Here Comes Honey Boo Boo (TV Series 2012–2017) Poster


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What is going on?
Aleta_Nook18 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously, TLC? You think a show about the most disgusting people in the world spreading butter around the floor, putting pumpkin seeds on each other, talk about bathroom jokes etc. is creative and enjoyable? Nobody wants to sit around watching a bunch of people go crazy and kids act like adults!

This makes stuff like The Boxtrolls look good. Why don't TLC go film a family that actually knows how to be creative and teaches about eating healthy or playing correctly with, kids being kids instead of filming awkward ole southerns that don't know how to act human!

This show is sickening to watch even if you can watch stuff without vomiting. It makes the show unwatchable and should've never existed in the first place. When is Honey Boo Boo and her family going to learn manners and being healthy, her parents need to be more responsible for their relatively ugly child! They're going to end up like their mother!

I don't even know why I am watching this crap!

Verdict -- Absurd show! 3.9/10
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You all like to watch it in secret!
cindynise25 January 2014
Say what you want to let the public read it but you know most of you watch this in secret! That's the sad part! I think this family is actually playing for the camera, they aren't that dumb...they're making money people. It's a lot like most reality shows on t.v. they all give the cameras/TLC what they want to get and keep viewers. Why? Because people are drawn to the odd and unusual things, it makes folks interested. Then there are those that get satisfaction thinking they are better than the "honey boo boo's" out there and like to criticize. The only difference between them and the Kardashians are that the Kardashians are "honey boo boo's" with lots and lots of money. In my opinion the Kardashians are trash compared to this show! Just my opinion though.
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Absolute garbage and hard to watch
tommymcintyre917 September 2012
This is the illest thing i have ever seen. The way this white trash family is making it on to the television, i will never know. Like father jack says "how did that gobshite get on the television?!" The absolute low of television. It makes The kardashians look like House. This woman is taking her little daughter and embarrassing her in front of the world. She is taking her, dressing her up as a hooker and getting paid. I cant believe we live in a world where this can happen. Even if you were just curious to see how bad it is, do NOT watch it. It is that bad! I feel sympathy for this little girl, her mom is the real harm. Someone needs to call child services and have her daughter taken off her. this is one real bad mother. PLEASE CANCEL THIS HORRIBLE SHOW!
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Thank you South Park for demolishing this awful garbage.
omar_kmail6 October 2012
This is the absolute worst show I've ever watched in my entire life. I use to think Jersey Shore was bad, but it (Jersey Shore) looks like Breaking Bad in comparison. I don't even know where to start. This is child abuse, I just can't believe people would even allow this garbage on television. The worst part is that it's on "The Learning Channel". I don't know what were the people thinking when TLC accepted this awful crap on their channel. It's disgraceful to our society. Just like the South Park episode said, "the bar has been lowered to depths we can't fathom", this is what society has come to. So concluding everything, this show is very, Very, VERY painful to watch, these negative reviews aren't exaggerating, nor am I, this show really is vomit-provoking.
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This Is What's Wrong With America
zack_wall2 October 2012
It's become apparent that the reason this pile of crap remains on the air is because their base followers come out of the woodwork(literally) to keep up with Honey Boo Boo's antics. Honestly, was there not a SINGLE TLC executive who looked at the would-be creators of this show and asked them if they were joking?. Because this is purely awful. And not only is it awful, but it insults my intelligence in more ways than I can count. Also, what kind of show needs subtitles for 90% of the footage when the show's characters are all English speaking Americans? That's just mind-blowing to me, but entirely normal if you're a regular TLC subscriber. Every now and then, when commercials for this show come on, a few tears trickle down my cheek. I weep for those who find Honey Boo Boo a good use of their time and/or entertaining in any way. This election year, I hope you join with me, America, in voting NO for more dumb, unintelligent, unoriginal, unfunny, grimace-inducing television shows. Honey Boo Boo should never have seen the light of day. Never.
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altair247824 June 2014
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Just looking at Honey Boo Boo makes me want to vomit in my mouth. There is absolutely no reason why anyone should watch this monstrosity of a show. If you watch it because you think they're decent people and lead lives that should be emulated then you should be sterilised and shipped off to Mars. If you are watching this show because you want to laugh at their misfortunes and stupidity, that just makes you a no good bullying thug.

