Outlast (Video Game 2013) Poster

(2013 Video Game)

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Genuinely terrifying entertainment
kmcloone968 March 2014
I don't think a game has ever managed to reduce me to an anxiety- stricken wreck quite so successfully as Outlast. Within an opening text, you are told that you play as Miles Upshur; a journalist who decides to investigate Mount Massive Asylum after receiving an anonymous tip. Almost immediately things begin seeming a little strange, with stereotypical scares such as silhouettes in windows and flickering lights, but soon it appears that whatever happened at the asylum should have been left alone permanently.

As you play as a simple journalist, you traverse the entire game armed with nothing but a camcorder with a night-vision function, causing the majority of sequences to be shown through a spooky green glow. As most of the game takes place in complete darkness, you'll be using the camcorder a lot, which is difficult because the batteries drain phenomenally quickly, leaving you in terrifying nothingness. More can be collected throughout the game, but you always need to consider conserving your power so that you're not suddenly caught being chased by murderous patients with no idea as to where you should go.

And it's this sense of constant helplessness which separates Outlast from other survival-horror games. From start to finish, there is literally no way of fighting enemies, so you have to constantly be mindful of their positions and be prepared to run and hide if the need arises. But whether you hide under a bed, in a locker or even simply in a fireplace; nowhere is safe. On more than one occasion I was brutally dragged out from my hiding-place and killed on the spot. Yet I loved every minute of it.

I'm a huge fan of horror already, but Outlast dragged me in and didn't let go until the very final credits rolled. The atmosphere created within the first mere moments of game-play sticks with you until the end, and causes the scares to be even more insidious and real than they ever could have been without this incredible sense of immersion. This is also due to the amazingly creepy sound-design and the game's refusal to pull anything back, particularly when it comes to gore. It's rather rare whilst playing Outlast to not see a dismembered torso or deformed, skulking, deranged killer, but it's all necessary to create a game which is this scarily engrossing.

I have very few problems with Outlast, but the consistent need to wait for enemies to pass by certainly becomes slightly tiresome towards the end. That's not to say it's not always terrifying when you begin being chased, but after the third or fourth time of being killed, things get a little repetitive. This is particularly apparent in the cat-and-mouse sequences featuring a huge prison-guard, but it never becomes so common that it ruins the experience. Without giving anything away, the plot also wraps up completely differently to how you would expect, which I wasn't a huge fan of, but it was still entertaining nonetheless.

Outlast is a terrifying game which hooked me almost instantly. Like with most 'scary' forms of media, it has to be enjoyed properly by sitting in complete darkness with the sound up high, but if you can endure the constant barrage of horror, then it's a hugely enjoyable experience which I would definitely recommend.
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Asylym Blues
hellraiser714 September 2018
This is another one of my favorite survival horror games, it's a first-person perspective game but it's not an actioner, here you really have no weapons (which makes sense since you character is a reporter so he probably had no combat training not that it would do any good against what you face) of any kind at all your only weapon is your wits and evasion from the mutants.

I really like the plotline which is intriguing and sort of like the 80's horror film "The Dead Pit" as it's about an asylum that harbors a deadly secret of evil experimentation. And as you get further in the game you begin to uncover a lot more as we see things get stranger and deadlier.

The graphical detail from the character animation of the experimented mutants whom are just menacing, ugly, and creepy with those glowing eyes you see, well okay I know that just the night vision light reflection but all the same it really ads to how creepy they are. And there not totally stupid they have sharp hearing and sight, if you make too much noise they'll hear and if you're not far enough away or hidden well enough then they come toward you. There are some gore effects as well, though the game isn't too bloody nor does it really on it more on atmosphere and suspense which to me is where the game truly excels.

The asylum looks great it's one of the best arenas for survival horror games, the grit and grime which remind me of some of the scenery from the horror film "Session 9". I've always found asylum creepy as their not always the friendliest environments as their really confining, oppressive combined with the psychological sickness going around just spells unfriendliness all around. Though it's those ones that are shut down that really give me the creeps as you see the amount of decay and grime, it sorts of makes me wonder how the heck this asylum in the game passed the health inspections. But the dark dank gritty environment around you just reeks of oppression, evil, and death everywhere you turn.

