Avalanche Sharks (TV Movie 2014) Poster

(2014 TV Movie)

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Hopefully the last *%$# shark movie we have to see
randy_kay1 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I knew this was going to be bad but I had NO idea just how bad. The whole idea was of course retarded but on top of that, the acting was terrible too. The whole thing looked like it was made by guys who do really cheap TV ads, you know, like ads for 'Ed and Melna's Furniture Emporium' with a cheesy logo effect. Man, the effects are REALLY bad, nothing even looks slightly real. There's one whole section I'm sure was all stock video footage of people snowboarding, it didn't even match the 'look' of rest of the movie, I thought it was a commercial at first, it probably was, it was probably a bunch of stuff they shot for a sporting goods store that went out of business. I'm just amazed these movies are getting made and put on TV. I really wonder if we're witnessing the end of television. Perhaps the internet has killed TV too. Maybe there's just not enough money in it anymore to make anything except 'reality' shows and terrible 'movies' like this one.
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I'm trying to figure out what makes a "good" bad movie
juneebuggy16 November 2014
A remote ski resort is terrorized by prehistoric man eating sharks after an avalanche. Yes really!

I'm been trying to figure out what makes a good bad movie (Sharknado) vs. a bad, bad movie (Avalanche Sharks)? I mean they're both B movies you watch for a laugh in a so-bad-its-good kinda way. They're also both about equal in terms of acting, direction, plot and special effects. Yet somehow Sharknado was fun to watch whereas Avalanche Sharks was just unwatchable.

In the end I made it through about half of this, I mean I had to see a few attacks, but the CGI is poorly (cheaply) done and while this is just a crappy B movie I still wanted a bit of an explanation as to how/why there were sharks living in the snow -they apparently came from space.

I still had fun guessing who gets eaten first and how; the babes getting it in the hot tub, the dude with the snow blower or the girls running from the advancing fin cruising through the snow.

After the initial curiosity wears off though there's not much left. 01.02.14
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A film that shouldn't exist
Vartiainen21 June 2014
Avalanche Sharks is a stupid film, plain and simple. Its characters have no characteristics beyond the surface. We have the corrupt sheriff, the greedy businessman, the tired sheriff, the virgin, the foreign and a whole cavalcade of empty-headed, teenage idiots. And even then the premise is stupider, which is saying something. It's basically Sharknado with the tornado being replaced with a skiing resort. And the worst insult is that they try to force in a half-baked origin story for these sharks. And it doesn't convince or work, at all.

The movie is really nothing more than a gorefest without the budget to pull of the blood carnage convincingly. The actors do their jobs merely to get paid, which means that we don't care what happens to them. The special effects are just sad to look and the story has no impact behind it, especially when the ending solution is so laughably deus ex machina.

Don't see this film. Sometimes films like this have a certain "so bad it's good" quality, but this is just pathetic.

