The Cabin in the Woods (2011) Poster

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fantasyfilmempire30 July 2022
This film is firing on all cylinders. The cast is AMAZING! It pokes fun at the whole horror genre, while still managing to be one of the best in the genre. This flick is Hemsworth-the-watch.
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An anti-horror horror movie
LBSRmcr1 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This film is a horror movie that is poking fun at horror movies and movies in general. So if you're looking for a film that you can cradle a scared lady-friend to, this is not the one.

To anyone who has watched Southpark's Britney Spears episode you will know the parallel that Matt Stone & Trey Parker drew between our modern culture glorifying and then using celebrities up as an ancient sacrifice to the gods to ensure a good harvest. This movie does the same- by creating a reality TV type scenario that the main characters walk into. But it takes it a step further, in showing how the horror movie clichés (joker, jock, slut, nerd and virgin) can be seen as a more elaborate version of this kind of sacrifice ; and horror is the genre that supplies an endless stream of blood to satisfy this ancient need.

But the characters are so much more than clichés- in the movie they actually are noticing how they are falling/being cast into these roles and being less and less human, less and less themselves. That in itself has me tipping my hat to the writers. Joss Whedon you clever beast!

As to it not being pure horror- that's the point of the movie. I was enjoying the commentary that the narrative made while it developed and because i didn't know where it was heading and why things were happening, it kept me on edge and interested to the very end.

At one point I was sitting there thinking - wow this movie must have been so much fun to make! It was definitely fun to watch.
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If you have not seen it, see it, because it's awesome. If you have seen it, see it again, because it's still awesome!
groundzero-273-39711011 August 2023
I watched this movie for the first time like 10 years ago, and I had to watch it again now. This movie is a combination of genres, and it does a really good job of tying them all together. Horror, thriller, mystery, comedy and parody. The movie shows several horror clichés that have been seen countless times and the characters do the opposite of these clichés, with humor, which was great to see.

The Cabin in the Woods is about five stereotypical horror movie characters that are going to spend some time in a cabin in the woods. But there is so much more to this cabin than you know. As the movie tells you: "If you think you know this story. THINK AGAIN." and that is so true, especially the ending. This movie has one of the most epic and unexpected endings I have ever seen. I was so entertained by this movie, and I strongly recommend it. If you have not seen it, see it, because it's awesome. If you have seen it, see it again, because it's still awesome!
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I understand it's not for everyone (and I might have a slightly twisted sense of humour), but to me, this is pure cinematic pleasure
gogoschka-115 July 2014
I just can't get enough of this film. This year alone I have already watched it 4 times (and the year isn't even done yet). It works on so many levels and is so much fun; the way the conventions of the 'Horror' genre are turned upside down, while at the same time the story transcends the mere spoof and satire and becomes something new, entirely original – just: Wow!

It's clear this film was a labour of love; every tiny little detail was cared for and the writing is just phenomenal. The dialogues between the 'office clerks' alone are beyond priceless and offer such great, apparently effortless performances by Richard Jenkins and Bradley Whitford (two absolutely fantastic character actors, by the way) – this movie has simply everything. And the last 20 minutes offer the biggest payoff I have ever seen in a film. A rare treat and a true pleasure for film geeks like me. Thank you Joss and Drew! 10 stars out of 10.

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Either you love it or you hate it!
champjohnson2915 October 2012
I'm not a horror fan. Although, films pertaining to demonic possession scare me into a four year old, it's just not my taste. I'm also pretty late in watching this movie. I found it online and decided to watch since I had nothing else to do. I was kind of intrigued after seeing Joss Whedon's name in the credits for producing and writing.

Overall, I loved this movie. It started off as your typical horror film, but turn into something much bigger and more authentic. Every horror in the past twenty years has been predictable. You know who is going to die, you know who the killer is, you know if the dumb blonde runs off screaming into a dark hallway she's more than likely going to have her head get cut off. But this movie was the exact opposite because I had absolutely no clue what was going to happen next. I'm sure a high percentage of people will not appreciate the sci-fi twist to the movie but I loved and thought it was an awesome idea. All horror movies are kind of science fiction anyways. It seems like all the killers are super human anyway because they don't seem to ever die no matter how many times you shoot them, stab them or hit them with a truck. This movie just did it on a larger scale.

