No Strings Attached (2011) Poster

(I) (2011)

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Strings of Awkward Romantic Comedy
jonnyhavey22 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Natalie Portman comes out of award season on top with her numerous Best Actress Awards for her performance in "Black Swan" including the Critic's Choice Award, the Golden Globe Award and an Oscar in the near future. Now she takes on the romantic comedy genre for the first time since her 2004 hit "Garden State". Her costar Ashton Kutcher on the other hand is no stranger to the romantic comedy genre with most of his recent films falling into this genre ("Killers", "Valentine's Day", and "What Happens In Vegas"). Together they create comedy through the awkwardly realistic chemistry between their characters Emma and Adam. Their quirky relationship begins when they are both sexually frustrated teenagers at summer camp. This leads them to becoming acquaintances throughout the early years of their relationship until they are thrown into each other's lives for the last time. Emma is a successful doctor who works eighty hours a week and is not looking for a relationship, while Adam is an aspired writer looking for a break working at a "gleeish" television show. Their latest encounter leads the two into a sexual dilemma as they make a pact to enter into a relationship with "No Strings Attaches" in other words no commitment, just sex. However, eventually the strings have to be attached.

The best part of the film is the surprisingly accurate and realistic interactions that Emma and Adam together. They are definitely not faking it as they recreate relationship situations by acting weird around each other, which is exactly what you do when you are in a relationship. Their supporting cast was also very important to the entertainment of the film and the theme of differentiation between relationships. The most notable character being Kevin Klines portrayal of Adam's father Alvin as he dates his own son's ex-girlfriends. The film is all about comedy aspect of all of these relationships and leaves out drama for the most part without totally forgetting about it. This does not change the fact that the film has a very touching ending no matter how cliché it is.

If it wasn't for the great casting of Portman and Kutcher at the center of the film creating superb chemistry all would be lost among ever other rom-com. This is because the film isn't original at all. It is just a basic Hollywoodized picture perfect romantic comedy, but sometimes a movie just barely lucks out when a couple stars are able to salvage the overdone cliché storyline.

Many may say that the film is too similar to the recent release of "Love and Other Drugs" just a few months ago. However, no matter how similar the basic plot structure of these two films is, they are very different films. While "Love and Other Drugs" follows the purely sexual relationship of its two main characters in the same way that "No Strings Attached" does, it also delves into the realms of the genre of drama. On the other hand "No Strings Attached" avoids those depths and instead relies on the awkward comedy of romantic see it now bliss.
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There really are no strings attached
Marter226 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
"No Strings Attached" works precisely for one reason, its script. Paramount Pictures, the studio backing the film, allowed the script to be R rated, meaning that "grown up" words, the ones that are four letters and need to be bleeped out from standard radio and television could be said. For a film that is about casual sex--one that tries to portray its characters as realistic--these words need to be included in the characters' dialogue. So, yes, thank you Paramount for allowing the script to be R rated.

The plot centers on two characters who have been friends for many years, seeing each other only once in a while over that timeframe. We see each encounter through flashbacks right at the beginning of the film. Eventually, we move to the present, where Emma (Natalie Portman) has moved into the same city as Adam (Ashton Kutcher). They meet up, and decide that they should hang out some time.

Adam ended a relationship with his girlfriend months ago, and one day finds out that his father is now dating the same girl. After some razzing by his friends, he decides to drunkenly call every girl's number that is in his cell phone, in hopes that one of them will have sex with him.

He eventually passes out, waking up naked in the company of four people, one of which happens to be Emma. They end up having sex, and decide to be "sex buddies". They won't be in a formal relationship, but they will call one another up if they are "in the mood", so to speak. If either character starts to actually feel attraction for the other, they would call this agreement off, and move on with their lives. No feelings would be involved in their interactions with one another, and therefore there would be none hurt of things went sour.

"Where's the conflict?" is a question that you might be thinking to yourself right now. Well, that comes from one of the characters, (no, I won't tell you which), developing feelings for the other. The rest of the film focuses on the characters' relationship following this revelation.

If you are now thinking to yourself that you know almost exactly how the movie ends, well then you aren't alone. Just by the trailer for "No Strings Attached", it's not difficult to figure out the film's conclusion. It won't throw many curveballs your way throughout, and is overall fairly predictable, with only a couple twists that are really any bit surprising. And even those are only surprising because of their timing, not because of what the twist actually was.

