A Bad Moms Christmas (2017) Poster

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Was it bad? Yes. Was it good? Yes.
Zi_Reviews_Movies15 November 2021
I'm frankly waiting for other releases and didn't want to re-watch the good ones, and that's how I landed on this. And in all honesty, I watched it for Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell, Christine Baranski, and Susan Sarandon. With a star-studded cast as such, I was a bit disappointed there weren't many laugh-out-loud moments, it did bring on a smile though. I'm guessing core-mom's might enjoy this as it seemed like a mellowed-down cross of Magic Mike XXL - Bad Moms and Daddy's Home.

It's not great for a Christmas watch but if you have nothing to do and want to watch something new without paying much attention to the screen, it is ideal for background noise and fluff. You will know the story even if you skip major junks. There's nothing new to be offered apart from some good chemistry between the cast. So if you're not going to pick the movie apart and don't care for a feel-good Christmas movie, give this one a shot.
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It had some good laughs.
gatorgus-8047930 April 2018
Mostly preposterous and stupid. But it had several laugh out loud moments. And a few touching moments, if you don't think about the absurd things that brought it that point.

It doesn't deserve 1s or 2s. Those are lazy scores.
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jgrovesward216 December 2018
I don't get the 1 star reviews. What exactly did you think you were going see? This was funny - lol at several points. If you don't like this kind of humor then why did you bother to even watch? I mean, damn, Kenny G!!
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So many montages!
sammyfinlay-9427217 November 2019
It pains me to say it with it cast, but it's rubbish - it is fun though. If you just take it for what it is, it's worth a couple of cheap laughs. If you're going to pick it apart, avoid it. Good one for quite night in or an easy watch with friends.
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Load of rubbish, but I enjoyed it.
Sleepin_Dragon4 November 2018
So here's the deal, this is definitely not a good movie, it isn't exactly well written, the jokes are old hat.... but, it is a Christmas movie, and if you're wrapping your presents, eaching a box of chocolates, and on your third glass of prosecco you'll probably enjoy it.

It's the usual format, the no good parent goes on a journey, they have bad times, a moment of anger, and a reconciliation where everything turns out wonderful, and they all set off on the yellow brick road. It is genuinely no deeper then that.

It does have a certain charm, and nice message, that Christmas is about family, not decorations.

I watch too much Family Guy, so when I blink or look away, I swear Meg's in the movie. Christine Baranski was the star of the show for me, great timing. 7/10
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Good actors, terrible movie
zezma18 November 2017
This movie consists of a boring story line with an unnecessary Christmas theme. While some of the actors gave me hope of this movie being watchable, you will only feel dread as it drags on and on without any memorable scenes and a bronze lining of generic nonsensical comedy. Nothing but a seasonal money grab, huge waste of time.
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Bad movie but still funny
tmcnurse3-606-2382113 February 2018
I couldn't help myself I laughed all the way through this movie, even though it was really bad. Unrealistic, raunchy, and overly done. Still, I laughed all the way through this movie. It's not Oscar winning material, but great for a few laughs.
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Pure debauchery
Brandon_Walker_Robinson30 October 2017
This movie is stupid and ludicrous, but a riot—gratuitous in its R-rated language and sexual content, and fully boasts its awesome cast in several outrageous ways. After feeling out our moms (Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell, Kathryn Hahn) in the first film, I really now see and understand how the unique characters bring out the most in one another, and it felt more organic as a result. The 104-minute run time felt just fine to me and not overlong, but there was one subplot of this film I still could have done without and did not add much to the story, and removing it would have brought it down to a tight 90 minutes.

The Christmas theme is integrated right into the plot and is a fresh way to pitch the sequel, and the grandmoms help induce the struggling relationships that one could find in a hard-hitting melodrama: one whose mom has unrealistic expectations for her daughter's motherhood, one who wants separative space between herself and her mom, and one who wants more closeness to her mom. It sounds very general, but when within the right framework (when not clouded by the film's foolishness) it hits as very real when it tries to. While the first film really felt to be "for moms" in that there is a general message that will make them feel important walking out of the theater, this sequel tries to deliver a similar thing with the grandmothers to a lesser effect.

