The Monk and the Gun (2023) Poster

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lizardselbow23 October 2023
I'm going to talk about my opinion on this film in three aspects: plot, cinematography, and characters.

Plot: The story seeks to display the difficulties of accepting a major change that comes to Bhutan in the form of democracy. The people aren't aware of what or why it exists. The transition from traditional way of life to a modern one creates a sense of angst that is depicted nicely. But sometimes it did feel like too many side stories were left without a semblance of a resolution which made the movie feel incomplete.

Cinematography: The cinematography was 10/10. Bhutan was depicted very beautifully. The stupas and the mountains really captured what Bhutan 'feels' like.

Characters: The actors did justice to the characters they were given to play. However, I did feel that the movie was trying too many things trying to depict the backstory of too many characters but we, as viewers, never really got to know more about them as people.

At surface level, I knew who the characters were and what their role was, but they didn't feel fully fleshed out in terms of what drove them to be who they were. Some of the characters were depicted but had no purpose in the story at all and it left me confused as to why the movie touched on 1/10th of their story and left them hanging with nothing beyond that.

I also noticed that the characters in the movie were depicted simply. I wish the story did more to play with the ambiguousness that comes with being human. The range of emotions weren't depicted very well and it felt a bit flat to be honest. When any story introduces a character, viewers feel a compulsion to side with the character. There were too many characters and the story didn't linger on any of them long enough to make me feel the need to root for them. I also feel that the movie needs some gray and morally ambiguous characters for the same reason. Benji was coming close to being that but the story didn't really dwell deep enough to flesh him out. Characterization needed a bit more work but actors did their parts brilliantly.

All in all, this movie (obviously) shows a lot of improvement in the step the entertainment industry is taking in Bhutan. Telling a story about human issues which not only affects individuals but impacts the nation as a whole is always a step in the right direction.
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Watch Until the End!
thalassafischer29 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly I thought this film would be more inspirational or spiritual but it's primarily a mundane documentary-style fictionalized view of the changes that occurred in the government of Bhutan during the 2000s. It is definitely beautiful to look at but the music isn't even great, the "Bhutanese pop" song was played over and over and sounded more like a Western "new country" song from the time period. Ugh. Lots of shots of crappy network style television and people being trained to hold a mock election. The subtitles are also not great on the Amazon version. Also the white guy is a terrible actor.

But the overall message of the film and end scenes are very good.
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everyone has their own mission
ksf-29 June 2024
In 2006, the king of bhutan abdicated, and allowed a new form of democracy to exist. So the high lama asks tashi the monk to bring him two guns, "to make things right". At about the same time, an american antique collector is looking for a very old rifle, which he has heard is in the farmlands, and has made an offer on the rifle. But when the american returns with the money, he learns the farmer has already given the gun to the monk. When the murrican catches up with the monk, the negotiations begin. Who will win out? And what does the high lama want with guns? Election day will be on the full moon. But most of the villagers can't understand why the king would give up his power. And since they don't know the date of their birth, most of them can't vote anyway. The james bond movie or the theme song is playing in the background, in several scenes.... now that they have television. A fun story. And a lesson in humanity. Directed by pawo choyning dorji. Bhutan is next to tibet, between china and india. Based on the abdication of the king of bhutan, as described in wikipedia dot org. Good stuff.
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A Calming Chaos.
iamphuntsho18 September 2023
The King abdicates his throne, and the election officials usher the clueless community members of the village of Ura into the age of democracy with a mock election. The story unravels with a family caught up in the new shift, a monk in search of a gun for his Master before the full moon, and an American antique gun collector with his young guide.