Besides, I was promised a bikini skiing contest. And they never delivered. Unforgivable!
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Not bad for a bad shark movie.
13Funbags18 April 2019
The first thing I noticed about this movie was that the people could actually act. I'm always amazed at how the "actors" in most of these shark movies are extremely unnatural but in this one they seem like this may not be their first time. This is actually as much a skiing movie as a shark movie, complete with the race to win the love of a girl. I wasn't expecting much and I was a little surprised that it wasn't worse than it is, although the end is absolutely ludicrous. I'd have to say this was not a total waste of time.
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It Has No Logic, But It Has An Avalanche and It Has Sharks
By-TorX-129 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
What is there to really say about Avalanche Sharks? The premise is ridiculous and so, duly, is the execution. There is a mountain and there are ghost sharks (possibly, not quite sure about the precise ontology of the sharks), and there are numerous victims of said spectral fish. At the most obvious level the film is entertaining as a cheap and poorly-conceived cash-in on the 'where-is-the-most-unlikely-place-a-shark-can-strike-from' low budget mania that has emerged of late, and on that premise it is worth a watch. However, the film has no real logic and is ultimately really random in its approach. For instance, the film opens with three distinctive characters, but then pretty much forgets about them, and the climax is perhaps the most random solution I've ever seen (also involving a very random character). And what of the characters? Well, you get a marine biologist who never utters anything remotely biological (and sharks on a mountain really should pique at least some professional interest, regardless of the tragic back-story), the usual unscrupulous mayor/businessman who won't close the mountain, a ranting 'You're all doomed!" old mountain man, and a hilarious 'marine' who keeps telling people that he is a marine (but who displays very little military prowess). Oh, and one of the best performances I have seen in a film of this type: a man who, as a result of seeing his girlfriend eaten by the sharks, has a religious epiphany and renounces drugs in favour of universal love (I'll leave it to you to see how that pans out). However, the CGI is actually not too bad at all and nobody is taking the proceedings very seriously (except the marine character, boy, he takes things seriously). All in all, then, the bar is set low, but with a title like Avalanche Sharks, what do you expect?
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The WORST movie I have ever seen :(
amctp4012 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I heard this movie was bad, but I wanted to see for myself. It was worse then bad it was the stupidest movie I have ever seen. The acting sucked and the effects were absolutely horrible ! Do not rent this movie, do not waste your time watching it or you will regret it. I sometimes can watch stupid movies just for a good laugh but this one isn't at all funny. Mildly gross now and then. It may make you jump a couple of times. But it lacks in many many different areas. Once in a while they throw in a crazy person to get your attention but overall it can hardly hold your attention. I find myself doing various chores around the house while it was on cause it was becoming so boring and predictable. Please never make another movie like this one. Sharks belong in the water please give them the respect they deserve by not being a part of this ridiculous movie.
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Bad CGI and No Common Sense
LeDentalPlaque27 December 2014
To be honest, I suffered through watching most of this movie here and there throughout the past year or so whenever it was airing on television. Although there was worldwide shock and awe with Sharknado (which was so cheesy and irrational that it was funny), they should have kept it at that and left it as a classic cheesy movie. But no, instead they start creating a whole bunch of shark movies...so much so, that the original value of Sharknado is now lost.

Avalanche Sharks is obviously a very cheesy film. But of all cheesy films, it is horribly executed. The CGI is terrible, and the story is just a piece of garbage. To be honest, how can you even imagine sharks living in the snow? At least with Sharknado, they were picked up and tossed around in the tornadoes to terrorize people in the city. Here, sharks are swimming in snow...do the writers even have brains?

