Re-Kill (2015) Poster


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Nice to see an original spin on the zombie genre
jackmeat22 October 2015
My quick rating - 6,3/10. Nice to breath some fresh air when it comes to the tired zombie genre. Sure the apocalypse has already happened so very little background needs to go into it but from there the movie follows a team of soldiers in a reality style TV show to eradicate the zombies. Sounds fun, right? It is but not full on action at all times. Slight drawback that is easily filled with the highlight of this movie. The reality style of the camera work is great but the star of the show is the wacky future commercials done in the same vein as Starship Troopers, Running Man, etc. The whole feel of this movie as just so well done that the plot of finding out the secret behind the walled in part of the city was a backseat to it. Our stars did fine (notably Scott Adkins) in acting for this type of movie and also overacting when needed. Along with this, the gore is there for all fans to enjoy as well. One fun ride to be had with this one and just a bit more action along the way (even if stretched out for the sake of over-indulgence) would've been just fine for this critic. Still well worth the wait and look forward to watching this movie again.
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Zombie apocalypse repackaged into reality show, but unfortunately also with overdose of shaky cam.
quincytheodore18 October 2015
Re-Kill doesn't just employ average shaky cam, this is the shakiest cam that ever shakes. Being found footage doesn't exemplified the utter chaotic scenes, especially when the action starts and the editing shifts into drunken state. It's a shame since the movie has a couple of unique renditions of zombie genre that are funny in its satirical overblown tone.

Story mainly follows the squad of soldiers investigating new threat of Re-Ans (its witty attempt to not use the Z-word). The squad brings cameraman to capture the mission in episodic format, thus the mockumentary style. It also brings a few nifty humors with faux commercials and silly products in the interval of each Re-Kill episode. The social commentary about consumerism is blatantly crude, and it's by far the best aspect of the movie.

Some of these mock shows are excessively wild, but seeing how many shocking reality shows already on TV, it's ironically plausible that a channel might exploit zombie apocalypse. The action part could be decent as well. The cast of Roger Cross and Scott Adkins is fitting for B-movie gorefest.

To their credit, it's an above average in term of acting, and the plot can be immersive with its first person perspective. It already has a justification to use monologues in supposed interviews as well as the squad bantering masked as behind-the-scene. It's a surprisingly deeper premise than ordinary zombie outbreak. The clever outlandish tidbits are very enjoyable and strangely don't disrupt the pace too much.

However, the camera is where everything falls apart. It trembles frantically even in simple conversations. When the action hits, it turns into a mess of unfocused scenes, flailing random shots and choppy editing every half a second. This may just be random shots of walls or floor, or worse, the second coming of Aliens vs Predator : Requiem.

I've seen many found footage movies, it's understandable to have some jittery cam, almost expected in a dysfunctional way, but Re-Kill is utterly horrible and gave me actual headache. Re-Kill expects audience to tolerate its shoddy camera work, it's honestly almost unbearable to watch at some points and might very well ruin the movie.
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Awful Camera, Zombies That Run Like Hell
claudio_carvalho31 October 2015
After a Zombie Apocalypse, most of the world's population has been annihilated. The R-Division is trying to eliminate the last zombies (called Re-Animates or Re-Ans) in segregated zones to avoid a second and final outbreak and rebuild Earth. Their operation is filmed and showed in television as a reality show. The efficient Sarge (Roger R. Cross) commands a team of veteran soldiers and despite their experience, there are usually casualties. When they decide to investigate a compound, they find an army with thousands of Re-Ans. Will mankind be doomed to disappear?

"Re-kill" is a movie with a good zombie story and narrative that was inspired in "Starship Troopers". Unfortunately the awful shaky camera associated to zombies that run like hell is a mess and destroy the film. My vote is four.

