Teen Wolf: The Movie (2023) Poster

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Derek Ending *Spoilers*
lesconteschristina6 February 2023
Derek's wretched ending was the absolute worst thing about this movie. I literally cannot fathom why they thought this was OK. He deserved so much better than that. I could have forgiven the awful villain(s), the absence of Stiles Stilinski ( at least the Sheriff was around), Allison coming back from the dead like it's no big deal etc. Really, I could have forgiven this movie many, many sins, but the disrespect towards Derek is too much. Yes, the creator said it was supposed to be heroic or some such nonsense, but Derek deserved a happy ending. Was this a happy ending? No, no it was not. I'm so angry.
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Well...not so well (done). Decent idea, but rushed and stuffed.
meyweder28 January 2023
To keep it short: -watched it because I am a fan of the show -mediocre script, lines, cuts, scenes, new characters(old characters that are simply brought back just to stand there...yes I'm talking about Liam) and overall everything because it is rushed to pack everything in one go. It wasn't enough to make a series so (probably because of money too) they just stuffed everything in a movie.

A miniseries would have been better than to rush everything and get so many illogical actions and plot holes.

The idea behind was not horrible, but how it was done it did a great injustice to the franchise since it could've been handled better.
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Adults doing teen drama
chebaicheb28 January 2023
When I first heard there will be a teen wolf movie, I was so excited because I liked -and still-the series so much, I consider it my guilty pleasure. I started watching it in my teen years so I was so attached to it, and when I rewatched it recently preparing for watching the movie, I didn't like the last couple seasons as much as did the first time. Because I felt the actors were too old to play the characters, and the plot, events were a bit "teeny". I was hoping since they're doing the movie on streaming service they won't have a problem with going over the age limit (Visually and plot wise), they won't be limited like they were. But it turned out they used only the f-word from the manual. I was very disappointed, The same old plot meets the same old drama. The only good thing was seeing the cast reunited once again (minus 1 or 2 characters) and that's it.
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Good enough, but not great
Dannyboi9426 January 2023
The Teen Wolf TV show was a pretty good series, especially the first 3 seasons, with season 3 being brilliant. Like seriously, season 3 of Teen Wolf had no right to be as good as it was. Season 4-6 were, fine, not bad, not great. The Teen Wolf Movie is more or less the same. There are plently of great things here and there in this movie, but overall, it falls short on many aspects. It's not bad by any means, but it just feels like 2 episodes of the original show mashed into 2.5 hours. It doesn't feel like a movie, and that comes down to the direction and very weird editing. Being 2.5 hours long, this 'movie' feels very rushed, especially during the first half an hour. We bounce between our old main characters, and don't really spend all that much time with them within their normal lives. The movie could have spared more time to show us what these great characters have been doing for the past 5 years, or 7 years in the movie. Not much happens action wise, not until the last act, but even then the action scenes are very underwhelming. Scott, Malia, Derek, Peter, Chris and Lydia do almost nothing throughout the entire movie. Allison is pretty much the main character here. While she isn't bad, and the way they brought her back wasn't too far fetched by Teen Wolf standards, I feel like they spent too much time with her, and not with our main heroes. Which makes me believe this movie should have been a mini series with maybe 6 episodes. To flesh out the story a little better. What made the original show so brilliant, was its characters. Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Allison, Coach and Sheriff Stilinski are brilliant, but here they feel so under used, with the execption of Allison.

A lot of the main characters from the original show are just there for show, like Jackson and Mason, who do absolutely nothing, and I feel like Jackson was just there to sort of replace Stiles as the comic relief. Which of course brings me to the biggest complaint. No Stiles. (Sigh). We all know Dylan wasn't coming back, and I was expecting the movie to feel empty without him, and it sure does. Without Stiles this movie feels hollow, it has no heart. You can't bring back the best villains in the series, and not have Stiles, who played such a vital part in that storyline back in season 3. It just doesn't make sense. The excuse for him not turning up was pretty lame as well. There is a main death in this movie, and I saw it coming months ago, but the way it was handled was poor. It didn't feel emotional like I was expecting it to be. Just rushed, and by the end of it, I felt nothing at all. Not having Kira and replacing her with a cardboard cut out, was also irritating. Hikari was clearly supposed to be Kira, so when we see this random girl appear, we feel nothing at all, and her screen time with Liam is non existant, which can be frustrating, since the movie wants us to believe they are a couple.

