Lockwood & Co. (TV Series 2023) Poster

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Captivating YA Series That Appeals to Older A's
cjstanford-6509731 January 2023
No disappointments in this series. Each episode has a full story, while the series has several larger mysteries and continuing drama, binge or take your time-both work. I avoided it initially because the name suggested a Netflix spinoff of Locke &Key (another YA supernatural series). Netflix is the only common element. L&K is more like " The Waltons meets Gandolf". This is fresh: take place in 2023 London, except about 50 years ago the world was subjected to a new shift/phenomena. The human death rate increased noticeably but modestly. Cause was unknown, not disease, not a toxin, not violence. The governments around the world acknowledged that not only were ghosts now a reality, and some could injure or kill humans. Because activity of ghosts are more present at night, governments' passed curfew laws to protect citizens. These distractions leave that world with fewer technological advances: seems to be circa late 1990's based on phones etc. Some materials hurt ghosts, namely salt, iron, silver. It sounds like there are about a dozen classifications of ghosts, varying in lethality. Individual ghosts though are tied to a physical object, like a doll, ring etc. Find it, contain the ghost. The other major nuance is that only children and young adults can see them. So teens are actively recruited by private security companies. Lockwood is a small security firm run by a driven, highly intelligent teen along with two others who couldn't fit in with conventional teams. The script/story is tight. I couldn't pickup on any plot hole which usually accompany an-alternative-world theme. There's plenty of villains, corruption, well-meaning buffoons, and good guys and those in-between. Has realistic and entertaining action. The writers dialed down the YA "coming of age angst" which is a relief; and departed from the common teen love themes producers have exploited to death. So this feels like a truly fresh and entertaining drama with action and mystery. Don't skip it just because it YA. You should know after episode 2 if it's for you.
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Stylish and gripping
a01c65ssw0931 January 2023
Having no knowledge of the source novels, I enjoyed that the world building was steadily paced and not spoon fed like so many adaptations. The.directing is inspired. This ghostly alternate London is moody and eerie, full of human and ex-human intrigue. The principal cast perhaps build up to chemistry rather than instantly fizz, yet you still get the sense of their personalities amongst the whiplash adventures. I disagree with claims that this is kids' drama. They may be young, but their abilities weigh them down with harsh responsibilities. I hope this show gets backing to develop over a number of seasons so we can really get to know these characters and the world they inhabit.
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Very impressive.
craigs90231 May 2023
Just been watching a few episodes of Lockwood and I'm impressed. The 3 main actors are very impressive, the you chap who plays Lockwood IMO channels a bit of David Tennet DrWho.

Even though this has young actors in it,in no way is it aimed at the young generation, I'm over 50 and I'm enjoying every episode.

Special effects are top notch, and scary at times the main story line is a great arc, but I'm not saying anything about it. You'll just have to sit down and enjoy it.

Netflix has its hits and misses but this is the later and I certainly hope to see more seasons of Lockwood and Co. In the future.
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Is it just me or is Netflix dropping the ball?
kitty_cat_lyn16 May 2023
Because this show was fab! Fun, witty, entertaining and addictive to watch! I was excited for the adventures to continue in season 2. And yet, Netflix just announced no renewal for season 2. Tsk tsk tsk. Shame on you Netflix. Every time you make a great show like this; you cancel it and renew something that takes less than 10 functioning brain cells to watch. I mean seriously. Why is it that every great sci-fi or fantasy show you come out with, that gets great viewer reviews, you cancel? I don't understand it. At all. And now I'm just typing to get the amount of words needed to make this review postable. Sorry it's more of a rant at Netflix than a review. Do watch the show. It's worth it. Even if there is a disappointment in the knowledge it won't be continuing. Just like so many other great shows that had soo much binge worthy potential.
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This show was so good it made me buy the books
femkegoossens-2386121 April 2023
I absolutely loved this tv show. It was very intriguing and I really loved the atmosphere. I liked that it was set in England in a world that looks a lot like ours, but is different in a way. A parallel universe if you will. The mysteries in the plot really kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. After binging everything I was so curious to see how the story would go that I immediately bought the books. I have now read all of them (they are amazing btw) and am going to rewatch the Netflix adaptation again! I really hope Netflix will make a season 2 of Lockwood & Co.

