Black Adam (2022) Poster


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Pretty Bad
pc9518 December 2022
Large budgeted and badly disjointed, "Black Adam" belongs in the poor category with the likes of "Justice League" and "Superman vs Batman". The story is hackneyed, and the dialog is eye-rolling with terrible worn out humor. It feels like a bad imitation of better Marvel movies. Its too bad as there are some good costume and character designs. I don't think a an ancient awakened god would be spouting out sarcasm of today hipsters. It is better than WonderWoman 1984, but that's not saying too much. Alot of actoin scenes with not much to show for it, I'd give this one a miss and rate it a low 5/10.
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Fun entertaining anti-hero DC movie starring Dwayne Johnson; Pierce Brosnan shines as Doctor Fate
ObsessiveCinemaDisorder28 October 2022
While Black Adam isn't a groundbreaking top-tier superhero film, it is an entertaining superhero movie that makes it up with the charm from star Dwayne Johnson as an anti-hero and guilty pleasures including non-stop action, irreverent humor and a high kill count.

Dwayne Johnson carves out his own superhero niche with his anti-hero, a concept which the film wholeheartedly commits to. People die in this movie. My mouth dropped at Black Adam's kill count. As the numbers increased, the movie set itself in a tonal sweet spot that Marvel won't go near and Sony hasn't quite achieved with its Spider-Man villain films. What Black Adam does is downright wrong, but it's entertaining as heck to watch it play out.

The current culture has become so comic book literate where the story can just introduce a superhero team, the Justice Society of America, without any introduction. You get to know this team in the midst of the action, wondering about their origin stories or how they got their powers. It works, despite being overly stuffed.

Pierce Brosnan as Doctor Fate is quite the scene-stealer, providing gravitas that grounds the conflict at hand and adds another level of seriousness. He's a fascinating character. I hope for a Doctor Fate solo movie with Pierce Brosnan.

Aldis Hodge's Hawkman is a great straight man to Dwayne's Black Adam. The heart of the movie comes from the moral argument between them. One character wholeheartedly believes in killing and the other is completely opposed to it. To quote the Dark Knight, this battle of wills is an unstoppable force meeting an unmovable object.

In essence, Hawkman sets up for Dwayne Johnson to be Black Adam. The character doesn't want to back one step from his principles and just doesn't give a rats. It's the best part of the film and often hilarious.

The villain was not memorable and was just a big baddie for The Rock to fight in the climax. That said, this villain is no worse than the standard Marvel villain in an origin story.

In conclusion, Black Adam is a fun movie for a one-time watch. I enjoyed it with my inner Simpsons Comic Book Guy turned off and had a good time.

I suspect I won't have the first time experience on a second watch. The seams would crack. I would see that the young JSA members were cast to appeal to the teen demographic and a boy was placed at the center of the story to appeal to children, and the fact that the same boy does a voice-over in the opening credits is odd. On a second watch, I would realize it was all a bit silly.

Dwayne Johnson claims Black Adam as the mark of a new era for DC. The film does feel like a rechristening of the DC universe in a soft reboot type way. Now, the plan seems to be moving away from the Walter Hamada era. It always seemed weird to me how Hamada diverted from Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman stories and just focused on side characters and Elseworld projects.

I am glad plans are being made to get the DCEU going again. Dwayne Johnson bringing back Henry Cavill's Superman back to the DCEU is a great marketing idea that will guarantee butts in seats, even though it's hard to picture Dwayne Johnson as a star and producer willingly losing the fight.
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Bland Adam
MackMonMay8710 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Black Adam is possibly one of the most generic superhero movies ever made. In a year that also gave us Morbius, that's quite a statement to make, but true. For me, Black Adam sits somewhere between being better than Morbius and Love&Thunder, but far from good.

Like many of the DCEU movies, it doesn't set up the characters properly or give us the core reasons we should care about these characters and what their theme is. The Rock's likability and natural charisma and charm is wasted on such a serious, dour character like Black Adam. You can sense the restraint The Rock is using to make Black Adam more ominous and less relatable than his typical schtick, and it makes the character feel clunky as a result.

