The Witcher (Video Game 2007) Poster

(2007 Video Game)

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for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. (Hamlet Act 2, scene 2)
another_awakening4 April 2008
What defines right or wrong? Good and Evil? Justice and Lawlessness? Is it the act, or its observer? You see why defining morality is a tricky business? Games are the ideal medium to convey these questions, for one reason: they give the possibility of choice; in a game, your moral compass can be tested. That is not to say that the author's morality is absent: the consequences that derive from these choices, and their moral weight, are entirely defined by the creators. Which opens a whole world of possibilities from a narrative standpoint. Should the player be rewarded for a good deed and punished by an evil one? Or should he be reminded that in the real world, good deeds are hard choices, and that crime, sometimes does pay? That to achieve great things, compromises must be made? Just the fact that so many issues can be discussed is a testament to the importance of interactive narratives. For many years, western rpg's have been the genre that has explored these issues. In comes "The Witcher", an adaptation of Andrzej Sapkowski's series of dark fantasy novels centered round a monster-slaying mutant with magical powers, named "The Witcher" Geralt. Sapkowski's work is reminiscent of high fantasy classics like "Lord of the Rings", but, as is common in dark fantasy narratives, twists its mythological nature in favor of a more cynic, realistic tone. Racism, segregation, social struggles, political and law corruption are just some of the themes that manage to squeeze into his universe, transforming it into less of a fantasy world, and more of an allegory of our society.

Geralt's tale starts with an attack on the witchers' citadel, carried out by a mage who seeks to rob the arcane secrets hidden therein. After failing to repel the attack, Geralt goes on a quest to recover said secrets and have revenge. As poor as this sounds, it develops in a series of unpredictable ways: on his journey, Geralt will be caught in the middle of a conflict between humans and non-humans. Elves, dwarfs and other species have been the focus of prejudice throughout the history of human civilization, and thus have taken up arms against them. On the other hand, humans see these "freedom fighters" as terrorists that are not afraid to kill innocent men and women. Throughout the game, Geralt will make difficult choices in a war he doesn't understand. Does he help the non-humans, that have a noble cause, but are so filled with hate that they won't stop at any means to fulfill their objectives? Or does he side with the humans, that are merely defending themselves, and whose society, though decadent, is a synonym of order? He can also stay neutral, waiting for one side to win. The player has many choices, and none right or wrong. Curiously, the player will only acknowledge their consequences much later in the game, when his overall perception of events has changed. More than once, good-hearted decisions will have horrible consequences, and cold judgments bring good in the end… just like real life. This simple substitution of black and white decisions with gray ones, transforms binary selections into conundrums of unpredictable consequences, giving a whole new meaning to the word "choice". And since the consequences are only known much further in the game, there is no point in doing the save-load routine: once you make a choice, there's no turning back.

The script of the game is a testament to the creativity and quality of its author's writings: dialogs are rich and mature and characters are multifaceted, filled with ulterior motives. As standard, a number of twists will turn catch the player off-balance. The only downfall in this department is the somewhat lack of quality in character animations and the absence of certain narrative bridges that make the plot seem somewhat confusing at times.

The presentation of the game is almost as good as its narrative. Art design department had a lot of work in conjuring up this dark-themed world, half way between Earth and Middle Earth, without falling in the temptation to transform it into either of them. Scenarios could have been taken from a historical-background game, as cities are usually places of decadence and poverty filled with Anglo-Saxon architectural details. Even forests and lakes, places typically associated with magic, have a down-to-earth feel, with somewhat drab color palettes. The game manages to feel idyllic, thanks to a good use of lighting and weather effects, but never surreal, like most fantasy-themed games. On the sound department, the soundtrack is mostly epic and medieval sounding, but fails to harness the emotional power of, say, Jeremy Soule's compositions ("Oblivion").

