Metal Lords (2022) Poster


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Funny but serious. Metal but classical
I really enjoyed this movie, not just because I like metal but because it speaks of adolescence, of friendship, bullies, virgins, geeks, love and most importantly for me, it includes mental health as a real every day issue. Sweet movie.
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Rather enjoyable...
paul_haakonsen8 April 2022
I wasn't really expecting a whole lot from the 2022 comedy "Metal Lords" from writer D. B. Weiss and director Peter Sollett as I sat down to watch the movie. Why? Well, first of all I hadn't heard about the movie, so I wasn't sure what I was in for here. And secondly, then the synopsis for the movie just seemed a bit too generic for a movie of this kind. But still, I opted to watch "Metal Lords".

Turns out that "Metal Lords" was actually rather enjoyable. Sure, it was somewhat on the generic side in terms of innovation and creativity for a movie such as this. But still, it proved to be an enjoyable and entertaining movie. And that was definitely a large part because of the cast and their performances. But the storyline certainly was adequate enough.

Lead actors Adrian Greensmith (playing Hunter) and Jaeden Martell (playing Kevin) were rather well-cast for "Metal Lords", and they carried the movie quite well.

I will say that "Metal Lords" was definitely a movie suited for me, because I've been listening to metal since I was around 11 or 12 years old or so, and been playing roleplaying games for that very same amount of time, and I am almost 47 by now. So the metal references and the Dungeons & Dragons references throughout the movie were as if tailored for my interests.

I was genuinely entertained by "Metal Lords", because it was a movie that transcended being just another run-of-the-mill movie about youngsters forming a metal band and going against the mainstream. There were also good elements of friendship, love, being an outsider and not a bland face in the crowd, and such, so it was a well-rounded movie.

My rating of "Metal Lords" lands on a seven out of ten stars.
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exqzmee-3198010 April 2022
It's th perfect movie for a weekend evening. It's a bit comedy, a bit drama, a bit teenage angst, a bit romcom and a lot of heavy metal noise. It also includes some great cameos from veteran heavy metal rockers.
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More thrash than trash
Always_Loved_A_Film13 April 2022
If you're a metal fan this will give you a few laugh out loud moments but otherwise it's fairly standard high school romcom 'battle of the bands' fare. Inevitably I found myself thinking of Jack Black (school of rock) as the die hard Hunter (Greensmith) incessantly goes into ecstatic monologues about how they will dominate all with their band. The love story plot isn't bad - although, a little 'Grease' with the 'good girl turned bad' trope - but you can't help rising to the theme and going all in as Panteras 'I'm broken' is deployed at just the right moment (enjoy!). Add in some surprise metal guest appearances and a few really well executed slapstick jokes and this is really ok for a few laughs but sadly falls short of the 'file under classic' it might have been.
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A Strangely Bipolar Viewing That Ends Up Working
grahamvandyke8 April 2022
In all honesty this movie starts as a rambling, awkward mess which slowly becomes punctuated by moments of touching brilliance coming out of seemingly nowhere.

Shy teenager Kevin traipses through high school all the while being dragged along by his best friend Hunter, whose dreams of becoming a metal god threaten to tear down the very two man band he's built. Together they traverse friendship, love, and most of all what it means to keep everything "Metal".

While I was struggling to keep myself engaged in this seemingly flop of a movie, a poignant and well executed turn in the story made me sit up straight in my seat. From there on I was treated to what became an increasingly riveting story with characters that extended beyond the superficial.

I was particularly touched with a surprisingly complex character suffering from mental illness, treated with finesse and a level of understanding that I can only surmise comes from real world experience.

Overall this movie was not your typical coming of age teen rom com, and you can expect a somewhat sophisticated peek into the lives of teenagers finding their own, messy ways into adulthood and what it ultimately means to find acceptance in yourself and others.

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Decent, but should have been so much more
tiefirst13 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
My initial feeling going into this was that it was going to be like School of Rock. It didn't take long to see that this wasn't going to be the case. Despite it being a completely different movie, it still had all of the makings and opportunity to be just as good. Metal Lords could have and should have been an instant classic. It was not.

As with ALL Netflix productions, the budget is there. Therefore the production is top notch. The staffing is top notch. The cinematogrophy is top notch. The music, especially here, was top notch. The writing and pacing? Nowhere to be found. Does Netflix hire tik tokers to write this stuff, or edit it?

The three main actors were great for their rolls, but the script was inadequate. I don't blame them.

There were moments that were unearned like the drum kit acquisition, the romance between the two leads, the moment of cheating at the wedding party, the invitation and discovery of the cellist, the check in and escape of the recovery center. These all could have been better fleshed out, but they blew through this stuff to make room for a bully, a secondary romantic influence, a mental disorder, and an unrealistic timeline to be prepared for a live show.

