The Second Best Hospital in the Galaxy (TV Series 2024– ) Poster

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Random but good
TheBrianator8827 February 2024
Even though it has some random humor, it is actually good with well done aesthetic animation and so colorful which it will give you Rick and Morty vibes. These two doctors, Sleach and Klak encounter serious situations in the medical field whether it is life threatening or risking their lives in jeopardy. There are some disturbing moments but of course, it's the medical industry so be expected of that, but the choices of color in the animation make it not so graphic and more pleasant to see, like torquoise liquid splattering all over if someone exploded or a birth disaster involving an interesting color of womb juice, the colors make it interesting to watch. The Characters are in aesthetic colors as well. I'm hoping this series would last at least a couple of more seasons because of some of the low star ratings for it, and only its first season and 8 episodes, we'll see if it does or not.
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It's hard to reconcile why...
orcinussr23 February 2024
... they felt the need to stipulate that it's the "second best" hospital and not merely the best - as it's definitely not addressed within the storyline or dialog, so it becomes apparent that they were simply attempting to be cutesy... right? However it wasn't necessary - e1 is actually quite interesting in terms of Scify and even in terms of, let's call it' theoretical medicine in a hypothetical scify setting ' - I mean to say the show isn't particularly funny and it's that newer style of animation that I equate with velveeta but it's surprisingly good, and I'm surprisingly pleased so I'll start off with giving it a 7 cause I can't give it a 6.5 and I'm a notorious hard reviewer (meaning rarely, maybe once every couple of years do I award a 10, and it's for things like an Attenborough documentary or Rick and Morty, but even then I feel like it's unwarranted, slightly haha)

OK well, I've downgraded, after watching the second half, I find the overuse of voice actors on multiple characters within the same episode off putting. I find the grays anatomy type everyone is boning everyone off putting. I now find the lack of any knowledge of theoretical physics off putting.
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It lacks . . . soul?
Ben_T_25 February 2024
There's a lot of stuff going on at any given 15 second interval and there's considerable creativity and attention to details, but overall, it just doesn't work.

I'm forcing myself to watch it basically, and I don't know why.

Overall has a vibe of a female med student's self-insert power fantasy that, imo, very few people are likely to resonate with.

Basically if Dr. House was split into two young females, neither of them very likable.

All the character flaws/weaknesses seem superficial and don't have much effect on anything really.

The whole setting also doesn't communicate that there is really anything at stake. Like at one moment all of them might die and I just cannot summon an ounce of Fs to give.

I wish it was better, but it is what it is.
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Is that parody on James White' Hospital?
ritokessah27 March 2024
Nowhere I could find the mention of this books series in the titles, but traces of it went through all show beginning with the name.

So, through prism of books it was.. fine. The first book of serie had been about psychology and psychologist who became one of main doctors, and look at these one of the main characters! Suspicious. Then the empat-bird (not the insect as it was in the books but still), then a nurse.. I am pretty sure it is parody on White' Hospital, yeah.

Anyhow, in the books it was quiet medicinal cases and nothing much else, every book a story of some really hard case and patients of any species even unknown one that doctors need to solve for saving life.

Here it same concept plus private life of doctors, private problems, a lot of things from adult and cheesy view. Not bad, but that why it is only second best hospital, not the first. I love to see one of my favourite books adapatation anyway.
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I'm so sorry, but this was HORRIBLE
ebqrkhf23 February 2024
Bright, fun colors, musical score is ok, but it doesn't match the scenes very well.

The voice acting is wooden & bizarre. Almost as if it sounds like they're just cold-reading a new script...?

Each episode is more painful than the last and i keep thinking it will improve to no avail.

These obvious anti-male tropes, and of course the "big dumb male" stereotypes and narratives that cannot hold a story together!!

My wife even glanced over at me and said, "This is AWFUL" by the second episode LOL So if this was made for 'HER..' ... i don't think they even hit the board, let alone a bullseye for a 'watchable' show.

I can't recommend this, especially when i see so much artistic hacking from Rick & Morty and other successful creations. As the kids say: This ain't it bro.
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My New Favorite Show
mooneclipse-7576024 February 2024
From witty humor to amazing character designs I really enjoyed this show. It ticked all the boxes I was looking for. There's very relatable jokes and obvious shared quirks that only multi-year friendships would obtain.

