Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Video Game 2011) Poster

(2011 Video Game)

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Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception: Masterpiece in one of the greatest franchises of all time
Platypuschow27 February 2019
I grew up with Tomb Raider and was likely one of those people who saw Uncharted initially as a ripoff, but alike all those people I was wrong SO badly wrong.

Uncharted was an incredible game met by justified critical acclaim and just kept hitting us with further phenomenal sequels and this of course being one of them.

So what's so good about them? They play beautifully, the environments and puzzles are flawless as is the gunplay. The storylines are deep, memorable and very well scripted. The voice cast are the best of the best and Nolan North could simply never be replaced as the now iconic Nathan Drake.

The games truly are that good and over the years they've never missed a beat and not made a single bad game. Naughty Dog is a developer in a million who lovingly craft these near perfect games consistently.

Drakes Deception is the 3rd of the 4 outings for Mr Drake and picks up with the second game left off, brings back all the old characters and gives Nathan and friends another memorable, powerful and action packed adventure.

The Good:

Great story

Very fun to play

Flawless voice cast

The Bad:

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Wild and wonderful
ichwan_mil22 May 2012
What Nathan Drake does to Sony is truly like Mario does to Nintendo or Sonic to Sega. He is certainly Playstation's long-lost lover and once found, inseparable. He was born from the same womb that gave birth to the once-considered-Playstation mascot, Crash Bandicoot.

Uncharted series prove to enjoyable in all its iterations, and every new release gets better charm upon the previous. As you might expect, Uncharted 3 is the best among the whole series. The graphics and gameplay are naturally the most gorgeous, the actions are engaged and virtually non-stop, but the biggest improvement in UC3 is its amazingly diverse settings. If you got bored of running in the woods just like in UC1 and some in UC2, worry no more, UC3 got you explore a lot of gorgeous landscapes: from the bleak underground, remote castle ruins, market, airport, seaport, desert, and even a ghost town. Not to mention, the game also has the longest time to complete, in fact it was so long that I remember when I finally finished the game, I recalled playing the early chapters like it was years ago.

With all those cramped in a single disc, you might not notice that UC3 has the largest data size ever released as a video game to date - over 50 GB! Finally, a game that justifies the sheer capacity of blu ray disc! I can't imagine if it is not a PS3 exclusive, how many discs it will come on PC or Xbox 360.

One glaring omission out of the box somehow is the movie viewer feature! In past UC games, I really love viewing the cutscenes I've passed over and over again through movie viewer feature to admire the scenes and as an enjoyment bonus (in fact, I do think that the movie feature is among the feature you love in UC series, right?) Now in UC3, with all those major overhauled in graphics and others, can't you imagine the passion to watch it over and over again? And this time, Naughty Dog has removed that lovely feature, do you believe that? I wonder if they were too busy finishing the lengthy gameplay that they forgot to include this. Fortunately, Naughty Dog realized this and through patch 1.03, they returned this little nice feature. If you own the earlier version (just like me having the 1.00 version), you will only need to update the game. No big deal indeed, unless you have no proper internet connection. Unlucky me, I am among the second one. Oh well...but OK, this should not ruin the whole UC3 experience..But if you purchased the game recently (or just plan to purchase) chances are good that you will get the updated version, which means the feature is already available out of the box.

Move over Indiana Jones. Nathan Drake has come to claim his crown. His adventure is not over, there's still plenty to do out there, UC series could continue as much as tenth of iterations. Let's just imagine what mad quest he will engage next..Or, get this...how about he meets Lara Croft and they venture together (and eventually, maybe get married?)? They are surely match made in heaven. Sounds really unlikely, but hey...it's cool!
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My Personal Favourite
vaultoverseer_155 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is a game that a lot of people criticise. Not a lot of people hate it or anything, but there always seems to be something preventing people from loving this one, especially since they tend to prefer 2 or 4. And yet I find Uncharted 3 to be the best of the franchise, and possibly the best action adventure game out there.

There are positives I can attribute to this game as an individual work. I can say, the gameplay is amazing, I can point out the amazing graphics, the cinematic talents in both cutscenes and gameplay. But yet, this is all common in this series. I think the best way to do this is to compare it to the other series and why I think it is better. These might be only minor for some, but the overall presence of all these make this game the best in the franchise.

1. The engagement. Uncharted is essentially an Indiana Jones game - as such our character should be constantly moving to locations. Not only does this give a sense of grandeur for the story, but it keeps gameplay that may be similar feeling exhilarating. In 1 this is a huge problem because we are mostly at the same scenery. 4 is like this for the first half, but in the second half we get reserved in the forest. In 2 this is less of a problem, however I would say that in the second half the action set pieces and overall gameplay is less with the introduction of those annoying yetis. 3 is constantly moving from country to country, and even when we stay at a country each chapter focuses on a new area. This movement not only helps the atmosphere but helps keeping new sections rewarding.

