Haunter (2013) Poster


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Ghost Story with a twist!
sanand20918 October 2013
A new point of view for a simple ghost story that keeps you guessing. 15 minutes into the movie, I thought I had it all figured out and then suddenly, a new twist! A ghost story with a freshness to it. I wouldn't classify it as a horror movie but more of a mystery thriller. Watching the movie creates a bit of 80's nostalgia. It actually made me miss my Atari 2600. The movie is not scary yet it captivates the viewer and okay for kids to watch. I watched it with my teenage sons and 8 year-old daughter and all of us enjoyed it quite a bit. A quick mention for the main character, Abigail Breslin (Lisa)who is a very convincing actress. Reminded me a bit of The Sixth Sense and The Others. Although I didn't love it, I did like it A LOT. Definitely worth the watch!
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A ghost story with a twist
raoulpeltier9 July 2013
Haunter is a ghost story with a twist. The film is based on the interesting concept of a family who lives the same day all over again. This idea is cleverly used in the first part of the movie and efficiently captivates the audience within the first few minutes, The problem is that it quickly gets repetitive. The film has a complex and interesting plot, but is too long to remain truly interesting. Despite a great try for being different from all the other ghost films, Haunter fails at his most important task, being scary. There are a few jumpy scenes, but nothing that should get you hiding under your seat.

In the end, Haunter is another ghost story...not a bad one. Those who enjoy the ghost genre should really check it out. The presence of Abigail Breslin (Zombieland, Little Miss Sunshine) is interesting, but I found the mum and the dad to be the true great actors in that film (the dad played in Saw VI and Silent Hill Revelations 3D). Considering that the director, Vincenzo Natali, is the one responsible for both Cube and Splice, two awesome horror/sci-fi flicks, I think this one is a little bit disappointing.
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50 compelling minutes make up for all of the flaws
chrichtonsworld1 December 2013
The best description I can give of Haunter that it feels like a very well done episode of The Twilight Zone. Haunter has much more going on but there are some elements that detract from the viewing experience. The mystery that is presented to us is solid. You do wonder what it's going on however for fans of the genre it is pretty obvious from early on. Even then Haunter manages to creep you out to the maximum with minimal means. There are quite a few moments where you feel your heart pumping with excitement. Only at one point when it becomes clear what is going on it begins to drag. And really annoyingly. Here is where The Twilight Zone analogy comes in. The story is creepy and compelling enough for a duration of 50 minutes then every event after is just there to prolong those 50 minutes. Basically this movie would be excellent as an episode of an anthology series as The Twilight Zone but as a full film it can become quite tedious. Still overall I think this film shows how horror does not need blood or gore to manage to scare or freak you out. And I wished more contemporary films would follow this example. Definitely worth the watch, but be aware that after the first hour it can become tasking to remain watching. Although when you do you will get a satisfying ending.
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I graded it 7! Long time since I've done that.
Patient44420 October 2013
So after many, many months of 4, 5 and tops 6, finally I get a movie that deserves more. I'll tell you folks, I really enjoyed this one. Yes, it may be cheesy at times, a tad bit confusing, could use more frights, but does NOT disappoint.

It starts as a horror, ends the same, delivers with quite an impressive story, good acting, good characters, nice mood and a terrific performance by Stephen McHattie. Of course, some might say it's more supernatural, has some plot holes, should have improved the scares, and so many other aspects that might have used some changes, but I for one loved it. I'll take it as it is and pass it to you guys! It's a great movie to watch it with your girlfriend, or with friends, cracking your head trying to figure what's going one, see who manages to break the ice.

Anyway, words are useless this time, it's up to you to get your hands on Haunter and press play. You won't be disappointed. Cheers!
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Solid but not much impressive ghost story
rust3720 September 2013
The trailer may leave you with a taste of a Gothic horror, which Haunter is definitely not. Closest resemblance is probably Others, and I'd also name Saint-Ange and Awakening for some similarity in its atmosphere.

