Lake Bodom (2016) Poster


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Good cinematography and sound doesn't make a good movie
joaakive18 January 2017
A film based on a true story that can be told in two sentences, and the plot isn't actually even that much based on it. Basically it's a Finnish "slasher" film that isn't scary in any way.

How can that be possible ? In a horror movie the viewer should identify to at least one "victim" character and hope for hes or her (usually her) survival in some way. This movie makes none of the cast feel innocent or likable and twists the plot in so many so unnecessary ways the characters lose all value and become indifferent for the viewer.

It feels like the script was just brainstormed together in a single sitting without any work and all focus put into the set, cinematography, sound and music which are all state of art. In some scenes the actors do fine job but very bad in few - losing completely the credibility of the ongoing -panic- situation, although international audiences might not get this. When the movie ends one just feels empty and cheated - it meant nothing and it left nothing to ponder on.

These are common faults in modern publicly-funded Finnish cinema where tech, music and cinematography are great but driven with lazy writing and recycled boring cast that appears in about every title. Weren't the soviet days already over ?

For those interested in slightly better Finnish slasher horror, Kuutamosonaatti (1988) is something to check out.
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"Lake Bodom" serves up interesting twists but ends badly.
stu-003298 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This film (in Finnish with English subtitles) riffs off a real-life unsolved crime in 1960, in which two teenage couples were stabbed and bludgeoned during the night while camping by Lake Bodom, near Espoo, Finland. Three of the four were killed, the fourth injured severely.

In the movie, directed by Taneli Mustonen, another set of teens - two girls and two guys - camp at the site where the 1960 incident took place. The guys ostensibly want to re-enact the crime to test a theory. To lure the girls into coming along, the guys tell them they're going go a party at a lakeside cabin. The girls play along but have their own agendas.

It's never clear that the characters are two couples. Elias (Mikael Gabriel) and Nora (Mimosa Willamo) swim together in their underwear and then retreat to the tent, but the film is ambiguous about what, if any, shenanigans take place therein. Ida (Nelly Hirst-Gee) and Atte (Santeri Helinheimo Mäntylä) hang out by the campfire until they decide it's safe to join their friends in the tent - that Elias and Nora probably are done doing whatever they were doing.

But if that last point implies that Elias and Nora were fooling around, one might expect them to die first, according to convention for slasher films. Instead, socially awkward Atte is the first to go, stabbed from behind while poking his head into the tent to speak with Ida, who can't see the attacker.

Elias is the alpha male, a heavily tattooed, Polynesian-looking guy who seems out of place in rural Finland. Atte is a geek, a long-haired guy with self-esteem issues. Ida is a stunning blonde trying to emerge from a dark period in her past, her face masked in sadness. Her friend Nora is wild, tomboyish brunette.

Like many Scandinavian films, Lake Bodem is visually dark and austere. The production quality is professional, and there is some interesting camera work.

As the various teens' agendas emerge, the plot takes a number of surprising twists, perhaps too many. I found the conclusion to be muddled, with little explanation or motive.

Variety reported in February that the AMC Networks-backed genre streaming service Shudder had picked up the rights to Lake Bodom and would start streaming it in May 2017.


Stu Robinson does writing, editing, media relations and social media through his business, Phoenix-based Lightbulb Communications.
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Its stylish but dumb
Matiassaitam3 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers

  • The cinematography
  • The editing
  • Effects

  • The acting for the most part
  • The plot
  • The dialogue
  • The lighting it looks like midday when they are in the woods at night
  • whos idea was to make the most unlikable persons as their main leads for the rest of 45 mins of the movie?
  • The soundtrack is really really generic and annoying. The part where a pop song comes when they go to swim is the funniest thing ever.
  • sound desing/editing. Sometimes you can hear footsteps while nobody is moving. And ADR is really obvious at times.
  • full of plot holes and conveniences. Like they have no cell phones even tho its modern day? Etc

