The Oath (2023) Poster


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The Book of Mormon deserves better
jedi-bob-582-1805839 December 2023
I really want a good film adaptation of the Book of Mormon. I REALLY want to see one. Because this film is... not that.

On a technical level it's not terrible. I mean, the cinematography, blocking, and editing usually make things more confusing. And a lot of the visual effects are things I recognized as nearly-unmodified stock assets from After Effects. But moment to moment it doesn't look bad.

It's clear Darin thought he was making a powerful movie. After all, it wears its influences on its sleeve (especially the ending, ripping off Braveheart and Gladiator back to back). SO many slow shots of Darin staring wistfully into the sunset.

But everything just feels a little too, well, ego driven. The whole story and everything in it only exists to make the main character look like a chad. And, like, freedom stuff.

Ultimately, for all the times the main character mentions God or Jesus Christ, the movie feels strangely devoid of any real spirituality. It's never clear what "the oath" is meant to refer to, or what the plates mean to him, or how he is in any way a prophet. He's just... a guy with big arms and massive main-character syndrome.

The Book of Mormon deserves so much better than this.
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Not what I hoped it would be
fordfar16 December 2023
Like many, I backed this film and would love to see a Book of Mormon story brought to the big screen with broad appeal. I appreciate the director's efforts, and I know he was faced with serious obstacles in delivering this film. That being said, the script really needed some work.

I'll start with a few positives. The costume design, soundtrack, and filming location were all beautiful. That's why the three stars. The cinematography was fine, but there were too many tight shots. At times I had no idea what characters were looking at and kept hoping for a wide shot to give me context.

Unfortunately, one can't recommend a film based on music and visuals. Foremost, I first look for a compelling plot. I would've watched this had it been filmed on an iPhone and accompanied with stock music, if only the characters and plot had real substance.

The Book of Mormon explains next to nothing about this chapter in Moroni's life. But it does seem to be a sad and solitary time for Moroni. For a man who thinks he could die at any moment ("I wander whithersoever I can for the safety of mine own life" Moroni 1:3.), a romance was an odd plot to pick. I suppose it could've worked if the characters were fleshed out more. Yes, Moroni was physically alone, but why did he feel alone? What were his flaws, desires, or challenges? These things were either not clear or poorly conveyed, which leaves the character falling flat.

In short, the lackluster characters, shallow plot, some awkward dialogue, and even a couple uncomfortable scenes made me want to walk out of the theater. Maybe it was just me; the room was half full... Though I did count 3 different people checking the time during the movie.
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I REALLY wanted to like it, but......
joannaarnold8 December 2023
I have followed the production process of this film for over a decade. I know the true story it is based loosely from. I bought tickets early and brought friends. We drove nearly 2 hours on opening night to see it in an empty theater. And then I was frustrated with so many things it is hard to say what were the good parts, because even the good stuff was so overdone it took away from the story.

First of all, I don't like author opinions at the beginning. Let me make up my own mind if I think it is good and worthy of praise. From there, the story started far to slow. Nothing to grab your attention. Not enough dialogue to know anything about it. Just leave off the captions all together if they are only used every once in a while. It's not even a recognizable language. There's no need. If this film was meant to tie a story to the Bible, it missed the mark.

There was no character development. Who was Moroni? The backstory of two fueding brothers thousands of years before was referred to several times, but that tells us nothing of the main character. There could have been flashbacks to battle scenes, his earlier family, anything. The woman he meets, who is she and why is she running? She got hit 1 time, but wasn't there more reasons for running away? The girl's sister, what was her name? In fact, you learn almost no one's name but king Aaron, who has a terrible accent that changes constantly. Was he a nephite? How did he become king? What's his problem with Moroni? If king Aaron was hunting Moroni before the girl escaped, there was no way of knowing it.

