The Predator (2018) Poster


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dellamorte-4486930 May 2020
One step above parody. Without question it's the worst in the franchise.
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Predator evolution
TheLittleSongbird18 September 2018
The 'Predator' film series is a mixed bag, with the best being the 1987 film (a great film on its own) and its follow-up, the only great ones from personal opinion. Was actually really intrigued into seeing 'The Predator', despite hearing numerous bad things about it, and saw it anyway with an open mind. Just to make that clear in answer to the condescending accusations made by those defending the film without taking into account that those who didn't did see the film and simply didn't like it legitimately.

Can totally see why many were disappointed and share a lot of the criticisms directed against it. Didn't think it was that bad and it had its moments and decent assets, a 1-star film 'The Predator' isn't. Although towards the weaker end ranking films from 2018 seen, it is not one of the worst, being better than 'The First Purge' and 'Slender Man'. It's not a good film, hugely disappointing in fact, and has a lot of issues. As a Predator film 'The Predator' is a disgrace, but as a standalone film judged on its own terms it also doesn't work.

Before getting on to the faults, 'The Predator' has good points. It looks good, very slick and atmospheric with some of the effects being great and imposing.

At times, the action is fun and edge of your seat, contributing to the occasional glimpses of tension and excitement lacking elsewhere, with cohesive choreography and spectacular stunts. The film also begins promisingly, zippy in pace and quite thrilling.

When it comes to the predator, it is scary and imposing enough, as are the other creatures and their methods, and the gore does disturb and doesn't feel too gratuitous.

However, Shane Black's direction is constantly wayward and fails to generate much momentum, personality or clarity of storytelling. The character chemistry is not very natural and excepting perhaps Jacob Tremblay the acting doesn't seem very engaged or at ease. The characters are sketchy in development, are very difficult to get behind and their credibility is zero. There is effort to develop them, but through very clumsily written, superficially soap-operatic and blatant exposition that doesn't always feel necessary, adding nothing to the story or characters and failing to intrigue.

On top of that, the story, as well as being slight and at times sluggish, is far too complicated and busy which makes some of the film very hard to follow and at worst incoherent. There is lots of chaos and noise on the surface but no brains or soul underneath, while there is very little tension, suspense or surprises, relying on the action to make the film watchable which it marginally does. The atmosphere generally is bland and doesn't evoke enough scares, not enough to bite the nails anyhow. Nothing memorable about the music and the basic concept doesn't feel that much evolved, having not enough freshness, and it is too forgetful of what made the franchise at its best so great and too cheesy and bland to be a tribute or throwback.

It is the script that comes off the worst and nearly single-handedly brings 'The Predator' down, bad enough to warrant its own paragraph. It is far too talky in the exposition, it rambles often pointlessly and sometimes with not much cohesion, plausibility is as non-existent as the credibility, there is excessive sentimentality in spots and muddled moments and worst of all the over-reliance of humour. Next to none of the humour works which is a massive problem, it is eye-rollingly cheesy and not placed or timed very well too often, also being repetitive and distastefully vulgar.

Overall, not awful but mediocre. 4/10 Bethany Cox
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An abomination
brad-crossley11 January 2019
Predator killer? Franchise killer...then again it died after Predator 2. As an original fan that has got to be the biggest, most disjointed load of tripe l have ever witnessed. I don't want to watch Aliens or Predator as a comedy. It's meant to be an action sci-fi horror. I'm not sure what Shane Black was trying to do here but it was awful and he should never be allowed near the Predator movies again. So much potential to be great but sadly a steaming pile of disappointment.
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The Death of a Franchise
zogarreal17 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This has to be the biggest pile of garbage I have seen in a long time. Shane Black has just killed the Predator franchise. The plot makes no sense. The tone is all over the place. A genetic scientist suddenly becomes a super soldier. A vicious alien dog becomes friends with the good guys playing fetch (I'm serious). The super predator looks like a pissed off wrestler with bad CGI. The harvesting human DNA plot is handled ridiculously. The fact that an autistic kid can read predator language and is wanted by both predators is bloody bizarre. The jokes are constant and irritating that it's more of a comedy than a sci-fi thriller, actually it doesn't knoe what it is. Ugh bloody awful, good fun if you're 7 years old I suppose. Don't go near this nonsense. AvP Requiem is a masterpiece compared to this tripe.
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Personal feelings aside.
SNS_Jin25 December 2018
I went into this movie trying my best to stay objective and take it for what it was. And I enjoyed it as a sci fi action movie, it wasn't bad. No where near as bad as some of the more fanatical fans seem to think it was here.