Anyway, if you're looking for a cheesy movie, this one delivers for the first few minutes. After that, it loses its charm, if there was any in the first place. This Sharknado spin-off is definitely a disaster worse than any avalanche could ever pull off.
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A silly idea to begin with made worse by terrible execution
TheLittleSongbird4 September 2014
Avalanche Sharks is not the worst shark movie out there but that in all honesty is saying very little because it is still a big failure on every level. Avalanche Sharks is a cheap-looking movie, granted yes with beautiful scenery(the only halfway-decent asset) but haphazard editing- to overkill effect in the attack scenes and even lousier special effects. Even toy sharks that you can have displayed in the bathroom are scarier than the shark designs here, which look more goofy and ridiculously over-sized than menacing. The sharks have very little personality either, never do they feel a threat all they do is attack without warning, the movie makes an attempt to explain their origins(which already makes it better than some shark movies out there) but it is written very clumsily and doesn't make sense. Despite all this, the they still manage to be much more likable than the human characters, all of whom are tired personality-deprived stereotypes who just frustrate you with their stupid actions and some not adding anything to the story. Every single one of the characters are terribly acted as well. Not that the writing and story are anything to write home about, the dialogue has a lot of repetition and padded filler and reeks of cheese, while the story is predictable, a mish-mash of ideas barely explored and insultingly ridiculous. The attack scenes range from mild fun, real stupidity and drawn-out boredom, most of which falling into the latter two categories, a couple very abrupt and blink-and-you'll miss them too, none of them tense or suspenseful. You can see them coming a mile away as well, and the conclusion is deeply underwhelming and didn't feel like an ending, the sharks are defeated too easily and too much by chance. To be honest though, I was so bored by the overall movie and so frustrated by the characterisation that I couldn't care less about how it ended. Oh and by the way, if you are looking for a bikini contest like promised you are best avoiding Avalanche Sharks, and if you do you are not missing a thing, that is how bad Avalanche Sharks is. 1/10 for the scenery only. Bethany Cox
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Unbelievably awful!
jackyyyyy1234 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is literally the worst movie I've ever seen. I didn't even have to watch the whole movie (which I didn't ) to tell you that this is a terrible movie. So when the main character was attacked by a shark, and the shark suddenly disappeared, how did the main character survived? I mean, he should've been ripped into half, right? The shark should chew before it swallows, right? Or at least make a bite? How could his wound look like scratches like he just fell down from somewhere high instead I'd being eaten by a freaking shark? And that man who actually DID get ripped into half? How could anyone be so calm and not showing any pain when he just lost half of his body? I'm pretty sure I couldn't. Much less telling jokes and being funny. And they didn't explain how the shark came out in the ending, because I thought they're all gone when that random person propped those random things up. And I think I don't have to mention the sh*tty special effects of this movie. So, believe me when I say this movie is literally one of the worst movies ever made.
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About What You'd Expect From a Movie Called Avalanche Sharks
Michael_Elliott11 October 2016
Avalanche Sharks (2014)

* 1/2 (out of 4)

A ski resort is hosting a bikini contest but they've got much bigger issues when sharks begin to come out of the snow and kill people.

I must admit that I love shark movies but the sad fact is that there really haven't been too many of them. Of course JAWS is a masterpiece and there are some other good ones like THE SHALLOWS but sadly small companies have realized that you can use bad CGI to create ugly looking sharks and throw them into any story line. This could be tornado sharks, sand sharks, sharks with three heads and in this case avalanche sharks.

Sadly this here is one of the least entertaining ones because the film spends way too much time with boring and annoying characters instead of focusing on the shark. The human characters are all extremely boring and they are all basically stereotypes that add no entertainment value. Even worse is the fact that at only 82-minutes the film drags from start to finish. I did enjoy the shark attacks and I thought the film would have benefited had there been a lot more.
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A Hell of a Film
matthewjamessaxton30 July 2014
If you are looking for story, plot, excitement, adventure, depth of character then this isn't the movie for you. It's exactly what it says on the tin, tongue in cheek nonsense. Any film that dares to pair the word 'Shark' with a destructive force driven by snow deserves our respect.

There's good old fashioned story-telling and then there's this, suspend your imagination and your cognitive abilities and sit back and enjoy the ride.

Looking forward to the next instalment, 'Shark Eruption' or 'Shark Thunderstorm', the plot lines here are limitless.
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This is the best shark film made.
tommcginn31 December 2014
When I first heard of the film I had much doubt, I was thinking a shark that swims through the snow is an awful idea. After I watched the film I was definitely wrong. This film is even better than the original jaws films. The suspense is surreal and the acting is outstanding that I am surprised such a film has not won numerous Oscars so far. People who give this bad reviews point out the tiny obsolete flaws that they can find. When I watch this I ignore those minor flaws and focus on the great camera angles and shots, the brilliant acting, the fantastic story. This is one of my all-time favourite films and I highly recommend it to anyone.
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Very fun, tongue-in-cheek, low-budget but competent production!
Christopher-JC20 February 2014
Seeing this film with only 2 stars on IMDb made me sad. Sure, this isn't a film that most will mention in the same breath as most big-budget wide-releases, but this film was, unlike too many of those films, truly enjoyable from beginning to end! The film-makers and actors knew their limitations - technical and personal - and with tongues planted firmly in cheek, gave viewers a more than competent production that kept my attention at the way through and left me more that satisfied when over.

