Forget Me Not (2009) Poster

(II) (2009)

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"Revenge of the College Ghost"
3xHCCH8 August 2011
Showing in local theaters only now, this 2009 film has been re-titled as "Revenge of the College Ghost." From that cheesy awkward title and the awful poster of zombie-like ghosts, you knew instantly this was definitely going to be a B-horror flick. And surely enough, you get exactly what you imagined.

Let's pick on the new title. First, there is "Revenge". A mistreated girl Angela seeks revenge on the kids who were cruel to her. Of course, these kids die one by one in all sorts of violent gory ways. Then there is "College." This is a teen horror flick. But the kids here were high school graduates, just about to go to college. And then there's "Ghost." Angela's ghost was awakened during a juvenile spirit-summoning game the teens played in a cemetery, and she wastes no time to exact her revenge.

The only aspect I liked in the story is how after each character was killed, he or she was somehow erased from everyone else's memory (except for the lead character Sandy, who used to be Angela's best friend). This of course made poor Sandy look like a raving lunatic to the people around her. Aside from that though, everything else was run of the mill teen horror, from the sexy girls to the gory deaths. The actors were all unknown, generic and acted in a campy manner. The ghosts were portrayed in the style of Sadako in "The Ring" with jerky movements, only here they acted like they were in the "Thriller" video. Maybe good for a temporary shallow thrill. Do not expect too much.
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Something new
XxBabyKillerxX17 July 2012
I decided to finally watch Forget Me Not today and I must say it was better than I expected.

I enjoy all types of horror movies and I have seen quite a bit in my life and this is something new to me.

I haven't seen this type of story used in any horror movies I have seen yet and I did enjoy the plot and the characters were played nicely.

I gave this a 6 because some of it was predictable as most horror movies are but all in all I liked this.

Not sure if purchase worthy but for sure a rent.

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But I want to forget...
paul_haakonsen18 May 2010
Now this was a pretty out of the Hollywood mold for teenage horror movies. It had everything you expect from a standard teenage horror movie.

The story isn't bad, don't get me wrong. In fact, the story was actually quite nice, and had a good constant flow to it, so you weren't left bored. Now, what makes the movie halt a bit is the predictability of every single scene. Everything here is by the Hollywood-book. You see everything coming a mile before it actually happens.

The acting in the movie was fairly good, though I am not really familiar with any of the cast. But still, they did a good job.

As for the apparitions, or whatever they are supposed to be, well they look pretty cool and move in a nice way as well. Now what ticked me off was whatever that was going on with their mouths. Every time I saw one of these apparitions I was laughing because of the mouth. So it was a bit hard to take them seriously.

Now, with the supernatural touch of the movie, this is a little bit more interesting than your average standard teenager horror movie. But it is dangerously close to being just another mediocre type.

Watch it if you like teenage horror movies, but don't expect to be scared out of your seat. There are some nice deaths and effects, but that is about the size of the fireworks.
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Forget About It!
council242 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I see all these good reviews and I have to wonder what movie these people were watching? The "Forget Me Not" I saw had no character development, so there was no one to root for or care about. The film was assembled badly. The director uses flashbacks to give the audience the details of the story, but he waits until the very end to reveal the whole story, but we've watched most of the movie with a general idea of what's going on, so it's no surprise and just seems way too late to have any impact. Also, the opening scene of the film appears to be setting up the conclusion of the film, but has absolutely no relevance to anything in the movie. And the acting is mostly from a D-level cast. You don't have to worry about remembering the names of the cast, because they're playing forgettable characters in a lackluster horror film.

The only positives I can say for the film are that it was a good idea for a film and the general story could've been interesting if there were some characters to root for. Basically, it was a good idea on paper, but pretty much everything else goes wrong from there.
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Forget me not? I'm afraid I will...
Siamois28 December 2009
Forget me not is an interesting attempt at making film that mixes traditional teenage American horror with a ghost story influenced by recent Asian cinema. You get a cast of teenage characters not unlike what you could find in a Final Destination sequel, mixed with a ghostly threat not unlike what you could find in a Grudge/Ring spin off.

The plot development pertaining to the Ghost is actually well done, and the flashbacks featuring our teenager crew when they were younger are interesting, in fact more so than they are in the present.