Having read the books after watching the show I must say that I am really happy with Netflix casting decisions. George, Lucy and Lockwood are amazing together. I really don't mind that the Netflix cast is a bit more diverse than the characters in the book. The personalities are all spot on. I cannot wait to see who they cast for the characters that are introduced in the other books. The chemistry between Lucy and Lockwood was spot on. I also loved that some of the dialogues were almost identical to the book.
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the Brits excel at YA "ensemble" action
A_Different_Drummer27 January 2023
The first thing you need to know is that this is a Netflix "YA" (Young Adult) release, and that is not a bad thing at all. In fact, the Brits seem to be able to handle "ensemble" YA action series better than most, and have been doing them for decades. Secondly, even though the backstory (a parallel world where evil ghosts roam freely, but can only be dealt with by youngsters) seems at first like something from a Japanese Manga, it is in fact based on a very popular YA novel series. Third, the show was created by Joe Cornish, a producer with an excellent track record that includes, among others, the cult favorite ATTACK THE BLOCK 2011 -- coincidentally, another story where a group of idiosyncratic young people have to save the world. In other words, not his first rodeo. Recommended. ((Designated "IMDb Top Reviewer." Please check out my list "167+ Nearly-Perfect Movies (with the occasional Anime or TV miniseries) you can/should see again and again (1932 to the present))
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Didn't read the books review:
hazard11127 January 2023
Came in blind to this show. I only knew it was some sort of supernatural mystery thriller with ghosts.

For a YA show, the characters here aren't as "annoying"? Well they still feel like teenagers to me with their "End justifies the means" way of taking action. Just enough recklessness that you question what the f they are doing. Especially from Lockwood. But somehow it's not overbearing? They still do the "Not talking to each other until the plot requires it" trope but I feel it was addressed and utilized in the show quite well. The characters do have some backstory to them not extensive but you can see different personalities pop up. Anthony reminded me of Five from Umbrella Academy, George reminded me of Simon from Shadow Hunters, and Lucy reminded me of Wednesday but without the love for morbidity.

For the World building... We don't get introduced into it like usual where in it's a montage of someone's monologue in the 1st episode. It's honestly sparse of that which I really like. We get some scenes here and there with terms they use in their world but not all of it is given any descriptive meaning but it was easy to immerse myself in it. From context clues it wasn't hard to match what they meant. It just felt natural.

For the plot delivery, I liked it. It had good action sequences. CGI is believable. The sets were creepy af paired with tense music. I was honestly expecting something more like a Hardy Boys-Nancy Drew-Scooby Doo type... they did give the vibe of it but it was more like Ghostbusters lol. The mystery solving isn't complex, it's not like Glass Onion with clues etc, fairly straight forward but it's still a good supernatural thriller so I think it's more like Wednesday but with a more serious tone?

Overall, I don't know how it is as an adaptation but I thought it was fun and a good series to watch. Ending is sort of a cliffhanger as they did finish the "major plot line of the current season" but ended with an opening to another plotline. I really liked the bantering of the trio as they felt natural though it felt a bit rushed with how chummy they were already by ep 2. Bonus points because there's no unnecessary sex scenes in it like some YA shows... I'm looking forward to watching the plot unravel more. Here's to hoping for a 2nd season.
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Great concept, has potential, but the dialog is atrocious
MarkEToronto31 January 2023
The plot is decent. The production value, settings, and effects are great. The settings dark, and appropriate. The acting mostly decent. The suspense is great.

It's almost enough to save this series from the horrible dialog.

I really want to love this show, but the dialogue is just so awful and cringe at times. The emotions expressed are unearned, the tension between the characters is unearned. These people barely know each other, but the dialog is written as though these "teens" have been working together for a couple years. Some of the lines are just bad writing.