Title (Brazil): "Renacidos das Trevas" ("Reborn from Darkness")
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Shake cam overkill
john-monne11 March 2016
How to ruin a movie. Have a nice enjoyable spin on an abused genre such as zombies. Have a nice cast of actors. Have a good doze of violence and gore. Have good sound and camera positioning / scenes.. And then COMPLETELY RUIN IT WITH AN OVERKILL AND OVERDO OF SHAKE CAM / CAMERA MOTION!

What a waste of resources and potential. I physically could not sit through this movie because i got a headache and motion sickness because someone thought it was a good idea to ruin a perfectly decent movie with an over-usage of shake cam.

This is not a debate about love or hate about camera motion. This is about the notion that there now is a whole ARMY of simpletons out there that think it is good viewing to overkill on camera motion.

Camera motion when done the right way (not to much degree of motion and not to much zoomed in) is actually very enjoyable and can add tense, action etc to scene.

Shamefully in this movie it completely ruined what could have been a solid good movie.
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shoulderdevil4 May 2016
Seriously, I hope the camera crew don't have to list this movie on their resume. It's more horrifying than the movie plot ever could have been. Don't bother unless you want a headache or worse. I know they were trying to spoof the camera work on COPS but they failed miserably. The story plays out much like Starship Troopers and could have garnered a cult following but the camera work completely takes you out of the story. Whenever there is an action sequence, you can pretty much guarantee that you won't be able to actually see it. The camera shakes and the cameraman spends far too much time focused on (way too close) close ups of the actors.
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Do you like seizures?
medsavingsu28 November 2021
Because that's almost what it feels like watching the camera work in this movie. Probably the worst I've ever seen. Even if this movie had a decent plot, which it doesn't, its unbearable to watch. I Shut it off.
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There isn't much Scott Adkins, but there is a TON of bullets, blood, gore and zombies!
bcbell7918 October 2015
"Re-Kill" is an action-horror found-footage film that takes place 5 years after "the outbreak", aka the zombie apocalypse. I am a big fan of martial artist Scott Adkins, and had read about this back in 2010 when it was being filmed (or about to go into production). 5 years later, it's finally available. Is it worth the wait and price of admission?? Well, that depends on why you are watching…

"Re-Kill" plays like an R-rated version of the TV show "COPS", following an elite squad of QUASI SWAT soldiers in a contaminated zone, fighting off seemingly endless hoards of zombies aka "ReAns" (short for Reanimated). The opening of the film is exciting, FULL of blood, bullets and gore. Since it plays like a TV episode, every 15 or so minutes commercials come on, a la "Starship Troopers" (still one of the best science fiction-horror-action films to date in my opinion), which are amusing and later in the film break up the bleak tone. It also peppers in personal interviews of our squads members throughout the movie, helping you (somewhat) get to know the guys who are doing all the shooting- and there is a LOT of shooting.

The film, shot in Bulgaria, has a generic but suitable look, fitting for a zombie apocalypse. After the first act (which has outdoor battles during the day), the film stays almost entirely gray, taking place in either the dark of night, in old run down buildings, underground corridors etc. Another issue is that everyone in the squad is wearing the same black SWAT uniform and helmet, so it's very hard to tell who is who, especially during the action sequences. There is a LOT of action in "Re-Kill", some of which is rather cool (especially in the big opening battle) but much of it is lost due to the shaky cam that plagues so many found-footage films. That being said, when it's not a "shaky cam" moment the movie looks good. There is a ton of action throughout the film- there is no shortage of bullets, blood or zombies (which are runners like in "28 Days Later", one of my favorite modern zombie films). I would love to know how many rounds of ammunition were used in the making of the film, it's probably in the tens of thousands.

The acting is adequate, but there isn't much for them to do besides fire their guns at the endless onslaught of zombies. Veteran B-movie actor Bruce Payne ("Passenger 57", "Highlander Endgame") is almost wasted (because there really isn't much for him to do) although he gives arguably the most memorable performance in the film as the religious zealot of the squad. Martial arts master Scott Adkins ("Undisputed" 2&3, "Ninja" 1&2) is the alpha male in the squad, and is totally wasted in the sense that he doesn't display a single punch, kick or flip- he just mows down hoards of charging zombies with his machine gun. I think its important to note that both of the aforementioned actors are supporting cast. The lead of the picture is the Sarge, chameleon actor Roger R. Cross (who has over 100 credits on IMDb), as the somber squad leader.

