Battle in Space: The Armada Attacks (2021) Poster

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Shorts put together for a space movie
BandSAboutMovies13 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In 2420, after aliens and powerful space wizards enslave humans, rebels organize a rebellion* in this effects-heavy film that comes from six directors - Andrew Jaksch, Lukas Kendall, Toby Rawal, Scott Robson, Sanjay F. Sharma and Luis Tinoco - and five writers - Josh Guttman, Jaksch, Kendall, Sharma and Tinoco.

That's because this is really a collection of shorts with a wraparound story that puts them into one narrative that has Doug Jones (Hellboy, The Shape of Water) as an alien overlord.

From a street cop looking for his daughter** to a hunt for a crystal***, a trip to a planet gone awry****, a human bonding with an alien***** and a story that cross-cuts between a space battle and a child in the hospital******, each of these stories tell us more about this new world. Or that would be the goal, but these are all previously produced shorts that weren't originally made to go together. That said, some of these - particularly Sky Fighter and Caronte, have some really great special effects going for them.

*This was in the sales copy and never really happens. It would have been interesting to see more of how these stories all worked.

**2017's The Boogeys.

***2019's The Dark Following.

****2018's Thalamos.

*****2019's Sky Fighter.

******2017's Caronte.
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Oh Lord, please let me unsee this film
TheOtherMovieGuy12 January 2021
My reviews are normally long. This one won't be. This film is rubbish. Cheap acting, cheap scripting and cheap effects. You have been warned. The 'Lockdown Movie Syndrome' makes us digest all kinds of movies and that's not all good. There are films that should never have been made, companies that should never have produced a film, and actors that should have saved their careers from films that will forever cast a sordid shadow on their acting achievements. This move is a trifecta of failures and squarely falls into all three categories.
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"Space Wizards"
SnoopyStyle14 January 2021
In the future, mankind has spread throughout the galaxy. In 2420, space wizards from other dimension have enslaved humanity. They steal children but some are rebelling.

It's the first two minutes. On the one hand, it lost me at "Space Wizards". On the other hand, I'm intrigued. I want some Space Wizards. This is a series of vignettes. Different filmmakers are making their own sci-fi short and somebody has slammed them together into a 90 minute movie. Quite frankly, only the first short fits neatly into the opening text. The others are not so tailor-made. Some have better special effects than others. One is downright embarrassing. Each short should be considered as its own story. The last one is the most interesting. It hints of a Twilight Zone episode. It doesn't fit the rest of the movie but that's ok by then. I do want it to finish with a better ending. That short is almost good.
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Space Whizzards
Snootz21 January 2021
Anyone who would rate this 9 or 10 stars is either part of the production team or is in need of some reality therapy and meds. A bunch of short stories stuck together, poor directing, equally poor acting. The occasional almost-good CGI doesn't pull this one out of the sub-mediocre dumpster. It's neither the worst movie ever made, nor anywhere near the best. And it doesn't warrant any longer review than this. ; )
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Let's sell the crystal
nogodnomasters7 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The film starts out explaining it is the 25th century and aliens from another dimension have enslaved us. WE are rebelling all over the galaxy. I thought the stories was a series of planetary rebellions. As it was, it was unconnected short stories about space. The special effects and stories were not bad, they just didn't last long enough to really enjoy. I guess the Mandalorian spoiled me.

Guide: F-word in last episode. No sex or nudity.
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5 shorts that are utterly unrelated
fibulator77722 July 2021
It's 5 short films that are unrelated and unconnected.

This is *NOT* a movie. Several of the shorts has *incredibly* bad acting, and terrible writing and CGI. It really brings done the others that aren't horrific.
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Three words...
davidjdoyle-140-89233514 January 2021
"powerful space wizards"

What more needs to be said.
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This is horrific.
mike_red322 May 2021
Here I am, half way through the boring snorefest piece of trash and I have YET to see a Battle in Space.

How this thing got 2.5 stars is beyond me.
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Boredom in Space: The Sleep Attracts...
paul_haakonsen16 April 2021

Just wow. This movie was horrible. Granted, I had little expectations to the movie, but I must admit that I was intrigued by the movie's cover and the fact that Doug Jones was on the cast list. And since I hadn't already seen "Battle in Space: The Armada Attacks", of course I sat down to do so.

And this movie was abysmal. It is listed as an action sci-fi, and I suppose it is that. But it was so hard to having to pretend to accept that this movie was supposed to be taking place some 400 years plus from now. There simply was no futuristic feel to the movie at all. No. Actually the movie had a feel as being a low budget sci-fi movie with horrible CGI and makeshift props.