The movie features a wide array of Bhutanese artists, talents, and creative individuals on various levels and capacities along with the finest production a Bhutanese movie has ever seen. The cast includes seasoned Bhutanese actors, new faces, and local individuals who are either playing the characters they are or have transformed into a completely different characters. With Bhutanese music in the background, the beautiful valley of Ura, a number of cameos from unexpected stars, and centered around Bhutan's innocent ignorance of the past, we learn so much about Bhutan.
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Guns, Monks, and Democracy: A Bhutanese Journey
carissanimah17 October 2023
A beautiful, feel good movie from the director of Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom. The film captures a moment in time when Bhutan is transitioning to democracy (told through the parallel journeys of an American tourist and young Bhutanese monk). It also showcases Bhutanese culture, people and society. The film is fun, funny, irreverant, smart and full of phalluses! There are layers of meaning around democracy, buddhism and the influence of western values on this himalayan kingdom. The script is superb, the cinematography is beautiful, and I love the casting of one of Bhutan's biggest music stars as the main character (the monk). Love this!
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A must see for all, seriously!
kuzuzangpola18 January 2024
All I can say is, once in a generation, a genius person, like Director Pawo Choying shows up on the planet, and offers another treat to movie goers.

Why do supposedly great films need to be always sad, heavy and you leave the hall rather not so happy. Pawo's movie "The Monk And The Gun" is not that kind of movie. It is a feel-good one that is for everyone and relevant across all language and cultures. A good dose of suspense, comedy, satire based on a factual story. One must have accumulated good 'Karma' to be able to watch it. The world would be a much better place if most people view this movie. You will do yourself a big favor by watching this movie just as how I felt when I saw it at the Palm Springs film fest. Enjoy!
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Symbolic representation and perspective
Milaaaaaa16 October 2023
I really don't know how to critique a movie or anything so I'll just say what I felt. When I saw the title of the movie, the first thing in my head was why is a monk and a gun together? And the reveal as I watched the movie and how everything came together was a beautiful symbolic representation and perspective to everything in our lives I'd say. The movie was set around the time democracy was introduced in Bhutan and I was just a kid that time so I remember not understanding much about it and didn't realise that our country was changing. Seeing the movie gave me a glimpse of how it went down and it was so fun to watch. Lastly Tandin Sonam I love you no homo, your character was my favourite.
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Fantasyland, not smart and witty
greggman30 March 2024
What I liked. Seeing Bhutan. It's very beautiful, at least through the lens of the cinematographer for this movie.

What I didn't like is the "message". It seems there's supposed to be some lesson. Lessons like "Why do we need elections? All they cause is arguing and hate. We should just go back to having a King and forgetting about who makes the rules and what those rules are as we'd all be happier"

This only works if everyone is the same culture, same religion, same values. So apparently viewers buying into this message have something in common with white supremacists who push for such a situation where they push out diversity and inclusiveness because if you're a homogeneous monoculture/religion/race then, in general, everyone gets along.

As an example, homosexuality was illegal in Bhutan until 2021 (this movie is supposed to be taking place in 2006). So yea, if you wanted someone to represent LGBT rights but followed the message of this movie you'd never get them.

I don't consider myself either right or left but my gut says the people who love this movie are on the left and yet the message is about as far to the right as is possible. Just do whatever makes everyone happy! Yea, except that only works if everyone has the same things that make them happy and that only happens in monocultures.
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A call to make things right
kyipachu29 October 2023
It is a call to make things right before it's too late. I have the potential to set my values and principles right. We have the potential to set our community and country right. Together we can set the course of humanity right.

It was Pawo's way of performing Pacham (dance of heroes) with a modern and powerful tool of filmmaking to enlighten individuals and bring peace to the world, which makes it so transformative and enlightening to watch & experience. It is equally entertaining.

The film captured the real essence of Buddhist principles, the vision of Bhutan, and the richness of Bhutanese culture. A must-watch film to receive the gift of innocence in times of ignorance.
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I loved the movie!!!
choniselden17 October 2023
Democracy is usually fought for. But for the Bhutanese, like shown in the movie, democracy came as a gift from it's King to his people. The movie gives us a glimpse of how the Bhutanese got democracy without any violence.

The ending of the film echoes the Bhutanese stubbornness in staying rooted, and their refusal to let the outsiders dictate how to feel about the changing times. Pawo made an excellent portrayal of the threat of western influence that comes with Democracy, with the character of Lopen Ron, however, he is left baffled and defeated by the country's eccentricities. The Bhutanese, very humbly and poetically expresses it's confidence in it's uniqueness.