Skip this one.
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Looks great but is too clever to carry the weight of the premise
derekjager30 May 2017
So I guess I just didn't "get" LAKE BODOM. Why was it a good idea to go to the isolated site where a group of campers were massacred in the 1960s? To "recreate it"? And if there was an active psycho back then, he'd be in his 70s now...or early 80s? This film just seemed to lurch from one "surprise" to another and instead of show don't tell, the characters sat in the car and explained at great length why they did what they did. I thought the acting was fine, but the character's motivations seemed wildly out of sync with what they were reacting to. And no fault of the filmmakers, but the subtitles (yes, it's subtitled) are pretty bad. What's also interesting is that while the critics love it at RT, with a current score of 100% from 6 critics, audiences only give it a 38%. I'm one of those who is fine with "movie logic" but if you're going to have your psycho appear at the end, he needs some kind of explanation or we're to believe that for no reason whatsoever he hangs out in the woods for 50+ years...just hanging out?
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Fun and solid horror filmmaking
spencergrande61 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Some modern teens set out to recreate the circumstances surrounding the real life Lake Bodom murders down to every last detail and once and for all figure out exactly how this happened in the first place. Motivations are scattershot - they aren't so much character motivated as plot (the two main guys are apparently not friends, though why they're on a trip together doesn't come up) and the one guy's "vision" for the weekend no one seems to want to go along with.

Suffice it to say that killings happen and teens are stalked. There are a fair amount of twists and turns, movies within movies, that make for an engaging experience. Too much exposition and plot mechanics? Probably. But this is fun and solid horror filmmaking.
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Lake Bodom
James_Lister_8224 May 2017
Boring, predictable, unlikable characters, and a film that didn't really know what it wanted to be. Is how I would sum this movie up. It reminded me of Wolf Creek a little. But besides that nothing really good to say about this film unfortunately. Not worth watching. They're better movies out there.
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Whoever wrote this nonsense has apparently never met a teenage girl in his life.
fedor821 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The asinine major plot-twist that occurs half-way through the film is one of the dumbest in a teen horror, and that's saying something. The notion that two fairly normal teenage girls could be cold-blooded killers - butchers even - is so far-fetched that it could only play out this way on planet Zong, infamous for its vicious teeny-boppers: those lizard-like green girls listen to Bieber during the day then massacre innocent people at night, especially when picnicking at Lake Bodumb (their equivalent to Lake Bodom).

The percentage of psychopathy among women is notably lower than among men. (Among European men it's around 1%.) So the odds that two women of this ilk actually meet each other by accident (i.e. not in a prison, for example) is so minuscule as to be near-impossible. This is made more absurd with the fact that the blonde one suggested the murders while the brunette executed (one of) them, i.e. it wasn't just one domineering psychopath who was pushing the other one toward violence - which would have made more sense (i.e. less nonsense). What compounds this hogwash even further is their ability to hatch a plan as complex as this one and to execute it (well, at least the murdering) without a hitch - and at such short notice. Fairly idiotic fare for a movie trying pathetically to build itself on the shoulders of an infamous Finnish murder case, a REAL case. A case this movie has no actual relation to.

The least that this clueless writer could have done to alleviate some of this absurdity would have been to have the girls react with some degree of appropriate emotion right after the murders. Instead, they mostly behave as if they'd been murdering people for 100s of years! The brunette is behaving as if she'd just been to the cinema, and the blonde seems mopey and bored.

What the hell was the point of the missing car-keys? Ida dives to get them, and... she gets them. Why have that entire segment when it serves no purpose plot-wise? All that we find out is that Ida is a "great diver". Padding? Quite possibly.

The dumbest scene - aside from the "great reveal" - is the ludicrous conversation between Ida and Elias right before he gets killed. The blond kid just got butchered, in the middle of the night, in the forest, and yet Elias actually feels like striking up a conversation with Ida about some old incident involving nude photos of her. So he must be used to witnessing murder? That conversation should have taken place BEFORE the first murder. Bad Movie Writing 101. As it is, the writer is showing great incompetence in both structure and the building up of tension. When you disregard some basic rules of human psychology you inevitable sacrifice logic hence tension too. Because who's interested in a movie where people behave like aliens from planet Zong? Just give these people wings, five extra arms, and be done with it: make it a proper sci-fi film.

There is more. The girls planned this complicated double murder, the sort of intricate plan that couldn't be hatched at short notice, and yet THEY were the ones invited to the picnic - by their own victims! This is beyond far-fetched. It should be the other way round. Killers invite their victims to their own funeral, basic logic and common sense demand that. Nora says that part of the conspiracy was to "wait for an opportunity"; she could have waited for 50 years, in reality. This stinker has no logic, no sense; it's just an idiotic slasher film with asinine twists and absurd characters.