Acting was good, screenplay was good, pacing was good. Story was actually not that bad neither. Unless someone wanted to try and challenge the original in terms of plot, there's not many options that works, this kinda did work.

If you ignore the more crazy fans that like to bash on anything that's not on par with their own opinions, you'll enjoy this film.

People don't seem to understand that rating 5 out of 10 is "watchable but not for me." ratings. Yet there's individuals out there that give perfectly alright movies 2 and 3 stars just because they can't give objective opinions even if their lives depended on it.

But I digress.

The movie was a excellent action movie, a great sci fi movie and a questionable Predator movie. So how should we base the rating then?

7/10 action movie. 7/10 sci fi movie. 5/10 Predator movie.

Final verdict = 6/10
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An Insult to the franchise
sepetcenk21 November 2018
It is a parody of Predator. Don't expect science fiction or story line just a poor action comedy film.
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The Predator: One of the worst of 2018? Hardly
Platypuschow2 February 2019
I'd heard nothing but bad things about The Predator, wall to wall hatred and mockery. It was even suggested that it was one of the worst movies of 2018 and comparable with the messy AVP movies. Going in I was forced to have low expectations, and I firmly disagree.

Let's make something clear, I am not saying The Predator is a good film because it simply isn't but worst of 2018? Absolutely not. It's just a badly flawed addition to the franchise yet manages to be oddly loyal at the same time.

So a Predator comes to Earth but this time the government is ready for it. Cue lots of action, blood shed but a pretty wafer thin plot that doesn't exactly go anywhere.

With a stellar cast including Thomas Jane, the stunning Olivia Munn and the excellent Keegan-Michael Key it had no problems on that front. Okay actually I retract that, the leading man Boyd Holbrook is less than impressive and just wasn't up to the task.

With an odd amount of comedy and levity The Predators tone isn't exactly in keeping with the original movies yet manages to solidly feel like a Predator film thanks to the original score and franchise tropes. I loved the first movie, I thought the second was passable and hated the third but this right here is underwhelming yet perfectly watchable despite the lashings of Hollywoodness it has.

Sure it's goofy and badly flawed but I'm not sure exactly what everyone expected. There are certainly a lot of problems with the film, I'd have liked it to be darker, I'd have liked it to be longer and I'd liked the original Predator to have gotten more screentime.

Regardless despite it's many many problems it comes under the category of harmless take your brain out fun.

The Good:

Loyal score

Some great nods to previous movies

Quite a few very funny moments

Decent cast

The Bad:

Lacks elements that should be essential for a Predator movie

Naff ending

Much of the cast feel wasted
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Worst film I have ever witnessed in my life
aj2002019 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Thank you , Shane Black has single-handedly destroyed a franchise.

I am not joking , this was the worst film I have ever witnessed in a cinema.

I am completely heart broken and distraught , spending 80 million on this garbage???

where do I start?

The lead female scientist becomes a super soldier and and manages to keep pace with the predator, and even manages to run 1000's of miles in the jungle in 10mins to save the day when the spaceship crash lands.

large predator comes to earth to kidnap a austistic kid ??? and austistic kids can read alien language?? wtf

The good predator comes to give mankind a gift and to help them but instead kills anyone he sees.

the stupid predator dogs which do nothing except eat bullets and one of them becomes tamed after being shot and helps the good guys and saves the day by tossing a grenade out his mouth near the end.

the stupid cringy jokes the guy with tourette starts shouting sexual innapropriate remarks at the female scientist, its so bad.

the acting, dialogue, script , story , plot, is just laughable. its all over the place, makes no sense and the ending is the worst . Im in shock.

this is an insult to filmmaking and to mankind.
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Not a perfect Predator movie..but fun action flick
iamjacksmoviechannel12 September 2018
So how many Predator sequels have there been? Not counting the "vs." films, it's at least two, all of which have tried to re-work a very basic premise that worked cause it was basic.

