The Punisher: Dirty Laundry (2012) Poster

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Punishingly Awesome!
ChappyMan1931 July 2012
I happened to stumble across this while checking out the recent stories from Comic Con 12. Wow! Am I glad that I did. This 10 minute short is absolutely superb!

It's dark, gritty, dramatic and has a sense of realism to it that makes it that much more enthralling. I always loved Thomas Jane as the punisher character Frank Castle but felt that the rest of the movie wasn't done as well as it could have been.

This short has the atmospheric tension and drama that the movie was missing, as the street thugs continue to run rampant the suspense and tension continuously builds until it gets to the stage where we know what must be done. Punishment.

Also some of the shots used were just sublime, the slow motion shot of Frank Castle crossing the street while throwing the Jack Daniels bottle in the air is awesome! You forgive the poor blood effects given it was made by Thomas Jane as a fan/tribute video but by god, did they do a fantastic job!

Have to give a nod to the acting in general, Thomas Jane is the punisher and performed greatly as expected but the surprise appearance by Ron Pearlman was terrific and his acting as nothing but a store clerk was amazing and very convincing.

If you are yet to see it, do yourselves a favor and get onto YouTube to watch it! I hope that this ends up being seen by the right people and Thomas Jane gets picked up to reprise his role as the most bad-ass vigilante to grace the silver screen.

"What's the difference between justice and punishment?"
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Gets the job done
Mr-Fusion26 May 2015
I'm watching this fresh off a(nother) disappointing viewing of 2004's "The Punisher", so there's really nowhere to go but up, right? Especially when it's only a 10-minute running time. Either way, "The Punisher: Dirty Laundry", lean, mean and minimalist, finally lets Frank Castle get down to the business of kicking some ass. All of the necessary brooding and none of the lame villains, no milquetoast sadism - hell, the real fun here is watching Thomas Jane take a whiskey bottle to the heads of a street gang (with the requisite blood sprays). It's quick, to the point, and violently satisfying.

It's a sad state of affairs when Hollywood can't do (in three movies!) what a YouTube video can.

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One mean hangover
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews5 August 2013
A 40-something man(and is that...? No, it couldn't be, right...?) goes out to the laundromat in a bad neighbourhood, and notices the other allusion of the title - a gang, terrorizing the residents. At first, he goes about his business. Who wouldn't? Can't fix all the world's problems by yourself, right? As the tension mounts(consistently over the course of the well-paced 10 minute running time), however, he may find that he can't ignore what's going on in the street.

The YouTube(yes, this is available for free, legal viewing, so get to it) title originally didn't reveal who this is about, so while the IMDb entry's currently does, I will not give away what graphic novel icon this is about. It does, however, do them complete justice, something that, arguably, wasn't quite achieved by the silver screen attempts. The bleak tone and gritty realism are uncompromising, and fit perfectly. Yes, this is made for and by fans - if you aren't already familiar with the source material, you might not fully appreciate this, and really, when something has decades of printed stories, either you condense and disappoint, or assume that the audience already knows. And yes, if you go into this not knowing yet who it's about, it will, indeed, gradually become clear to you, as with the more recent effort by the same team, Truth In Journalism.

Acting is spot-on. The gold-toothed bad guy, the leader, could easily be hammy, in his nuance-free evil(this is not a complaint), and yet he feels like he belongs in our world - near the end, this does go beyond that, but otherwise, the whole thing is firmly anchored there. We could see this happening. While there is not a lot going on character-wise, what there is, is established, developed and played just right. The score, borrowed from The Dark Knight, is used to great effect. FX are solid, and the reliance on practical ones serves the short well. It increases credibility further.

There is a lot of bloody, graphic, disturbing and violent content in this. I recommend this to any fan of comic books. 8/10
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Excellent Short Film - Let's hope for another movie!
darkstarone-693-4824724 August 2012
Excellent to see Frank Castle return, especially with Thomas Jane at the helm. I wasn't expecting too much when I stumbled on this short, however after seeing it, well, I want another Punisher movie with him in it! Part of Warzone's failure was that it just didn't carry off the dark and brooding atmosphere that Tom Jane projects. Aside from that, the atmosphere of the short itself is really nicely put together, from the exterior street shots to the dreary interiors.

