Toopy and Binoo: The Movie (2023) Poster

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Fails to recapture the magic, spirit and charm of what made the original series so great
cometrules-6196014 August 2023
When I was a young boy, I always loved watching Treehouse TV. One of my all-time favorite shows on the channel was Toopy and Binoo, which is all about a happy-go-lucky playful mouse named Toopy and his best friend who is a small cat that joins in his games but never speaks named Binoo as they use their imaginations to go on wild adventures. Love it or hate it, it never let me stopped loving from watching Toopy and Binoo and all the episodes it has to offer, like that one episode where Toopy and Binoo are playing a board game, Toopy's nose detracts, the nose runs away from Toopy and the duo go inside the game to catch and get his nose back. I always thought Toopy and Binoo would stay with me forever. Then it got revived as a live-action puppet spin-off show named "Vroom Vroom Zoom" in 2013 that thankfully was only short-lived because it didn't capture the same spirit of the original and not to mention, the puppets like that Toopy puppet were creeping me out. I will always prefer the original to be better than that spin-off. Anyway when I heard that a Toopy and Binoo movie is coming out 2 years ago, I was excited at first seeing my 2 childhood buddies return but this time on the big screen. Now 2 years later, the movie just got released and after seeing TMNT: Mutant Mayhem, I decided that this was the next movie I'm going into. 2023 has been a big year for film animation so far and most movies so far has exceeded our expectations for this year including Mario, Spider-Verse, Elemental and like I said earlier, TMNT. (Ruby Gillman was OK too when I saw it so I could see the reason why it didn't do well but that's another review for another day.) The trailers I saw before the movie came out (including the teaser) looked promising and it got me hoping that it would be a big fun feature-length Toopy and Binoo adventure that not only kids can enjoy, but us adults who enjoyed the show in their pastimes too. So I just went and saw it at my local Landmark Cinema yesterday which was last Sunday and... how do I say this? It... was... unfortunately... just not good. Yeah, I know you're gonna say it's just a toddlers/little kids' film but this film was also made for adults who enjoyed the original series back then in mind and we adults who have common sense in movies are expecting much more from this but instead, we're just left feeling disappointed, betrayed and uh... how do I say this... insulted by the end of the film! I'll tell you why Toopy and Binoo's big screen comeback ended up being a big letdown so that way, you can think twice before going or bringing your kids to this film.


The plot begins with Toopy and Binoo (along with Patchy-Patch) playing Toothbrush Chase as they try to catch the 2 toothbrushes in a pink space world where candies appear and disappear. While Toopy tries and fails, Binoo has a better idea and uses his wits to catch both toothbrushes. He gives them to Toopy who claims he found them even though Binoo did find them. I actually liked that first part because it captures the fast-paced fun and joy of a Toopy and Binoo episode at first and I thought that was a great start so far. Then they go home and brush their teeth when suddenly, Toopy accidentally gives Patchy-Patch a stain so he tries to find something to clean it off when he finds some bubble soap solution. He takes off the cap and accidentally unleashes Dorothy the genie who is then forced out of the bottle who then gets upset when her phone disconnects from her charger while charging. Not wanting to have a dead phone, she grants Toopy 3 wishes. He makes the first 2 wishes which is becoming a little bigger, talking Binoo and then turning back to normal. With only one wish left, he points at the stain on Patchy-Patch and wishes it to be gone. Unfortunately, Dorothy unintentionally wishes Patchy-Patch out of Binoo's hands, which makes the latter break into tears. Unable to go back into the bottle until Toopy and Binoo are satisfied, they decided to go look for Patchy-Patch together. Dorothy uses her phone to make a call for help that tells her to go to the Lost and Found to find the toy. At this point, I was pumped as the story was about to get more exciting. Toopy, Binoo and Dorothy find a secret passageway through their couch that leads them to the Big City where there is a train station that takes them to the Lost and Found. They meet 2 seagulls who are identical twins looking for their missing father and a princess horse who is looking for her prince who is a great dancer. They take the train that leads them to the Lost and Found. Unfortunately, the cart falls off track, crashes and lands the group in a jungle. Unfortunately, this is where the movie goes downhill from here and I'm not going to stay what happens next so you figure it out for yourself.