Unfortunately, what really kills this movie is crappy direction. There's really no attention to details, the actors (far from A-list) were obviously not guided very well either. Early in the movie, we see a girl throwing a necklace in a lake, moments later, she is seen clearly wearing it in a crappy edit that lasts but 2 seconds but leaves you wondering how stuff like this could be missed. From that point in the movie, you have to accept you're going to kill time watching an uninspired direct-to-video or turn it off.

I went with it and must say the basic premise and general plot could have made for an interesting movie. I don't regret watching this. I only regret seeing lots of high ratings by horror fans. As long as horror fans will be undemanding and accept to be short changed, producers will cut corners and deliver films which, like this one, needed a lot more work before being released.

In the end, do not expect much scares from this. But if you are a horror fan and want to see a mix of Asian and American horror, then maybe director Tyler Oliver's botched film will be enjoyable.
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waste of time
uncomplicated22 August 2011
This is so bad. Unimaginative story, annoying characters, horrible acting. It is an insult to the genre to call this horror.

So a bunch of obnoxious teenagers are having the best time of their lives. We are supposed to think that they are having a lot of fun having parties, sex, alcohol and drugs but to me it looks shallow and boring, sad actually.

Then bad things start to happen and annoying characters are killed one by one by some ridiculous looking creatures. Nothing scary here, no suspense, no chill.

After we've seen quite a few of these pointless deaths (which was also an opportunity for these so called actors to show that they cannot act)- the grand finale and a very thin explanation of what was happening and why. Not much imagination here.

Watching 'Forget Me Not' is a waste of time. Avoid it please.
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Good concept, tired execution
Heislegend28 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I'll start off by saying that I did like this movie, but that's more because of the concept rather than the final product. This is a pretty good example of taking something that hasn't really been done (at least not often) and beating it over the head with a plot line that's been done to death. The result is something with a lot of promise that pretty much comes out looking like a typical teenkill movie.

The plot was well though out; a group of friends are hunted down and killed one by one by a creepy looking ghost chick. The fun part is that once the friends are killed, the present changes as if the person never existed. So it's a bit of a cool twist, but without that this film would've been like a cross between The Ring and Scream...and who wants that? The visuals of the "ghost(s)" were pretty well done. Reminded me a bit of the way they did the special effects in 13 Ghosts.

All in all it's fun if you can look past the very played out execution. And this is just a personal request, but when you throw a bunch of hot chicks into a horror film is it too much to as for some boobs? Juvenile? Absolutely, but I like my horror films in their purest form.
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don't bother
debbehan-237-12560012 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
i watched this movie because my DirecTV synopsis classified it as a romance...what??? this movie is a thriller, and a bad one at it. it made me long for Friday the 13th, which doesn't hold up well - but is much better than Forget Me Not.

these actors cannot act at all (especially when they are smoking, sorry - but you can always tell when someone is fake smoking on the screen and all these folks don't smoke). the special effects are good, but not good enough to hold up the film. we have characters who never warm to us and thus when they are killed we don't care about it. we have a storyline that reminds us of so many other movies. and overall, we have a teen thriller we feel we've experienced before.

i did not like this movie at all and would not recommend it.
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I won't forget anytime soon...
megan-2622 October 2011
I saw the rating on this and wasn't sure I should bother, but I went ahead and watched it and I'm glad I did. The plot is interesting. I'm happy to see that there are some original ideas out there yet for horror, and it isn't all remakes. The acting wasn't bad, I really enjoyed the plot, and the effects of the creatures in it were awesome. I actually yelled once out of fear, and that rarely happens. Pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed the film, having never heard of it or heard about it. It's not the greatest horror movie of all time or anything, but it's worth a watch as long as your expectations aren't too high.
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Forget Me Now
p-stepien6 October 2011
Take a creepy nursery rhyme ala Freddy Krueger, throw in a pack of adolescent horny youth, some Asia-style broken jointed ghosties. Mix together and sprinkle with some Final Destination deaths. Add a side of cemeteries, An instant winner... not. A group of senior friends inadvertently evoke the ghost of a long forgotten girl named Angela. Soon a mysterious series of deaths occur. The memory of the murdered person is instantly erased. Except for Sandy (Carly Schroeder), who is the sole person alive to remember their names.