Although, I'll admit that I didn't want the film to end. I liked the characters, and I wanted to continue to see what would happen to them. In fact, when "No Strings Attached" finally did wrap-up, I think they chose the wrong point to end it. It ends on a little bit of a cliffhanger, where as if it finished earlier, that wouldn't have happened.

As a matter of fact, the ending was actually the worst part of the film, just because it didn't really give a solid conclusion to the story. And no, I'm not hoping for a sequel, even though one is definitely possible. Does that information make you second-guess how you think the film will end? It probably shouldn't.

Anyway, thanks to the R-rated script, the characters actually felt believable and realistic. They still suffer from some of the flaws that come from being in a romantic comedy, mainly their awkward interactions with almost everyone and their somewhat idealistic nature, but that comes with the territory. They are both likable characters, who are actually fair well acted for this kind of thing.

Natalie Portman especially gives a very solid performance, actually being the more energetic person in the duo. Ashton Kutcher is someone I've been told isn't a very good actor, and while I didn't feel he was great, sometimes not really seeming 100% on-board with what he was supposed to be doing, he was competent as the more reserved Adam. The pair had an easy-going chemistry, and because of the script, felt real enough to believe in.

Thanks to the characters being believable and likable, when the film tries to make you emotional, it succeeds. You want to see both characters happy, and when they aren't, you feel sad yourself. When things go right, you almost want to cheer, although it doesn't work quite that well. You'll feel emotion, but not enough to actually bring it out of you. This isn't a tear-jerker or a feel-good film, despite having moments that come close to these levels.

No, what "No Strings Attached" tries to do most is to make you laugh. And it will do so, as it is a very funny film. The aforementioned awkward moments and timing are quite charming, the dialogue will make you laugh, and even some of the situations, (sadly many of them ruined in the trailer), will make you chuckle. It isn't really a laugh-out-loud film, but one that will make you laugh quietly to yourself, every now and then bringing out a full-blown laugh.

I liked "No Strings Attached", probably more than I rightfully should have. Regardless, I did enjoy it-- having a good time while watching it. The characters were likable, the plot, while predictable, was fun to watch, and the film was on the whole pretty funny. It doesn't do anything new to the romantic comedy genre, but it's an entertaining film that will give you a good time at the theatre, and that's really all you can ask for.
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This is yet another romantic comedy with a cookie-cutter plot, but it will make you laugh!
burningreview23 January 2011
I had very low expectations for No Strings Attached. The couple would make the decision to use each, one would fall for the other, and in the end they would live happily ever after. I was correct about the overall story line, but, impressively, the writers found a way the mix in enough comedy to keep you entertained for the full 110 minutes. On top of that, there is enough cutsie romance to make for the perfect date night movie. Comedy to make you laugh and romance to cheer up any romantic girl.... sounds like a romantic comedy to me!

Natalie Portman shows her range of acting abilities by having two extremely different films in theaters at the same time. I was thoroughly impressed with her ability to drop the comedic one liners and portray a unaffectionate woman who's fallen in love realistically. Comparing this to her award-winning role in Black Swan made her abilities even more impressive. I cannot say the same for Ashton Kutcher. He has a great face and is great at comedic acting. However, each serious, romantic scene he was in became unrealistic and uncomfortable.

Overall, this is the perfect date night or girls night movie. It has some great comedic moments and brings in the romance that most ladies love to see. If you are looking for a light-hearted romantic comedy, this is a great choice.

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a raunchy rom-com from the female perspective = interesting
ThomasMagnumPI26 January 2011
What is most fascinating about this movie is that it's a raunchy rom-com from the female perspective. Knowing that the film was written by a woman prior to my viewing it made the nuances jump out to me. It's those nuances and that perspective that make the film enjoyable. No one scene or moment merits more then a minor chuckle but the characters themselves expand and grow as the story unfolds. It's hard to care about the leads at first because there's no set up or real establishment of character. Then, they kind of grow on you even though neither really rang true for me in any real world sense. Natalie Portman is great as many would expect but Ashton Kutcher did a fine job as well. I've seen others criticizing his performance but I think that's based on a pre-determined hatred of him rather than on his work. The supporting characters were VERY weak and useless save for the father character played by the wonderful Kevin Kline. Overall, better than I was expecting it to be.
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A very funny chick-flick that both men and women will enjoy. Nothing new but still very entertaining. I say B+
cosmo_tiger10 May 2011
Can you really ever be just "friends with benefits"? After a drunken adventure ends with Adam (Kutcher) naked on Emma's (Portman) couch they decide to strike a deal. When Adam wants something more the problems begin. This is a chick flick that many guys will also enjoy. A little more girlie then I was expecting, but still a really, really funny movie. The movie is pretty raunchy in some parts and you will find it difficult not to laugh. If you are looking for a chick flick that your boyfriend/husband will watch with you this is a great choice. If you are looking for a movie for your girlfriend/wife that will not be two hours of torture for you this is a great choice. Very, very funny for both sexes, enough romance for the ladies, and enough comedy for the men. A perfect movie for date night. A little predictable, but most romantic comedies are. I give it a B+.

