Mr. Right (2015) Poster

(I) (2015)

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Absurd, But Great Fun!
namashi_112 April 2016
'Mr. Right' is an absurd Action-Comedy, but its undeniably Great Fun too! Its fast, witty & violent, but it makes for a good watch, thanks to its mostly Crisp Writing & Strong Performances.

'Mr. Right' Synopsis: A girl falls for the "perfect" guy, who happens to have a very fatal flaw: he's a hit-man on the run from the crime cartels who employ him.

'Mr. Right' induces romance, comedy & some pulsing action in those 92-minutes. Max Landis's Screenplay is crisp & moves on a fast-pace, wasting no time in any unwanted subplots or prolonged sequences. Its perpetually absurd & its fun to see its violent protagonists take on love & the bad-guy in the goings-on. Paco Cabezas's Direction is good. Cinematography & Editing are decent. Action-Sequences are sharply executed.

Performance-Wise: Sam Rockwell & Anna Kendrick are in Tremendous form. Rockwell doesn't miss a beat as the hit-man with a soft heart, while Kendrick is a hoot as the heartbroken & yet love-driven young blood. Kendrick steals the show, reassuring her remarkable talent. Tim Roth is effective, as always. RZA is alright. Others lend able support

On the whole, 'Mr. Right' gets it Right. Recommended!
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Sam Rockwell could turn A Clockwork Orange into When Harry Met Sally
LowTekGuy21 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Not since Mr. and Mrs. Smith has a screenwriter tried to bolt so much violence onto a rom-com chassis.

**mild spoilers ahead*** This is one of those films that's almost more psychology experiment than entertainment, trying to see how far your suspension of disbelief can be stretched before it snaps.

For instance, can two people on a date eat hot dogs together then go snuff out some thugs? Sure, why not? Can a couple make out by throwing knives at each other's heads to see if they have a kindred level of eye-hand coordination? Kinky, but we'll allow it.

Anna Kendrick seems to be channeling Jesse Eisenberg throughout, though she is far too adorable and quick-witted for us to hold that against her. But the great Sam Rockwell is what this flick is all about. He's the reason to watch it from start to finish. Talk about "Mr. Right," here is an actor who makes everything right about every movie he's in, every time. Even one in which he is 17 years older than his leading lady! Hm...kinky, but we'll allow it.
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The rom-com version of American Ultra
Draebsi14 April 2016
Max Landis' writing is unique and has both hits and misses. This movie succeeds in part with the impressive tonal shifts in the story as well as some original characters.

The movie plays like a Diablo Cody-thing gone off the rails, which is a good thing, if you're prepared for that kind of stuff.

The action was unexpectedly well executed, but hard to really be engaged with because of the chaotic approach to genre.

If you're into something light and fun and tired of the tropes being played over and over again, then this is the next film, you should watch.
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very enjoyable mess of a film
digdog-785-71753826 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Mr Right is a horribly wrong film.

For some reason, someone at some point decided that a romcom and an action film were two things that would go well together.

Now, we've seen this sort of BS before, in Mr & Ms Smith, Knight & Day, and neither is really an action film OR a romcom. Now, i was going to say that in Mr Right these two things mix successfully, but the thing is, they don't.

So Mr Right is a horrible mix of two things that should never, ever be mixed together.

But .. both of these things are really, really good.

The plot is of a near-superhuman hit-man who falls in love with a girl, and decides to change his life and become a nice guy (no more killing, OK?). The romcom bits are done heavy on the comedy, and both actors manage to be convincing and funny with little effort. The action parts are both intense and very, very well directed (major kudos to whoever filmed these, you should have been given the helm of the Bourne films), and also feature a great deal of really funny humour, although of a different cut than the romcom bits.

The film sort of comes together in the end as more of a straight action- comedy film, and i'm grateful for that.

So, i recommend Mr Right - although i'm not sure *who* i would recommend it to. You will have to accept that you're watching two films at the same time, but i promise you in the end you'll come out feeling like you've had more than your share of fun.