I may safely agree with the other reviewer that Haunter is not scary at all, just couple of very primitive boom-based jumpers.

Keep in mind that the Haunter director (Vincenzo Natali) once shoot such gem as Cube, and it shows through all 97 minutes. The movie is claustrophobic and weird,it's cheating you on time and dimensions, and that's the best part. Very solid directing, script and acting yet nothing that can leave you thinking further or wondering.

As soon as you realize that lots of ideas are brought from Cube the Haunter loses on IMDb stars instantly.

Still don't get me wrong, it has its own developments, and I personally liked the way Vincenzo Natali delivers moody look, creative frames, and elaborated sets in a very contrast to minimalistic Cube.

To sum up: a solid 6/10 - not impressive but very fair dish for ghost genre lovers.
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Twilight Drone
bushtony24 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Starting to watch HAUNTER I had very few preconceptions. In fact, I had next to no prior insight at all. Keywords like "horror," "thriller," "ghost story" were all I had to go on. And as I do love a good horror, thriller, ghost story, I went for it - as you probably would too, if you were me.

The premise is an undeniably intriguing one and events kick off in a promisingly creepy way. Teen goth chick Lisa (Abigail Breslin) is awakened by the voice of her young brother on a walkie-talkie. She is in a house seemingly cut off from the rest of the world by an impenetrable fog bank. Her day starts with a family breakfast – brother, mother and father - all syrupy pancakes and idle chatter. Then she does the laundry in the basement whilst her father works on fixing the car in the garage. She has lunch and then she plays the clarinet in her room along to a vinyl recording of "Peter And The Wolf." She has dinner and then the family settles down to watch an episode of"Murder She Wrote" on TV.

It soon becomes apparent that the family are stuck in a loop with every day starting the same way, every event playing out the same, every meal, every activity, and each word spoken. The only difference being that Lisa has come to realise it whilst the other three family members do not. Her efforts to explain and convince them amount to little as they can't understand what she's talking about. They are obliviously living the day for the first time whilst Lisa is living it over and over again. So she starts to tamper with the trajectory of events and stuff, as they say, happens.

That's a great set-up for a chiller and it certainly got my attention. Sadly, it didn't hold or reward it for long. What follows is a tweenie-friendly ghost story centred on Edgar (Stephen McHattie) a fruit-loop serial killer offing people for decades. He is now dead himself, but that doesn't stop him. The house was the place he lived all his life and obliterated the bodies of his victims in a sub-basement furnace. His spirit possesses the father of any family unit who moves into the house and induces him to kill his loved ones and himself. Edgar has control of the spirits of all his past victims and he keeps them trapped in the house as his playthings. Lisa and her family are in fact dead as of 1985.

In the present day, Olivia (Eleanor Zichy), first mistakenly thought to be a spiritual presence, is the daughter of the family who currently occupy the house. She is trying to connect with Lisa in an effort to help save her own family from the same fate. Her daddy is starting to get a touch of the Nicholson's. She's figured it all out, see – somehow or other.

Content-wise, it's bloodless, non-violent, with no scares, no shocks, no suspense and not even the most meagre attempted stab at logical structure or a dynamic, functioning narrative form. After a tremendously promising preamble that has a cool Twilight Zone vibe, the whole thing falls flatly into a slop of utter blandness and monotony like a sugar-free blancmange dropping down a drainpipe into a vat of flavourless jello.

It's a shame as the production values, set-design and cinematography are far from shabby, and the shift between the time frames represented on screen is authentically realised and represented. There is some good audio FX work also. A decent level of thought and attention to detail has been invested in the crucial peripheral elements and the stage is immaculately set-up for something dark, moody and malevolent.