On the subject of game-play, "The Witcher" stands as most RPG's - In each chapter, you'll have to enter a town, talk to villagers to fetch some clichéd quests to make money. Once you've fed up with trifle matters, you can do the main quest and watch the plot unveil. Fortunately, most quests have something to say about the game's setting, even when they're pretty boring. Combat is a bit hack-and-slash, with the player only having to click on their enemies at the right time for Geralt to release massive sword-combos (like "Legend of Dragoon"). There are also some magic spells and different combat styles, bringing some tactical planning into play. Nothing new, but it manages to keep the player captivated.

Few games can brag about having meaningful stories, let alone about having meaningful possibilities. By taking the best out of the "Good vs Evil" rpg's and adding a morally confusing tale, the authors ended up creating a truly thought-provoking fantasy world. It has the writing quality of a book, and the endless possibilities of a game; it is the new landmark in interactive storytelling.
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That sword is for monsters
petra_ste8 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This spectacular debut by CD Projekt RED is a third-person role-playing game inspired by the fantasy novels by Polish writer Sapkowski.

Storytelling is interesting. The player faces complex scenarios which often require choosing between the lesser of two evils; decisions have dramatic, unexpected consequences. Add to this an effective atmosphere with moments of Lovecraftian horror, and you have a winner.

Developers have chosen quality over quantity: the world is not very big, but it's detailed and throbbing with life. The story is gripping and characters are fairly well-developed, going beyond usual fantasy stereotypes. I am usually bored by brooding, sardonic anti-heroes, but monster hunter (or "witcher") Geralt, the protagonist, is charismatic. Quests are nicely varied and sometimes truly special (like a memorable investigation in Vizima).

The combat system is functional; some may complain it's too hack and slash, but I found the use of different tactics (changing sword and fighting style depending on the enemy you are facing) rather satisfying, if hardly groundbreaking. The lack of ranged weapons is irritating though.

Technically the game is great, although I strongly suggest to download the last patch (1.3) on the official site; after I did that, on an average PC I never experienced any problem with the game crashing or unacceptable loading times.

A few possible issues. Fans of character customization need to know that Geralt is a fixed protagonist; while of course you can develop different skills throughout the game, there is no race, gender and appearance selection at the beginning and his personality is pretty much already defined by the game (although his choices aren't). The alchemy system, while an excellent idea in theory, could have used some improvements : experimenting new potions and bombs could have been interesting, but the mechanics are kind of clunky (you need to rest every time). Also, as it often happens in games with spells, special powers and potions, some are worthless and others are ludicrously overpowered, basically the equivalent of launching a nuclear weapon at the enemy's face.

In spite of these minor flaws, The Witcher is a superb game and an eye-popping debut.

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The start of something great
those_who_dig22 February 2017
I learned to love 'The Witcher', but it didn't come easily. It took me three or four attempts to advance past the first level, as I found it very hard to enjoy the combat. When I eventually convinced myself to stay and at least put in a few hours' work, I found that most of my earlier criticism washed away. It isn't as exhilarating as the combat in the second and third 'Witcher' games, but it presents its own strengths in offering a more strategic approach, turning boss battles into tests of ingenuity and wit rather than button-mashing.

When the story is good, it's very good. The quest(s) relating to King Foltest are particularly interesting, and there's arguably more intrigue in the first game's plot than in those of the later instalments. I'd argue that the primary villains aren't as well-written as later ones like Letho of Gulet ('Assassins of Kings') or Dettlaff ('Blood and Wine'); they seem a little too cartoonlike to ever become truly intimidating. Still, the good definitely outweighs the bad where storytelling and writing are concerned.

I played this before reading any of Andrzej Sapkowski's novels, but fans of the author will appreciate seeing some of Geralt's most memorable book scenes represented in the game. Unlike most game adaptations, though, there's a significant amount of choice offered to the player - and sometimes you can make a choice which directly contradicts the books. The developers, in this sense, have successfully combined the freedom of role-playing with the structure and solid narrative context of the novels; I don't think I've ever seen a feat like this replicated in another game.