My vote: 8/10, -1 for the bad idea of mixing these two styles: 7/10
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I started out unimpressed, but ended up really liking it.
chloe-church25 August 2019
My reservations at the beginning of this movie were simply that, in the early romantic comedy scenes, Rockwell (whom I love) is simply too old for Anna Kendrick. The actors are 16 years apart, but Kendrick looks young for her age and Rockwell looks old* for his age, magnifying the effect.

But, as the film descends into utter madness, you realize that these two super hero/super villain/ psychos are perfect for each other, and with interests so...unusual...they would never find anyone else, so bless 'em.

Watch this if, against your better judgment, you're always a little sad that Veronica & JD don't end up together at the end of Heathers. Oh, and RZA is an under-appreciated acting talent.

*But he's a great little dancer.
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Hilarious, romantic, & action packed
kmeier-254819 April 2016
Much better movie than I expected. It was very funny with lots of action, and some romance thrown in for the lady in your life! If you are looking for a good movie for date night, or just love action and comedy, this is the movie for you. Sam Rockwell and Anna Kendrick were perfect choices for this movie. I can not see anyone else pulling these crazy characters off as well as these two have done. I gave this movie a 7 because it had some bad language and I noticed the revolvers being used in the movie were obviously empty. Had it not been for these two factors, I would have given the movie a higher rating. Still a fun movie to watch, and I definitely recommend watching this movie.
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Its heart is in the right place, but Mr. Right's script is all kinds of wrong.
lnvicta12 April 2016
Sam Rockwell knocks it out of the park as a goofy, charming ex-hit-man; his character is basically if Hank Moody from Californication was an expert on guns instead of girls. All of the acting is great. Anna Kendrick is likable as ever, Tim Roth is fantastic for what little he's given to do, even RZA is good in his small quirky role. The main problem with Mr. Right is the production value. It's bad across the board: the directing, the editing, the script, hell the credits are literally Times New Roman 12 pt font. It's so noticeably lazy that it takes you out of the movie.

Thankfully the leads have chemistry to keep it afloat. When the charm of this movie hits, it hits hard. There were plenty of laughs and I was rooting for this couple to kick some ass and work out their problems, and that's a testament to how well Rockwell and Kendrick play off each other and their natural comedic chops. They're just fun to watch. And when the baddies start showing up the action sequences are pretty cool too. Absolutely ridiculous, but gleefully entertaining.

The plot is the bane of this movie. Any time the two leads (or Tim Roth) aren't on screen and the story shifts to the conflict between the two brothers, the guys who hired RZA and other nameless hit men to kill Rockwell's character, the movie grinds to a halt. Neither of the bad guys are likable. They're spoiled douchebags. In any action movie you'd like to have at least a decent villain but that's not even the case here. Tim Roth plays more an antihero whose motives aren't made clear until late, and it's not much of a payoff but it's always great to see Roth on screen. He plays a secret agent who constantly shifts identities so we get to see him flex his accent muscles which is always a good thing.

I can't recommend seeing this movie because the plot is so frustrating, but I did get some laughs and the performances are spot on. If only to watch Sam Rockwell have a blast in the role of a lifetime backed by a wonderful supporting cast, Mr. Right is worth checking out. Just don't go in expecting greatness because you'll likely be disappointed.
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Just good fun
melkennedy-0506028 February 2018
I accidentally found this movie on a plane, and the flight was just under being long enough and sought out to rewatch from the start as it captured me! I really liked this movie, I like it so much I literally created a log in to say so. My review isnt funny, witty or relevant in any way but I feel like this movie is something you should give a go as you might find yourself laughing and bopping along!

The sound track is so up beat and the characters are wacky but enjoyable. I sometimes play this movie in the background while I'm pottering around just because it makes me happy! Although I think the two leads are the oddest couple ever, somehow they make it work.

Overal all, super enjoyable and perky. Please just watch it
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It could have been an 8 or 9 for me, but...
micz817 September 2022
Firstly, the fundamental honours should go to Sam Rockwell. For me he is like a "Mana x 100" card in movie industry. Every movie with this guy goes immedietely few steps further in terms of dealing with humanity captured in frames. It's hard to find another so comically and dramatically tallented actor in hollywood, who can transfer such amounts of humanity to the screen on the basis of almost any script. His Mr. Right feels natural, funny, charming, and - despite complete absurd filling every scene of that movie (which is by the way not a flaw in any sense) - very believable on a psychological level (of course, mind the convention - it's not New Wave French Drama). I would risk saying that this flick could be even unwatchable if not Rockwell's charisma. In my six-star rating, two stars were earned by his talent - in my opinion without him it's only a four-star movie.