If the "whole school" saw Ida's nude photos - yet they never existed - then how can she possibly have been so convinced that they exist? Surely the words of Nora could not be enough. There would have to have been more people from the school telling her they saw the photos - or informing her that the photos don't exist. None of this adds up.

Just not to be outdone by all the moronic American thrillers who throw around plot-twists like free beer, the movie makes sure that the girls come across THE Lake Bodom killer. Or A Lake Bodom killer. It isn't clear which because the (real) killings occurred in 1960, and this particular killer doesn't appear to be anywhere near 70 or 80 years old. He is in his 40s, hence wasn't even born when the killings occur. Planet Zong logic.

Hence we add up with a typically "cute" modern-thriller finish in which different killers are pitted against each other. First the girls engage in a laughable brawl while their vehicle is still in motion. Then the Bodom killer appears, like some Jason Vorhees ghost clone, just happens to be standing on the road when the girls fight each other. The girls fly 100 meters through the air in the car, bouncing up and down the road, smashing into trees, somersaults included, yet does either get killed? Nah. Seriously injured? Not really. Because the inept writer still needs them. "The nonsense must go on", as the old thriller adage goes. As long as the movie hasn't reached the minimum feature-film length, the killer(s) must not snuff it. Otherwise what's a bad writer to do? Invent yet another anonymous killer? How is he going to get Nora to sprint like a deer if he has her injured by a spectacular bone-crushing car crash? Nora dashes out of that wreckage as if she'd just received Usain Bolt's special cocktail. No doubt, this movie should be used to test people's intelligence.

The only realistic thing here is that there is a fight that ensues between these narcissistic lesbians once Nora comes clean about her deception. Of course, even that scene had to be idiotic; they start fighting during the drive, after Nora smacks Ida right into her face with what seems to be a blunt object. Ida should have been instantly killed, or at least knocked out cold. Furthermore, the car stays on the road way too long considering that it's a) dark, b) the road is narrow and not straight, and b) the girls are at each other's throats.

Thrillers really need to start adopting and accepting the basic laws of physics, and to inject real human psychology into their characters, if they are to become great again. (Were they ever great? No. That was a little joke.) Instead, thrillers are getting exponentially dumber by the decade. Because most audiences allow them to.

The only thing that matches the writer's ineptness is the utter incompetence of the Finnish authorities in the way they handled the 1960 murders. As for the mysterious killer, there is very little doubt who he is. Read the Wikipedia page and it all becomes clear.
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Not afraid to go to some dark places
jtindahouse5 January 2023
It can be a tricky thing to make a film around actual real-life killings. Daniel Farrands has found that out the hard way. While the film is really its own story entirely, the fact that is refers to the real-life killings at all has probably garnered it some unfair/fair (depending on your point of view) hatred. If you look at it just as a film purely made for entertainment purposes however, it isn't half bad.

I love me some European horror. They aren't afraid to go to the places that the American filmmakers are. This is a film that gets darker and darker as it goes along. It keeps one-upping itself.

There are some jump scares in this movie that have the most ridiculously loud noise accompanying them in relation to the sound mix. It's almost impossible to not get a fright, not so much because the scare is well crafted (it usually isn't) but just because the noise is so unexpectedly loud.

I didn't mind this film. If you go in just looking to be entertained then you'll likely have some fun with it. I can see it being considered insensitive too though and wouldn't argue with anyone trying to make that point. 7/10.
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Not that good
PedroPires9026 April 2022
I don't know what to say about this one. It's an original approach which is great, but I felt that the execution didn't really work that well. I think the first plot twist should have been the only one and should have happened much later, the last scene.

Even if the production values and the acting are positive things to mention, I don't think the film did something particularly well (except the existence of the first plot twist). The first act was a bit lame and not that exciting (ok, the build-up on these films is always very similar but this wasn't one of the most exciting), then the suspense and slasher elements of the 2nd act run for no more than 10/15 minutes (the best part of the film) and after that we have the 2nd plot twist that doesn't need to exist and it's not that interesting ending on a low note.
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nothing to do with the real events
trashgang31 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Based on the real Bodom murders in 1960, friends are going back to the lake to go camping but of course things go wrong. I thought it was going to be a slasher because so many are talking about this flick as being a slasher.

