Taurus (2022) Poster


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MGK has a Presence unlike any other!
jasmineayouby12 December 2022
Colton Baker is INCREDIBLE in this movie, he has an undeniable presence that is just so effortless and cool. Very rebel/rockstar vibes that was just so intriguing to watch. However, the movie was uneventful and kinda without any real plot. It just seemed like a day in the life of a drug addict rockstar. So if you don't mind that, it was a great watch! MGK really carried this movie with just his presence, he has this IDGAF attitude which is so intriguing with a bad boy, yet vulnerable side. Damn is he HOT when he's mad! Ok I'm done, 11/10 stars for MGK but movie-wise, maybe a 5/10, well acted and great scenes :)
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A Great Performance, a lack of depth in the writing
fiszion2 February 2023
As was to be expected with a kind of auto biopic of Machine Gun Kelly, there wasn't a whole lot of drama or depth to create a detailed and intriguing story with. That being said the performance delivered still made it enjoyable and realistic. With a better script based around the more dramatic tales from the Rap scene this could've been great. Never the less, it was produced well and for a music fan, it doesn't disappoint. As a movie fan don't go into it with the highest expectations and you will be satisfied. The music component of the film with integration of a songs conception, mixing and finalisation throughout is an amazing concept, one that was delivered well and could be used to great effect in other projects. Overall I see the film as not great but is good and groundbreaking in some ways. When looking back in a few years, it will hopefully be an acting and film turning point in Colson's career.
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Mildly interesting slice of a musicians life
hampersnow-4136912 February 2023
Have to admit I only watched this for MGK who I find mildly interesting. I don't like most of his music and if you go into this expecting to hear a bunch of his music, forget it, this movie is about one drug addicted star and their is little music to it. There isn't much of a story to it either, little character development, and it really just qualifies as a slice of life drama. In that instance it works. He's actually a fairly good actor even if he's not given much to do and that seems to be the main problem with this movie. There is no depth to it. We learn nothing about him, or really any of the characters. Maddie Hasson, who could be Florence Pugh's twin, steals the movie as the assistant. There are some well done and interesting scenes and the movie is well shot and scored. It comes across as a realistic look at one segment of the music and entertainment industry but it definitely needed more of everything, more plot, more drama, more dialogue, more background.
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Totally a let down
itzbabyhann9 January 2023
The vibes I got from this film are intitled rocker with absolutely zero accountability. I've struggled with mental health my whole life & can resonate with deep pain but the self-centered, entitled attitude this man seems to have in this film is beyond comprehension. I can understand being raw and putting yourself out there but the only vibes I got from this film is that this person is clearly allowing their mental illness to completely take over their life and make exuses for every poor choice they decide to make. Most definitely no inspiration to be found in this film , more then just pure embarrassment of the toxic behavior exused simply by "I'm a rockstar " give me a break.
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TerribleMovie16 January 2023
Do you like entertainment? Then this movie is NOT for you. It's boring from beginning to end. The main character is so unlikable and one note that you wish he would overdose within the first 15 minutes just so the movie can end. Wannabe Kurt Cobain is a drug addicted rock star. That's the plot. It's unoriginal, poorly acted, and it rivals paint drying in the entertainment department. Clearly MGK realizes he's never going to be Eminem so he's trying to be Kurt Cobain. He's just a copycat of other people. His acting range in this film goes between depressed and manic. You won't get anything else from the main character. What a BORING film.
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bekkiekershaw30 November 2022
Taurus is one of the worst films I have ever seen. As someone who has seen many films depicting mental health & addiction this must be one of the most one dimensional attempts ever made. MGK is desperate to portray himself as a broken angst ridden artist at the best of times. This film feels self absorbed and try hard. The dialogue is awful. The acting even worse. The scenes of drug use felt so text book with empty dialogue which felt meaningless and so Hollywood without any grit or emotion. Even if MGKs character is meant to be depressed I still should have felt some of the internal pain from the character and I felt nothing. There was no substance to anything in this film.
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Horrible mishmash of a movie
naq-18 November 2022
The idea of a Music Icon thrashing around and getting drunk and coked up endlessly should not be any big news or any groundbreaking sort of plot. But oddly enough, some studio execs thought that it was a big deal that Coleson (aka Machine Gun Kelly) was the lead was willing to be the messed-up character, that they had to put some unfortunate money behind it.

