Avengers: Endgame (2019) Poster

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Not as good as infinity war..
MoistMovies29 April 2019
But its a pretty good film. A bit of a mess in some parts, lacking the cohesive and effortless feel infinity war somehow managed to accomplish. Some silly plot holes and characters that could've been cut (Ahem, captain marvel and thanos). The use of Captain marvel in this film was just ridiculous. Shes there at the start, bails for some reason? And then pops up at the end to serve no purpose but deux ex machina a space ship...

The past thanos part wasn't necessary when you think about it, they could've done this film without a real 'villain' And it would've worked and been a original take on a super hero film without using the same formula we have seen in 10+ super hero films already. The entire final battle felt like a rehashed messy battle, with a bunch more characters against thanos - basically mixing the space battle from infinity war; iron man, spider man etc and the final battle of infinity war with captain america, thor etc.. mashing those two into one within this new film. The scenes of trying to pull the gauntlet off his hand.. it all felt like a rehash.

To me the best part of the film was the first act and half of the second, when everyone is lost and trying to figure out how to continue on. really interesting themes that followed the pay off from infinity wars ending. And then the time heist part. Tho the heist part should've been much more stretched out. With only small parts of thanos within that, and not having him be the big bad again. But just a side character that gets in the way a little bit.

And the setting up for 'new avengers' to replace the beloved actors and characters we have come to associate with these films.. they do not get me at all excited for the next phase in marvel films. Falcon, Valkyrie, blackpanther, cap marvel? I just dont care about them at all. And their actors lack any charisma or depth.

To me this feels like a closing of marvel films that I'll really enjoy for my pop corn fix. I've given infinity war a 10/10 and some of the stand alone films 8's and 9's. But I have a sinking feeling this will not be happening in the future except the guardians of the galaxy films.

It seems i maybe in the minority for my feelings towards this film, but im not sugar coating my opinion like it seems a few people are doing due to nostalgia. Its good, but not great. Had the opportunity to be better, maybe? And the setting up of new characters to come possible reflects on my score to... Because i just don't give two cents about any of them
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Emotional but bit messy.
nickgray-1286227 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So it all ends. I have loved most of the MCU, some have been too predictable but I awaited after IW to see how it would all pan out. Firstly some of my favourite characters are a joke. Please don't dumb Thor or Banner/Hulk down, not necessary. Great starting scene, then slow dramatic next 1.5 hours. It builds to the time travel reversing all section with too many plot holes. We've all seen other time reversing movies who have done it so much better. The last hour is spectacular, great to see all the gang back but it feels rushed. Emotion runs high and defo not a kids film in my eyes. Cap is great Stark is amazing but everyone else feels like there just there. What I loved was the beauty of the final scenes, wonderful score and saying goodbye to old friends. Overall wanted more, but even far from perfect is still pretty good.
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Huge fan left underwhelmed!!!
james-8428730 April 2019
I went in with the highest expectations and came out underwhelmed and disappointed. its nowhere near as good as infinity war !!!
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Crazy in every sense
davyjones-63636326 November 2021
This film is an emotional rollercoaster with some of the coolest superhero plot lines ever drawn up. It's straight up the most epic Marvel film that will probably ever be created. I don't see how Marvel could ever top this, but getting to see these characters all together at least one last time was a reward all on its own.
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They had no right to do that
ritchiep-5657426 April 2019
First review from me. This film deserves it. A superhero film, marvel or not, does not have the right to send me on the emotional rollercoaster that End Game did. It has no right to do what it did, paying tribute to 10 years of films whilst changing the rules as to what a superhero film should be.

I laughed, lots. I cried, lots. I cheered (quietly and internally of course), lots I even punched the air in a "go on!" during one scene

I can honestly say, no film has ever moved me like that. Hours later, my heart was still pounding, the adrenaline still flowing from this epic piece of film making.

Made by fans, for fans. Are there flaws? Yes. If you over think the story of course there is. But it works. It flows. It fits.

Go with it. Enjoy the ride.

Soak up every second, it doesn't feel like 3 hours, it feels like a flow of story reaching a conclusion that will shock and move you.

I have nothing else to say.

10/10. Well done Russo brothers. Well done!