With that being said, there were a lot of cons and little pros in this movie. First off, let me start with the animation! In the original series, it looks smooth and fast-paced as it captures the feeling of having fun. Here, the animation instead looks stilted, lazy and uninspiring! I like a lot of lighting and shading filters added to the characters and backgrounds but this does not save the animation from looking like an abomination! This is not the fun-filled Toopy and Binoo I know and it's sad to see them like this. Next is the pacing of the film. In the original series, the pacing was just right as it put in all the fun it could in a 5-minute Toopy and Binoo episode. Here for the most part, the pacing is sluggishly slow and that disappoints me because I was expecting an fast-paced Indiana Jones-style Toopy and Binoo adventure, but instead we get more padding in scenes like in the jungle and the black void just to fill in the runtime! Especially the scene where the characters waste their time trying to climb a one-eyed cyclops tree before it wakes up and opens a magical door inside it! It instead makes it more boring and restless to watch! Come on, it's not that hard to produce a fun entertaining movie for the whole family that doesn't sound boring and slow to watch, especially when it's based on a TV show we all loved as kids! When I am seeing a movie in the theater, I expect fast-paced action and adventure. Less talk, more action. Toopy and Binoo The Movie didn't just do it for me this time. Now the characters! Toopy was likable in the original series even thought he has it's flaws. Here in the movie, he's unlikable because he's now more dumber than a dumb dog who was the main reason for causing Patchy-Patch to disappear! He also acts happy at times where the group is in trouble! Binoo was the only likable character here because she is, well, Binoo. She also is smarter when it comes to solving problems because she whistled a lullaby to help the crying Rock Monster get to sleep. The other characters were either unlikable or just reduced to background characters. The princess horse is unlikable throughout most of the film! Not only is she rude but she also said mean words that older kids would say like when she said "nimcompoop" and "SHUT UP"! This could set an bad example for the kids as they could say "SHUT UP!" to their parents when they tell them to do their homework or eat their greens! She also does not learn from her actions by the end of the film, making her get away with it and becoming a Karma Houdini! As for the seagulls, they're scaredy-cats who do nothing to help Toopy and Binoo find Patchy-Patch in the film all because they lost their father. That's it, really. However, they change by learning to overcome their fears by themselves such as learning to swim and fly but they still don't help much in this film other than to find their father. Oh yeah and I forgot to mention Dorothy because she has a phone addiction like most stereotypical teen girls do! And whenever her phone dies, she cries just because it died! She treats the phone like it's her friend and uses it all the time! She thinks she can't go one day without it! However later on in the film, it looks like she is supposedly changing because she didn't need her phone anymore but it later undoes that change by the end of the film, reversing her character development! The elephant gangster is a fun character I wish they did more with but he had missed potential and only appeared in two scenes which is in the big city and near the end of the film where he finds his pink handbag in a speaking cameo. The other characters are just there for show and don't do much to help in this film just because! Some of the characters like the princess horse and Dorothy have no character development at all! Plus, it feels like the other characters get the spotlight for half of the film with Toopy only there to serve bad jokes! Speaking of jokes, most of the jokes didn't land and I didn't laugh most of the time! I laughed at that one part but I forgot what it was but it doesn't matter. And finally, is it enjoyable for kids and families to watch overall? Unless you don't mind taking your toddlers to it and enjoying a sluggishly slow adventure, absolutely not!

In conclusion, Toopy and Binoo the Movie may be fun at first on the outside but it is actually boring and underwhelming to watch when you're inside. It has lots of potential to be not only one of the great animated films of the 2020s, but one of the best Canadian animated films of all time. Unfortunately, it missed that potential and it disappoints me to see such my favorite childhood characters comeback in a disappointing way like this. It's not bad but it's not good either. There are other better films than this! Go take your kids to see TMNT: Mutant Mayhem or Barbie instead! Wait for this one to come out on streaming or on Treehouse instead. You will have a better family movie experience with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or Barbie and Ken instead of this poor insulting excuse of a kids' movie like this!