A show about disgusting redneck hillbillies exploiting an obese and bratty redneck child for money is pure evil. Why would anyone think it was a good idea for a show? I would literally prefer to watch a 1 hour PBS special on how grass grows, at least that has some redeemable quality, unlike this s**t stain.
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Can't even bear to see the commercials
deucesallin15 August 2012
I enjoy watching a variety of 'reality' shows because it's entertaining and educational to observe the diversity of human behaviors in this day and age. And, I do like to watch Toddlers & Tiaras.

However, 'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo' is one show that I cannot bear to watch. The commercials themselves, which are apparently intended to entice viewers to tune in to the show, are nauseating at best. Make a list of behaviors that children are normally taught not to engage in because such behaviors are disgusting, unnecessary in the company of others, and are downright rude. Then, watch any episode of 'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo' and you can check just about everything on the list you made and those behaviors will be featured on this repulsive show.

I cannot think of a single redeeming feature of this show. TLC has certainly turned the corner into the downright awful when they produced this show.
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The "Low Bar" for Civilization & Culture in America
westrajc11 January 2013
Honey Boo Boo is a pathetic, pustular, pile of post-enlightenment, social Putrefaction! The fact that so many people love this show is a testament to how low the bar for our "culture/civilization" has been set. We could be colonizing other planets by now! Is anyone besides me ready for a good pandemic!? Hollywood should be ashamed to promote this garbage. But I guess Hollywood truly has no shame. How about focusing on the lives of people who are striving to better themselves; physically, mentally and spiritually, while also helping their neighbors do the same thing? Is that too much to ask?
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Here Comes 30 Minutes of Fun! (Some Minor Spoilers)
ellilisa24 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I do not normally post reviews, but with only 2 haters saying something about this show and this family, I felt I had chime in. Let me say first that I agree, go-go juice sounds like the worst thing ever, and I don't think it should be given to children. However, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo is the most entertaining show on TV right now. Alana is charming and a natural entertainer. I would not be surprised if she becomes a very successful actress as she grows up.

Unlike another reviewer, I do not watch a lot of reality TV. I find the people in most reality shows to be shallow, judgmental, morally bankrupt, or mentally unstable; chosen for their propensity to create drama. I don't enjoy having that kind of drama and tension in my life. I understand how Here Comes Honey Boo Boo might appear to be an exploitive, morally reprehensible show about an unscrupulous and vapid family, but the first 10 minutes of the show are enough to dispel those misconceptions.

This show follows a happy, fun-loving and supportive family. Sure they do things like go "mud bogging" and 4 wheeling, and they are self proclaimed rednecks. They have a train that runs through their back yard, seemingly multiple times every day. Mama and Sugar Bear are not married, and the oldest daughter is pregnant and in high school. What is most impressive about this family is that in spite of these things (things that most people I know would look at as obstacles and deficiencies) they have made a happy, fulfilling life together. And togetherness is something that a lot of families, even and maybe more so wealthy families, lack.

This family has fun nick-names for each other. They laugh and play together. They support each other in whatever goals they set for themselves and in what ever challenges they face. They are frank and open about things most people are embarrassed of and try to deny or hide. Frankly the openness, the unapologetic acknowledgement and pride in who they are, is refreshing and rare. They don't do things the way everyone else does and I'm sure, some of those things are flawed. But the bottom line is, when I watch this family, I see loving parents who are doing everything they can to raise happy, respectful and responsible children who are equipped to handle what life has in store. I think that we can all learn some positive parenting techniques from this "redneck" family and the sassy, sweet-as-pie little girl known as Honey Boo Boo.