There was no real plot development either. Was this an oath to his forefathers, to a woman, what? The story made no sense. There was no passing of time or place. I couldn't tell the hunting party was gone more than a few weeks until a pregnant character appeared. No night and day, no seasons, no campsights, no change in scenery the whole time. If Moroni was hiding, why didn't he get further away once he met the girl. If she found him, others would.

There were too many similar scenes, someone sleeping, someone thinking, someone walking, etc. Almost no action or acting. Too many tight closeups. I don't even remember seeing King Aaron at full length the whole time, or the whole hunting party, which appeared to grow and shrink. There were too many scenes with sunlight over Moroni's head. That should be used sparingly. Too many times the music swelled with feeling but I didn't see why. It felt forced. The end was anticlimactic for me. I was relieved it was over.

I left very disappointed and a bit embarrassed I had publicly shared my excitement toward this film.

Someone in the process should have been more honest with the creator and reigned in his enthusiasm for the project until it could have been a better end product.
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Darin Scott needed someone to tell him "no"
smga-7544510 December 2023
I'm directing this at the creator, director, producer, lead actor Darin Scott, because he will clearly read these. I wanted to like this, I was telling all my friends to go see it, then I saw it. Other reviewers have been spot on with their negative assessments, so I'll try to be constructive as well.

1. Darin, it's nice you got into shape for this movie, but apparently the whole movie is just a glamor shot for you.

2. What's with the girl bosses? The sisters don't make sense as characters, and terrible actors.

3. What was the point of having another language spoke a little bit? The ones that speak the Nephite language don't have an accent, except for Billy Zane, who sounds like Mr. Krabs 4. The soundtrack. OMG. It's well done, but it is relentless, it never stops, it's this somber, overbearing sonic landscape that never gives you a break.

5. This story had almost zero to do with Moroni other than burying the plates.

6. Darin, your acting is one note. You use pregnant pauses and slomo for effect. You don't use it constantly.

7. The editing is weird as hell. Things just jump back and forth with no connection. Like, what's with the black dog? That didn't make sense.

8. Training montage? Really? Come on dude. I guess you needed to show the breath holding training to support your escape later, but I think you just want people to see you in a speedo.

Anyone interested in Mormonism, do NOT see this movie. It won't teach you anything. The story is total fiction. This looks like a high school film project. It might have worked as a 15-20 minute short, but if I'd been watching this at home instead of spending $30 at the theater, we would have turned it off. My wife flat out fell asleep and I almost did.

Do better.
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Terrible movie!
hopkins-7428316 December 2023
I contributed to this movie, was so excited to go and see it! But what a disappointment it was! I was expecting an actual story from the Book of Mormon only to find a fictional made up love story about Moroni that was at some moments literally laughable. I'm embarrassed to say "go and see it." Darin Scot is from my home town in Utah and is also related to me through by mother's side of the family and I wish I could say great job cousin! But it felt like he centered the whole movie around himself and furthering his career instead of on a feature film about a true story from the Book of Mormon. I am very disappointed in a fictionalization about a true person, Moroni, the angel who stands atop of many of our temples. He was all alone for how long, we do not know. To me it is a disgrace to his name to create this type of fictionalized storyline.
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Target audience bitterly disappointed
jssarge-4389924 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to like the movie, it was my idea to see it and I went into it with a good attitude. I am active LDS trying to support Christian films like this ... but it was just awful.

The Pros:
  • Music was phenomenal
  • Costume design was really believable
  • Some solid cinematic shots

The Cons:
  • They took a lot of liberty with the story of Moroni and portrayed him all wrong. Why did he marry a lamanite named Bethsheba? The way she was killed and the scene with the bloody feet and the baby hand was terrible.

  • The plot holes are ridiculous. So many little plot points that never developed or did anything. I think the director really could have used a fresh set of eyes to give him feedback cause he missed a lot of obvious contradictions in the story. Like how much time would pass between Moroni and Bathsheba meeting, falling in love, learning a new language, getting married, getting pregnant, etc. Months? And yet the whole time the KING OF THE LAND is pursuing this runaway mistress accompanied by a small group of lamanites on foot.