The result, as expected, is to make him out to be a total relentless asshole to everyone in his eyesight, especially the sweet and patient Assistant played by Maddie, who deserves as much credit as she can get for her acting chops in realistically portraying someone in the position of having to deal with the ridiculous antics of the spoiled "genius" she has to babysit.

The most hilarious scene which gives a realistic example of the so-called musical genius turning into a foul-mouthed child, throwing a tantrum in a TV interview studio, where the techs and the makeup people all scatter while Cole (his real name is the same as the character) yells and cusses out everything the poor girl does, for no reason--and then she quits, only to be combing his ridiculous ratty hair in the next shot.

The entire film is set up to somehow make us sympathize with the Cole character, only to leave us utterly cold as he is utterly devoid of any sort of sympathy for anyone, including his little 4-year old daughter. God only knows how that kid could ever mistake this man-child for a father.

This movie is pointless and is really only required viewing for that cross section of the audience that admires this kind of spoiled, egotistic, and vapid mentality.
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What on Earth Did I Just Watch?
arfdawg-112 February 2023
Full disclosure: I only streamed this because hot Megan Fox was in it. At least I think she was.

This movie was so freaking bad that I spaced out many times during it. Frankly, I only remember Megan for a few minutes maybe 50 minutes into the movie.

But as I said, this is a space out movie. It is one of the worst written and directed films I've seen in about a decade. It is so slow you will be drowsing off following the credits.

I'm not even sure why this movie was made, or how it got backing. It goes no where. You have no sympathy or empathy for the main character whatsoever.

Please, never direct a movie again.
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i bet my...
ops-525353 November 2022
Upper body half that 98% of the viewers will think Kurt Cobain when delving into this , lets call it '' riding the surf into eternity'' kind of sad socialrealismic drama called taurus...

the thumbs up for the 2 main actors, the explosive discussion in the studio is some of the best interaction ive seen ever, as well as rest of the cast, its colliding into a crystalclear revelation of sadness, pain and agony due to the force of stardome, the score leads you effectively into the abyss, and the outcome of the story is checked out allready from the start.

What draws some stars is outta some of the camera and soundwork, some camera-/-man-shadow here and there, and some closeups are hard to say, but what makes just a 7? Well the plotspeed, it dragsssss...

but if newbie stuff then its good, the actors definately delivers, and one thing the grumpy old is surtain about is that you will become sad and thoughtfull.
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Unreviewable & Unviewable
rossmcdee11 May 2023
This is the third or fourth try at posting a review of the risible film.

I've wasted enough time with it that I won't re-write what I tried to post before.,

Basically, ALL THE 1 & 2 STAR REVIEWS HERE are entirely accurate and I totally concur with all the points made in them about why this film is such a stinker.

If you believe the 8-10 star reviews check how many other reviews they have posted.. you may find this is the only film they've reviewed which is usually a sign of 'in-house' hype.

These types of films have a definite conceit about & towards their audience,dealing in dishonest depictions, 'weighted' perspectives and glamorised narcissism mixed with self-loathing. Of course , in the right hands that could produce a decent film about the seedier aspects of the Music INDUSTRY... or you get a film like this instead- devoid of any real substance, deep insight or meaning.

There's great ENTERTAINING films that do a better job such as That'll Be the Day(1973) -starring David Essex & AdamFaith, and its brilliant sequel STARDUST the following year.

Or documentaries such as ANVIL and most applicably LAST DAYS HERE about Bobby Liebling, ''lead singer of seminal hard rock/heavy metal band Pentagram, as he battles decades of hard drug addiction and personal demons to try and get his life back''.
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Dark and Gritty
lozanoderrick16 October 2022
Very dark and gritty film. It dances on the line of fact and fiction for Colson's life. There is an element of the film that is introduced in the beginning, is later addressed in the film, but I think that Sutton could have tied it in with Colson's character to make a deeper impact on the film. Overall it is a good film but it could have had some tweaks made to it order for it to be a 10 but no film is perfect! I saw it screened at the Newport Beach Film festival! I think that Colson and Sutton would make a great pairing and could be good for both of their careers in film in the long run!!!!!!
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A bit slow but still a good movie
langjoy18 December 2022
Let me start off my saying as a die hard MGK fan, I really wanted to like this film and I did. In many many ways it was beautiful and tragic and I can acknowledge all the work and passion he put into this film. It wasn't bad at all. The premise is great. And the title track is even better.