Recommended to fans of the genre, "Re-Kill" is a fast paced action-horror found-footage film, that focuses on action over scares. There is no shortage of carnage from start to finish. If you play video games, specifically first-person shooters, or enjoy the occasional found footage film (and not seeking an impressive martial arts display from Adkins or an intense monologue from Payne) give this movie a shot. It's a shame that this didn't release back in 2011 before the market was flooded with so many crappy low budget zombie movies. It's easily one of the better direct to video zombie movies to come out since the success of "The Walking Dead". It's a fun action packed, bullet and blood soaked, zombie filled 87 minutes and is a fairly fresh take on the zombie apocalypse.

Checkout more low-budget film reviews at TheBMovieReview
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What's worse than a Bad Zombie Movie?
mhorg201815 March 2016
A bad zombie movie that is also a 'shaky cam' zombie movie. This movie is just terrible. Getting a root canal without anesthesia would be less painful than watching this mess. It seems whoever wrote this dreck was on drugs and watching the poorly done Starship Troopers. Remember the silly commercials in that? Well this is one long silly commercial. Boring, and shot so that the lack of sfx wouldn't be apparent (it is), this film just blunders along from sound bite to sound bite, with everything being from the camera's point of view. I really wish movies like this would simply die out already. Shaky cam, found footage, bad sfx and acting, people today simply do not know how to make a B movie that's worth seeing. If you're an insomniac, this is the movie to watch. Otherwise, simply stay away. Far away.
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An enjoyable film even for those who don't particularly care for found footage films.
unholy-5335828 October 2015
I normally dislike the found footage genre (although as another reviewer said, I do like starship troopers so would advise those who liked the humour and/or style of Starship Troopers to give this one a chance).

I know other reviews have made a point of mentioning how shaky the camera was, but imo...its less shaky than what you would expect if you were actually being chased by a bunch of re-animated corpses that want to eat you. And (again imo), the shaky cam helps you submerge yourself into the film better - by creating the sense that they were panicked and running for their lives.

While I wouldn't think that this film would appeal to the masses and be winning any Oscars any time soon, I feel it is definitely one of the better zombie films - to the point that I've came here to review it (something I rarely ever do).
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It's ReKilled
thesleeplessunite25 October 2015
Truth be told, when I first read the summary of the movie, I wasn't all that big on what was possibly going to come my way and then I started to watch because we all have a little time on our hands to kind of sit there and watch something that we think might be crap, but has our interest anyway.

First off, the movie itself is about zombies - or "Re-Ans" as they call them. There's the usual conspiracy that the government were working with biological stuff and it got out of hand. There's the zombies and they run ... fast - who do zombie things: attack, kill, eat you and move on and then there's the teams deployed out to "re-kill" the "re-ans."

First watching it, I was mostly sitting with the movie just playing because it's a rather patched together piece of work. It's like watching TV with all the adverts and that's ... annoyingly well presented. The "sex - do it now" - adverts could have been dropped out, they were pretty much useless, but it's a B-movie so ...

But then the storyline came along. Now, for any zombie fans who like things like:

-The Last of Us -Resident Evil -Z-Nation -The Walking Dead -28 Days/Weeks Later

or basically any biological weapon film that induces us as humans out of a natural state of order to flesh-eating cannibal creatures that nearly destroy us completely - I'd recommend giving it a watch. It can be easily left to run while you get distracted, but the director has done a good job at kind of reeling you back in for just one second that makes you wonder how you got to this conclusion in the first place.