I can agree on some parts but to be called a slasher therefor it doesn't fit in the terms to be called a slasher. You known, nudity, pov shots, the heroin...but still it does deliver on some nasty parts but you have to watch it closely to understand it all because the story goes everywhere and back.

It wasn't as nasty as some said it was going to be because some 'slashing' is done off -camera, a no go in the slasher genre.

On the other hand, the camera did a nice job, well shot and edited but for me the worst thing was the story itself. The red stuff is there but no gore.

Gore 0/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 2/5 Story 2,5/5 Comedy 0/5.
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WankerReviews30 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Beginning starts with paper thin characters, and you don't care whether they live or die. Towards the middle there' a nice twist, and it seems promising, and then it completely falls flat after another twist. I don't get it, how do you come up with a good idea that grabs your audience, and then run it by doing nothing with it. The ending turned out to be dull and a mess. And then there was this weird editing choice where you would only see quick flashes of something happening, but you couldn't tell what was happening.
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tommyknocker-525 December 2016
5,1 out of 10 is a disgrace to this film. Well-paced, well-acted, suspenseful and a somewhat original plot (see for yourself) with a few good twists and turns. The very most parts of the film take place in the woods, and the solid nature definitely builds up a true horror atmosphere to the film.

"Lake Bodom" also has this great unsettling "nerve" to it, which reminds me of some of the best classic 80s horror flicks like "Just Before Dawn" and "The Burning".

In my opinion "Lake Bodom" is the best Finnish horror flick out there. Well worth a watch for horror hounds and/or people who appreciate an entertaining, thrilling 85 minute ride!
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This is my first Finnish film and I pretty much like it
gedikreverdi24 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It has some problems but it totally worked for me. The setting was super eerie and besides that some scenes were just really scary and reminded me of those really gory French horror films. The scene where she retrieved the car keys from the dead body in the lake and the towing scenes were really good. The first twist was that it was the girls who killed the boys but then the second twist comes along which is neither of them killed Atte. Neither of the twists was shocking but I thought it was Atte with morbid curiosities would do something to "recreate" those scenes.

Nora lied to Ida so that she would be hers instead of Elias and Ida wanted to kill them and Nora was so readily murderous for her lover. It sounds far fetched but within the film I totally bought it.
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Lake boring
sparrow12341110 July 2021
I had to keep rewinding the movie because I would doze off. It was that bad. The acting was ok but the premise and the whole entire concept makes watching a slug crawling ax cross the ground much more interesting and dramatic.
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From a Finn to Everyone: Don't waste your time
TerribleKatherine15 January 2018
So, Finnish horror movies are rare. A good Finnish horror movie is next to impossible. This movie is faaaar from good. I do know the Lake Bodom story. I have heard about it since I was a little kid, just like every other Finn born after the mysterious mass killing. Why was this movie even referring to Bodom, because the way it forced the Bodom story into it was weak. I am not a fan of Mikael Gabriel, he's a shitty Finnish rapper, but his acting was decent. So was the rest of the cast. But the plot just didn't work. I was hoping for that "oh my god, this is too horrible!""-moment in the movie and that never came. Thank god I didn't spend any movie seeing this on the big screen.
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Enough of a twist to be enjoyable
labng23 April 2021
It pulled reference from our current digital world to freshen the plot line. The cinematography was moody and atmospheric. I found this effective thriller fare.
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Just another boring clichéd teen slasher orgy!
adventure716 May 2017
I guess if there is a tragic accidents or murders, we'll have movies about them. This isn't exactly what happened in Lake Bodom in 1960 and the action in the movie takes place in modern days. This is another attempt at the horror genre to make film with the same plot as almost every other slasher. I was kind of excited to see non-American film from this genre and i was hoping for a cool foreign movie outside of the Hollywood norms and tropes, which i got with movies like "The Martyrs", "High Tension", "Vertigo", "Rec", "Train to Busan" etc, but this is just the Finnish version of "Friday the 13th", just call it "Crystal Lake" and get over with it. If you want to watch new good horror watch "Split" or "Get Out", not this.