Why so harsh? Because the way this movie is directed, shot and produced leaves some space for improvement. Sadly, it feels low budget - in that not good way, when you can clearly see what the director was AIMING FOR in that particular scene and how big the gap between that and what he actually ACHIEVED is. There are many scenes here and there which feel just cheap, but would like to be percieved as an A-class hollywood material. It is very anoying especially in fighting and special effects scenes - considering low budget, the director could have made other aesthetic choices, to avoid such traps, and deliver the vibe, the soul of the scene in other form, more suitable for production's scale.

Aslo, other reasonably cheaper scenes, not demanding any special expensive "movie magic", seem for me a bit vague in terms of direction sharpness - they are ...OK rather, than extraordinary, and their potential seems to be a bit wasted. Sam Rockwell, Tim Roth and Anna Kendrick do their best and squeeze those to the last drop, but that only... increases my appetite. And it gets worse, because the movie has GREAT script (with extraordinary dialogues), so you almost feel pain when it is delivered so uninspiringly from scene to scene.

Cinematography also lacks the spark - shots are lightened in a bit TV fashion (with only few decent exeptions), and every slow-mo, or trick shot feels somehow amateur, "wanna-be" like. That spoils the fun for me. I would rather see that movie made aestetically with much... less attention to the form, or - to put it in better words - with much more storytelling visual class. "Brick" (2005) - a post noir crime story by Rian Johnson delivers much "less stylish" (in the meaning of "less is more"), yet still very attractive form, quite suitable for "Mr. Right" in my opinion. Other great example of class - and this time from the same dark comedy subgenre as "Mr. Right" - is John Dahl's "You kill me" (2007). Both of those movies share the same storytelling charms, which "Mr. Right" lacks - they seem mature, modest, accurate, wise, and STILL entertaining.

But overall "Mr. Right" is ...alright. You WILL find in it some portions of soul, humanity, humour and pure entertainment.
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We couldn't see it through to the end
j_smith_710 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Sam Rockwell is a fine actor. Tim Roth is a legend of postmodern cinema. Anna Kendrick, I feel, has yet to find a role to match her talents - though, based on this film, those talents mostly involve fake goofery and gee-whizziness. Together, these three are responsible for this mess of a film. Well, them and director Paco Cabezas.

This is a film about nothing. The story - such as it is - comes straight out of the imagination of an 11-year-old and is peppered with the most awful dialogue. 'We're in a big pussy parade'. 'I gonna take him out'. 'I's awesome'. 'I don't remember what my life was like 3 days ago'.

External dialogues reveal meaningless inner thoughts. Clichéd gangsters sit behind large desks with classic art on the wall while whispering comically threatening things. Overly rehearsed, supposedly spontaneous chit chat, comes across as some kind of theory lesson at acting school. Unintentionally comic fight scenes look like a Passa Doble. And the 'romance' facet is just silly.

And I think that's the word I would use for this film - 'silly'. I have no objection to suspending disbelief at the cinema - indeed, that's why we go there - but, I also do not wish to be considered mindless and so easily duped.

Pity - 3 great actors wasted. I can only presume they need the money for some reason.
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An unique spark and charm!
mistoppi21 April 2016
First of all, the soundtrack was good. Especially Norman Greenbaum's Spirit In The Sky suited the first gun fight scene excellently, and if by then you had no idea what kind of action movie Mr. Right is, that scene tells it to you straight.

Anna Kendrick is amazing as Martha, a girl so quirky you don't know if she's just weird or if there's actually something even more weird going on his head. Also the way Martha shook off "Mr. Right"'s comments on killing people made me wonder several times if she thinks he is joking, or if she just doesn't care too much, because he is so perfect for her. Sam Rockwell is an interesting choice for "Mr. Right". When Martha first meets him, he comes off pretty creepy, and while Rockwell is still very charming, he still seems dangerous. Even the viewer is suspicious of whether or not to trust him, mostly because we have already seen what he does, but he just seems so nice, but it's masking how creepy he is, but that is kind of destroying how sweet and charming he is, and so on. Right then and there it's a vicious cycle, but of course when we learn more, we trust more.