Thanks for reading.
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alexturnerthirteen17 August 2023
This movie was my childhood show and I was super excited to watch it, but it didn't turn out to be as good as I though it would. There were some scenes that were boring and stretched out, the plot wasn't that great, the additional new characters were unnecessary and kind of annoying and the movie was quite boring in general to those who are older than five. There were also some good thing too, though. The animation was better than it was in the TV show, there were some funny scenes and Toopy and Binoo haven't changed a bit. Overall I give it a 4/10. It's meant for young children and die hard fans.
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This is the peak of film
donaldsonjohnsontrump21 August 2023
This movie was absolutely one of the greatest movies I have ever seen as a professional casual movie watcher. Seeing this movie brought me back to my childhood and I had easily the best hour and a half in a long while. The plot is very easy to follow while it caters to all audiences, this being the younger audiences or the older audiences who grew up watching the show (like myself). The characters are all pretty good albeit Dorothy's phone obsession can get a bit tiring at the end. However, the way Toopy and Binoo are portrayed brought the magic of what I watched as a kid and I had a very good time being a kid again seeing 2 of my favourite TV characters hit the big screens. This movie better win the Best Animated Film or else we need to riot. As well, anyone who doesn't give this movie a 4/5 or higher (or an 8/10 higher) has 0 braincells and their opinion should be highly ignored as they are slandering arguably the best movie of 2023.
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Better off giving this a pass
watashiwamagnet6 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
(This is my first review, so please don't mind some rambling in this, as I tend to do that. Spoilers abound.)

Ahh, Toopy and Binoo... A lot of people who're my age or near my age grew up with this show. The show itself is okay, despite some annoyances and weird instances in a few episodes (looking at that episode where Binoo eats air and becomes inflated), but this movie... It's really a mixed bag.

How did I know this movie would be out so soon? I saw a featurette of it when I saw the Barbie movie back in July, then saw the trailer in its full glory when I saw the new TMNT movie not long after. The trailer piqued my interest since I watched this show when I was 7, up until I was I'd say maybe 11? So, why not go see a movie of a show I watched as a kid? I went by myself, as I don't think anyone in my family would've wanted to accompany me to see this movie.

When I went to see this movie a few weeks ago, I was expecting the theater to be a little quiet, and it was. But were there any kids in the audience? Nope. It was mostly teens/adults coming to see the movie alongside me. Since Treehouse TV doesn't air Toopy and Binoo anymore, I don't think kids who were born during 2018-2023 would know about it, especially since Vroom Vroom Zoom stopped airing in 2017 (I only saw a glimpse of that show when I was on a plane to Vancouver back in 2016, but I barely thought anything of it since we were already landing). Speaking of audience, I don't know which audience this movie is supposed to cater to. Is it catering to kids? Is it catering to those who grew up watching it and are now teens/adults? Both? I couldn't put my finger on who it was targeted to, judging that there was a prince rabbit twerking to some sort of techno music in one scene.

Now, let's talk about the characters. In the original show, Toopy is adventurous and high-spirited, but in this movie... he's watered down to nothing but an annoying little know-it-all whelp. He doesn't stay quiet for at least a minute, and it nearly made me wanna leave. He's also a bit stupid, as Binoo LITERALLY gives him a message to ask the Grand Choo-Choo (Chou-Chou, Shoo-Shoo... however you spell his name) for a way to the Lost and Found, and he... forgets it right after. Toopy really has one braincell in this movie.

The other characters are tolerable, but also a tad annoying. You got Dorothy, a cow genie who's attached to her phone to the point she even calls it her "best friend", two seagull twin brothers Jacques-Aurie (I don't know HOW to spell his name) and Jajacques, who are supposed to be identical twins, but look incredibly different, and a snobby ass horse princess (Don't remember her name) who whines and moans the whole time. Luckily, the seagull twins and princess horse get SOME development throughout the movie. Dorothy? She barely gets any. The only character who didn't wanna make me throw my popcorn was Binoo. He was the only one not being annoying as hell (It's a given, considering he doesn't speak) and was the most level-headed out of the group. He's the reason why I'm not rating this movie any lower (Plus his smug ass expression when Toopy asks him if he's amazing is so relatable). Anyways... the movie itself.