10/10 from me, cant see how this could've been better and let's just hope the studios realise that Tom Jane can be put to better use than bit parts in TV Shows and convince him to reprise his role in another big budget Punisher!
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Ten Minutes Nails It When Hours And Seasons Never Could
crowes-1886517 August 2020
It never occurred to me that I could review this on here given that it is a ten minute film but once I discovered it was on here I had to sings it praises. This film may be low budget and borrow music from The Dark Knight but it manages to capture the essence and tone of The Punisher in a way no movie or show ever has. It's also a glaring reminder that I would like to see Jane in this role one more time in the definitive Punisher movie but that will never happen so we'll have to accept this as the preview of something great which will never be. Hands down THE BEST PUNISHER EVER PUT TO FILM!
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A dark, violent and very well constructed short-film, "The Punisher: Dirty Laundry" is a nice follow-up for fans of 2004's "The Punisher."
I think what happened to the "Punisher" franchise over the past decade has been a shame. I personally thought that 2004's "The Punisher" (starring Thomas Jane) was a fantastic adaptation of the comic, boasting a great tone and a wonderful interpretation of the character. Evidently, the studios didn't like it so much. After teasing a sequel for some time, the series was rebooted with "Punisher: War Zone"- a weird, hyper-stylized, low-budget freak-show of a film that had a lot of nice moments, but was just too silly and weird and questionably constructed for its own good.

And it was a shame for fans like myself, who yearned to see a follow up to the 2004 film. The reboot came (and subsequently under-performed at the box office), and it seemed we'd never get to see more of Jane's take on the character.

Cut to 2012, with "The Punisher: Dirty Laundry." A fantastic short film from director Phil Joanou, in which Jane is finally able to reprise his role from his previous outing. (Although it's never specifically made clear that this is the same "Punisher", I believe the implication is that this is indeed set in the same "universe" as the 2004 film) We follow Frank Castle, aka "The Punisher" as he observes the dark events in the city around him, and contemplates whether or not to take action and punish the corruption and crime around him.

Everything in this short works quite well. Jane and the other performers present (including a small role from Hellboy himself, Ron Perlman) give awesome, evocative performances that hit the material home. Direction by Joanou is very strong and slick for such a small production. The script by Chad St. John hits just the right tone, and is suitably claustrophobic and oppressive. The setting and look is perfect for the script and character. Everything gels fairly well.

That being said, there are a few detractors here. The film's direction, while quite good, does fall into the annoying "shaky cam" style a few times too many. (I wish we could be rid of shaky-cam style camera-work for a few years, honestly) And the music... is very... distracting! It fits the mood perfectly, but the fact is the score for this short was taken from Christopher Nolan's "The Dark Knight", and it can't help but pull you out at times. I honestly thought Heath Ledger's Joker character was going to pop up at some point, because once you hear his iconic theme in the background, he's almost all you can think about. It's a shame, because the tone and style of the music is just perfect for this film, but because it's already well-known and notable music, it does more harm than good.

Those complaints being said (and that complaint about the music is actually a pretty big issue, even though it seems like it should be inconsequential), this is still a great short film. And a great follow- up for fans who wanted to see more of Jane in the role of The Punisher. It re-invigorated my hopes for future "Punisher" projects in a way that I hadn't experienced since I first saw the 2004 film. And I hope the strong fan reception of the short leads to more "Punisher" projects (whether they be shorts or perhaps another film) with Jane.

I give "The Punisher: Dirty Laundry" a very strong 8 out of 10. Fans of the character (and 2004 film) should definitely check it out. As should anyone looking for a fast, dark ride.
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Less sadness and more punishment
Watching The Punisher (2004) starring Thomas Jane was a fun ride. I thought a lot of the action sequences were well staged as were the acting and the music well written. My only quarrel with the film was that plot dragged slightly and how the moments of sadness in the weirdest places. Most of them dealt with Travolta's character. For example, when Howard Saint (Travolta) confronts a longtime friend about betraying him, as a villain, he should be livid, not emotionally distraught. The sadness that Jane displays is frequent too but it's forgivable since the reboot had to establish the fact that his family was gone.

Thankfully, there's nothing like that in this ten-minute film. Eight years later, we find Thomas Jane back as Frank Castle just trying to do some laundry when he stumbles onto innocent blood being spilt. Need I say more? We all know what happens next; pure punishment. The difference between this film and the feature length remake that Jane starred in 2004 was the tone of the movie. The first dealt more with Castle's grief about the death of his family (which is understandable to a point). Here, Castle has accepted the fact that his family is gone and now could care less who he's hurting. And that's also the attitude of Ron Perlman's character whose just a store clerk. For the few lines he gave, it was something you wouldn't normally hear from a store clerk. All good acting though.