Now that there are two comedy sequels releasing about parents' parents coming home for the Christmas holidays, the similarities stop there and audiences have a choice between seeing: men/women, naughty/nice, or crude/slapstick. I'd say for the appropriate age, A Bad Moms Christmas delivers on more fronts than Daddy's Home 2 (which I also saw a pre- screening for, by the way); regardless, prepare to turn off the "suspension of disbelief" switch and prepare for a decent abs workout. Neither the first film nor the sequel are anything special, but they also aren't a complete waste of time and money for how absurd they are.
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Stupid, but satisfying
reixin16 December 2020
This movie was trashy with mediocre writing... Yet I have no regrets watching it. I loved watching the cast engage in stupid debauchery. I laughed. I shed a tear. I got warm fuzzies. All in all it was a good time. It was more fun than your standard Hallmark Christmas movie.
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Now i know why IMDb removed it's Message Boards
TequilaMockingbird635 November 2017
BECAUSE PEOPLE WOULD TEAR THIS APART! I went to see this yesterday for some Christmas cheer and I got this piece of crap excuse for a holiday movie. This film was written by the two men behind The Hangover series. It revolves around Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell, and Kathryn Hahn and the arrival of their mothers Susan Sarandon, Cheryl Hines and Christine Baranski. ALL ACTRESS WHOM I ADORE! But the script was just stupid stupid stupid. NOT funny and the characters downright unlikable. I absolutely love the actress Kathryn Hahn but having her and her mom (Susan Sarandon) out in front of a store with a basket that says "Canned goods donations" where they proceed to aggressively STEAL GROCERIES from the bags of people who exit the store, open a bottle of wine and drink it in the parking lot makes them not only UNLIKEABLE but not funny and pathetic. Why in the HELL would I root for these characters?

And when Mila Kunis' character tears down the X-mas tree her mother put up with "ornaments from the Titanic" and destroys everything her mother did? The only thing I was thinking was "Wow what an A**hole". HATED THIS MOVIE and I'm sure the actresses who probably just needed a paycheck did too.

3 stars for the cast and the pretty set decorations.
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Laughted the whole way through
Jenpen3619 January 2019
Ok, I don't understand why people are giving this movie so many bad reviews. If they saw the first one then they should know what to expect. If you don't like these types of movies, don't watch. It's a simple as that. Was it a realistic version of what happens during Christmas, no but it's a freaking movie. I'd definitely watch it again. I actually thought it was funnier than the first one. Forget all the bad reviews and give it a chance !
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How am I missing all the so-called "awfulness"? ...
vandeman-scott22 August 2020
... Oh, because it isn't there!

People are rating this a 1 when the SHARKNADO series exists? I'm putting the bah-humbug reviews down to holiday depression and humorlessness compliments of stressful family dynamics. C'mon, people, cheer up. I'm not even a fan of comedies, and I enjoyed it.

PS -- It doesn't set women back even a minute. If anything, it underscores how much pressure we put women under during the holidays and how brilliantly they handle it compared to how men would.
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This film is, well, a Bummer, a real holiday letdown
2001ASOfan2 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As a huge fan of comedies that bring some laughs and escape to this world, and as a huge fan of well-known stars letting their hair down and having goofy fun in an R-rated, raunchy romp, I couldn't wait to see this sequel to "Bad Moms," which I mostly loved and have now watched multiple times. Adding Christine Baranski, Susan Sarandon, and Cheryl Hines to the original cast seemed like a perfect match--how could it go wrong? In my mind just letting this group of talented actors improvise on the same set would guarantee big laughs, especially with Kathryn Hahn sparking the mix. I went to a "paid advance screening" a week before it opened to the public, plunking down my bucks without any fear of first checking reviews--I was that sure it would be at the very least filled with some laugh-out-loud moments, and plenty of amusing ones, well worth my time and money. Imagine my surprise, and disappointment, to find that the film is loaded with tired clichés of mother-daughter relationship problems, with nothing fresh or funny to offer, old jokes and sitcom situations you've seen done (much) better dozens of times on most any TV family sitcom, and that the script is so poorly-written it truly would've been better to just give the actors an overview of what the film was about and let them improv the whole thing. Finally it ends, and you're left with an almost embarrassing dance/romp during the closing credits that is supposed to be a celebration of the "joy" of the film and its production and cast, with the actors having a bit of an on-screen dance party as the credits roll. Instead of feeling that (forced) joy, I left the theater depressed and saddened at the waste of money and talent, and the waste of my time and money as well. Easily, for me, one of the worst "comedies" I've ever seen--and I've seen hundreds over the decades and my lifetime.
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It must have taken them minutes to write this laughless, creepy movie, but, hey, Merry Christmas.
Zbigniew_Krycsiwiki30 November 2017
As I purchased the tickets​ for this one, I said, " Bad Mom's Christmas, although I'll probably regret it " Some girl standing in the line next to me said, " You won't regret it. Go for it. "