Physically, The Rock is perfectly cast and I've said for many years he should play a comic character. He's one of the few major actors that doesn't need to train at all for the role of a superhero and can show up on-set ready to play the part the day-of. But the physical side can only go so far, and there's moments where The Rock tries to batner with some of the side-characters, but still trying to embody the seriousness of Black Adam, and it just comes off as awkward. Overall, this character just doesn't work for him, and a more standard heroic role with more potential for comedy would've been a better fit.

The other heroes introduced, The Justice Society, are for the most part as flat and ineffective as Black Adam himself. It really does seem like Black Adam and the rest of the Justice Society should've been introduced in a previous DCEU project. They have the most ridiculously undercooked plan from a group of superheroes I've seen in a long time, and while the movie tries to hint at self-awareness of this through dialogue, that still doesn't make what they're actually doing with the story good. It really more makes the Justice Society look like clowns. Pierce Brosnan is the best performance in the movie, to nobody's surprise, but even then we get so little of why we should care about the JS and who their characters are. I have to give a mention to Cyclone being arguably the most worthless character in a superhero movie ever. Her tactic against Black Adam, a being as strong as Superman, is to toss pipes at him with the wind, and she contributes more or less nothing the rest of the movie.

The movie tries to sell Black Adam as an anti-hero, and tries to make attempts at a sort of moral grey-area, but it falls flat. Intergang, the force invading Khandaq, is objectively evil without any redeeming reason to be there, so when Black Adam kills them, there's not really a sense of shock or any moral deliberation. They're remorseless scumbags conquering a country for their resources (Eternium, not only seeming like a blatant rip-off of Black Panther regardless of whichever came first in the comics, but also the most poorly named fictional material since Unobtanium in Avatar), so aside from the act of murder itself, which they bring on themselves by attempting to mortally kill Black Adam, there's really not much of a moral quandary here. Nothing Black Adam does in the movie embodies the "anti" part of being an anti-hero. His actions never lead to an innocent person dying or even getting slightly hurt. This is the kind of content missing from something like Black Adam, that could actually drive a sense of consequence and drama, stuff like that is supposed to be the foundation of comic book stories, but they shy away from taking the story there and attempting to tell us who the characters are through goofy dialogue rather than actions.

To contrast with Black Adam, look at another former WWE-star in a DC production: John Cena as Peacemaker from his own show with the same name and '21's The Suicide Squad. Peacemaker actually does hold morally questionable views, is introduced to us as a criminal psychopath, and is blatantly antagonistic to the lead character. In his own show, he grows from these aspects of character and becomes less sociopathic, which is interesting to watch. The main difference there is that The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker had the involvement of James Gunn, who actually knows how to craft oddball characters with a sense of love and a way of making even the weirdest characters endearing.

Black Adam shows that after all this time, even with some successes in recent years, the DCEU still doesn't consistently know how to craft interesting characters that feel at least somewhat fleshed out in an inter-connected universe. Everything about Black Adam feels as if a machine was given all the typical elements of a modern superhero movie and made to produce one, without any of the heart or regard to character, or what makes the genre really work. It's good enough to not be awful, but not good enough to be memorable.
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A fun and action packed superhero journey.
pap-0590019 October 2022
Black Adam is everything anyone hoped it was really. Its a fun and thrilling action packed superhero movie.

Dwyane Jhonson plays a somewhat stoic antihero and is elevated by his cast mainly the actors for Hawkman and Dr Fate who are the standout in this movie. Though i would have liked to seen more of Atom Smasher and Cyclone because theyre barely in the movie. The mythos of Black Adam is something most people will find interestig as well. And the film does a good job of introducing new characters and places and overall expanding the DCEU.

So did the heiracrchy in DC universe change? Well kinda. This film may be fun and pretty violent at times. And I can see it doing really well in the box office. The critics are most probably not gonna like this movie as it is a bit messy at times and the stoic performance by the ROCK may not be the cup of tea for everyone. But for an average joe who doesnt keep up with their daily cup of critical pretentiousness, and just wants to spend some time watching badass superheroes being badass. This is the film for you.

Its no 'Batman Begins' but it never wants to be. Fun but flawed is the best description i can give it. I really enjoyed it. And most people will certainly do aswell.