I'm still not giving this short film a full ten stars because this wasn't a full feature length movie. There's obviously not enough to explore in ten minutes. Plus the fact that the blood was fake as well but what do you expect for a ten-minute film. The hand-to-hand combat is great to watch as is the improvised weapon Jane uses to break up a gang. The music, although I have no idea who scored it, sounded good and the ending was quite satisfying. Will this bring Jane back as Frank Castle? Right now, that's in the air but if it does end up coming to fruition, having it done this way would be a much better way to go.
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lukem-5276024 July 2018
OUTSTANDING little movie!!! Tom Jane is fantastic as frank castle & infact this mini movie is the absolute BEST that the Punisher has ever been seen on screen EVER!!! Yep the Netflix series is AWESOME but this film & Toms performance are perfect exactly what i imagine frank castle as the Punisher to be. Brutal & ultra violent, love it!!! This is the type of punishment these gangs of thugs deserve & it's BEAUTIFUL. So want Tom Jane back as the Punisher in another movie like this gritty & brutal!!! The Punisher (2004) was also a great film & I'm a huge fan of it & Thomas Jane as frank castle he's great. So just watch this
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Jack Daniels is not flammable
Bored_Dragon16 August 2019
This ten-minute homage to The Punisher is a fan-film, but a fan-film made by professionals. The Punisher is played by Thomas Jane, an actor who played him in the 2004 movie. There's also Ron Perlman, and others are professional actors too. The director is not famous, but he is experienced. Phil Joanou has previously directed about twenty films, series and music videos, including Bon Jovi's "Keep the Faith" and a bunch of videos for U2. The movie infringes on Punisher's copyright and uses music from "The Dark Knight" (2008), so it's only been released on YouTube and it's a wonder that it wasn't removed already.

The story is simple, realistic and brutal, and gives a better characterization of Frank Castle than the Marvel films. The film is very well made and, after this, all three feature films in Marvel production look lame. It would be fantastic if this crew would get an opportunity to shoot a full-length feature film and make a proper adaptation of The Punisher.

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Overly violent fan film that should have done more with the starry support
bob the moo18 February 2014
Frank Castle is staying a bad neighborhood but all he wants to do is go to the launderette and get his clothes cleaned. While he waits for his cycle to be finished, trouble brews outside as drug dealers bully a kid into selling for them or getting the consequences.

I have no idea how this short film got made but I was very surprised to find one of the actors who played Castle in one of the Hollywood films would be involved (Thomas Jane) and that even Ron Perlman shows up – two men better known for being in big blockbusters not smaller films which are essentially fan made. Despite that, this is what we have ourselves. The film appears to have been made out of the common complaint from those awaiting film versions of their favorite comic book characters – that it has been watered down or that it is not violet enough etc etc. This complaint always amuses me because I think the more important thing is that a film be good, not bloody and that having a higher rating doesn't mean that will be the case. This short film is unfortunately an example of that.

The build-up is to one action sequence and this I didn't mind as it was reasonably well done and was a bit of a novelty, however the second half of the film is a problem. It is a simple piece of choreography to make the action happen but it is very violent – and not in a way I personally found impacting so much as silly. The extent of gore and bone breaking is wince-inducing but it is so excessive that it didn't fit with the dark, realistic tone of the piece. It is still a nice idea and I liked that Jane was part of it, but the excess doesn't work as part of the film although I guess it will of course work for those that list "extreme violence" as the key requirement for a Punisher film and everything else a distant second.