Those are the main issues with the movie. Now I know it seems like I'm dumping on this film hard, but there are loads of good things here. The acting, especially by Tyler is very good. He's really upped his skills as an actor since the original show and he does a fantastic job and showing his emotion and pain on screen. The fight scenes, while sparse are well filmed. The Nogitsune is again, a great villain. They handled the whole thing very well, and if you brush up on your history and rewatch season 1-3, the villain elevates even more. There are also some really good scenes with Scott and Allison, some of which could put a lump in your throat. Their on screen relationship during the original show was outstanding, and is one of the best TV relationships. And Teen Wolf The Movie does a pretty decent job with it.

So in all, the movie is good, not great, but better than most movies made from a TV show. It would have benefitted from being a mini series, to have had more fight scenes, but it's still a good watch. If you loved the original show, then you will of course, really enjoy this. Hopefully we get another movie, or maybe a series in the future, because I forgot just how much I like these characters, and have kinda missed them.

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Sad Face!
neilmc-1587129 January 2023
I'm a huge Teen Wolf Nerd so it's hard for me to say this but the film didn't work!

The reason The series worked so well was character development throughout the season/season's so in a film in which you have 2 hrs something to skip 16 years into the future you need to bring us up to date a little!

Eli - no character info! Just that he's Derek's son and hates transforming since seeing his dad do so as a toddler (don't add new characters if you can't give the time to the backstory!) Who's his mum?

Styles not being in it - reason kinda weak! Would have gone with don't involve this time due to the history with the villan!

Gaps in story! Malia (not with Scott where they ended the series?) Why... What happened? Just jumped to her having sex with Parish (again no backstory or context) Her performance as a side note was unnatural and awkward!

Scott - what's happened to him...why doesn't he have a pack anymore at the start of the film, why is he depressed and down... No context again...see a theme here?

Sheriff Stalinski has some how learned hand to hand combat!

We have a villan who was sacrificed and somehow came back to life without ...(what am I going to say?) Thats right! Back story or context!

Listen I hope they make more I really do! I loved this series and wish it continued for a bit longer but the film sucks it's rushed the writing isn't up to JD standard the story telling wasn't there! The cast seemed a tad weird... Lydia (Hollen Rodan) looked like she's not acted for years and had ring rust, I mentioned Shelley as looking awkward and uncomfortable the whole film! And Alison (please don't have and more work done! For goodness sake!) Face was too tight to even smile! And she was already incredibly stunning before the work!

Peter Hale didn't fit or really nail his old characteristics was a bit over the top! Must have been in theatre between series and film... Derek nailed the film though Tyler Hochelin hats off! One saving grace!
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If you're a huge fan of the show...
lisajoann8830 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers

It's not a good film! Tbhb it's actually terrible! I'd suggest expect the worst and you may be happy!

It doesn't continue on from the last episode. It does t do a lot of things we wish it had done! When it starts it's 15 years later 🤦‍♀️ literally 15 years later!!! That's already an issue! I thought that meant Just skip ahead to Liam and his pack.... Nope ... absolutely ridiculous! Liam is basically non existent in the film! The film is bloody awful!!!!im gonn have to keep saying that I've rand over til I get to the minimum amount of characters to be able to post!!!!
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jcdw-8887826 January 2023
Okay... let's start off right at the beginning of the movie, where we see a man in a hoodie with his face covered and we spent half the movie trying to figure out who that might be and when we finally do, it's just disappointing and it makes no sense that that man is brought back 'cause his reason is just stupid and quite fabricated. Then we have Eli, who doesn't have an explanation to how he's got here and who the other parent is, one of many lack of context plots in this.

Malia, who just like in season 6 didn't have ANY purpose in this movie but to be someone else's love interest. Then there's Scott... that you know, didn't change at all. There was no character development whatsoever and it's just getting old. And well, the last death of the movie was just... no.

There was so much repetition and the script didn't help it. Many things could've been explored, like Hikari's power, Liam and Mason's friendship, which was put aside and some other things that deserved more screen time.