And also, stay for the post credits. You wont be disappointed.
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Never seen a movie so bad that I still enjoyed...
parksiet23 October 2022
No, the hierarchy of power in the DC universe did not change with the introduction of "Black Adam". This was a very mediocre film, and felt like a very colour by numbers superhero film, designed and tested to please as many audiences as possible. Meaning it plays it safe and doesn't take any risks. But I enjoyed it, it's a very entertaining watch with lots of huge setpieces! In fact, once it gets going it doesn't stop... it's a non-stop, action-packed thrill ride! It's only problem - it's so average; something we've seen a million times before. It almost left me feeling a bit of superhero fatigue, as everything just felt recycled. I kept waiting for it to do something fresh and new, and while there were a few good moments, overall the movie was incredibly predictable. I even had moments wishing the action would slow down so we could get another dialogue scene or something that would flesh out the characters more. The script just isn't great, frankly. But it's still a good time. I think of it like this; Black Adam is a bad movie held together by some AWESOME moments!

So let's get these negatives out of the way. The script is extremely weak and very predictable, heck the trailers even spoiled a "twist" near the middle of the film. It's not hard to figure out what the movie is doing, especially for those of us who've seen a lot of these superhero movies over the years. It doesn't try all that hard to keep eventual reveals hidden, as it's more focused on giving its protagonist the flashiest, most murder-filled debut in the DCEU (even though I would look to "The Suicide Squad" for that). It really felt like the creative team saw Black Adam being an anti-hero as an excuse to let them have the character kill everyone. It felt so overplayed and obnoxious, like they were trying to say "see look how brutal we can make this" without actually earning the audience's investment. The scenes where Black Adam just goes around dominating everyone just felt empty, like sure it was cool to see him be so powerful and instantly kill people, but it took all the tension out of the scenes. It felt like they were beating me over the head with "look how powerful and ruthless he is". The novelty of it wore off very quickly too, so thank god the film introduces the Justice Society pretty quick! They did make the smart choice of making this equal parts a Justice Society film as they did a Black Adam film, and I gotta say while I did find the character of Black Adam quite interesting, it was the Justice Society (mainly Hawkman and Doctor Fate) that I loved!

It's when the Justice Society comes in that the movie remembers how fun exciting superhero stories can be. I enjoyed their part in the story the most, and instantly loved the characters. Pierce Brosnan's Doctor Fate was awesome, it was so cool to see Brosnan in a superhero role. He did feel a little reminiscent of a certain Marvel Doctor, but that's okay because they both have some COOL scenes; Fate had some of the most memorable in the film! Hawkman was also pretty badass, I really hope to see these characters again! And I gotta say, I did love Dwayne Johnson as Black Adam. He suits the role very well and I'd love to see this iteration of the character return. I'm just not sure how I feel about him in this movie. It makes him look cool and all, and Johnson's physique is perfect for the character, but he had almost no story. Like they introduced his backstory and everything, but once the movie got going it never stopped to examine his character; we never understood how he felt about anything, which made him just come across as an uncharming sociopath. This is especially unusual for Johnson, as we all know how undeniably charismatic he can be, and he just isn't here. But damn he sure is magnetic and does command the screen with his hulking form and brooding looks. The only cast members I didn't like, and this was more because of the way their characters were written, were Adrianna and her son. They really did not work for me and made some really dumb decisions throughout the movie, and had some very cringey scenes. But luckily that was only a minor part! There was some cool cameos too, surprisingly from James Gunn's "The Suicide Squad" and of course a certain cast member from "Shazam!". I did love these little connections- it's nice to see the DCEU try to be interconnected again! And the "Shazam!" stuff was awesome, it showed some things I wished we got to see in that movie! And how could I forget... There was one other cameo I did really love. It's definitely the worst kept secret in Hollywood... but made for an awesome end credit scene and made this fan very happy!