Now Shane Black, a screenwriter who has written some of the best action comedies ever, and Iron Man 3, tries to do the same in what amounts to a fun action flick, but a pretty average Predator one.

The plot all concerns a rogue predator who escapes his planet with a stolen object, which other predators on his planet want back. The planet where they all crash land of course is Earth.

Sterling K. Brown is a military official who will stop at nothing to acquire the technology first and Narco's Boydd Holbrooke is a decorated soldier who along with a team of misfits tries to stop him.

This is all taking place after the events of Predator 2. There is even a character played by Jake Busey who is playing the son of the Gary Busey character from that movie.

Black tries to swing for the fences in terms of a new story to tell but it's pretty obvious this movie works best when it's working on the hits. Sometimes you just wanna sit back and watch some gore.

Bodies gets severed, people get thrown across the room and clawed in the face, impaled, heads will roll.

What highlights the fun here even more is Black is a funny director who knows a good laugh when he sees one.

A scene with a severed arm, an ongoing dialogue about why we call the predator "the predator" in the first place. Just examples of how Black is very adept at visual comedy and snappy lines.

He's very good with characters too, not so much developing them here but giving them a chemistry that is irreverent lunacy.

Holbrooke and his whole crew, particularly Keegan Michael Key, Thomas Jane, Moonlights Trevante Rhodes kinda reminded me of the A-Team. These guys are total section 8's and I loved each one.

In fact better than the A-Team movie. In fact, i'd like to see Black do an A-Team movie with this cast.

Brown gets some of the best dialogue and Munn is actually quite good here too. Jacob Trembley and Alfie Allen are a bit wasted but the cast is having fun.

There's something off about this movie though and it involves the predators. This movie almost seems like a Sterling K. Brown vs. Holbrooke and his crew movie more than a predator film.

There's no real joy in the hunt cause for the most part they seem to just be making periodic appearances into the story of human vs. human.

In fact this movie actually had to reshoot it's entire third act because of poor test screenings and you can tell because the last act does pull a sharp detour, taking us into the woods for some incognito Predator action.

It almost seems like Black wanted to make this such a new concept that the very nature of why people like the predators in the first place sort of gets lost.

I still contend this is a funny, action-packed flick and I liked the characters too. Even the predator action, when its on screen, is good. Just you may not get enough of them as you might want.

If you liked this, check out Craig James Review on Youtube for more.
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AVP2: "I'm the worst movie of the franchise!" The Predator: "Hold my beer"
hbreed9917 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Trash. No storyline. Horrible CGI. Only memorable part is the "Get to the choppas" line, as they discover just the right amount of bikes to escape on, in the middle of some secret base, with no other vehicles around.
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Gonna Keep It Short And Simple
nassahdeys12 September 2018
Keeping my review and simple because I want you to watch yourself.

The Predator is definitely your typical Shane Black movie filled with typical Shane Black writing. However it is definitely not your typical Predator movie. Whether that's good or bad, it's entirely up to you.

I liked it.
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An entertaining action flick with oodles of gore but the dark tone is missing.
Fella_shibby12 January 2021
I first saw this in a theatre in 2018. Revisited it recently.

This is the fourth in the Predator franchise and it has nothing to do with the previous Adrien Brody one.

This time a U.S. Army Ranger sniper disables a Predator and has parts of its armor sent off by mail to prove the existence of extraterrestrial life thereby putting his son's life in danger. The sniper is aided by a group of PTSD-afflicted soldiers and a scientist, who all team up to fight off Predators and discover their plans for mankind.

This one has lots of action n gory moments, some good character development without sacrificing the pace. It is no doubt an entertaining action flick but Predator movies shud have dark n serious tone. I liked the characters but their jokes were silly.

Looking forward for the fifth one which is set during the Civil War. Hope for some good showdowns.

Can someone tell me how Brackett manages to arrive at the crash site n that too so soon?

Can someone tell me what happens to Lynch? The Predator severs his arm with his shoulder cannon. We don't see him get killed by the Predator, and it's interesting to note that the Predator was originally aiming at his head, then moved to sever his arm. If the Predator didn't kill him.....

The Predator's shoulder cannon is known to cauterize wounds?