The script was solid as well. Joss Whedon writes the best dialogue and knows how to play off of cliché's and those corny predictable monologues and speeches.

To everyone saying they hated this movie, it's obvious that they don't like change and are probably upset because the originality of this film pretty much slays all their favorite horror movies to dust. It's not Oscar worthy but it's a great Friday night movie with your friends that will keep everyone on the edge of their seat, anticipating what's going to happen next.

I have to hand it to the filmmakers. They definitely made a film that no one would have ever thought it. Just like my title says, you either love it or you hate it. You can't please everyone but this customer was satisfied from beginning.
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Did you see the film I saw ?
aaronoshea58-403-11953019 August 2012
I don't know why people are saying that this film was an abomination and advising others not to see it, because it has all if the element required in a fantastic horror.

For me it re-ignited the flame in what was a dying genre, being poisoned by numerous of extremely bad films. Not only did it make it's way into my favorite horrors of all time, but it makes me have faith that people can once again create a true horror. Now there are only remakes of horrors, ( Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street ....) or prequels, ( Prometheus ).

This movie is full of twists and turns you don't know what way it's going to go. It's smart, funny, gory and sexy with fantastic acting by all the cast. I was on the edge of my seat hungry for more.

Overall, I rated this movie a 10 because it deserved it. This was one of the best films I've seen in a very long time and is one that I'll be watching over and over again.
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Original cliché
Bored_Dragon4 October 2018
If you are a fan of art drama or you simply don't like the horror genre, I can understand if you hated this. But for every true fan of horror, with at least a basic knowledge of at least cult horrors through the history of the genre, this should be a real joy. "The Cabin in the Woods" is a weird movie that can not be precisely genre determined. It gathers horror ideas seen countless times and turns them upside-down. Nothing in this movie is new, but the greatest thing about it is its ability to make something very original using totally outworn horror cliches. This is a parody and homage at the same time. It is a funny-scary movie with great visuals and even better dialogues and one-liners, and its pace and twists (even the predictable ones) will not let you get bored even for a minute. And the final revelation is at the same time one of the most ridiculous and one of the most awesome things I have ever seen on the big screen. It is not a masterpiece, but it is a real gem and I loved it.

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This is how to do a parody
briancham19944 June 2020
After the "parody" movies of the 2000s comes The Cabin in the Woods, a lesson in how to poke fun at a genre while still telling a compelling story. It incorporates all the clichés of the horror genre but in a clever way that all ties together. Even when you think you know what's going to happen, the film goes off the rails and goes into completely new territory.
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I FREAKING LOVED this movie!!!!
Matt_Layden15 March 2012
The Cabin in the Woods is a spin on the horror genre from writer's Joss Whedon and Drew Goddard, without giving away the spoilerish parts of the plot, I'll simply say that it involves 5 friends who fit the horror movie stereotypes (Jock, Slut, Party-Guy, Nerd, Virgin) who go to a cabin in the woods to party and get away from it all. Trouble is, its never really safe to go to a cabin in the woods is it?

To be honest, the less you know about this film, the more awesome it will be. I felt that the trailer gave away a bit too much of the twists and turns one can expect from the film, but at the same time the image of a bird flying into a giant forcefield is what will set this film apart from the generic horror films that hit the theatres today. The Cabin In The Woods tells you upfront "You think you know the story..." but of course you don't. This is Joss Whedon after all. Fans of Buffy and Angel will get a kick out of this, as actors from that universe make their way into this film.

It's been a long time since I've had a lot of fun at the movies and the Cabin in the Woods was a lot of fun. It's an odd movie to sell, because a lot of it has to be kept secret to make the second half of the movie exciting and fresh. It blends a few genres together, the two main ones being horror and comedy and it works perfectly. Both Whedon and Goddard worked on Buffy and Angel, which was a balancing act of genres, so they knew the right tone to get here and they nailed it. They take the clichéd aspects of every horror film and put it in here, to brilliant use. We actually get to see reasons for stupid character mistakes, which made that whole aspect of the film fun.