2. The gameplay. I think this is the strongest game in this regard. Firstly, we get introduced to the best melee combat system, which is not only ridiculously fun but helps a lot to the combat system. 1's gun fights suck, but 2 and 4 are also great. In 2 the standout are the big set pieces, a.k.a the heli chase and the train while the less linear action can get frustrating when it introduces the villagers. In 4, there are much less action set pieces, but the actual free combat is much better and consistently fun and challenging. In 3, there is a consistent blend of the both which are both very challenging. For example, you'll get those water sections in the ship graveyard, which are very difficult but also very fun. Then in the next chapter becomes more linear giving more movie thrills. The set pieces in my mind are the best in the series, and the gun fights may also be my personal favourite.

3. Story. Personally I don't find these games the right avenues to have amazing stories, as some might be surprised to here. Some people think "oh these games are cinematic so there stories are good." The story in these games need to be clear. It's not about the story - it's about the characters and the feel of adventure. 2 has a very well told story, but I find that it slows down a lot in the second half. The first half has a lot of twists and turns, and is greatly accentuated by the fact that we know something bad is gonna happen. Once this bad thing happens, we get introduced to the mystical things, the whole bad guy stuff etc. Pretty much we focus more on the story than we need to, because ultimately it should be about the characters. 4 clearly tries the most with the story, and has more effective beats. Overall I prefer 3's because I don't like it's lack of commitment. 3 and 4 have a similar "Drake needs to be less obsessed" story, which 4 commits a lot more to. However, in 4 my biggest problem was the lack of a real change. Without spoilers a twist happens, Drake doesn't do to well, and something bad should happen but it doesn't really. 3 has a similar plot, excluding the whole retirement angle, but the difference is huge. Firstly, it doesn't set up that something bad is going to happen to these characters, more that threats are in the way. As such, I don't feel cheatened when people don't die. Secondly, the section in the middle, in which Drake is completely alone, are very difficult and through natural gameplay and storytelling, convey much more a sense of Drake deliberately enabling himself. I also think that story wise it gives enough to Drake's character to understand his connection to justify his actions and feel compelling.

These are three things that I think the game does a lot better. Now, the Uncharted games aren't very different, so to compare other things doesn't really achieve anything to me. However it's this small group of things that establish this game as a slight step above the others.
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All that praise heaped on this game? Absolutely worth every glowing word.
Mr-Fusion2 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"Drakes Deception" is my official introduction to both the franchise and the Playstation 3 (I know, I know, I'm extremely late to the party; story of my life). The game came with the system, so I had no idea what to expect beyond "boobless Tomb Raider".

But what I got was an incredibly ambitious game with likable, developed characters, impressive production values (the terrific scoring is clearly evidence of this), and an ambitious story that takes Nathan Drake from London to France, Syria, a pirate enclave in the middle of the ocean, to the barren deserts of Yemen, as Drake searches for the "Atlantis of the Sands". Twists abound, and there's no shortage of death-defying stunts, and thrilling action setpieces (most of which are enormous).

In all honesty, I'm a spaz when it comes to first and third-person shooters. But it says a lot when a game that's rife with (often frustrating) shootouts and firefights can keep me glued to the controller and pressing onward in gleeful enjoyment as the story wears on. The games makes great use of the system's processing power to move from cutscene to gameplay and back again, putting our hero in the middle of crumbling buildings, leaping rooftops and even escaping an (upended) sinking ship.

The reason "Drake's Deception" doesn't reach the lofty heights of its predecessor ("Among Thieves", still my favorite) is because it gets lost in the importance of the movie setpiece. The gunfights are still engrossing, but the idea of putting you in the Indiana Jones-style action scene takes center stage, and you feel reduced to watching the events unfold. Not a devastating criticism, but one that mildly disappoints after the incredible gameplay of "Among Thieves".

But the replay value is still there, and I'll definitely be revisiting this game in the near future.

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Uncharted 3 Review
Moviememmer26 October 2019
  • Great story & characters
  • Simple but effective gameplay
  • Great graphics
  • Great voice acting and animation

  • Enemies are still very spongy...
  • Not allot of innovation from Uncharted 2 (thou not really needed)

Verdict: A great uncharted instalment, thou not allot of differentiation from 2, but doesn't necessarily need it.