I'd give it 10 stars, but I'm always disappointed when it ends after only 30 minutes.
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It's Not That Bad!
Sylviastel7 September 2012
Okay, TLC has brought us the Honey Boo Boo and her Southern family. First, I'll give extra points because it's bothering Kris Jenner, the Kardashian matriarch and that's worth watching alone. Kris Jenner doesn't get the fascination and I feel the same way about her show. First, Honey Boo Boo acts like a kid her age. Sure, she's a little active but she's fun to watch and she's being a child. Beauty pageants are popular in this country in some segments of the population. Honey Boo Boo is a pageant contestant in the toddlers and tiaras. Her family is blue collar living in rural Georgia. The family seems okay and not white trash. The family isn't so bad to watch. Granted, mother matriarch has injured her toe over an accident. The siblings are still kids. While the family may earn the $4,000 per episode, the money probably goes to pay bills in order to survive. But you have to give credit that this family is making Kris Jenner furious and that's worth watching alone. Sure, it's not the greatest reality show but look at the others on television.
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Home comes honey boo boo is just truly awful, trash and incomprehensible
afijamesy2k12 August 2012
TLC Has made great shows and reality shows in the past like trauma life in the ER, Cake Boss and some others, but this piece of trashy crap and one of the ugliest and most incomprehensible shows I've ever seen is not one of them, it's a spin off to toddlers and tiaras and it is just so awful that it makes me sick, it has a 6 year old kid in a southern city doing the same old thing after winning the title, the set up is unfunny, the writing is pitiful, the video is stupid and the people are obnoxious, lame and mean-spirited, this is a typical, silly trash reality TV that makes even the kardashians look like classic, if you want a real reality about rednecks and their southern values, check out lizard lick towing, this show is going on my list of the worst television of the year and it deserves it.

TLC, you have stoop this low with this.

In the Universe of bad TV shows, here comes honey boo boo is a towering achievement.

Here comes Honey Boo Boo 0.0 Stars
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Check out the people who voted 10 out of 10
joshineuropa16 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is perhaps the most terrible show ever the grace the airwaves. Pure exploitation of children. The glorification of a terrible lifestyle. A symbol of just how far American culture has fallen over the years. I cannot even begin to describe the vileness of this show. The channel it is broadcast on is called TLC. Abbreviated from The Learning Channel. The Learning Channel?!?!?!? It was once a favorite channel of mine, when you could actual learn something from this. But to call it that now is an insult. A not funny joke! But I am also writing this review as I was confused by some of the other reviewers posts. There seems to be no middle ground on this show. People either loath it, which is thankfully the vast majority. Or absolutely love it. Which was weird, I thought. And in reading some of their reviews, I felt something was wrong. These people were praising it like it was the best thing ever to come out of their television. It did not feel right. So I clicked on their user ID's and aside from three of them, they were all obviously industry people trying to get the ratings up on this site. Most were created the same day and month, they all had one single review, and all were obviously written by the same person. This is terrible. I hope IMDb does some investigation on this, as I love their site and think it is a worth while tool for helping others choose how to spend their free time. Others that read this review. There is a reason the vast majority of the people who have come on here to review this terrible show deride it so. It is a disgusting view of society and we would all be the better off if it was stricken from our airwaves. 0/10 (Negative numbers if I could)
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annapetsas2920 August 2013
A show about fat white trash people who have the attitude that they are better than everyone else. I can't believe TLC has this on their channel. There is nothing to learn on this show unless you want to teach your child bad behavior and bad eating habits. People like this need to be banned from the public until they know how to behave like humans. This child is going to grow up thinking the world owes her everything and that she is the greatest person in the world. I am ashamed of TLC for wanting this on their network. I am also ashamed that anyone would like this TV show. There is nothing hilarious about it. This show would be better if they made it into episodes of the child being disciplined and the mother exercising.
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Is exploiting this poor kid really necessary?
SusieSalmonLikeTheFish3 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This little girl is obnoxious, overweight, bratty and full of herself - but she certainly isn't to blame, she's just a little kid. She is being spoiled rotten, and she's getting a lot of hype now but when the limelight focuses on something else for the couch potatoes and morons of the world to laugh at, this kid will just be known as the chubby brat with the trailer trash mom who gave her Red Bull. And giving her the energy drink was wrong, but that's beside the point, making a TV show about this kid is just sick and pathetic. Doing this type of thing to a kid at an early age is going to leave her with possible mental problems and other things when she isn't a kid anymore. I mean, she won't be a little kid forever, a decade from now nobody will know what the hell Honey Boo Boo is, and she'll just be known around town as the obese, acne-ridden highschooler in a Southern town. This show is full of nasty crude humor that kids shouldn't ever hear and that adults should know better than to to laugh at, and it portrays the south as a place full of inbred hillbillies, which it isn't.