Richard Jenkins and Bradley Whitford have great chemistry together and stole every scene they're in. I would love to see these two character actors work together again, they made this film really fun and they are a joy to watch on the screen. The young actors, including Thor himself Chris Hemsworth, sell the clichéd horror characters very well. In most horror flicks I can't stand any of the characters, here I was rooting for all of them.

There are some truly hilarious moments, I am dying to talk about them, but doing so would ruin the surprises. All I can say is that I was laughing throughout the entire film, I cheered, I clapped and I enjoyed myself. There are a lot of horror references, most notably The Evil Dead, so it's fun to spot things here and there. Horror fans I think will really get a kick of of this flick and I pray it does well, cause it's the most fun I've had in a long time.

Drew Goddard's first directorial gig, he had a lot on his plate and he managed to pull off one hell of a film. It helps when you have someone like Joss Whedon in your corner, but I applaud him for being able to pull off the tone perfectly, I imagine the script to screen process was identical. This is a very clever script, with laughs, gore and surprises at every corner. When you have Goddard, whose worked on Buffy, Angel, Lost and wrote Cloverfield, teamed up with partner Joss Whedon who is one of the best writers working today, then you know you're walking into something special. I can't recommend this flick enough. When it comes out, you must go see it.

Just makes sure you don't know much about it beforehand, or it might ruin the awesome factor.
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killercharm25 July 2022
What fun. This is a horror comedy with every monster known to man and then some. It's funny, smart and you can't predict this one. Sigourney Weaver shines as usual. A bunch of young cutes go to a cabin in the woods to be young and cute together. Unknown to them this cabin is infested.
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Am I missing something?
alexandermilo16 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I went to the premiere of The Cabin In The Woods last Friday. Not having read any of the reviews going around prior to watching it I must say it is one of the worst films I have seen in a long time. The thing is, am I missing something? I get the fact that it is a parody or an anti-horror film or perhaps even a nod (whether positive or negative) to horror films generally, but I still don't like it.

It was predictable from the start (why did that eagle have to hit the invisible boundary to the cabin? It made the later scene with the motor bike jump completely redundant). The acting was poor and even though the film may be satirical it is still painful to watch.

The only thing I do like is perhaps the idea of an ode to all horror films and horror characters, but if it is a parody than that wouldn't make sense.

I am just so surprised that this film currently has 7.9 / 10. Am I missing something here???
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I loved it, but I can totally understand why people would walk out of the theater and find it terrible.
oldman0078 August 2012
I'm a big Horror Fan. I have been since I was a young child. I've never seen anything like this movie before. It's a combination of everything. It's taken everything from every other Horror Movie and thrown it all into this movie. But what is really impressive is the fact that the movie has it's own (original) plot.

What people seem to get confused about is that this is also a comedy. If you haven't laughed within the first 10 mins, then you better walk out right now, because the movie is exactly the same all through out. I was laughing all the way through it. This movie is just bizarre. One of the most bizarre Horror/Comedies i've ever watched in my life, is fact, the most bizarre Horror/Comedy i've watched in my life.

Don't be expecting any scary scenes or anything suspenseful, because this is the wrong movie for you.

The acting was great, well written, well directed and excellent comedy one-liners and with the best twist i've ever seen! This movie is exactly where it needs to be, it's a cult movie. It's "EXACTLY" what it should be. I'm part of the cult following! A cult classic and the best movie i've seen of 2012! If you are a Horror (over the top violence) mixed in with comedy fan, I 110% recommend this one! 10/10
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Comedy not horror but ok.
rguest-8872414 June 2020
7 is being generous but I think that's because some of the reviews I read made this out to be a horror masterpiece.

it is complete other end of spectrum and once i readjusted my expectations during the film I started to enjoy.

Totally tounge in cheek and the last 30 minutes was pretty funny. The end scene tone sums up the whole film.
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I don't get it. Most disappointed I've been in awhile.
letzgostate2 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I have not been this disappointed in a long time. Had I known I was coming to watch a movie that was making fun of horror movies, I wouldn't have wasted my time or money.