A tired directorial execution of an idea, which really didn't convince me in the first place. The blatant formulaic approach in selling a teenage slasher story short of any real concept failed to catch attention. The prerequisite cascade of deaths fail to keep attention and the all engulfing hunch that you've seen this scene before assuredly does this movie no favours. There were a couple of sensible ideas roaming around somewhere within the wooden acting (save for a instantly appealing Cody Linley) and uninspirational heartless death scenes fail to make up for the borefest. The movie has little to no suspense throughout and basically goes from death to death in a by the numbers fashion. Anyone counting on a final payoff twist will be left aghast at how terribly the roof scene was executed.

Special effects are decent, especially in regards to the ghostlies (however generic they may be), but all in all nothing worth spending time and money on given the onslaught of better movies from Asia.
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Great Horror Flick!
dnugg20209 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The whole film is great. It begins with a great 70s/Grindhouse feel of over sexualized/partying teenagers. Who decide to play a childhood game and by doing so, seal their fate. The ghost are actually creepy and scary. And be sure to notice the connection between the ghost and the children's scary costumes. The movie plays out really well timed, you never feel lost for too long. The fore-shadowing is actually subtle unlike most movies out today. Where you feels like information is being pounded in your head, so every last idiot in the audience gets whats about to happen. About half way into the movie your completely sucked it to the movie and its an enjoyable ride to the end. I left the movie feeling completely satisfied. As a lover of Horror/Gore Films, I really enjoyed this movie.
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Forget Me Not is surprisingly not that forgettable.
mdnobles1929 May 2011
Yes the movie is heavily clichéd and the acting in some areas is more than weak as well as a less than impressive start but I can see an effort to be unique is on display here. The movie starts off like most generic slasher films with a cast of beautiful unknowns who just recently graduated from high school and throws a huge party, get drunk, have sex and after everyone leaves a handful of close friends decides to drive to a cemetery and play a silly game that's like ghosts in the graveyard. A mysterious girl then appears and wants to play with them and they let her, then things turn for the worst. To me from there on the movie gets way better with effective kills and a way more effective dragging a victim to their grave underground than in Drag Me To Hell, terror and suspense also come and maybe a too complicated plot and story for its own good but I give it kudos for trying to be ambitious. The acting too for some reason gets slightly better and far less annoying than it was in the beginning with Carly Schroeder from the indie film Mean Creek stealing the show. The film never gets truly terrifying and the zombie like ghosts though at some points creepy and scary were mostly not effective enough and seems too similar to the killer ghosts in Asian ghosts flicks of the past and they could of done better in that department but for a limited budget they weren't half bad either. The twisted shocker of an ending which they all had it coming was very effective to me and kept me from giving it a lower rating but I just wish it had a better first half and setup like it did in the middle and last half and because of that it was uneven and it also could of gone further with its interesting premise. Overall it's like Prom Night meets I Know What You Did Last Summer meets Tormented and at that was an entertaining watch if you have nothing better to do or watch. Rent it! 6 out of 10
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Will You Remember?
jfgibson736 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
So all I really ask for out of a teen horror flick is to be entertained. It doesn't have to be totally original, it doesn't have to be well written or acted, and by now, I really don't even expect them to even be scary. Just make it fun. Don't throw in so many clichés that we feel like we've seen it all before, and try to make the best use of what you have.

Forget Me Not is (I assume) a direct to video thriller with lots of model-quality unknown teen actors getting killed one by one. It shows some promise by having a nice backstory which we don't see all at once. It even builds a nice atmosphere with its setting suns and carefree California summer. It turns out to be a bunch of chases, however, with ghosts that look like a variation on every Ring/Grudge knockoff from the last 10 years.

The main character is a girl who played a mean trick on another child when they were young. It led to the girl ending up in a coma, but now her ghost appears to take away everyone involved one at a time. As they die, no one but the main girl remembers them--they are erased. The movie does build a little tension by creating a strong bong between the brother and sister, so that you almost start to worry a little be for two of the characters. Most of the kids fall into that tired pattern of behaving promiscuously or using drug/alcohol and getting killed right afterwards.