The filmmaking here is abysmal. Jaume Collet-Serra has never made a great movie, instead making B-level movies at the studio level... and this might just be proof he is not capable of directing films of this scale. He makes every moment feel mundane; from Black Adam going on a killing spree to the big fight between the JSA and Black Adam, these moments should feel engaging and cool, but instead just bored me, frankly. It feels like he is trying so hard to show spectacle, but he ultimately fails, making it all feel cheap and generic. I also couldn't stand the cinematography. It seems like they shot the film to look like Zack Snyder's "300", with bland colours and lots and lots of annoying slo-mo. At least the CGI was good! There were some moments that had their flaws, but overall this movie has some awesome CGI (and a seemingly obligatory CGI filled 3rd act). Don't even get me started on the truly awful sound mix, it just felt like sound was being blared in my face for 2 hours and I couldn't discern what I was hearing. It just sounded messy. The score isn't memorable, instead it just sounds like a jumble of notes and digital instrumentation, it has no emotional core to the music and it is just noise. Even the dialogue is not mixed well, but that's okay because the dialogue is horrendous anyways.

So why, after all that complaining, did I ultimately enjoy myself while watching? Well, because it has enough cool moments that I came out satisfied. I have never seen a movie so bad that I still enjoyed this much. It's remarkable how well a few moments and ideas can make for an enjoyable viewing experience. The disappointing part of this is, if only they put the good moments together in better ways this could have been an awesome film, but instead it misses so many opportunities. There was one moment that really stands out to me because it made me want to cheer however, and that was the awesome reference to "The Good, The Bad and the Ugly", I feel like many superhero fans will miss that reference, but for me as a cinephile that scene quickly became my favourite in the film! The film felt like it was made in the 90s, before the MCU, before X-Men, before superhero flicks became popular back when they were still trying to figure them out, it was just all over the place. And it also happened to be pretty derivative of other films- "Avatar", "Black Panther" and "Captain America: The First Avenger" especially. But despite all my issues I have with this film - and I have many - it somehow still managed to entertain me and leave me satisfied by the time it was over (possibly because of the awesome end-credit scene). It was kind of like "Venom"... just some mindless superhero fun! I wish it was a better movie because it did have some awesome elements, but as a film it ultimately fails. I would like to see more of Dwayne Johnson's "Black Adam", especially in a potential "Black Adam v. Superman" movie he keeps talking about! With some improvements, it could be a much better movie than this, while still being entertaining!
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I was shocked by how much I disliked Black Adam.
cricketbat21 October 2022
I was shocked by how much I disliked Black Adam. I didn't really have any expectations for this movie, as the only real knowledge I have about the character comes from the Injustice video game series. However, Black Adam takes all the elements of bad superhero flicks and crams them into one loud & messy movie. While it does have some exciting action sequences, it also had too many characters, not enough backstory, heavy-handed messages, bad acting, forced humor, sloppy editing, awful dubbing, and an overreliance on CGI. I spent the first half of the movie confused, and the second half annoyed.
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It was surprisingly fun!
john_ting_li19 October 2022
I had no knowledge about Black Adam prior to seeing the movie, haven't watched the latest trailers nor had any high expectations before going to the movie.

But wow, I was oh boy taken by surprise by the movie!

Okay, it's not the best super hero movie out there and doesn't have an overwhelmingly deep story. But it doesn't try to be that either.

It was fun, enjoyable, fights where amazing, soundtrack was great, just a well-made hero movie where you can see superhumans dish out in fight!

And considering the quality of the MCU we have received recently, I would definitely recommend this one to avid super hero fans!
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It's okay
PaperCoffins19 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Just an average superhero movie with a 2005 vibe which was odd but let me tell you . Dr.fate is so fricken cool , best choice d.c had . They should've called it black rock because all you see is Dwayne roided up acting like Dwayne . Action is non stop pretty much so it doesn't fail on that part . Story is kinda meh , typical dc writing . Atom , well there's going to be a lot of comparisons to Deadpool per say . It's a fun popcorn movie check it out, expecially for the casuals who don't know much about black Adam . I think the comic nerds might not like a lot of it but that's okay . This movie is not for everyone but if you're looking for a good time , this movie definitely hits that spot.
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Black Adam: Pretty much spot on what I expected
Platypuschow18 April 2024

Nearly 5,000 years after he was bestowed with the almighty powers of the Egyptian gods--and imprisoned just as quickly--Black Adam is freed from his earthly tomb, ready to unleash his unique form of justice on the modern world.