Would I watch again? - I actually would.

*Also try - Going The Distance & Love And Other Drugs
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A Good Movie! Natalie Portman was GREAT!
mksandhu5225 February 2011
OK... i was NOT expecting much from this movie but i was really WOW at the end!!!

Yes, the movie was alright for some but I LOVED IT!!! As a Natalie Portman FAN, i was really worried about her doing a full-on Comedy role... from her past films like Leon and the Star Wars movies (Her role: Padme Amidala has a SAD ending...) Closer, V for Vendetta, Brothers... her roles from these movies were sad and sweet and her recent film Black Swan - she was super-powerful and gave an Oscar Winning role as Nina!!! I was so happy after watching No Strings Attached - Natalie Portman was super, super FUNNY - she did an amazing job!!! There are scenes where Natalie Portman is over-the-top - but i think she was great... the amount of ''BAD WORDS'' in the movie is WOW... loads of it!!!

The movie overall was good - Ashton Kutcher was alright & funny..... did an OK/ good job! The side-actors were average and the soundtracks were good...

Anyways, No Strings Attached is a must-watch movie!

My review: 7/10
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Portman Elevates a Formulaic Rom-Com with Provocative Possibilities
EUyeshima23 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
When actresses of a certain caliber and age reach a certain level of potential bankability and critical respect, it appears inevitable that they do a standard-issue Hollywood romantic comedy. Talent becomes a less critical factor in these casting selections. Early last year, Amy Adams did one between "Doubt" and "The Fighter", a silly one set in Ireland called "Leap Year", and now it's Natalie Portman's turn. This 2011 film has a more provocative premise and a snappier tone, but the sensibilities are still very much in rom-com territory. As written by first-time screenwriter Elizabeth Meriwether and directed by industry veteran Ivan Reitman (whose last film was the overdone "My Super Ex-Girlfriend"), the movie deftly asks a less than earth-shattering question: can two friends sustain a commitment-free sexual relationship without any emotional expectations? In an age when text messaging makes anyone instantly available, the answer naturally looks to be yes, but Hollywood convention intervenes.

Set conveniently in LA, the plot centers on the friendship between Emma, an overworked medical resident, and Adam, an overlooked production assistant on a "High School Musical"-type show who longs to be a writer. Moving fleetly from summer camp to a frat party to an accidental run-in at an outdoor market, they definitely have a connection but never act upon it. In the meantime, their personalities take shape as adults nearing thirty. She is an unromantic pragmatist who has convinced herself that she doesn't need a relationship to have sex, while he is a pushover whose airheaded girlfriend dumps him for his father, a self-infatuated former sitcom TV celebrity. After an all-night drunken binge lands a naked Adam in Emma's apartment, she proposes they take advantage of their mutual attraction and start a purely physical relationship with no expectation of commitment. She's in charge, and he agrees to play along. Needless to say, both start to have feelings that pull them in predictable directions with Adam also dealing with his unresolved anger toward his father. There is no real tension to the central dilemma since we all know how the movie will end, especially with stars as attractive and laid-back as Portman and Ashton Kutcher playing the leads.