The dialogue isn't always awful, but when it hits wrong ( which is often enough) you're finding yourself audibly groaning at these hollow, artificial feeling characters, with their ridiculously baseless motivations. There is no passage of time between episodes to justify this whole "I'll die for you!" type dialogue that starts immediately.

The show desperately need better writing and more authentic character development. If you could couple this concept with the level of character development and dialogue of say Harry Potter, this would be one of the most amazing young adult series.
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Fantastic fight choreography
asmithee238 February 2023
I am quickly binging just about everything on netflix lately and this popped up after finishing Wednesday. Wow, I might like it more then Wednesday. It was so disappointing when all the episodes were over that I re-watched the whole season. Sharp writing, amazing sets and strong performances all around. The fight scenes are intricate and the camera does not cut away to fake movement but stays directly on the actors. Hopefully, this show will have enough views to get a second season because nothing production wise was spared. It would be a shame if viewership weren't high enough to warrant the cost of another season.
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Entertaining, but feels thin
yooniverse30 January 2023
I haven't read the books, so I can't speak to the quality of the adaptation. Strictly from a perspective of someone who is not a teen, at risk of being slammed here, the show is a little thin on substance. They're basically young, paranormal "sensitive" ghostbusters with rapiers (why rapiers and not sabres, maybe the books explain it, but it's not the ideal weapon for slashing and close combat like the way they were using them on the show, and it's an awkwardly long sword for young adults to draw and wield, and it shows).

The dramatic tension is mainly manufactured by the three immature protagonists who are emotionally dysfunctional, choosing not to be honest with each other that leads to scene after scene of misunderstandings and misadventures. So, if the story is about learning how not to be stupid and work as a team, then it does a great job of conveying that. As for ghost hunting, the first season surprisingly doesn't have much of that.

But the show does introduce and hint at a more substantial backstory and universe presumably found in the books, that I'm sure will be part of future episodes. There is a sinister conspiracy of the origin of these ghosts, as well as a world where these ghost-hunting agents are licensed practitioners of a formalized craft and trade are abound, and hospital wards filled with disabled, comatose kids who are "ghost-locked" or "ghost-touched".

Given the rave reviews here, I guess we can look forward to more seasons.
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Deserves a second season
ZombieGirlORV12 June 2023
A genuinely unique setting.

Amazing chemistry from the actors.

The lighting sets the mood in every scene.

While the basic overarching story is a cookie cutter scenario, and keeping in mind I hate cookie cutter stories. The actual delivery of this particular piece was on point. Unfortunately this is one of the situations where I broke my rule. I am unable to compare it to the book because when starting the show I didn't realize it was an adaptation of one. That being said the show was intriguing enough to cause me to want to read the series rather than waiting for a second season, and upon looking up when a second season was going to come up we found that this show had been canceled by netflix. While I realize I'm just a "Watcher" and while I don't fully understand the reason for it's cancelation. I would compel netflix to reconsider. In the age of the internet, when everything is available to everyone, it takes time for anything of quality to gain traction, and this show has great quality. I already recommended it to my sister before finding out it was canceled. I can almost guarantee she would recommend it to at least six others and after I play it for my teenagers I can say that all of their friends will be watching it within the week. Though before my husband randomly decided to turn it on, I had never heard of Lockwood and Co. Being a large book buff, this is rare for me. But I am sticking to Stephen King this year. I hope to read the series next year, and I hope Netflix or another network picks it up for a second season. If any show deserves one, it's Lockwood and Co. It's the most captivating thing I've watched since Sweet Tooth.
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Insubstantial But Fun
johnspringer-9544014 February 2023
This YA series has interesting ideas and a likeable cast. The world-building and character development are economical but the premise isn't difficult to follow. The tone and effects seem appropriate for the intended audience. The show never quite manages the sense of danger or intensity it often teases and conflicts are routinely resolved too quickly and easily. As a result it can feel insubtantial. Conversely it doesn't get bogged down by the ponderous pace of many shows that try build tension and drama. There's a briskness to the plot that helps sustain an affable momentum and keeps things engaging.
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Loved it
laramilenka18 May 2023
Best book adaption ever it was done perfectly everything was done with such preciseness and detail it captures your eye. Such a shame it got canceled !! I am hoping that an other streaming service picks it up. I can't get enough of them !!! Please consider watching it. What I also really appreciated is how the actors portrayed the characters, I could see they loved them and Oh my goodness!!! The chemistery AMAZING ! I with my whole heart adored this show and even rewatched it multiple times because it is just so good. OH and don't get me started on the details!! Evey rewatch i discover something new.
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kseniiashpilevska28 January 2023
Okay, Lockwood and Co fans, we finally got it! Yaaaaay! I could never imagine it to be two first books in 1 season, you did a great job Joe Cornish and Netflix.