I'm tired of being stuck in what could've beens so, I hope this is the last of it but I guess the movie is about not worrying about the past and to be honest, I'll do the same when it comes to what I just watched.
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Despite the low reviews I actually enjoyed the movie
baepatton22 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe it's because I'm not a huge critic or inherently negative BUT I loved the film. The main thing for me was, Stiles wouldn't be returning for the film, besides that I thought it was thrown together well especially with how long ago the show was aired? I loved teen wolf growing up and was so excited when they announced the movie. Everyone in the reviews is like "it was so rushed", "it wasn't where it was six years ago", "mediocre lines/bad acting" like bffr? I thought it was put together well, I mean its a freaking movie it's not going to have a slow burn effect like that if a tv series? You can only cram so much into one movie? They added a majority of the original characters, I mean even JACKSON was there. To be honest I'm really surprised of all the low ratings because everyone I grew up with that watched this enjoyed it and had no bad things to say about it. It felt like teen wolf to me when I watched, the overall vibes. I do think they didn't have the budget that they were expecting when they first started the project to create this movie and maybe that's why everyone is so bummed because of there high expectations however I really do think they did well with what they had. It really gave me a nostalgic feeling while watching and totally makes me want to re-watch the series. If you were a teen wolf fan, and your on the fence about seeing this movie because of all the bot reviews. I'd add it your watchlist. I've watched BAD movies or BAD remakes and this isn't one of them.
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Without Dylan O Brien it misses it's charm
dummiejo-9091831 July 2023
I think all valid points made by other posters about the story plot holes, but honestly I didn't remember how the story ended exactly since a few years have past from the last time I watched it.

The biggest boomer for me was that they managed to bring back almost all the cast except the one, that generally is considered the star of the show. Without him, humour was less funny and I also think he elevates the acting level of the whole group. It's like Batman without Batman or Black Panther without Black Panther (which Hollywood actually did)

If you don't care much about the old story and accept everything as told, it's actually an entertaining watch. Not bad for a low budget production which I guess was made purely out of nostalgia and love for the product.

Liked the ending given.
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My One Star Rating Is Not An Exageration.
DYouKnowWhatIMean5 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Every piece of this cobbled-together mishmash of video game-esque character hero shots oozes of amateur sweat and tears. There is no aspect of this film that is commendable or even teetering on the edge of being good, let alone competent. This is more like a year long senior high school theater production. There's barely any movement in scenes, as if they are stuck on a tiny stage. They probably are!

At times, it does not even seem like the characters are filming together, but rather phoning it in from their rundown green screened bedroom. They couldn't even bother to match the lighting of the scenery with the lighting of the characters in them. It creates a horrible effect that takes you out of every single scene because it highlights the fakery of it all.

The acting might be the strongest feature here, but it's still sub-par. Everybody knows this project is DoA. They're here for the paycheck and it shows. Nobody is giving it their all.

The plot ... what plot? I guess you could say it's a sort of-but not really re-tread of season 03, but without the best parts. There's really not any logic to it. Things happen. Why? Often there is no reason. Things just happen and characters react. And then we forget about what happened. And more things happen that make no sense, because why not just keep flinging poo at the wall?


There is a character that nearly dies 4 times in this film, and when this character finally does, you don't care at all, because you expect it not to be true, they've desensitized you to the gravity the death ought to bring. Fail.

The action is awful. There is no choreography. It's just free for all. It's like they sat the actors down and told them to do their best at pretend fighting. And that's what they filmed.

There is literally nothing here to enjoy. Nothing to appreciate. It is not worth your money or your time. If you are a fan of the series, it's most advised that you don't watch this, because at best it's a pale imitation of what we got in the show. And it's not like the show is a cinematic masterpiece either.

Apparently, there is a sensible reason for all of this madness. They filmed the majority of this movie without a script. The script wasn't finished until filming had nearly wrapped up. Wow.

So yeah.

Teen Wolf: The Movie is TRASH. Don't watch it.
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So many mad reviews, but hey yall gave them your eyes so the joke is you
spaghetti00713 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Teen Wolf the tv show is and was and will always be an epic piece of MTV art. When i heard they were making a movie, I was definitely happy. I mean its like Endgame, most of the ogs are here. Sure Stiles isnt but if there ever is a Teen Wolf Too (get Jason Bateman on the phone right now!) Then maybe O'Brien could show up, unfortunately i will say his no-show sucks. I wish he was in it but he at least stays booked in Hollywood. Now as for Crystal Reed... Gawww is she still gorgeous or what? This is a show okay?? All of you crybabies are too far deep in this show about fictional werewolves. Spoilers: Im sad Tyler Hoechlin is no longer Derek, but he is Superman... So check his show out then? And if not rewatch all of his filmography.