I wish I had run into her again, after the movie, just so I could tell her how much I regret it after all.

I was really, really annoyed by this movie, because we get this exact same movie every year. You know the routine: dysfunctional, extended family reunites for the holidays, personalities clash, hilarity ensues, they must put aside their differences, more hilarity ensues because PLOT. Regardless of what happens, we know there will be a dance routine in the penultimate​ scene, rounded up with a contrived, seemingly contractually obligated happy ending, again, because PLOT.

I didn't see the first film, and went to see this only because it was Thanksgiving, and I was on a binge watch at the cinema all day, catching up on recent releases I've missed ( this movie, followed by Daddy's Home 2, and The Man Who Invented Christmas, concluding with a rewatch of The Shining ) , and because Mila Kunis is still very attractive, and I'll admit, I was a bit unclear of the characters' names until about 30 minutes in. I was also unsure why hasn't 32 years old Mila stood up to her mother yet, rather than acting like a scared, timid child, every time her mother calls her fat, or undermines her in front of her family? that subplot is depressing and grating, while the clingy mom subplot was creepy as hell ( she has her grown daughter's face emblazoned on her sweaters, watches her having sex with her husband, tells her she has a variety of fatal diseases just for sympathy, and even * buys * the house next door to her, just to be near her! Boundaries, bitch! That's not funny, that's stalker material, but Merry Christmas. )

Random " celebrity " cameo: Kenny G., who has​ one funny line, after Mila Kunis tells him to take his flute and leave her home, he responds, " It's not a flute, bitch ... ! "

There's a huge, on-going argument between Mila and her mother's character, who wants to lavishly decorate her home for Christmas, while Mila wants a modest Christmas. Who cares? If the bitch wants to decorate her home lavishly, and AT HER OEN EXPENSE, who cares? Let Mila quietly tell her kids " We'll have​ a quite Christmas next year, but for now, let's just let her decorate, she's paying for everything "

One of the bad ( grand ) moms is named Isis, like the terrorist organisation. Seriously. That's the joke, and it's funny because movie.

They get drunk in a mall, at lunchtime, and take naughty photos with an elderly Santa, and again, it's funny because movie.

I face palmed so much when, in the penultimate scene, the Sexy Santa announced he was going to " express his feelings through dance ".

Random and disjointed, it's a series of barely connected vignettes, linked together only by cast, and quite frankly, this looks like it was only the first draft of the script, fleshed out with ad- libs, and dance routines.