BUT I'm not gonna lie, I did expect more from it. It develops rather slowly. There's hardly any action and most of the scenes are just of people talking. By the end of it, I felt like nothing much really happened - which, I mean I guess is fine if that's what they were going for but I just really wish that they had developped his storyline a little more.

Nonetheless, I did like the film. MGK was amazing in it and I would definitely watch it again.
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:( mg is handsome
viiiguez4 May 2024
I just saw the movie because I think Mgkl is hot and handsome but the movie was kind of bore, I like you mgk but it is not entertaining a all. I think it needs more substance drama acting skills, this is like very uncomfortable to watch because no one except the assistant by the way she is the best of the film, but everyone else looks fake. Mgk and megan both are handsome but they need more acting skills, need to be realistic, feel true, but was totally the opposite:( I really really like Colson and meg but was bored, slow, fake, does not feel like a movie or something realistic. The good thing is that I discovered Madi (the assistant of Mel) she is very good actress she is the one talented person in the hole movie she's is great.
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Spoilers - sorta
moosercracer6 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Have seen MGK (cole) in Roadies and The Dirt I was looking forward to this one. You know what the ending will be about 5 minutes (or sooner) into the movie. It's really feels like DRAGS ON AND ON.........but I still could t stop watching it. You keep waiting for something to happen and it never does. Maddie Hasson plays her role so well, I ended up caring more about her than Cole. I think she really steals the show as she is the only other character we get to spend enough time with to really care about. Ok (here be spoiler's) you know Cole is going to die, it's just a matter of when not if. The opening tries to get to the back to ending in a couple ways but jut falls flat. Cole finally seems to be making effort to be better. His last "day" is shown to be the most positive of the whole movie but then (being about a rockstar) he dies that night. Overall it's not a bad movie, it does seem to me to suffer a lot of dragging and feels longer than the 1 1/2 run time, but there are some really great scenes in the film. I would pay to rent rent it, but definitely worth a stream.
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A heartbreaking lesson in Empathy, the only way to experience it.
letsbookaboutit19 November 2022
There are 2 ways you can watch this film. One is to sit on your couch and view a tragic man's story as a bystander and make judgments about what you see. Judge the main character harshly, critically, but missing Colson Baker's narrative entirely.

The second version is to tap into the darkest parts of the human soul, the parts few want to discuss. Feel the pain of a lost and broken man as he tries to navigate a world the only way he knows how. Through numbing his pain, lashing out at his fears and pouring his emotions into his music. This man wants so much more than he knows how to obtain. It breaks you. I'll be feeling this one for awhile. This movie sits in those uncomfortable moments & makes you feel another humans struggles...if you let it.

Colson Baker's performance was incredible and moved me to tears. I have not seen him in any other films, nor am I a "fangirl" who blindly praises his work. This is genuine admiration for a pure talent and a film that deeply touched my soul.

You can see "Cole" as unlovable, raw, angry or as a total jerk (if I'm watching my language) but I believe the character was portrayed that way, because that's how "Cole" saw himself every day. Think on that as you watch.
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Outstanding! Must watch! Deep! Dark! Realistic!
cindyscowcrazy19 November 2022
Colson Baker was the perfect actor for this movie. He was so raw & real. I could feel his authenticity, passion, pain, tortured lost boy state of mind. It wasn't jus thru his words, it was also heavily present n his body language, it spoke volumes. I commend him for this beautifully painful, true to life performance & hope it opens up a new line of communication n the entertainment industry. We have lost so many amazingly talented artists circled around mental health/drug addiction & we need to make a change. It is my opinion this movie is a piece of art. Had to pause 3 times to gather myself.
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Gripping, gritty and well done
phyleather-3454420 November 2022
I felt the scary reality of the raw emotion, pain and feeling of hollowness in the lead character. Wanting to be loved, but not allowing it to happen. Defending his soul from pain by creating his own self-inflicted personal torture or numbing all feeling with drugs. The musical score is dark and well-aligned to the message of this film. Being rich, famous, and surrounded by powerful people or fleeting fandom does not mean one is well, happy, and fulfilled. It will leave you contemplative and uncomfortable. Those may not be feelings you look for in a film, but a film that makes you feel is rare. Invest you time in this one. Feeling something is valuable.
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Colson Baker aka MGK gives an amazing performance
been-206879 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I think its actually a really entertaining movie and MGK gives an actually really good performance. The film it's self has some writing issues but in my opinion MGK's performance more than makes up for it, for example there's this scene in the begging of the movie where his character does drugs in a bathroom and starts imagining things me as someone who lives for good acting would watch this movie again just to see him perform that scene as he did amazing with it and I was really surprised at how good of acting he was doing it also helps that im a big fan of his and his music has helped me through a lot so if you know anything about him or are just looking for a movie with great young acting talent this is a great pick.
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Heartbreaking, eerie, and authentic
kasilovesjmac19 November 2022
Taurus is a heartbreaking, eerie, and authentic depiction of addiction and mental illness. Colson's effortless acting skills never cease to amaze me. He's truly sensational. My only complaint is that I wish it was longer.