What I do like is how Portman doesn't subterfuge her own sensibilities as an actress to play Emma within formula. She plays a workaholic but on her terms as a sensible professional who needs to manage her schedule carefully. Unlike rom-com contemporaries like Kate Hudson, Anne Hathaway or Kristin Bell, Portman comes across as too smart to go through much humiliating shtick to get her inevitable comeuppance beyond devouring a box of donut holes. Even though Kutcher has more experience in this genre, he comes across a bit more substantive this time around and shows a natural rapport with Portman that makes the movie breeze along with aplomb. A solid supporting cast helps with Greta Gerwig ("Greenberg") and Mindy Kaling ("The Office") as Emma's sharp-tongued roommates; Lake Bell ("It's Complicated") as Adam's dithering, sweet-natured associate; Jake Johnson and a low-key Ludicrous as his horndog buddies; and Kevin Kline as his vainglorious father. I didn't even recognize Cary Elwes as the veteran doctor whom Emma fawns over. Special mention should go to Rogier Stoffers whose bright-colored cinematography brings contemporary LA to vivid life.
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Nothing Attached
colinrgeorge30 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Romantic comedies need a good kick in the pants, and an aging Ivan Reitman ain't the guy to do it. "No Strings Attached," the first of at least three 2011 films about non-committal sex (with "Friends with Benefits" and "Hall Pass" in hot pursuit), is only sparsely amusing and never insightful. Big surprise. Who would have guessed that a 64-year-old director would be the wrong choice for a movie about hip people half his age? "No Strings Attached" might have been a decent film had it followed through on its premise, but that it falls victim to just about every romcom trapping negates the most potentially interesting thing it has going for it.

Everyone involved has proved themselves elsewhere. Reitman directed legendary '80s comedies "Stripes" and "Ghostbusters" before churning out a string of stinkers, including "My Super Ex Girlfriend" in 2006. Stars Natalie Portman (Emma) and Ashton Kutcher (Adam) are similarly defenseless against the lousy script. For my money, Portman still put on the best performance of 2010 in "Black Swan," and by comparison her turn here is particularly disappointing. Kutcher is the weakest link, but has consistently proved he can hold his own in otherwise lame duck comedies like "Valentine's Day."

But between the bad direction, worse script, and lazy performances, "No Strings Attached" is a triple threat. Its worst blunder is that Emma and Adam's relationship is unbelievable, and their chemistry is nonexistent. Fledgling screenwriter Elizabeth Meriwether posits a female lead that flip-flops her stance on monogamy every two scenes, and Portman doesn't even attempt to sell it. Emma comes off pragmatic one minute and off her rocker the next. It makes less sense still given that her relationship with Adam isn't anything special to begin with. The B- romance between Greta Gerwig and Jake M. Johnson, friends of our principle couple, is actually markedly more naturalistic and compelling. It's a shame they're on screen so infrequently.

Meriwether's script is also criminally overlong. Two-hour comedies need to die a slow and painful death; there's just no reason "No Strings Attached" should exceed the 100-minute mark. What's worse, the audience has little expectation for when the film will end. More than once, a picturesque finale will align only for Emma to inexplicably get cold feet. Or Adam's father to take ill. The bait and tease might work if the better-late-than-never conclusion defied expectation, but in all likelihood you already know exactly how it will end. The biggest surprise is how much melodramatic filler we have to wade through on the way.

"No Strings Attached," like last year's mediocre "Love and Other Drugs" articulates the pressing need for innovation in Hollywood's romantic comedies. Depicting a relationship built on causal sex isn't especially progressive, and Ivan Reitman isn't one of the directors I'm especially interested in seeing discuss sexuality. Then again, he barely clears his throat on the subject; for a film about sex, "No Strings Attached" is pretty much sterile despite its R rating. Intellectually, the film is a solid PG-13. Our characters generally don't behave with the nuance expected of two 30-year-olds, and Meriwether relies on decrepit genre archetypes rather than cause and effect to progress the plot.

All told, Reitman's latest is unworthy of recommendation despite falling short of being an outright waste of time. It does feature a few genuinely funny moments that help excuse its crippling formula, but it never asserts itself or challenges the classic romantic comedy blueprint as much as its premise might indicate. Reitman deserves a kick in the pants every bit as much as the genre.
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OompaLoompa881624 January 2011
I gave this movie an 8/10 simply because it will keep you laughing the majority of the time. Sure the ending is predictable and a few of the background actors deliver lackluster performances but Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher fit very nicely together as the main characters, you could really tell they had fun working together.

I see a lot of other reviews criticizing Portman for "stooping to this level" and I'm not too sure why, maybe they didn't go see it in the right frame of mind...this movie is what it is, a romantic comedy about two friends who decide to take their relationship to the next level without having any of the commitments and "duties" of being an actual couple, that's what the trailers showed it as, that's what the actors described it as, nothing was a surprise...she did a cute, funny romantic comedy, it's not like she dove head first into the adult film industry.

