The First Purge (2018) Poster

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A painful way to spend your time
Leofwine_draca6 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
THE FIRST PURGE is a prequel to the popular trilogy that they really shouldn't have bothered with. As a prequel it's not of interest at all, because it doesn't add anything different other than having a new group of characters going through that lawless night. Bizarrely, this one turns out to be a blaxploitation feeling movie, with street gangs and psychos all over the place. The problem with it is that the writing is severely lacking, failing to offer the audience any likeable or identifiable characters throughout. There are a few good action scenes but generally this is a painful way to spend your time.
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Weakest of The Purge films, but it remains a flawed but fascinating franchise
a_chinn1 October 2018
This fourth installment in the fascinating, but flawed dystopian franchise, does succeed in begin exciting and never boring, but as with the prior films remains a disappointment considering the awesome and frightening premiss. However, in this film's favor, it does fill in some of the logic gaps of the previous films, answering some persistent lingering questions in this prequel of the first ever limited Purge on Staton Island, Are people really so depraved to go on killing rampages one day a year? How could the economy and crime rates improve as a result of a yearly purge? Who would benefit from such an event? Much is explained in this installment. The totalitarian New Founding Fathers need this first purge to be a success, so when the brown and poverty stricken residents of Staten Island don't riot and kill, they send in a Blackwater type of group to make sure there are plenty of killings in hopes of turning citizens against one another. When the leader of the Blackwater group is a dead ringer or Ronny Regan, it's not hard to guess where this film's politics lie and the filmmakers opinion of our current president and his divisive style of politics for personal enrichment (At one point, the heroine refers to one of her attackers as a "pussy-grabber," a pretty direct Trump reference.). As with the other films, this one follows a disparate group of folks trying to survive the 12-hour Purge, primarily an anti-purge activist and a community minded drug kingpin. The downside to this film is similar to the others, in that there is not a lot of character development and despite a strong film concept and story set-up, the film quickly devolves into a series of action set pieces. I found this to be the weakest of the series when it came to action and suspense, but it's likely the strongest when it comes to better fleshing out the politics and the logic behind the purge. I'm also disappointed that the series is straying pretty significantly from it's horror roots in the first film and is more and more becoming an urban action film series. The first two films did an excellent job of conveying the frightening anarchy of the purge (the first film was a straight-up horror home invasion story), but subsequent films has felt more action oriented. I much preferred the uncompromising horror of the first films, which seemed to delve more into the darkness of human nature, even if the logic of the purge was less intelligible. Series creator James DeMonaco is only the writer this time and leaves the directing duties to Gerard McMurray, who does a serviceable job, but this film felt less apocalyptic and less surreal than the prior films, somewhat to it's detriment. After having watched this film and having started watching the 10 episode TV event, I think The Purge series needs to either become more political (which this film did more so) or more focused on simply presenting interesting scenarios and chaos (which the TV show is doing more of), but I keep feeling like there's not enough of either in any of these films.
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Had Potential, Falls short
pcytoman4 July 2018
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Being a fan of the Purge movies, I felt this movie fell short of my expectations. The other Purge movies had political and social commentaries without being too overly blatant. The First Purge is just too obvious and dumb. To have militias dressed up as Klan members and Nazis is just almost bordering on parody. There were mixed social messages . For example , a drug dealer , who destroys his community and purges his competition , becomes the hero?

There were a few interesting scenes where participants were being psychologically evaluated. The action sequences were well shot. I actually cared about the lead female character who actually wanted to do the right thing. Unfortunately though, it wasn't enough for me. The Purge Anarchy is still my favorite one.
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Worst Purge movie out of all of them
DeepcavernImp24 July 2021
The characters are underdeveloped and the acting is bad, which made me indifferent whether they survived or not. There is no real suspense, only random action scenes. Lastly, the "scientific layer" they tried to add, and the stereotypes, are just insulting to the viewer.
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Really amusing movie.
gerben1884 August 2018
I haven't seen the original Purge movies. And because this is a prequel, I just went to see it having 0 expectations. This movie has some GREAT actors (which make you notice some terrible acting from others). Still an amazing concept for a movie and I just really enjoyed it. Heard some negative sounds here and there. But everyone's a critic these days and that probably stops them from turning off your brain and just enjoy a movie. If you haven't seen the others than go see it! It's just good fun.
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Sigh...what a waste of potential
aidanratesmovies31 January 2021
It's a dreadful bore, with poor writing, and an incredibly forced depiction of the Black side of this fictional movement. Everything the film tries to start anew feels so out of place and none of it amounts to anything remotely interesting, while everything else feels like a forced tie in product to the other films before it, never directly addressing them, but largely relying on similar setups and situations that the other ones have already dealt with. The acting is incredibly over the top, the screenplay even more so, never knowing what it quite wants to be or wants to say. The direction is harsh, the tone and look of the film bleak, and it never decides on whether it wants to be a trip to empowerment or a social commentary, both of which the film pulls off poorly. The music is forced, the characters thin, and I can't think of many things positive about the film besides potential that the film so poorly executed. In the end, The First Purge is not only a pointless sequel, but a truly lackluster film, with no agenda but to accumulate some more money for this seemingly never ending franchise. My Rating: 2.5/10
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A Solid if Imperfect Prequel
seriousdelirious10 August 2018
Many of these IMDb users are hatin' on this movie simply because they look at that screen and don't see faces/characters/situations that they can relate to. That's fine because that's going to be true for most audiences, but by no means does that make this a bad movie. It just means this movie wasn't made for them.

