Borat Subsequent Moviefilm (2020) Poster

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m56drid23 October 2020
Not as good as the first one (it doesn't even come close), but still very funny at times. The actress who plays the daughter could be the next big thing, she is fantastic in her role.
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More mature, less funny
eagandersongil2 November 2020
"Borat 2" is a film much more mature and aware of what it wants to do than its predecessor, we even have a very well constructed social criticism, with characters who suffer from ailments and have doubts about their development and personality, everything is very well explored behind a curtain of a black, slapstick and absurd mood but that still works very well, it works out that "Borat 1" is funnier, but the sequence has its moments.

It would be difficult to imagine borat nowadays, a film that has a humorous charge that today is not so well socially accepted, the solution was to satirize the right people so as not to suffer from severe criticism or boycotts, a wise move to build narrative.

The film has a simple but effective direction, many loose cameras, use of natural lighting, with extremely organic short shots, although the film does not feel the same shockumentary as the first, its transgression still works. the actors look great, Sacha Baron delivers a convincing and fun borat and bilak sagdiyev surprises with a multi-layered performance.

"Borat 2" is a fun movie, with an acid, mature script and that even has several Plots, with a great conclusion, here we have a bunch of ideas that are organized and that work very differently from the first, even if the sequence has less charm, it is still an interesting film and that preaches a humor that is needed nowadays. 7/10
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I mean...
djkaine23 October 2020
It's Borat. Crude, offensive, and fun. It will probably get a bunch of 1's from the poli-cry-babies who claim they aren't judging it based on the fact that it goes against their values, but they are. It's a stupid comedy and it was entertaining. If you don't like stupid comedies then this just isn't for you.
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Cohen is a genius
WindsOfWintergreen27 October 2020
For those saying Giuliani was just tucking in his shirt, why lay down on a bed to do so instead of STANDING UP? And that, folks, is part of the genius of this film: that is shows you, live on video what's going on, and lets those who want to continue to lie to themselves, to continue to do so, while being laughed at by others. Don't miss it.
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Very NIIICE, but a little disappointing
jonahhenry-8903228 October 2020
This is a very funny movie, but I don't think it lives up to the first one. I really like how Borat's relationship with his daughter grows though.

The girl who plays Borat's daughter is a great actress. I hope her career skyrockets because of this.
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Hello America !
efd-1046723 October 2020
What a violent on American culture, the debutantes ball and their dance was great.

Some Americans will not appreciate it, but the rest of us will laugh.
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Borat Make a Number 2
MissCzarChasm29 October 2020
Borat Make a *Glorious* #2! Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan is very naiiice!

America Mayor Rudolph Giuliani say he not like film.

America Mayor Rudolph Giuliani say he very much LIE down to fix pants like in nation of Kazakhstan where we not stand up to tuck the shirt. Much success.

You watch.

Chin qui
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Some very funny moments, but mostly not
Q-Man14 November 2020
I would have to say that, overall, Subsequent Moviefilm was a bit disappointing. It had some very funny moments, but most of the time it was not all that funny. I had trouble believing that the people being filmed weren't aware of what was happening. Why would these people allow cameras into their businesses? Would two Q-anon followers actually invite a stranger (and presumably a cameraman) to stay with them? What about the Reverend at the pregnancy clinic? Wouldn't he question the cameras? Other people, too, behaved too normally, without questioning anything. I have read that Jeanine Jones, the babysitter, thought she was in a documentary, so her part was not as unbelievable as the others. She came off as a very caring and sweet woman. The movie was at it's best when skewering the Trump Administration and associates. That was where it got funny, and right on the mark. Giuliani was laughable in several ways. We have all heard of the "shirt tucking" scene, but his assertions on Trump's handling of COVID were absurd. Rudy has become a walking punchline, both with this movie and his press conference at the Four Seasons Complete Landscaping ( between the crematorium and the porn store). He just can't get any more ridiculous. I would say that the Moviefilm is worth seeing for several good jokes, but, honestly, overall, it is jot great.
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Anybody in power should fear Sacha Baron Cohen
dylanmoogatt-2826323 October 2020
Let's start by saying that Cohen has been notorious for pointing out political and social problems in society with most of the films he has been attributed to.

Borat Subsequent Moviefilm is no different.

His penchant for trolling not only the general public but those in power in this movie is on a whole other level to anything he has done in the past.

If you were a fan of the original 2006 Borat film, don't expect something exactly the same. This movie felt more refined with less filler and feels much more relevant to the things we are going through today from politics to COVID to human rights and equality.