The characters - yeah. You don't really get attached to them, any of them, no matter if you feel sorry for them, it's not like you suddenly choose who your favorite is out of the squad. They're not a Daryl Dixon suddenly for you on first appearance, but when they die, they die good. There are a few jump scares if you really start paying attention ... but for a small movie, it's just another zombie invested thing.

Make up is good, the zombies are brilliant, the storyline could have used a bit more in-depth to it all but ... I'd recommend it to those who like watching the apocalypse - with zombies.

Don't forget about the sex adverts tho.
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So Refreshing!
rvoigt-566-19848017 October 2015
I've GOT to give high marks for this one. That ain't easy to say about what basically is another Zombie flik. (noticed how I capitalized Zombie? Yea. they're that important).

Great production values all around. great acting a believable script, very little cgi, really good dialogue and believable characters. What else can one ask for? Oh! How about tons of Zombie kills with some pretty amazing action scenes that are well done, and that's getting rare these days.

I think the storyline is clever as well. Movie plays as a reality show with really cool commercials. Refreshing new kind of premise which shows someone got really creative. I like that. 8/10 (strong 8)
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Did you like Starship Troopers? If so, watch Re-Kill!
redwingsm23 October 2015
As my title suggests, if you are a fan of the original Starship Troopers then this is a movie you will likely enjoy. It's a great spin on the (slowly getting tiresome) Zombie genre that had me laughing and, at times, on the edge of my seat, for the entire movie.

Without going into too much detail you get to follow along with a news reporter (yes, this means shaky-cam) as he is embedded with an elite group of zombie smashers. The story moves along at a brisk pace and the script, while atrocious at times, is mostly coherent and palatable. The gore is great, albeit overdone in some scenes. Where this movie shines is the FORMAT. Like with Starship Troopers there are cut-ins of commercials that are, at least to me, hilarious! If you can get past the shaky-cam being TOO shaky in some scenes then you just might find a movie that warrants a recommend to your friends.

The bottom line: If you loved Starship Troopers as I did, you will love this movie. If you like the Zombie genre, as I do, this is a different take on it with a few surprises. The effects aren't bad and the acting is slightly above average. Red Box it if you are a fan of the genre, you might just love it!
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Camera man needs to go back to camera school
otakutommychan8 January 2016
I was going to give this film a 1/10 but I thought that was a tad too unjustified and unfair to the rest of the people who worked on it. If they hired the same cameraman from say, Battle: LA the film would have been an 8/10. It's a shame one man destroyed what was potentially a good film.

The good points of the film is the great action with plenty of gratuitous violence and the general atmosphere of the film set it apart from the normal zombie flicks. Whoever wrote the film is definitely talented and put a unique spin on this genre.

I loved the Running Man-esq type cutscenes, something that's not really been done well in movies with maybe the exception of the original Robocop and Starship troopers.

The acting was absolutely spot on, they nailed it. There's no Oscar winning performances deserved here, but for the style of film they were going for the acting was brilliant.

I could have enjoyed this movie. It could have been the fun, pop-corn munching thrilling ride I was looking for. I could have loved this movie so much as to order the DVD immediately after watching it as I could have felt it was deserving to be in my collection and deserving of my money.

..If not for the cameraman. He was either a severe epileptic in need of urgent medical assistance and the poor sod was forced to keep filming in the midst of a serious seizure, or he was a complete amateur who's never held a camera before in his life. He completely destroyed the film. Any time you 'almost' got immersed, anytime you 'almost' enjoyed the film, any time you 'almost' started to pay attention off he goes on his savage mission to ruin the film for you.

//Shake shake shake zoom zoom rotate rotate shake shake shake// "oh look the sky oh look the ground oh look over there oh look i'm too close oh look i'm too dark oh look anywhere except where i'm supposed to be bloody pointing this thing I have no idea how to use" he says, as a doctor stands beside him administering his anti-seizure meds.

I hope he never gets another job again in this line of work, it obviously isn't his forté.