Dwayne Johnson fronts in a very uninspired performance, Quintessa Swindell entertains, Aldis Hodge, Pierce Brosnan and then Henry Winkler has a bizarre cameo appearance as well.


I recognize that the MCU has arguably stalled to a degree but the DCU, did it ever really get started? Black Adam is yet another dire contribution that doesn't feel connected to this "Universe" they've created and feels like a mid 90's standalone superhero movie complete with every cliche, weak humor, a CGI bad guy, generic faceless cgi minions and just brings absolutely nothing to the table.

The kid is deeply annoying, the cast feel like they're there for the payday and the payday alone, bringing a charismatic individual like the Rock in to play a practically stoic role was baffling and blast why does it bother me so much that they didn't give Black Adam hair?! It shouldn't bother me but it does oddly.

Black Adam is the definition of a big dumb cgi laden throwaway film and just the latest example of why the DCU consistently fails to entertain.


Did the DCU ever really stand a chance?

  • They were competing against the vastly superior MCU
  • They cast people who just weren't committed to the long term project
  • Multiple backstage dramas and controversies
  • Sketchy inconsistent writing and simply too many unengaging movies

The Good

Quintessa Swindell

The Bad

Weak performances Couldn't be any more uninspired Weirdly boring for such an action packed movie Just feels "Throwaway" Johnson doesn't even try here That kid, SO annoying.
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It's been awhile Since a Movie is not Rushed and Still Enjoyable. "BLACK ADAM"
nabeel-4085119 October 2022
It was Great from DC to not show every scene in the Trailer. Movie is packed with action and there are tons of sequences which are not rushed in my opinion. ROCK is ROCK and he did Great Black Adam. Movie had good moments with humor but it did not turned out to be a comedy film or the theme got lighter in any sense. Hawkeye and Fate were really good, others were okay but these two are actually the ACE in the team. I would only suggest anyone who is going to watch this movie. Don't compare it with anything else. Black Adam is its own movie. We have not seen any other movie with Anti-hero theme besides the "Morbius" but these two cannot be compared. Black Adam is a an amazing movie and i hope the sequal to it come soon "Black Adam vs "
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Visually stunning DC film has lots of action violence, some laughs and an outstanding cast
Ra1nguy19 October 2022
Black Adam is the latest film in the DCEU, and boy, it packs a punch. Explosions, flying superheroes, magic, lightning and beautiful armour follows the Justice Society, and of course Black Adam.

The film centers around a god-like ancient human being who was gifted his powers in a time of darkness and enslavement. After being defeated and unseen for over a 5000 years, he returns, his goal being unknown. With the powers he has a group of superheroes, the Justice Society, deems him to be a threat, and performs an attempt to lock him up, unknown of the real danger.

It is better than people say. Although at first glance it seems to be a film simply made for the action and explosions, it does have a story, strong dialogues and character development. The visual effects are astonishing in every single way, and people who have watched Avengers: Endgame will love the visuals in this film.

My personal rating? A 10/10. My rating based on realism, plot and other factors? An 8 or a 9/10. If I'm going to be honest, the worst thing about this film was some unrealism like characters being able to survive a lot more than possible, and some being quite dumb in terms of their actions.

As for my conclusion: Black Adam is a great, visually wonderful film with lots of action violence and lovable characters. Watch it in the cinema for a lifetime experience.
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Really fun superhero movie
masonsaul22 October 2022
Black Adam certainly has its problems, from it's generic third act (are we really still doing sky beams), terrible villain and very hit and miss humour, however it's still a really fun superhero film thanks to some solid explorations of morality, brief deeper meaning and some ridiculously entertaining superhero fights.

Dwayne Johnson gives a great lead performance, restraining his trademark charisma to give a more sombre performance that works. Quintessa Swindell and Noah Centineo have charming chemistry and are both likeable which makes up for their characters lack of depth or development.

However, it's Pierce Brosnan as Doctor Fate who is definitely the standout with superb dry wit and suave screen presence as well as a surprisingly earnest bond with Aldis Hodge's Hawkman whose stoic and commanding performance makes him inspired casting.