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Drake keeps pushing his way forward despite the odds, unfortunately the game as a whole takes a small step back.
Aaron13757 December 2011
First off, I enjoyed this game a good deal. I do not want anyone to think I thought this game was bad or was in need of a major overhaul. I just do not think it was as good as the very epic second game in the series. There was nothing like the war torn city you had to navigate your way through, there was no super great action scene on the train, and there just was not as good a villain to fight. With that being said, it was still a very good game and still better than the first game in the series, though all have been great so far and I will most certainly buy an Uncharted 4 should it come out. I feel this one was rushed a bit more than the second game, and that may account for some of the small faults I found, but even though it came out relatively quickly after the second one they still managed a rather good story and some incredible game play. Nate is back and he is going against a mysterious lady from his and Sully's past named Marlowe as there is a great poolroom brawl to start the game. Seems this time you are once again following a path of Sir Francis Drake as Nate tries to find the Atlantis of the Sand before the villain of the piece. You get a peek at Nate's childhood and his first meeting with Victor Sullivan and through the game you see how important Victor is to Nate. Chloe once again returns as does Elena as Nate goes from one interesting locale to the next. The most interesting of the places you get to visit to me in this one was the ship graveyard and the level where the ship is sinking was easily one of the best and most rattling levels in the game. The game play is essentially the same as the previous two games, though hand to hand combat was once again improved upon. I did find that during some of the levels the game regressed to being a bit like the first game where you do some jumping and climbing and then make your way to a shoot out type layout, not as bad as the first, but it was noticeable where the second game was a bit more seamless in transition. All in all though it was a very good game and loads of fun to play and it has me wanting to replay the first adventure once again. The characters are some of the best in video games and the story was very sound too, though I will say there was really not all that much in the way of a super ending fight as there was in the second game. Which sums up this game, it is a very good game, but just a step behind the second.
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FilmFreak9429 December 2011
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception takes place about two years after the events of Uncharted 2. This time Drake is looking for a treasure that both Francis Drake and T.E. Lawrence were after. Ubar, Iram of the Pillars, The Atlantis of the Sands. Drake's gotten in over his head this time as a mysterious woman named Katherine Marlowe is looking for the lost city along with her group of men, and they'll stop at nothing from preventing Nate and Sully from getting to the city alive.

Nathan Drake, Victor Sullivan, Elena and Chloe are all back to go after this incredible treasure and the world is throwing everything at them. First let's talk melee combat. Uncharted has gradually gotten better with hand to hand combat as the series goes on and I think Uncharted 3 has just about mastered it. You can take on more than one enemy, pick up an object nearby and hit your opponent, and counter with relative ease. Gunplay is still the same, with the same duck and cover routine as the previous games.

The puzzles in Uncharted 3 can range from easy to mind-numbingly hard. I'll admit I had to look up how to solve a puzzle or two but once you find out how it goes it becomes fairly simple.

Of course one of the things that makes Uncharted so appealing are the graphics. They look amazing. The characters are even more realistic than last time and some of the environments are really mind blowing. Two things that stood out for me were the areas with fire and the desert areas. The sand looks real, the fire looks real. Sometimes it feels like you could just reach out and touch the locations. Nate makes subtle movements as he's walking too that give him a bigger sense of reality, though sometimes it feels a little awkward.

All I can say is Naughty Dog has delivered once more. While the climax felt a little rushed to me and the game is a bit short, Uncharted 3 is a game that is just as good if not better than its predecessor. I'll be playing it a lot more times in the future and I recommend it to any Play Station 3 owner.
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Uncharted Drake's Deception is the best game ever
haxleyandrew7 February 2012
Naughty Dog promised us something far more spectacular and fantastic. And as they did alone came the new game that everyone was excited for was Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception. This game proved to be a very great stealth based game and was more that Naughty Dog could deliver to it's gamers.

Uncharted Drake's Deception is the best game of 2011. If you have not yet played it before it is fantastic. The story deals with how Nathan Drake is going on his new quest. Possibly so that he can explore and find out what's happening. Alone the way he meets someone named Victor Sullivan who becomes his friend later on and they both find out what's happening. Meanwhile Atlantis and it's terrible leaders could mean trouble for the 2. So they must find Atlantis Of The Sands or else they won't make it.

This game has an amazing story that takes you throughout the game. It's fast packed and is full of action. From all points. You get to discover how great the story moves nicely along as you play the game even further which is just amazing.

This game also not to mention has great graphics and has great stealth that you can use to dodge the enemy's attacks and also shoot them or grab their weapons when they are defeated which is a neat feature. But also you can snap their neck. Grab them and throw them off tall ledges. And also shoot at them with any weapon of your choice. But also to note is that they get a lot smarter and try to stop you so it's always important to duck and or dodge the attack in case it happens.

Also this game has better looking graphics and looks better then the previous both games. Also they look much realistic here and the characters as well. But also the sand and of course all of the enemies which look really realistic compared to both of the other games in it's predecessor. It just makes this game more better looking and more realistic compared to the other games in the trilogy.

Also there's this really cool feature where you get to punch enemies and fight with them. Of course in boss fights you need to press each key to make the main character fight him off. And of course as you progress the fights will keep getting intense and really hard just after a few minutes. So what you need to do in each order is press the keys as you are told to do and then you will either kick the enemy or punch him depending on how you decide to fight him off your back. This feature is brand new and of course is something that you will need to learn once you get the hang of the game. It will get difficult as it progresses but you will learn it pretty soon.

Also this game has plenty of brand new levels and just like Batman Arkham City, These levels will get hard as you keep going through them trying to figure out what your objective is and what task you need to complete. Although these levels will not seem all too easy for the player. They will get extremely hard for you as you manage to complete the task. So not only will you get through further throughout the game. But also because you will need to kill enemies in order to pass that same level so you won't be getting any trouble to complete it at all.