I don't like spoilers so haven't given anything away about the story. If you can handle the ridiculously epileptic camera-work the general theme, story, action of the film is great. Fantastic! Excellent job from the writers and actors.

If however you like to actually watch a film, and not just catch miniscule glimpses and fill in the blanks by listening, avoid it like the plague. Hopefully they'll remake it in the future without the offensive Parkinson's disease impersonations the cameraman is trolling the audience with.
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Has nobody heard of handcuffs in this world?
brijohns6 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
All the other reviews basically cover almost everything good and bad about this movie. The only thing worth mentioning, that already hasn't been, is that almost every single problem in this movie would have been solved or avoided if people actually used common sense and proper restraining procedure on any of the zombies.


As an example, one of the dumbest scenes in the movie revolves around a sting operation on zombie smuggling truck drivers. This scene is stupid for many reasons, the first being that it exists. I cannot even imagine the events that convinced those people that smuggling zombies, especially after they almost wiped out humanity, was a good idea.

However, the real gem of this scene is when the R-division guys open up the trailer and find a trailer full of zombies with not a single one, in any way, shape or form, restrained or otherwise impeded from exiting the vehicle.

This entire scene left me with so many questions. Why isn't there a cage inside the trailer to prevent the zombies from immediately rushing for the exit the moment the door's opened? Why did the truck driver open the back when there's no restraint on the zombies? Did he really not know they were back there? Why didn't anybody tell him? Etc.

The real reason that none of the zombies are ever restrained throughout the movie is so we can get gratuitous action scenes. Poorly shot, convoluted, and oh so confusing action scenes.
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Great movie for its genre
kaintrust17 October 2015
I am sorry that this movie waited ages in the basement. I don't know whose idea was that but that guy should be put in a jail. The movie is purely for action fans. Scott Adkins fans may be a little bit upset because his screening time is not like Undisputed sagas. He wont do any martial art movements also but the movie is great overall. The low budget was a problem but still with that they managed to do good works. Sometimes they are using the shaky camera so much, but you can not hide the low budget effects otherwise. I don't know why the didn't release that movie years but i liked this way more than World War Z. If they would release on time but if they would do that, it would be no match for other movies. 8/10
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Fire the director!
jvitug-4028021 March 2022
I thought Re-Kill was a great addition to the zombie genre. A Starship Trooper type format, good actors, good story. What destroyed the movie is the shaky camera affect. It completely removed the action sequence all together. It was so hard to watch, can't see a single scene, gets frustrating after awhile. Maybe the camera person was a zombie too. Good luck!
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Entertaining, unique take on the genre, with an Achilles heel.
irelands-the25 November 2015
Compared to big-budget block-busters, I'd rate this lower, but compared to B-rated movies, I'd rate it higher. Thus I give this a 5.

Pros: · Really, quite a good story · Remarkably good acting for such a low budget · Well done zombie action (I'm not even that into zombie movies) · Despite its short runtime, viewers get to know and like some characters.

Cons · Deplorably shaky camera work · Excessively zoomed-in while in close-quarters · Never-ending ammo · Too short (see additional comments)

Comments: I actually enjoyed this movie, and that's saying something. To put it in perspective, if you've seen World War Z, I'd rate this movie about on-par with that one despite its significantly smaller budget. That said, I'll pick apart some of the glaring issues for me:

The never-ending ammo didn't have to be a detractor. They simply could have solved that conundrum by having each member of the various team carry a whole lot of ammo, and show plenty of re- loading scenes. Logically, each team member should have had the same gun, and thus could have shared ammo. This would have been a convenient way to build intra-team personality dynamics. The teams could have coordinated their firing vs reloading time, and it would have added to the excitement. Viewers WANT to see the team work as a team, like a solid tactical unit. They missed an opportunity for that; as it was there wasn't much team dynamic - it wasn't a mess, it was just not there.