There was no need for a bully dynamic in this movie, plus it never got resolved. There was no need for the false romantic interest since they had the actual romantic interest between the drummer and cellist.

And why, why, why do movies insist on unrealistic timelines? We're not looking for suspense in a rock movie. If they need six months or a year to get ready, let them have that. But not two weeks.

I'm not sure what the sideplot with the mental disorder was either. In a different movie, this might have worked. In this movie, it made a monster out of what should have been a great character.

The fast lovers dynamic was icky. These are teenagers, right? Is this how they talk and progress into a sexual relationship these days? God help us if this is accurate.

I like that the movie did not just try and immitate School of Rock. I like that it attempted to investigate some of these offshoots within the teenager dynamic. I think they played on too many negative aspects painting a bleak picture of what a teenager's life looks like. These were pretty awful teens with completely absent parents.

If this movie could have established a point and focused on that point, this could have been a spectacular movie. Unfortunately it dabbled in too many topics and themes and had no identity. The poor characters had no identity.

I give it a 6 out of 10 for trying and almost being something good.

Maybe one day, Netflix will simply sign the damn checks and stop interfering with artistic liberties. I've seen brand name directors attatched to Netflix Originsls. I know they work together. Let them work.
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actually , not bad...
ops-5253510 April 2022
Even though not top notch production and the pitch of the plot and the knitting together of the whole productionsjalabaise feels a bit immature at moments. But the music is the drive, and loads of heavy riffs and raffs you get wether you like it or not, and the acts by the 3 mains are just as acustic as al di meolas guitarplay and andrew lloyd webbers celloloid and billy cobhams drumdrills, and it looks darn real for life.

So if you have a wet dream to start a grungerockband or maybe a bandaid or just want to make your own hardrock movie, then youll have something to learn from and try to peel away some of the glitches made in this production, cause the grumpy old man doesnt think its perfect, but its massivly beautiful anyway.
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Rocking' Coming of Age
S_dot_M_dot8 April 2022
When outcasts Kevin (Jaeden Martell) and Hunter (Adrian Greensmith) decide enough is enough and are going to become the raddest metal band the world has ever laid eyes on, they discover they have a few problems. First, they need a bass player. Second, they need to win the Battle of the Bands. When they recruit Emily (Isis Hainsworth), who is a cellist, the new trio has now formed an unstoppable trio that is ready to take the world by storm.

Director Peter Sollett did a good job of creating a coming-of-age film with the backbone of a Behind the Music feel. You see how the three main characters are faced with life changing incidents and how they overcome them. With DB Weiss on as writer, I wouldn't expect a film like this considering his previous producing credits. The writing and directing teams collaborated to create a film that holds the viewer's attention while flying by.

The film's killer soundtrack pushes the narrative throughout. Each song works in unison with what's going on in the film and even blends with the band members' rehearsals. The biggest technical strength is the editing of the music to the instruments. This may even be chalked up to the actors putting in the work to learn the songs. Even if they are stand in musicians, that just shows the editing is doing convincing work to deliver a true rock feel.

Jaeden Martell is the workhorse in the film. He carries the dramatic tones of the film while still delivering the comedic beats. Adrian Greensmith has a tough as screws mindset and is the driving comedic force in the film. Isis Hainsworth teeters on the brink of rage, ready to burst at the slightest inconvenience. For me, Joe Manganiello is the highlight of the film. A small role that doesn't overpower the cast but leaves a lasting impression.

When you hit the later stages of the second act, this film really drops off. The overall story structure is not breaking any new ground, so you would hope things stay consistent throughout. Thankfully, the film redeems itself and finishes strong with a third act that wraps things up. Some jokes feel forced, and things are done just for the sake of doing them.

Metal Lords knows its audience and delivers when it counts. In the age of direct-to-streaming films, you're going to get a lot of films that feel rushed and just put out there. The careful attention to the musical details is what sets this one apart. This is a good way to have a rocking good time with laughs along the way.
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Sweet movie about a high school metal band
siderite13 April 2022
This movie rocked! Not only the kids acted great, but they were perfect for their roles: cute when they were playing it real, hard when they suffered and inspiring as rock singers. The film uses metal band shenanigans to tell the story of how young people feel and are treated by the world and how they treat each other, but it is never blunt or preachy and allows all characters to evolve. The more I think about the film, the more I like it.

Also, awesome song at the end. Not really a metal fan, but even if you don't enjoy the rest of the film that much, the ending song makes it worth it.
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Metal mickey
johncarlin-0834710 April 2022
It really didn't do anything that hasn't been seen or heard before. Performances are good but it all falls apart due to the weak script. Metal is more than cameos and cheap cliches. If you want a coming of age metal movie watch Heavy Trip.