There will be those who say "this is a stupid film" based on face value. However, when you break it down to what Cohen tried to do all you can do afterwards is just picture how stupid some of the people in this movie are going to (and already do) feel *cough* Rudolph Giuliana *cough* and you'll understand exactly why nobody can match Sacha Baron Cohen in the art of making people look incredibly stupid.
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I thought it was decent
SafReviews25 December 2020
I watched the first Borat movie ages ago and I thought it was ok but not the best comedy movie for me and I think it's the same case for this sequel. The plot was intriguing eventhough It was crazy, but that's what made it intriguing. There were a few funny moments, but not as much as the first movie; it could be because people are more sensitive nowadays. I liked how the movie focused on important events of 2020 like the coronavirus and the US election. Overall this is a decent comedy movie which I would definitely recommend.
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I was excite, but now I am dissapoint
FixedYourEnding23 October 2020
Who doesn't love Borat Sagdiyev; the clueless foreign reporter from Kazakhstan? definitely not me. I love Borat. I also am a BIG fan of Sacha Baron-Cohen, he is a wonderfully nice person and witty, not to say genius, comedian. This is why it is heart-breaking for me to tell you the stone cold truth: this Subsequent moviefilm is one of his worst works, it's even worse than The Dictator that held that title up to this point.

Now, if you are a fan of Borat, like me, and you have Amazon streaming, there is nothing in the world that will stop you from watching this (especially it being free) so I think it will get the views, there is not need for all these fanbois 10/10 reviews on this site. This is not a spoiler review, however if you have seen the trailer you have seen everything that this movie has to offer (in fact the trailer have some shots that are not even in the movie itself!) there is no 'uncovering of Americas underbelly' and the worse thing, it's not even funny. Crazy to notice there are 10 names listed as writers list for this thing on top of Cohen himself. Really? maybe just let the comedian do his job? maybe?

For some reason, the combination of 'candid camera' action and bad scripted non-candid camera just doesn't work this time. It comes out as a cringe-worthy 90 minutes of overly-gross juvenile humor. Where are all the edgy scenes that we are used to seeing from Baron-Cohen? Just watch Who Is America for some good edgy Baron-Cohen humor. Even better, watch some of the serious work Cohen does in "The Spy" or "The Chicago 7" those are masterpieces who deserve the 8+ ratings they get. This one? neh-eh.

Overall, this should be on the bottom of the things you should see from Baron-Cohen if you watched everything else already- sure sit down and watch a mediocre 90 minutes that can be covered in 2 minutes of a trailer. Exact score: 45 / 100
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This movie DESERVES the bad reviews!!
diegosays24 October 2020
If you love Borat, you will understand that the bad reviews are the best reviews. Sacha Baron Cohen threw a bomb in our actual society... And I LOVED IT. Every sensitive issue that exists today, Cohen broke it with nothing more than the truth that is so much being concealed. Even if the scenes are fake, he talked about subjects that no one really wanted to talk, and that's why this movie is going to get controversial and some people will obviously hate it. But that was its objective and it means Sacha Baron Cohen did an amazing job. I would write a longer review about this incredible movie, but it's about those who see it that will know this movie is indisputably amazing.
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Some fun
gamerz-180427 November 2020
Not as good as first. Still decent albeit nauseating at times.
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Pretty disappointing
schroederagustavo23 October 2020
I can't deny I laughed pretty hard about 2 times and chuckled like 3 times, but most of the movie was a flatliner for me. I am a big fan of the first movie and I think where this one falls apart for me is that it focuses too much on current events (that the movie will probably be irrelevant in a few years), focuses way too much on politics and on the plot with Borat's daughter. Many people are praising her performance here. I think she's fine, but I don't think the script is anything special here and it doesn't help the actors. The scenes I enjoyed the most are those with Borat doing his thing by himself, but a lot of it felt to me like attempting to recreate the mood of the original.
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He's back
cartsghammond23 October 2020
Borat is back, with this subsequent moviefilm. This will be compared to the original to no end, but with borat being a cultural icon in America, this one was bound to be very different.

I loved this film, it made me topple with laughter multiple times. The accomplishment of making this within a pandemic is also a massive achievement. Do I think this is better then the first one? No. Do I think this is a hilarious movie? Absolutely.

This one seems a lot more planned narratively and has a lot more scripted scenes, not bad things at all. The girl playing borat's daughter was also great.

Very nice!
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Good but not anywhere near it's predecessor
AzgotheDefiler23 October 2020
This was a good one time watch but it is is no way a match to the predecessor . Sure it does has its own funny scenes a lot of them but sometimes it felt as if the screen were scripted and even if they aren't they lacked the surprise thing/unpredictability like in the first part .

