Happy Death Day 2U (2019) Poster

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Still a fun movie but could have made some different choices
mr_bickle_the_pickle22 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have mixed feelings on this one. A lot of is just as fun as the original. Like it was definitely an entertaining watch for me, but I think the setup for the film is what brings it down. It starts off with Ryan now experiencing the same day, so the movie makes you think he is going to be the focus of the film. He is not. Even when the Sissy (his time manipulator machine thing) breaks and they all get zapped, I thought maybe they will all be thrown into a loop together...they dont. It just happens to Tree. Also, during this setup Ryan comes across another version of himself and that never gets explained. Where did he come from, how did he cross dimensions (I mean when Tree gets stuck in another dimension time loop, she doesnt come across herself). It just gets completely dropped and forgotten about. So I feel like they could have taken the chance to do something different with the film, but instead it quickly becomes the same as the first again. Which again, isnt horrible. It is fun. Just could have been different. Also, Tree gets to a point where she comes to the conclusion that she "cant have it all" and makes the decision to go back to her dimension. But once she *SPOILER* realizes that the killer isnt actually after her in this world....why cant she stay, have her mother back and still get Carter? I mean, she knows Danielle is cheating on him. Its not like thats a relationship that is going to last. She could have it all. Maybe it would have been better if the killer was going after Carter or her mom, so she really had to make that decision of one or the other. But oh well.
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Sometimes it's better not knowing how the sausage is made...
KingKongKyle14 February 2019
Sometimes it's better not knowing how the sausage is made. The first Happy Death Day was a fun little slasher flick that never took itself too seriously and was thoroughly entertaining for what it was. The sequel, Happy Death Day 2U, tried to provide explanation to the phenomenon that befell Tree in the first film. It all involves a science project gone wrong and a bunch of time-looping sci-fi mumbo jumbo that isn't nearly as smart as the movie thinks it is. This should be a franchise where you can just turn your brain off and have a good time. Instead, 2U wants the audience to think. That's the big mistake. Most of the "science" stuff makes little to no sense, and making us think about it only makes us realize how convoluted a mess this story is. I won't even get into the eye-roll worthy plot conveniences that have to exist for the film to even move forward in some spots.

Another issue is this isn't a horror movie. There may be a couple short scenes that lend themselves to horror, but this is much more so a sci-fi story, a far cry from what we started with in the first movie. Also, the movie reaches a satisfying ending place, but then decides to not end there and throws in a ridiculous "heist" movie at the end. Why not? We're already watching a horror-comedy-scifi-romcom?

Now, it's not all bad. The movie does keep moving at a steady pace and most of the characters are entertaining (even if they aren't particularly engaging). The sub-plot about Tree's mom feels genuinely heart-felt and gives the movie a little emotional weight. There's plenty of decent laughs throughout. And, as in the first film, Jessica Rothe seems to be having a ball in the lead role. There's also a mid-credits scene to suggest we're gonna expand this universe even more. And while I'll welcome a third movie in this fun franchise, I wish the writers would understand that more isn't necessarily better. Sometimes keeping it simple is best. 6/10
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Not as good
Dave_0525 April 2019
Unfortunately this movie is not as good as the first one. I really enjoyed the first one but this one is nowhere near as entertaining. I am shocked how its rating is almost the same as the first movie.
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Enjoyed it very much.
Renagle128 April 2019
Loved the first movie because the actors did a fantastic job meshing slasher and comedy. This sequel, while not as intense as the first, still was highly entertaining. It's not Citizen Kane, but this genre isn't supposed to be. The acting again made me laugh all the way to the very end while still holding the "who is the killer?!" suspense with all the alternate realities.

The actors make these movie-especially the lead actress. The cast are believable in an unbelievable setting and blend well together.

It's a fun popcorn movie for sure.
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Be Careful For What You Wish For
thesar-218 October 2019
(Quickie Review.) I THOROUGHLY enjoyed the first Happy Death Day and while I didn't think it needed a sequel at all, period, end of story, here we are. And it was surprisingly very good! I can see why it wasn't a hit: it changed from a self-aware horror-comedy to outright comedy-sci-fi. Not sure if that's part of the profitable sequel playbook, but it worked for me. I had a blast here. Now, it's not perfect and kept running in circles when ideas ran out, but the characters, direction and dialogue was so rich and fun for me, I was fully invested. That all said, I would highly recommend the original slasher comedy more than this one, but it's kind of a nice add-on to see this one and where it took the original story's Groundhog Day dilemma.
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It's complicated
nogodnomasters16 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Ryan Phan (Phi Vu) wakes up in his car and finds himself in the same time loop as the previous story, being stabbed by a man in a baby mask. We discover the time loop was created by a student experimental machine. Tree Gelbman (Jessica Rothe) our multiple final girl from the first film helps Ryan out and gets caught in her own web which is inter-dimensional. In one universe her mother is alive and she doesn't have her boyfriend and in the other her mother is dead, but she has her boyfriend. Tree likes the one where her mother is alive and is torn.