'The Witcher' is a great RPG, and in a genre which tends to draw its inspiration from a select few contexts, this game really stands out as a unique work. Unlike many promising titles, 'The Witcher' was given the sequels it deserved.
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Possibly the best RPG ever
thepotoo12 December 2007
First, the good: Graphics are excellent, the game runs well even on a low-end computer, and the story is one of the best in gaming history.

EDIT: The 1.2 Patch has corrected long loading times.

There are a few low points, most notably long loading times, but these are easily forgotten as you get caught up in an incredible universe. Rather than some cliché Utopian Star Trek world like Oblivion had, The Witcher is about the worst of human nature. Racism against non-humans, prostitution, gambling, sex, and violence are rampant here. It's a terrific take on a Lovecrafitan kind of world, and I throughly enjoyed every aspect of it. Mythology and history from our world are combined flawlessly with creative new monsters and an expansive back story. (Be sure to check out the in-game journal for more insight on the world. It's the best I've ever seen).

The philosophical aspects of the story are all there, and I really enjoyed them. Free will vs fate, the meaning of life, what it means to be human, science vs religion, you name it, it's there. And the best part is, you are actively involved in creating these themes through your decisions. Fantastic.

Combat is good as well, the system is original, and while it took some learning to master, I never got sick of it even after around 200 hours of game play (I beat the game 3 times, once for each ending).

Now, the bad: (These are all really just nitpicking, except for the long load times)

-Loading, loading, loading. I swear, this game takes longer to load than any other game I've ever played. 2+ minutes just to load a house? You've got to be kidding me. EDIT: Ignore this, as of 1.2, loading times are now 5 seconds to load a house.

-Mob balance. This game starts off pretty well, but it becomes ridiculously easy in act 4. Act 3, (especially the swamp) was really, really hard, and then, all of a sudden, it's like someone turned down the difficulty. I've never faced such an easy final boss. I defeated him without losing more than 25% of my health (hard mode). Kind of anti-climactic, if you ask me. -Ingi sign is amazingly overpowered.

-Inventory and quest management system needs help. Badly. Icons are tiny and impossible to distinguish from one another.

-Act 3 performance issues. This game runs poorly on single core And processors in act 3 (outdoor areas only). Settings don't matter, the game gets a constant 5-10 FPS in this region while the rest of the game gets 25-60. I've tested on 3 computers, all had the same problem.

-Poor replay value. With most RPG's, you can play whatever class you want. Here, you can play a battlemage, an alchemist, or a swordsman, but that's it. No ranged offerings, no stealth.

-Without going into spoilers, I felt that the story (the game's strongest point), was kind-of a letdown on my second and third time through. The choices you made throughout the game didn't really impact the ending as much as I thought they did the first time I played the game.

-Redundant people. Everyone has clones of themselves running around everywhere. Yep, it's annoying, but it's hardly a make-or-break feature.

The bottom line: It may seem like I'm being hard on the game here, but I really, really loved it. The 1.2 patch should fix most of my grievances. If load times weren't so long, this would be a 10/10 game for sure.

EDIT: If you patch your game to 1.2, you will get much, much better load times. My final rating: 9.3/10; one of the best games ever.

This game is very, very similar to Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines, however the story here is stronger and the replay value is a little weaker. If you like RPGs like Oblivion, Vampire Bloodlines, Gothic, or NWN, or dark fantasy in general (I especially recommend this game to Wheel of Time fans), this is a must play.

EDIT: The below tips are still useful, but are less so as of patch 1.2.

I feel compelled to point out that loading times can be improved upon, if you do the following: RAM upgrades: I upgraded from 1GB 166mhz ram to 2GB 200mhz ram, and loading times decreased 45% Defrag: Get a real defrag utility and defragment your hard drive. I recommend Perfect Disk (free demo available). This one helps in game performance, too. RAID: I can't personally afford it, but if you have the technically savvy and the cash to blow, a friend of mine RAIDed two 15,000 RPM SCSI drives and decreased loading times to around 5 seconds.
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Very well realized RPG
nocopy-113 November 2007
The Witcher is one of those role playing games you wont forget for a long time. Once you get over the first "Tutorial" level, which is really just a hurdle you have to take to get to the main story, the story just takes off! I have played a lot of RPG's like Diablo, WoW, Neverwinter Nights and Elder Scrolls, but the Witcher is by FAR the best i have experienced.