  • The villian / king has an accent that's constantly changing and not fitting of the story. And why is he so sarcastic if he's supposed to be menacing? Why does he make a joke about "sitting on my ass" right after his men are killed? Do better, writers.

  • Discussing the film with my family afterwards, we are all confused about different elements like who was the angel in the armor and what actually is "the oath". And why did Moroni's body disappear after he died like Yoda? Give me a break
  • Way too many vanity shots of "Moroni" flexing muscles in the forest. One scene he literally curled the golden plates and the camera focused on his bicep. Main character syndrome.

  • the pacing is tough for the viewer. Probably because there's not a lot of plot in the 104 minutes of runtime. Lots of repetitive shots

And what on earth was the scene with the bear in the cave and flinging the wolf pee? Why was that necessary? Did you notice that after touching the pee with his hands, the very next scene opens with him eating something with his hands? Lol

I wish it was better. I don't enjoy being negative but this is the honest review. I suspect the 10/10 reviews are illegitimate. This was a flop. It could have done without the messages before and after where he says it's a movie about inspiration, peace, love, and Christ - when it's really not about Christ or true Book of Mormon events at all. It's a vanity film that took so long to finish he literally lost the plot.
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Truly one of the worst films I've ever seen.
adamknudsen10 December 2023
The Room. Samurai Cop. The Oath. These three films stand in a class of their own.

No matter which way you look at this, it's very amateur. Right off the bat, it was obvious the editing was very shoddy, and there is hideously overdone color correction throughout the entire thing. Besides some drone footage, the camera work is very bland, and there is a frustrating lack of deep focus shots, leaving any scenery just a blur in the background. The worst thing is it's irredeemably boring. Almost nothing happens, and scene to scene things are repetitive. The camera doesn't do anything interesting, and neither do the characters. The writing is as weak as the editing. It was very forced and cringey, and more than once I groaned audibly from something akin to physical pain. Lastly, and I mean no offense to the guy, but I was getting tired of seeing Darin Scott's face; he just doesn't have the charisma to justify that amount of screen time (or the number of thirst traps he wrote in for himself...).

I'm happy that the guy got to make his movie in the exact same way I'm happy for Tommy Wiseau.
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What did I just watch?
natespanos17 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I am LDS and found this movie horribly dull and self gratifying for one person. I talked to a number of friends, also LDS, who said it was an embarrassment. Too many liberties were taken that distracted from any message that was attempted to inspire. They spoke of virtue, but glorified vanity. It was all very awkward and ambiguous. I am seriously shocked to see so many 10 star ratings.

I feel if Darin would have spent as much time on the script as he did in the gym, it might have been an enjoyable movie. Why he chose a love story I have no idea. He portrayed Moroni as an insecure, possessive man with zero personality who was awfully quick to jump into bed with his enemies mistress.

The few things I did like. I really enjoyed Eugene Brave Rock and Karina Lombard contributions. They gave the movie the only amount of authenticity it had. I would have liked to see more screen time with them and less of Darin. The score was good, but a little over the top. The scenery was beautiful. A different script and a better lead and this could have been a decent movie. As is, it is a complete flop.
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What. A. Film.
mrjedijoey14 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What in the world did I just watch. There aren't even enough words in the English language for me to describe this film. The whole movie kept me on the edge of my seat simply because I had no idea what was going to happen next (a thought seemingly shared by the director). There was action... kind of, a false stab at romance, and way more shots of fields and water falls than seemed necessary.

Throughout the whole movie, I kept wondering what was going to happen next, and I've READ the BOOK!

Also, bro spent half of the movie just flexing for the world to see.

Outstanding. Of all the movies that I've seen, this sure was one of them.

There was seemingly no logic to the movie. They were hanging out in a field. Then they weren't. Then they were again. Then they weren't. Then they all died.


(Can't forget to mention the weird black dog or the bald eagle scenes. I don't even know what that means) All in all, this movie is an experience that made me reconsider what I'm doing with my life.