If you are a fan of Uncharted then get this game. It's the best action game of 2011 and you will not be disappointed with it at all. This game is just a great game for the fans or gamers who wanna play it. This game also has amazing graphics and a great action fast paced story through it.
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An Adventure of a Life-time...
slayerjmk9516 December 2012
Out of all the video games ever released in gaming history, the Uncharted saga stands out as one of the best. Ever. Calling this series the "modern-day Indiana Jones" is pretty close to what is it, but in all respects, it's a mix of Indy and the Lord of the Rings. "How does LotR fit into the picture?", you might ask. Well, here's how: the scope and scale of the Uncharted games/stories is so massive, you are truly thrust into a whole new world (almost literally in the last 2 games). But in all respect for the games, there is not much i can offer but to say that these games are works of art. There are very, very few game sagas that truly deserve universal acclaim, or near-universal, and the Uncharted saga is one of them. Drake's Fortune was a spectacular, ground-breaking set piece for consoles, and then Among Thieves was released; a landmark and milestone of the gaming world. Drake's Deception is as good as Among Thieves, and completely awe-inspiring; an adventure epic.

P.S. To those staying on top of the movie adaptation news, please help try to find a way to get Sony to pick new writers because, The Wibberleys, really? They are one of the WORST choices to write the film for Drake's Fortune. I say either Jonathan Nolan & David S. Goyer, or William Monahan & John Logan
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The Most Amazing Video Game of All Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!
billytheking20083 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I bought this game on its first day of release here in Greece.I have seen multiple times all the trailers and making of videos but i have to admit i had my doubts.But i was so wrong.This game is a thrill ride from beginning to end.The plot of the game revolves around Atlantis of the Sands, a mythical lost city in the Rub' a Khali desert.A significant part to the whole story plays Nathan drakes ring which is the key to finding Atlantis Of The Sands.Also,this time around the game gives a much bigger emphasis to the relationship between Nathan Drake and Victor Sullivan(Sully).The villain of the game is Katherine Marlow(looks a lot like Hellen Mirren)who is also looking for this lost city.The game also explains the back story of how Nathan and sully met.Some characters from the previous games also return a.k.a Chloe Frazier and Elena Fischer.There are some pretty amazing moments between Nathan and Elena which i will not be spoiling.The thing that defines this video game is that is full of cinematic moments where your jaw will literally drop to the floor.From trying to escape a sinking cruise ship to hanging in the back of a burning cargo plane and escaping a tsunami wave you will be left breathless.There are a lot of twists during the story but the big ones are in the finale of the game.The graphics are the most detailed and realistic ones i have ever seen in a video game in any platform.Especially the sand effects are breathtaking,you have to see it to believe it.The controls are responsive and really make you feel like your are drake and going through these incredible adventures.I heard a lot of complaints about the shooting part of the game.I don't agree with any of them because its the same as it was in uncharted 2 which i loved.At the end of the day uncharted 3 is an amazing video game that will leave you shocked,thrilled and touched until the very end.It is better than anything Hollywood had to give in the last ten years,easily better than uncharted 2 and the best thing the video game industry has to offer.Do yourselves a favor and live it,because this is not a game,this is an experience.
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So Far Doesn't Compare To The First Two
chicagopoetry18 February 2012

Bought my PS3 Uncharted 3 bundle and immediately bought the first two in the series before I started playing three. The first two were just amazing, especially the second one. Now I'm on Drake's Deception and I have to say, I find it a real clunker in comparison. You need to be much closer to ammo to pick it up, when you are close to objects and you pan around the objects become transparent totally confusing you, the controls are slightly altered making it confusing when you're in a fistfight, the hint button barely ever shows up and I've found myself wandering around in frustration wondering what the heck I'm suppose to be doing. The only frustration I had with the first two games was the final boss battle in Among Thieves, which was a real bitch, but I've already felt like throwing my controller at the TV at least a half dozen times during number 3 and I'm still really early on in the game. Hope it gets better. I don't understand why they feel like they needed to change things. The second game was rated perfect by just about everyone, so, what, they decided they had to change it? Makes no sense.

2. Farther into the game now. It's starting to pick up but so far the characters have been much more wooden. It seems like they are just going through the motions at times. Also, way too many cut scenes and periods during which you don't have full control of Drake. It's like you are just watching a movie and you don't really have any control over what happens next. Sometimes Drake can't aim his gun. Sometimes he can do nothing but walk to the next cut scene. Finally Elana is back in the picture so the romantic tension is beginning. Hopefully that will cure what is wrong with this installment. Also, the fights are very redundant and the prompts are annoying. Okay, I get it, I'm suppose to press O and triangle, do I really have to be reminded every single time just to see the exact same fight scenario played out? The graphics are better than the previous games but seems that came at the expense of plot. Also, Sully giving hints every five minutes about stuff that is obvious and vague hints about stuff that isn't obvious gets pretty annoying.

3. About three quarters of the way through now and I must say the game has picked up considerably. The cruise ship chapter alone is worth getting this far. This game starts off slowly but stick with it; during the second half it delivers the intensity that made part two such a masterpiece.

4. Just finished it. Great game. You just have to get through that clunky first third of it and it really kicks off.
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Instant CLASSIC. What else can I say?
Chilly_Philly8 November 2011
I had high expectations for Uncharted 3. They were exceeded and smashed. Naughty Dog did what many, many people thought impossible and made a sequel that was even better than its predecessor.