The scene at Emily's house - the predator kills the agents but dont kno why it spares Emily. Some may say that Emily wasn't armed but so were the scientists. The main problem here is not the sparing of Emily. It is about the editing. The scene darted off to another one without any explanation.
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Another Classic Ruined
view_and_review6 June 2019
I guess the main question is why. Why did they make this sequel? Why was the story so bad? Why were the characters so bad? Why did they take a classic movie and dump on it? More importantly, why did I watch it?

Everyone believes they need to put a new spin on things as though movies need an upgrade. Shame on you Shane Black. Yeah, you added more flash, more bang, more action, more everything but it lacked other more important things: quality, character, uniqueness.

They tried to incorporate too many characters, too many fields of expertise, and too many variations of the original. It just ended up being a dismemberment orgy of red and green blood with tons of one-liners, quips, and inept government henchmen. It was terrible.

In an attempt to be bigger, badder, better it came off as a cheap cash grab trying to profit off of the sacred name of a legend. I watched. I didn't pay but I watched. I knew better but I thought just maybe... A guy can wish can't he?
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CGI predator. No thanks.
antant-1383823 September 2018
Completely took the beauty away from this graceful monster. In a nutshell, it's so confused. Is it a marvel film is it a kids film or is it a genre film. The script is horrendous even though I did laugh, but that just made me sad. The characters are just, well pointless. There's zero suspense. There is some good ideas in there but nothing to redeem it. Why are studios so scared to just slow down and make a descent horror film. It's the predator fgs how can you screw this up, And a cgi predator that's just the worst way to go. If your not a fan don't bother if you are a fan definitely don't bother. Very very disappointing.
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Don't understand the hate
ExtrovertedIntrovert11 August 2022
I'm 35 so too young to have been around when the first films came out, but I've always liked them.

This movie is the first one I've wanted to rewatch, multiple times. Am I dumb enough to find it entertaining? Maybe.

But I genuinely do not get the hate! It's a really fun movie. It's great escapism. It's much more fun than the others, but I suppose it's quite a tonal shift. Maybe that's it?
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Lifelong Predator fan. Til now.
ericcglwrc17 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I was born in 87, saw Predator as a kid and became a fanatic. Then Predator 2 came out and I was happy with it. It had the same vibe and was very entertaining. I played Alien vs Predator in that huge arcade box version at my local Ames as my parents would pick up groceries. My grandpa and I even bought the Predator action figure and setup GI Joes hanging upside down from the trees in my backyard. Here we are decades later and I went to see this yesterday. I've never taken time to review a movie on here whether I liked a movie or not but today, I signed up an imdb profile simply to write this review. This was simply the worst movie I have ever seen in the theater. The CGI was awful, the story was atrocious, the jokes were written for 7 year olds but the gore was for adults. WHO IS THIS MOVIE FOR!? It caters to no crowd well. I was 100% upset this didn't go straight to the scifi channel alongside Arachnophobia. It was so bad, at the end when they introduce Predators gift to man, The Predator Killer as they named it, I fully expected Arnold Schwarzenegger to step out as a Terminator. That's how awful this movie was. That was actually a plausible ending to me considering how bad the rest was. AND the actual ending WAS WORSE.
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Good movie
bayram14516 September 2018
Saw the movie last weekend. Was surprised about the bad/unfair reviews therefore decided to leave one of my own. It's an entertaining movie, funny, good acting, no glaring plot holes. Was well worth watching. I did not realize there were so many die heart predator fans. Sounds like they wanted more of the same. This movie isn't your typical predator movie, but in my openion it makes it more not less appealing.
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The New Bottom
letande13 September 2018
Like everybody else back in 1987, I was really impressed by Predator. It was pretty simple and straightforward movie, but it introduced a pretty neat and unique concept and, well, there was something special about the atmosphere. "...the jungle... it just came alive and took him." It was awesome. Unfortunately, sequel suffered from some seriously poor writing, while Aliens versus Predator franchise turned out to be a complete disaster. Everybody knows that and everybody wanted Predator franchise to return to its former glory one day. That's why I had some hope for this one. I seriously did. That's why I bought a ticket and went to see it the day one. I really expected to see a good Predator movie. I mean, there was no way they'll make a bad movie after all those big expectations, right? RIGHT? Well... I was naïve...