Don't waste your time on this mediocrity.
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I liked it!
ranwulfs13 April 2022
Metal isn't my thing, so I watched this on a whim. I *am* a fan of musicians like Emily Autumn, however, and she shreds electric violin on the regular, so when I saw there'd be an electric double bass involved, well - I had to see. And it was a really fun ride! I'm glad Netflix took this as a movie instead of making it into some lame, stretched out series, which they tend to do a lot, unfortunately. This was just enough story for an hour and a half without belaboring the plot. No wokeness, no political message, and no pandering to those little specks of frozen precipitation who seem to have taken over Hollywood these days. Recommended.
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gab-675998 April 2022
So if I had to balance this movie in-between 2 spots it would have to be high school drama and metal music. This movie has a taste of both and it is not boring or uninteresting at all. Loved it and will totally see it again, if only for the music. Loved the acting and thought Mr. Martel is coming into his own very well. Cannot wait to see what he is in next!
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Not School of Rock, But Still Fun
deepfrieddodo12 April 2022
A coming-of-age story following the typical high school losers, however the difference here is that they are shaped by death metal. Likely to be compared to School of Rock as the only other light-hearted high school rock film, it's not quite as funny, nor heartwarming or endearing, but it is still a lot of fun, with great references, developmental character arcs, and a killer soundtrack.

It does look, however, like Tom Morello as producer pushed Rage Against the Machine into a position where they are regarded in the plot as conquerers of a genre they're not often paired with.
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"You are metal beyond reproach"
ExpendableMan7 May 2022
I wish I loved Metal Lords, I really do. For the past twenty years I've been a diehard metal fan and it's obvious that the people behind this movie are. A raucous comedy about teenagers discovering a love of metal that includes cameos from famous faces and references to underground bands like Tomb Mold should be right up my street, but unfortunately Metal Lords just isn't very good.

This is down to several reasons. First, it isn't funny. While the corners of your mouth might curl up slightly once in a while, there isn't a single belly laugh to be had. The complete absence of humour becomes glaring after a while and there's no witty or insightful dialogue to make up for it.

Second, these teenagers don't behave like teenagers. They're more like how fifty-year-old screenwriters think teenagers behave. There's a lot of angst, banter and directionless anger, but it feels stilted and unnatural. These are teenagers written by adults who don't know any teenagers themselves, but have seen Superbad and that'll do.

Lastly, the most outwardly metal character and one of the three central protagonists, is an irredeemable jerk for almost the entire movie. Obnoxious characters are fine, but Hunter isn't just unpleasant to his teachers, bullies and parents. He speaks to his friends in the exact same way he speaks to people he doesn't like. He treats his supposed best friend Kevin like dirt, is openly hostile towards Emily, Kevin's girlfriend, and it's difficult to see why they even hang around with one another.

On the plus side, the last fifteen minutes of the film is great. A race against time to compete in a Battle of the Bands competition climaxes in a big redemption moment that is genuinely uplifting. It's a bit contrived that an entire school turn into raging metal fans in the space of a single song, but it's still a terrific ending. And let's not overlook the fact that the original song they play, is really really good. It's a massive thrash metal banger with nasty riffs and an adrenaline pumping chorus and it ends the film on a headbanging high.

Shame then that the preceding hour and twenty minutes is so joyless. I hate to say this because I wanted so much to love Metal Lords, but the killer soundtrack can't compensate for the lack of jokes.
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Most reviewers have it nailed
Simply-Red16 April 2022
An enjoyable story with lessons learned. A little clumsy here and there but redeemable throughout.

For me, someone who grew up with Black Sabbath, etc. But never quite the Slayer fan, this movie ticked the nostalgia box and its a great teen angst flick with a great cultural twist with the cello as bass. This brings together two classes of marginalized teens, the marching band nerds and the Metal/Goth freaks.

The character Emily provides a great look in to teen mental issues. I knew girls much like her. Troubled, yet wonderful.
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Some funny moments
aheaven20059 April 2022
An okay teen / high school movie about three kids trying to figure things out while not fitting the typical mold. There's a few funny moments but also some darker ones. It's not a complicated movie, but it's a good short entertainment.
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Mini-Harry Potter and Young-Shia LaBeouf make a deadly duo
Mini-Harry Potter and Young-Shia LaBeouf make a deadly duo in this musically engaging movie (you are in for a ton of heavy metal songs, stick to the end of the credits for a bit of relief for your ears).
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Metal is Forever🤘🤘🤘
tomchimeramag9 April 2022
Cool movie that really hits what being a teenage metalhead is all about. It's a neverending pursuit for riffs and heavy music, of being ostracized for simply loving something no one understands but you ... and it never ends, and you never want it to either. I've been one since 1990, and only death will stop it 🤘🤘
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It's awkward but I like it?
hazard11110 April 2022
Was easy to watch tho some parts are a bit slow but I do love the characters. They're somehow typical but also not and it's not like your exaggerated character.