The script, direction and acting were decent all-around, and I can't recall any specific scene in the film that suddenly took me out of the story. Nothing seemed forced and nobody seemed to be trying to go above their means.

While the CGI special-effects are what they are - CGI - the film-makers smartly decided to limit its use, with the effects either ending abruptly or the scenes cutting away quickly. Most of these scenes are shark attacks after all, which would naturally be quick and abrupt.

Some people have problems with films not explaining enough about certain things. In this case, viewers are given two possibilities as to the origins of the titular sharks. But, do we really need everything to be explained to us (especially in a movie like this) to enjoy a film? Questions can lead to debate after all and, in my opinion, can add extra layers to a film. And this is a film that most would not expect to have much substance to begin with. (The last big-budget film I saw at the cinema left me with nothing to think about when it was over. Duh...)

I really liked how they framed the beginning and end of the film. Original, funny, and a nice change of pace from most films. This production truly impressed me, and I look forward to what all the people involved bring to movie lovers in the future.

Give this film a chance. Don't go into it expecting anything in particular (my advice for seeing any film - big or small) and you'll likely find yourself pleasantly surprised by how much more FUN you'll have.

P.S. Apparently, Brooke Hogan was up for a role in this film but had to step away for some reason or another. I don't want to sound harsh, but I'm glad she wasn't involved, because I can't help but think she may have stuck out like a sore thumb acting-wise compared to the subdued but competent performances by most of the cast. Sorry, Brooke... :^/
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The snow will run red with blood...
paul_haakonsen25 May 2014
Much similar in concept to the 2011 movie "Sand Sharks", which was also referenced in this movie, "Avalanche Sharks" is exactly what the name indicates. Well, without the avalanche, and just throw in snow instead. Yep, sharks swimming through snow and eating people. But these are no ordinary snow-swimming sharks, no... These are ethereal man-killers, brought about by ancient native American traditions.

The storyline is simple and straight forward; a bunch of people are enjoying spring break at a mountain skiing resort, when an ancient curse of sorts is set free and spirit sharks are set free to feast on the hapless vacationers.

For a storyline as this, you know what you get, and there are no great surprises here. And of course, it is as outrageous and far from realistic as it can be. But what do you expect with a concept such as this?

I will say that the special effects crew actually managed to pull it off nicely throughout "Avalanche Sharks". The sharks looked interesting and had some great details, and the effects themselves were good and seems real enough. And that really brought about a great deal of the enjoyment of the movie - as the storyline is a no brainer, and the acting was, well, it was there, lets just say that much...

"Avalanche Sharks" is a movie that is perfect for a lazy day on the couch, especially if you are nurturing a hangover and want to have some simple entertainment that require absolutely no brain activity.

So there has been sand sharks, swamp sharks, ghost sharks, super sharks, sharknados, avalanche sharks, and many, many other types of sharks, so where do we go next? Traffic sharks? Concrete Sharks? Space sharks? Unleash those toothy swimmers, and we, the audience, will be there to watch what is next...
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Why wasn't it called "Sharkalanche"?
qormi20 December 2020
I enjoyed it, taking it for what it was. The sharks were actually scary... decent CGI. Full of hot chicks and guys. All these good looking people are actually decent actors and it makes you realize that making it in Hollywood must be very hard. These people were probably paid subsistence level wages, yet they are better than most actors you see who landed roles on tv shows or on the big screen. Are there anymore movie stars? Just a handful.
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nogodnomasters29 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
An explosion produces an avalanche which cause the legendary Stook-um snow sharks to come back and protect the mountain. With Spring Break officially in progress, the authorities don't want to make waves about missing kids. As the body count mounts, more kids go hunting Stook-um.