Will this movie be nominated for awards, probably, will it win, probably not, but overall it was cute, it was funny, and I left the theater feeling like the $10 I paid for a ticket was well worth it.
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nogodnomasters24 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Let us make no mistake about this film. It is a ten star chick flick. There won't be a woman with a dry eye in the house. But face it, "Friends with Benefits" was hands down a better movie. For sensitive guys, it is about 6 stars.

I am not an Ashton Kutcher fan by any means. However, I have developed a little more respect for him after this film. Ashton and Natalie have been friends since they were 14, off and on. They come from wealthy families. She becomes a doctor and he follows in his father's footsteps and works in the film industry. When Ashton discovers his dad's new girlfriend is his ex-girlfriend he gets drunk and calls every girl in his cell phone until he gets laid. He ends up with Natalie and they make an arrangement to just be "friends with benefits."

Natalie is a the one who insists on the "no relationship with strings", just a sexual arrangement as she works weird hours and needs to relax. Ashton apparently has the equipment to help her relax. As all chick flicks go, we know how it turns out, the fun is watching it get there.

I actually had a few LOL moments, especially the "period tape." The movie keeps a good pace and doesn't have boring scenes. Sex, some crude language, and Ashton's nude butt.
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A weak, weak light comedy with a wasted Portman in the lead role
secondtake14 March 2013
No Strings Attached (2011)

You expect more than you're going to get here. There are two strong leads, Natalie Portman at her finest relaxed self (seeming) and Ashton Kutcher in a slightly amusing, self-deprecating mode that is a little dulling but fits his part. But there isn't the necessary conflict here to make their attraction take on fire. They drift together, they push apart, they find each other again, and so on, all mildly engaging and a bit sleepy.

And don't expect much from Kevin Kline, either, mostly because his part is small and a bit canned, a caricature dad with too much to prove. The rest of the cast is frankly just functional, and you start to look harder at why the movie fizzles with so much apparent talent, especially Portman. And the only real answer is the director, who is more a producer at heart, Ivan Reitman. You can't fault the success of some of his movies, but it's an uneven bunch, from "Ghostbusters" to "Kindergarden Cop." Something lacks energy and imagination here, and the writing stretched a bit.

Enjoyable? Somewhat. Be warned, it's not funny, romantic, or energized enough to quite make it on any score.
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A funny movie
gerald_e221 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has an awful start, but it improved a LOT. As was stated in another review "can I finger you" is an awful way to start. It's the perfect way to show the attitude of an ass. Moving through the movie the characters played by Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher made the story real. They also changed a lot through the film. Kutcher's two male friends did not add a lot except to make rude suggestions. Thankfully the two main characters carried the film. No Strings Attached showed how people need attachment, not just to feel good. My wife says I like "chick flicks" better than she does, and I rate this one pretty high because of the story.

I liked how Portman was NOT a shallow shy character, but affirmed her own needs, even at her own expense. I like how Kutchner showed how we need attachment, not just self-gratification with another.
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Its enjoyable, may not be great but it was good enough
John-maynes-936-8252642 February 2011
Don't let the"7"fool you, its still a good rating coming from me.

OK so this movie is a very well...its about friendship taken to a whole new level, and if you saw the trailers it asks you"can best friends be sex-friends?" The movie itself does answer that question with one of those"You have to watch it to understand movie" the story does have a few silly remarks but its moving for me, i never really understood people who do, do the things that Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher do in this movie but it doesn't matter it shows us the true meaning of friends and love!

yes this movie has some eh moments of funny,sex, and dialogue. does that matter? not really! its a well made movie, it touched my heart!

Its a great date movie, and might settle to be a good buddy comedy.
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A romantic comedy that is neither
ctomkin22 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
How about this for a unique movie premise: Boy and girl accidentally get reunited after several years, decide to skip all the work that goes into a relationship and settle for a strictly sexual one. They end up falling for each other, tempers flare, and break up. Moderately dramatic event occurs that brings them back together again. It may sound like the outline of every Matthew McConaughey film, and now it's also the recycled theme of No Strings Attached.