The action lacks bite and impact and the narrative quickly devolves into a cookie-cutter drone-along for the bud-eared tweenie generation. This might possibly be a bit insulting to and underestimating of the sensibilities of the target audience. What causes filmmakers to believe young adults need patronising to the extent they are constantly fed a white-food diet of TWILIGHT-style junket? Is it too much of a stretch beyond the pale to imagine they could cope with something a bit more viscerally thrilling and punchy than that? In that event perhaps the rest of us could even get something meaningful out of it into the bargain. The Daniel Radcliffe version of THE WOMAN IN BLACK, although far from perfect, does illustrate to some extent how atmospheric hackle-raising chills and suitably gruesome implications can be generated in a film that need not be an adults only preserve.

Performances are borderline competent, but bemusedly frozen-faced and inexpressive - especially the adults. It's as if they have all been under the plastic surgeons knife and subsequently administered large industrial strength shots of Botox. What gives with this? The situation isn't helped much by Breslin wearing in sympathy the same wide-eyed look of a startled doe throughout, irrespective of the scene or activity she's involved in.

What is to some extent forgivable is a film that starts out bad and gets progressively better. Or starts out bad and continues that way. Or even starts out mundane and ends up mundane. What is unforgivable is a film that starts out well then discards that initial promise and grows quickly and progressively worse. Raising expectations to simply and casually ruin them is a cardinal sin. HAUNTER is guilty of that cinematic crime. As charged.
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Ghost Story Holds Your Attention
ten-often20 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A pleasant surprise. I put off watching this movie because I felt the idea of a ghost being haunted by humans was already covered in "The Others." However, this one added a few additional twists which made an intriguing story which I definitely needed to see through to the end with no disappointments, including how the actors carried their roles.

There is no gore, if you don't mind seeing a few skeletal remains or the process of a body dying and crumbling. If you like complex stories more than visual gore, this is definitely a must see.

This line is added to satisfy IMDb's idea that a review must be long and boring to be submitted.
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Misses the mark
gotohoward19 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I suffered through the 2nd and 3rd act of this film cause I'm kind of a buff, and I wanted to see where it ended up. The acting was okay. Abigail Breslin has a way to go to be good, but she's getting her chops. The other actors were average.

The biggest problem with this film is it was supposed to be creepy, but never really achieves anything close to that. The story itself is so convoluted that about a third of the way through it was already boring me winding it's way to make a point showing the same plot development over and over like Ground Hog Day. This could almost be called "Ghostbuster meets Groundhog, the Other Story," since it was trying so hard to be the movie, The Others, with Nicole Kidman, but that film was far, far superior to this entry.

The whole narrative ends up some weirdly conceived (in a bad way) attempt to do something original with a ghost story. It wasn't a bad idea with the basic premise as discussed above (I didn't lay out the whole story obviously), so if you decide to take this one in. I would probably suggest skipping it for a better movie like The Others, The Six Sense, or even Ground Hog day if you want scarier for the first two, and funnier, if you pick the last if you haven't seen them.

I think a 3 is pretty generous for this flick. The cinematography isn't too bad or the editing. Good luck if you watch it, and see if you don't agree with me.
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Started off as a horror version of Groundhog Day but the longer the movie went on it found its stride & became pretty entertaining
cosmo_tiger3 February 2014
"We're stuck in this house and we're never gonna leave, because all of us are..." Lisa (Breslin) is a typical teenager. She lives at home and is annoyed by her family. They eat the same thing every day and watch the same thing every night. Unlike most teenagers the days are repetitive because she is dead and is stuck in a constant cycle with no escape. After hearing voices she tries to contact the world of the living which only causes more problems for everyone. I knew nothing about this going in except for that fact that I was intrigued by Abigail Breslin in a horror movie. The movie started off a little slow and cheesy, setting itself up to be a horror version on Groundhog Day but the longer the movie went on it found its stride and became pretty entertaining. There were enough twists and things you didn't see coming to make it interesting the entire time. I wasn't really that scared watching this but I did have a good time watching it and when it ended I was surprised with how much I did end up liking it. Overall, nothing amazing but a different type of horror movie and because of that I liked it and recommend this. I give this a B.
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Some good ideas, but the execution - and lead actress - are awful
Leofwine_draca18 June 2016
HAUNTER is a pretty dreadful teen horror film, which is a pity given that the guy who directed it is none other than Vincenzo Natali, who of course made the wonderful CUBE. He actually references CUBE throughout this movie in terms of some of the plot twists and single-setting location, although this is a very different kind of product.