Juame Collet-Serra's direction is really good, it lacks an overall voice but makes up for it with plenty of stylish slow motion, needle drops and dynamic camera work. The CG is mostly solid with a fair few weak spots and the music by Lorne Balfe is also really good, extremely epic and operatic in the ways that make everything way more enjoyable.
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A disappointing film
stsorrell18 December 2022
While Dr Fate may have been introduced first in print, for those of us who aren't followers of the comics, Dr Strange is the sorcerer that we identify more with, simply because we got to see him first and certainly with more depth. Everything about Black Adam felt like a low budget remake of Marvel characters. Hawkman even looked similar to Anthony Mackey. Atom Smasher was far too much like Ant Man. Hawkman's compound might as well been Dr Xavier's home for the X Men, complete with the aircraft rising from the front lawn.

Like so many others have reviewed, the Justice Society was simply thrown at us as if we were to already understand who they were. There was no character building whatsoever, other than a one or two sentence dialog that tried to briefly explain how they came to be superheroes. It was extremely rushed.

As for Black Adam...I usually like Dwayne Johnson's films, but in this one, he was stiff and wooden. The other characters...of course Dr Fate was a standout, but it was as if the writers purposefully wanted us to hate Hawkman. His attitude and cockiness were unbearable, knowing that he would be easily defeated by the likes of Black Adam. Perhaps in my mind, I was comparing him to Marvel's Falcon and his much more personable and likable demeanor. Either way, I just wanted to see him get his ass kicked.

All things considered, I was simply underwhelmed. 2022 was not a good year for the superhero genre.
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Fast paced action and kinda fun
namob-4367322 October 2022
In the superhero movie genre I would rank this somewhere in the middle, which of course also means that this is a fantastic movie from a DC-perspective. DC have really been digging below the bottom of the barrel, and with only one exception every other single movie have been horrible.

This is not horrible. Actually this is kinda entertaining, it is fun, and the movie flies by in a very brisk pace. The more or less constant fighting is pretty great, and they even manage to get a few one-liners in there. Even the CGi is good (mostly), which can only mean that DC finally got rid of their awful special effects team.

But this is not really great either. This is a very single-minded kind of movie. Evil bla bla bla curse lots of slow-mo accompanied by superhero bombastic music and lots of crashing buildings, lots of disposable henchmen. Sure there is a underlaying theme of "who is really a hero?" and a few tiny tidbits of story, but mainly this is like a huge wrestling match with pretty unpretentious smashing. Since everything move so quickly we also have no time to breath or get to know these characters. I wish there was 20min more with some background stories, but nah, smash more, blow up more stuff, woosh, blam, slam.

If you have no intention of seeing anything but a big long slugfest with a lot of CGi and you do not care about story or character development, then you are likely going to love this. From that perspective, and from a DC perspective, this movie is pretty good, almost great. But if you weigh in actual movie value such as script, characters, and storytelling well... then not so much.

I give this a 7/10 just because I was entertained and since I am happy to see a DC film that do not suck like a boring black hole. But to be honest that score is too generous. Worth the ticket price though; so I recommend!
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Just fine!
Batsy150119 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I think the movie was fine. Actually, it was pretty messy in a lot of ways. The villain was quite lacking in depth, and the pacing was too fast, making some scenes quite chaotic. The characters' development was okay for Black Adam and the JSA, but the boy that has a pretty large amount of screentime couldn't make me care about him, and I couldn't even remember his name. But just for the sound and visual aspects, Black Adam was completely worth enjoying; it was a visual and aural feast. The CGI battles were pretty insane, but also overwhelming sometimes. Overall, a 7 for me. Although Superman's appearance was fantastic, I think killing off Kent Nelson was a bad choice because he was definitely the highlight of the JSA team.
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Numb by the numbers AI-generated plot and concept
unsure-122 October 2022
There is little originality in this. No surprises. A few cringe moments. In other words, a typical Rock vehicle. Super-jarring to see any other parts of the universe stitched in as if they're supposed to fit (they don't). New characters introduced like we're supposed to know and love them already. The same Snyder-esque template (endless slow mo, dirty/dark palette). Dr. Fate copies literally every move from Dr. Strange. Hawkman annoying as hell with his bland brand of "leadership". And the villain, oh the villain...