Jaeden Martell really delivers for me. This movie doesn't take itself too serious but at the same time it doesn't let loose too much that it's a caricature. There's a sort of realism to it and the story flow seem natural. Like I quite felt at the end rather proud of them and went back to my own hs memories of being with my dorky friends.

I listen to metal but I don't really know any of the singers/bands, music here has some nice melodies. If you're a metalhead you might bond more to this movie but really even if you aren't it's also a fine watch. Just don't expect any plot twists or like deeper stuff. Just a fun and simple, and direct coming of age story circling around teens forming into a metal band.
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Great fun for Metalheads and nerds
abitofginger8 April 2022
Lots of references and nods to Metal and D&D. Captures the trials and tribulations of being a loser at school.

Don't try to and analyze and critique this too much.....just solid fun, with some heart. Enjoy!
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Its alright........
owenpont-7080328 April 2022
This film suffers from its runtime and script. I think the characters are interesting, the concept is there but like I said it suffers. The runtime is far to short and it just doesn't work with this film. Even if it could have it wasn't used right. Also, the script at times was rather bland and they didn't use development for the characters at all. Overall this film is although not a bad watch, a disappointing watch.
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As a Metal Fan since 1984 - my absolute recommendation
hetfield19708 April 2022
But beware the Justice for all TAB Book is full of mistakes. I sadly learned the record by this book...outsch

The story is cool and there are 4 really cool cameos \m/

The actors are great and the clichés are NOT exaggerated.
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I didn't expect to like the movie
trapp_3321 April 2022
I didn't thought for a second that I will like the movie, but high school metal movie camed out so well. First the story and the plot were fine yet I felt that the sequence of events were a little fast, but it was good enough to be acceptable. And the most important part in this movie was music and its amazing and exciting, I didn't think that I will like post metals. And the director knew the best moments to put the score which was great. I liked the three main characters and They could have immersed themselves in the characters more.and some events were not that important, however they raised the level of some scenes using various techniques such as music and character reactions. The movie is worth to watch also if you dont like this kind of movies give this a chance.
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Just the worst.
anyabstaines19 April 2022
This was one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my entire life. First of all, none of the characters have any redeeming qualities. It's not one of those movies that makes you say, "awe" at the end; the storyline is ok, I'll give it that. But the way the characters were written is awful. Hunter, one of the two main characters, is unpleasantly mean the entire movie. Because, why? His mom left? Yeah welcome to life, kid. The other guy, Kevin, is alright - although his personality is basically the human equivalent of a cardboard box. This isn't a 'Stand By Me' type movie about teenage friendship, love, and discovery. Nor is it a 'mean girls' type movie where peace is found in the end. Basically - hunter is super mean to everyone for no reason, never apologizes for being misogynistic, cruel, and unstable toward all the other characters. Think 'School Of Rock' but not funny & terrible. I maybe let out a "ha" here or there, but this movie is by no means heartfelt, funny, or anything light. I don't know how I made it to the end, truly. Please do not let my attempts be in vain & take it from me - you'd be better off watching one of those 3am infomercials than this movie.
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Heartfelt, But Lazy
ryanpersaud-594154 May 2022
The Good: I have to say, Adrian Greensmith's performance is really the strongest aspect of this movie. The character he plays, Hunter, is extremely annoying and insufferable for a large portion of this film. Yet, credit to Greensmith; he really humanizes this character and it's hard not to root for him. He's such an interesting looking guy and is so intense with his performance.

And that's the thing about Metal Lords. It's a pretty conventional movie (despite the nerdy appearing guy, Kevin, being the "normal" one) but its performances really keep it going. All of the three main young actors are fantastic in this movie.

I also really have to credit the musical scenes. Oh man. Maybe the songs were a bit mainstream (and thus, enjoyable for most people), but I actually think it's the cinematography and choreography. The last number is fantastic, but there are legitimately good sequences in this movie.

The Bad: The film is very lazy in terms of its plot development. To say Hunter's redemption is completely unearned would be an understatement. That he's basically vindicated by this irritating Troy Nix character (Joseph Mangieniello) merits some eye rolling. He kind of just becomes a good guy because the script needs him to, although I guess its preferable to him staying the way he is.

This movie is also stuffed with tons of bad performances and writing. All the side characters might as well not exist, to be honest. This movie is also unabashedly a cheese fest and can be a bit cringe inducing sometimes. But. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it.

The Ugly: The comically evil bully learning to deal with his anger by discovering a mosh pit scene is so lame, yet so heartwarming at the same time. "Woo, metal!"
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