Original as it was, it lacked three major things I expected: 1. Horror (which was replaced with comedy) 2. Good Acting (I was sorely disappointed, the characters didn't seem that into their roles) 3. some sort of intelligent story (based on hype and previews)

I felt bad for none of the characters that died. None of the characters really developed throughout the movie. The story was just terrible with too many unanswered questions and the film makers chastised the review groups prior to releasing the film for asking about a sequel.

Some more about the reason that they needed a virgin, jock, whore, fool and scholar would have been nice to know. Why they were sacrificing to the gods could have been more clear. Why they were involving all the other countries would have been nice, but mostly, explain this to me:

Which one of the Asian children in the classroom was the whore? the jock? the fool? I'm assuming at that stage in their lives they were virgins and scholars...

I never found myself startled during the movie, not one jump. I feel cheated that I went to a horror movie to realize it was a poorly done comedy.

I don't get it. I must be wrong. Everybody else seems to disagree with me.
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Truman Show... but make it every horror movie you've ever seen
Originality built off the foundation of every cliche in the book... mad you didn't think of it first? Haha This had a really solid and original concept that was truly the star of the show in this film. Supported by solid execution in pacing, acting and the balance between horror, comedy and adventure. It kept the intrigue and engagement up throughout. It felt nostalgic yet new, fresh and exciting. It was a well rounded, throughly planned/ thought out, entertaining film.

Im not sure it was QUITE as funny or clever as it felt like it thought it was. The only comedy that landed was due to the acting ability of the stoner. He kind of saved the comedic aspect of this film. And even then some of it was hokey. Great casting all around though, solid actors.

Also I think the grand scheme of the plot could have used some more interesting elaboration. I wish we could have gotten a little bit more background on the rituals and how/why they were doing them. They gave us just enough to be passable, but I would have liked more.

I would love to see a sequel to this made today, over ten years later. It would be interesting to see how they could expand upon this concept (and not make it trash, as so many tend to be). While not perfect, this movie really checked all the boxes for me. 7.5 rounding up to an 8, would recommend for a fun time.
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The Cabin in the Woods is a absolutely thrilling ride into the minds of all things terrible
the_upcoming12 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It rarely happens to leave a screening room on a brisk weekday afternoon with an air of pure excitement for what we have just seen.

Joss Whedon, best known for being the creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the equally brilliant Firefly, had just introduced his brand new film to a crowd of roughly fifty film critics and lucky fans. Written and directed by Cloverfield creator Drew Goddard, the film follows a group of hapless teenagers ready to get away from the city and enjoy a weekend in the forest. After finding their destination, albeit "the cabin in the woods", they start to explore, leading to a discovery that none of them could ever of imagined.

Goddard has worked with Whedon in the past on a few episodes of Buffy and, thankfully, their relationship looks as though it has survived as they have created, most probably, a genre-defining film. The jokes (yes, there are jokes in the film) come thick and fast and - without giving too much away – create some fantastic scenes between Richard Jenkins and Bradley Whitford, who play colleagues Steve and Richard respectively.

As the layers of the film are peeled away, more and more is discovered about the cabin and the fate of the unlucky five-some which only keeps you more enthralled as Whedon manically shows what he can REALLY do with a few dollars and some special effects.

All this ultimately comes to a thrilling climax as the last twenty minutes reveals everything that we could have hoped for. And, most importantly, who those men in the trailer are? Encapsulating everything that the horror genre has delivered in its entire history and probably one of the few films that can say they have a Merman and Nosferatu appearing in the same sequence, The Cabin in the Woods is a absolutely thrilling ride into the minds of all things terrible. It delivers some astounding special effects and, at the same time, brings out the best in a fairly young cast, especially Chris Thor Hemsworth who shows a sold performance as boyfriend Curt. Oh, and not to mention a very special guest appearance that received an applause when they appeared on screen.