It's like they used one of the new AI tools to auto-generate everything in this movie. It's as entertaining as masturbation. If that's your thing, cool.
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Laughably bad
StantonDrew17 November 2022
Was this script the result of a 5th grade class project?

It starts with some of the weakest, most contrived world-building I've seen. Moves to some appalling acting, from various children and bad guys especially. This gets compounded by some of the worst dialogue since George Lucas last wrote a screenplay.

And it just continues to get worse from there.

Now I usually enjoy the dumbest nonsense that Dwayne Johnson stars in. Even Skyscraper, Rampage & San Andreas were watchable, despite being dreadful movies. But there is no saving this one.

This latest poor effort from DC makes the most braindead Fast & Furious entry look like Shakespeare.

Looking at the director's previous credits it should come as no surprise that this movie is just plain bad.
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A good and fun superhero movie
ronaldfury19 October 2022
Just finished watching black adam. Cgi is so good and visual effects are flawless. Fights scenes are brutal and fun to watch. Action packed from start to finish. Aldis Hodge and Pierce Brosnan are phenomenal and the justice society of America makes it more fun and interesting(except cyclone). Hawkman,Black Adam are the badass in this film. Dwayne Johnson is really born to play this character and watch out for the mid credit scene!.

This is the movie for a great momentum for the future of DC universe.

At the negative side, villain is not intimidating and storyline is repetitive and there some cheesy scenes but overall this movie is a blast.

So excited for the future of dceu. 7.5/10.
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I just liked the black Adam film
migellepatterson22 October 2022
It was a good superhero film the best one of the year and very entertaining action scenes but plot storyline is lacking it did feel pretty edited and cut up the justice society was pretty weak and the main villian felt like he was just there, The rock Dwayne Johnson was great in this and pretty much inriched the character of Teth Adam hopefully the comics take up his lookness because Dwayne really does have a great look to him, I really hope DC WB does focus more on the main characters Henry cavill superman and Ben Affleck's batman they really need there own individual movies and at the sometimes introducing more new characters.
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Bleak Adam
Fluke_Skywalker6 January 2023
Black Adam is the cinematic equivalent of a tuneless marching band running endless circles around your increasingly throbbing head. The score is omnipresent and oppressive. The action frantic and relentless. The entire thing just keeps beating you over the head until you throw up your hands and surrender. And then it knocks you to the ground and starts kicking you. Ultimately whatever virtues it may have had are buried under the rubble from its nonstop assault on your senses. Watching this film was like boxing a 'roided up octopus.

And speaking of 'roided up, The Rock is the fulcrum of this mindless drivel, and with his relative charm buried deep beneath an ever-present and sweaty sneer, the film's only notable asset is extinguished. That the recently announced reboot of the DC Universe renders the entire affair utterly moot is simply the last shovelful of dirt on its grave.

