Fast Charlie (2023) Poster


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georgekhoury-951225 March 2024
Fast Charlie, featuring Pierce Brosnan, aims for action and mystery but falls short. Despite its title, the movie's pace disappoints, lacking the expected swiftness. Brosnan, once a formidable action star, now feels out of sync. The lackluster action scenes and unconvincing performances from the entire cast contribute to an overall underwhelming experience. No actor manages to bring authenticity. Even in the cinematic setting, the movie fails to evoke the anticipated excitement. Awarding it a generous 5 out of 10, the film misses opportunities for a more engaging storyline and dynamic action, leaving viewers craving a more compelling cinematic journey.
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Very good Brosnan in a movie about loyalty and respect
RobertGolebiewski15 February 2024
Very decent movie with pretty nice cast.

In short:

Brosnan plays a role of a very matured executioner or concierge for a local mob. He is loyal to his boss. So when a bad guy aims several of his fellow people he gets things in his hands. On his way he also meets a wife of a thug he had to remove and they simply get attracted to each other. This is a slow evolving attraction yet you can almost feel the nice heat. I enjoyed the scene when he says "How about know".

Dialogues are good. Story is nice. Typical but nice. He shoots, fights. With his distance to himself he presents very good alternative to Liam Neesom because he has his very special sense of humor while Neesom is always poetically sad.

Pretty nice role of James Caan - his last show.

The movie has rather low budget and we see it clearly yet it does not affect the pleasure of watching.

Female character is a pleasure to watch - she is nice, attractive and very feminine.

In general I enjoyed the movie very much.
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Not usually a fan of this genre but...
harkstephen8 February 2024
I usually don't go for hitman movies, but Fast Charlie was a pleasant surprise. Pierce Brosnan as Charlie had this laid-back yet intense vibe that worked well for the character. The film's setting in the South gave it a unique flavor, different from the usual city-based crime thrillers. What I really appreciated was the subplot with Marcie, played by Morena Baccarin. Their relationship felt real, not forced like in some other movies in this genre. And James Caan still had that screen presence that made him a in his final role. The film had some typical action sequences, sure, but they were well-executed. It's not just about the action though; the story had depth, especially with Charlie contemplating and aspiring towards a a different life. Definitely worth a watch.
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Made-for-TV movie
svrxmpzbz9 December 2023
This has entertaining moments, but the clichés are endless and the dialog is as wooden as it gets. The people giving this a 10/10 are either plants or... special. There was no character development, the scene setting was terrible, the capricious flip flop in the balance of power is laughable, and the terrible pacing (especially at the end) is amateurish. Again, there are definitely scenes that hold attention, but that's not enough to give this movie a high rating. My guess is Pierce accepted this role because he owed someone a favor, or he's going broke and needed the money. Either way, this was definitely a debit from his brand, not a credit to it.

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Decent enough southern noir where Pierce Brosnan's central performance elevates very middle of the road material
IonicBreezeMachine11 December 2023
Charlie Swift (Pierce Brosnan) is a former Marine turned fixer for the crime syndicate in Biloxi, Mississippi that holds together even in the face of its aging head Stan Mullen's (James Caan) diminishing mental faculties. Following a hit on a low level crook named Rollo on behalf of New Orleans crime boss Beggar (Gbenga Akinnagbe), Beggar soon stages an attack that leaves most of the Biloxi crew dead. Charlie teams up with Rollo's ex Marcie (Morenca Baccarin) to find some evidence on Beggar he'd stashed away in order to take down Beggar and avenge his crew.

Fast Charlie is an adaptation of the 2001 crime novel Gun Monkeys by Victor Gischler. Attempts had been made as far back as 2009 to adapt the novel to film when director Ryuhei Kitamura was slated to direct from a script by Lee Goldberg, but fell into development hell until producer Dan Grodnik acquired the project and resurrected it as a directing vehicle for Phillip Noyce with Richard Wenk of the Denzel Washington Equalizer films writing the script. Now unceremoniously released to on-demand, one would be forgiven for thinking this was throwaway action fodder built around a name cast. While Fast Charlie does hit upon many of the touchstones of the hitman adjacent action genre, it has a solid against type performance from Brosnan and a setting that distinguishes it from the more typical urban settings of this type of film.