The romantic side of the film is interesting. The romance between "Mr. Right" and Martha is cute, but you feel like it shouldn't be. He seems older and kind of creepy, Martha just broke up with someone and also doesn't realise how her new, uh, boyfriend is actually a killer. But their chemistry just is astonishing. Of course there are a lot of problems in their relationship if you start analysing it, but they just seem like the perfect, cute, quirky couple.

The action side of the film is very excellent. The scenes are fun to follow, and "Mr. Right"'s skills make them even more interesting.

The character "Mr: Right" is probably meant to seem quite mysterious in the beginning, because nothing is said about him or the origin of his skills immediately. But for some reason that mystery doesn't seem that interesting than other plot-lines in the story. I was more interested to see the action scenes, Hopper's hunt for "Mr. Right", the development of the romance and I wanted to see Martha become a proper action girl. When the information about who "Mr. Right" actually is, it's just like "Okay sure". It doesn't seem like an important detail.

If I'd have to compare Mr. Right with another movie, it would probably be Seven Psychopaths. The reasons for that are Sam Rockwell in both movies, the humour, and just something about the plot, probably how there are several different plans and goals we are following all of them.

Mr. Right is a fun action movie. The plot seems original enough, and the film is interesting to follow. It has a certain spark and a charm. What more do you need?
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Honestly surprising.
QueenMaddyBlake8136 December 2018
I went into this expecting it to be a very mindless and laid back romcom. I was however; pleasantly surprised. Its quick paced, hillarious, well rounded and all around great. Highly recommended if you need a good laugh.
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Reviews made it sound better than it is
kbibber-812418 March 2020
Maybe I'm just not a fan of Anna Kendrick.. this role she played really seemed like it was meant for teenagers. Really immature and not funny for me. Sam was alright but everything felt very scripted. I had a hard time figuring out his character. The action scenes were alright but you could tell they were fake. The story sounded really intriguing but I was put off by the corniness and immaturity of the characters. The movie is maybe good for a 17 year old girl but as a 26 year old woman, I just wasn't a fan of any of it.
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Chicken Legs pulls it off
twotrybe9 April 2016
Quirky killers are character studies. Sam Rockwell's performance as Mr. Right makes the best in this situation playing well off Anna Kendricks neuroses. Finding out that her boyfriend would like to have a three way with the girl he tried to sneak into their place at the last minute, priceless, but no cigar. Mr. Right is the hit-man with a heart of copper. He kills bad guys who want to take out contract kills on others. He's good at his job. He meets Anna at a bar and they hit it off immediately. Mayhem ensues and the body count begins. Mixed in all of this is the relationship of the two which is believable. The bad guys are cardboard cutouts but pliable enough for a killer comedy. Overall, it works in the big climax where Anna's character comes out even more so but you have to suspend belief that her chicken legs has enough power to do a round off kick and push a guy back when she kicks him in the chest.
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Mr and Mrs Right
questl-185921 March 2020
Anna Kendrick and Sam Rockwell should be in more movies together. They were wonderfully adorable, charismatic and hilarious. This movie is charming and fun. It knows what it is too. This isn't going for an Oscar. It's not trying to be a cinematic masterpiece. It's just a fun little flick, and I think it absolutely succeeds at that
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Mr. Right Review: A Lot Goes Right for Mr. Right
DareDevilKid16 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Reviewed by: Dare Devil Kid (DDK)

Rating: 3.4/5 stars

Breezy, ballsy, crazy, and, most importantly, entertaining, "Mr. Right" is a screwball, hit-man, action rom-com if you will, where Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis from "Some Like it Hot" meet James Bond, Jason Bourne, Ethan Hunt, and even a bit of Bruce Lee. The plot is unabashedly insane and could have done with a lot more explanation; the characters are bat-sh*t crazy and could have had better arcs, but the film as a whole is quite funny and enjoyable, mostly due to its effervescent lead pair that make this candy-floss tale of blood and romance more charming than it has any right to be.