This is so far one of the best book to TV adaptations I've ever seen.

I like the way creators of this series worked through the plot of the books and brought that perfectly on screen. Everything works good - three main characters are as what I remember them from books. They made Lockwood more deep, Lucy more sensitive but in a good way and George is just as he's in books, but prettier. Also I really loved that chemistry between Lockwood and Lucy. And that cliffhanger ... ugghhh, that was great.

Can't wait for the next season and Netflix, please don't cancel the show.
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A lesson in how to do it
alison-carlyle6728 January 2023
I didn't know this was a book. As a series it is a story well told.

The first episode grips you with action, I've seen it a thousand times but it was done well. Then the story starts and without exposition you know what's happening. You get the ideas. You move through the story, with multidimensional characters with quirks.

The exploitation of children for their abilities by adults is believable.

The performances are great, no one stands out and no one falls behind they are all strong.

The cinematography, set design, costumes, makeup, script serve the story. It's a story that hasn't been told before although the basic premise is that of a mystery thriller.

I binge watched. You won't regret it.
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justinguanzon31 January 2023
This show surprised me. It was familiar and unique at the same time. There were times where I tried predicting what would happen or how the characters would act and was pleasantly proved wrong in some instances. Also, this was the right way to implement a strong female lead. Even though we know her potential exceeds the rest of the characters, she isn't the "saviour with plot armor" who's strong for no reason that seems to be the trend with these recent shows. I appreciate how each character fits into their roles and aren't sidelined by the lead. My only complaint is that some of the effects seemed out of place like the sword trails, but that's it. The setting? Brilliant. The alternate version of the U. K. is too cool. Overall, excellent job by everyone.
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Nice easy and watchable
imersaj29 January 2023
Threw it on as was top 10 UK TV, without checking ratings. Pretty good easy watching show. The lead can be a little annoying to like, but suppose that's partly the idea. Was at first put on to be watched as a background show, so more not watched that watched. However found myself pausing it to complete my other tasks as didn't want to miss something important. About to start episode 4 and it's heating up nicely. The effects are pretty watchable. Hopefully enough happens to keep me watching but so far so good. Some light laughs and characters build well. Much more watchable than other things that you'd expect to be aimed first at younger audience. More suitable for adults than Wednesday for example.
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An Enthralling Supernatural Adventure
Watcher4918 June 2023
Lockwood & Co, presents an immersive and captivating supernatural tale that will keep you on the edge of your seat. This thrilling show takes viewers into a world plagued by restless spirits and the brave individuals who dare to confront them. With its compelling characters, intricate plot, and expertly crafted atmosphere, Lockwood & Co offers an exhilarating viewing experience.

One of the strongest aspects of "Lockwood & Co" is its rich world-building. The series seamlessly blends the supernatural elements with a gritty urban backdrop, creating a unique and believable setting. The attention to detail in the production design, from the eerie haunted houses to the dimly lit streets, enhances the overall atmosphere, making every episode an immersive experience.

Lockwood & Co is a must-watch for fans of supernatural mysteries, intricate world-building, and compelling characters. With its engrossing storytelling, stellar performances, and superb production values, the series offers a binge-worthy experience that will leave you eagerly anticipating each new episode.
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A fun adventure without any emotion.
arpank28 January 2023
Well this series is not pathetic. It has a interesting concept and the adventure of three young-adult protagonists are decent to watch.

Product value is also felt very rich. But this series has no feeling.