Fans! Assemble!
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Epic Ending
eandros-7745126 April 2019
Thank you Marvel, End Game is an ending that give me speechless.
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Perfect ending
dhiraj-yahoo8 May 2019
After watching Infinity war, I was looking forward to much more this time, still a perfect ending.
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In the list of my top 5 favourite Marvel Movies.
Marjuk_Ocean20 September 2023
"Avengers: Endgame" - A Spectacular Culmination of Marvel's Cinematic Universe

In the realm of superhero cinema, "Avengers: Endgame" stands as an unprecedented achievement. Directed by Anthony and Joe Russo, this epic finale to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) represents the culmination of over a decade of storytelling and character development. Clocking in at just over three hours, "Endgame" is a sprawling, emotionally charged spectacle that delivers on its promise to provide closure for beloved characters while reshaping the MCU's future.

The film begins in the aftermath of "Avengers: Infinity War," with half of all life in the universe obliterated by the malevolent Thanos (Josh Brolin). The surviving Avengers are left reeling, grappling with guilt and loss. The emotional weight of this situation is palpable, setting a somber tone that lingers throughout the movie.

One of the film's strengths lies in its character-driven narrative. Each Avenger is given ample screen time to grapple with the consequences of their actions and confront their own vulnerabilities. Robert Downey Jr. Delivers a standout performance as Tony Stark/Iron Man, showcasing his character's evolution from a self-centered genius to a selfless hero. Similarly, Chris Evans as Steve Rogers/Captain America and Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow bring depth and gravitas to their roles.

"Endgame" also skillfully employs humor to offset its darker moments. The banter between characters provides much-needed levity, ensuring the film remains entertaining even during its most emotionally charged sequences. This balance of humor and pathos has been a hallmark of the MCU and is executed with finesse here.

One of the film's most impressive feats is its ability to seamlessly weave together multiple storylines and characters. The time-travel aspect of the plot allows the Avengers to revisit key moments from previous films, resulting in a nostalgic and satisfying trip down memory lane for fans. It's a testament to the filmmakers' dedication to honoring the MCU's history while moving the narrative forward.

The action sequences in "Endgame" are nothing short of spectacular. The climactic battle in the third act is a visual feast, featuring a jaw-dropping array of heroes, powers, and epic showdowns. It's a triumphant moment that pays off years of anticipation and buildup. The Russo brothers' direction, combined with Alan Silvestri's stirring score, elevates these sequences to a cinematic crescendo.

As for the film's antagonist, Thanos remains a formidable and complex foe. Brolin's motion-capture performance adds depth to the character, and his motivations, while morally questionable, are presented with a degree of philosophical nuance. Thanos remains one of the MCU's most compelling villains.

However, "Endgame" is not without its criticisms. Some viewers may find the film's lengthy runtime a bit daunting, and certain plot elements involving time travel could be seen as overly convoluted. Additionally, a few character arcs, while emotionally satisfying, may leave fans divided.

In conclusion, "Avengers: Endgame" is a monumental achievement in the world of superhero cinema. It successfully pays tribute to the characters and stories that have captivated audiences for years while charting a bold new course for the MCU. With its powerful performances, humor, and breathtaking action sequences, it's a fitting and emotional conclusion to an era of cinematic storytelling. While it may not be without its minor flaws, "Endgame" stands as a testament to the enduring appeal of the superhero genre and will likely be remembered as a cinematic milestone for years to come.
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The ending made all 22 movies worth it
larshoeijmans24 April 2019
If you're going to watch this movie, avoid any spoilers, even spoiler free reviews. Which is why I'm not going to say anything about the movie. Not even my opinion. All I'm going to say is:

The crowd applauded 3 times during the movie, and stood up to clap their hands after. This I have never witnessed in a Dutch cinema. Dutch crowds aren't usually passionate about this. I checked the row where I was sitting, and people were crying. After the movie, I was seeing people with smudged mascara. That's all I have to say about the movie.
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Amazing, but the more I dwell on it the worse it becomes
theroo20018226 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say, my first reaction walking out of the cinema was that it was great. Probably an 8/10. You know there's so much fan service in this movie and I particularly loved the "I can do this all day" CA line from one CA to another. It was almost Toy Story 2, enlightened Buzz to naive Buzz banter.

I loved Clever Hulk, found Thor hilarious, though a bit annoying at times, and loved the references to past movies. Cap swinging Mjollnir around was beautiful.

The deaths in this movie were also pretty surprising but I agree with some of the more balanced reviews in here that it was bizarre that so much time was spent on Hawkeye - does anyone really care about him? Not really.