10/10 would watch again.
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I'm a Mormon and was disappointed
jansonmur14 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've been following this movie for 10 years. I bought the short film. I watched the video updates. I read all of the emails. I prayed for it. I donated to it. And this is what we got?

Shirtless super simp Moroni, sex scene, endless gold shimmer aside, there is no substance to this movie. It could have been 6 mins long and contained the same story. The music was fantastic but an inspiring sound track only inspires when there is something onscreen to inspire.

My major issue is the fact that it has nothing to do with Moroni. If you forget the plates, which is pretty easy with their 4 mins of screen time, you would not be able to tell that is is related to the Book of Mormon. It's not a story of Moroni son of Mormon, last prophet of the Nephites. It is a story of a shirtless simp who doesn't know how to shoot a bow and literally breaks down crying when ever his GF leaves.
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A pretty good attempt at telling the story of Moroni
trent00849 December 2023
I've been looking forward to seeing this film for quite some time and it did not disappoint. I was lucky to attend a Thursday night premiere with the lead actor/director. If you're not aware, the film is based on the character Moroni from the Book of Mormon. Since we don't know everything about Moroni's life from the book's text, the film takes some creative liberties and builds a solid story about love, forgiveness, redemption, freedom, and peace. I was pleasantly surprised and touched by the storyline. The film's score was also surprisingly good. Although not perfect, the film did a very good job of telling the story of Moroni, but more than that, it teaches us what's most important in life.
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Lower budget historical fiction
gibbslg3 January 2024
Come on people, this is not a 1 rating... This is clearly a historical fiction. Of course this takes some creative liberty with the love story, which initially made me a little uncomfortable, but I can see why he took this approach. Given Moroni was alone at the end of the Nephite era, this was a unique way to try to tell his story as who else would he talk to? I would have liked to see more of the historical context, but this take does do a pretty decent job of representing the character of Moroni and enough reference to portray the brutality of the time. I think a perfectly accurate portrayal of the Book of Mormon would be rated R for violence, but I think this depiction was tastefully done to give the idea but keep it family friendly. Great music and pretty good acting and cinematography for a lower budget film.
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misleading terrible movie
gavmemmott9 December 2023
I've never took it upon myself to write a movie review until after seeing this film. I didn't even have an account on imdb and made one just to write this.

The trailer and the little messages by the director (and main character) before and after the film seem to have nothing to do with the movie. In his messages he is talking about how the film is about the book of mormon love, peace, christ, and that it can change peoples lives. So that's what I expected when I sat down in the theatre.

Instead, I was utterly disappointed and confused. The show was not about christ and barely mentioned things from the book of mormon. It was a strange love story with a lot of strange components. Like neither the way they kept switching from whatever ancient language and english made no sense, and I don't know why the girl was speaking broken english at first (which the actress did pretty bad at).

Also so many scenes seemed to just be the director/main character trying to show off his muscles. Why is he curling the golden plated and the camera zoomed in on his biceps? Why was there a random part of him doing pull ups on a tree? Very weird.

Just everything about this movie was horrendous, it felt like watching a roughy draft/failed project.
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Pearls Before Swine
djward-0261416 December 2023
If you want to look at this movie on a technical level, I encourage you to move past this review and read the many other lengthy entries. I agree with most of the ones I have read personally. I really seek only to criticize the film on terms of its faithfulness to it's stated mission and the source material it is said to be based on.

To be frank, this is not a Book of Mormon film. While it claims inspiration from the events and people recorded therein, it does very little to communicate the message of the Book of Mormon. This film did not deserve to be associated with scripture and had very little reason to. This film could have substituted characters and places for others of similar but fictitious nature and the movie would have faired much better.