The game feels so much more whole as an experience, it feels complete. It answers questions, and asks a few new ones as well. From start to finish, it's a tight, enriching and wholly engrossing experience; not just a game.

I won't reveal any spoilers. But I'll just say that a few new features go a long way in enhancing the Uncharted experience. Different takes on the way the story is told and set up is also another plus.

As a game, it may seem like more of a playable movie. BUT, it's so much more - it remains a GAME. It pulls you in until you can't put the controller down.

Once you've finished, there's a hint of sadness - you'll find yourself wishing you'd never finished it, just so you could discover and experience it all again.

Easily Game of the Year. I can't fault this.
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Drake's Delusion
CuriosityKilledShawn18 August 2014
There's no doubt that Uncharted 3 is a spectacular game in terms of design and imagination, though it falls down when it comes to story and irritating programming. At this point I feel that franchise fatigue is setting in and that evenly releasing the series two years apart means it's all very routine and formulaic and the developers are just rehashing the gameplay and transplanting the engine from one sequel to another. Nathan Drake still sticks to things when you don't want him to, will dive and roll when you want him to take cover, and will pick up the wrong thing because the buttons have been assigned too many different controls depending on the environment. It's a straight-up cut and paste.

I had no idea what or why Drake was after this time, or who the bad guys were. It was so cursory and yet confusing. English dudes in suits pop up and you kill, kill, kill. It honestly felt like I was fighting against UK Parliament as the main bad guy looks a lot like David Miliband.

The game flashes back to Nathan Drakes childhood, somewhere in the mid-nineties and how he met Sully. Then there's shooting and killing in the tunnels beneath London, a riot in a dilapidated French mansion (why this was in the game or what real purpose it served was lost on me), and a completely superfluous battle on a sinking cruise ship. Yes, these levels are fun and exciting, but they are just there to bloat out the game and make it feel wholesome despite the fact that they mean very little to the plot. It's just same old same old.

I liked the Uncharted world to begin with, but now it's getting quite stale and the games are becoming indistinguishable from each other. The characters are still great, though they need a much better destination and motivation than what we get here. Uncharted seems to be thriving on superficial drivel when it should be blowing us away, which is a real shame as a game as visually breathtaking as this should not have such a lame, perfunctory story.
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It's Interesting. But Not Good.
coti-095531 October 2020
It's Interesting. But Not Good.

Game: 4/ 10 Stars - Uncharted 3!

The Opening Is Good, Decent "but not" Good.

The 2017 Game Is Better.

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Uncharted 3 review
holmes-pepper2 November 2011
This is one of the best games of all time the combat in the game is just insane weather your breaking beer glasses or a bar stool over someones head the excitement doesn't just end there the multiplayer with tons and tons of new ways to play and game types it will leave you on the edge of your seat for hours and hours of excitement.Trust me if you've played the original uncharted games once you put this game in you can tell the difference from the beginning the graphics the game play everything I was kinda worried when I saw the trailer and I thought the game might not live up to its expectations but I was surely wrong if I was to announce game of the year I would definitely go with uncharted 3.
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Better Than Among Thieves!!!
callmanutd11 February 2012
When Uncharted 3 was first unveiled, like every Uncharted fan i was filled with both excitement and anticipation as I had very high expectations for this game after the superb job Naughty Dog did with Uncharted 2. And I would even go as far as saying they exceeded my expectations as I didn't believe it would be better than Uncharted 2 as the trailers and game play did fill me with excitement, but not as much as Uncharted 2 did in its build up. But I am happy to see that Uncharted 3 vastly improves upon Uncharted 2, especially in the storytelling area. As this time around it's not just focused around Nathan Drake, it still is majorly as he is still the main character, but it also heavily focuses upon Victor Sullivan as the story focuses on the bond between Nate and Sully. I found this really intriguing as I am a huge fan of Victor Sullivan's character, and it was always pondering in the back of my head, the prospect of how Nate and Sully came together, well now I don't have to wonder as they tell us the story in an exciting chapter that know one will expect. Nate and Sully are searching round the world in an attempt to find the lost city of Ubar (Atlantis Of The Sands) before their foes Katherine Marlowe and Talbot. I won't go into too much detail about the story as I don't want to spoil it for anyone. The only criticism I have of the story is I feel the character Elena was under used as I liked the role she was playing, as it showed really tense and emotional moments between her and Nate, but for me it was just way to short. Also you meet new character Charlie Cutter is a roughed, British bloke that teams up with Drake and Sully along with Chloe Frazer. My first initial impression of him was not a good one to say, it wasn't bad, but as time grew on he felt more like an actual Uncharted character as he was both witty and sarcastic and had moments where he made me laugh whilst bantering with his crew mates.