It was made for people who can relate to the obvious real-life metaphors this film hits on: financial desperation, a scarily-real governmental turn toward autocracy under-girded by racism and exploitation of the urban poor, and the unpredictable spasms of people who REALLY ARE losing it in these tumultuous times.

The plot and story are no less solid than the simplicity of the other films: a menagerie of characters looking to survive the night, with their own agendas, despite structural forces at work against and unknown to them.

Yet, what mass American audience wants to identify with a drug-dealer-turned-urban-Rambo in the main action hero Dmitri (Y'lan Noel)? The catharsis of all movies (but especially dystopian films because of the creepy sub-textual realism) is in getting absorbed emotionally into relatable characters. Most audiences can't relate to Dmitri or Nya (Lex Scott Davis). Those familiar with the hood can; or at least those that can imagine that perspective.

In that sense, The First Purge veers toward Blaxploitation, and it's un-apologetic about it. Yet the sight of Neo-Nazis going door-to-door in legal extermination IS actually terrifying as real-life white supremacists emboldenment across the country is encouraged by autocratic fervor.

As far as dystopian sci-fi goes, we're far closer to that possibility than most audiences want or can imagine. That's part of what makes this film compelling if not technically as slick as the others (which IS admittedly disappointing given a bigger budget than the last).

The last film, Election Year began the politics of the series; with upwards of $80 million gross on a $10 million budget, a politics most audiences had little problem with.

This film is a logical (in a prequel kind of way) next step in the obvious political turn the series took in the last film, only the perspective turns the lens primarily on the plight of the urban poor and criminally enterprising and those in power manipulating things behind the scenes. As for the hood perspective, you're not seeing "bad acting" as some users have accused. It's acting and being that doesn't give a s#!% what outsiders of the hood perspective think.

If you want to see credibly-creepy dystopian fair that's all-too-close to home--and if you're willing to identify with life on the other side of the tracks--this movie is worth a look, but don't expect the stylistic slickness of the other films.

The First Purge is very low-fi compared to the others, but that doesn't make it low-worth. Only those who can't wipe away their lenses for a couple of hours would think that of an otherwise solid movie.
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Awful movie
wendalena14 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Loved the original Purge movie, but this one was just so horrible. Seriously... the big neighborhood drug dealer is the good guy hero ("Make way for the King!") and all the white people are bad & evil. I kept hoping I was wrong, but it just kept getting more and more obvious. What's the message here? Just a movie to feed the racial divide with stereotypes all over the place. Incredibly disappointing.
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Go in knowing what you're watching
alexpolit-958764 July 2018
It's not a terrible film, but also not a great film. Go in expecting the same as the last two films (not the first film, that was a completely different type of movie)
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pensacolacomputer5 July 2018
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First the trailer is nothing like the movie. NOTHING. I wish I would have been forewarned about it, but instead you think its going to be just another Purge movie, which I've liked all the previous ones. unfortunately Its not.

I lean (and vote) left, but now I see a little clearer what the right is talking about sometimes. Take a step back and imagine if a movie used the opposite setting. A group of white people went around killing a lot of ethnic people while saying things like "Get out of our part of town"....Imagine the outrage...And rightly so I might add. Instead we have a bunch of blacks running around killing a bunch of whites and saying things like that. Yes thats an actual quote in the movie. Its uncalled for.

Maybe all this could be forgiven IF the movie was any good...but its not...AT ALL...I am a HUGE horror/thriller fan but this is just flat out terrible. Its also horrible written, acted, directed, and so on...BIG PASS on this one. You have been warned!
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Movie was the best of the purge series
sabrinanm11 July 2018
I do not understand why everyone is hating on this movie so much. I believe the writer did a great job in including todays society in this movie. People will do anything they have to now days to make money to support their families, even kill, legal or not. The government does pray on the poor and poverty level in society, and the only people that think differently are the ones privileged enough to never have to go through it.

People are hating on this movie because they believe a certain way about politics these days and do not want to see anything that depicts the real truth. The truth hurts as they say and its hurting a lot of peoples feelings.