HAUNTER is your usual haunted house horror with a twist: the main character is stuck in a time loop that sees her going through events time and again. THE OTHERS is a definite inspiration here, but it doesn't count for much when the film is so murky and unappealing. I have no idea who Abigail Breslin is or why she was cast in the central role, but she's completely out of her depth and impossible to take seriously as the lead.

There's one cool horror scene set around a family dinner table which is absolutely spoilt by Breslin's fake and cheesy reaction shots, no matter how cool the effects are otherwise. And the film as a whole feels slow and unfocused, another one influenced by the success of TV'S American Horror Story. Stephen McHattie (A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE) makes a good villain but even he is underutilised here.
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kosmasp24 November 2013
This is a movie that has to be watched in the right kind of mood I guess. It's really well made and it has a really good haunting story to tell. But if you're either not into that or want it to be scarier or even more like other recent horror movies, you might find yourself really disappointed by it.

I had no idea what the actual story would be, so I was guessing at times, where this was going (especially at the beginning). Maybe if you know too much, it will take away some of the fun you can have while watching this. It does have some intriguing twists and it is genuinely scary, because the cinematography but also the sound design are fantastic. The whole concept works and it has a great Stephen McHattie in it, who can elevate any movie. The twists are great and the movie flows by in a nice pace! Can be watched more than once for those exact points.
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Intriguing Ghost Story but with a Deceptive Conclusion
claudio_carvalho8 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
In 1985, on the eve of her sixteenth birthday, Lisa (Abigail Breslin) discovers that she is stuck in time, living the same day over and over with her parents Bruce (Peter Outerbridge) and Carol (Michelle Nolden) and her little brother Robbie (Peter DaCunha). Soon she learns that they are dead and trapped on the day that they were murdered but she finds that she can contact other people. Out of the blue, a stranger (Stephen McHattie) comes to her house telling that he is going to fix the telephone line but indeed to threaten her to stop the contacts. Lisa finds that she is contacting victims of the killer in different timelines including the future, and the killer's name is Oscar. Will be possible to Lisa to stop the evil Oscar?

"Haunter" is an intriguing ghost story with a promising idea of an evil spirit, but with a deceptive conclusion. The story is a combination of "The Others" with "Groundhog Day" and "The Twilight Zone", with good performance of Abigail Breslin. But the corny conclusion could be better. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): Not Available.
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lisaselby774 May 2014
A very slow film very confusing, not a bit scary The best part of the film was the end. 1 and a half hours of my life i will never back. I have see better films hated the way it kept jumping back and forward Acting was not Great either, Even though it was only on for just over an hour and a half it felt so much longer. Kept watching it with the hope something exciting was going to happen , but unfortunately it didn't. So hard to find a decent horror movie thee days, I read the Synopsis of the Haunter and it sounded like a great film so i thought i would give it a watch, but was so disappointed. I love watching movies and most of the reviews i get from the site is quiet positive, and spot on. just not on this case.
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Interesting but Not Scary
SnoopyStyle17 December 2013
It's sometime in the 80s. Lisa (Abigail Breslin) turns 16 tomorrow. Only she's been repeating the same day over and over again. Neither her parents or her little brother remember. Yet everyday is the same. That is until somethings start changing.