A surprisingly starry fan film which will deliver the blood and splatter to the fans seeking that, but really that is all it does and it is disappointing to me that more was not made of the opportunity.
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Going against the flow
alcohollica_ruelz15 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
*Spoiler Alert*

Not complaining.Thomas Jane as The Punisher is the best but this wasn't really what i thought it would be.The 2004 movie is my favorite one ever but i expected a bit more from this even though that it's a fan film and 10 minutes.So i am going a bit against the flow here.So the film goes after Frank Castle after becoming The Punisher and accepting his family's death but i do not understand why he did not stop the bad guy from the whole beginning after he saw that he was beating up a woman.He was minding his own business and had to be told by someone else what he had to do.It just sort of ruins the feel justice(Yeah,i know that this is not justice,but punisment.) and makes Castle a person who just observes,takes his time to think is it right to go into the fight and stop them and then in the end actually does something.So the bad guy had to beat up a woman and start terrorizing a small boy and then he became "worthy" to be punished.I don't mind the fake blood and the music that wasn't as the first movie's style but come on.This was made 8 years after it.All and all it's great but it's not the same.I hope that they bring Thomas Jane as The Punisher again some day and i hope that it's like the first movie.
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A Very Good Follow Up for Fans Only
zachnix1825 February 2013
The Punisher: Dirty Laundry, is a short film that is nothing but awesome fan service. Seriously, I've been waiting for the day that Thomas Jane embodies Frank Castle again. This right here is that sequel we always wanted. Unfortunately, it is only a 10 minute long short. But, we get some nice stuff here.

The Good: Tom Jane is the perfect Punisher. He is so dang good in the role! His performance is out of this world! Also, nice Ron Perlman cameo! Very cool. The story here is very Punisher-esque, along with the ideals of punishment and justice that Frank speaks of at the end and with Perlman's character. Nice photography as well. I love the new Punisher logo too!

The Bad: Since this is a short film, the blood and gun effects are pretty lousy. We also get some over the top violence that I think even Garth Ennis would not write into his books. It's violent alright, but not the violence I enjoyed from the 2004 film. It's bloody and gory, but too more gore and they lose me. Also, the score is the Dark Knight score. It pulls me right out of the story when I hear it used here. Wish they used something else, oh well.

Overall, this is Thomas Jane as The Punisher again. Need I say more?
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All expected, but still a solid watch Warning: Spoilers
There are many stereotypes and clichés in this 10-minute short film. A gang of thugs violently attacks women and children and a lone hero takes care of them, even if all he actually wanted to take care of was his laundry. Thomas Jane returns in this little movie as Frank Castle, the Punisher. Ron Perlman is in it as well and he is always a nice addition. He appears in the middle section, the first part of the film is about getting to know the characters, the last part are the fighting sequences then. I really hope we get "Hellboy 3" at some point. Anyway, Jane's character beats up all the bad guys, but the real punishment comes from somebody else at the end. Decent little short and I read that there might be a television series coming out soon, but it does not say if Jane is also starring in it. This short film here is a decent watch, nothing outstanding, but 10 minutes worth spending. Director and writer here are not very famous, but all in all they do a good job too. Also, I have not seen the feature film, but you don't need to to understand and appreciate this short movie. Recommended.
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The Punisher Dirty Laundry: I'd have preferred an actual sequel
Platypuschow8 November 2017
Did anyone else even realize this existed? It flew thoroughly under my radar.

Now I'm one of the few people who really enjoyed The Punisher (2004), though Thomas Jane was hardly the best choice of Frank Castle he did a solid job and the movie was really watchable despite Travolta's best efforts.

This 10 minute short is literally Castle doing laundry and taking a couple of minutes out to talk to wheelchair bound shop keep Ron Perlman before beating up a bunch of thugs with a bottle of whiskey.

I don't understand how or why Jane & Perlman agreed to do with 8yrs after the original movie but it is somewhat overwhelming and doesn't fit with The Punisher character.

It's almost like he is apprehensive about even helping! I suppose this is a harmless enough watch for fans but brings nothing new to the franchise and won't help with getting The Punisher into the real Marvel universe.

The Good:

Thomas Jane

The Bad:

I don't know why it even exists

Frank Castles behavior is out of character

Perlman is wasted
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seancorbett-96206 September 2020
Jane should have been able to do more of this character. Not taking away from the Netflix series, which was great, but Thomas Jane had a great view of Castle. Love, love, love this! Oh and Mr. Perlman, what is there to say. YES!
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Feeds Into Our Anger
Hitchcoc24 April 2019
This is one of those "I've just had enough" films where the guy finally gets out there and takes care of business. The Punisher wants to mind his own business, sleeping in his van, doing his laundry at a coin laundry. People are raped and attacked behind him. But finally he has to act. I don't know the character, so I can't speak with any true knowledge of him. Just that he is silent and sort of depressed. Well done for what it is.
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The Punisher Movie I wish we got earlier
jackdeth_200624 October 2020
I always liked Thomas Jane's take on The Punisher. It was a good film and he played the role excellently within the confines of a 15 rated movie.