Ron getting handed a Bhutanese symbol of strength and power in stead of the typical weaponry he is a fan of, is the best! This scene reiterates how the Bhutanese will continue to change with the changing times, yet still remain quaintly Bhutanese. Loved it!!!!!
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A lovely humorous ode to a happy nation in change
mfasman30 September 2023
This lovely film depicts Bhutans transition to democracy through portrayals of villagers living peacefully in the remote hills within a humorous story of a visiting American trying to do a business deal with people for whom money is all but meaningless. Gorgeous scenery and terrific performances from a mainly unprofessional cast of locals.the director captures his love of his native country, the only one with a Gross Happiness Index. He greatly respects the simplicity of the villagers life while showing that democracy isn't a given, it must be taught and given meaning to a country whose life under a revered King has been at peace and harmony for centuries.
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Not One Wasted Movement
raiumangdeep3 November 2023
I went and watched the film in the cinema, and I honestly believe that the film is amazing. With gorgeous scenery, a great story, relatable characters, and amazing acting by the cast, the movie is a true treat that has to be seen in the theatre. The one feature that stands above all is the cinematography by the director.

The cinematography is simply peak cinema, with not a single wasted movement; the movie does it's role of keeping the audience in their seats very well. The cast is distributed throughout the story without too much focus on one character (why do it when the story is of this caliber); something that we do not see in many films today.

The characters are well fleshed out, and the symbolism is quite interesting (although I don't think I got 100% of the allusions). The satire and comedic beats do not miss - again without over exaggeration - the comedy is well timed, generating a response from me and the other viewers at the cinema.

The best thing about the movie is the cinematography, and to see how well-directed it is, an experience at the cinema is not one to miss.
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Nicely done
omtashey28 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A unique portrayal of Bhutanese culture and tradition as never seen before. This film has beautifully captured the minute details of a small country like ours. The whole elections conundrum has also been showcased with delicate care and precision. A good watch and a strong recommendation.

The movie has four different stories opening up simultaneously and the way they re connected at the end of the movie is so beautiful. The main actor tandin has portrayed the character of monk nicely. The comedy in the film is also very unique and subtle making it a fitting official submission to the Oscars from Bhutan.
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Incredible work
lakeychowing11 December 2023
Incredible work and a proud moment for Bhutanese, Bhutan and film-making from this part of the world.

Spectacular interweaving of themes, characters, emotion, spiritualism, symbolism, and the very core of the Bhutan and her cultural significance and perhaps, its relevance in this day and age.

Story-telling at a different level.

Every single artiste bears out their roles. And the spectacular visual vista of beautiful Bumthang that's superbly captured.

Best wishes at the Oscars. May Pema Lingpa himself and the ever-watchful guardians of Pelden Drukpa all collectively shower their love and blessings.
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Peaceful Takeover
vietjunglejoe24 March 2024
Harold and Maude had been my favorite from 1990 until this very moment after watching this film. It is about a subject very close to home and far away. It is about the pain involved in becoming a modernized country and changing from old ways to supposedly better modern ways. Bhutan has been a country that I have wanted to visit since 2007, but as of yet, I haven't gone. Now this movie has everything I want from a film, subtle comedy, an engrossing, interesting plot which twists and thickens like butter-tea and believable characters throughout. This movie is more than brilliant, it's a must see for everyone on the planet Earth, especially my fellow Americans who think they have everything figured out.
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Scenic lesson
ngawanggakic23 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Despite being such a lesson packed movie I love that it doesn't slack on the visuals. The valley of Ura is shown in its glorious beauty and it takes me back to when I was but a kid! I love how it made me laugh and it reminded of the things that really matter.

I like the cyclic plot to the movie where it begins and ends with the same scene and I feel this kind of reminded me that life goes on no matter what. Despite seeming detached and apathetic it makes me think that no matter what this isn't the end.

I watched this in the hike of my common exams as a treat from my brother and I feel that this was the exact pick me up for me. Made me look for a brighter tomorrow.
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A Hidden Gem
billcr124 April 2024
I do not know how to review this remarkable movie from Bhutan. It should have won the Best Foreign Film at the Oscars. The country was one of the last ones to introduce voting to a public used to being ruled by a monarchy.