It's Groundhog Day and a horror movie ... sort of. If it's a horror, there isn't anything scary in it. It is head scratching. Lisa reveals the premise very early on, and then it slowly devolves into something even weirder. There has to be a way to get to a scarier situation. But there is no consequences to being caught. Her situation can't actually be any worse. Certainly the normal fear of death do not apply. And that's what this movie needs. It needs stakes for Lisa to fight for. It needs something that she could lose if she fails. There isn't anything like that here. At least, director Vincenzo Natali didn't set up anything like that.
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Ghost movie but from a ghost perspective.
Natasja120526 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I watch this movie not knowing what to expect. At first i found it a little bit weird, why is every day the same, and what is happening in the house. After awhile you see that the movie is told from a family who died, and only the girl and her brother know that they are dead. After a while the girl finds out about a horrible story that happened in her house. She has to help a living family who must undergo the same fate that killed her family. She tries to help them but a ghost of a murderer tries everything to stop her and you find out that he is a really twisted human being. I found this a very interesting movie, it is something new, and i like that it is told out of the eyes of a ghost and what the other side looks like.
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What did I just watch
themellly26 September 2017
I just finished watching Haunter based on the number of good reviews on here (I actually didn't remember seeing any bad reviews) and now I'm really questioning if we all watched the same movie. There was zero character explanation, zero character development which left the story dry. While watching I was left so confused, left with so many unanswered questions. Things would constantly happen without any explanation why. There was no explanation or reasoning for anything that happened in the film. I never write reviews, but this film was the worst I have ever seen. It's not thriller, it's not horror, it's definitely a lot a mystery (not in a good way), it's just straight up BORING.
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A young teenage girl is caught in a time warp.
michaelRokeefe16 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is a Canadian film directed by Vincenzo Natali. HAUNTER is a supernatural chiller that provides a thrilling shiver or two. The ghost of a teenage girl, Lisa(Abigail Breslin),wakes up to realize that she is ...dead. Lisa is stuck in some kind of time warp that has her reliving the same day she and her family were murdered. Her parents and little brother go about a repetitive life not knowing they too are dead. Lisa will find personal items that belong to other people killed in the house. Things get real creepy, when Lisa goes through an "awakening" that has her meeting the evil spirit responsible for years of killing trying to keep possession of the house.

Not a lot of elaborate special effects; but I really like the sequences of the house sitting in the woods surrounded by thick fog. Be forewarned of a couple of scenes where you feel you've jumped out of your own skin. HAUNTER was written by Brian King and filmed in Toronto. Miss Breslin is excellent in this role. Maybe I just like the fact she is not a little girl anymore. Rounding out the cast: Peter Outerbridge, Michelle Nolden, Peter DaCunha, Eleanor Zichy and Stephen McHattie brings out the heebie jeebies.
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The acting is bad, the screenplay is really bad but the movie as a whole is much worse
EagleSmart16 February 2014
Let's say that if you're not under the age of 12 you shouldn't by any means possible watch this piece of crap.

Recurring scenes quickly become incredibly tedious and by the time you get into first 20 minutes of film you will not give a damn to find out what is going on.

The film looked good somewhat at the beginning but the screenplay snapped at the middle and the movie lost chances for a descent film.

So what I'm trying to say is that the movie doesn't grab your attention,which is what thriller genre is about. It should be labeled as fantasy movie for children.

The IMDb staff guy really failed this time!

The two pluses go for cinematography and editing and YIFY torrent whit a lot of seeders and high quality audio and video.
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Scary and creative in spite of cheap CGI
mrosesteed18 May 2019
In spite of occasional cheesy digital effects and cheap 2010s production values, tight writing and a well executed concept make Haunter a surprisingly effective atmospheric horror film. Without the need for elaborate makeup or onscreen violence and gore, Haunter presents a terrifying villain, who threatens a plucky protagonist determined to break a cycle of helpless victimization. Although the movie's CGI manifests as a hallmark of low budget cinema, it is not heavily relied upon to advance the plot; the bulk of the film is simply shot within the confines of a basic set, and the narrative is well constructed to function effectively within the movie's budgetary limitations.
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The Unlovely Bones
ted-peterson19 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler Alert. Watch first and enjoy if you don't want another's p;reception of the film.