After going through a painful break up, a woman meets a man who appears to be perfect for her. However, as their relationship develops, she learns that he is a former hit-man. Their new, but genuine relationship is tested when his dark past comes back to haunt him. As the bodies pile up, she needs to decide whether to flee or join in the mayhem.

Sam Rockwell, who literally dances his way through the action sequences with kicks, knives, guns, and punches (who'd have thought that Rockwell could have ever pulled such stuff off), hasn't played a character this satisfying in years while Anna Kendrick, although always funny, has never been let loose like this. Rockwell and Kendrick are a match made in some bizarro version of Cuteville, and literally sell the film's quirkiness on their backs alone. In- between, RZA pops up for a fun cameo as a kindhearted gunman for hire.

For those who can warm up to this insane amalgamation of cool, mystery-assassin homage and adorable, love-at-first-sight schmaltz, "Mr. Right" may just be the most enjoyable action-comedy since Melissa McCarthy's "Spy" last year.
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A choppy, poorly put together action romcom.
banzoozalreviews29 November 2023
"Mr. Right" is choppy, haphazard, rushed, and all over the place. It's put together very poorly-it feels like a collection of scenes jumbled up together rather than having any synergy or rhythm to them. It's not a cohesive movie at all. The movie feels like a mess, and it is a mess, actually. But the duo of Kendrick and Rockwell is so sweet and charming that you almost want to look past the movie's weaknesses. Their banter and chemistry kept me going despite zoning out many times during the movie. They try their best to keep you just about interested in the movie. Tim Roth is in it as well, and he does his thing for a bit, but again, not enough to save the movie.
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Its funny with the most awkward way .Loved it
freego114 April 2016
I read some reviews saying this is "shallow"?! not funny and a bunch of other absurd stuff like that. I mean seriously what depth exactly did you expect from such film?.. Enough with the sofa "experts" saying whatever they read somewhere else and actually review this..

This film is entertaining with a really unique way, (i wont deny that the humor is really not for everyone) They create all sort of weird situations that make you laugh with the fact that they even happening like that.

It also includes some fighting scenes that are actually really good with nice choreography. The plot has no holes in it, and i mean none,everything is covered just fine.

grab some popcorn relax and you will have fun while it lasts. i would recommend it.
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Hit-man baby one more time!
Seth_Rogue_One31 May 2016
Although the movie doesn't blew me away and a lot of the jokes (primarily the ones that came out of Anna Kendrick's mouth, who's character seemingly never shut up) fell flat I must say that in the end I was fairly entertained.

The last 30 minutes in particular were pretty kick ass.

The first hour has it's hit and misses but overall hits, Sam Rockwell is pretty entertaining and there is some entertaining smaller roles Michael Eklund, James Ransone and RZA stand out the most (yeah I know Tim Roth is in it as well, and I like him but the accent he's using threw me a bit off-guard I think).

Sam Rockwell and Anna Kendrick is never gonna be talked about as the greatest film couples of all times by anyone but they had a decent enough chemistry.

One thing I'd like to complain about was the soundtrack, I wasn't really digging that, I don't mind current mainstream pop but the choices in this movie swam mostly upstream for me (the Meghan Trainor one was alright but other than that nah), but I'm sure some will enjoy it.

(For the record Britney's Baby One More Time is not on the soundtrack, I needed a title for the review and that seemed fitting)

All in all a decent hit-man rom com extravaganza packing plenty bullets and little logic, but logic isn't really needed in this case.