If you absolutely * must * watch this, see if you can figure why the first two thirds of the story are told through flashback?
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It's fun
jacktrinder31 March 2018
Fun, enjoyable. Not amazing, made me laugh. Doesn't have to be too clever. Great film to watch while drinking at Christmas
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Presenting the WORST movie of the year!
handsome_devastation31 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Loved the original, paid to see it three times at a theater. This is (for me) the WORST film of the year. The characters, particularly Hahn and Sarandons are repugnant, repellent and even I am embarrassed for them. What a waste of a terrific cast! I laughed ONCE (a joke about Sarandon's characters name) and that was it. I was really looking forward to this, but sadly, it seems as if the first film was a fluke or just dumb luck that it turned out as well as it did. I love raunchy R rated comedy but this Bad Mom is one BAD MOTHAH! 1/10.
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Perfect light funny not pretentious Christmas movie
pierkarlezi23 May 2018
First of all I have read numerous comments criticizing this movie... anyone expected a master piece? Please, it's a perfect Sunday afernoon movie, I laughed my ass off... watch it you do not regret it
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Entertaining but lacking laughs and jokes that first film had.
cruise0112 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A Bad Moms Christmas may have fell into that comedy sequel flaw were the first movie was pure laughs and fun. And this sequel may have some moments were it can be funny, but overall it fell a little boring compared to the first movie. I enjoyed the first with Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell, and Kathryn Hahn playing mothers who are so overworked and unappreciated. They decide to take control of their own lives to have a little fun. Sure, there are some hilarious moments in this film. But it was not enough to carry the rest of the movie.

Amy (Mila Kunis), Kiki (Kristen Bell), and Carla (Kathryn Hahn) are under appreciated and overworked trying to get ready for Christmas. They all get surprised by their mothers visiting them for the holidays. Then, there comes the drama with Amy's mother being the high maintenance snob, Kiki's mother being too clingy and attached to her daughter still, and Carla's mother who is a dead beat and only sees the daughter when she needs something.

Straight to the point, Bad Moms Christmas had some fun laughable moments. A scene were Amy, Kiki, and Carla get a little drunk before they do some shopping at the mall. Kind of a familiar concept like the first movie, were they were trashing a grocery store. Also, a scene were they are at skyzone and playing dodgeball with their kids and their mothers also participated was also a lot of fun.

But the movie does fail with having a plot. It is all about mothers struggling through the holidays, and there mothers show up to either wreck there peaceful holiday or give them a little meaningful message about how to handle there own personal life.

There was a lot of moments were there was not many jokes or laughs happening. Especially, in the more dramatic moments when Amy and there mother part ways after a party that turned for a disaster in her house. And her mother and the other two mothers chat away about how they all mistreated their daughters.

Overall, Bad Moms Christmas is a bad film. It has some brief jokes and laughs. But not as good as the first film. Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell, and Kathryn Hahn were great but the script was lacking in a more fun plot and humor.

I rate the film 2.5 out of 5 stars. I recommend the film as a rental.
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Hilarious but some parts creepy! :)
hisgreeneyes23 December 2018
I wanted to read the reviews after seeing only 5.5 stars.

Here are my thoughts...

1) Parts of this movie is wildly inapproproate and creepy. If you don't find crude humor amusing... Do NOT watch this movie. Typically, I do not find it funny. However, there were parts that had me giggling. I found the last scene to be a bit much. Humping infront of children?

2) Walking in to treat the client as a sex object is defintley going to rub some of us that support the "Me too" movement the wrong way. Also, wildly inappropriate. Screams sexual harassment. And, made me uncomfortable.

3) Kenny G. calling Mila a B? Not a fan. I thought that really torched his character for me.

If you can get through all that, the movie is extremely overstretched in every way. But, humorous. Cliche' mom and daughter relationships? Sure. But, was able to make me laugh about my difficult relationship with my mother. I love both bad moms because it feels like what we all WANT to do sometimes. Day drink, act like children at a trampoline park, not be slaves to the holiday season.
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ssjewell1 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This was unquestionably the absolute worst movie I have ever spent my heard earned money on, and I have never wished for a refund so much in all my movie-going years. While I wanted to walk out after the first 15 minutes, I instead chose to continue to wait, thinking that at some point soon the movie would get better and be worthy of some words of praise or at least one commendation. However, by mid- movie it was clear that this movie was only spiraling from bad to worse, and I would have walked out had I not been accompanied by the friend who chose for us to see it. It was ridiculous from start to finish, and not the least bit funny. I was just beyond embarrassed for these otherwise noteworthy actors. Truly, it was so awful that I kept waiting for the movie theater people to jump out from behind the screen and say "Gotcha," and then start the real movie, but sadly, it was not to be.