Joss Whedon has scored yet again and shows no signs of slowing down with superhero movie to end all superhero movies, The Avengers (penned by Whedon) being released later this year.
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Redeeming qualities, but disappointing
emdoub25 September 2012
I'm a Joss Wheedon fan, so I had pretty high expectations for this - and it just didn't live up to them. For a John Carpenter movie, this'd be pretty much middle of the road, and for a Ewe Boll flick, this would be a masterpiece, but it's not really up to Joss's usual standards.

The single most disappointing part of the movie is the editing - much of the action is shown in dimly-lit, flash-cut closeups. The film editors, having seen all of the footage shot, know what's going on; they forget that the audience doesn't, and much of the action leaves the audience wondering what the heck just happened. This trend in cinematography is already longer-lived than it deserved; maybe Hollywood will get over the 'flash cuts cause excitement' nonsense and get back to telling the story, rather than manipulating the audience.

Other than that, there was a new twist on an old genre, some good fun, some mystery to solve, some characters you could care about, and an unusual ending. Worth seeing, but don't expect a masterpiece, and accept that there's action that you won't quite be able to see.
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Movie Magic
mightyjor23 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Remember when Scream came out? People loved it - and not because it was the most horrifying and controversial scary flick ever released. It was a huge success because it gave fans of the horror genre something new. It made them laugh because it lovingly poked fun at a genre the fans knew by heart. Cabin in the woods takes a slightly different approach. Where Scream chose to laugh about dumb things people do in horror movies, Cabin decides instead to respectfully explain...well, everything - and making you laugh/scream while it does.

I absolutely loved this film. If you've looked at a few reviews, you'll see this film has three acts. I like to compare them to the three acts of a magic trick - something I learned from The Prestige:

1) The Pledge - Something ordinary is introduced to the audience. Five average college students go to a remote cabin in the woods where they'll spend the weekend partying it up! This is where we say to ourselves that because this is a horror movie, everyone will die, and thus we already know the ending. Am I right?

2) The Turn - There's something else happening here. It's not what we thought. This is the part where we scratch our head and say "Wait a sec...what's going on?" This story isn't keeping to the rails we set it on. It's taking a weird turn and only getting weirder. This is also the part where people give up and decide they hate it because it's different. It's also the part where your standard horror flick ends...but wait!

3) The Prestige - The resolution. The end. The explanation to everything that's been going on, and also possibly the greatest 20 minutes ever shown in horror movie history. This is the part where the audience is silent and speechless as every die-hard horror fan's dream is realized on screen. All your dedication, love, and sacrifice for this genre is justified. The credits roll, you walk out of the theater saying to yourself, "Did that just happen?" - and then you buy another ticket and watch it again.

I'm trying not to reveal anything too big, and I think everyone else will tell you the same; you want to know as little as possible about it before you watch. The movie is funny, scary, and unbelievably entertaining. If you don't like it, you're one of the people that took a turn in act two and stopped following along. I feel so sorry for those guys. Have a good time at the theater!
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Creative Horror Story
jbonner-2559711 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this because it was a very creative take on the classic horror movie and adds a sci fi element to the typical fantasy horror backdrop. That being said, half of the main characters died in very similar ways. Had more of them made it into the "downstairs" of the cabin and died there it might be more compelling. But I understand that plotwise it needed to be done like that. I know the ending is controversial, but I didn't mind it. A lot of horror movies are too afraid of diving in and creating an apocalypse, but this one was not. Also a lot of monsters and unique ones at that.
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A film for anyone who has ever complained that they don't make good, original horror films anymore.
freekishndazed14 April 2012
I would normally be leery of giving out a perfect 10 rating, but if ever there was a modern horror movie that was worthy of a 10, it's this one. "Cabin in the Woods" has done what I no longer thought was possible for a horror movie, it blew my mind and showed me something I never expected. When I first saw a trailer for this on television I thought "Oh great, another recycled, clichéd horror flick. Can't they think of anything other than putting a group of young people in a stale setting and kill them off one by one?" Well it would appear that they can. This is a film that is nearly impossible to market effectively without giving anything away. Some of the more recent trailers have included much more footage that gives a glimpse into what this movie REALLY is about. Word of mouth should be the biggest factor that helps make this movie popular. I just hope for your sake that no one spoils this brilliant gem for you. It's best to go into it with as little information as possible. I really enjoyed the pacing of this movie. They could've taken this in an entirely different direction if they simply wanted to shock you at the end. Instead, they treat the film like a slow, steady reveal. In fact, the opening scene does not even feature the group of kids that we follow on their horrific trip to the cabin. Instead, it opens with the "other" side of this story and the characters who get about as much screen time as our heroine and her pals. The result is a cinematic experience like none other. The audience is fed bits of information little by little throughout the entire film, so you're always hot on the trail of this story's secrets. You won't know exactly what's going on but you'll feel like you have a pretty good grasp on things the further you advance into it. In reality, every time this plot reveals a twist, it also introduces more brand new questions into your mind. So the twists don't just come completely out of left field and shock you, but they guide you through a very intriguing story that manages to keep expanding into something bigger and bigger. I'm so glad they wrote the script this way. I feel like 9 times out of 10 the writers of today would be too tempted to create a story that hides everything behind the curtain and focuses solely on the kids at this cabin. That way they can build up to a final payoff that no one would ever see coming. This payoff is too big to simply catch you off guard with. They got this right, a movie that isn't only original for the end of the third act, but a refreshing journey from start to finish. Go experience this film before you overhear people talking about it at the water cooler.
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Fun and unique!
becky-9234628 February 2023
The Cabin in the Woods (2011) follows a group of friends who go on vacation to a cabin and find themselves getting more than they bargained for. Overall, this is a fun and interesting horror. It's definitely a love letter to fans of all things horror, including fun little references to other films.