My "hopes" were crushed when i got to the plot, which is totally overused and boring. Guess what was the first jump scare! Yeah... their friend popping out of nowhere. Guess what was the second jump scare! Yeah… a tree branch falling. Cliché after cliché after cliché. And don't get me wrong... i don't mind a good old jump scare that much if it's done right, look at movies like "The Conjuring", "Insidious" etc, they're making it the right way. And they put personal drama in one of the characters, which is totally misplaced. The tone is often off and on, at one time we have "suspense" moment, of course the background sounds, should tell you that, because you can't feel a real tension and then we cut back with this stupid backstory, because I guess, we have to give a motive for the group of people being in the woods.

And don't even let me start with the characters... emotionless and flat. If you are making them that way, make them at least a little bit different... but hey, why should we have characters that are not trivial? Jerk - check, slut - check, harassed shy girl - check, dumb decisions made by them - check! Of course the bad acting did not contributed. If you are lost in the forest, one of your friends was brutally murdered and there is probably a serial killer, which is after you... maybe you should panic a little bit, not just walking around, talking for normal day drama. What were the director and the writer thinking? "Hey, we have a twist. Well that makes the movie a whole lot better, right?" Twist, which is very dumb, because in order to try something new, they fail and which is explained 20 minutes. "Why the twist should be shocking and interesting when it can be stupid and not well executed?".

So… the script was poor, the acting sucked, as well as the idea, because it's overused. At least make it over the top fun. I wanted the movie to end after the 20th minute, but i watched it to the end anyway. Boring, lifeless and doll movie that is cliché to it's core. If something distinguishes it from the other indie-slashers is the camera work, which isn't great but it wasn't that bad and this is the best this movie has to offer. If you are bored out of your mind even before the half run time of the movie hasn't passed, something isn't right. 2/10
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Loved it all the way
MiakateRussell15 November 2020
Some of these reviews are so harsh. I loved this film, and the people I recommended it to did as well. As someone that often picks the ending in the first 15 minutes I loved being totally thrown, and even said a "Oh my god" out loud a few times. Great acting, fabulous script. Overall one of the best horror film I've seen this year - And I watch a lot!
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Incredibly hot performers, but also becomes a pretty decent watch the longer it goes
Horst_In_Translation9 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Bodom" is a Finnish horror film from 2016, so still a very recent release written and directed by Taneli Mustonen, his most known work at this point probably, and this is actually not the only film at all dealing with the Lake Bodom tragedy from several decades ago. It runs for slightly under 1.5 hours and takes us on a trip with 4 young people into a really scary area, namely the lake mentioned in the title. Early on, it is a bit of a film where they get murdered one by one you could say, but it's never repetitive at all as you can also guess who's gonna get it next. And maybe you will be as wrong as I was as my order was pretty messed up. But halfway into the film, when there's only two alive still, the film heads into a completely different direction and it was an interesting one as I found the second half clearly better than the first. As a hetero male audience member, I can also not deny that the two female protagonists were breathtakingly stunning and no matter what you are into, I truly believe that at least one of the duo will really get you juices flowing. The suggestive shots involving the blonde (looks like a mix of Chloe Moretz and the young Elizabeth Moss) clearly didn't hurt the film either. But is not defined by the sexual component by any means. It is a pretty scary and shocking film at times, especially towards the ending, even if I did not like the very final ending too much, especially the extreme change in time and atmosphere that gave off an impression as if they wanted it to be a much more significant and way deeper film than it was. No need for that. Lets just enjoy it from the pointless sexy fun perspective. Story-wise I must say that it was never a realistic film by any means, but that's not a problem either. I enjoyed seeing it nonetheless for what it is. And that comes from somebody who does not enjoy slasher films at all. Then again the actually bloody moments weren't that frequent as I think of when I hear the word "slasher". This is most certainly the reason why I liked it. So I give this one a thumbs-up and of course you will need subtitles if you aren't fluent in Finnish and want to check it out. Which you should. There is also lots of subtle comedy in here like when we hear the guy's voice at the end. A good watch with friends as well as your significant other unless she despises horror and violence (in) movies.
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bren-t-mgr27 May 2021
This the worst Finn movie I have ever seen.