This movie is a must see for those who have enjoyed seeing the growth in the films over the years. It is suspenseful and action packed like the other ones have been and has a great story line behind it all. It was definitely worth the money I paid to go see it and I would actually see it again.
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mackenziebrook9 October 2018
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It was okay, lacks what the other movies did well like horror sequences that keep you on the edge of your seat. I enjoyed this movie but wouldn't rewatch. The best parts of the movie where the once involving the phicopath only for him to be killed of almost instantaneously in the final act, I felt that character could have had a better ending, a confrontation with the younger brother to end of the ark that was so present at the beginning of the film. All in all it was decent, not a bad movie but far from good
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Race baiting and politically biased
dimidrol149 July 2018
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Whereas movie starts off with pointing out real issues of low class neighborhoods concerning unemployment, gang and drug activities, focusing on a young man and his sister, trying to survive and not fall into these issues, the focus quickly shifts to feelings of grievances and victimhood. The main point of the movie becomes a sort of a standoff between oppressors and the oppressed. The race takes center stage and all points I thought the movie tried to touch in the beginning and make a viewer care, vanish and become just another one sided rhetoric
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Boring, Race-baiting, Dumpster Fire
Talbus12326 March 2019
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The first couple of Purge movies were okay, but this one is just God awful. The whole narrative isn't even about The Purge, it just becomes an "Us vs. Them" story where it's basically black people vs. white people/the government. The bad guys toward the end become white people, literally dressed in KKK robes (in NYC I believe, which would never happen in the first place) that are being paid by the government to kill black people. Then on top of it all, they make the rich drug dealer kingpin and his gang out to be the heroes of the whole story who saves the black community. Yeah, great message. This story is terrible and sends an awful message meant to incite hate and racism. To finish off my review, ignoring everything I just said... it's super f*cling boring. I had a hard time staying awake through the whole thing. Don't waste your time with this one.
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Political divide
kosmasp18 October 2018
If you actually think this movie will divide America further ... I've got news for you: that's not possible. Was I surprised how much they packed in, when it comes to political references and hints and messages (not even really hidden ones) to the current state? You better believe that I was. I did think that it might hurt the movie because people do try to escape when watching a movie not really wanting to see something they see on their news channel all day anyway.

But since it was action packed, maybe it could have worked. Seems like it didn't. Some will like it, some will hate it. But it won't convince either side to communicate more with each other. Which just to be clear is not the movies fault! Don't put that on the movie. It still has the premise we "loved" in the movie series which will obviously carry over to the TV show. And it works, if you let it and can see past the "agenda" or are with it anyway ... The criticism is there and to be honest, it doesn't seem that far fetched or stretched ... especially with some quotes almost being exact to those in real life ...
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Horrible, racist garbage
mjanssens265 September 2020
In the movie all white people are bad and black people are incapable of success unless they deal drugs and the rest need to survive on government handouts that are only paid to them if they commit crimes. Racist trash! Just about insulting to everyone. The film makers should be ashamed of themselves. Thankfully there are smart film makers who show many different diverse cast members in movies where they portray successful and inspiring characters
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Unfairly bashed
gagegigogugxgygz15 October 2018
If you like the previous movies (though anarchy was the best and the rest aren't that good), then you'll like this too.
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Time to purge the purge
elliotjeory5 June 2020
This film was embarrassing like a straight to video flick from 2003. There was nothing remotely interesting about it. It was corny and It had outdated racial stereotypes which frankly I found offensive.
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Not as bad as described in the comments
hongm-4538121 September 2018
First, this is pure fiction. The universe is known and you have to willing to suspense your disbelief. Second, it's leftist and quite manichean (Poor Vs Rich) But like 99,9% of Hollywood production. Diversity is "good", white is trash. Third, this is a action packed/dystopian/slasher movie. Don't expect anything else.
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Absolutely Awful
griffeyever4 July 2018
Was this movie written for 7 year olds? The plot, from the beginning, was incredibly poor and the storyline development just got worse and worse all the way to the end. "Make way for the King..."?? Really? The drug dealer who became rich exploiting his own ghetto community is now the King? The hypocrisy of these types of films are so blatant it says a lot about people who enjoy this trash. Do NOT waste your money on this film.
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My first purge
ericababy-754302 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the film. I know all the White people were bad and the black people were subject to stereotyping. But the story line wasn't that bad. I liked the fact that a girl wasn't shown weak and cowering. She fought back. Dmitri and Nya were bold characters. Some scenes are so good. Like the one where Dmitri and his gang throw a smoke bomb and open fire.