The gameplay is great it's a little similar toward "Alien Isolation" (which that's a different story and one I already reviewed) along with "Clock Tower" where in those games you have the rely on your wits to win.

You are just constantly tense and on your toes from beginning to end, it's literally a deadly game of cat and mouse. As I was walking I was afraid that in the next corner I'd see another mutant along the way or maybe in the next dark corridor. You just never truly know when those mutants will pop out or are stationed, which caused me to think of the best places to hide as well as the best route in case I needed to run. There were even moments I jumped, and I like that I don't get that feeling often.

There are plenty of places to hide, the best one no doubt is the locker which effectively works so long as they don't hear or see you enter. It's one of the best places to hide as you keep hidden till you don't see and hear it anymore. However, it's the not the most reliable, if you hide in the same place too long the mutants will find you, so make sure alternatives are available.

I like that you have a camera that has a night vision light which is very useful for lighting up the dark places. However, the batteries on that light drain quickly, and once their out your pretty much fraked so make sure you find plenty of batteries and use the night vision sparingly.

The chase sequences are thrilling and really exciting almost reminds me a little of the chases from the game "Mirror's Edge" as I am getting chased either by one big mutant or even a group of them I'm just hoping I can get far enough away from them on time. And with obstacles in the way be able to think and react quick enough on my feet.

So, check into this asylum if you dare.

Rating: 3 and a half stars
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Left me shaken.
Ultradeth2 December 2019
Outlast is a game that opens with a warning of horrifying content, it lives up to such expectations. Scenes of gore, torture, nudity and madness await those who wish to be horrified.

The story concerns a freelance journalist, Miles Upshur investigating an anonymous tip from an employee at Mount Massive Asylum in Leapville, Colorado. As with most horror stories he is foolish enough to go alone without weapons or forward planning, he is soon thrust into an experience of the worst of the human mind, fleeing from deformed patients.

It's been a while since a game has made me feel genuine terror, I've played it a number of times now and there are key moments that still leave my heart thumping, this was particularly true during my run of the insane difficulty.
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The Best Horror Game of 2013
noman-865-5685609 December 2013
This is the best horror game I have ever played in my life, this will make your scream and scared throughout the game from time to time and sometimes you will jump on your seat. it's like a horror movie like if you have seen movie "The Grave Encounters" this game has a touch of that movie.

This game is very unique in a way that you have no weapon with you and can't shoot or through anything and you just have to walk or run in the game saving your life.

I got so addicted of that game that in the end I felt so sad that it's ended, I wanted to play more.

Must play this game if you want to be scared. ........
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Simply the best horror game ever made
itsjoshykho11 February 2014
This is by far the best horror game ever made. Before this, I always thought it was Dead Space (the first one) or Amnesia (again, the first one). Horror games need to follow this type of gameplay. No weapons. No help. Limited batteries. Messed up environment/scary, insane and intense chase scenes that will make your skin crawl and a very disturbing atmosphere. This is what survival horror means. To purely SURVIVE.

I don't get scared easily. Jump scares aren't scary in movies or games because they are just loud noises and guess what, loud noises make you jump no matter what. This game does have jump scares and some are cheesy but the ones that are good are terrifying because the provide a scary or creepy visual element to it. But what makes this game scary, is how you feel like there is always someone behind you. You will be walking down a hallway and you will hear a sound, and you will turn around only to notice that something is not there. When you turn around, something may or not be there at all. The games works because it is making you paranoid, and if a game can make you paranoid, you know its scary and disturbing. The chase scenes/sequences are also terrifying. Not as terrifying as the paranoid aspect but terrifying as in 'terrifyingly intense'

This is an absolute 10 out of 10. This defines and even surpasses what it means to be a horror game. Never has a game terrified or shivered my to the core of my spine so bad I couldn't sleep. And this is coming from a guy that didn't find the conjuring scary.