The cinematography is very lacklustre and I definitely expected more in terms of colour palettes and camerawork. The lighting is fairly poor at times too, and it's hard to see what's going on. However, there are a few shot transitions that I really liked.

The sound design is also quite basic, and it doesn't really help to set up an effective atmosphere. However, I did like the score. It isn't entirely original, but it's a lot of fun and very attention grabbing. Also, there are some super funny music cues throughout.

We get a good feel for the characters, and although they follow very basic tropes, this just adds to the 80s inspired charm of the film. There are some hilarious lines, paired well with distinctive and goofy performances. I particularly like Fran Kranz as Marty and Bradley Whitford as Hadley.

The film is unique from the start, and a fun and easy watch all throughout. It doesn't drag and feels a lot shorter than it is. It does get a little confusing at times but I feel it's explained well and in an easy-to-digest manner.
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A complete waste of time, talent, and technology
rangeriderrango21 May 2013
I've seen some bad horror films in my day, but this piece of $hit takes the cake. It is totally nonsensical, utterly ridiculous, grossly exaggerated, completely absurd and a blood fest, no, a blood orgy is more like it. And those are its good points.

The premise is so tired and worn. As I watched the girl descend into the dark basement alone I knew then it was schlock. What woman in her right mind would do that in such a creepy old, dark house in the middle of the woods? But alas our brave heroine whom earlier was so grossed out by a piece of art that she had to put a blanket over it, now has grown a pair of balls.

There is no way any review can spoil this movie as it has spoiled itself.

I feel like suing the producers to get the 95 minutes of my life back that I wasted watching this crap.

And that Signourey Weaver and Bradford Whitley would even lend their names to this made me lose all respect for them as actors. Times must really be hard for them to sink this low.
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One of the best, most original horror films in years
cadillac2013 April 2012
The horror genre for me has been pretty mediocre for the past several years, and so I have pretty much ignored a lot of horror movies that have come out, with the exception of a few. However, after the buzz surrounding Cabin, I knew it was something I had to see. And sure enough, Cabin delivers in spades. It has everything a horror fan could want, from our favorite clichés to some fantastic surprises. Suffice to say, every horror fan should go see this.