Television is really going downhill lately. I mean, Family Guy is bad enough, but this? This is just idiotic and pathetic, who wants to stare at a reality TV show that focuses on a spoiled fat girl dancing around with her rednecky family? I mean, whether it's wrong to use a kid like this, is it really necessary to waste television space and a tech crew and all that to film this load of crud? What the hell is the point?
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This Is One Of The Reasons Why I Don't Watch Much T.V. Anymore(BOMB/0 Out Of ****)
kylehaines963 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Here Comes Honey Boo Boo has accomplished something and that something is to make me absolutely disgusted that something like this can be put on TV on TLC which I find very funny because TLC Stands for The Learning Channel. What am I learning? I am learning that your IQ Can be dropped by watching 1 second of this show.

First off there is no story, I mean what would you expect from a show called Here Comes Honey Boo Boo? Second, the main cast is unbearable to watch and are disgusting. Third, This is a spin-off show of Toddlers And Tiaras and don't even get me started on that abomination.

The final verdict for Here Comes Honey Boo Boo is 0 stars out of 4 which also earns my seal of disapproval. No story, disgusting cast and awful concept Here Comes Honeyy Boo Boo is awful. It is Garbage.

Not Rated.


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'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo' is an embarrassment to the people of the South
tylersportsguy18 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe this is actually a show. It honestly makes 'Jersey Shore' look like 'The Brady Bunch' and 'Keeping up with the Kardashians' look like 'All in the Family'. This is is absolutely horrible and a disgrace to the people who live in the South.

Apparently, this show takes place near Atlanta, Georgia, which isn't that bad of a place either. I'm a southerner and these people give us a bad name. I turned this on and subsequently watched three episodes with my mouth nearly wide open.

I could not believe that TLC actually turned this into a show -- TLC, after all, has some solid programming -- My Strange Addiction, Cake Boss, Four Wedding, 19 Kids & Counting, Extreme Couponing, Say Yes to the Dress and multiple others -- I do not watch most of those shows but have heard good things from females. Unfortunately, 'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo' scrapes the bottom of the barrel.

This show follows the story of Alana, affectionately known as "Honey Boo Boo" in Georgia, along with her parents, three sisters and their pet pig, "Glitzy". Alana participates in pageants and this show is mainly filmed during the pageant's "offseason". Numerous things go on throughout the show, which is something people don't really care about. Like myself, I'm sure they care about the following aspects...

* Having captions for their words: First off, you know it's bad when a TV station has to give the people subtitles for their words and sentences. I can understand having it for a young girl like "Honey Boo Boo", but not for her 32-year-old mom and 40-year-old father, also known as "Sugar Bear". That's just horrible and people are mainly going to attribute that to the South, which isn't a good thing by any means. Not all people here in the South are like that, but they sure don't help our cause either.

* The girls have different dads: In one of three episodes I watched (IU can't remember which one), the mom (June) was randomly explaining the dynamics of her family -- to which she said Alana is the daughter of her and Sugar Bear's (her current boyfriend of eight years). She would then go on to say that her other three daughters had different dads, although she didn't state how many different dads there were. June just said that none of THEM were in the picture, which is definitely at least two different dads. If that's not the case, then all four daughters have different dads, which is downright horrible and should be on 'Maury' instead. Come on. I wouldn't even share that on television if I was in her shoes -- that makes her look like a tramp, straight up.