Who can make this kind of movie and think "I've done a great jpb!!" is beyond belief!
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I don'y have a knife
nogodnomasters4 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Four teens go to a cabin in the woods, except there is no cabin. They camp out at the infamous Lake Bodom the site where four teens were murdered in 1960. They never caught the killer. Atte (Santeri Helinheimo Mäntylä) is on the nerdy side and has a theory about the killer he wants to test. His friend Elias (MikaelGabriel) likes girls, especially the damaged Ida Mary (Nelly Hirst-Gee) who had a terrible thing happen to her...details later. And her friend and lover (?) Nora (Mimosa Willamo) round out our foursome. Elias drives a Volvo station wagon, a chick magnet in Finland.

Yes, people die. Ida is set up early as the final girl as her dad "treats her like a dog" because of that thing. The film takes a nice wicked twist, and then changes directions into the film you thought it was going to be all along. It was like they wanted to make 2 different films.

Guide: F-word. Brief nudity. No sex.
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Honestly not worth watching
Rambo45422 August 2020
This movie is a perfect example of how a large budget, familiar actors and skillfull videography just cannot replace proper storytelling. It feels a lot like another one of those movies where the scenery shots, music and speechless parts make the whole runtime seem better than it actually is.

With only the plot points, conversations, action and narration Bodom is a mediocre film really in all of the genres it promises to represent. For a comedy, it's not funny. Aside from a few gags and jokes occasionally thrown around here and there it contains almost zero comedic elements to speak of. For a horror title, it does try to deliver some scaryness, altough every horror-focused scene is really straightforward and fails to deliver any actual elements of suprise. As for a thriller, all foreshadowing and tension the movie tries to rise is killed of by the constant fake-jumpscares and mundane interruptions. The film simply tries to hit too many genres at once - resulting to fail in all of them.

Now to its credit, the budget of this film shows in certain scenes where the camera angles, shots and included music give a nice sense of environment. However, even this is too infrequent and it certainly seems like the producers should have dedicated this time and effort to crafting a proper story and characters first. All motives are messy, none of the characters are likeable or relatable and and this misconnection between the viewer and them cause constant questioning of the teenagers actions, reactions and conversations.

Overall, Bodom is not a completely terrible film but does not honestly contain much worth watching. The idea of discussing the historic real events through the film is not very well executed and most rorror film enthusiasts would probably get more out of reading about them on Wikipedia. The movie doesn't really suit it, I recommend skipping this one.
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young horror directors, take note...
MK_Ultra_5 January 2017
Like anything in life, or I have come to believe this "ratio", 98% of anything is shite, find the 2% that is worth your time.

This is worth your time. Like tommyknocker's lone review makes note of; there's a creepy tone to this film, rarely seen since Just Before Dawn.

Thinking back, this very well could be paying some homage to JBD...the atmospheres, the droning score, right down to the outro music. It was the first film that came to mind as the credits rolled.

Discussing the topic of the film will only reveal spoilers, but this, not unlike The Windmill Massacre, sheds a lot of light into the world of excellent Nordic horror.
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Flawed but worth the watch.
moviebuffchick18 May 2017
The first half of this film is unimpressive. It's filled with clichés and grossly overused horror movie tactics… like jump scares, strange sounds, filming as if it's the point of view of someone watching, running off into the darkness, etc. It's pretty much EXACTLY what you'd expect from a movie about teens in the woods. At some point… all that changes though. Once the film reaches its climax… It kinda hangs out up there for a minute… you just KEEP getting hit with things you either didn't see coming, or didn't see them coming in that particular way. And by the end you're just like… "Boy that escalated quickly."

However, it drops the ball with character development. You don't really identify with or have any sympathy for these kids. You're just kinda waiting for whatever is gonna come and ruin their little lives. They just weren't that interesting.

Overall I enjoyed this enough to recommend it to horror fans. Full commentary WITH spoilers on YouTube/Twitter @moviebuffchick1
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Don't let this sinister campfire tale pass you by
mwilson197622 April 2020
In this Finnish horror movie, a group of teens decide to go camping by Lake Bodom (scene of one of the most famous unsolved homicide cases in Finnish criminal history) to reconstruct the infamous 1960 murders, but get more than they bargained for when it becomes clear not all of them are there to play. Director Taneli Mustonen toys knowingly with genre conventions to turn in a fresh and smart meta-slasher film that has high production values and some great cinematography. The script has enough plot twists to turn the story on its head several times without things getting confusing, so be sure not to duck out of this sinister campfire tale too early.
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