I see a lot of people saying it's misandrist? To address this, It's truly not. There are no jokes about men in a negative manner, this show's humor balances on the outlandish possibilities of far future hospital technology and practices. It had plenty of source material to joke about and world build with, so much so that it didn't need to rely on low blows. If you're going into it afraid it'll hit at men, I promise it does not.

The premise is as unique as a sci-fi show can hope to be, centering on issues that are known to us today. Such as anxiety, relationship issues, strained familial and coworker relationships. All of this within the context of limitless possibilities, creates recognizable problems with unachievable solutions and hilarious consequences.
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OMG - What Is This???
noblebowl23 February 2024
Touted as an adult centric cartoon?

Unlike the animated TV show Archer, which is clearly adult oriented, this show, The Second Best Hospital in the Galaxy, is obviously very childish and uninteresting. In point of fact, the characters are using fake baby voices in their dialog. (My apologies to any actress whose voice does sound like this)

I did my best to stay focused, but it's like watching a squirrel, dressed up as an alien thing-a-ma-bob, pouncing and chattering across the wide-screen. It's patently obvious this TV animation is more likely designed to entertain today's teenager after a grueling day at school learning about their feelings. But, if you want them to attain any actual adult attributes during their life, you probably shouldn't let them watch this.
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Three Dimensional Characters, Relatable Story
maxwellmaverick24 February 2024
I think this is way better than Rick and Morty, and I love Rick and Morty.

This show is a science fantasy LSD trip with fantastic three dimensional characters, relatable friendships and relationships alike, and over the top diversity that actually makes sense for an alien centric show.

I love Sleech and Klak and their friendship, and I love Plowp's personality and I find him so relatable. The portayal of Klak's relationship with her mom is done so well it really hits home.

I couldn't stop myself from binge watching this show. If you like Solar Opposites, Rick and Morty, or adult animation in general, then you'll like this show for sure. Unless of course, you're a misogynist or a homophobe. Btw, there's no mention of anything misandrist in the show. That's a straight up lie to review bomb this. And the voice acting is fantastic, a great professional cast is behind these characters.
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Animation updated for a Modern Audience that doesn't exist yet
RogerBorg27 February 2024
Little more than a stream of semi-consciousness, broken down into 15 second TikToks with a structure that's "and then, and then, and then".

The audience is very specific. See if you can work it out: garish, psychedelic colour palette. "Bro, don't even, like, think about it, bro" Deux Ex Technobabble resolutions. She/them leads who all speak with West Coast vocal fry. Yes, it's Californian progressive stoners. Again. Write what you know, I guess.

It's not even a particularly original premise, being essentially the classic Sector General novel series, plus nihilism and the same identity politics that made the likes of She/Her-Hulk and Velma such absolute joys for the non-activist audience who just wanted to be entertained and not lectured.
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A successor to Tuca and Bertie?
calahao24 February 2024
This series focuses on two main female scientists, Dr. Sleech and Dr. Klak, operating on all manner of surreal experiments and sci-fi nonsense.

This series as a whole reminds me a lot of Tuca and Bertie, down the similar dynamics between the more hedonistic Sleech and the more neurotic Klak. Klak in particular is very relatable to me, as the series explores her anxiety nd turbulent relationships with her loved ones because of it.

The animation is fine. Not groundbreaking, gets the job done. The humor can occasionally be funny, but the series is more interested in being a drama, in spite of all the wacky sci-fi things going on.

Overall I recommend it.
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And I thought Capt Fell was the worst
MajBlade226 February 2024
When I watched (what I could stomach of it) Captain Fell on netflix. I said this is it. The bottom of the adult cartoon barrel No, someone went even further down into the hole. And its this. I don't know who keeps green lighting this but this is now one for each Hbo Max had life on mars, Netflix had captain fell and Prime has this. What I would like to know is if they do any product testing before launching these? I think I answered my own question they don't! As someone that has loved alot of the different adult cartoons I'm surprised how many that have been horrible lately. Dont watch it thinking its going to get better it gets worse.
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The Second Best Hospital in The Galaxy an introspective look at mental health.
sethbenjamin-5450811 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The new series recently released on amazon prime titled The Second Best Hospital in The Galaxy or as an abbreviation "T2BHITG". Is an outstanding piece of media with an introspective look at mental health whilst being detached from humanity's social, emotional and political hangups. Despite being human and always seeing things from a homosapien perspective, this series might allow at least for the open minded what a range of mental health might look like from an alien's perspective.