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The best Horror Game of this Time
tecnogaming8 December 2013
This is pure 10 out of 10.

Outlast is by fat the best horror game of this era, probably the best ever.

The last time I was this scared and delighted in a horror video game was when the original Alone in the Dark came out.

The gameplay is incredible simple, yet it's so incredible clever that pay the way for you to be scared.

You cannot fight, you cannot shoot, this is a first person non-shooter in which you will have to run for your life and document everything.

If you're fan of horror games and scary sh.it this will definitely fill your bill.

Go play it !
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gameskiller-0768519 March 2021
Everything you're looking at of perfection from the storyline, atmosphere, characters, gameplay, voice acting, music, graphics and visuals is in this game. Don't miss this amazing experience, cause you'll never find anything like it.

(Moment of silent to people who didn't play this game)
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The Game That Redefined the horror genre in gaming.
Rclarke11514 January 2019
Outlast is a game where you are trapped within a mental facility for the criminally insane as all hell breaks loose around you and the only thing you can use for survival is a camcorder with a night vision attachment to navigate the darkness.

Outlast is a completely original concept that works AMAZINGLY. It can really terrify you when you are in the darkest room in your house and have the volume in your headphones turned all the way up. believe me, there are tons of Jumpscares in here. at times I see this as the perfect combination of V/H/S, REC, and Paranormal Activity.

The game is fun, nerve racking, and consistent all the same time. when you actually look deeper in the story, it will all make sense in the end. especially when you actually look deeper at it and listen to quotes that foreshadow the game's finale and aftermath. all in all, I HIGHLY recommend you play this game

Rating: 9.4/10
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Horror in its most pure form!
Analog_Devotee3 August 2021
This game scared the living hell out of me. It's a wonder I managed to get as far as I did, though I never managed to beat it. This is for the really seasoned survival-horror fans out there.
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Overstays its welcome... and needed to be longer!
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews22 May 2015
You are Miles Upshur(Baichoo, panicking as we do), a freelance journalist who goes into the infamous, old Mount Massive Asylum, long abandoned but recently reopened, supposedly for charity, to discover the truth behind it, which includes former Nazis and bizarre experiments. Some call it weird – I disagree, it's based in Norse myth, including Germanic folklore, and explores evil... what it really is, who is to blame for it, and how to fight it. Immediately after going in, he wants to leave again... and a reporter in a dangerous place is hardly original. A bunch of the notes that detail the background and events is teenage-y and swear-filled, rather than composed the way you'd expect from someone in his field... some of that goes for the reports written by doctors and such, which, at the least, is often casual: not professional! I find the contrast of awful undertakings and a detached, objective or, perhaps, gleeful, writings regarding it much more hard-hitting... then again, this is not keen on having more than one note, or speed, and if or once you get into it, you won't want it to. It's a roller-coaster, which does wind up taking too much time... meanwhile, I didn't want it to end! Make more of these! And I'll be closely watching what these guys do next... hopefully spiritual successors in place of sequels. This took me 4 hours, and I know some did it in half that time. If I redo it, I could probably reach that. With few achievements, in spite of its four difficulty settings, it being challenging on the easiest, this doesn't have very much replay value.

You find the place to hold many patients, and some doctors, spread chaotically over it, all screwed up physically and mentally by the deeply disturbing treatments, based on the real, early, inhuman attempts at treating insanity, they were subjected to – to an extent, they look mostly normal, physically, albeit scarred, with skin that looks partially burned, and sometimes missing, or having mechanically replaced, body parts. It's how aware, awake and violent they are, that differentiate them from you and each other... some of them harmless, some of them want to hurt you but are securely behind bars(albeit you may have to go where they are... and once you do, they're gone... they'll come back. You're on their turf now), in a padded cell or the like... but you *will* be hunted by the homicidal ones. Some are on-going, you find yourself attacked by some of the same ones, albeit mainly Chris Walker. I found him by far not the most compelling one, by his of the numerous creepy designs or grisly characterization... a hulking sadist with claw-like fingertips. And they all are, or were, completely human...!