Players of the previous Uncharted games will feel right at home when they begin to battle in gun combat. But at the very moment they begin the campaign they'll be learning how to play out the new and improved fighting combat mechanics that are superb. Because this time you can interact with objects in the area to use, for example when your engaging in a bar fight at the very beginning of the game you can use beer bottles to smash over your enemies heads. The combat also looks more cinematic which they have really emphasised in this game more than in Uncharted 2 as they have included chase scenes. These aspects I really enjoyed as they kept you on the edge of your seat as you wonder whats going to happen next because of the ways the environment interacts with you.

Graphics wise, what do you expect me to say? Uncharted 3 is the best game ever when it comes to graphics. Naughty Dog have done such an amazing job with the visuals, everything just looks so life like and beautiful it makes Uncharted 3 a rich experience, rather than just a video game. Because of how beautiful the visuals are, it's easy to get lost in the world of Uncharted 3, which makes the game feel as if your tagging along on the journey instead of sitting in your room playing through it using a controller to enable Drake. It also makes me wonder of what Uncharted 4 will look like, mean come on Uncharted 4 is almost certainly in development. But to be honest, I don't any way Naughty Dog can improve upon the visuals area, but saying this they did tell a white lie back in 2009 stating that they used the PS3 to the most to create the Uncharted 2 visuals, and look how much better Uncharted 3 looks. So what I'm saying is, how much of the PS3s power, have Naughty Dog not took advantage of when it comes to the making of Uncharted 3.

Multiplayer was first introduced to the Uncharted series in Uncharted 2, and I enjoyed it very much which was the sole reason I kept coming back to it after completing the campaign on more than multiple occasions. In Uncharted 3, the multiplayer has been improved on heavily, as you can now create your own hero or villain and customize as you please by purchasing items through experience points earned through multiplayer games, you have an actual story emerge when you play the co-op adventure missions, unlike in Uncharted 2 where they took a location from the campaign and made you kill wave of soldiers to reach a treasure. In the co-op adventure maps you have locations from the all three Uncharted games, which offers some great mementos. The layout of multiplayer mode also looks more professional and up to date as you now have an Uncharted TV in the lower right corner of your TV screen, so you can enjoy and watch news from Naughty Dog, Uncharted 3 trailer's, multiplayer kills and even videos about Naughty Dogs newest game in development The Last Of Us.

So in conclusion if you have a PS3 you need to buy this game, it's completely worth the money as it offers a rich experience you won't have experienced from any other game. So go out to your local video game shop and purchase it, or miss out on what may be the greatest game ever created.
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My Least Favorite Uncharted, Yet Still Better than Most.
Foxbot7 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The Uncharted games are by far my favorite game series and I have played them many times through, because of this I was very much anticipating the release of Uncharted 3. Sadly, after a play through and a half, Uncharted 3 has not lived up to my expectations or the Uncharted series. Below are my reasons why I feel this. They are my personal opinions and I am not saying that all will hate this game, I am simply stating the facts as I see them. I also purchased the hard-copy walk through book. It is an amazing guide for this game and truly helped. One quick note is that the game gets much better as you play on. The first half is very slow, dull and boring. The second half is much more interesting and the levels and their design are great. Seems like they spent more time on the later levels than the beginning.

What they did Right:

+ Basically everything in Uncharted 2 has traveled over to Uncharted 3. The menus, options, trophies, statistics are all basically the same. Some of the bonuses are now downloadable content instead of being included in the game like usual. They just wanted more money out of it. + Great graphics which are a bit better than Uncharted 2. + There are no boss fights. This could be a good or bad thing depending on the player. I rather like not having a boss fight in the Uncharted games. God of War games, yes I want a boss. + Flashbacks, hallucinations, and blurred vision really made an interesting impression on the game play. Finding out a little of Drakes past boosted the story for a while. + Voice acting is fairly solid as usual, however the lack of jokes and little comedic relief was also a huge let down after Uncharted 2 did so well with that.

What they did Wrong:

  • Aiming is slightly off compared to the other Uncharted Games. - Story is lacking interest and depth. I lost track of what the mission even was due to just being bored. - To much gun play and hand to hand combat. I wanted more of an adventure game, not a shooter game. - The hand to hand combat gets really old very fast and it still not perfected. I just want to punch a guy out, not have to keep pushing the triangle or circle buttons. - Characters now have this annoying habit of touching walls when they are near them. Sort of like a balance thing if they are running or maneuvering though narrow areas. I find it distracting. - Treasures now lifelessly blink in a quick flash instead of the usual polished shine. I hate this new technique for making the treasures semi-visible. - There are to many cut scenes and times in the game which they disable your control or ability to run. Very distracting and takes you out of the game. I want complete control over the character at all times and much less cut scenes to interrupt the game play.

Over-all Uncharted 3, as well as the other Uncharted games are much better than any other game out there. The Uncharted series has perfectly combined action and adventure with breathtaking graphics and pristine control while still focusing on a story which keeps the player motivated. Most games lack most, if not all of these qualities which the Uncharted games have raised the bar in.

My idea as to why Uncharted 3 has not fulfilled what I expected it to is this; I feel like Uncharted 3 was rushed. They wanted this release by the end of this year due to preparations for Uncharted 4 as the main title release for Playstation 4 which is said to release holiday 2013. That is just an idea as to why UC3 seemed to be lacking in areas which the other games excelled in.