The shaky camera is really totally inexcusable, and will really upset a lot of viewers. It was worse than Blair Witch. In many cases, the scenes really didn't warrant the bad camera work, it was unnecessary and wasn't logical. Certainly, in some scenes where the cameraman is, for instance, trying to escape a zombie rush, you could expect some shenanigans. It's clear that it would have been more entertaining if the whole movie was recorded with Go-Pro cameras. Heck, I could have done a better job with a cell phone camera! There are plenty of scenes where the director chose to use non-cameraman cameras, viewing a zombie rush from close-quarters for example (when we know the story-line cameraman is not actually that close). With this logic, they could have safely chosen more panning shots, overhead shots, and other artful angles, with the end result of a more watchable film.

The length of the film was quite short, but the story was good enough that they could have fleshed it out even further. They could have added an X-Files-esque twist or added some additional walled- compound details. They did touch on this idea in some of the faux advertisements, so it would have been a logical addition.

The ending was abrupt, and a bit of a letdown. In my opinion, they should have gone a little "Hollywood" at the end, but I do understand why the ended the way they did. Overall, I'd give the ending a solid 5/10, but all the ingredients were there to have given it a spectacular ending. I think that was a missed opportunity.

Conclusion: It's a fun enough movie for zombie fans, and for those who are open to something that's a little lower budget. I wouldn't spend a lot of money to go see it, though.
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kinda new at least
vampiri17 October 2015
I thought I'd seen it all and with TV shows like Fear the Walking Dead and The Walking Dead there would not be much more to add.

Plot: zombie virus has spread throughout the world and mankind has to do what is necessary to halt the spreading. Managing to contain it somewhat the government has created a special unit to clean out neighborhoods and secure that not a second outbreak will occur. A TV station has created a show around this unit.

I just love zombie movies, can't get enough of the theme of a small group of survivors trying to make it. Sadly, good zombie movies are hard to come by these days and ,quite frankly, it is a difficult genre to reinvent.

The Walkind Dead is excellent, showing the depravity of men combined with gore and survival. However, movies, unlike TV series, do not have the luxury nor time to explore that theme since you only got two hours or so to tell a story. Therefore zombie movies tend to revolve around getting from point A to point B or defending some sort of gated community. By now that has become dull which makes Re- Kill somewhat new, re-inventive even although not a revelation of sorts.

Re-Kill is structured like a mixture of reality TV, shows like Cops and the ever so popular found footage films (genre), which makes it a little bit new. And yes, you get plenty of gore too!

The positive sides is thus that it is relatively new, plenty of gore, good effects and decent acting from well known actors although not top notch. The zombies are not the slow, traditional ones of Romero's, but fast like 28 Days Later.

Downsides are the shaky camera, which is way too shaky even for a found footage movie; in general, too simple a plot; unexplored carachters; and not so much about the how, when, who and why.

A tip of the hat goes to the hilarious commercial breaks and the interviews of "real people" surviving the virus/attacks which echoes both Verhoeven's Robo Cop 1 & 2 and Starship Troopers. They are what really keeps the movie interesting and funny.

Bruce Payne is worth mentioning. Too me he is somewhat of a legend. But I must confess, I have always thought his acting style to be awkward and a bit stiff. But here he seems a bit more "alive" and tries to give his carachter a personality.

I haven't seen all zombie movies so I can't really say it is one of a kind within the genre itself, but to me it is kinda new and therefore I can't say "see this one if you liked...". However, if you like zombie films in general, traditional or more action driven, you will probably enjoy this one.