While I had reservations about Pierce Brosnan playing a southern Fixer for the Biloxi mafia, he does a pretty good job of taking on the accent and for the most part I was able to buy Brosnan as a hard edged aging fixer for a low level criminal enterprise. Despite now being in his 70s Brosnan still exudes strong charisma and charm and handles himself well enough in the action beats that Phillip Noyce knows how to stage. While the movie does include romantic subtext between Morena Baccarin's Marcie and Brosnan's Charlie (complete with a noticeable if not overtly objectionable age gap) at least Marcie is able to hold her own as a reasonably compelling character. James Caan is decent as the aging mob boss Stan Mullen in his final role, but as the character is in the waning years of his life Caan doesn't really get to do much except act confused and the fact he seems like he's still central to the Biloxi mafia's operations is never really addressed in how this is all working and is nebulously defined at best.

This really goes into the biggest weakness of Fast Charlie in that it feels like its noir story isn't fully developed and squanders its unique setting for a conventional revenge narrative. While the movie's perfectly serviceable on that front, the movie's opening with its quirky characterization of a man named "Blade" who beheads a guy with a blasting cap loaded donut or the need to Identify an assassination target via a tattoo on his posterior feel like remnants from a quirkier more darkly comic material that Noyce and Wenk have decided to play more straight. I'll admit I don't know a lot about Victor Gischler, but from what I've seen it looks like he's known for adding humor to his crime stories and given Noyce is more known for straight action/thrillers with no comedy to his name I really have to wonder if Wenk and Noyce were the right team to tackle this material.

As a performance piece for Pierce Brosnan, his central performance as Charlie Swift makes the movie worth a one time viewing in my opinion (when it hits whatever streaming service you happen to already be a member of) and it has more ambition and personality than your average VOD action thriller of this type. With that said there's moments where the original quirkiness and absurdity of the original premise shine through and they feel somewhat at odds with the direction Noyce and Wenk wanted to take this material and story elements such as how the Biloxi mafia continues to operate with its head's declining faculties feel underdeveloped and could've served as a movie unto themselves. A decent enough time killer that feels like it could've been much more.
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Embracing Genre Tropes
cynvanity20 January 2024
What sets this film apart is its embrace of well-trodden genre tropes, turning them into an engaging Southern thriller set in the grittier parts of Biloxi, Mississippi and New Orleans, Louisiana. The movie's charm lies in its acknowledgment of familiar storylines while presenting them in a way that feels both comfortable and exciting. Brosnan's portrayal of Charlie is particularly noteworthy. He captures the essence of a man grappling with the decision to leave his dangerous life behind. His performance is filled with nuances that make Charlie more than just a typical hitman; he's a character with depth and relatable human conflicts. Every time this film got too emotional or to heavy, it was lightened with a well timed laugh and all of that was split up by really inventive action scenes. Some films are greater than the sum of their parts. This one certainly is.
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Gritty Realism
austinbarnettt5 February 2024
Wow, the level of gritty realism in this movie is something else. It's like they've stripped back the usual glamor of gangster flicks and shown us the raw, real-life stakes of living in the criminal underworld. Pierce Brosnan plays this weary hitman with such a grounded and gritty demeanor, it's a world away from the typical invincible action hero. The way the film portrays the world of mob dealings and fixers feels brutally honest - no sensationalizing, no glorifying. It's a deep dive into the murky waters of moral ambiguity, where every choice has weight and consequences. This film goes beyond just entertainment; it's a study in character and a portrayal of the harsh realities of a life in crime. If you're tired of the usual Hollywood sheen on crime stories, 'Fast Charlie' is a refreshing and compelling alternative that doesn't shy away from the truth.
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Below Average 'Kind of Crime Thriller'
bladefiller25 March 2024
"Fast Charlie" aims for a blend of crime thriller elements with dashes of humor but struggles to hit the mark. Featuring Pierce Brosnan as Charlie Swift, the film ventures into familiar territory, with Brosnan's character navigating the aftermath of a botched hit. Despite attempts at Southern charm and a storyline that seeks to inject wit and quirkiness, the execution falls short. The humor often feels forced, and the plot treads a predictable path without offering new twists or compelling character arcs. While the performances are solid, they're not enough to elevate the film beyond its genre clichés. Overall, "Fast Charlie" feels like a missed opportunity to refresh the crime thriller genre, leaving it as a forgettable experience.
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Underdog Gangster Story
leticiagoodmankopu11 February 2024
I was genuinely impressed by the underdog theme in 'Fast Charlie.' The film goes beyond the typical mob boss narrative, focusing instead on the little guys trying to survive in a cutthroat environment. Brosnan's character, Charlie, isn't your usual untouchable mobster; he's more relatable, with real struggles and a sense of vulnerability. You get to see the world of organized crime from a different perspective, one where loyalty and survival aren't always black and white. The way Charlie maneuvers through challenges makes you root for him despite the odds. It's refreshing to see a gangster movie that's not just about power and dominance but also about resilience and the human side of the criminal underworld. This underdog story adds depth and makes 'Fast Charlie' stand out.
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This Film Stumbles At Every Turn
fraytotter25 March 2024
"Fast Charlie" stumbles not just in its narrative execution but also in its technical aspects and character development, presenting a film that fails to captivate. The editing feels choppy, with transitions between scenes that are often jarring, disrupting any potential for building tension or emotional engagement. Cinematography, while competent, lacks the creativity or flair one might hope for in a film trying to blend genres, resulting in a visual experience that's unremarkable at best.