The storyline in "Battle in Space: The Armada Attacks" was just atrocious and it provided me with no entertainment. In fact, it was so monotonous and slow paced that I actually drifted off to sleep once throughout the course of the ordeal of sitting through the movie.

The acting in "Battle in Space: The Armada Attacks" was dubious at best. And yeah, sure, Doug Jones was there, but it would have been better if he wasn't, because "Battle in Space: The Armada Attacks" is a tarnish on his resume. Trust me, this was that bad.

For a sci-fi movie then "Battle in Space: The Armada Attacks" just didn't come off as being believable. A sci-fi movie needs proper special effects, CGI and props, none of which were present in this 2021 movie from writers Josh Guttman, Andrew Jaksch, Lukas Kendall and Sanjay F. Sharma. In fact, it is astounding that four writers could collectively manage to come up with nothing worthwhile for a movie.

You might want to skip on "Battle in Space: The Armada Attacks", because the movie's cover was actually the best thing about the entire experience.

My rating of "Battle in Space: The Armada Attacks" lands on a two out of ten stars. This was definitely a top contender for being some of the worst movie that I have had the misfortune of suffering through. I would have rated the movie one star, but the practical effects on the alien creature actually were quite good, and that alone managed to pull the movie up from a single star.
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Don't waste your time.
databot-5808413 January 2021
This film is complete rubbish, poorly acted, underwhelming script, cheap effects. Please stay away from this one. Wish I had .
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Horrible, want money back
bdbertsche16 January 2021
Horrible!!!!!!!! Rental should be..payME $50 to watch
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A lot of fun!
toneny-2745013 January 2021
I had a blast idgaf lol great effects too i hate when sci fi movies spend half the movie explaining the plot with dialogue and this one does not do that not a lot of dialogue which i enjoy sometimes
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A bit of a jumble.
James_TheMan9 April 2021
Well, just treat this like a set of short films. Some are the pits, real crap, some really good. However it should have been marketed as shorts. Idiots.

I'll give them that error !
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The worst.
giganticmoss8 February 2021
I dont have to say anything about it. The worst movie ever.its 2021,The graphics or the vfx whatever could have been a little bit more higher(realistic).And why is there no story and why is tgere no main hero.Do humanity ever win in that movie?.i dont know what to say about it. But i had to fast forward the movie because it was that bad. The ones who watched it knows that.
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Wait... what?
shoutg12 March 2021
This movie was the most disjointed and confusing fantasy trip I've ever watched. None of these vignettes connected, and they left me hanging. I couldn't believe the movie ended the way it did, because I was waiting for something to bring closure. The acting? How could anyone rate them? They looked confused, too!
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No battle. Many shorts glued together without any link.
PatX11 May 2021
First short story was interesting and left me wanting for more, until I realized that it was finished after not even 20 minutes, and a totally unrelated story followed, and on and on... Supposedly in the same universe, but nothing links anything else at all. Even SFX were totally different from story to story. Some had nice SFX, other were super cheap.

Battle in space? What battle? Armada? What armada? What attack??

Looks like a few stories glued together randomly, and they made a movie out of... what exactly?

90 minutes of my life wasted, and I'm not even entertained.
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straight trash
Brooklyn_E9 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This move made no sense. Garbage!!!!! It is not a movie! No plot! Worse acting.

And where was the Armada? Who was it fighting? Humans only had one ship and that was an armada? Very disappointed in myself for wasting the time.
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A handful of shorts cut together, alot better apart, sadly.
shide_8516 January 2021
Put it as a 5 as the thought is good enough, the execution and choice of movies do not work all the way though. Laso note that this is a relative low-mid budget movie (counted together). As there are several different movies the acting can't be said to be stable, one or two performances will grant the actor/actress a good future whilst most others simply will slip by unnoticed. There is potential in one or two though if given time and effort.

As a concept this isn't news, most famously known from Firefly where Serenity got spawned from (or rather selling it to southern capital as space cowboys making a progressive quite good sci-fi with the effects / best shot parts (several of those actors got a boost from it). Andrew Jaksch borrows from several overarching themes, including The fountain (2006), Enders game (2013) and as mentioned Firefly (2002-03)/Serenity (2005).

Forcing the pieces together when they do not fit well does not work, though it touches on the possibility to use a decent full length movie and use the shorter movies to spice it up which probably would work better for a star wars'esque movie on the cheap.
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Where did they get these actors ???
johntoks18 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Halfway through the movie I really had to check the rating and I'm still surprised how they got 2.5/10 Everything about this movie screams amateur.