Many reviews have been bashing this movie for being too cliche but unfortunately it's a reality for many people, especially celebrities. I think it did a fantastic job at capturing how difficult it can be to balance life when you are constantly in the public eye and struggling with your own personal demons.

The actors and actresses did an incredible job making this film feel like you were truly looking in on someone's personal life, not just watching a film.
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Familiarly painful
meganatobar19 November 2022
It felt like life, everything it made me feel felt real. There wasn't any need to explain what was happening because you just knew. This movie was a feeling, Coles feelings felt real, relatable. If I ever needed to explain what life felt like, it would be this movie.

It felt like life, everything it made me feel felt real. There wasn't any need to explain what was happening because you just knew. This movie was a feeling, Coles feelings felt real, relatable. If I ever needed to explain what life felt like, it would be this movie.

It felt like life, everything it made me feel felt real. There wasn't any need to explain what was happening because you just knew. This movie was a feeling, Coles feelings felt real, relatable. If I ever needed to explain what life felt like, it would be this movie.
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Incredibly raw and moving, can't miss this one
hollydagle19 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was the best I've seen in a long time. It made you feel everything, from happy to sad to mad to confused but most notably, uncomfortable, which I think is what made Taurus so unique. Megan's two scenes hit it out of the park, they both made me cry and she didn't have a line in either. Colson's performance was insane, his skill is undeniable and the bravery to play a role that mirrors his life, as a dark version of what could have been. The movie was heart-wrenching and took a lot of courage from both Colson and Tim and the rest of the crew, will definitely be watching again tonight. Thank you Colson XX.
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Everything and more!!!
serenitysmommy-5469620 November 2022
Colson did an absolutely amazing job with this and the concept!!!! I knew it would be amazing anyway because Colson is such an amazing actor/singer. He is very talented and made this raw with emotion. I cried a few times and have watched it three times. It was everything I expected and more. This shows the true reality of what goes on in the music industry and needs to be stopped. It shows Mental health and drug/ alcohol addiction is real especially with being famous. Which that needs to be taken seriously and it not just be swept underneath the rug. He has always been destined for greatmess!!!Thank you so much Colson!!
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Better than expected
ravenbash6 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
During the movie some scenes are cringe worthy and often felt realistic. Addiction is portrayed by the actor in a believable way. Sad but true many addicts O. D. And their talents are wasted on the drugs and often the only part of the person is what's left to hear in their music. This movie is definitely underrated, I'm guessing it's because it is too close to the truth and therefore hard to watch the destruction of a human being.. the music is something that you could listen to again and I could see downloading the soundtrack. The visuals are great too !I could watch some scenes as music videos along with the soundtrack.
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Deep role played by Colson Baker
lizcapalingo20 November 2022
This was so raw and beautiful.

Colson Baker really killed this roll.

I know Colson related hard to this roll you could see the pain in his eyes uncanny.

As Ruby Rose said on her instagram post he sure is raw,intelligent, hard working and he has saved so many lives.

Everyone needs to stop putting to much effort and energy in hate and pulling others down.

Start picking each other up Or mind your business work on yourself.

All the unnecessary hate is such a waste of time.

Don't hate just because you don't understand why someone is where theyre .

He put the work in and he is killing it .

Est fam !!
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Highly suggest watching this film!
soniamineo28 November 2022
I was glued to the screen. Colson Baker killed this role; his character Cole is very believable. There were a couple of times when I giggled/smiled (Cole and Ilana's backstage moment being one of them) and I was grateful for the short amount of relief as this movie is dark and sad. Mental health issues and drug addiction are no joke especially when famous and this movie shines a bright light on it. I watched it twice and would easily watch again. Great soundtrack too - Machine Gun Kelly and Naomi Wild's collaborations are always fire. Thank you for gifting us with this beautiful and emotional movie. EST XX.
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