Character arcs feel underdeveloped, with motivations that are either too opaque or predictably cliché, preventing any real attachment to the characters. Despite a cast capable of delivering nuanced performances, the script doesn't provide the depth needed to explore their potential fully. The dialogue attempts to be sharp and witty but more often comes off as try-hard and unoriginal, leaving many interactions feeling awkward rather than engaging.

Moreover, the film's pacing is inconsistent, with a plot that meanders between key points, making it challenging to maintain interest. Action sequences, which could have been a saving grace, suffer from a lack of originality and excitement, feeling like a retread of better-executed scenes from previous films in the genre.

Ultimately, "Fast Charlie" presents as a disjointed effort, lacking cohesion in storytelling and technical execution. The film tries to wear too many hats, aiming to be both a crime drama and a comedic thriller but not fully committing to either, resulting in a forgettable cinematic experience that doesn't live up to its potential or its cast's talents.
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Nostalgic Throwback
uvz-544251 February 2024
Fast Charlie' hit me with a wave of nostalgia. Like a throwback to the classic action movies of the past but with a fresh twist. The film has this vintage vibe, from the choice of music to the way scenes are shot, reminiscent of old-school crime thrillers. Brosnan fits into this world seamlessly, almost like a nod to his earlier roles, or maybe standing on the shoulders of those roles. There's a familiarity in 'Fast Charlie' that brings back memories of sitting on the couch, watching action heroes take on the bad guys. Yet, it doesn't feel dated. The movie balances its nostalgic elements with contemporary themes and visuals, making it a unique blend of old and new. It's a film that can be appreciated by fans of classic action as well as newcomers to the genre.
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Better than the trailer advertises it to be
darkreignn14 January 2024
I find it very, very interesting that a large number of highly-rated reviews of "Fast Charlie" have been written by "users" (a.k.a, Chat GPT) who have only been members of the site for four weeks. What are the odds that people are coming out of the woodwork to rate this little flick 10 stars out of 10! It's almost like the studio started some sort of guerrilla marketing campaign to trick unsuspecting viewers into renting this movie for $5.99 due to the positive reviews. For better or for worse I was one of those unsuspecting viewers who only took a cursory glance at the scores before deciding to settle down for the night and watch this movie. And you know what? While half of the current reviews on IMDB may be written by artificial intelligence, they are actually doing "Fast Charlie" a disservice by advertising it that way because - coming from a real person - this movie isn't bad.

I watched the trailer for "Fast Charlie" a few weeks ago, being utterly convinced that it was just another old man action movie, akin to what Liam Neeson has been putting out for the past decade or so. Luckily for me, the trailer actually undersells this movie. "Fast Charlie" is an action film, but it's also a romance, a black comedy, and a vehicle for Pierce Brosnan to sport a southern accent while driving around New Orleans, hunting down those who did him wrong. It's a simple enough premise, but I couldn't help but enjoy both the setting and the character of Charlie Swift.

Pierce Brosnan is as charming as charming can be here as a somehow lovable hitman with a southern charm that manages to be somehow both unassuming and threatening. Charlie is a killer - no doubt about it - but one that has managed to maintain his humanity. So, it's fun to watch Charlie dispatch his enemies, but it's equally as fun to watch Charlie fall for one Marcie Kramer, played by the gorgeous Morena Baccarin. Pierce gives a multilayered performance that combines stone-cold killer with southern beau, and it works in a movie that plays itself seriously enough to convey the stakes but not so seriously that it comes across as the 100th "Taken" ripoff.