He returns here abandoning adherence to a 15 rating and smashing it out of the park as Frank Castle with the gloves off.

That said, the gloves don't come straight off. It establishes why in a manor making full use of the screen time and really giving off a really realistic vibe.

I really want this film as a feature!
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jdickinson-4995915 November 2018
I Love This One Just Awesome Seen Thomas Jane Back As Frank Castle Aka The Punisher Awesome Even Though This Is Only A Fan Short Film Thomas Jane Is The Punisher Aka Frank Castle
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Punisher ,a day off ,not!!!
tankace4 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the most awesome short films I have ever seen and a lot of credits have to be given to Thomas Jane who though he did his best in the 2004 film ,the film around him didn't give him any space to gives us the Punisher film we all deserve.

Now after the second season of Daredevil gave us a pitch perfect Punisher ,who Jon Bernthal gave it all, the most well-known anti-hero of Marvel didn't have a lot time in the sun, with 3 films in a course of 15 years and all three been below average action films. And here we have Dirty Laundry which follows Frank just going to take his laundry and in the mean time a gang terrorizes the neighborhood and at first Frank just mind his own business ,but no one can refuse his nature for long and he take the matter of stopping these thugs in to his own hands. And the outcome was a blast ,bloody and totally serious with out the goofy parts like the 2004 film or over the top scenes like the 2008 attempt.

As for the finale ,in which Frank gives to the bullied kid his shirt with with the famous skull on, shows that dispute his violent methods Mr.Castle genuinely cares about the life of the average person who tries to live in difficult neighborhood and wants to help them. The only issue is that his way is not in line with the law.

All in all this short is a love letter to the character of the Punisher and if you are a fan of this ex-marine then go watch ,it is on YouTube and only 10 minutes long, so what do waiting for?
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By far the best The Punisher has been.
maureen_smith58 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
No matter the critics I am a big fan of both Punisher films from 2004 and 2008 especially Punisher:War Zone which is a extremely underrated comic book film that deserved more plaudits and better box office take.

I heard about this 10 minute short film a few years ago and at last got round to watching it and was simply blown away by a visually stunning,very violent,gory,well acted masterpiece that puts most full length movies to shame even The Punisher movies themselves.

Frank Castle(a ice cool Tom Jane reprising his 2004 role)who is another name for The Punisher is on his way to a laundromat to do his washing in a run down neighbourhood when he sees a nasty gang bothering a group of prostitutes but ignores it not wanting to get involved.

He then hears the gang leader raping one of the prostitutes and his anger begins to boil.When this same gang then try to mug a boy just trying to walk by Frank walks into a store over the road to buy some Jack Daniels but is still trying to mind his own business.

After a brief but memorable conversation with the store manager(a epic cameo from Ron Perlman)Frank exits the store with bottle in hand turns it upside down and smashes it over the heads of the gang members before beating the hell out of all of them until only Goldtooth(the leader)remains.

Frank then breaks both legs and the right arm of Goldtooth before pouring the whisky onto the now crippled bad guy and after asking him a question leaves a lighter by his broken body and returns to his washing.

Thinking he has got away with living Goldtooth sees the same prostitute he assaulted walk up to him and she picks up the lighter,after a brief think she lights it up and burns him in revenge whilst Frank walks back to his van with his laundry.

About to leave the young boy he rescued walks up to him saying he dropped his t shirt but Frank says he can keep it.The boy unfolds his new t shirt to see The Punisher symbol plastered over it.

Lets get this straight this plot is pretty basic because of the running time but that's the beauty of it.It roars straight into the plot and never looks back as each thing the gang does gets Frank more and more angry to the point of erupting like a volcano and when he does he unleashes hell like a man possessed.

Jane for me is the definitive Frank Castle and in this ten minutes he brings a stronger performance than ever before.He is a man just trying to do his washing in piece but trouble seems to follow him about and in the end he explodes like a raging inferno smashing skulls in with a bottle of whisky before taking guns and knives off the gang and giving them a beating they will never forget.He is like a spilt personality here as he is so calm and cool sat waiting for his laundry but his other side seethes under the surface as wrong doers are about to meet this ultimate bad ass.I really wish Marvel had kept Jane as the vigilante as just ten minutes shows how awesome he can be and this character can be in live action.Bring him into the MCU already,he would go up to Thanos,stare at him and the big bad would run like hell.