Right from the outset from the first episode we as an audience are asked to suspend our disbelief and subjective view of reality as we are hoodwinked into sympathizing for a human on an alien operating table. Only to see said person unceremoniously killed off with the intention of the doctors to save an alien parasite; similar notions that challenge one's perspective on the value of sentient life appear throughout this episode. The forest example being a lunch time snack consisting of a biologically created intelligent species, which are treated as nothing more than food with their screams being treated as a marketing gimmick for a corporate conglomerate. The second example being that of an ageless ancient hominid ai, created by a long extinct race of forgotten aliens. Her presence constantly acts as a reminder that everyone on screen is but a small speck of dust in an unimaginably infante galaxy.

This first episode of T2BHITG helps to set the mentality one must have whilst watching this thought provoking animated comedy and helps sets the plot going forward which revolves around a potential cure for anxiety. That cure being in the form of a potentially world ending parasite that literally feeds on anxiety whilst nesting in the patient's brain. This idea along with the limitless potential with sci-fi storytelling allows the show to cover numerous topics although be it on a very surface level considering the constraints of a short run time, however that surface is that of an untouched fountain of youth.

Some of the many topics that are discussed are as follows: What it means to be sentient, the interrelation between puberty sex and the need to procreate before death, family trauma and romantic relationships with relevance to personal boundaries. Personal goals in relation to a working environment and its impact on mental health, the dystopian monopolization of corporations, self worth linked to one's own value system, misplayed idealization and the spread of misinformation through lack of knowledge. The importance of holidays and celebrity events, the importance of understanding your own emotions in connection to your relationships and past; finally the personal impact one can have on the world through perseverance and will.

With all of this you might think I would run out of praise I could give to this show, however be it the character design, the world building or even the voice acting or sound design all of these factors being incredible. The one issue the show presents is with its animations, which at times can feel rather stilted and slow. However this is partly due to the amazing character and set designs which makes animating such complex visuals which are far removed from our reality a hard task in and of itself. Despite this I have to heavily recommend watching T2BHITG, if not for its interesting perspective on mental health, then for its unique comedic takes on what we consider normal.

Thanks for reading.
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Boring, bad writing and not funny
dominik-2828325 February 2024
The Second Best Hospital in the Galaxy is a sci-fi comedy that takes place in the year 14,002. The show follows two alien surgeons, Dr. Sleech and Dr. Klak, who work at a space hospital that is constantly overshadowed by a better one. They deal with bizarre cases involving anxiety-eating worms, illegal time loops, and other space oddities.

The show tries to be a mix of Rick and Morty and Sex and the City, but it fails miserably at both. The jokes are either predictable or just plain unfunny. The dialogue is cringeworthy and full of clichés. The characters are bland and unlikable. The cocky, sex liberal reckless doctor and the nervous, nuerotic and insecure doctor. The main characters seem like self inserts of 2 blue haired writers self projections. The rest of the cast is forgettable and annoying. None of the joke land. The dialog is terrible. The show also suffers from a lack of originality and creativity. The show could have explored so many interesting places and concepts in the galaxy, but instead it wastes its potential on recycled plots and cheap gags. The show is a disappointment for fans of sci-fi and comedy alike.