Character development is very less for that we can't connect with those 3 characters (Lucy, Lockwood, Goerge). Also lots of cliche sequences there which feels childish sometimes. But if you don't want to use your head and enjoy an adventure series with family and siblings this will be a good choice. But don't expect something fresh or new from this new netflix series called Lockwood & CO...
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Absolutely love this show and very upset they canceled it
jenaceccio5 October 2023
The show was fantastic! Actors amazing, plot and story superb, the thrill, romance, paranormal. It have a bit of everything and I watched all 8 episodes in less then 24 hours. I was so sad to see they canceled it saying it didn't get enough viewers but in my opinion that's only because Netflix didn't advertise it properly. I literally made an account on here just to leave a great review in hopes people will watch it and maybe they will bring it back!!! The books themselves are so good and I thought the actors and actresses they chose to play the parts were spot on! Netflix always seems to cancel the good shows and I hope they decide against the cancelation of this one!
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Fantastic show! Netflix must bring it back!!!
wanderblue15 April 2024
Fresh, exciting and binge worthy. The story truly takes you away into a different world, excellent writing. The characters are unusual, captivating and fun, the acting is full of depth, especially Chapman. Absolutely brilliant! A must watch for Ghostbuster lovers and for people who like to think outside the box. Quirky and definitely not your usual 'I could see the end coming a mile away' type. I cannot believe it has been cancelled! Netflix keeps charging more to bring out new shows, when they should be nurturing the ones that have potential and is not another brainless action or romance flick.
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Brit Poshbusters meets Supernatural
apgiannakopoulos25 September 2023
The whole concept of the show is interesting albeit a little contrived, but the acting is good for a cast of 'teens' and its good fun to watch if you have nothing else more interesting to watch.

The CGI effects of the ghosts look good and the music is OK. The overarcing plot is kind of unique and it is quite obvious this was adapted from novels.

There is none of the usual drivel and boring waste of time fillers, but one would think it would have made a better movie than a series due to the nature of the story.

In any case I think it was miles better than any recent offerings, even ones with a much higher budget, and I felt it would be fair to recommend it for a watching.
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Not bad.
ZinQ31 January 2023
Pretty good show, but find myself drifting off, and missing half an episode, because I don't care. It's not gripping my attention. One reason why, is the very annoying trait of not answering questions. When any of them are asked something, they drift off into a daydream, or just stare blankly. This really is infuriating. I want to shake them. A huge amount of time is wasted on these blank looks.

It's considered rude in my world. The acting is not bad, but so many Northern accents in London? I guess we will eventually see what's in the locked room. But, am I really interested enough to stick around to find out?
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Excellent series
dave-king6131 May 2023
I came into this quite late and I am definitely not YA. However, I thoroughly enjoyed the series enough to buy the books. That said, I was very saddened to read there will be no series 2??? Really NETFLIX! There is so much rubbish produced these days and this was an oasis. The acting and writing are superb. Now when I read the books I see and hear the characters in the series. I appreciate there is a nod to current trends, but that doesn't take away from the story and ideas. I could watch this series repeatedly. Whoever picked the music deserves an award in their own right. Credit to all the actors that did a superb job.
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Adaptations are a hard task, they didn't fail
miljaholm28 January 2023
Big fan of the books, watched the whole season in one day. I think they've captured the characters really well. It was fun to watch and you didn't get bored and want to do something else. The CGI works well enough not to distract you.

It for sure has a target audience in mind, kind of like Netflix's answer to Wednesday (but imo better). A dark edgy but also a bit comical series for teens. I don't remember them talking as much about death, or the romantic tension being as noticeable in the books. They're clearly trying to capture those who feel left out, classic escapism, like Harry Potter... a selling concept.

Another difference is the lack of time. There isn't really a sense of enough time passing between scenes. The fast phased nature keeps you engaged but doesn't really let you settle in to the characters or get a sense that they've really had the time to get to know each other as well as they say. However due to the medium change it is however maybe impossible to get to know the characters on the same level. I can appreciate both versions for their strengths.
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