This is a Canadian film shot in California. The acting and dialogue were fairly lame, except for maybe the old guy. The shark is CG. We do get to see half bodies and blood.

While there are girls in bikinis in a hot tub, there is no bikini contest as claimed by the DVD description.

Parental Guide: No f-bombs, sex or nudity. Just some Canadian attempt at cheese.
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this flick should be covered by an avalanche
trashgang13 August 2014
It's been a while since my last review. And starting again I figured I didn't want to pick up a blockbuster but a title by which you know, this isn't going to be that good but will offer a few things. So far i have seen them all concerning mega monsters like spiders and other stuff but Snow Sharks was sadly a waist of time.

As I said earlier, I don't have problems with creature features that are over the top but there must be an actual storyline and if you are using effects that are cheap at least don't show how it is done. When one of the girls is being bitten in two by a Snow Shark they do close in with the camera but you could easily spot here legs just being covered by the snow, you could even see them move. A really bad thing. Of course the sharks are cheap CGI but they do look rather good.

On part of the storyline itself there's something to say about that too. In fact there isn't any. You move from one part to another and nothing binds them. Then you have the nerd trying to seduce girls but that doesn't work out, up to the next scene. Then you have the Asian girl coming into the story and pulling up crosses in the snow, Why she does that and why the crosses are there is never explained but they do things with the sharks. 3 girls are in a hot tub, why, no reason at all, and you can see it coming, they are shark foot, sharks appearing in the tub and the water doesn't run out of it, strange. We also see a lot of skiing and snow boarding which looks nice but doesn't add anything to the story.

Yes, this is just a mishmash of ideas, sadly,bad ideas that doesn't work out. All the girls do look pretty and some do walk around in small bikini's but that doesn't make a flick and when you are teasing with nudity then give it to the people. No, this I can't recommend to anybody, not even the Z-flick lovers.

Gore 0/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 1/5 Story 1/5 Comedy 0/5
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Absolutely the worst, most excruciating embarrassment to filmcraft ever produced . . .
charles0002 April 2016
If a zero or negative number rating were possible . . .

Well, a "one" will have to do here.

The absolute worst, below the bottom of the barrel, excruciating embarrassment to filmcraft ever produced . . . far beyond the depths plunged by that timeless classic, "Plan 9 from Outer Space".

But no, that dubious distinction has now found a new recipient.

Hands down, one would have to search far and wide, around the planet to find anything that could possibly outdo this absurdity.

A question might be, who in their right mind would ever finance such a disaster? The people who dreamed this up might have been smoking crack or whatever, but the folks who actually financed this???

So . . . what's next, sharks from outer space, sharks coming out of a flying saucer from outer space?

Oops, I better not suggest anything here.
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Valkonian13 March 2021
How does trash like this get made? Amazing. This is the nice trash your out on the background on a Saturday morning when cleaning.
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Kinda made me puke a little bit...
bdelbarba20 June 2020
Ludicrous premise, horrible acting, absolutely pitiful special effects. Learning that this movie was made in Canada made me lose some respect for that fine country. They should stick with poutine and apologizing!
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Rather fun and cheesy creature feature
kannibalcorpsegrinder14 February 2016
Heading up to a ski-resort, a group if spring-breakers partying on the slopes find that the rash of disappearances around the mountain is the result of a monstrous shark summoned to take out the partiers and must try to get off the mountain alive.