The romance was totally unnecessary and it totally sidelined the importance of the "message" of the film. In spite of being a faith-based film, it was devoid of anything spiritually-minded. God and Jesus are only mentioned in passing dialogue, not the central focus of the film. This film should have shouldered the purpose of showing "unto the remnant of the house of Israel what great things the Lord hath done for their fathers; and that they may know the covenants of the Lord, that they are not cast off forever-And also to the convincing of the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God, manifesting himself unto all nations..."

If you are going to dramatize any portion of scripture, respect the purpose of the scriptures. These plain and precious things are precious pearls, and to make a film like this and claim association is to trample them under your feet and turn and rend the very men and women who devoted their lives to bringing truth to the earth.

Nice try, Darin Scott, you have my respect, but never do something like this again.
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Arrrgg Matey
malloriworthen17 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
My husband and I went to this movie knowing that it wasn't going to be the next Chosen, but also thinking that we were going to get a cool Book of Mormon movie that felt more like an action movie. Well, we were wrong. It was the worst movie we have ever seen. The cinematography was great! Beautiful landscapes and really well done! The plot holes were so bad that I was lost in the first 5 minutes. I couldn't tell you the storyline because there isn't one. Between the visions and Moroni talking in English while the girl answers him back in another language, and Billy Zane is he Amish? An Irishman? A pirate? I don't know, we're still trying to decide. I would be embarrassed and sad for a friend of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to watch this movie. It is a misinterpretation of what happened and Darrin Scott should be honest about that piece of information. Don't wait your time or money. We wanted to leave in the first 20 minutes and we should have.
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matthawkes113 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Like to the max! The dead baby hand was an awful and so cringe. Writing was awful. Editing was awful. Storyline was awful. I did like most of the camera work. Eugene was the only good thing in the movie. No offense to the other actors btw, they had to follow an awful script.

I donated a few thousand to Reign of judges a decade ago in hope it would go somewhere. Very disappointed in what Darin did with it. Turned his original idea into that!!!!! I still can't believe what I just watched

I've also never done a bad review on a movie, but had to....

If anyone LDS and a good filmmaker is reading this...PLEASE redeem the Book of Mormon and make a good one!
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Wow. Just don't.
dannolars15 December 2023
This guy sure is full of himself. It's a vanity project for the writer/director/star. And the call to his church to support it or else was way out of line. Tell me your movie sucks without telling me it sucks. If it were good it would stand on its own, church or not. And besides, he acts like this is a true story and tries to give it that kind of gravitas. No dude, sorry, your delusions aren't real. About the only saving grace is the score, that is pretty well done. And some of the cinematography is pretty great, but you can't screw up a beautiful nature scene like a meadow or forest. And Billy Zane, you're not a pirate. That accent was grating.
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Very Disappointing
airhildreth13 December 2023
I wanted this movie to be good and even donated to the production. It was so bad though and I'm embarrassed for anyone who took part in it. The story was poorly written and was just not accurate and a bit sacrilegious. It was boring and the acting was terrible. The movie jumped from scene to scene awkwardly and just had strange random things that made no sense. The writer ripped off scenes from Gladiator, but did them extremely poor. I felt like he wrote this movie to glorify himself and ended up embarrassing himself. Do not waste your time or money on this one. I really hope someone can create an entertaining series that the BOM stories deserves, because this wasn't it.
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Impossible task executed well
douglleavitt13 December 2023
Reading through the negative reviews that have been written, it seems that a lot of them are really a projection of what the person wanted, rather than what Darin actually did. The film is uplifting, encouraging and shares a desperately needed message on the value of freedom and what the cost of freedom actually is. So many people today never lived through a time where their personal freedom was at risk. It is always a story about some far away place. The Oath makes it clear what the value of freedom is, along with a warning that the days are coming when we have to choose to defend or lose it.
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The Core Audience Will Feel Betrayed
david-452412 December 2023
My wife and I went on an overnight trip to the Bentonville temple and had come across an ad for this movie and decided to give it a go; The director had cast some spiritual credibility on himself by saying that he had gone through a near death experience, insinuating that a revelatory experience was what spawned this production.