I wouldn't be surprised to know those who rated this movie 10/10 are part of the production team.

I planned on having a great evening watching battle in space but then it turns out to be one of the worst movies I've come across. I wouldn't recommend to anyone.

I still don't even get how this movie found it's way into my pc cos nah, it's not worth it at all . I deserve better.

Also i still really need to research these actors and see if they've acted before.
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I Hope they Gave Dust a Cut...
chavez_frank10 August 2021
If the stories in this uneven anthology seem familiar, it's because you probably already saw them on the YouTube channel called Dust. As standalone short films, the segments range from decent mashups of well-worn tropes to truly heart-breaking . However, clumsily welded together with a barely there frame stor, they're an uneven mess.
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10 minutes in, I knew the worst reviews were being generous.
johntbaileytx12 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have been a science fiction fan for over 60 years. I've seen some real stinkers. I've seen worse special effects; but there was more production value in Michael Bay's latest bowel movement than this.

Don't fail to pass it up if you can.

The plot is worse than Stargate Universe. The actors might want to look for careers other than acting. The scriptwriters need to go back to being undertakers. The makeup team should go to confession. And the owners of XCOM 2 should sue.

I mean, the show is really poor ripoffs from multiple videogames, under-funded SyFy Channel "originals", and a demented view of Charles Dickens' Victorian England. There were more cliches, than lines of dialogue.

Shame on the production team. They could have done much better. I wish they had.
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Enjoyable Experience
bulletproofdigitalcorp12 January 2021
Movie is a great experience with great effects and afew thrill rides. Do not pay attention to the top 2 negative reviews which are clearly cast by the same person, congrats to all involved in this project. 😁👍
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Underrated film
dmytromeln4 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
"In 2420, after aliens and powerful space wizards enslaved the human population, a group of rebels fights against alien overlords by launching an armada of spacecrafts, engaging in an ultimate battle for freedom." Must be read as: "Novadays, most of the people either stupid or just cold to those who in trouble; a group of rebels opposes to such state of things...".

Just ask yourself, for what you like some films and some not. In many cases, you like only a few, but awesome scenes or dialogs, or scenario twists. Now realise, that 5 independent stories, filmed by more than 200 people, statistically can not have rate 3/10.

Spoiler THE CARONTE - story about girl, who just ready to believe in miracle, and even sacrifice her health for returning her brother. Also, it is about imagination: some people when gaming even 2D shooters imagine themselvs at first person...
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This makes no sense at all! It's just awful! Couldn't finish!
gkennedy-8467812 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is the absolute most confusing thing I have ever seen in my life. Sometimes it's hard to keep track of stuff when a movie jumps backwards and forwards in time a lot, this one just jumped to completely different stories in presumably different time lines and time periods which have all been mashed together and make absolutely no sense because there really is no structure to it at all.

Which is why it's so ungodly awful and confusing. It literally gave me a migraine trying to figure out how any of these seemingly tiny short stories even fit together.

Sure at the beginning they say it's in the 25th century or so, and is about humans who fostered magic from one timeline and the humans in our timeline who fostered science.

But it really doesn't even seem like they are all in the 25th century at all. Considering you jump from one story about finding some random crystal that does who knows what, & where they later fly through space in a futuristic space craft with weapons on it.

Then suddenly it's as if your flung back in time to maybe the late 21st to 22nd century where humans are still using space shuttle type rocket ships and have just recently began studying and exploring mars up close with a space station in orbit around it.

There is no way that we would be in regular mode day type spacecraft & space stations orbiting mars, while also having futuristic spaceships that fly faster than the speed of light with weapons on them.

Needless to say I just stopped watching cause I couldn't follow any semblance of a story or plot line if there even is one instead of being a bunch of independent short films that have all been mashed together hoping people are so stupid they won't care enough to hate it.
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An anthology of short stories
emwee60918 March 2024
It took me a while to realize that this is a bunch of different science fiction stories that don't really connect. At first, I was confused, but watching them turned out to be pretty enjoyable.

Even though this movie didn't have a big budget, the special effects were surprisingly good. Some stories were definitely better than others, both in terms of their ideas and how they were made. I liked the ones that didn't borrow too much from blockbuster franchises like Star Wars and Aliens.

Each story lasts about 20 minutes, and they get better as the movie goes on. The last one was really different from the rest, but I think it wrapped things up nicely. If you like short sci-fi stories, I'd definitely recommend giving this movie a shot.
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