Now, let's talk about the movie itself. The plot is really all over the place. There's a lot of random plot threads that happen throughout the movie. It starts with something you'd expect from a standard Toopy and Binoo episode, with them chasing their toothbrushes so they can brush their teeth. Also, their room is different from the one they have in the show, it's practically a Patchy-Patch shrine. They get their toothbrushes, they start brushing their teeth, and Toopy gets a toothpaste stain on Patchy-Patch, which Binoo asks him to remove (By the way, Toopy thinks Binoo got the stain on Patchy-Patch. Way to downplay your bestie.) Toopy then accidentally summons Dorothy, that genie with a phone addiction, and she gets upset she lost her charger. Toopy then makes 3 wishes (Do the first two even count? He literally just asked if he could turn into Binoo and turn back into himself) and makes a really stupid slip-up and tells Dorothy that he wants "that to disappear", pointing to the stain on Patchy-Patch. Instead of clearing the stain, Dorothy makes Patchy-Patch disappear. Good job Toopy, this could've been avoided if you were more SPECIFIC with what you wanted gone, but of course, movie.

Soooo, here we go, it's time to get Patchy-Patch back. They gotta travel to the "Lost and Found" to get him back, so they go to the station that takes them there, and they meet the two twin seagulls, as well as the snobby ass horse princess. There's also a buff rhino who gets mad at princess horse for stealing his spot in the kart, but she doesn't care. We learn that the seagull twins are looking for their dad, while horse princess is looking for her prince. We then get a flashback of the horse princess holding a prince audition, in which there's like 3 princes who show up, one of which TWERKS. Then, the prince she chooses shows up, and boom, he's gone. That's basically that.

After this, the movie has a few random plot threads, like the group finding a rock titan and making it cry, the seagull twins trying to save the princess from a branch on a cliff and them going into a black void filled with blue and yellow bubbles, which I'll talk about next (Also, toilet flushing noises for when they go through the portal. Yaaay...)

The next dimension is a whole ass void filled with yellow and blue bubbles that make the characters shrink and grow when they pop them. They try to find a way out, but no dice. Then, surprise! A pyramid shows up and a green worm approaches them and tells them only one of them can see the Grand Chou-Chou, and of course, it picks Toopy, because why not? Let the mouse with one braincell talk to him. Toopy goes in and sees the Grand Chou-Chou, but forgets why he's there, and then he remembers Binoo gave him a note to ask him a way to the Lost and Found. The Grand Chou-Chou says to take the shortcut, so they do... Well, not really, because Toopy forgot what he said, so Dorothy and Binoo go inside his head to find out the answer. They meet a bunch of single braincelled Toopies in his head, with all of them leading the duo to where Toopy's memories are, and bingo! The memory of him asking the Grand Chou-Chou is still there! Toopy's one braincell was hard at work at that time. The shortcut to the Lost and Found is all of those signs that have been scattered everywhere throughout the movie. Wow, who would've thought?

Well, we did it. We reached the Lost and Found! Time to find Patchy-Patch... or stall. The twin seagulls go to look for their papa, while princess horse looks for her prince. Toopy, Binoo and Dorothy go looking for Patchy-Patch, which Toopy manages to find... well, not really. He lands in the stuffed toy section of the Lost and Found, and... who would've thought? Patchy-Patch is behind him! But, he doesn't notice him. Shocker! Meanwhile, the horse princess reunites with her prince, who's trapped in a tumbleweed of clones of himself. And then... plot twist! The prince is the twin seagulls' dad! Who would've thought? The story of their dad is mildly amusing, though. He wants to go to the prince audition, but since he had no ticket, his Fairy Godmother gives him one. So, he goes in, passes the audition, and, just like the glass slipper, disappears at midnight. I thought that was a rather amusing tidbit.

Back to Toopy, Binoo and Dorothy, they all look through the plush pile, but they don't find Patchy-Patch. Toopy thinks he's found him, but it was a random green plush. Then, the Lost and Found is about to close, so they're about to be yoinked out. They're not leaving without Patchy-Patch though, so they try their damndest to stay behind and find him, and, with a stroke of good luck from Toopy of all characters, the Lost and Found stops yoinking them out and they finally find Patchy-Patch. Dorothy removes the stain, and the 3 wishes have been granted, so she returns to her shampoo bottle to reunite with her phone charger.

This movie... it could've been better in my opinion. If it weren't for the annoyances of most of the characters (specifically Toopy), it could've been decent. It's not a bad movie, it just has a lot to be desired. I'd say skip this one if you don't wanna be annoyed by annoying characters for an hour and 20 minutes, but if you grew up with Toopy and Binoo and wanna watch it, go ahead. As for parents, I think you're better off waiting for the upcoming Paw Patrol movie to come out.
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Thoughts and Opinions of/for The Movie's Official Teaser
a-3648218 December 2023
Personally I wished the teaser trailer of said movie could have cameo characters in the background including...

