one way or another.one of the most wonderful films i have seen in past few years.
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andrewchristianjr5 June 2022
The action scenes were just as badass. It's so hilariously ridiculous and stupid that I loved it. It's basically a superhero movie. The two actors were also the important part that made these scenes entertaining. The story itself was not bad, even though it dragged so much during the middle part.
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