I had no idea what to expect. I did have a reserved hope that the film would be a higher quality B of M production than other attempts I'd seen.

I didn't even see an attempt to portray a story from the Book of Mormon. This was a purely "made up" speculative story; a fantasy that someone created out of thin air (or maybe from mists of darkness)...

In the Book of Mormon you have a myriad of inspiring TRUE stories that could have been dramatized! Did this producer not think any of those stories were good enough? That his speculative story surpassed those actually in the book? A few examples of stories he could have portrayed that would have been TRUE and a thousand times better, and much more entertaining to boot:

-Nephi and his brothers obtaining the brass plates

  • Lehi's family traveling to the promised land (the challenges, the miracles, family drama, the Liahona)

  • Abinadi's testimony to King Noah and priests; and Alma's escape and ministry

  • Ammon's defense of the King's servants

  • Kingmen vs Freemen and Captain Moroni/Pahoran

  • The Jaredites

I could go on and on. There are so many amazing stories in the Book of Mormon that it is shockingly disappointing that this producer chose this route. I was horribly disappointed. It feels like a very misguided and selfish direction was taken, with complete disregard for core audience -members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Why did I give it 2 stars instead of 1? Because Billy Zane does a great job as the villain - the only thing I liked about the movie.
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Beautiful movie, magical music, cried the whole time.
benleealex8 December 2023
YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS MOVIE!!! I CANT SAY HOW AWESOME THIS MOVIE IS. It's BEAUTIFUL, the music is magical, and I Literally cried the whole movie, ask my wife.

It made me want to go back and read the Book of Mormon again because of how powerful The Oath's message was. I could feel to joy and sorrow of the characters and the music brought it all together.

The movie executes its goal almost perfectly, and lets the viewer see the power struggle between the two "Nations" Lamanites and Nephites.

I would recommend this movie to anyone who is interested in reading the Book of Mormon, or just wants to watch a action, love story.
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A Bit Jarring, But About As Good As Could Be Expected
biggrex-1335114 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So, I appreciate the soberness of this film and overall relate to it better than the 'Utah-ish', caricatured LDS comedy films of the early 2000's. In my estimation, the movie actually improved as it went along, which seems like an at times rarer quality as many films will do the opposite.

I didn't care for the light demasculinization of Moroni toward the beginning, (aka his future wife having better use of the bow and arrow than him, etc.) Yet, that seems to be a pretty common tone in movies these days. However, in my estimation Moroni became a more redeeming and stronger character when placed in a corner during the second half of the movie. He turned it up several notches as he finally had to fight back against his antagonists.

I appreciated elements of the production value and thought it was about as good as could be hoped for in a thrift budgeted movie. Obviously, some films buffs may think otherwise as art is at some point subjective and people can be pretty spoiled these days with amazing visual effects and filming techniques.

The death scene of his wife was tragic and sad, rather jarring as I suppose it was meant to be. In my opinion, the best acting scenes were when Moroni lamented the loss of his wife (the scene after she was initially found dead) and he was preparing her for burial. The second best acting scene would be the initial fight scene.

I did feel that the movie started out with script dialogue that was rather scant and at times under told the story and made it slightly difficult to follow by not furnishing quite enough information. Some reviews complained about their often beginning dialog in a foreign tongue, only to transition to English. I did not share that gripe. I think that's been done in plenty of movies and it's understood that we hear it in their tongue and then are allowed to hear it in our own as the dialogue goes along.

Although I could see where some might not like the quick flashes to scenes of Moroni's memory or visions, I appreciated those as enriching the overall gravity of the message and instructing us more of where Moroni's mind was going as things went along. I thought it was an interesting adaption, some creative license taken but with fairly good effect, highlighting problems that may plague us today as it similarly may have the inhabitants of old.

Overall, maybe 6.7 out of 10 stars or around 3.5 out of 5.
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Great idea. Horrible execution.
malmevik779 December 2023
The Oath

Like most films I've seen lately, I either don't know anything about it, or I've only seen a teaser trailer. I had no idea that this was a near literal interpretation of the believed texts that formed the Book of Mormon.