The Second Best Hospital in the Galaxy is not worth your time or money. It is a prime example of how not to make a prime video. Do yourself a favor and watch something else.
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I hope they give us more!
sunggyyu5 March 2024
This entire cast are some of my favorite people and I hope to get a couple more seasons at least. It would be so disappointing if it's a one season sort of thing. I saw a review say there wasn't enough character development but I felt I knew enough to start and got to know them all more throughout the season. I love this animation style and the colors are something that keep my eyes glued to the screen. I even made sure to watch it only on my tv to get the best image. Keke Palmer is so good and I can relate to a lot of things her character goes through or feels. I thoroughly enjoyed everyone else as well and can't wait to see what new things they bring to the table (if Prime does right by this show).
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I wanted to like it but I can't!
dohirner26 February 2024
I wanted to like this show, I really did. In theory this show is exactly my kind of taste. On the surface, it is an adult cartoon about a space hospital, following two main female characters and two male side characters. Sounds interesting, and the setup definitely is. However, unfortunately this is were the positives end for me. While there is nothing inherently wrong with this show, it just feels uninspired and even though the color pallet is as colorful and rich as you could possibly be, the rest of the show feels kind of gray to me. Unfortunately it feels once again like the producer of the show were more interested in checking boxes than to make interesting rich characters. It's a shame too, because I think this setting has a lot of potential and could create a long lasting franchise. Instead, we got a bland and boring world with characters we have seen a thousand times at this point. While this show is not the worst thing in the world, I do have to wonder if maybe it would be for the best if AI is writing our fiction in the future.
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Literally EOS 10 as a show, but I love it.
lilajmanz7 March 2024
Very very similar to the podcast EOS 10, I wonder if they were inspired by it. Amazing show though, great characters, so funny, awesome designs and animation, stacked cast. If you like the show I definitely recommend checking out EOS 10 it's basically the exact same concept in an audio format.

I hope they get another season, I'd really like to see more world building and to get to know the characters better. We don't have enough good adult cartoons that get the chance to deepen their plots because they get cancelled so fast.

Can't recommend enough, such a fun watch. I hope you all like it as much as I did!
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Poorly Executed, Zero Effort
john-lancia-128 February 2024
Normally, I find that animated series usually go one of two way. Either they put a lot of effort into the animation and skimp on the story and character development. Or, they put a lot of effort into story and character development and skimp on the animation.

This series has done neither. Really bad animation that looks like it got rushed out of low tier Korean animation studios. And lame stories that do a better job of trying to be funny than actually being funny.

Zero character development. I'm just suddenly watching these guys in the first episode and there has been nothing to introduce any of them to us.

Flat voices from the actors, there were a couple of them that I couldn't even hear properly when I turned the volume up a bit. None of the voices popped. Just people talking.

And when you get right down to it, pretty much most of the ideas have just been lifted from Rick and Morty.

Nothing to see here, keep moving along.
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Not perfect but its good
milkywayisthegay23 February 2024
The show is very very horny and some of the storylines definitely needed a bit more time in the oven

The main characters are likeable but their arcs seem a bit all over the place

The show tackles anxiety and workplace sexual relationships and the stress of day to day life as an alien doc

The jokes are very hit and miss but the characters are decently likeable especially the bird bro

I definitely feel like the continuity of the plot lines with the worm guys a bit weird with his later moment kinda contradicting his previous actions

The shows at least worth watching 2 episodes but i finished the whole series at once because i enjoyed it enough to watch it while paying full attention but not enough to savour it over a week or so of one episode a day

Its a doc show like house or greys but its aliens.
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Bright and boring
dancashmoredc18 March 2024
There's a clear "Target Audience" for this show and it's clearly not people that appreciate cohesive story lines, good dialog or acting, it's seems to be trying mimic Rick and Morty via Daria minus any interesting scenarios or likable characters.

The acting is flat and why the hell Sam smith is involved baffles me, as he and the majority of other actors sound phoned in and disinterested

The main characters have no real personalities outside of their one dimensional character flaws, the writing is stale and focuses primarily on a juvenile preoccupation with occasionally having some sort of sexual reference to keep you interested, like shouting a rude word in a crowd, but with far less impact or

Awkward relationships seem to be the meat of the series so far, with the hospital being secondary, the art style is somewhat enjoyable but after two episodes I felt like I'd been staring at a pastel lightbulb for an hour, which would have been equally entertaining.

Upon reaching the end I can say it didn't get any better, there are far better shows out there if you actually want to be entertained.
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I don't often care for adult animations anymore but
leighalunatic26 February 2024
I usually enjoy Bob's Burger, Disenchantment, Futurama, South Park, The Boondocks, The Simpsons, and Solar Opposites. I'm sharing what Adult Animations I like so you can decide if you want to read my review or not based on my usual taste of these types of shows.

I have been obsessed with Natasha Lyonne for years and enjoy how the main character she voice acts for has the same crazy hair as her (probably overlooked by some people.) You can tell she voices other characters but I don't mind because she could probably play the entire cast and I would be down.

If you're curious on why it's called the second best it is because of the illegeal practices they do at their hospital which makes makes it second best because they do get the job done just not by the book.