Apart from the beat down scene the most memorable scene had to be when Frank had a brief conversation with the store owner Big Mike played by another normally hard as nails actor Ron Perlman who goes against type to play a crippled and scared man who tells Frank about the time he tried to intervene in the gangs antics and was left crippled by them.He tells Frank someone needs to sort them out once and for all,its this wonderful chat that sets Castle on his way to bring The Punisher out to play.

This may only be ten minutes long but its crammed full of awesome moments and has some great imagery with light shining on areas to show what a nightmare neighbourhood this is that even just walking by can get you beat up or even killed with even the prostitutes frightened to look at the gang wrong fearing what they might do to them which of course happens.

In the space of about 2 minutes this short classic gives us a action scene that puts many feature films to shame with blood,guts and gore spewing everywhere as the gang realise this quiet looking chap is a stone cold man of justice who proceeds to beat the hell out of them and I wonder if the makers of The Walking Dead thought of Tom Jane as Negan as him swinging Lucille could of been glorious(he was the original choice for Rick)though Jeffrey Dean Morgan is awesome so that's OK.

Hopefully we will see Tom Jane play The Punisher again one day as this extraordinary short film was epic with a breathtaking and gory action scene where one man shows others who is boss,it had brilliant acting by Jane and Perlman and amazing visuals that show what nasty places there are about.A rip roaring tirade of vengeance.
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When I first watch it I thought this short film is good.
randyfromscream17 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
When I first watch it on YouTube I thought it was some parody but I didn't know Tomas Jane was in this short film. The scene where he hit this guy with a Jack Daniels bottle like that's the best part of this film. The thought acting is good like The Punisher (2004). The skull shirt looks really different then his last film in 2004 like I wish it was a aftermath of killing Howard Saint in the film but it's different. This film is really detail like it's dark and menacing in this short film. This is the best short film I've seen so far.
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"do you know the difference between justice and punishment?"
XweAponX8 November 2021
Now this was a punisher film, even at 10 minutes- it has every element of what Frank Castle is, who he is and what he does.

I was kind of upset that Thomas Jane never reprised his role as the punisher after the first film. And as much as I liked Warzone, it just wasn't as good as the first film. Although Warzone introduced the punishers sidekick.

There are some people that idolize the punisher for the wrong reasons, it is not really about what he does, but about why he does it.

And he would never do anything to anybody based upon religious or political viewpoints. With the Punisher, it is all about what the people he punishes have done, as in, crimes.

He is a lot like ghost rider in that respect, although they have not done a ghost rider film that was of any merit- other than Gabriel Luna's depiction of ghost rider in Agents of shield.
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Punishment has been served.
ThunderKing612 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A fun lil short film of the sadistic vigilante known as the Punisher.

Tom Jane reprises his role as the Punisher while he is on his day off doing laundry then chaos breaks out causing disorder. Then Punisher meets Hellboy, and they talk for a bit and Punisher changes his mind to punish the thugs with a whiskey bottle.

It was great to see The Punisher in this 8-10 min short. It was a solid and filled with bloodshed and carnage.

What can be learned? He doesn't have dayoffs.

Verdict: What's the difference between justice and revenge?
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best Jack Daniels commercial ever!!!!!!!
PIST-OFF25 December 2021
Seriously. Avengers movies and the like are nice. But occasionally it's nice to see super hero movies that cling much much closer to reality. No arch super villain in this. No CGI alien army. No intricate scheme to rule the world or whatever. Just some street thugs getting handled. Nothing more, nothing less. I've literally watched it over 100 times. Never gets old. Thomas jane deserves some sort of award or something for this. It is absolutely perfect, or at least as close to perfect as most of the very best movies ever get.
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Good, very good...
RosanaBotafogo19 March 2023
"I wanted to make this fan film for the character I've always loved and believed in - a love letter to Frank Castle and his fans. It was an amazing experience with everyone involved in the project giving in and having fun with it. It was amazing to be a part of the whole process - we hope Frank's friends enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed making it." - Thomas Jane

"Do you know the difference between justice and punishment?" I think the translation was wrong, because he recognizes that he does not do justice, he is an anti-hero from Marvel (which has better films than DC), he punishes the bad elements... An excellent short film, better than the three films in the franchise ...
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