I have no problem with religious films. There are the most amazing theories posed in even the greatest of fiction that touch on divinity and faith, so why not enjoy a writer's perception of non fiction, and see where it goes?

Well, in this film, it goes absolutely nowhere. This movie could have been 10-15 minutes long. The overly dramatic acting of Moroni is so bad that even Billy Zane's character smirks and rolls his eyes. I don't really think he was acting when that happened.

The plot isn't bad, in theory. The usual Romeo and Juliet-esque love affair unfolds between two warring sects, ending in tragedy. It's really the acting and the cinematography in which lies the flaws.

I did enjoy the music as the composer did a great job working with a really bad script. I know that the lead actor, director, writer (all the same person) feels he did a heartfelt interpretation, because he says so before the movie starts, but my goodness did this flop.

Go and see for yourself, especially if you are of the Mormon faith. Maybe you'll see more than I did.
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Shockingly Bad
schumachergabe9 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I also really wanted this movie to be good. I can excuse low budget, and cheesy acting, however the writing was just terrible. There is a plot, meaning things happen on screen, but the story is a big nothing burger.

It tried to introduce about a hundred deep ideas, and themes, but didn't bother to let them grow much between scenes. It truly suffers from the same issues as the infamous Star Wars Holiday special. No scenes really build off each other in a clear way, and there's nothing carrying the story forward. The characters are not working to achieve anything (which with this setting seems like an easy thing to accomplish)

Perhaps upon finding her, Moroni is tempted to use Bathsheba to get back at Aaron in some way for revenge (IDK have her help him sneak into the enemy camp) But at the last minute he remembers what his father taught him, and comes to his senses. Boom. There's a better story that I came up with just in the time it took to type it.

To me it felt like this was a rough draft, and either the writer didn't accept criticism, or surrounded himself with people that wouldn't give it honestly.

A good story has promises and payoffs. It makes choices about tone at the beginning of the film to teach the audience what to expect. I'll tell you that super cheesy PG violence for the first half of the film does not prepare you to see a dead fetus later on. Quite tone deaf. To pull that off, the beginning needs violence, and the other grit they put at the end of the film. Commit to a dark gritty take on The Book of Mormon, or don't. You can't try to do them both.

I understand the appeal to promote this, I am LDS, it would be awesome if there was a cool Book of Mormon film. But this simply was not it.

Also, why whenever, (and I mean WHENEVER even the same scene just at different angles,) the golden plates were on screen did they have the terrible Adobe After Effects gleam? I seriously laughed out loud every time it happened.
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I was hoping for Book of Mormon history and a story well told...
LBPFilmview11 December 2023
But I just cringed through this vanity production, especially considering the earnest introduction about 13 years in the making , etc. This project probably started with good intentions then got away from the star director. The Oath borrowed heavily from The Gladiator (2000) with the basic storyline, costumes and shot composition. The dialog was awkward and acting was amateurish. There was no chemistry between the leads. The leading lady lacked character for the role. There were many, many shots of the star/director held for way too long with dramatic music soaring. What did that mean? Maybe the star director knew but viewers don't and it didn't move the story along so it came across as vanity. Check out his handsome face and fabulous biceps glistening in the sunlight! The first 3/4 of them movie just drags. What is the black dog thing? Is that symbolism? What are the major values and beliefs this movie is suppose to be about? Why did Moroni have to flip the plates for her to read? So many strange things that weren't explained. Billy Zane effected a pirate like accent. Where did that come from in that period and region? I literally shuddered during the movie and I felt bad for another opportunity squandered. One scene that should have evoked tears was in shockingly bad taste. I am still waiting for a decent major production from our church. There must be some way to take a section of the book of Mormon and make it exciting and real...not let hubris spoil it. One person shouldn't control everything without experienced, objective input.
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