Idc if the "lore" isnt loring with the original show. Im just glad we got the band back together. You all shouldn't review bomb or give a negative review on this movie just because its not keeping up with the show.. go rewatch the show then. Im sure Jeff Davis will continue to appreciate the view count. Bringing Allison back is the coolest thing ever. Bringing almost everyone back is the coolest thing ever.


I'd say this is an awesome follow up or "where have they been" kinda film.

Btw Orny still being Coach is just chef's kiss.

This film satisfied me and imma rewatch TW now. As for Wolf Pack.. yall go watch that then instead of this if that'll shut ya up.

S/O to Jackson for looking so damn good in that outfit he wore alongside Peter. Spiffy fellas.

Stay mad for a movie about werewolves yall. Yalls diapers need change bad. Lol.
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F Bomb
eoinpgeary26 January 2023
Here is to the 100 F bombs in this one hahahaha

Okay, I haven't watched Teen Wolf the series in a long time but what I remembered was I liked it but by the end it was the usual teen drama sort of thing. The movie is a good mix I think.

What I did like was the cast, having loads of familiar faces back is nice, I liked being back in Beacon Hills.

The story itself was decent enough, a few different things going on, Sherif, coach, Jackson and Derek are all highlights in this one for me.

The action was okay, i thought the effects would have been better to be honest. Also the whole brining back Alison thing, I feel that kind of undermines the whole point of a large section of the show. And the show has done it too but, idk I am a mixed bag on that one.

I did like the evil characters coming back too but maybe some new evil force might have been good too.

I did thing it was a little cheesy at times but I guess it's geared to the audience that loved every season and fair enough.

I didn't not like it but I didn't love it, a decent watch, hopefully we get a bit more from this world again.
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Horrible cash grab. Ruined years of character development and relationships. If you're a fan of Teen Wolf please avoid this
Neptune16530 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I absolutely loved the Teen Wolf TV show and had the same expectations. Unfortunately, this movie was not up to par. It felt rushed and not well thought out. It seemed like maybe the creators didn't have a full idea of what they wanted when filming. Or maybe they are trying to collect a paycheck while doing as little work as possible. They tried to touch base on why some characters were missing, which they did ok with. I did enjoy all the characters being brought together, but I felt like many characters that were once main characters were now just side characters. They could have been taken out and the story would go unchanged. It was disappointing that they didn't have more important roles. But I understand there is a limited amount if time for the movie. Maybe a TV show would have been a better route. The writers seem to brought very few new ideas to the table when making this film. They just rehashed old storylines, I was really hoping for something significantly new. Easter eggs and nods to the past are fun, but not a reskin of old content. The ending was the most upsetting. It felt like the writers are just trying to really make fans upset. Or maybe they just didn't care what fans thought. Taking a character that was there from the beginning, a mentor to the others, and being like "eh, let's just get rid of him. It'll be fine." Well, it's not fine. Taking a movie that feels mediocre and giving it an upsetting ending wasn't great. The movie never seemed to redeem itself. I was really upset the first time I watched it. But I decided to watch it again with different expectations... but I was still disappointed. I'm gonna go back and watch the show and pretend this movie never happened.
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"A llove letter to the fans"
JJace9926 January 2023
It was said this movie would be a love letter to the fans, I'd say in occasions that's true. It's not bad, but also not necessarily good. Derek & Eli steal the show, or better said movie. Scott remains Scott, which is good, but there are some dumb storylines here and there, and you'd wish to see more from some characters, some just feel they're there to be there rather than have a true meaning in the movie. Nonetheless, it's quite enjoyable. I'd say it's on par with season 4, not better than 1-3 & 6A, definitely better than 5 and 6B. They kinda messed up a storyline with the returning villain that didn't make all too much sense for me, but I guess it's something you have to take with it.
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roroag26 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Regrettably this is one of the worst movie follow ups to a tv show i have ever seen, it completely ruins any character other than allison, this movie was clearly just a cash grab and an attempt at "fixing" scallison, whilst ruining every other couple the show ended with. Very poor writing, plot lines and literally just everything.