The movie. Well, it has moments but is a little, no, quite a bit disjointed. The character flipping sometimes works but mostly doesn't. Why the same character (Carol I think.) keeps coming back as a ghost guide to Lisa in a way is confusing. The statement that Lisa must stay away from the living uttered by a spooky voice only confuses and does not explain anything pertinent to the movie. Is she dead? If so, who bother with anything awake or not? If dead and unaware as are her parents, no harm done. Only when one "wakes up" do bad things start happening. This is a major flaw.

The twist plot is set up in a ham-handed kind of way so that the surprise that worked well in a movie like "The Sixth Sense" misses here.

The time shifts and resets occur too often to really follow the suspense. Too many fathers or not enough. Why only one family to interact with when so many children were supposedly taken?

There are some creepy moments which are more or less typical horror movie fare. Amazing how "It was a dark and stormy night" scenarios still are the basis of thrillers and suspense movies. After all, there's nothing more frightening than a young girl crawling into a confined, dark place in search of some kind of evil of which she barely understands. But a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. So alone she braves the unknown. Cliché?

So, is she dead and awake or is she not dead and asleep or dreaming while dead or in a limbo that resembles Hell more than an afterlife. And the family is supposedly put there by an evil force that possesses the fathers? Then where are all the others who were victims of the same evil? I kept waiting to see them but they never appeared.

When I( see movies like this, I always hope they will achieve the level of "The Lovely Bones." But in comparison, TLB was leagues above this effort.
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I loved the movie so much
lfaternallyyours25 February 2014
I honestly was skeptical when I first heard about this movie.As a lover of indie films,i assumed it would be very low budget and have a odd plot to it. I'm glad i decided to actually watch it.Haunter takes your typical ghost story and does a complete refreshing twist to it.I did get lost a few times,but quickly caught back up on what was going on.The acting was incredibly good for a indie film,and the story was super engaging.I was always on the edge of my chair the whole movie.I highly recommend everyone to at least rent this movie and give it a chance if you're a fan of the thriller genre.I really most certainly be checking out the directors other movies as well seeing how I loved splice as well.This guy is quickly becoming one of my favorite directors
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Deserves a little higher.
kizzie_nikita13 November 2019
This is different to your dog standard ghost story. There isn't really any jump scares like you would expect as it is more of a phycological thriller in my books.

U think this movie was well done, sure they could have gone other places with it to make it feel a little more full, but what they did wasn't half bad at all, but then I am a huge fan of horror time loop movies.

There was only one part I found cheesy as hell which didn't fit in with the film, which only lasted a couple minutes so I can look past.
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Absolutely terrible
WellWellWellWellWell11 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I made an account especially to comment on this movie!! And the ratings below are an absolute prove of how many of them are fake.

The acting is terrible, like literally really really terrible the girl is obviously taking the script point for point its like you are standing right beside her with the script telling here when to act shocked or show empathy or be sad..

The story is not scary, not in any way. Nor does it make sense for most of the movie.

This movie is fun when you are below the age of 10, apart from that it is fake and actually a bit insulting. Don't waste your time! I understand we all have different tastes and like different things, but this is absolutely a terrible movie and the reviews are mostly fake I can assure you.
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That's an odd movie
e-ottosson-837-74331912 February 2014
This is like a mix of the story of Coraline, one story from Creepshow 3, and Alice in wonderland for some reason.. It's weird and nothing with it is obvious. Not the best movie i've seen, but easily not the worst either.

Abigails facial expressions are annoying in some scenes though. She's good alright, but maybe TOO good. And sometimes it's hard to get a grip on where you are in the movie, time and place is somewhat confusing. At the same time the movie itself just grabs you and won't let you go. As soon as you understand one thing in the movie, you get one more thing to figure out, clues and weird things. This movie is a plain mind-f#kr, but in a good way.
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Solid movie
adelca021 July 2020
I went into this movie without reading the reviews, and I was pleasantly surprised. Good, interesting plot kept me interested throughout the whole movie. I would recommend.
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