From start to finish, Black Adam is an unpleasant experience. Bad script. Bad acting. Bad CGI. Bad movie.
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Black Adam Is Not Perfect But It's Still Great, It's Still Fun, It's Still Fascinating, It's Still Exciting, And I Enjoy The Hell Out Of It
HabibieHakim12320 October 2022
Black Adam is not without its flaws, but i still enjoy the hell out of it, the problem that i have with Black Adam is that i never really buy all the Kahndaq people 100%, in the end i only still buy half of it, but i still fine with it, it's not like their characters are terrible, it just most of the time they are doing just a poor performance except the actress who played the mom and probably Ishmael for the most part, at least i still got some of the laughs from one of them, some of the slower scene was sometimes misplaced including some of the flashback, and some nit picky here and there, the rest of Black Adam is an exciting comic book film that fills with a very impressive battle that also fills with dazzling visual and cool style, Black Adam himself played incredibly well by Dwayne Johnson, he was just unstoppable in the most badass way, Justice Society has just become one of my favorite superhero team specifically in movies, they are fun and they are great, Hawkman, Doctor Fate, Cyclone, and Atom Smasher all of them are a hit for me, i love every single one of them, though i do wish they have something more with Doctor Fate because i think Pierce Brosnan was just unbelievably good playing the characters, again at least we do still have that one moment, i would love to see Justice Society again in movie maybe even their own movie, i would also love to have a specifically Doctor Fate standalone or a prequel film, and last but not least, the main villain, i think the main villain is doing as fine as most of the hero in the movie, so overall Black Adam is a quite a fun ride, 2 hours did feel quite goes by, an exciting back and forth battle that fills with dazzling visual effect and style, great score, great sound, great performances for most of the cast, being the first original DCEU movie that release in theaters only since WW84, Black Adam is not perfect but it's still great, it's still fun, it's still fascinating, it's still exciting, and i enjoy the hell out of it.
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Unnaturally written with slight hint of entertainment
justinyap25 October 2022
Black Adam is poorly written and unnatural paced while packs with plot holes, cringey sequences, and weak side-character development. Short screentime between main character and side characters make it even more pointless and emotionless, and plenty of awkward acting from fast paced sequence cringes the mood throughout the film, However, the humour, action sequences and tone are slightly above average which makes the only positive aspects for the show. Meanwhile, The Rock nailed the character well and the whole film exceeded personal expectation making it sufficiently entertaining for a mere 2 hours.
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martinrobertson30048213 November 2022
I hoped "Black Adam" would be a decent entry in DC's recent output as its linked with "Shazam" which might be their best recent movie. But nope. Its another CGI filled dud.

On the plus side there is an effort put into the story and Dwayne Johnson and his rediculusly strong shoulders buldging from his costume are 100 percent real amongst all the boring CGI. But all the team building with rubbish characters no one cares about has already been DC's downfall with the justice league, Suicide squad and even that Harley Quinn movie. And it's takes up too much time here too.

There's not enough time dedicated to making us care about any of these minor characters and their random powers. Just action, action, action that doesn't matter when you don't care about anyone in the movie.

There's some decent gags in the movie I suppose. But overall its just alot of green screen and feels like your watching a computer game instead of a movie. It's more "Aquaman" than "Shazam." So if you liked that one you'll probably like this.
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Flawed but pretty good and mostly fun
FeastMode20 October 2022
I knew nothing of Black Adam going in so it was pretty cool to discover who he is and what he's about. This is a fast-paced and fun movie with some good action scenes. The musical score is great, and of course it's composed by beast Lorne Balfe who has become a star. I like the cast and was pretty happy with the 300-feel it gave me a few times.

This movie is also flawed. Not everything works. Much of the comedy doesn't hit. There is a bunch of basic dialogue. It's not a good sign when I can predict the next line multiple times.

There seems to be a LOT stolen from Marvel. I'm not a comic book guy and have no stakes in the Marvel vs DC debate. I don't know which of these characters were created first. But the four side-heroes are all analogous to Marvel characters we've already seen in movies for years. We have an Ant-man, a Doctor Strange, a Falcon and a Storm (sort of). I'll give them props for the last two possibly being cooler than their Marvel counterparts. But it wasn't just the characters, there were at least four moments that reminded me of something from a Marvel movie.

I tried not to let that factor into my feelings for the movie. And even with this slightly positive DC chapter, I continue to hope that DC can do better. I know they can. The Dark Knight trilogy is still GOAT and I love the first three movies after that. I really hope they can do better in the future. (1 viewing, opening Thursday UltraScreen 10/20/2022)
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Dwayne Johnson is playing The Rock
njbono-2137522 October 2022
I know so many will say I'm being picky but Dwayne Johnson shouldn't have been cast in this roll, honestly this is movie is to big for him.

His lines are so simplistic that I wonder if he can do more.

I honestly believe in a few years many will feel the same.

And he seems to pose in every scene wirh very limited motion for the most part.. it's just strange.

Ok as for the movie - its fun, some really great battle scenes and well directed. The story line is a bit odd at times, almost repetitive and the movie is 20mins too long. There are plenty of laughs, which were fun but I honestly think because DJ is the actor - it can't be so serious.

I'm starting to feel we are near the end of all these standard good vs evil super hero films done this way... very clean, simple plot, same formula. Yea Batman, Superman and a few others will survive because they tend to have a deeper plot. Look even Star Wars is getting warn out; same plot different actors.
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