Adam (Ashton Kutcher) is some unspecified assistant on a television show, whose father (Kevin Kline, in what surely is one of his more forgettable roles) happens to be an extremely famous actor. He's also completely irresponsible and hedonistic, and somehow we're supposed to believe that he'd even bother to get a doctor's note so he could buy medical marijuana. Adam finds out that dad is now dating his bimbo ex-girlfriend. Distraught over this, Adam goes on a drinking binge that ends up reuniting him with Emma (Natalie Portman), a gifted doctor in residency in a teaching hospital. They end up in a strictly sexual relationship, and you'll figure out exactly how things are going to play out before the wacky sex location montage scene has finished. Emma is fine with this arrangement as she doesn't want to get too close to anyone. Adam wants more. The falling out is inevitable, as is the reunion (spoiler alert, everything works out just fine!).

This film follows the rom-com playbook to the letter. Emma of course has several roommates, one of which is the required effeminate overweight gay guy. Token black guy? That role is played by Ludicrous, the friend of Adam that shows up occasionally to give the standard bro "you should be banging her" advise. And of course the other women in Adam's life are either extremely socially awkward, or lesbians. Despite taking place in Los Angeles, you'd think it was more like a small town in Iowa the way everyone bumps into each other at the coffee shop or just walking down the street.

The jokes tend to fall flat, with the funniest scene involving Adam showing up at Emma's apartment with a menstruation mix CD (i.e. Sunday Bloody Sunday, other blood related songs) to entertain her and her fellow suffering roommates, one of who remarks that her underwear resembles a crime scene. I should point out that this film was directed by Ivan Reitman who also directed The Ghostbusters. What made him read this screenplay and decide that he must make this film? Every scene goes on just a little too long, and some of them don't make any sense. Example: when Adam gestures to Lucy, the awkward assistant director of the show he works on to sit down, she looks at the chair and says "oh look, a chair", pauses and then sits down. What was the point of that? Ed Wood films had better editing that this. None of the characters are remotely likable and most are barely more than ugly stereotypes.

Unless you really need to hear some jokes about Ashton Kutcher's penis, pass on this one. This movie will be in the five dollar bin at Wal-Mart in six months. And at that price, you'd still be better off with a random McConaughey rom-com instead.
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Gordon-1130 April 2011
This film is about two sex friends who, slowly but surely, develop feelings for each other.

Considering the cast and the big budget, "No Strings Attached" is very disappointing. The two leads are very attractive, but they have little chemistry with each other. Maybe it's to do with the nature of their initial relationship, they do not have any sparks with each other, and hence their subsequent feelings seem so forced and unrealistic. There is little comedy either, the whole plot is plainly delivered. With nothing much to laugh about, no romance to savour, "No Strings Attached" becomes a lacklustre bore.
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Silly and Incoherent Plot, but Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher Make the Film Worth
claudio_carvalho5 August 2011
Fifteen years ago, Adam Franklin (Ashton Kutcher) and Emma Kurtzman (Natalie Portman) meet each other in a colony and every now and then they stumble on each other.

In the present days, Emma is an MIT graduated doctor and Adam is the stage assistant of a TV musical show and aspirant screenplay writer. When Adam visits his father Alvin (Kevin Kline), who is a successful TV producer, and finds that his ex-girlfriend Vanessa (Ophelia Lovibond) has moved to Alvin's house and is dating him, he gets totally drunk and calls every girl in his cell phone's contact list. On the next morning, he wakes up at Emma's apartment and they have quick sex. Emma does not want to have any emotional involvement and proposes a relationship driven by sex only without romance or commitment. But love is not possible to be rationalized and the couple is affected by their behavior.

"No Strings Attached" is a romantic comedy with a silly and incoherent plot since the motives for the behavior of Emma are not well developed and she becomes an inconsistent lead character. The story is visibly inspired on the adorable "When Harry Met Sally…", with elements of Glee and spiced with sex.

However, the film is cute and the chemistry between the lovely Natalie Portman and the pleasant Ashton Kutcher make the film worth. I believe that a high percentage of viewers love Natalie Portman and it is a pleasure to see this talented actress in any movie.

Kevin Kline has a small part but is also hilarious. This is the first time that I pay attention in Lake Bell and she is really a beautiful woman performing the role of a clumsy and nerd character. However several support characters are neither funny nor interesting. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Sexo Sem Compromisso" ("Sex Without Commitment")
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No Strings Attached Review
matthewsmitley2 February 2011
This movie is far more better than you might think! It's not just sex, sex, sex! It's actually fairly good! The is mostly about two friends; two sex friends. Ashton Kutcher's character is a down to earth guy, and Nataile Portman's character is basically a crazy chick. He wants to start a relationship with her, but she put's out that she is two busy to have one and she's not good at having relationships. So they basically become sex friends.