The film loses the comedy-horror when we get the drippy scene of Tree and her mother. The Tree multiple suicides was comical and the highlight of the feature.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity
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The terrific balance that the first film found is not present here
jtindahouse17 February 2019
I'm a massive fan of the original 'Happy Death Day' film. In fact I rated it a perfect 10 on IMDb. Every aspect of that movie was executed perfectly. It was scary, funny, charming, intriguing, touching and had a killer twist ending to put the cherry on the cupcake. The announcement of a sequel was a surprise to me to be honest. When a film gets everything so right like that one did it is incredibly hard to make a follow-up to the same standard. Plus you risk ruining the reputation that the first film earned. 'Happy Death Day 2U' was a disappointing sequel that will leave a bad taste in the mouth of a lot of fans of the original.

It certainly isn't an appalling film (otherwise I would never have given it a 6 - and I verged on giving it a 7), it just didn't get the balance right this time around. It was far too light-hearted for starters. I loved the humour that first one possessed and I did in this one too, however it just took up too much of the runtime. If people asked me to choose one genre that this film was I would probably have to say comedy. I should be saying horror.

Secondly, the film was so intent on being clever (and being a homage to 'Back to the Future') that it completely forgot to have an interesting plot piece at the centre of the film. The killer angle was almost like an after-thought this time around. Whereas in the original it drove the film and everything else fed off that.

The first film was so good that I didn't want anything to change and taint what was created in that film. I left the cinema this time with a bit of a bad taste in my mouth. If a sequel absolutely had to be made I would've preferred completely fresh characters (even though I love the ones that are in these two films) and for them to just do a seperate story. Maybe that wouldn't have worked either (speaking further to my point that a sequel simply wasn't needed) but at least it would have left the original intact. I hear a third addition to the series is on the way. Hopefully they get it right (whatever that means) next time around.
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A sequel too far
Leofwine_draca11 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I thought the original HAPPY DEATH DAY was a mildly enjoyable spin on the slasher movie, the GROUNDHOG DAY of its genre perhaps. Sadly, this quickly-shot sequel is one that already stretches a thin premise too far. I did like the sound of having one of the original movie's supporting characters involved in his own separate story, but it soon transpires that this is just a way in; after half an hour we're stuck in a virtual reprise of the first movie's plot, albeit with less horror, more science fiction, and a ton more (unwanted) comedy too. I found Jessica Rothe's shrill performance one of the worst things here; she overacts considerably throughout and the director never seems confident enough to rein her in a little. The plot is meandering and jumps from genre to genre without ever being particularly interesting. They should have left things alone after the first film.
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Happy Death Day 2U: Cashgrab
Platypuschow16 March 2019
I was stupidly excited for the first movie only to be a little disappointed, it was good but didn't live up to its potential. A sequel I thought!? How could they possibly do that? And except from a financial standpoint why would they?

Rumored to be the second of a trilogy, I'm sad to say that the first thing that comes to mind after watching it is that it's a blatant cashgrab. The first movie made them a shed load of money so they felt obligated to make a sequel and rushed it out without little care and attention.

Following on straight from the first film we see another time loop and Tree once again investigating why it's happening. Honestly, I struggled to get behind the plot this time as I deemed it pretty pathetic by comparison.

Happy Death Day 2U though a huge disappointment and mindless cashgrab isn't a bad film, it's just poor compared to the first and clearly rushed out to capitalize on the popularity of the original.

If they're going to make a third I'd suggest they give it additional time, better writers and entirely go back to the drawing board because this was messy.