I don't even like stiles and lydia together all that much, but even I can see that breaking them up makes no sense, and pushing malia into a relationship with parrish for no reason is just bizarre, it's like they can't let female characters just be single and they have to force them with whatever male character is left available, just like they did with malia again at the end of the show with scott.
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Lots of Plot Holes, But I still Enjoyed It.
lornak-1800828 January 2023
I loved the series on MTV and was sorry to see it end. I heard yesterday that there was a movie and that was exciting to me. About 10 minutes in I literally said out loud "This is really badly written." But I stuck with it and ended up mostly enjoying it. Maybe because of nostalgia? Seeing all the characters from the series? Yeah, mostly those reasons. I really missed Stiles being missing from the movie because he was my favorite character. However, so many old characters are back and all are utilized at some point. There's so much violence and pretty much non-stop action that there's not a lot of room for more character development or getting to know what everyone has been up to other than Scott, Derek and Lydia. Derek's son Eli was a welcome addition to the show as a 15 year old werewolf that can't yet change and is very much the klutz.

I do have to say that I still am not sure who the bad guy is or what he's so mad about. If he's from the series, I sure don't remember him although he looked vaguely familiar. All the nursery rhyme questions made no sense to me either. That definitely needed explaining. People show up places out of the blue and that didn't make sense either. All this aside, it kept my attention and I loved seeing all the characters. I thought it was worth it to watch. 6.5 stars!
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Truly awful
grangeheights28 January 2023
I tried so very hard to enjoy this. What I became aware of pretty quickly was how the soundtrack was being used to create tension. Nothing unusual there. But in this case, the soundtrack being used is just not very good and begins to intrude on what is basically a vapid script and a story that is going to plod along for much of the huge length of this mess. It just goes on for hours. This should have been a 90 minute gorefest seems as original fans are all grown up. Instead it's just kind of nothing. It's just a really bad film that you'll be losing the will to live with long before it finally ends.
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Such a disappointment.
tylorjessica7 June 2023
As a lover of the teen wolf series, I'm majorly dissapointed in this movie. I feel like the teen wolf franchise would have been better off without this movie. The plot made no sense at all because of how rushed and all over the place the movie was as a whole. Not even going to mention the horrible CGI. I really feel like this either should have been created as a continuation of the series or just not made at all. The relationships between the characters felt superficial and pointless. It's really a shame since the series was so good. I wouldn't even give this one star to be honest, I really wish that this was done better.
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Was great to see everyone back on screen
neomitaylor23 March 2023
Im a huge fan of teen wolf and shocked to see so many other fans leave such awful reviews! Of course it isn't going to the same WOW as a whole series. The movie had a lot thrown in a short space, and I do wish that we had more time to revisit everyone in the future, but what we got was amazing and I think it was fantastic to see everyone back together! Stiles should have been there though, can't believe he was such a let down for the movie, you should never forget where you came from.

I hope this isn't the end for teen wolf. I just wish they hadn't left it so long, and made more series, I feel like there was so much more that could have happened and loads of story lines had so much more to give.
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An Enjoyable but Uninspired follow up
leeleejensen26 January 2023
I, like I assume the vast majority reading this, was a huge fan of teen wolf when it was air. I started watching after season 1 finished and loved the series. I was hesitant approaching this film with the marketing and casting disasters, as well as the fact I don't have complete faith in Jeff Davis. That said, I actually found the film to be very enjoyable. The plot was somewhat thin, and at times felt like an extended episode of the series as opposed to a standalone film, but it had enough substance to keep me engaged. It obviously had a healthy dollop of fan service (and probably even more cheese than the series), with the vast majority of the original cast returning, and the return of a certain character was actually handled pretty well. If you're a fan of the series I think you will enjoy the film, but don't expect a masterpiece, because it certainly has it's flaws too.
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impressive how they managed to sneak under low expectations
insaneular-2118628 January 2023
Look, i loved teen wolf for what it was. It wasn't a masterpiece but it was FUN. I didn't have high expectations for this movie coming in and it's wild how much it fell beneath my very low bar.

It was nice to see the actors i love from various roles on the show. Sadly not a single one had a meaningful role or presence in this movie. Not one. Not even scott or allison. It was laughable how obviously they had to write around Kira not being there thanks to Arden Cho having the good sense and self respect to turn down this role. The plot was so obviously structured around her character and made no sense with the stand-in replacement they added (not that it would've made a TON of sense with Kira either, but a little more). The nogitsune isn't compelling without Dylan O'Brien there, and even aside from any desires i might've had for the characters being fulfilled/unfulfilled... the quality all around was far worse than the TV show, somehow. Dialogue, music, directing, story, effects, all of it was somehow dumber and cheesier than the show which again, was not some prestigious cinematic thing in the first place.