My 3 favorite parts of this game are most of the chase scenes, The cruise ship level (Cruisin' for a Brusin') is amazing, and the plane (The Stowaway) level where the plane falls apart and crashes in the desert. The cruise ship and the plane are amazing levels and truly impressed me in this otherwise dull game. Those scenes seem to have had the most time spent on them, as they were flawless. Unlike the rest of the game which I spent most of my time searching for treasure and figuring out what I need to do next.

Like my review title suggests, this game is very good in the sea of games. However it is by far the lesser of the 3 Uncharted games. The story, game play, control, combat, and exploration simply do not impress after such amazing titles like Uncharted 1 & 2. It is a great game, and I will probably play it again on crushing, however I will not come near to enjoying it as much as the other Uncharted games. Hopefully they take their time on Uncharted 4, which will be the first big title for the Playstation 4.

PSN Name: adrielaugust
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Interesting characters, action scenes and a lot of country to see
AvionPrince1625 August 2021
A pretty good action video game . The high mark that i put on this review its only for the gameplay, the visuals and the friendship between all characters that we happy to see again. Because the plot was not very good and pretty classsic. We have the pleasure to see drake young and make the story have another perspective and to know more about him in the past. The fight scenes have a good mise en scene but the lenght of it can make us die for nothing in some critical situation. The game is still pretty good and have some great moments to live as a player. I recommend it.
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Brilliant Game
nikitakimelblat24 March 2020
Nothing to say. The game is brilliant. Puzzles, parkour, wrestling, shooting at height!
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Setpieces and setbacks.
Gamesearcher15 January 2019
Naughty Dog was split into two after Uncharted 2, one half working on The Last of Us, and the other one focusing on this game. And the lack of polish does show a bit. The game introduced even more weapons than its predecessor, and adding necessary features such as throwing back grenades well. But the problem I have with this game is that the enemies deal way too much damage. Completing this game on Normal, I found that snipers locked onto your head quicker than usual, and more enemies possessed more powerful weapons. Now this wouldn't have been a problem, if the cover system was so useful. The problem of the first game, and one of the biggest achievements in the second is the reliance on covering. And this game joins, the former, unfortunately. The game's story is... alright. The implementation of Nate's younger years are meticulously added throughout dialogue and whole chapters. But the game is lacking in a worthy story, leaving too much time for impressive setpieces, which I'll get to in a second. The villains aren't built up too well, even though having an interesting implementation in the earlier chapters. The game killed it in terms of music. It scratches the itch of needing a good soundtrack in an Uncharted game, and every track works with where it plays. Also, it looks extremely impressive, with the visual imagery in some of the chapters leading to them being the greatest in all of the series. And, in terms of setpieces, not even Uncharted 2 can hold a candle to this game. I won't spoil any of them, but they're absolutely insane, and lovable. But, a problem I face with the game is that the controls don't feel precise, and meticulous. Your rolls and jumps feel weightless, and Drake moves too much with each move. The puzzles, though, are some of the best in the series. Overall, this game is a game you'll enjoy deeply if you're an Uncharted fan, but it has its flaws, and doesn't live up to its predecessor. Still, a great game.
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Uncharted 3 Review
keraghel_mehdi10 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
8/10 Great game but I consider it less than "among thieves" and " A thief's end " This game was so messy and suffered from a lot of problems : -The plot wasn't as good as the 2nd game ❌ -The combats were medium, flawful and duplicate❌ -There's a huge problem with pacing ❌ -The game's sequence of events is basically just a reproduction of the events of the previous one and that was so ovbious❌ -There were some issues with the gameplay The game was slow-paced in the first half and fast-paced in the 2nd ! ❌ -The villains did not take enough time to be built and developped or rather they were poorly written ❌ : Marlowe's character was terrible and simply did nothing in the game and in regards of Talbot the writers chose to keep him strange and mysterious hopefully something at the end will be revealed about him but instead nothing happened 🤷‍♂️ -Villains simply did not have any motives for their acts ! ❌ -Imagine that the writers initially did not have any idea on who's the second sode on the chase in Yemen is gonna be and eventually they just chose Talbot who we don't understand way of doing things🤷‍♂️ , Sometimes he acts like he's afraid of Nathan and in other moments he acts like he's the world's best tactician and he often dissappears without any explanation and without any reactions from the other characters , and we thought that he's bullet proof or something at the beginning !❌ -The pacing suffered from lots of troubles and flaws like how can Nathan who is exhausted after eing drifted in the vaste empty quarted encounter a huge brigade of soldiers and what were they doing there ? Waiting for him in a ghost town away from the convoy that was headed to Ubar ? 🤷‍♂️ ❌ -Chloe was really neglected in this game and didn't have any role to serve , they just added her to the gale for no reason ❌ -Amazing action sequences ! 👌✅ -The locations and the graphics were so well made ✅
  • Great moments with Nathan & Sully & Elena and even Cutter ! ✅
-What happened with Chloe and Charlie in the rest of the game ❌
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Analog_Devotee2 August 2021
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception isn't QUITE the masterpiece of Uncharted 2, but it's darn close. This game continues to capture the essence of previous games while also exploring new areas (like the desert, for instance).