Killing off Black Widow was a surprising touch, but I, like many others, probably felt more of an emotional reaction to Banner's relationship with her and not Hawkeye (because no one actually cares about him). Renner, as an actor, just doesn't cut it much, unfortunately.

The real problem with End Game, is the time travel. I don't know why any movie franchise would ever want to deal with time travel knowing how much grief it creates. Sure they try to explain everything with their hilarious conversation about movies, but in the end, there are just too many questions left at the end of the day, particularly when they already try to explain it through the Ancient One.

The most glaring one of these is, if they change the past, they're changing another timeline, so how selfish is that? If Tony Stark snaps his fingers and kills Thanos, what happens to that original timeline? If he sent Thanos and everyone back, how does he magically know not to send Gamora back who is now stuck in 2023 - and so does that mean 2014 Quill never meets Gamora?!? What the hell? Essentially erasing the entire 2014 GOTG franchise in that universe. If Captain America goes back in time, he will inevitably change history in some way or another, so that is another timeline, right? So while everyone else's timeline is meant to stay the same in the present (as said by Stark) how does Cap end up sitting by the same lake as everyone else.

There are also way too many questions about new timelines created - but perhaps that is intentional, such as the Loki TV show. But this is why I hate it when they bring time travel into any movie and just add stuff to it to make it wrap up nicely in their own universe.

Also, don't get me started on how impossibly strong Thanos suddenly is without an infinity gauntlet? Even WITH the IG he couldn't stop Thor's Stormbringer, but now without the IG can easily defeat Thor with Stormbringer AND Mjollnir, Iron Man and Cap??? How convenient.

I also think Marvel made a serious mistake creating Captain Marvel, how is she brought in as a convenient deus ex machina and yet doesn't really stick around to show off all her abilities, and she can't even defeat Thanos single handedly? Pfft. That was rich. She can barely prevent Thanos from snapping his fingers, yet in Infinity War, Cap was able to actually hold off his hand too? Bizarre parallels.

So okay, sure, it was enjoyable to watch, but I just feel that there are too many plot inconsistencies creeping into End Game. There should have been better ways to get the infinity stones back, and I think someone stupid just thought time travel was the best way to do it,.
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The End of an Era!
ahmetkozan25 April 2019
After Avengers Infinity War, we waited for the Avengers Endgame. We wondered how the story would go on, how our heroes would turn back, what would be the end of Thanos. Many theories related to this have been put forward. Avengers Endgame was undoubtedly the most anticipated film of recent years. Normally, the higher the expectation, the higher the probability of disappointment. But this is not the case for Endgame. Whatever you're expecting, you find much more in the film. This means that the biggest concern about the film has disappeared.

On the other hand, another comparison comes up. Is Endgame more successful than Infinity War? We can comfortably say it Avengers Infinity War is just the beginning of the story. Endgame was the finale of the story. So we shouldn't think of these two films as two separate stories. There is only one story divided into two parts.

Avengers Endgame is, above all, a great homage to the ten-year history of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The story highlights the original Avengers team. Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow and Hawkeye are at the center of events. No character comes in front of them. Of course there are many characters that play an important role in the story outside the original Avengers team. Everyone's concern was that Captain Marvel, who was included in the Marvel world, overshadowed other heroes. We can say that this certainly did not happen. What is important in this struggle is not how strong you are, but how good you are. This comes to the fore in all areas. It gives good message about being a hero and a family.

Of course, Avengers Endgame has some critical aspects. For example, is the three-hour period necessary in terms of the story? It can be discussed. The head of the story moves much slower than the rest. It also drags the heroes into an emotional predicament. Then the tempo is rising and the heavy scenes we are watching are getting more meaningful. The last 45 minutes of the movie is fully action packed. But the last 45 minutes goes so fast that you don't even realize it. Action and battle scenes are really successful. There is not even a slight distress about visual effects. There are also slight logic errors in the film, but in general the story is so successful that these details become meaningless and insignificant after a certain point.

Lastly, Avengers Endgame doesn't have a movie end scene. Because after the film's final, there is no need for another scene. The Marvel legend Stan Lee appears with a small stage. But this is the last surprise scene in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Moreover, there is no clue about Marvel's future. This makes us wonder more about Spider-Man: Far from Home. 10/10
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So much potential lost ....
CriticalThinking230 April 2019
After Infinity War I had huge expectations. Unfortunately I think it doesn't follow the comic book at all because they wanted some kind of closure of the story. I saw a lot of 10 star reviews and I cannot believe the majority of people like this movie more than Infinity War. I'm not saying it wasn't entertainment to watch but the feeling is that all heroes were forced to fit in a movie paying a big price to the story. There are moments in the movie where the rules from all other Marvel movies are broken and characters which were build over hours of screen time were reduced in order to make space for others. The story is average at best with big flaws.
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Why so many people are obsessed?
gpinkedi9 September 2021
Good job for the special effects. I know they worked a lot on this. BUT is so stupid that every character is so serious, but you can't take them serious, and it gets realy lame.