The Good:

Jessica Rothe

Nice follow on

Some funny moments

The Bad:

Considerably weaker writing

Blatant cashgrab
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Showed some promised but then confused itself
KoolCatReviews4 April 2020
There was some promise shown in this movie in the first few minutes of the film. However it complicated and confused itself very quickly. Its not as good as the first film and manges to make the story even less appealing. It does somewhat tie into the first movie but not really enough to Warrent its existence. It feels like happy death day 1.5.
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Way Better Than I Expected
ymyuseda27 February 2019
Rating 8.4/10 Surprisingly entertaining !! It definitely worth a watch. This film isn't perfect and is possibly quite unoriginal but it's still tons of fun and puts a fresh twist on the concept. The characters are likable and the humour is brilliant at times. It's just lots of fun and excitement. Very enjoyable !!
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Funnier and better acted sequel but same score...
namob-4367318 October 2019
Just as the first one, this is not an amazing movie in any way or form, but it is a great fun watch.

In many ways this is a better movie than the original first one, but in some aspects it is not. This movie is more fun, and I laughed out loud several times. I also think the acting is more spot on. The directing and production value is also better in this sequel. But the first one was more focused on the horror aspect and felt more original and had that "freshness" (despite being a bit generic) which this sequel is missing somewhat. In total the two movies are equal to each other

7/10. I highly recommend. Both movies are fun and a good watch. Do not expect masterpieces, just relax and enjoy them for what they are.
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Not as good as the first film.
BA_Harrison16 February 2019
Seen the first film? Of course you have, but if it's not fresh in your mind there could well be moments in this follow up that'll seem a mite confusing. The whole new scientific explanation for the Groundhog Day phenomenon certainly takes a bit of following and a lot of swallowing: the convoluted time travel exposition covered in the first half of the film travels at breakneck speed and doesn't make a whole lot of sense. And let's not forget about the overall uneven tone, the film frequently veering from its horror roots into sci-fi and absurd comedy territory. It's quite a departure from the original, and to be quite frank I don't think that it was very successful.

A hot mess of a movie for the most part, the chaos that unfolds is reasonably fun for a while despite the preposterous story developments. Unfortunately, the repetitive nature of the plot eventually takes its toll, and the final act really labours the point, taking its merry time to wrap up proceedings in a not too tidy fashion. The cast are fine and do what they can with the material, but the slapdash script and seemingly random approach taken by director Christopher Landon ultimately makes for a disappointing sequel.

Still, Happy Death Day 2 U is so silly at times that I can see it gathering a cult following, even though, if truth be told, it's not all that good.
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Dead Again
OMTR1 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Christopher Landon developed an interesting follow up to his original concept, much like Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale did for 'Back To The Future Part II' (1989), with good ideas, directing, acting and a tempo that maintain the suspense of a(n) (un)known story.
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A bit inferior to it's predecessor but it's still good
Iblueskysea27 July 2020
The same premise as the first movie with extra moral choices and more of a scientific approach/explanation to the first movie's plot.
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A great blend of horror and comedy
Doeh17 February 2019
I never got around to seeing Happy Death Day and hadn't seen any trailers for this one, so I had no idea what to expect. But wow this was a pleasant surprise. Each character in this film is excellent, they all have great on-screen chemistry, especially Jessica's Rothe and Israel Broussard's characters. They also all have great comedic moments, but some jokes fall flat.

All though it is a horror movie of sorts it has a surprising emotional undertone. This "emotional" part explores the relationship between our heroine and her mother which can get very emotional for some people. Hell, it made me cry to the point where my friends were roasting me once we left the theatre.

In terms of the horror part of the film, I didn't like it. That's not a knock on the film per se just the fact that I don't like horror. If you are a fan of horror, you'll enjoy this, but for me, the horror aspect didn't work.

7/10 - Worth your money
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More comedy than horror, but scary fun!
fxdx419 June 2019
In 2017 Happy Death Day came out and looked like most of the other wave of B level horror films. This one used the "Groundhog Day" angle where the main character Tree (Jessica Rothe) had to relive Aug 18 dying at the end of every day to discover her killer and escape the time loop. This trope has been used by countless films and nearly every si-fi series, but it was fun to watch our flustered main character struggle to solve the puzzle.

One of the more unlikely films to have a sequel, Happy Death Day 2U starts seconds after the original, and immediately has a more si-fi/Breakfast club feel, quickly ignoring its more horror roots. This change in mood is fine, as the original was a very light to start.

We quickly explore the origins of the time jump, learn about alternate timelines, get a lesson in hypothetical ethics, and must rediscover the killer.