The leader decided to give the citizens the right to vote for their leader and it is the main focus of the story along with a Buddhist monk who has requested a gun for some undisclosed reason.

Enter an American arms dealer willing to hand over hard cash for a Civil War antique owned by an underling of the head monk.

What follows is a concise script with an uncanny examination of worldwide politics and real family values.

Do not miss this hidden gem.
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olgayaleo7297 April 2024
Bravo, Pawo Choyning Dorji! Why are you so little known in the West? A lovely, simple film that is thought-provoking and makes at least me question my lifestyle and long for something that doesn't seem to exist in the realms of "modernization" anymore. Why do we turn from "Gross Happiness" to "Gross" and gimme, gimme, gimme, when all that it seems to bring us is neurosis, unhappiness, avarice, selfishness, a hunger for "more" in the hopes that it will lessen all of these negative emotions? Makes me long for simplicity, contentment, gratitude, family, community...Lovely acting, beautiful cinematography of even more beautiful landscapes. Ironic that the only way (to my knowledge) to watch this captivating film is through the mega-monster, Amazon, the emperor of greed. And Bhutan decided to go modern? Heartbreaking that the last vestige of compassion and peace is hellbent on following us, the bastion of unhappiness and greed...A must-see film.
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A beautiful mix of poignance, humour and breathtaking cinematography
yogeshvk-3572123 May 2024
The first ever Bhutanese film I saw was, 'Lunana: A Yak in the classroom'. It was such a pleasant experience. This is the second film by the same director and it is certainly matching the high expectations set by the first film.

The cinematography is simply breathtaking. Anyone watching this film would feel the urge to visit Bhutan at least once in life.

The acting is very natural. Background score has a calming influence on the entire film.

The biggest strength according to me is the plot. The story is set on the background of transition of Bhutan from monarchy to democracy. Rural folks are yet to completely understand the concept of democracy. Election officials are trying to increase voter registration. On this background, you have a monk with mysterious desire to get hold of 2 guns. I simply couldn't guess how all these threads would tie together in the climax. But it is an unexpectedly satisfying and delightful conclusion.

I will certainly look forward to more movies from Bhutan!
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Family and social tensions attend introduction of democracy
maurice_yacowar28 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The moral of this charming fable is loud and clear: Our bellicose international politic has lost all sense of humanity, responsibility, sense, justice. Man's ostensible progress has proved a disaster. Thus America, the democracy that leads the free world, is defined as "the land of Lincoln and JFK" - and by implication Robert K and MLK and all the other myriad martyrs to even domestic and playground gunshot.

Yet the film is also rich in subtleties. Its quiet narrative frame is Nature. Our young hero monk walks across a field of blowing grain in the first scene. In the last he walks away through an even richer field of flowers. There he leaves a dark lane in the field behind him. But that lane closes over as the flowers bend back. Nature survives man's passage. It even erases his mark.

In the subplot a little girl's lack of an eraser gets her a teacher's scolding and torn papers, as she tries to emend an error with her hanky. The election officer gifts her an eraser but it's returned because the girl sees the government has more need to correct their mistakes than she has. Out of the mouths of babes.... The child has also lost her playmates and friends because of her father's choice of politician in the looming initial election. The effect of the "modern democracy" is to fragment the formerly harmonious society, down even to the level of family. The wife is torn between her mother's politics and her husband's.

Of course the film's key "eraser" is the rifle, which the plot amplifies into AK-47s. The plot's focus on rifles and their escalation sets us up for a conventional Hollywood shoot-em-up. But here the Ugly American is just a Meh American, commissioned to find and buy a rare antique rifle.

When we expect the Lama wants his guns to shoot up the invading election system we expose our Hollywood mindset. No, this Lama comes to bury gunfire not to praise it. By the plot's ironic twist, the American falls into step. Bhutan earns the happy ending in its new post-monarchical beginning - preferring peace and harmony over mortal ambition.
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