I give 6/10 due to its "newer" take on the genre, good acting (for the genre), the sfx.
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this movie just sucked
nikola178 July 2017
everyone is a gore bloody zombie fan of movies full of violence there is many many many good ones out their besides this garbage movie. its badly made film so badly like they made movie into a commercial add they cant keep it simple like normal fun action horror zombie film they don't the all movie half of it turns in out to be commercial, Re-Kill is How to waste Scott Adkins talent in film i love Scott Adkins so much their is other many movies he has made many movies way better then this trash everyone watch's this movie just for Scott Adkins killing zombies OK fine but the thing is he is not lead role of movie he is just short cameo in film sadly he is wasted for noting if writes or director got him as lead actor then everyone would liked it a lot more. This movie was suppose to have been out 4 YEARS ago. WTF happened? did they change Plot changed into different actor or character with Scott Adkins to someone as lead role. there is moments of violence and action gore zombies all that but what really makes me upset is in film the add commercials to movie jeez they DON'T NEED TO MAKE NEED IT IN THIS MOVIE. god i am so annoyed with movie its just annoying besides Scot Adkins their is another actors Veteran B-movie actor Bruce Payne ("Passenger 57", "Highlander Endgame") is almost wasted (because there really isn't much for him to do) although he gives arguably the most memorable performance in the film as the religious zealot of the squad. like Winston(Bruce Payne)main villain in Passenger 57 he sucked in this movie badly as lead actor i am like why could they just get Scott Adkins as lead or wait He's not getting the roles he deserves! He should be a much bigger star just like Jason statham who gives a dam scoot deserves better for his role another actor i liked who is good (Jesse Garcia) Omar Hernandez is good character and actor OK i didn't mind seeing him in this film with Scott. film is little bit fun shooting at zombies, blowing them up "Re-Kill" plays like an R-rated version of the TV show "COPS", following an elite squad of QUASI SWAT soldiers in a contaminated zone, fighting off seemingly endless hoards of zombies aka "ReAns" (short for Reanimated). The opening of the film is exciting, FULL of blood, bullets and gore. Since it plays like a TV episode, every 15 or so minutes commercials like low budget version of Starship Troopers meets 28 days later Zombie Apocalypse repackaged into reality show, but unfortunately also with overdose of shaky cam bull crap film i have noting much to say about this movie reason is i haven't watched the all film is because it sucked, its pointless, time waster Scott Adkins noting really in it for him he is SO SO wasted badly in film even i got upset with film i just think is very overrated its film i never recommended to anyone
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Effective Action Horror
DanLives198030 November 2015
So I've been trawling through the zombie horrors as of late. By chance I happened upon Re-Kill, which I originally bypassed on release! I can still see why, but I found myself surprised by how well-executed the action/horror was. Drop the corny REC (Spanish zombie movie) dialogue, the First Person camera angles (which caused me some motion sickness) and a few pointless scenes here and there and this movie is actually a nod to '80s Paul Verhoeven sci-fi parody and Left 4 Dead multi-player gaming.

It's not there for the drama or to deliver a message, it's solely there for the experience and as zombie shoot-'em-ups go, it does a fine job when it gathers momentum. It just takes some effort to get there as a result of distracting cut-aways to scenes the movie didn't need.

What surprised me first and foremost, though, was its cast. Roger R. Cross never quite made the transition from TV face to movie lead since cult sci-fi series First Wave.

In Re-Kill he gets his own platoon and he kicks ass. His character is quite reminiscent of Tony Todd's performance in the 1990 Night of the Living Dead remake.

Also surprising was the return of '90s rent-a-villain Bruce Payne, who takes the crazy hero slant for once. He's still creepy as hell, though. And Scott Adkins, a martial arts action hero as a meat-headed SWAT trooper? He's pretty intense and very welcome for this one.

Some other actors could have done a better job, or simply not had a job. At first you won't know if Re-Kill is trying to be serious or just resemble the silly 3D movies they used to play at Alton Towers but eventually it comes into its own.

I just wish they had a director's cut with the idiot cameraman voice deleted, or rewritten and performed by someone who isn't irritating.