I won't spoil the story, but to get into things a little, we focus on the age old tale of horror films: friends go to a remote cabin for some RnR and then the **** hits the fan. And when it does, it does so gleefully. It would be easy to blow this off as a simple parody, but it's not. I won't say how, but this is essentially a horror movie within a horror movie, and it's mostly dead serious. There's plenty of humor throughout, mostly due to Fran Krantz stoner character. And in fact, pretty much all the actors play there parts well. They are likable characters, even if they are cliché, but the clichés are part of the entire point. And in such areas, these characters are great. If you're worried about the horror aspect of the film, fear not, it delivers immensely. There are plenty of chilling scenes, though I wouldn't necessarily call them scary, and there is plenty of gore for the gorehounds, particularly at the end.

To say much more would be to give away too much. I certainly had a few qualms about the film, but they were few and far between. And the less you know the better. I will only say that if you've been looking for good horror film, this is it. Whedon and Goddard have delivered in every way and their film will be remembered for some time in the same way Scream was remembered for shaking up the genre. This is similar, but different in oh so many ways. Go see this movie. It's the kind of film that comes out once in a blue moon.
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Interesting yet slightly disappointing 'meta' horror film...
william-c-dale16 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The lab guys try to shoehorn their subject matters into their own idea of what a horror film is and they get it right (just about) to start with. Luckily their test subjects are dumb enough to fall for their tricks but not without having to tweak their environment somewhat to force them to split up or venture out into the darkness alone.

The lab guys could be like modern horror or 'torture porn' directors; gore loving creeps. Their lab sterile and detached from the violence they themselves are directing. They joke about the horrors happening on their display screens and even hold betting games based on them.

The puppets used in the sarcastic techies real life 'film' are pretty dumb but not as dumb as the techies would like them to be (cause this is 'real' life (see how meta this all is) and in real life people just don't go down into the basement on their own). The players in this strange game cant be manipulated as effortlessly as the lab guys would like (the techies are old and incompetent, maybe bored of their jobs, maybe just careless) and the players finally brake the 'game' and make their way into the inner-workings of it and finally end the 'film' and the world in the process.

Perhaps what the makers of cabin in the woods are partly trying to say is that if the people in horror films acted like they would do in real life then the film simply would not work or would be too complex and may well bore the audience. They could be making a point about the horror audience dumbing down, possibly. They might also have been trying to make the point that the horror genre is getting old and the cheap tricks they use are boring and we are in need of a change in style.

I don't think the cabin in the woods is 'that' film. It is no game changer because it is not a horror film. It is fun purely as a mind f**ck but delivers hardly any scares as the horror actually happening on screen seems like it is being observed by someone and then us so we are detached from the action.

The cabin in the woods also falls into the same traps as the horrors it is trying to mock or homage. A girl is attacked by a zombie for 5 minutes and mauled horribly by a werewolf but not only survives (covered head to toe in deep red blood) but jokes and smiles with her friend as the world comes to an end. And the worst thing about all the hypocrisies in the film is that they can easily be excused by some as being parody moments. I cant forgive them so easily. I understand and enjoy many of the metaphors and the references but I would have liked the main characters to have struggled and acted more realistically. Maybe it just goes to show that it is simply impossible in horror films for realistic behaviour to be shown due to the totally unrealistic nature of zombies and werewolves (sorry if you believe in zombies and werewolves). But this is not a horror film and the reactions could have been thought out better and in my mind could have helped to make more of a point about the nature of horror films.

The film is a lot of fun though, especially in its final half hour and held my interest throughout but it is not as honed as I would have liked it to be. This could have been something else, something of a real game changer. If they tightened the logic and upped the action in the first half and instead of boring zombies we had a whole host of evils being released by accident upon the unsuspecting students it could have been extra special. Meta-special...
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Pathetic !! Pathetic !! Pathetic !!
Arbaaz1 March 2013
OK, here it goes..I was bored one night and my friend suggested my this movie. He highly recommended watching it. He told me it was something different than a regular horror/thriller/suspense movie. It was a night i will never forget. It began OK, but towards the end it became so pathetic that i was watching it just for the sake of telling people that i have watched this movie and how awful it is. It sure was different but it was not good different. If you haven't watched this movie, then do not i repeat DO NOT watch it. Why? because it sucks. Unless you are one of those who enjoy watching things wayyy far from what makes sense do not watch it. The end was just stupid. I signed up for IMDb just to say that this movie SUCKED!
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