Sacha Cohen was amazing as always with his comedic timing , the girl also did a pretty decent job . Overall a good one time watch .
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Did Borat just save 2020?!
EddyTheMartian00723 October 2020
(No Spoilers) Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bride to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (2020) is a sequel to the cultural phenomenon that was the first film, Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (2006). I think it's safe to say most of us never expected this movie to happen, let alone be secretly filmed and release just a couple of months after its announcement. I also think it is safe to assume that most of us didn't think a sequel would be as good as the original. It would just be impossible to recapture the shocking satirical mockumentary that was the first one, but it's almost as shocking a sequel would be made today with all the political correctness, cancel culture, etc. that has become so prevalent in today's media. While this movie is definitely not as good as the original and some of its charm is lost since it has been already done before, and replicated, it still remains hilarious yet important.

Sacha Baron Cohen still owns the role perfectly being as believable as the current pandemic. There's times where Sacha is acting as Borat, acting as an American, and it's as impressive as it is hilarious. The surprise star is Maria Bakalova as Tutar, Borat's daughter. When I first saw her character I was apprehensive as she seemed like she could become annoying fast, but she never was, and is the heart of the film. The movie definitely goes in cliched and predictable routes, despite the unpredictable pranks they pull, but they somehow make it work. This is definitely one of those movies I can see being even more divisive than the first. While the first was mostly loved it created a lot of controversy for its depiction of Kazakhstan, gross scenes, and its dark/offensive humor. Now add current day American politics, and a criticism of multiple hot button issues today, it will definitely leave some people sour. Plus, not everyone will enjoy the father daughter story if they're mainly here for the funny pranks, but if you stick with the story it will be greatly rewarding.

This movie relies on shock humor so I won't be spoiling anything here. A Borat sequel could've easily failed if it didn't do a few things differently, and I think this movie succeeded. With Borat's cultural impact we've already seen similar movies and even TV shows recreate it, most notably The Eric Andre Show (which is equally as hilarious in my opinion), so this movie makes the smart move of focusing a little more on the actual story and characters of the film. This allows for the movie to have more of an emotional impact, and even moments of tension. There's a particular part where I found it to be genuinely intense. Maria Bakalova deserves insane praise for what she was able to accomplish going so deep into her role to even expose a real politician. We've heard about politicians doing these things for years, but seeing it happen, it was just gut wrenching. While the first film shows a broader view of US&A, this movie examines on a wider variety of topics and effectively criticizes them.

Borat, once again, and Tutar achieve much success giving us a powerful social commentary of our times, but it does have some issues. As I mentioned earlier the storyline and character arcs are cliched and predictable. Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bride to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (2020) simply isn't as funny as the first film, Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (2006). While it still had me consistently laughing out loud throughout, there wasn't any moment where I was almost in tears from laughter like the first film. The social commentary works but isn't as effective like the first time around where it genuinely caught us off guard and made us pause to examine ourselves. All of these issues have already been heavily criticized and satirized, so it isn't as powerful as it could be. The first movie almost feels timeless, still applying to this day, but this movie focuses on issues (like COVID-19) right now that might not age well. There's a fantastic unpredictable twist near the end of the movie that really adds to the story, but I found the the actual ending to be a bit too silly even for Borat, using tired jokes that have been said by everyone already.

Despite all these problems, I still had a great time. Did Borat 2 save 2020? No, I don't think anything can, but it is certainly one of the only gifts to come from this unbelievable and wretched year. Overall, Borat 2 very nice, deserves High Five! It is the still hilarious satirical dark humor we need today more than ever. It exposes our society, while still having a heart, and with 2 fantastic lead performances. Thank you for reading my review. I hope you like. Dziekuje!

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Yes, there ARE English subtitles on Prime
McScared23 October 2020
IMPORTANT before you begin the MovieFilm go to the subtitles and: 1) Turn on 2) switch to English

I realize this sounds obvious, but the default is OFF and the language of Kazakhstan (apparently). I wasted the first 20 minutes missing all the Textual humour because I couldn't understand either the dialogue or text. After a second attempt, I was able to switch the subtitles to English which make the MovieFilm Very Nice.

You really need English subtitles. Really. At first, I just thought the foreign subtitles were part of the joke. NOT!
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To the point
kosmasp28 October 2020
As far as I remember, this seems more focused than the first Borat movie. Though I have to admit, I have to rewatch the previous entry in the Borat world. Some things almost seem improbable (like what did he tell people, that they would actually not just go along with some of th stuff but also say really despicably things?), others may seem devious to say the least.

One of the biggest things of the movie is the Rudy Giuliani story. Tucking in your shirt becomes a whole new issue ... now whether you believe him or not (the whole thing should make you feel like a creepy voyeur), Rudy has been, said and done worse as what we actually see in the movie. But since Sascha Baron Cohen could not see exactly what was happening, he may have (coitus) interrupted a bit too quick - for those who are still not convinced what was going on ... or rather what was about to happen.