Spoiler :

The government wanted to get rid of the weaker society so that they did not have to fund them anymore - that is the whole point of the experiment.
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Not great, but not bad.
itsjas20 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The abundance of 1-star ratings from angry white people are not at all surprising. It was anticipated actually, and it's quite amusing. I'll begin by saying this is definitely not the best of the films in the franchise. It's the usual "keeps you on your toes", gory action type of movie, plus or minus a jump scare here and there. Pretty gory like the movies before it, definitely very creepy, ominous vibes throughout. For the most part I was entertained. The storyline was decent, actors were pretty damn good actually, and I don't feel like my money was wasted. Does this movie take an obvious political stance? Absolutely. They didn't release it July 4th for nothing. In this movie you'll see references to KKK, nazis, and overall whites versus blacks. What people seem to be forgetting is that even though this is a fictional movie, the Purge is intended to be interpreted as a realistic scenario. Historically, white people have killed and enjoyed killing minorities. That's literally a fact. Blacks, Native Americans, the Holocaust, you name it. Plenty of examples in history and even present day of white people's violence against those who they deem weaker or less than them, and if you don't believe me, the internet is free. Look it up. That being said, if there was ever going to be something like a Purge, it would definitely be white people who start it lol. I'm not understanding why people are offended by that, it's the most realistic origin they could use for these particular films given the topic. Also, I find it funny how white people in the reviews are like "KKK?!!! NAZIS?!! Whites are the BAD GUYS?!!" "RACE-BAITING, PROMOTING DIVISIVENESS!!!" I mean y'all say that like there wasn't KKK and Nazi rallies just last year, HELL, even this year! They're upset like the film was all made-up stuff and that's the funniest part. The Purge itself is made up, but the hate groups, not so much. Sorry to break it to you. There was and still is large groups of crazy white supremacists out here, this film simply calls them out. If you feel attacked, maybe that says something about you. Bottom line, see the film or don't see it, you decide, but don't believe all the fragile "caucasity" in the reviews. This movie was alright.
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Terrible movie
Jburhans197823 August 2021
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There are 2 main criteria in which I base whether or not I like a movie. First is if I have to check the time. If I do, I have lost interest and the movie is too long for me. (It could be an hour and a half movie or 3 hours). The second criteria is that I have to identify with a character and root for them in some way. There has to be a likability factor. This movie didn't satisfy either of those criteria. I was checking the time about 35 mins into it because the first half moved entirely too slow. Nothing happened. The only character I actually really liked was the neighbor with asthma, but she was only in the movie for like 15 mins. The sister was ok, and I did root for her, but I wasn't 100% on board. And the drug dealer turned hero...that's a hard no for me.

When I saw the original Purge movie, I always wanted to know how the purge got started...but this movie was not the answer I was looking for. I feel like most movies, it had great potential, but unlikable characters, no real plot, and a poor script prevented this movie from being anything but decent.
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Absolute Garbage.
matthewkushner3511 July 2018
My expectations going into be movie were impeccably low, however, apparently, they were not low enough. Do not go into this movie expecting a thorough back story to the beginnings of the purge. Instead, expect a very short glimpse of the beginnings, which is followed by simply another purge movie, that is just worse. I debated leaving halfway through, but I remembered I payed 6 dollars to watch it, and I went with 2 other people. Please save your money, and don't go or rent this trash.
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Cheap Fun
mynameiswood4 July 2018
For the record I'm not going to begin this review by defending my score with something like: it's not intended to be clever, well written, e.t.c. I don't believe it's ok to give horror films, like this, a free pass, because they're geared towards a mainstream audience who don't want to indulge in to much social commentary, and would rather mindlessly watch a multitude of characters die gruesome deaths.

With that out of the way... I was pleasantly surprised by The First Purge, to me it felt as if they'd learnt their lesson from their last two installments and decided to go back to basics, a concentrated event that isn't over bloated by showing the audience multiple different Purge scenarios. Therefore, I found it much more entertaining, because it felt like this one had direction, a real message, rather than being a sizzle-reel of murders with plot tied in just to explain how the characters got from one place to another. As always the action was entertaining and creative, so for the most part there isn't really anything to complain about there and where former complaints lied, from the other movies, like choice of music, or stylistic choices were also surprisingly great.

I do have a few complaints: The pacing of this installment is slower than the others, largely because there's the set up of how the Purge began, but it's noticeable enough to be enjoying. I also found the dialogue very unrealistic and it made me cringe many times throughout the film; it's very noticeable that the 'hood' (black) dialogue was written by someone who has no experience with the way black people in tower block communities, and unsurprisingly it was written by someone who isn't black them self. Occasionally, a few characters felt generic, with their goals and background/personality, but it was something that didn't take me out of the experience, so it weren't detrimental, but it was still noticeable. Overall, my complaints this time round felt quite minor and in know severely impacted my experience of the film.

It was a riot of a time from start to end, and that's why I've given The First Purge a 7/10.

Side Note: My opinions of the movie may be exasperated, due to my expectations going in, and my taste in general. However, one things for sure if you like senseless violence, and well choreographed action, I can guarantee you'll at least be satisfied by the price of admission.
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