It's better than the original, but not quite as good as 2. Still, you can't play 1 and 2 and not continue!
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Nathan Drake
nobuenobastian19 June 2020
Remember when I said Nathan needed better char development, and yet got some in U2? Well buckle up, because in this one, we dig even MORE deep into Nathan Drake as a whole, from the years in his teens, to now the repercussions of those said teen years.
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A game of two halves. 75%
dfle327 February 2013
Console: PS3 Genre: 3rd person action/adventure/shooter Story:

It's been a while since I've played this, so it's not fresh in my memory...you know the drill! More of the same, I suppose, which isn't necessarily a bad thing...Tomb Raider/Indiana Jones type adventures. For those who are invested in the characters of this series, you will no doubt appreciate the back story of Nate and Sully...how they first met and some of their early adventures too...which are playable.


Spectacular at times, but sometimes characters don't seem real...they're less than realistic, but pretty good nonetheless. Nate has his patented running style, which looks put-on. Occasionally the vehicles look like toys...as if you're watching "Thunderbirds are go" or something. From memory, the jump in visual quality from the first in the series was more marked with the first sequel. Can't say the same thing for this second sequel.

Strengths of the game: * Whilst I think that the first half of the game is very poor (reasons given below), the game really launches into the atmosphere once Nate ends up in the pirates' ship graveyard...it's cinematic (in a good way). Once you get up to this part of the game it does become addictive...you just want to play that little bit longer.

* Having played all the major chapters of the Metal Gear Solid series, I did enjoy the stealth gameplay at the airport section of the game. A pity it didn't see that right through to the end of the section.

* I'm not sure if this was good AI or just dumb luck, but I liked how at the airport Elena would shoot at the gas cylinders I had strategically placed around us and cause them to explode, killing the enemies nearby. If it's just dumb luck, hopefully the devs can do it on purpose next time! * I enjoyed the brief horse riding section of the game...cf. the horrible jet ski section in one of the previous games which was sooo frustrating!

Weaknesses of the game:

* The first 47% of the game. These might be positives for some people, but for me, I got really bored with the on rails gameplay, which you will remember from the previous games...sections where you have to move to the right place or whatnot to progress. If you make a wrong turn or pause too long, you get a cutscene which means you will then reload to an earlier part of the game. This can happen multiple times, until you 'do the right thing'. This is cinematic gameplay...of a bad sort. If I want something cinematic, surely the cinema is the place for it? The game wants you to create a cinematic moment, but the problem for me is that creating that moment involves trial and error and rote learning. It's just annoying. If the entire game was like that, I would be looking at a score of around 60% for this game...at best.

* For me, replay value might be affected by such gameplay as found in the desert sequence...right after that scene which was lifted directly from a James Bond movie (the fight on a net in the air, on a plane...can't remember if that was a Roger Moore scene or Pierce Brosnan scene from a Bond movie). Whilst the game in the desert works well on a cinematic level, again, it's not very satisfying as a gaming experience. Once was enough. At least it's not like the train section in the previous game...where you have to replay the same event again! That too had (art) cinema pretensions.

* The enemy A.I. was very disappointing. Specifically, the goons and their grenades. Often I would hear explosions and not experience any visuals of it. Which made me wonder what was happening. Here's what I think was going on...the goons had forgotten that throwing grenades was a two step process (they only followed the first step): 01) Pull the pin on the grenade 02) Throw the grenade at the enemy * There was only one tip in the game for dealing with the grenades which followed the two step process...I wasn't particularly attentive when it appeared, so it would have been good to be able to access that info again. Towards the end of the game, it does seem that dealing with grenades becomes more necessary. I tried throwing one of the grenades back but it only landed near me, causing me to take some damage, perhaps. Perhaps the mechanic is too precise to be useful (to me) or not forgiving enough. In any case, a virtual map to practice that skill would have been appreciated.

* My biggest disappointment, I would say, was the lack of quality dialogue in this game. If I was looking forward to anything in this game, it would have been the interaction between Nate and Elena and Chloe et alia. Here, Chloe might just as well be any old non playable character. It's like Uncharted 2 never happened. Same goes for Elena. The dialogue is more business orientated than relationship/humour orientated. However, there are a couple of very sweet moments between Nate and Elena of a nonverbal sort...tender.

* I did get the feeling that a fight between Nate and some freaky creatures near the end involved those creatures endlessly respawning, which meant I had to go online to learn how to get past them. I was mistaken on them respawning. It would have been good for Nate to clue you in on what was happening...just a comment to make you think you had to learn a 'trick' to get past them.

* Camera angles sometimes suck and cues don't work, so you can't progress until they work.

* Sometimes the stealth moves don't work as intended so I'd have to reload, which could get annoying.
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One of the worst games ever, also the worst Uncharted game!
socalicimarius13 November 2020
This game is garbage, trash story, trash gameplay, trash villains, very trash, the only Uncharted game I didn't cared about!
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