Long story short, the new Predator is EXACTLY like AvP. Only worse. Wa-a-ay worse. 999x+ times worse. Remember the first AvP movie? Remember how at the beginning it at least tried to create some atmosphere, but ended up with that girl fighting together with Predator in a very silly way? In this movie it's that exact silly stuff from very beginning and until the very end. It's so silly that it doesn't even feel like a real deal. It feels like a cheap comedy. A parody. A B-movie with AAA budget. The movie tries really hard to be like Deadpool, but the problem is... it shouldn't be like that! I mean, come on! Predator was supposed to be a mix between horror and sci-fi. With deep atmosphere. With suspense and a man versus alien in a brutal battle. Add Deadpool-like jokes about genitals and BOOM! The entire thing is ruined. Just like that. The entire audience laughed through the entire movie, can't argue with that. People like Deadpool's jokes. Not me, but... you know... as long as audience love it... If all you want is some cheap laughs, this movie has them. A lot of them. It's literally MADE of them. The entire movie is, like, one... big... JOKE. My problem, though, is that nobody warned me about the fact that this movie is a parody. It was advertised as a real deal, a big comeback, which turned out to be a cheap parody. Why? I mean... WHY???

Also, unfortunately, jokes are not the only problem here. Even though 2/3 of the movie are just that - dirty jokes. The thing is - the entire writing is bad. The entire IDEA is bad. It feels a lot like E.T., only E.T. is Predator now and kid's father is Ash freakin' Williams.

Talking About Evil Dead. Remember Army of Darkness? That's EXACTLY what this movie tries to achieve. And there are three problems with that. First: Boyd Holbrook is not Bruce Campbell. He doesn't have that thing that allowed Bruce to do his thing. He doesn't have that crazy spark in him. And as the result - his character feels absolutely, completely RIDICULOUS. Second: writers have no clue how to be crazy with style. Evil Dead franchise had that. This movie? Nope. It tries. Hard. Way too hard. But still... nope. And, finally, there was no reason to turn good ol' Predator into the Evil Dead. Evil Dead is good. Predator is good. Mix them together and here comes disaster.

The new Predator is something that may work for you at home, when you're way too drunk at your weekend to enjoy something real. When all you want is something on background with some cheap laughs, while you're eating your pizza and drinking your beer... this movie will do. Like any B-movie. Like Sharknado. But as a proper Predator movie... on big screen... for the full price... It's a disaster. Did I tell you that 3D also sucks and pretty much useless here? No? Well, it is. The new Predator is one of the very rare movies that totally made me regret paying for a ticket. Even as one time movie... it doesn't work. Back in the days, I believed that it's impossible to be worse than AvP. The new Predator proved me wrong. Ladies and gentlemen... here comes the very new bottom for the franchise.

P.S. There's one good thing about all that, though. It makes Predator 2 to look like timeless masterpiece.
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A Lukewarm Addition to the Franchise
kjproulx10 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The Predator franchise isn't something that's remembered fondly by filmgoers, but rather the original on its own. For that reason alone, I didn't have many expectations when going into this latest installment, other than the fact that Shane Black wrote and directed it. He has been a favourite filmmaker of mine for quite some time. He has always been known for adding a friendship storyline to his films, so I was curious to see what he would do with an ensemble. While I can't quite say I had a blast with this movie, it's a fine addition to the franchise and fans of Shane Black's style will probably get a kick out of multiple moments. Personally, this movie didn't really work for me when looking at it as a Predator film, but it was an average outing for Shane Black as a whole.

After Quinn (Boyd Holbrook) goes toe to toe with a creature, he is able to escape with elements of this "newly discovered" race. Being discovered by a little boy in Rory (Jacob Tremblay), he accidentally calls their race to Earth. From there, as you would expect, chaos ensues and death definitely occurs. In terms of the action involving the Predator, I never found that anything new was brought to the table. Sure, there are a few very clever moments in which blood is utilized, but the Predator itself was as generic as ever. That being said, there are a few aspects of the movie that worked against that notion.