To its credit, "Fast Charlie" is trying to do something different - and it does, as this is not as straightforward of an action movie as the trailer portrays itself as being. Sure, Pierce does engage in a plethora of shootouts, but the film cares less about action and more about the interactions between the characters; luckily, this is a nice change of pace, as Pierce and Morena are pretty great in their roles and really entertaining to watch as they stomp around the southern U. S. The movie is also surprisingly funny, ensuring that viewers get moments of levity among the blood-soaked gunfights. However, as this is a low budget picture, keep your expectations in check: You're not going to get as high octane of an action film as you may expect, as everything is played slightly subdued here, most likely due to Brosnan's age. That said, "Fast Charlie" works very well for fans of Pierce, and for fans of lower budget action thrillers. This might not be the freshest or most innovative film, but it is certainly entertaining enough to warrant a viewing or two. And if you're a fan of Brosnan? Well then, you may have found one of your newest favorite films.
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Pierce Brosnan and James Caan starring together. I had to see that, but now I am disappointed...
imseeg9 December 2023
Pierce Brosnan (the former James Bond) and James Caan (The Godfather) have both rightfully earned their huge success in acting. But this movie is so cheaply made that it was one big disappointment to watch both those acting legends star in it.

The bad: it's made on a budget. And it really shows! Cheap looking photography. Mediocre supporting actors, who unfortunately get a lot of screentime.

But what's most disappointing is that this story is totally void of any real suspense or thrill. Not terribly bad, but quite uneventful and tedious...

NO action. NO suspense. NO good jokes. What's left?

I hope that Pierce Brosnan hasnt run on lower financial grounds, because I have seen him starring in several cheaply made B-movies lately which are just not worthy of his great stature as an actor.
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Pressure Creates Diamonds
berrybishope18 February 2024
I saw a Q&A of Fast Charlie, and i'm really buzzing. Learning that this film was shot in only five weeks is astonishing. It's a polished, high-quality production that you'd typically associate with a bigger budget. This revelation adds an incredible layer of respect for the cast and crew's achievement under such time constraints. It's remarkable how the pressure of a tight deadline seemed to fuel the creativity and efficiency of the team. The film's dynamic pace and compelling performances could very well be attributed to this urgency. "Fast Charlie" stands as a testament to the idea that sometimes, constraints and challenges can bring out the best in a creative team. It's a slick, well-executed thriller that showcases how time pressure can indeed be a catalyst for cinematic excellence.
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Hidden Gems
reginamateo13 February 2024
It's a real puzzle why films like Fast Charlie aren't made much anymore, or if they are, they're incredibly hard to find. This film hits a sweet spot with its well-executed action sequences and a storyline that, while familiar, is still engaging. Pierce Brosnan's performance as an aging hitman is awesome, and so different to what i've seen him do in the past. Bringing depth to a role that could easily have been one-dimensional.

The trend in cinema seems to have shifted towards blockbuster franchises or ultra-indie films, leaving little room for these kinds of mid-budget, character-driven action movies. They're not flashy enough to catch mainstream attention and not obscure enough to become cult hits. It's like you need to be a detective to hunt them down in the sea of content available today.

There's definitely a gap in the market for a streaming service dedicated to these hidden gems. Imagine a platform, maybe called "Hidden Gems," where you could find these underrated movies easily. It would be a treasure trove for film enthusiasts who crave the kind of solid storytelling and performances that "Fast Charlie" delivers but often gets lost in the shuffle of more prominent releases. A service like this could bring these overlooked films into the spotlight they deserve.
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... attractive septuagenarian still doing-gettin-it
bjarias8 December 2023
... typical of many Brosnan movies... slick-production and good looking younger women... always a 'Bond' of sorts, his movies kinda made for his persona... this one with a large body count and non stop action... fun-easy-viewing for most all of its ninety minute runtime

... slightly more than half of IMDb raters giving it a '10'.. it's good, just-not that good, he's just got a very loyal following liking his style... and it's really for what it is, a production without obvious flaws

... he keeps dreams flowing for older guys, now in his 70's working alongside attractive women in their 40's.. making it actually look possible, riding off into the sunset.
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The old man's still got it
milan_kovacevic-0411 December 2023
Overall average action flick. Pretty cliched, with a medium to low budget, bellow average pretty forward story. Yet, it has Brosnan in it, who still pulls it off to look badassed with a gun. He sells the part terrifically. Seems to be in a pretty good shape still. Movie is average paced, nice to watch and definitely a fiest for Brosnan fans. It has below 6 rating but I'm all fairness it is more of a 6.5. Definitely watch and do enjoy....