For the most part, I kept watching to see how everything fit together and what the resolution would be, but there was almost no payoff. They all die, and the coma victim awakens, her revenge now complete. For a movie called Forget Me Not, it's pretty interchangeable with most films of its genre.
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A never ending cliché
Sovereign_x200027 January 2012
First of all, if you actually enjoy this film and you are over the age of 18, you should probably raise your artistic standards (for lack of a better phrase)just a bit. This movie suffers from a number of problems,not the least of which, are its bodacious use of clichés and flat-lined characters that we have all seen hundreds of times (and probably better executed)over the years. The actual story had potential in the hands of a competent film maker,and the special blood effects were pretty well done. HOWEVER, the awful monster effects are something you can see on any youtube facial transformations videos and FAR sub-par for a so-called movie. I hated the majority of the one dimensional characters immediately,and the only one I was convinced might have been modeled from a realistic personality-type was the younger brother. From the exaggerated, MTVish usage of the terrible soundtrack to accentuate the recklessness of the 'typical teen' archetype, to the bogus reactions of the characters in various situation ( see: the cop and his daughter...yeah riiiiight)this movie utterly fails. I'm pretty sure any real horror fan with access to a laptop and track board could have made a superior production. Seriously, if you are able to make it through this entire nonsensical movie I commend you for your resilience and shake my head at your having voluntarily wasted your time on this turd of a movie.
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Boring and predictable
Leofwine_draca26 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
FORGET ME NOT is yet another American version of the Japanese ghost horror sub-genre, particularly keen on ripping off the jerky movements of the spirits in THE GRUDGE and RING. Unfortunately it turns out to be the usual badly written nonsense featuring unlikeable teen high school characters and lots of padded out sexual situations to bore the viewer.

The storyline is a familiar one in which a girl dies during a prank gone wrong. She's brought back to life during a séance, only to bump off her friends one by one. It's the usual vengeful ghost stuff, enlivened only slightly by some gruesome deaths, like when a guy has his arm and face forced into the workings of a machine. Unsurprisingly there's some bad CGI used to animate the ghosts and the whole thing seems overlong and tiresome.