I lasted like 15 minutes. I couldn't.

The only super hero movie that is good i think is deadpool, he's funny at least. You can't make a superhero movie with "serious" characters, bc it will turn out really bad.
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Epic movie
miniminnie-2306325 September 2021
As always avengers didn't disappoint even with a few loops or inconsistencies. Hope marvel does more movies about some characters from avengers.
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No Justice for this Film
dummykenmen28 April 2019
I loved how the story of the Infinity War was conceived. With all the fight scenes and the emotional aspect of the movie, especially the end part, everything was superb. But this is supposed to be a wrap-up film. The directors and writers just destroyed it all. What's the point of doing a hype over Captain Marvel for this movie when you just give her a few minutes of screen time? It would be forgiven if you give her an amazing fight with the villain during the climax. But what have you done? With just a few kicks and punches and that's it. It doesn't give a scratch over Thano's face. What a crap!!!

You also ruin Hulk! He is supposed to be the strongest Avenger after the events of Infinity War, after all the disappointment and frustration he has experienced when Hulk won't face Thanos. But this time, he's just as good as nothing Avenger. I wonder why they did not give Thanos and Hulk a fight of a lifetime. I'm really surprised that they did not even get face-to-face when all hell breaks loose.

This movie is dubbed as an action movie but got 75% of the time talking and mumbling.

There's no justice at all to those beloved characters and this movie. You have ruined my expectations.
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hamed_tgh31 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I think it was one of the worst superhero movies. In this film, they destroyed all the preparations made in the previous episode. It was very good to use the idea of time travel and it could be much better. The story of getting the stones was written without much thought. All stones were very comfortable. Changes that were ignored in time. Captain Marvel's role was very empty. The character's presence in the film was really wrong.
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The zenith of the MCU franchise.
vert271224 April 2019
I feel like I'm wasting my time writing down my thoughts about Avengers: Endgame, because nothing I (or any critic) could say about it would ever dissuade a prospective viewer from seeing it. But after having had the chance to watch it at a preview screening, I can't help but say a few spoiler-free words.

I'm not your average fanboy -- most long-running franchises have bored me at this point, and I couldn't care less about the newest Star Wars episode or whether there will be another film set in the Harry Potter universe.

But Marvel films have been consistently watchable, with many solid entries and a few great ones (Winter Soldier, Ragnarok, the first Guardians of the Galaxy among others). And after Infinity War ended with a cliffhanger, I was looking forward to the conclusion. Boy, was I not disappointed!

Very few highly-anticipated movies live up to the hype, but Avengers: Endgame is one of them. It's the perfect follow up to Infinity War, and the absolute zenith of the Marvel franchise. It's hard to see how they'll be able to top this one.

It's surprisingly inventive (even when you know where the story is headed, the plot takes a few tangents getting there), emotionally engaging (a few people were crying in the theater) and surprisingly funny (this is probably the most I've laughed in a Marvel film since Thor: Ragnarok). Visually speaking, it's a true spectacle (topping Infinity War in the 'epic battle' stakes), and even though it's three hours long, it doesn't feel bloated. The only times I glanced at my watch was because I was hoping there would be more time before the end.

Yes, it's a superhero movie, but an immensely entertaining one (especially for fans who have seen all the pictures that came before it: there are tons of references and inside jokes to reward the faithful).

If "Return of the King" managed to win Best picture at the 2003 Oscars Avengers: Endgame deserves at least a nomination. It's as good (and in many ways better) a conclusion to a fantasy/genre series as the Peter Jackson film,.