It's not a typical Hollywood romantic/comedy! It goes a little off "Formula", if you know what I mean. Some of the plot is a little awkward and dumb, but overall a "Ok" movie.
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The 2 main characters are so good together, simple rom-com,,
Saticoyllnolanb23 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Natalie Portman is such a CUTIE!!! And I mean I'm a dude but Ashton is pretty good looking in this they seem to go together perfectly!! And come on people, it's a romantic comedy, not the Godfather, what I'm getting at is, you can't expect unique and totally new Stories from it. We just have to take it for what it is, a simple romantic comedy. And the simplicity is what makes it so good and what makes us go see romantic comedies again and again. They're easy to watch and make us feel good and allow us to put ourselves in the place of Ashton Kuthcer (that's what I did the whole movie!!!) or Natalie Portman. So in all, don't knock this movie because it lacks "originality", but instead embrace it because it meets the criteria of a good romantic comedy: 1.easy to watch 2.the main character get together in the end 3. A well paired couple (hot!) Ps. I know it's pretty weird that a guy likes romantic comedies like I do, but something about them I've always liked. I don't know just my thing
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No acting attached
SteveMierzejewski27 April 2011
The American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences should give their awards conditionally. If you receive an Academy Award for best actor/actress, and then demean it by acting poorly in a subsequent film, you should forfeit the award. This is akin to behaving in a manner unbecoming a professional. Now, I wasn't a big fan of Black Swan, but I did think Natalie Portman deserved the Best Actress award. After watching No Strings Attached, I wonder if I, and others, had been fooled. Admittedly, she didn't have much of a script to work with here in No Strings. At best, her character was two dimensional. But then, she was one of the producers. You'd think she would have been able to tell a flawed script when she saw one.

Like most romantic comedies, you know the ending from the first scene in the movie. This, however, does not mean the film or script is necessarily bad. After all, you know the salesman will die before you even watch Death of a Salesman. It's how you get to that ending that has to be interesting. And in No Strings Attached, that journey is tedious.

Ashton Kutcher, rapidly evolving into the Hugh Grant of American romcoms, plays his usual sensitive, cute but naughty puppy dog role. He basically serves as the eye candy for the female viewers. This is too bad because, as we saw in The Butterfly Effect, he does have talent. Both he and Portman's character lack depth and we can't help but wonder what he sees in her that's so special. No chemistry exists between them or any of the other actors in this film. So there is no romance in this romantic comedy and, what comedy there is, is sophomoric. I am sure that a few 13-year-olds were rolling in the aisles, but that might just be from eating a bad hot dog, which would certainly have been more enjoyable.

I heard that Portman wanted this movie to be the female answer to The Hangover. Personally, I'd prefer a five alarm hangover to watching this movie again.
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How RomComs should be done!
PennyDread31 March 2011
Let me start by saying that I wanted to watch this movie again immediately after it ended.

Not only is there a plethora of one-liners that we will relive with our friends for years to come (think of the timeless quips from Super Troopers, Anchorman, and The Hangover), but also a deep story line. Normally, that would turn me off, I like my comedies to be funny and I don't wanna think about too much. But the characters are so entrancing and relatable that you want to know the back stories, you care about these people and their relationship, you live their feelings and don't mind. The story was different than I had expected from seeing previews and at first I was apprehensive. Apart from a couple intimate scenes, I did not revisit this feeling after getting pulled in.

The Soundtrack completely rocked, including an awesome rendition of "99 Problems" by Hugo, and old school favorites, like "Bleeding Love" which get's a great scene with Natalie Portman that will have you crying through your laughter and feeling right along with her. On that note, ALL of the characters are really engaging, you want to be friends with all of these people, and the parts are played SO well! Even the bits.