* The random picture of Dale Earnhardt: I'll be the first to tell you that I'm a humongous NASCAR fan and have been for the majority of my life (check out NASCAR is one of my favorite sports, along with the NFL and the NBA. And seeing that picture of Dale Earnhardt makes me automatically assume that these people are NASCAR and Earnhardt fans, which probably isn't a good thing. NASCAR is mainly categorized as a "redneck sport" and it will stay that way for the foreseeable future. It sucks to be thought of as a redneck just because you love the sport. And these people do not help that situation. They are rednecks (and often refer to themselves as that), but not all NASCAR fans are that way -- like me and my father. That just makes us fans look tremendously bad.

* Their "code words": I really don't know how else to explain it, so I'm just going to go with code words. Throughout the entire show, you'd notice that they have many different words for many different things. Two of the most prominent and used words on their show is "too-tay" and "biscuit", which refers to a woman's downstairs area (I would just say the p---- word, but that would probably be very offensive). Regardless, that's just stupid. I can understand using a word like "butt" instead of "ass", especially when you're trying to refrain from using that word around young children. But come on. Seriously? I have never, ever heard anybody say those words -- at least when it comes to referring to down there. It's just stupid.

* Crockett's Cafeteria: Seriously? I understand that the town is just around 700 people but come on. In one of the episodes, the mom and Sugar Bear went out to Crockett's Cafeteria for their eight-year anniversary. Yes, I have never been to Crockett's, nor have ever heard of it, but it looked despicable. At least go to Wendy's, Back Yard Burger or Arby's if there's one there. I'm sure that there is a restaurant in their town that is better than that. I can understand if they don't have much money, but they have to be making a decent chunk of change if their being filmed by TLC. They could have done much better.

I could honestly go on and on and on about this show, but I'm going to just stop here. I think this is enough points. The ONLY reason I'm giving it a 2/10 is because it's somewhat entertaining, even though it's an embarrassment to the people in the South. Other than that, I just don't like the show. TLC should be doing a lot better than following these "rednecks" around. Come on, son.
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We're lucky it was canceled.
mattiasflgrtll618 August 2016
To my relief, this atrocity only lasted 2 years, while other useless reality shows feel like they never end.

But despite that, I had just about enough before my brain was fried! I only saw a few episodes, but even *one* episode is one too many.

To say this show is awful wouldn't be enough. No, it's an insult to humanity. Honey Boo-Boo herself, is NOT funny and she is NOT cute. Her voice is the equivalent to nails on a chalkboard, and all she seems to care about all the time are her looks.

The family as a whole... It's shocking. They eat even less healthy than The Simpsons, and even though I'm not as picky as some can be, farting constantly while guests are over is horrendous table manner! Lauryn is unhappy, Honey Boo-Boo is annoying, and Sugar Bear (God what a stupid nickname) is nice but never sticks up for himself. But the worst one of all is June. This woman is AWFUL! There are some people who should never have children, and she is one of them. And despite being even fatter than Peter Griffin, she puts enormous pressure on her youngest daughter to "look beautiful" for the countless beauty contest auditions. You don't look so hot yourself, you know! How "Sugar Bear" can love her at all is baffling. She's not even that loving towards him, all the time she CARES about herself only.

And do you know why this show was canceled? Because June started dating a pedophile! She's not even ashamed of how such an unlikable, loveless human being she is.

I can't even remember the last time TLC was good. I *HATE* them now.
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Avoid at all costs
mladenk910 August 2013
This show is the lowest of the low.We have a child that is abused by her family.It truly gives ppl from the south of USA a bad name.The thing that disturbed me the most is the lack of caring for Alana,she even says on many occasions that she does NOT want to do stuff for the show and just wishes to be a normal kid with a normal childhood.I do not want to go deeper cause I am worried my IQ will drop. To all the ppl saying it is a good and entertaining show I say go get your heads checked and to normal ppl I say AVOID this abomination. I hope Social services get around to this case so they can deal with this child abuse.
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Enjoyable, sweet and at times shocking.
mattebbs8 August 2013
It's the perfect reality TV; not only does this show occasionally make you ask yourself if this is a giant hoax, it remains incredibly enjoyable and in fact, when you see the true love this family shares for each other, genuinely heartwarming.