Anyways I don't care too often on adult animations but I really enjoyed this one but as I said up top I love Natasha and I'm going to add Keke Palmer.

I can see how some of the reviews took it as "men are bad or dumb" I don't really know how since Dr. Klak likes other women, the other Dr. Sleech has commitment issues, and the Chief Surgeon is a male who is dedicated to his job. There is one male character named Matt who can come off as dumb at first but the more you watch the show the more you can tell he just isn't some idiot who stocks vending machines, he has more layers to his character.

If you ever experienced having a best friend in your early 20's that you use to do a lot of dumb stuff with, hurt each others feelings at some point, and just had some of your formative years together this show can easily be for you.
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Morning Train by Sheena Easton
sandynolen15 March 2024
S1, E6, 11:20, the music playing is Morning Train by Sheena Easton and I don't see credit given to her or the writer. I was just wondering if it was overlooked. I don't know why I'm watching this series, just to pass time. I'm not really interested, but I did notice this and thought someone should say something.

I have nothing else to say about this movie except that my husband won't be in the room while it's on. It makes absolutely no sense at all, only to tell a story about people who have no type of parts or human traits or even animal. They aren't really people-, animal-, or plant- based bodies, so how do you relate?
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Amazing Art, Funny and Introspective Writing
ajbanx28 February 2024
I love it.

Whatever planet they're on, it's relatable to the many earthling conditions.

Work life, dating, parents, healing, what we eat, when we eat, friendships, corporations, the Man; if you enjoy a satirical social commentary, this is one of those.

Robin Eisenberg's art is obviously amazing, but the writing is what we need now in a comedy.

All these live-action "comedies" are just people yelling at each. Like most people don't get enough of that at home.

While it may trigger the conservative sociopath poorly hiding his* who may feel threatened by feeling like a cartoon is making him learn, for those able to laugh at the ups and downs the mind, they really made it fun, and a lot of lives were lost.

It's brutual.

Anxiety plays a major role in the storyline.

Sometimes, that's a good thing.
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Too much too soon
ftmypmck19 May 2024
The premise of the show is fine, there's some fun animation and voice acting, but the storytelling jumps the gun. There is so much new information in every scene that the show has to spend most of the runtime on exposition and ends up rushing to and often past the point. The viewer is never given the space to anchor any plot points because the rules of the world are never given room to breathe. The reason shows like this fail is not the arbitrary plot devices (every plot by definition is made up), it's the total lack of dramatic irony so the suspension of disbelief is never achieved. We don't know who knows what, what does what when. It's all ad-hoc and inconsequential. It's slop.

A better way to onboard the audience would have imho been to start this series with the characters in med school or as interns. We could have gotten all the relationship melodrama/backstory and learned with the characters and learned from how they navigate the world.

This show seems to operate from the sadly growing worldview where questioning is a deliberate act of hostility instead of a valid attempt to learn.

I would be interested to see if a second season could actually have any introspection if it wasn't also speed running through the lore.
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Ugly Americans meets Grey's Anatomy
demonllama4216 May 2024
I played this show on a whim. I'm glad I did.

The animation and storytelling match well with one another. It takes abstract sci-fi fantasy humor to broach serious topics like emotional intelligence, personal relationships, sexuality, etc. Plus, there's a lot of heart throughout the whole show.

The pacing is great. Never a dull moment. It's graphic in gore content (hard to have a show about a hospital & not be honest in that respect).

The cast is awesome! There's a LOT of SNL alumni, plus Keke Palmer, Keiran Culkin, Sam Smith, & Natasha Lyonne, which brings a wide variety of personalities that makes everything fit in this crazily relatable eye candy universe.
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Need a season 2!
tgangi9 April 2024
Took two or three episodes for the world building to slow down and the plot building to pick up, but thats any show with a complex and first-of-its-kind world like this one! You'll be in the stride of the show and, frankly, totally sucked into it by episode 3 or 4. This show balances comedy and serious topics (anxiety, family, grief) quite well. The show is bolstered by its alien setting, allowing the viewer to be captivated not only by the intriguing and complex plots, but also by the fantastical scenarios and beautifully animated settings. Speaking of the setting, I really appreciate how the shoe never explains it's world, but rather takes it as truth. It allows you to be instantly comfortable in this new world as a viewer.
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