This here ended up being quite the enjoyable if slightly flawed cheesy creature feature. One of the best features to this one here is the absolutely fun and cheesy action on display here which manages to get in quite a lot of fun utilizing such a patently ridiculous storyline. The idea of bringing a sea-faring creature out into an icy mountain range from the very beginning is such a goofy premise in itself that there's a rather great deal afforded here in turning the creature's origins into a Native American legend that it offers the film much more leeway with a questionable-if-still logical origin. It also works well for the film as it goes through the idea of letting these types of action scenes come from this type of story, which is where this one really gets good. There's some rather fun times here with the sharks out stalking the people through the snow-covered woods, as the quick attacks on the skiers on the slopes, the attack on the troubled couple by the shorelines and the chase through the open fields where it takes out the racing friends in a pretty enjoyable sequence, while there's some other good fun in the attack on the resort itself. From wiping out the main lodge in front of everyone that sets things in motion to them swarming on the bunkers and the race to safety while finally allowing the big plan against it to be implemented gives this section of the film a lot of good, cheesy fun. Along with the great bloodshed and cheesy-looking creatures, these here are more than enough to hold this one up against the few small flaws here. What holds this one down somewhat is the film's rather overlong beginning where it takes way too long to get all the different side-plots involved. The whole slew of couples all coming up to the resort, the different investigations into each of the missing persons from the authorities who manage to get annoyed at having to perform their job and the general dull-ness of these types of scenes all really makes this one quite bland to really get going here that the shark attacks are instead placed a little later into the film than expected. As well, the film also comes with the usual rather cheesy-looking CGI that has absolutely nothing realistic about anything towards their execution as even though they're kept at brief spurts they still look obvious while the transparent fin slicing through the snow looks hilariously bad. Coupled with the rather goofy storyline, these here are the film's problems.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Language and Nudity.
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As ridiculous but more entertaining than the Sharknado movies
Seth_Rogue_One25 March 2015
I have no idea why this is rated so low, this movie to me defines "so bad it's good" with cheesy acting and plot and dialog and terrible Special FX that you just can't help but to laugh at.

The plot on IMDb says "Avalanche Sharks tells the story of a bikini contest that turns into a horrifying affair when it is hit by a shark avalanche." This is not entirely true, there is no bikini contest taking place, there are women in bikinis tho but yeah the plot is not correct.

But really who goes into this type of movie for the plot? I know I don't, I go in for it for the pure entertainment value and it provides plenty of entertainment, so therefor I give it a 6, despite not being a technically "good movie".

If you want to be scared: look elsewhere, if you want to have a fun time: this will suffice.
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Potential Lost
l-9052122 August 2017
Heaps of potential wasted.

You have cute chicks, they are thin and have long hair, there is a bikini contest announced, everyone is on vacation (except one who is in grief so can be made happy) and what does this movie do? Next to nothing with it.

The problem with this film was they bought into their own silly idea and title and left the bride at the altar.
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The reason people watch Informercials
dbb-8834120 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I mean one always wonders who these people are who watch infomercials for 30 minutes at a time. Well, here is our answer. It is more fun and interesting to watch an infomercial compared to this.

I do give three stars for the hardbods and the chick who promises sex to the ski-doo race winner, but what a tease this movie is. Give me a break. Show us what we want to see!

So a tease, no real action, the story is clichéd and a corrupt copper... OK whatever
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Sharks in the Snow, What More Could You Want?
gavin694210 June 2015
"Avalanche Sharks" tells the story of a bikini contest that turns into a horrifying affair when it is hit by a shark avalanche.

Checking this film on IMDb in June 2015, and you will see it hovering around a 2.1 out of 10. That, obviously, is pretty awful. But that also is incredibly inaccurate and unfair. Not that this is a masterpiece, but compared to thousands of other low budget films in recent years, it has a certain charm to it.

Sure, the acting is a bit weak, and the military character is an awful stereotype... and the music is repetitive... and the special effects are cheap. But if you went into this expecting anything different, you have much too high of expectations for a film called "Avalanche Sharks".

Because that is the whole point of the movie: sharks in the snow. And what more could you want than that? I suppose more sharks. But the very concept is brilliant and do not be surprised if you see this getting remade down the road with a bigger budget.

Noteworthy: the mysterious Max Nikoff was on this production in the sound department. The world is still wondering who this Nikoff is, who claims to have fled the Soviet Union and took up movie making under the wing of Ulli Lommel...
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