Good effort, just not a great contender!
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more zombies eating humans
graham-harvey28 October 2020
More zombies eating humans American culture: danger, fear, fire power.
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Love it !
raphaelclayette17 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Wow ! I saw quit a lot of those infection movies: doomsday, day of the dead, resident evil, the crazies, world war Z, 28 days later ec....But this one find a new way into the classic infection-movie genre. Despite not being very original, its TV-show-orientation is very well-done and entertaining. The general theme is nice. The "fake"TV shots are good. The characters nicely depicted. The scenario is not perfect (some default there and there, or little bit of emptiness), but overall a very decent realisation, which would justify a second part. I think it is really fresh to the zombie genre, and worth your time if you like it. I still think IMDb should stop asking for a minimum of 10 lines for us to be able to publish a comment. Some good comments might be 2-3 lines and still bring real value to the reader.
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Don't really expect much. Just watch it for what it is
nathan-mcgee617 December 2015
I checked this out expecting the same old zombie apocalypse movie and that's exactly what I received. But with a small twist to this flick, it's shot entirely in reality show style. Now that is nothing new or anything because that's been done with zombies, such as the Spanish film REC and the zombie diaries. Now I'll say the reality show style here is not as believable as REC but it was well executed and delivered a nice twist to the movie it even includes commercials such as zombies apocalypse propaganda about re populating the earth, you know the good stuff. The plot is isn't anything to really talk about because it is what is, just a group of people killing zombies, running and hiding from zombies and being by eaten zombies.

But the acting is good, it's above average for this kinda movie and the special effects are well executed with a nice mix of practical effects and modern computer effects. Now the story gets a little boring in parts, the camera sometimes shakes a little to much and the propaganda commercials gets a little annoying at times. But overall not a bad movie just don't expect much from it and you might like it.
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More like road re-kill...
MrGKB28 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
...this brainless action/horror product apparently gave a number of solid B-movie actors the opportunity to tour beautiful Sofia, Hungary. Oh, and make a shaky-cam movie. The results are mixed, and mostly forgettable, despite a veneer of $9.5mil in production quality. The gimmick is a reality show in the near future after an 85% fatal zombie apocalypse. Manhattan is a quarantine zone into which a camera- embedded SWAT team is inserted in search of some nefarious secret project. The story borrows tropes from across the spectrum, mashing them together into nothing special. The acting is okay, the pace is mostly good, but the plotting and dialog are routine and disengaging. This is video game level material. Fine entertainment for the indiscriminate zombie junkie, but otherwise pure make work.
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Would you lime to know more?......
FlashCallahan18 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
After a Zombie Outbreak, the majority of the world's population has been wiped out.

The R-Division is trying to eliminate the last of the zombies to avoid a second and final outbreak and rebuild the worlds population. Their operation is filmed and shown on television as a reality show.

The seasoned sergeant commands a team of veteran soldiers and despite their experience, there are usually casualties.

When they decide to investigate a compound, they find an army with a horde of zombies.......

Re-Kill has been in limbo for almost four years now, so it's no surprise to find my new favourite straight to Blu-Ray action star in nothing more than an awfully clichéd supporting role, together with an awfully awful American accent.

An fate seeing this, it's quite clear why no one has picked it up, because despite the fact that the first act really sets this up to be a Starship Troopers-esque satire of zombie films with a found footage element to it.

And then it just all goes for a Burton, as it turns to nothing more than a shoot 'em up in the vein of the movie version of Doom starring The Rock, but with a lesser budget and the bad guy from Passenger 57 as some gung-ho conspiracy nut.

Every once in a while, the action stops for a commercial promoting the repopulation of the earth, also known as selling you a bit of cheeky cheeky.

Once or twice for the ad is funny, it looks like they made an effort to inject something different to a tiring sub genre, but then it's the same ad put differently over and over, and the gimmick begins to wear your patience.

In the end, it gets confusing as to who is who, why have they done that, and where are they going with the horde of zombies? But no, none of the answers are explained fully, and we are left with a sour taste of reality TV overload, which the film thinks was a clever idea.

So all in all, it's pretty poor effort, which is a shame, because it's a wonderful concept, and in the right hands, it could've been something special.

But Verhoeven already did it in 1997, and I doubt he'd want to repeat a mild success.

A sad waste.
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