The parkour offers both fun and intense chases and carefully moving around the dilapidated, and still falling apart, with the floor collapsing under you. It remains credible for a normal person in OK shape, no wall-running, etc. FPP parkour was terrible in Mirror's Edge, but this does it right: you can tell what you'll be doing when you interact with something you're traversing, where you're going, when fast-paced it doesn't start and stop, and you can tell how close you are to an edge when jumping. It helps that missing it will only cost you a second or two, it won't mean automatically dying if you can make up the time or the like. It *does* happen that you'll walk off the edge rather than go onto the small ledge that you have to carefully walk along. I haven't died from that fall... come to think of it, the only thing that seems to kill me in this are the reasonably programmed AI. You run with camera out, you don't have to put it away, even quickly, making the question of how you manage to not drop it when running, jumping and the like not even the most prudent question to ask: it's how you manage to keep it out and level while you run, crawl through vents, vault, slide through a small, vertical slip and the like. It appears the only time you put it away is when hanging from a ledge(yes, even when you walk on it can you have it out... somehow), climbing ladders(so situations where you for sure have no hands free) and when you fall far, this has you then pick it up, and it's just as capable of surviving long drops as you.

This is similar to "found footage" movies like REC and Paranormal Activity. Why this hasn't been done more is a mystery – this kind of thing is begging to be made: go from the feeling of "putting us right there" to genuinely accomplishing that. You're documenting everything(well, your choice of whether or not to see this almost exclusively through the viewfinder, but it doesn't impair you to do so, and makes a lot of sense to do), your mission of finding out what's really going on taking on greater importance. What you are seeing isn't just for you, it needs to be revealed to the world.

You have a night vision option for use in the many unlit sections, and it is the only thing you have that can be used for that. This means that you can't "direct it" like you might a lamp, but have to get closer than you want to, and that it doesn't give you away, since it's a filter, and doesn't actually give off any light. This means you can spy on enemies and have a temporary advantage, as long as you're close, and avoid being in the direction they're going... It's the only way you spend batteries, which must be scavenged and replaced over time. Controls are fairly intuitive.

This is extremely gory, brutal and disturbing. It also contains a lot of male nudity, including full frontal. I recommend this to anyone who is intrigued by it. 7/10
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Stunning Game
rhonacameron-639548 April 2019
I like this game. A lot actually. It really scared me whenever Chris Walker appeared it made me crap myself. The game is so intense and suspenseful and has a really interesting lore. When I pulled up to the asylum I knew I was in for a ride. Every creak of floorboards, every time a rat ran across the floor it sent shivers down my spine. I recommend this game to absolutely anyone go play it.
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My 3D review
ratcat019 March 2014
For an Indie game it was quite good. Definitely scary but this was mainly due to the 'sudden' bursts of sound. Suspense did play a part as well. There was a bit of exploring but not a great deal and one certainly does feel an amount of anxiety when you are being mercilessly chased by one of the minions from within. As far as 3D goes it was bad. I tried to apply one of the Helix wrappers but it did not work at all but this may be because I had not installed it correctly. If I (as a computer Technician with 15 years hands on experience) couldn't do it then I feel there would be little hope for the average gamer. The end was a little disappointing in that the final goal most aim for could not be completed as the ending was a total surprise but overall I would say it was worth the $20.00. Play in standard 2D in total darkness with a good 3D surround sound system and you will still get the chills. Please check out my other 3D reviews for playability in nVision 3D.
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Thought it be cool, I was wrong
subzero-2356718 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this game and thought it was my style. That is until I started playing, all you do is hide. You never fight back, just hide like a lil wuss. If someone was attacking you yes at some points you hide but also you would have to fight back and defend yourself. The graphics were fine no issues there but the survival section is completely unrealistic. Unless you're a sissy you would not hide 24/7, you'd have to fight back at times if you want to survive. So my recommendation is that if you're a sissy who likes to hide all the time and not fight for your life then this is the perfect game for you. I wasted a good bit of money on this game so unless you're a sissy don't waste your money on it. Yes fighting back could get you killed but I'd rather die fighting with honor, fighting for my life than die like a lil prissy girl hiding all the time any day of the week.
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This game does not disappoint with the scare factor.
tmccrory0130 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw that this game was free for Xbox live gold members for a month, I knew I had to get it. When I started playing, it gave me a warning about what I'm getting into. The game had a dark tone throughout even in the beginning when it usually isn't scary if it isn't a silent hill game. The game looks amazing, the mechanics where you can't fight back and need to conserve your batteries to see in the dark adds more tension, and the creatures are terrifying, including Dr. trager. This game does not hold back, and once you reach the end of the game where your character is shot and killed just makes you sigh in relief that the stressful game is over.