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Another Story of a Character Emerging from Timid Life to Wild Life
iquine12 July 2022
This story starts out like a RomCom and then twists into a comedy action as the story becomes more twisted. A young lady's boyfriend cheats on her and she decides to break out of her typical safe life shell. She immediately meets a guy who turns out to be a professional killer who even killed a guy during a date. His character twist is that he kills the people who hire him to kill someone they want knocked off because he says killing is bad. Despite all that, she's still attracted to him and gets a taste for blood as she get mixed up in a situation. Sounds heavy but it mixes in comedy so you can laugh at the fighting. There is some decent humor but the plot was rather preposterous.
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Funny movie, not to be taken too seriously
hiswatus16 August 2017
This is one of the best movies I've seen in a while. At first I was kinda grossed out because the lead man is way older than the lead woman, but it kind of fits the relationship as it progresses. All the actors are great picks and do a really good job, especially Anna Kendrick, Sam Rockwell and Tim Roth. Both lead characters are obviously kind of crazy and it's fine, and it works well! I really enjoyed this movie.
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As terrible as it gets
larosat-3282116 June 2017
Do not believe these paid people or delusional fools who champion this utter disaster. This is as bad as it gets. 15 minutes of Kendrick screaming and acting like a disturbed child and Rockwell's usual, yet again unfunny performance sink this into an unwatchable quagmire of schlock movie-making. Avoid at all costs. An assassin wearing a red clown nose??? Abysmal. Go watch Seven Psychopaths for some great dark humor and skip this holy mess.
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Quirky RomCom
debra-9232128 October 2019
Was expecting a pretty formulaic romcom but surprised by the different slant this movie takes which made it... as romcoms go... much more enjoyable. Not likely to win an Oscar but for a Saturday evening in... great entertainment
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Mr. Wrong
BlueFairyBlog31 October 2016
It's difficult to know where to start with this disjointed, haphazard mess of a motion picture. Anna Kendrick, who god bless her, has become the epitome of a great indie performer, is a freak show of a human being in this strange, sordid love story. Playing opposite her is the equally talented Sam Rockwell, who is undercutting his trademark majesty with a role as a burbling, manic depressive hit man; who works under a moral code to only kill those who have hired him to kill. Somewhat out of the blue he decides that he fancies Kendrick, and she him, and they wander around New Orleans becoming best buddies. What starts as a cute, if imperfect, set-up quickly devolves into madness.

Eccentric leading ladies have peppered indie cinema to great effect in the past. Unfortunately writers haven't been trying to make their female characters multi-faceted, which sometimes means their only persona is that of a weirdo. Take Martha for instance. She starts off as a cute, impish oddball, and quickly devolves into an actual insane person. Perhaps this is an intentional move because she and Sam Rockwell fall for each other, and after she hears about his terrible secret it doesn't take very long for him to persuade her that they actually belong together. Seriously. A hit-man, who kills people based on a moral code, that is flimsy even under Dexter's guidance, is easily accepted by a random stranger, and even loved.

Besides the fact that they fall in love (despite the fact that each is acting unlike any known human being) the action is completely unrealistic. We're led to believe that any human can catch a blade, even if it's only inches from their face, based on simple, quick training. We are also led to believe that dainty little Anna Kendrick can take down baddies with little effort as long as she is in the right state of anger. Making her body a deadly weapon, and her character an out and out force of nature, is part of the plot so she becomes more empathetic to Mr. Right (Rockwell), and force her to fall for his calculated charm.

I understand that unusual love stories are sometimes the most interesting ("Natural Born Killers," "Bonnie and Clyde," "Harold and Maude.") but when you start the film as a cutesy romantic comedy and then try to keep that tone throughout, without expressly saying Kendrick is crazy, it doesn't feel authentic, or even enjoyable. You can argue that director Paco Cabezas did actually make Kendrick look crazy, but her friend still stands by her, she and her paramour never venture into violence, like any good criminal couple, and the film ends on an uplifting, cutesy note. Honestly, the unevenness of this film cannot be fixed just by pretending that its leads get to act however they want without some kind of consequence.
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Romantic Action Comedy
thekarmicnomad26 September 2019
A woman breaks up with her scum bag boyfriend and goes on a bender. Following this she catches the eye of a psychopathic hit man and they hit it off.

This is a romantic comedy - action movie hybrid. For this to work both the romance and the violence has to be reeled back in a bit diluting both genres. This isn't a problem for Mr Right as it is also very funny. There are jokes about relationships and murder and both me and my girlfriend enjoyed this immensely.

There is a really great balancing act here between Anna Kendrick's sweetness vs Sam Rockwell's craziness and Tim Roth's cold, British, pragmatism. All three do an amazing job and the characters work well.

The story feels very familiar and there isn't anything particularly new here (this film is 5 years old at time of review) but it chugs along happily.

I found the ending was a little too cheesy and made me cringe a little.

This is good fun! It is probably best not too hard about it just soak up the action, the romance and the one liners
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