SPOILER: The only redeeming moments in the movie were toward the end when the father explains the psychological forces driving the mother's controlling behavior and the touching apologies that ensued between mother and daughter in the church. The only funny line was at the end with Baranski calling the boyfriend Jesus. Do not waste your money on this disgusting movie from it's scripted, blasphemous lines out of the mouth of a sweet young child (OMFG) to the truly vile salon male waxing scene, to the raunchy dance at the end that no child should ever be made to sit through. Just. Plain. Awful.
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I don't care what anyone else says!
asamiblue119 May 2019
I don't care what anyone else says, this movie is super funny!! It cracked me up! It was silly, over the top, and still honest. Plus it made me laugh so much and so loud. My husband loved it too!!
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Not as good as the first one, but still good.
Kirsty251517 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I was so looking forward to seeing this movie. I really enjoyed Bad Moms. I thought it was hilarious. It was also really relatable for many Moms out there who have ever felt the pressure of being a "good parent".

Unfortunately, this movie just didn't live up to the first movie. It defiantly had the same heart-warming message to reassure all the Moms out there that they are doing a good job but there was not as many laughs as there was in last film. That being said there was a few scenes that made me chuckle. I especially loved the scene when they "Take back Christmas" at the mall and get drunk. It made meeting Santa fun. The sexy Santa competition and the fight between Kunis and Baranski was also pretty funny. I think the relationships between the Moms and their Moms are great. I'm pretty sure most of us would be able to relate to one of them.

The cast did really well with what they had to work with in terms of script. Hahn is hilarious in the delivery of her lines. She cracked me up with most of what she said. Kunis, Bell, Baranski, Sarandon and Hines are all brilliant and all play opposite each other amazingly. The chemistry between them really carries the films. I just don't think the script was a good as them.

Overall its worth a watch. It's a good Christmas movie that you can just sit back and enjoy, but don't expect it to blow you away.
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agnieszkaszypula6 November 2017
Do not waste your time! I am not writing often- usually when I have something nice to say but this time I have to! Film was ridiculous!It is not a comedy! It is not a family movie! It is hardly the drama! WHAT WAS THAT REALLY!!!!????? I went with my best friend to see this movie yesterday to get into Christmas spirit! OHH.....If only I could turn back time....such a waste- all of the great actors...I do not have idea why or why Susan Sarandon even wanted to be part of that sham!!??? One word- OK two- HUGE Disappointment!!!! Avoid!
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Setting back the gender a few thousand years
good-decision10 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
1- The trailer sums up all the funny bits in the movie, rest is epic crap 2- Horrendous acting 3- Brain numbing dialogue 4- Outlandish (like crazy ass outlandish not inspiring outlandish) incidents 5- Stuck up its own ass writing 6- A diarrhoea of events with no specific relation or logic

OK if that's too general for you, Carla (a very mediocre- looking middle aged woman with no education, career, wits, or any prospects of any nature) falls in love at first sight while staring at the massive penis of her fire-fighter stripper handsome heart-of-gold hunk who has a six pack, and obviously some sort or testicular condition because he does not flinch or even grimace as she waxed his balls. And he loves her back at first sight too because she "treated him like a human being not just a penis" (she didn't). Oh zo zweet! Does this part of the story go anywhere? No, why would it if the entire movie isn't going anywhere with any sort of story at all? If you're OK with this kind of bullshit, go watch it.

Every ten minutes, I wanted to shout "come on!" Stupid women, silly women, thirsty women, desperate women, crazy women. Chauvinism has no bounds!

I must add that I didn't pay to see this movie. I have an Odeon Card. I was one of three people in the cinema on a Friday night and one of them fell asleep mid- way. Enough said.
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talk to your mom!
fsmith-325496 November 2017
This movie was such fun! Even though my friend and I were both blessed with fabulous mothers, she and I have both known far too many girlfriends who have quite contentious relationships with moms who don't have a clue. This movie rang so true for us! Three modern-day moms are trying to do the best they can, with two being single moms. Their mothers all decide to come for the holidays - after all, who can deny family at that time of year? And, being good daughters, the young women try to be hospitable while their moms trample all over their daughters' plans. Hilarious fun for a girls' night out!
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