Generally speaking you should not be easily offended. And while there are blows to almost everything and everyone, it is mostly the ridiculous Trump cult that will be outraged the most - snowflakes and all that. Of course if you are a fan of his, you already gave me a negative feedback - I can live with that. I hope I don't have to live with more Potus Trump any longer ...
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A Must-Watch!
Her-Excellency27 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The Giuliani portion alone, makes this a must-watch. Can this administration get any CREEPIER? Why yes, it can!

Speaking of .... the Fertility Dance, alone, is yet another reason to watch. It is not for the feint of heart, but it is like nothing (hopefully), you've ever seen before, or (hopefully), that you will ever see again.

The rest is just icing ... and cake ... and a cherry. Maria Bakalova is ridiculously ADORABLE. Jeanise Jones is all heart.

STOP CRYING, you insipid detractors! Relax just a little and LAUGH!
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Predictable but brilliantly executed and extremely funny!
sandykemp27 October 2020
Borat is back with a vengeance! Yes it's more of the same sort of thing you'd expect but it still keeps you on the edge of your seat cringing (in a good way) throughout!

The Rudy Giuliani scene is worth the wait. Believe me.

I think Maria Bakalova has a bright future ahead of her as she seriously challenges Baron Cohen as to who is actually the funniest on this movie!

I never thought we'd get a Borat sequel let alone one that actual managed to deliver.
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Bad comeback and politically motivated
stevebarrows12 November 2020
I love the Borat Character!

This film sucked. First you have to be left of center in order to not notice the constant politically motivated attacks... But pushing past that, I was very disappointed. Re-doing the bathing suit gag at the end was just re-hashing what was funny once. 15 years ago, now just lame. Sasha can be a genius, but once someone puts a political agenda into their humor it becomes unfunny.

Right, all Trump supporters are idiots. They all come from a farm community and believe far out conspiracies. I wont mention the obsession that democrats have with the Russian conspiracies, because Sasha didn't.

Worst of all about the movie is that the funniest parts about the first Borat movie was the interviews. In this regurgitation it was more like an introduction to Borat's daughter. written dialog rather than the actually funny stuff, the interviews.

If I could reclaim the time it took for me to watch this I would. Don't hate it, just not worth my time. Or yours in my opinion.
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Balls of steel? A'naicccce! High-five ✋
Top_Dawg_Critic24 October 2020
He must have, getting hammered in the High Striker by a strongman and surviving. In usual Borat fashion, his Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan, was a'naicccce. High-five ✋

The 95 min runtime felt longer from being a little slowly paced. I feel about 10 mins edited/cut down (faxing scenes?) would've done some justice.

The story was great and flowed smoothly and entertainingly. The Giuliani bit was OMG stellar and will be talked about for many years lol. It was good to see some cameos like Hanks, and novice actress Maria Bakalova was awesome in her role.

If you're a fan of Borat, you will love his Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan... I just love saying it lol. Itsa naaaaaaicccce 8/10 from me. High-five! ✋
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Hilariously funny, in spells
grantss24 October 2020
It has been 14 years since journalist Borat Sagdiyev embarrassed the nation of Kazakhstan with his visit to America and resulting documentary. He has spent those 14 years in a gulag but is now being released. The Premier of Kazakhstan has an important task for him: return to America and bribe the US Vice President in order that Kazakhstan regain favour.

The first Borat film, released in 2006, was brilliant. Spinning off Borat, a secondary character in the TV series Da Ali G Show, into his own movie, writer-actor Sacha Baron Cohen created a hilariously funny film that combined candid comedy with staged skits. The success of the candid scenes was almost entirely due to the off-the-charts chutzpah and nerve of Cohen. Not only funny, the movie also made some interesting social observations, especially in demonstrating the superficiality of modern society.

This film is the first Borat movie or release of any kind since the 2006 film. The fact that Cohen even decided to make it is interesting as you would think you can only make a candid film about a particular character once: they're bound to get recognised the second time round (even after a 14-year break).

This was my fear before watching this: surely Cohen can't get away with it a second time? However, I needn't have worried. Through disguises and picking on people who've never heard of Borat, Cohen manages to replicate the candidness and anonymity of the first movie. The other major positive is here he isn't working alone: Maria Bakalova does a great job in playing Borat's daughter Tutar, getting many of the candid scenes and taking the pressure off Cohen/Borat.

The result is a film that is, in spells, as funny as the original. Some great laugh-out-loud moments.

However, it isn't as consistently funny as the 2006 film, with some scenes that miss the mark. There are still some good social observations but they aren't as many or as profound as in the original.

Overall, very entertaining and well worth the watch, especially if you enjoyed the 2006 film.
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usdvp26 October 2020
Loved Borat! This is weak in laughs, inauthentic character, boring! Wanted stop watching yet still hoped SOMETHING would redeem it. Nothing did.
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