I was ready to cheer on a mediocre follow up but this was just too bad to even enjoy. And ABSURDLY LONG for how bad it was.
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bzxkvjvw27 January 2023
Now this movies is just Amazing! Love the story to this and the cast wow they are all so amazing. Loved the original show and this movie just took me back to the old days when I used to watched the show. So good! It is cool to see the cast all together again just more grown up besides Kira and stiles. The cast did an great job in this movie just like the show! It was alway one of my favorite shows the storyline and cast were just so good for the show. I am a bit sad from something that happens in the movie I will not say what but ughh why. I'd say definitely watch this movie if you liked the teen wolf show!
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Definitely Fan Service, but TV MA LOL
zacharyapple26 January 2023
I guess the movie was, what it was supposed to be. I felt it was overcrowded for my taste. The story had no build up, but I like the show, I gave it a 7. The question to me is TV MA??? Yes there was more language, then normal and sexual contact is 2 butts being shown. But definitely not TV MA. But whatever, if your a fan of the series watch it. If not don't try. Could of been a lot better!!! Like I said it just felt like someone wrote it over a weekend, and it just had no depth no feeling. You knew what was gonna happen before it actually happened. I just don't get it, why write something if your not gonna put all of yourself into it. You could tell Jeff Davis was more interested in "WOLF PACK" at this point.
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Stiles and Stydia fans beware
Jojothezebragirl26 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you're here for Allison/Scallison, I guess you're in the right place. Did I go in expecting to see Stiles? No. Did I expect them to completely destroy and burn every relationship he built in the show? No. Is that what they did? Yes indeed. Look, I have so much love for these characters and the actors, but this movie really was just a nostalgia cash grab with no real substance. The villains were cheap reboots. They sacrificed Stiles, Stydia, Kira, Derek, and the integrity of most of the characters to bring Allison back. There were better ways to save her. Two stars, one for Jackson, one for Greenberg. Otherwise, not worth the watch.
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There's a lot to like, but more to dislike
georgecumberlidge7 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Big fan of the series and was delighted to see a movie was made after it had been cancelled with more story to tell. However I felt like they did all those years and development a disservice.

Let's start with the positives:
  • Scott was great, made it feel nostalgic

  • I loved Derek (as usual), he nailed this one.

  • It was nice to have the gang back together, it felt like they picked up where they left off in terms of connection.

  • Some of the actors did really well to maintain their character development after 6 years off.

  • Loved having coach back in there (he hadn't changed a single bit).

  • I liked they kept lacrosse in the film, though could have done this bit better, like a lot of things it felt squeezed in.

Now the negatives:
  • Why oh why did they revisit a previous enemy, they had a chance to come up with something new and interesting, the writers here were really lazy.

  • Allison coming back felt really quite pointless. They also ruined her re-connection with Scott - wow they had so many opportunities with this reunion and it felt dragged out and diluted with no real 'moment', also her resurrection was a complete joke - bit of dirt and a sword at the old tree stump? Boom, job done.

  • Malia and Parish? I didn't like this, it felt very forced and pointless and put in there so that Scott could get back with Allison, honestly I would have left Allison out of it and kept Scott and Malia.

  • Hikari and Derek's son Eli - both great characters, absolute no storyline, just throw em in there for whatever reason.

  • Jackson's character - what on earth happened here? He was just in the background with Lydia acting like a complete arse, all his character development thrown out the window.

  • Lydia forgot how to act and just seemed depressed the whole movie.

  • I don't see how you can make this movie without Stiles.. his own reason for not being in it is the exact reason why it failed - it was too fast.

  • Peter Hale seemed out of place, missed their chance with a great character here.

  • The ending with Derek felt completely pointless, like the writers threw it in whilst they were filming the scene.

Overall it felt very rushed and too compact, they could have made this a 3 part series, created a new enemy, kept old relationships that I enjoyed the development of (Chris & Melissa, Scott & Malia, Stiles & Lydia). The writers and creators had the chance to nail this, instead it felt like an empty attempt.

If there's another movie or any follow up I will of course watch it, but I really hope they take the feedback from their fans.
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