Go see it.
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auuwws26 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Perhaps Infinity War was the film of Thanos in which he imposed what he was seeking, but Endgame is the movie of Avengers who impose what they seek, and perhaps his title, which translates to "the end of the game" means the end of what Thanos sought. But do you think that would be that easy? Contrary to what Thanos did quite easily? you are wrong! The Infinite War movie may have been very touching and shocking when Thanos killed half of the universe creatures, but the endgame is more impactful and shocking than him. Although the cuff will be in the interest of the Avengers in this movie, nothing comes for free, must be given to get, and perhaps the long time period for the movie that reached three hours was very reasonable because their journey to achieve their goal was neither easy nor many options in front of them.
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nicksokhal26 April 2019
No words...absolutely incredible, THE best way to end the whole series. Watching all the movies to finish with this, every single hour was worth it, hats off to Marvel 👏🏽
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A very expected ending
msteaua9329 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I gave this movie five stars for effects but for story not so great and i expected at this happy ending i didn't expect that bit of drama but anyway dissapointed especially the way Thanos end in the movie so lame exactly like NK in GOT so lame when you expect at something more but no this is a proof if you rush something you ruin it the note is 8.7 just because effects and is marvel nothing more.
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The best Marvel Superhero movie ever and also the epic conclusion to the 21 movies in the MCU
rjcattermole24 April 2019
Avengers: Endgame is above all the best Marvel superhero movie to date. This is also the best and epic conclusion to the 21 movies in the first 10 years of the MCU. This is the epic culmination. The best storytelling ever told.
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The end that never comes.
hypercube00128 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Watching Avengers Endgame started as a nice story that soon became boring and predictable. The problem is that it's supposed to end an era, to be a big moment before the curtain fall, but instead tries to pave the way for Marvell phase 4. There were some interesting moments, some funny moments that really made me smile, but at the end it all fell flat. Flat as a rug. They tried to cram each and everyone in the movie, but in my opinion it feels fake, like parading with fake cardboard masks. The CGI-fest soon became boring...except for the de-aging of Michael Douglas, that was 100% uncanny valley material. I was watching it feeling nothing, feeling dead inside. Then the woke trend rear its ugly head. Anyway, it's safe to say that I'll avoid Marvel in the future. The Endgame should stay the endgame. It's time to move on.
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It seems great, but it isn't
hanlierobbertse28 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Ever since Marvel aired the first Iron Man movie, they have been ahead in the game of superhero movies. They gave us characters we could believe in and grow to love. They showed us both the human and the hero and as audiences we started to invest in this whole franchise and their vision. Not every movie has been good or liked, but overall they were telling us a story that were leading to an end - the end that were to come in Endgame.

When Infinity war aired , and we watched, we were left with sadness for the ones that were dusted and the loss that our heroes experienced. Thanos was shown as a villain but he managed to evoke sympathy in the viewer because of the loss he also experienced. Thus is was with great expectations that I went to see Endgame - for surely this was going to be huge and epic. In my first viewing, I was blown away by the emotions it managed to evoke and I thought it was great, but I walked out of the theater feeling a bit numb and reflecting back I realized why : Marvel gave us easy answers to very complex problems and questions. They went out and created a movie that paid off the fan but didn't satisfy the people that got really invested in the franchise. They made Thor a joke - Thor was epic in Ragnarok. The scene were he got his thunder is one of my favorites and even in Infinity war where he shows up is brilliant - yet here he isn't even fighting and he is a bum with jokes. To add to this, Hulk is once again played down and shown as nothing more than a bystander that doesn't even get to fight, let alone be angry.One of the strongest heroes in the universe does nothing other than pose for selfies, invents a machine and be a little "sad" for the sacrifice of Black Widow. The gaping plot holes, the way they "kill of" Tony, Captain and Black Widow with so many unanswered questions, is sad. Captain America "sacrifices " himself to go put back the stones in their reality - but how does he do it? We all know the soul stone needs a sacrifice - how did he do that if he's all alone? How did he travel to all those places and do that to just then stay in the past and get his last dance with Peggy? The final battle was messy and blah to be honest and way too short for such an "epic" film. I must admit, looking back now I realize I was already disappointed in the theater when every theory that has been speculated about came true in the movie. The Russos tried very hard to throw us of the scent by saying the trailers were not true or just promotional materials but it was a big let down when it turned out that most of the movie has been seen in the trailers and TV spots. It's not a bad movie because it pays homage to its fans, but in my opinion it almost feels like they listened to those fans way to much instead of just writing it in a way that would have made more sense and maybe leave us more satisfied. I don't know what their plans are in the next phase - if we will see an Avengers movie again, but Endgame, although not bad didn't really give me the ending I was hoping for.
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Not worth the hype
Random78913 May 2019
Just a basic superhero movie. 3 hours but not much going on.
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