The cast around Tree is more flushed out, and relationships are expanded. I genuinely like Jessica Rothe and what she brings to the character Tree, and became invested in the highs and lows of her adventures. A minor complaint is that the film does scatter, and although a minor point, some story lines are left unfulfilled by films end.

With that said, this movie isn't high cinema. This film may at times cross to the silly, but there is a lot here to enjoy. It should appeal anyone looking for a light, fun evening. Watch the original first, and cap it off with this enjoyable piece of fun!
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One of the dumbest movies you will ever see
louthewerewolf26 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There's a plot point in this movie where the lead character cannot decide if she should sacrifice her mom's life so she can date some random guy she's known for less than two weeks, or let her mom live and not date the guy she literally just met. Like, yeah, choose the new guy over your mom's life. There are plenty of mom's in the sea! Boyfriends are forever! And that's just the tip of the stupidberg. The science behind everything is so cartoonish. At one point, the scientist who invented it even tries to kill his other timeline self in order to stop the device from going off. That's right, he resorts to murdering his other self instead of, you know, just explaining things TO HIMSELF. But wait! There's more stupid! The timelines now get changed so much that the killer is now someone else. And this is where the movie will really piss you off most. With the first killer, the motivation worked, but with the new killer, the motivation is so paper-thin, it's like the writers had to pick someone so they rolled some dice. And if you're here for the horror, guess what? The real horror is finding out this is secretly a feel-good, rom-com. Not even kidding. The (actual) killer is rarely even in the movie. If you must watch this movie, get a bunch of friends together so you can at least share some laughs while you all make fun of it.
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Not as good as the first, but not terrible either.
awfulketchup26 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Ah yes, the horror variation of Groundhog day, Happy Death Day was a surprising movie when it came out, it was funny and refreshing, i had a lot of fun time watching it.

So what does the follow up do to change things up? Well, that's the problem, it isn't doing anything except for filling in the gap as to why there is a loop to begin with which removes any ambiguity or mystery from the first installment.

At first i thought the movie would go a different route all together with the switch where the Asian looking actor would be in a loop, or perhaps create a infinite paradox, but it only became like an extension of what the first movie did.

I was fine with the acting and phasing of this movie but it feels like there could have been so much more done with the concept than what we got in the final product.
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Below average
opotraining21 January 2020
First part was good but the sequel changes the track completely. Time machine concept and unwanted comic timings in between are added. Acting also sub par . Worst part is the scene after end credits. Avoid if possible
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An Impressive Sequel, Magnificent Work From Landon, Rothe and the Crew
CANpatbuck366416 February 2019
Happy Death Day wasn't my favourite movie from 2017 but it was in my top 10 and it qualified as the biggest surprise of that year for me. It was a solid slasher movie with a lot of funny material and a unique take on the time loop concept. The trailers for Happy Death Day 2U didn't deter me from seeing it but it looked like they could be repeating the successful formula from the first one. What may be the most surprising part of Happy Death Day 2U is the fact that other than providing a recap of the first movie, so little of it is recycled. This isn't a horror movie, its a science fiction/comedy mashup with horror and romance elements thrown in. It not only works but it works so well that it rivals the first one in execution for me. They broaden the scope of the movie and it switches genres. I can't think of another sequel (I'm sure there has been somewhere, I just can't think of one off the top of my head) that boldly chooses to go in a completely different direction. It not only makes that choice but it succeeds at it completely. The best part is that 2U is that while it is inventive, it retains a lot of what worked previously. The sense of humour carries over and there's more than enough funny material to go around. I laughed a lot throughout it was key that they kept things light to keep the pace up.

The movie choosing to change things up was the biggest surprise but the wonderful development of the characters was just as impressive. Tree's development into being a better person was a highlight of the original Happy Death Day, it added an interesting dynamic to the story. Tree continues to grow (no pun intended) and I have to hand it to writer/director Christopher Landon for developing the characters further with new aspects without just repeating the same arc. With Tree facing the same scenario but with many changes, the characters are the same yet completely different and it keeps things intriguing. While 2U was funny there were also some emotional moments that were very heartfelt. I liked how the original included the evolution of Tree's relationship with her dad, they double down on that in this one with the surprise inclusion of someone from Tree's past. The genuine joy that comes out of that realization for Tree and the pain that it causes later had a lot of pathos that you wouldn't expect from this type of movie

Jessica Rothe's second performance as Tree is a fantastic work. 2U requires so much varied work from her doing physical comedy to involving drama and she pulls it off handily. She's outstanding here and I really hope she's on her way to bigger things because this is a great follow up performance. Almost the entire supporting cast returns and they all perform capably. Rothe and Israel Broussard still have a lot of chemistry as Tree and Carter, and their relationship has some sweet moments scattered throughout. I liked that they gave both Rachel Matthews and Ruby Modine different things to do as Danielle and Lori. They both were fun to watch. I also thought Phi Vu was better utilized in this movie as Ryan, it was cool that they took a minor character from the first one and expanded on his part. Vu's performance helped make that a solid choice.