....oh and it's a last movie of James Caan ;)

...While watching this film you will keep thinking what were the producers thinking of getting rid of him as Bond. He was tailor made for the role...
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__Fast Charlie_ A Bumpy Ride with Potholes Galore_
anasslv9 December 2023
Rating: 1/10 I rated 2/10 for 007

Fast Charlie, starring Pierce Brosnan, is a cinematic disaster that left me questioning why I wasted precious time on this lackluster film. The story is an incoherent mess, with no clear direction or purpose. It's as if the writers threw a bunch of random scenes together and hoped it would somehow form a cohesive narrative.

The movie's biggest flaw is its complete lack of a coherent storyline. The plot meanders aimlessly, with no clear connection between scenes. It's as if the filmmakers themselves were unsure of what story they were trying to tell. Fast Charlie lacks any meaningful character development, leaving me detached and uninvested in the fate of the characters.

Can you explain how is it she give im the bag with the evidance in it to take care of it while he is trying to disable a band of nine and then the number 1 guy is the only one sweaty i mean AI couldn't generae a story this bad.

S*****it sorry but N Gooood It's bellow BAD

I really Like Pierce movies (007's, the November Man. The Thomas Crown Affair.... and many more.

Sorry to those who rated 10/10.
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Don't Call me Donut
nogodnomasters14 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Charlie Swift (Pierce Brosnan) describes himself as a concierge for the Biloxi mob. He works directly for Stan Mullen (James Caan-last film) whose memory is slipping badly and Charlie must care for him. Charlie picks up a guy named Blade (Brennan Keel Cook) because he stabs people. A man named Rollo is the target. Rather than stab Rollo, Blade decides he would use an exploding donut which removes Rollo's head making identification difficult. Charlie, our fixer, contacts his ex-wife Marcie Kramer (Morena Baccarin) to provide a means of identification. This was done as a favor to Marcano Beggar (Gbenga Akinnagbe) who runs the New Orleans chapter. Without warning, Beaggar's men put the hit on Stan and his crew. Charlie is out for revenge.

Pierce Brosnan does a better job as a southerner than Sean Connery did as a Russian submarine captain. This is your basic crime boss revenge type of film with a love story mixed in so the wives can watch it. The characters are colorful and at times comical making it easy to watch.

Guide: F-word. No sexy or nudity.
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Forgettable Charlie
matherl11 December 2023
"Fast Charlie" unfortunately falls short of delivering an engaging cinematic experience. The film features a noticeable age gap in the love story between Pierce Brosnan and Morena Baccarin, which is handled with a lack of sensitivity and depth. This element of the plot feels outdated and fails to add any meaningful dimension to their relationship.

Moreover, the film struggles significantly in the humor department. Despite having opportunities to inject wit or charm, it remains steadfastly serious, missing chances to lighten the mood or endear the characters to the audience. This absence of humor makes the movie feel heavier and less enjoyable than it could have been.

Another major drawback of "Fast Charlie" is its lack of originality. The plot treads familiar ground, relying on tired and predictable storylines that offer little in the way of surprise or innovation. The narrative feels like a rehash of numerous other action movies, lacking a unique voice or a new perspective to distinguish it from its predecessors.

In conclusion, "Fast Charlie" is a disappointing effort that suffers from an awkward age-gap romance, a serious lack of humor, and an all-too-familiar plot. The film fails to captivate or provide a fresh take on the genre, making it a forgettable addition to Pierce Brosnan's filmography.
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Old Fashioned, New School Classic.
got_coolests11 January 2024
This was pretty wild. This action-packed thriller follows Charlie Swift (played by the ever-suave Pierce Brosnan), a retired mob fixer who's pulled back into the game for one last job.

The movie has its fair share of twists and turns, keeping you on the edge of your seat as Charlie navigates his way through dangerous situations and double-crosses. The action scenes are well-choreographed and the pacing is just right, making for an engaging watch.