Never in my life would I think I'd look at a franchise that's known for testosterone-fueled men and say that the best part of a sequel is a little kid. Jacob Tremblay has always proven himself to be a fantastic young actor, and not only does he give his all here, but he, along with Boyd Holbrook, are the true standouts in terms of characterization and performances in general. If you find yourself cringing at times, just know that a great scene with Rory or Quinn is on the horizon. Sadly, aside from Olivia Munn, this cast isn't given enough to do here. There are quite a few times where it felt as though they were present for the sole purpose of providing comedic relief, which leads me to my biggest complaint about this movie as a whole.

The Predator is a hilarious movie. Yes, I found myself laughing pretty hard on multiple occasions, but that was the film's largest downside in retrospect. The Predator franchise has been known for the cheesy action and light-hearted dialogue, but this movie was a straight up comedy at times, while the action seemed like it was trying to come off as genuine and trying to provide the audience with stakes. This contrast didn't quite work for me and I found myself scratching my head on multiple occasions. The action was fun and the comedy was great in certain moments, but those two specific elements felt like they belonged in a different film.

In the end, Shane Black has directed a fun blockbuster, if it wasn't called The Predator. If this movie had swapped out the Predators and replaced them with a different alien race, I think people would've been able to look at this film like a solid alien action/comedy from Shane Black's creative mind. Instead, this movie is a showcase of his talents, while being a very muddled and lukewarm addition to this franchise. As I mentioned, there wasn't anything new brought to the table here for this universe. From the score to the overall execution of the action, everything felt very familiar. I had fun watching this movie for what it was, but the meshing of the aforementioned elements just didn't quite work for me. I left this film disappointed, but still having had a decent experience.
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mark-2662426 November 2018
Feels like a 12 year old wrote and directed this nonsensical rubbish
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Exactly what I expected from a Shane black predator movie!!!
h-6655116 September 2018
Listen, don't go into this movie expecting a master piece, cause it isn't, but what it does have is hilariously raunchy humor, gratuitous violence, and action throughout. It's just a movie that's so stupid is fun!! So if you want to be boring and play the critic, be my guess, but if you want to have a hell of a good time, go see this movie
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Not the best predator film, not the worst.
alexanderstephencraig16 September 2018
People are far too critical here. The acting was decent for the most part. There were just extremely odd characters. The action, why everyone realistically went to the movie, was pretty good. I for one liked the concept and why does everyone say there's no story? The premise has more story than Predator 2 or Predators. What I didn't like, was some of the cgi and the enhancement of the predator(seen in the trailer - not a spoiler) everyone goes to see predator movies to see a big brooding badass kill people. It delivered in that aspect. The humor was funny and fit well considering the group of misfits. The end, I will admit, I didn't care for. Everyone hates on it, and I ignored it but honestly it wasn't great. It does present room to grow. Personally I think they should scale up the story line with not evolving, but a use of more predators. She can grow the story off of the actions of the first predator in the film which would work very well. Long story short, it is an action film you're expecting and if you've seen the trailer, you know what to expect. Just enjoy it. And they can never make one to live up to the hype of the very first film. The first film was stripped down to mercs fighting an alien. People loved it because it was new. So to make something new for fans, it has to evolve. It makes sense. Just watch the movie.
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I made an imdb account to warn people
ParallelFalchion25 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This killed the Predator franchise. Completely. Never have I watched a more awkward film. Confusing plot. F-bombs every thirty seconds. A scientist suddenly able to run faster than Usain Bolt. Some kid learns the Predator language in seconds. 1000 feet falls, yet no one breaks anything. You get the point. And this movie gave off so much awkward energy. I was watching with someone extremely close, and we normally make multiple jokes during movies, but none of us made a single one. I was itching to ask if they were okay with watching something else. No one said a word between the movie started, and an hour into the film. And if you're curious what those first words were... it was: "Hi, can I have a large cheese pizza and medium hot wings?" This film is unforgiving, and sadly, my least favorite movie. Ever. Spare yourselves. Please don't watch it.
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Troll movie
briandavidkundra18 May 2020
This movie was made to troll predator fans such as myself. Mission accomplished.
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If he was in town with a few days to kill, he wouldn't waste them watching this movie
PeterWorthers16 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I seriously have no idea where to start on this one.