FIRST ROW: Becky, Little Ellen, Little Helen, Freckle (from Little Ellen); Bobby, Lola, Juliette (from Berry Bees); Rebecca, Hailey, Aliya (from Hailey and the Hero Hearts)

SECOND ROW: Blaine (from Nelly the Knight); Leo (from Il Mondo Di Leo); Casey, Paloma, Piper (from 2D-ified Piper's Pony Tales); Jo, Twyla, Emilia, Zoe, Bike Bob (from Topo Gigio Cartoon)

THIRD ROW: Ollie, Pixie, Alice (from Go Away Unicorn!); Abigail, Pru, Lucky (from Spirit: Fast Friends)

FOURTH ROW: Addison, Brandon, Luke, Nendia, Skye, Graham, Hugo, Michaela, Kaia, Eliot (from Gisele's Mashup Adventures)

FIFTH ROW: Arnold, Carlos, Dorothy Ann, Jyoti, Keisha, Ralphie, Tim, Wanda (from Rides Again Joanna Cole Specials)
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Misses the originality of the series
krisolace11 September 2023
The original series never took itself too seriously, and what made it unique was the lack of dialogue - most of the animal characters just made funny frowns or giggled, or did something altogether weird. That simplicity coupled with the psychedelically vibrant places they'd conjure up from everyday household locales, made this show an absolute treasure. The fact that they'd finish the journey every episode in just under 5 minutes made it than much more fun. It was exactly what being a child with a creative and overflowing imagination felt like - there were no rules and it was all a little goofy.

So a full feature length movie was maybe going to be a little bit of a challenge to maintain that same type of vibe. And without wanting to be too negative, I have to say that the movie didn't quite recapture that magic. The dialogue amongst the characters was way too constant and typical, and I found most of them rather annoying; even Toopy seemed way more self-centered than I ever remembered. The storyline and the imagery was just so so, but nothing that I found overly memorable.

But on the positive side, the release of this movie made my kids and I go back and watch many of the original episodes again and we all fell in love again with what will always be a wonderfully original show.
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It's a wonderful adventure! Treehouse TV and Corus Entertainment should do something like this again!
ro-486967 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Toopy and Binoo: The Movie was absolutely one of the best movies of all kids and family movies to come out of 2023, alongside Disney Pixar's Elemental and The Little Mermaid(2023) movie. Seeing this movie, as I am a teenager, brought me back to when I was younger and still mostly watching Treehouse TV and PBS Kids. I love this movie a lot. The plot of this movie is pretty easy to follow while the movie caters the all audiences, even those who watched the TV show(including myself). This movie I believe is the first movie based off a Treehouse TV show to get turned into a theatrical release. As other Treehouse TV shows never got one(except My Big Big Friend in Brazil). The characters are all very good, but Dorothy's obsession of using a mobile phone for a GPS can be boring. Every character of the movie was amazing(except for that rude Magnificent Princess character). I mostly enjoyed Dorothy and Jacques-Henri and his identical twin brother, Jean Jacques. I really like the scene where Dorothy accidentally drops her phone off the banana boat and everyone's heads look down, causing the boat to fall down and break, and the scene where Binoo and Dorothy go inside Toopy's head to find out what the Grand Choo Choo told him, because the Toopy's Head scene was used in an episode of the TV show before, so to me, that part was a classic. And the part where Dorothy accidentally makes Binoo's Patchy-Patch disappear is where the adventure begins.

The movie really made me feel nostalgic for the Toopy and Binoo TV show, and I had a great time going back to when I was younger and seeing two of my favourite TV characters hit the big screens. I'd definitely watch this movie again!

Maybe this movie will lay the groundwork for other Treehouse TV shows to get theatrical releases.
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Great! Definitely recommend
reambelhaj3 November 2023
Me and my family loved this its super nostalgic and I love the addition of new characters, and i love the colors and its very dreamy! Would definitely recommend to families and anyone who loves kid shows for the nostalgia. Its very cute and funny and i rlly loved that little plot twist at the end, and the different personalities of the characters and how it had references of old episodes and other shows. To anyone who doesnt enjoy this movie has a serious problem because how could you not love this there isnt anything wrong with this movie! It's entertaining, hooking and funny. Thanks for reading this review and make sure to watch this movie!
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