(Note: Parents, this game is not for kids except for teenagers, like me, as this game is super scary and also contains graphic nudity, strong language, and very graphic violence including a scene where you have to watch your character getting two of his fingers cut off by Dr. Trager and shows your character screaming in pain and the aftermath where you vomit.)
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Swarm Ambience
greysbastard31 January 2021
A game full of violence, sex, torture, and crazy people... this is what every horror game should be! With this weird and disturbing atmosphere, especially the music are just the best. The characters are unique and the voice acting what made them even more iconic, It's 2021 and still the best horror game ever made.
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Really freaking amazing!
desirasenal5 April 2015
Where do I start from? First of all to be honest I thought this game would suck, since it was created by some company called 'Red barrels'.

I was like 'meh' ... Though the first impression was not so good, the game really blued my mind. It was literary, amazing with gorgeous visuals and graphics. This in fact became my second most favorite game of all time. SURPRISE! Not so much I guess. I don't know, but this game is not that scary, except for a few jump scares and unexpected shocking incidents. It is a horror game, but it did not have that much of punch that is needed for a horror game. Might work for you other guys out there. It is incredibly fun and enjoyable. If you play this game, play it for it's amazing graphics, great plot and mind-blowing and fun game-play.
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Scary, awesome and great atmosphere
albunax11 July 2018
I have played this game over and over and i still gets scared sometimes. The music, atmosphere and graphics are awesome. Some characters are so scary as well. The scares comes when you don't think they will not come. The best horror game i ever played besides Amnesia The Dark Descent.
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The holy grail of horror games.
goransondevin26 June 2023
This has got to be one of the scariest games ever made. I adore horror video games and have played more than my fair share and nothing has even come close to being as horrifying and hard to play as this one. Back when I first discovered it I could not believe how intense it was and to this day it still holds up. So after starting and restarting it over and over again, I finally beat it. I tried so many times to get through it, but would always end up getting to a point where I didn't know what to do and/or I would just quit out of absolute terror. After finally getting through it I have to say that I am totally glad that I did, and very impressed with it. Amazing story, stellar soundtrack, chilling atmosphere, original characters and storyline and a fantastic ending. There just isn't much to complain about here. Other than the many close call heart attacks. This is, without a doubt, one of the best horror games of all time. I love this game and highly recommend it.
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a good horror experience
merem113 September 2021
This game surprised me, it was an effective creepy horror game. The atmosphere, the setting, the enemies. The game did an excellent job keeping me on the edge of my seat throughout.
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Scared Me Sick (But in a good way)
jacobjosefeddy25 October 2023
This game scared me sick. That's the first thing. But in a good way, I guess. It's also scary. That's why it made me feel sick. Something about the dark, claustrophobic setting, and the mutilated psychopaths constantly trying to kill you, really scares me. It's horrifying. I love it. The music is haunting, and it will haunt you in - not only your sleep, but also death. Death - yes, I died alot. However, I'm excited to continue my journey into the asylum, and get terrorised by madmen who start charging at me spontaniously. Great fun. Haven't finished the game though. In fact, this game is so good that I bought the whistleblower DLC (and I haven't even finished the main game), and am planning to get the second game. The camera makes it extra eerie, and adds a sense of desperation, as you hunt for batteries scattered randomly across the asylum. You better hope you don't run into Chris Walker though... Or he'll rip your heart out. This was also my first official horror game that I played, and definitely not my last. There are so many discounts on this game at the moment, and for the fact it was made 10 years ago? This game is worth FAR more than fourty dollars. This game will give you a solid five hours of exhilirating game play, and also includes two more gamemodes, each more horrifying than the last. There's normal mode... And then there is Nightmare mode, and finally the dreaded Insane mode. Every detail makes me shiver, and for a good reason. Get it. I dare you. Don't blame me when you're crying with fear, and when a lunatic starts chasing you for the first time. All outlast players have been there - for the amount of quality in this game? That's completely normal. You've got lots to worry about, trust me. I'm not lying. Try it yourself and see - you'll be killed! And horrifically delighted. All your desires will be fulfilled. A glutenous feast of fear, disturbance and sickness. It's intense, adnt he lore is more than enough to keep you up at night. That's what you'd be signing yourself up for, the second you click 'Purchase'.
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Pure organic terror
lilysmraia18 August 2021
Probably the best horror performance I've ever played. Truly frightening and intense ride, it utilizes incredible detailed graphics and creative gameplay to add to the narrative. The game disturbed me so much through the feeling of isolation and insanity. I've never played a horror game that actually cares about the storytelling and the characters development, well written story and well voiced characters.