Going into this movie i had a mix of excitement (I like the Alien and Predator franchises so I'm a fan) and 'Meh' (after watching the trailers: which everyone was so excited over and that found boring and not exciting what so ever)

I was not disappointed on the last part. Honestly; I have seen better movies shot by fans in their back yard on a camcorder. At least those have heart and...whats the word I'm looking for? Oh yea, AN ACTUAL PLOT THAT WASN'T RIPPED OFF FROM A HUNDRED OTHER MOVIES BEFORE IT.

Forcing my way through this movie (I figured there had to be a good scene hidden i it somewhere. Spoiler alert: there wasn't) i wound up rolling my eyes more than anything. It was almost like they had a bunch of scripts, cut and paste the 'best' scenes from them all into one, added crappy jokes and that was they best they could produce.

The characters are thrown in and you are expected t like them, no back story other then they introduce themselves, some don't even get that before they are thrown into the action. The action itself seemed thrown in there for the sake of action, most of it was not needed, if the Predator is as smart as 'it should have been' it would never have gotten mixed up in any of the rag tag humans 'plans' or 'traps'.

But there were many other things that bothered me, such as:

1: This secret group has been studying the Predator for years, are supposed to be experts, then once they get an actual living specimen they call in a civilian that has no experience to tell them what they SHOULD have already known. If they knew nothing about them, what have they been doing there all those years other then making snazzy Predator weapon dioramas?

2: For being a sniper, this dude sure did move around a lot and talk too loudly into his too loud radio.

3: Alien equipment, government is going to kill me for it, need to hide it somewhere safe. I'll mail it to my wife and kid. That's a safe idea right?

4. Munns character is a scientist, then suddenly picks up a gun and becomes GI Joe, running and shooting and jumping faster and more organized than ALL THE MILITARY PEOPLE BASED AT THAT INSTALLATION? Come on.

5: The argument over the Predators name. Shut up! All it did was make all the men in those scenes look stupid and arrogant and the only woman there be the voice of reason.

6: So the kid finds the Predator tech and instantly thinks its a video game. Are you serious? It was addressed to his dad, so it wasn't his but he decides to hack into it and then WEAR it as a HALLOWEEN COSTUME?

7: The jokes. Oh dear god. Even with the red band trailer, i knew they were throwing all these modern looking cool guys that swore all the time in to make it relatable, the jokes (I assume) were supposed to do the same but they DID NOT. They did not add to anything but at the same time made you realize how desperate this movie was to try to be relevant and hip. Oh, we're in the middle an action scene, lets stop the scene to tell a joke, then go back to the scene.

8: The main characters wife. One of the group asks her to describe her husband. But instead of talking about him as a person o what type of father or man he is, she spouts out word for word every metal, war, kill and decoration hes ever had like she memorized it. What dependent knows ALL OF THAT? No one, that's who. That scene alone showed why we should NOT care about her.

9: The translator. So this Super Predator came to kill inferior humans (what else is new) but before it has a chance to blow up it's ship and kill everyone there, it translates what it's going to do to everyone there to give them a sporting chance. WHY?

10: The Predator dogs. Oh dear lord what the hell were you thinking people? They're so 'mean' then instantly turn to mans best friend and want to be friends with the people that not a few moments ago were shooting it trying to kill it and it's friend? Seriously, what was the point?

11. As with every movie, the military is bad and the DUMBEST organization on this planet. Their secret labs are easy to break out of, their buses are easy to take over, their bases are just wide open for any civilian to run around and steal equipment from.

12: The ending. This movie assumed it would be a huge hit and set itself up for a sequel (hopefully this does not happen) THIS was the (I assume plot of this movie)? If it was so important why didn't the Predator just walk into the lab (since it was so easy to break out of) and just hand it to us. They we could have joined together to defeat the Super Predator.

13: Munns character again. One second she's kicking butt taking names then all the sudden she's the 'oopsie' clumsy damsel in distress that keeps getting beat up of thrown down or knocked down. So much for strong female types.

14: So the Predator came to this planet because they discovered Autism was the next step in their evolution to become a Super Duper Extra Tough Predator? Wait, what? Really?

There were a ton more, but I will spare you.

As I said, this movie could have been done a million times better a million different ways. But this is what they put out under the assumption that the name and likeness of The Predator would carry it. I'll let you decide for yourself, but in my opinion it does not.

I'm unsure as to what the Predator was hunting for but he didn't find it in this movie.
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