One thing that really stands out is the chemistry between Charlie and his partner-in-crime, Marcie (played by Morena Baccarin). Their banter adds some much-needed levity to the film, and their relationship feels genuine. James Caan is as good as ever, who'd have thought he'd pass so soon after.

The best way to describe this fiml is an old fashioned, new school classic.
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Mid-decent, lukewarm action, half-baked story
harshlohaan9 December 2023
It was mid-decent, mob world wasn't portrayed nearly as realistic it didn't make a formidable impact but okay. I wasted my time probably but it didn't suck big time like those B-grade movies that make you yawn after 20min in with a cringey feeling on your face, it held itself with good enough flow. Nice punchlines by Brosnan, good to see he can act better than most actors still at the same age. Lukewarm action film with handful exciting moments, nothing more than a tea-time film you play because you couldn't find anything better, even the inside-car scenes felt like they were shot in a studio rather than in an actual moving car (character outline was easy to notice for me at least but concealed well).

I wanted to give it 5.9 honestly because I didn't feel entertained like I do after watching many of those 6/10 good flicks, I rather felt like I maybe wasted my time getting over excited seeing Pierce Brosnan in lead. But like I said earlier it wasn't 'too' bad so I can be little generous here and push the rating to whole 6. Just keep your expectations low folks if you watch this. Cheers!
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Not bad, not great.
plumber_sliver21 February 2024
Don't know why I clicked this to watch, not disappointed that I did, not happy that I did either. That sums up my feelings pretty succinctly.

The story seems interesting enough. The cast is stellar. The writer has done a couple of good movies. The director has done some great ones. All of these things suggest a knockout film. But alas... The story meanders along. I didn't believe the love story. Was it even meant to be a love story? If you find this on TV or free on a streaming platform and just want to mindlessly watch something, this is for you but if you want to feel emotions, have thoughts or anything remotely in between, look elsewhere!.!.!
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deon-2416 December 2023
As mercurial and suave as ever, Pierce Brosnan sails through this movie with all his old charm from his heydays, although slightly stiffer in the joints here and there. He still has it all - the charm, the calm, the cool and the comedy. The Bond in him will never die and the allure of his secret service persona is what drives his audience for more

What a nice surprise to see Deadpool's wife in such a convincing role here as Marcie the taxidermist. Great to see Morena Baccarin's calming effect on the storyline and keeping some suspense on the griller. The two leads balanced and played off one another superbly in this movie

As for the rest, it is the normal action packed killing-off-the-baddies, but done in a professional Bond way... not the gory mass demolition of gangsters we sometimes see. Also with a good dash of humor, which drowns out any possible unwanted gore, but the little gore that is there is mostly a chuckle and a grin

As for getting on, Pierce Brosnan as the senior lead in the movie somehow bows to a 100-year old James Caan in his last movie before his death, which was a bit strange...... Charlie's presence in the movie is strong enough to draw the audience into a dominant and commanding lead.... not needing a superseding role. RIP Mr Caan

On another note : WHY can producers and directors not leave (foreign) actors to be themselves. Naturally. If you want someone to have an accent like the Deep South, then get an actor from there. You cannot take a (British) actor and make the sound like a Boloxian! It is terrible. The worst one I think was Daniel Craig as a Texan in Knives Out. THAT was bad

Back to Charlie : fun, light hearted, pacey and entertaining. Good action with a surreptitious streak, some tongue-in-cheek chuckles and good for an evening's watch. Can pass for a 7/10 without the nostalgia.
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Pierce still Fierce
FixedYourEnding11 December 2023
Can Pierce Brosnan still put it off? Well, in short - yes. He managed to pull of a character that is seasoned, but not geriatric. His chemistry with the supporting actress Morena Baccarin is quite good, although writers had to work around the age difference they managed to pull it off quite successfully.

"Fast Charlie" is about an aging fixer, Charlie Swift, that did not even lose one beat of professionalism and has to deal with a rival gang that is trying to take over the "old gang" territory, complete with loyal and betraying characters alongside the unavoidable romance.

I also like the humor in this film, or rather I should say - sarcasm. I would not color this film as comedy, but it does take itself lightly in a few different spots, which is a nice touch. It makes it into a very enjoyable crime / action feature to pass an evening with, but a restart of James Bond series - it is not.

My biggest grime with this movie is near the end at the final showdown that was a bit anticlimactic and made little sense. My exact score: 68 / 100, Guide: Mild violence, several bloody scenes, no nudity, no cuss-words.
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