If you like story-based games and enjoy being scared and disturbed, definitely give this a try.
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A very good survival horror
AvionPrince1624 March 2022
One of the best survival horror in my opinion with a story that is pretty pleasant to follow and some really good jumpscares, tense moments. I found it pretty good even if sometimes we can feel the game pretty repetitive in its mechanics but very gold anyway.
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nacianceno6114 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I remembered that back then, during my time as a highscholer, my cousin got his PS4; and was most of the time browsing on PSN (Playstation Store), looking for interesting games to buy. We always had been people, that happend to like horror games, until we came across this one (Outlast).

Anyways, I will never forgot that as he was playing it, me and out other cousin, witnesses how the games was; arriving to the mental asylum, and as he was ''cruising" the halls of the place, we felt Righ-away, the tense atmosphere of the place and the game (don't get me wrong, not meaning it in the negative way). So, as he was traveling around the asylum, he came across this guy called Walker... We, the three of us (my two cousins and I), were really frightened... And we just decided that we do not want to know more of it.

Anyways, I would say Outlast is a really good game, and it is not for everyone. But of course, if you are very brave, and want to experience horror to it extremes, than this one is for you.
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OUTLAST: Survive the Asylum
Jinxxa_Wolf30 April 2024
OUTLAST was a super fun horror survival game that really strikes a cord with players, placing you in a very vulnerable position, as a video journalist doing a story in an mysterious Aslylum, opposed to the typical action role in most other games. There isn't any highly trained action hero with guns; no weapons to defend yourself. You have to hide and rely on your brains if you want to survive. It's a game where you really have to rely on your senses, especially listening to your surroundings and be aware of your environment.

"Freelance journalist, Miles Upshur, is requested by an anonymous individual to investigate the Mount Massive Asylum, only to find it overrun by the asylum's deranged patients."

This game really sets the bar higher in regards to the horror game experience. There's something extra terrifying about being completely defenseless and vulnerable, having to hide and wait, and that really intensifies the experience.
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Outlast Review
Moviememmer28 November 2023
The Pros
  • Amazing scary atmosphere
  • Great sound design
  • Great graphics
  • Good voice acting
  • Good story and characters
  • Effective jump scares

The Cons
  • Some tedious sections (too many "pull all 3 valves" puzzles)
  • Gameplay can be abit clunky
  • Very "trial and error" (designed to fail multiple times until you find the correct path)
  • Not very replayable

Final Verdict: Despite some tedious objectives as well as allot of "trial and error" gameplay throughout, Outlast is still a truly scary horror game with a killer atmosphere. Although, not quite that replayable imo.

Final Rating: 7.5 / 10.
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