Like most others, I tuned in for the first episode and my jaw hit the floor, but 1 and a half seasons later, I've found myself actually caring for these people. They're hilarious, stupefying, loving, oafish, disgustingly brilliant and overall, they're one of the most beautimous families on the air today.

To top it all off, I personally have learned many things from them; "vajiggle-jaggle ain't beautimous", vaginas look like buscuits, couponing is better than sex, "everyone's a little bit gay", and of course, lesson number 1: "You'd better REDNECKOGNIIIIIZE!"

After all, a dollar makes her hollah; the show's a hit!
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AkikoAzami26 July 2013
I actually love this! Usually I hate reality shows, I hate child pageants & didn't think I'd like this at all. Very surprised, it's so entertaining I can't stop laughing at them. The Mother June is such a lovely level- headed funny woman, Alana (Boo boo) is a credit to the family, such a sweet, hilarious wee girl with a massive personality! The family are certainly not conventional but they're level headed & down to earth, don't care what anyone thinks & they make great TV. I'm watching the new season now & it's funnier than before. It's stereotyped redneck family stuff but they are really lovely, do fun stuff like mud-diving & chasing chickens. I want to live there! I read other reviews, the reason there's subtitles is because the family speak with regional dialect (yes it is English language) but not everyone is from that area & it is difficult to understand. Plus it helps folk like me who aren't in the USA! Also the family use their own words who nobody else uses!
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Not an accurate portrayal of southerners .... not even close!
staceyapettit15 July 2013
Absolutely horrific!!! Hideous! Waste of time! Lackluster! And to think that all these words come from the advertisements alone, as I can't get past them. I have zero interest in lowering my standards/morals. I can not stand these people. They have to be acting this stupid. There is no way they are portraying these idiot's real lives. It all has to be scripted. I am a southern girl and this just proves what we are all fighting against, the stigma that we are uneducated & actually have scruples. I can not believe people actually watch this show. I am serious when I tell you I can not get past the advertisements for it. Passing gas & burping for entertainment? Really??? Sad, so sad, that this is what TV has come to. TLC, you are better than this. Come on. I hold you to a higher standard, or did. If you are after trashy, sorry, redneck, & completely uneducated banter this is the show for you. If you are educated with a hint of class, not so much. TAKE IT OFF THE AIR!
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Trash Is All You Can Say!
ShelbyTMItchell22 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Like one reviewer says that this show is really trash. Well it goes beyond that. As it exploits this child and that it shows people that are from the South, that they are nothing but dumb.

I live in the South as we are anything BUT that! As it makes us Southerners feel really crappy about this show. As hope that the boycott the show.

The parents in particular the mom on the show. As Honey Boo Book has sisters that have different dads. As a couple of them are deadbeat criminals. If that is not low class, do not know what is then!

Who would ever want to watch this show despite being "popular." TLC has good shows but this IS NOT one of them at all. As in a sense, the show is really offensive. Not just to Southerners but to children that are exploited for their parents personal gain.

Skip this show please!
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kill me now
sebestamatthew13 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
i have watched this series with my mother countless times and would rate it a terrible show.

The parents are a human number 10.

why exactly do they cook a turkey in butter, do you not know you are supposed to marinade it in its own juices.

they are all hillbillies and they live in a tiny shack next to a railroad, I mean whatever!

how exactly do you live on coupons and have a room full of toilet paper? And is June a grandmother at 34?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Every day we stray further from God
jellybeanaidan28 August 2018
Why does this exist? This is literally one of the worst things I have ever seen. Why? Just why?
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