There are some good ideas here, such as a sub-plot which sees the victims of the ghost literally erased from history once they die, but they're mishandled and feel lost amid the usual ghost clichés. FORGET ME NOT? Completely forgettable I'm afraid.
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What a script ? Did a 5 year old write this ?
rotini-525869 February 2021
Min. 23:54.... Girl throws ring in pond....minutes later after she walks away from the's still on her neck. Editor suck ! I'm probably the only person who caught this.
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Forget Me Not (2009) Warning: Spoilers
I was expecting a cheap and tacky straight-to-DVD horror film. It certainly followed some of the usual plot lines about familiar characters, but there was plenty to enjoy. The nice twist of the film has all the victims being instantly forgotten, apart from the protagonist, she remembers everyone. This leads to changes in time and everybody thinking Schroeder is nuts. The most impressive thing was the design of the dead, not quite zombies, ghosts or demons, these creepy, shaky, unsettling creatures scared the fudge out of me. The faces were wonderfully designed and their movements were almost nauseating. The actors performed their roles well and I will certainly be watching this again.
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Fell short of the finish line.
QuentinJ44423 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Twelve-year-old orphan Anglea lives in a clergy run by nuns. While playing in the cemetery, Anglea meets and befriends twelve-year-old Sandy. Anglea teaches Sandy a game to play, a ghost/cemetery version of hind and seeks. Unbeknownst to Anglea, she isn't Sandy's only friend. One afternoon Anglea came across Sandy and her friends playing the hind and seeks in the cemetery, she taught Sandy that game, it's a game just for the two of them. Feeling betrayed, Anglea confronts Sandy in front of her friends, who were offended. Sandy's group of friends conjure up an idea, using Angleas own game to scare her, but Sandy needs to participate for it to be successful. The prank went wrong causing young Anglea to have a seizure and fall into a coma, not realizing the severity of Anglea's condition, the group leaves her on the front porch of the clergy, forgetting about her. Six years later the group graduated, they decided to take a trip done memory lane and play Forget me not at the cemetery again. This storyline had the potential to be a good horror film, but fell short due to over-exaggeration of creatures used, and trying to explain the past and the present storyline simultaneously.
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A pleasant surprise
pwmartuneac19 October 2012
A very good, scary movie. Better than what I was expecting from an Indie film. The special effects were actually pretty good. It was fairly predictable, but it was still frightening. The ghosts, or monsters, or whatever they were, did a very good job of being scary, from the way they moved to the sounds they made, to the way they looked. The ending was a nice little surprise, definitely breaking from the predictability of the rest of the movie. The acting was sub-par; better actors could have made this a really good movie. But as it is, it is a good movie, definitely worth watching if you're looking for a horror flick you've probably never seen.
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horror with emotion
sdaaydn28 December 2009
I'm a horror movie fan and always try to give a chance to every single movie that isn't highly popular. First of all I didn't have great expectations so this might be a reason why I liked the movie. The effects were fine. The subject keeps you concentrated. And when you give something emotional to a horror movie it makes the movie more compelling. I think that the leading actress wasn't all in there. I'm sure she tried her best but she could do better. Other than that I think the cast was coherent. If you're a horror movie fan you'll like it but won't love it. If you're not into these kind of movies and get easily scared you might not watch it till the end.
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A decent watch
ree_cuffy23 January 2010
I completely agree with modgirl-3. Everything you said was so true. Yeah the four brunette girls in the movie looked very similar. It was a good film apart from the cameraman's shaky hand and the acting was on point. The lead girl was very good, she carried the story well. Definitely an original idea which you don't see in horror films nowadays. Very different, very interesting and clever in how it was presented. I found myself urging to get to the end to find out what was going to happen. It's obvious it didn't take a lot of money to make it, but sometimes the lower budget movies are so much better than mainstream titles. It really is worth the watch.
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Forget me not or haunted souls
jeffreyc-325672 October 2019
Yeah I enjoyed this horror movie. Good acting and kept me on edge. But did not see the connection with the young girls nose bleed and two of tombstone with Ford and dodge. American car companies. What was that all about baffles me. Jacey out. Rock on.
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cliché junk
jfost7529 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So....the main star meets some random kid in a graveyard and they become friends, the other kid gets jealous when the star plays a game of hide and seek (they call it Ghost) with other kids. In typical mean spirit, the kids pull a prank on the weird little girl and she has a seizure. Flash forward about 10 years and now the kid is some malevolent spirit who decides to kill off all the other kids in the most predictable ways possible. Each time she does, only the star remembers they even existed. Big surprise, the girl was a ghost the entire time.... Why is having friends a killable offense? Who knows. Why does a horror movie have so many attractive girls and they never get topless? Your guess is as good as mine. How did the sheriff grow a mustache in the span of a hour? Good question. I was shocked to see the movie got so many positive reviews as i found nothing about it entertaining or even logical. About 2/3 thru the movie they attempt to give some mythical backstory to the game to try and explain how to stop the evil. Apparently the spirit of the little girl is mad about the prank still and so waited a decade to get revenge after the same kids decide to play "Ghost" again and it unleashes her evil from her comatose state? I dunno... It would have been way better if theyd just left it where the star was schizophrenic and had imagined the entire thing, i think.
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twelve-house-books24 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Whatever happened to using actual teenagers to play teenagers? Every last one of these supposed high school kids are in their mid-to-late 20s, and they're poor actors to boot. And who wrote this sex-heavy script, some hack who's never actually been around gangly, silly, awkward teenagers who wouldn't know what to do in bed with each other anymore than they'd know how to direct a film or do surgery on somebody's brain. This is supposedly a Ghost Story, but it's not even that. I can't throw enough hate at this project, so if you love your sanity and your time, avoid this pile of garbage and, if you must, watch one of the teen slashers of the late 70s or early 80s instead.
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Enjoyed, could be better
itsybitsymee7 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie wasn't all that bad.

It's different than most other horror movies I've seen but in a good way, and actually, I thought it was good enough to watch more than once. I really liked this movie. Everything fits together by the end of it. It makes you wonder what's really going on or what might happen next because there isn't too much that's given away.

At first, I thought that maybe the main character was really crazy and imagining everything out of guilt, and that none of it was real. The story's likable, the teenagers are stupid, but that's why they get to die.

The characters were generic: the whore, bad boy, not so smart pretty girl, etc. Not much that needed explaining with them. If the main character had made friends with better people nothing bad would've ended up happening. Angela gets what she deserves in the end, and she gets all the "friends" she could ever want. As a whole this movie's alright.

Watch it.
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