I'm sure plenty of people will be complaining about the genre shift and tonal change from the first entry in this potential franchise and while I did have to adjust but it didn't bother me. I only had a few complaints when it comes to this movie. Just like the first one, they border on having too many twists when they're wrapping up. I liked all of them but the movie wants to bring a lot of new elements in at the end and the final 15 minutes feels a little overstuffed. They also jam some of the more juvenile bits of humour in the very beginning and the very end of the movie that can feel a little out of place tonally.

I was a huge fan of the first Happy Death Day and if you made me pick I still think the first one is a better stand alone film. But Happy Death Day 2U is wildly creative, the script is really sharp and Jessica Rothe proves how wonderfully versatile she is in another great lead performance. People always complain about sequels just being carbon copies of the original or that the plot is recycled or how originality in movies is dead. I was blown away by how Landon and his team were unafraid to blaze a different path with the continuation of this potential franchise and give the audience something fresh to chew on. If you're stuck on having another slasher movie, this might not be your cup of tea but I can't recommend this highly enough. If you enjoyed the first one and can keep an open mind, go see Happy Death Day 2U.
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As good as the first? No. Still a decent movie? Absolutely
ethanbresnett19 April 2021
Happy Death Day 2U has many similarities to its predecessor. It has the exact same style of humour, the same type of horror, almost an identical list of characters (with a few additions). This is both a blessing and a curse in equal measure.

A blessing because I loved Jessica Rothe as the lead, and the supporting cast were all great in the first film, so getting to spend another hour and a half with them is all good in my book. In addition, I liked the balance they struck in the first film between gentle horror, comedy, and romance, and they manage this pretty well in the follow up.

However these similarities are a curse in that the plot feels very similar. The first was original and fresh and had unique energy and pace to it, but this follow up loses that originality and fails to capture the imagination as a result. We are treated to lots of the same scenarios and plot points of the first film, with a bit more of an added sci-fi element to this one. When they did try and break out of the shadow of the first film and enter into new territory, it felt a little rough and cliche.

I did enjoy the plot and had a good time watching this film, but ultimately I felt like I'd seen it all before and the sequel didn't break new ground enough for my liking.

Overall very enjoyable, and fans of the first will surely have fun watching this. Not as good as Happy Death Day but a very worthy successor.
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First film was brilliant, second was unwatchable because it was so bad.
liamfullartonward9 January 2020
Couldn't even finish watching this, the plot changed completely from the first one and spent at least 30% in referencing it. Terrible CGI, horrendous acting, none of the charm or horror from the first, and lazy writing. This could have been done so much better but it was cringey and became a weird sci-fi comedy. Don't waste your time.
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not bad for what it is a fun movie
ylopez-2379425 February 2019
I liked it, even though I went in without any preconceive notions. I like the movie I like Jessica Rothe, I liked the fact that she was in the first movie.. granted I never saw the first movie but I was able to follow what the movie was about... It was entertaining spending an hour and 40 minutes no big deal. I like it. If you like fluffy somewhat scary suspense movie this is for you, and also the director is Christopher Landon no other than Michael Landon Son how cool is that!!!... brilliant like his dad... I liked the movie...
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Better than the first part!
SoumikBanerjee19968 January 2023
I thought this sequel was much better than the previous one (in almost every way). Now, a lot of you might not agree with me, and that's fine, everyone has their own opinion but speaking for myself, I did like it more than the first part.

The reason is that the plot feels more complete this time, with clear goals and motivations for the protagonists. The humour works, and the emotions work, and that's mostly because the lead character is so well-developed.

It is a good mix of comedy, science fiction, and teen drama, and I really enjoyed it. It's not only fun and entertaining to watch, but it also tries to explain things, unlike the first time, when we didn't get any explanation at all!

Now, give us the third part as soon as you can.
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