Overall, this was just an amazing experience. I love this movie, will own it, and buy it again of I lose it.
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Better than you might think
mikerjones6 July 2014
I saw this film in a theater while on vacation. I think we saw another movie after this one, so there was a choice. Now, I love Natalie Portman but I don't love every movie she ever made. I hate Ashton Kutcher, but I don't hate every movie he ever made. That said, I thought this movie was watchable and somewhat amusing. I saw it later on TV and nothing changed my mind. There are some really good comedy moments, some really goofy moments, and some really cringe-worthy dialog. No spoilers there. The cast is terrific, even Kutcher did a decent job; Lake Bell can be hilarious. I believe any short-comings (and there are a few) are the result of the script and not the cast. So if you're not someone who absolutely hates rom-coms (and if you are you have no business watching this move or reviewing it - you've been warned) than there is a good chance you will find some things to like. That's about the best you or the movie can hope for.
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Boring and stupid and rude
vampyrecowboy26 December 2011
I gave it a 2.

This simply sucks for a movie.

It drags on far too long and the dialogue and characters are dull as beans.

Ashton sucks as a lead and the story doesn't help.

Totally unrealistic.

Totally uninteresting and a waste of my download on netflix.

I'm glad that this came as a monthly package in my bill and that I didn't have to actually pay for this.

How I long for real plots and stories that actually entertain.
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Great fun date flic!
christmas-1026 January 2011
This movie has a typical romantic comedy plot but honestly, the only variables in all romantic comedies are characters and script dialogue.

Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher do a great job of exhibiting chemistry and getting the audience to hope the two of them into a happily ever after denouement.

They're both beautiful and appealing to a lot of people. Their performances are a great combination of crack up laughter and heart felt longing.

The dialogue is witty and somewhat vulgar in certain instances that makes for a fun time whether you're out with your friends or on a date.
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Very predictable, reasonably enjoyable
hall89531 May 2014
It is what it is. No Strings Attached is another formulaic romantic comedy. OK, there's a bit of a twist in this one in that the couple doesn't actually want any romance. They skip the love and go straight to the sex, no strings attached indeed. There will be no feelings involved. Wham bam thank you ma'am. Same time tomorrow? But golly gee, these two just might start developing feelings for one another after all. Who ever could have foreseen that? There's a sense of inevitability about this movie from the very first minute. You know where it's headed. The movie may be on a journey to an obvious destination but at least it does a reasonably decent job of entertaining you along the way.

Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman play the couple in question, Adam and Emma. Kutcher is never likely to win any major acting awards but he is serviceable in fare such as this. He's just a big lug, endearing enough. And it's important here that he be endearing because in this movie it's obvious from the start that it's his Adam, not Portman's Emma, who is more open to the idea of love. You need to feel for Adam as he goes through the movie's tried and true romantic comedy formula ups and downs. Kutcher pulls off what is required of him. Portman meanwhile shows off a different side. After the dark, ultra-serious Black Swan it's nice to see her able to just cut loose and have some fun. This movie is certainly not uproariously hilarious but it has its funny moments and Portman plays her part, showing some comic chops. And of course she shows her vulnerability too because the rom-com formula demands it.

The arc of their respective careers has shown Portman to be clearly the more talented of the two leads in this movie. But Kutcher holds his own, he and Portman make a good match. The chemistry isn't perfect, the sparks never really fly. The movie tries to be raunchy at times but never really commits to it, ultimately the whole thing is a bit tame. No cinematic masterpiece to be sure but there are enough good moments to carry the film to respectability. All in all it's pretty good fun. The very simple story is spiced up a bit by some interesting supporting characters. Kevin Kline is a hoot as Adam's dad, a total cad. Lake Bell draws some laughs as an incredibly socially awkward woman who pines for Adam. Greta Gerwig, Mindy Kaling and Chris Bridges (yes, 'Ludacris') are among the others who wander in and out of the movie to provide a laugh or two. There's also a largely unrecognizable Cary Elwes who sadly gets absolutely nothing to do, a bit of a waste his casting was. Of course, as with all movies of this genre, the whole thing really rests on the shoulders of the lead couple. It's their movie. And Kutcher and Portman do enough to both entertain you and actually make you care about their characters. No Strings Attached is not a movie that rises above its genre, it doesn't stand out in any meaningful way. But for what it is it's not half bad.
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No soul
PanDemic21 August 2011
Decent acting, sure. But the core, dialog and development offers very little to anyone older than 16.

The movie has one or two memorable moments. The rest was just bubble gum.

Given the outset, adding any delightful, surprising, thought provoking or interesting situations would be hard, but very possible. Though I obviously didn't watch this movie for depth, but when the brain is missing I do expect the heart to be compensated. This movie just simply failed to deliver.

If asked I wouldn't be able to pinpoint any particular reason to recommend this movie.
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