The Story is about Geralt of Rivia, which under mysterious circumstances lost all his memories. He ends up with his friends in the abandoned Witcher's School, from where you start of your journey which takes you to an intriguing quest to find out who you are.

The game is very well developed with outstanding Characters and Storyline, and very minor bugs and features missing. Another notable thing is the adult content. Swearing, Blood, Gambling and the possibility to have a relation with other NPC's are just some other things that i particularly liked.

Overall i give it a 9 of 10 because it crashes a lot under vista (no problems in XP tho) and the missing coop and multiplayer modes. I for my part like this game very much and would love to see a sequel to it.
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Dark, very mature RPG
dorotka2422 June 2010
Starting with the introductory cinematic - one of the best I've ever seen - the player becomes deeply involved in this grim story. That's what the game feels like. A very complicated, intriguing, and interesting tale. Few other RPGs I've experienced can so deeply pull the player in to the plot as this one does.

Such is the emphasis here, and the character choice that is so integral to other games is non-existent. Yet I enjoyed the lack of choice in characters since it kept the focus squarely on the story, where it quite refreshingly belonged. In fact, this is almost the polar opposite of one of my favorite series of games, the Elder Scrolls, in that there is no choice but to become wrapped up in the main plot line.

Besides the story, many other things are relatively unique or at the least uncommon for an RPG in The Witcher. This is, first and foremost, a very adult game, unlike most RPGs I've played. There is foul language, sexual situations, and many morally ambiguous decisions to be made. The world is dark and seedy, with many unsavory characters, prostitution, organized crime, drugs, bribery, fencing, gambling, widespread corruption, and much more. The setting is rife with crime, disease, and political intrigue. The combat system involves not endless, quick clicking, but slow clicking to time and string together a series of attacks. Several of the monsters are not clearly "evil" and do not attack the player on sight but attempt to reason and convince him to spare them or help them lift their curse.

Speaking of the protagonist, Geralt of Rivia, he has striking similarities to other fictional characters that are favorites of mine. In particular his look and combat prowess borrow heavily from Michael Moorcock's creation - Elric of Melnibone. His voice, guile, and the fact that he is a complete man-whore remind me especially of Clint Eastwood and his western "man with no name" characters from the Sergio Leone "Dollars Trilogy," or High Plains Drifter.

I do have some criticisms. Some of the dialog is corny and doesn't seem to fit the character of Geralt - such is one of the problems with using a premade character. Naturally the often long load times are cumbersome. I didn't like how dramatically the XP award for monsters dropped as Geralt rose in levels, since many creatures went down in about the same amount of time at LVL 2 as they did at level 25. A couple of the monsters were very difficult to overcome - but worse than this was the fact that such encounters often occurred at the end of a long cut-scene with no chance for saving (can't save mid-fight), so I would die and then have to go through the whole scene all over again.

Despite such flaws, this is on my top ten list of RPGs, and I've been playing them since Bard's Tale on the Apple IIe. Most certainly give it a chance. And don't forget to try the over-the-shoulder (OTS) camera viewpoint - makes it an almost entirely different game.
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Why aren't there more games out there like this?
bs3dc13 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The Witcher is based on the series of fantasy novels by Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski, though the story in the game itself is an original one. The protagonist is Geralt of Rivia, a witcher, who from mutagenic potions and years of training is a tough and dedicated monster hunter. Thought to be dead, he mysteriously reappears near the witchers' stronghold, Caer Morhen, with severe memory loss.

The story is more mature than most with difficult decisions at every turn, usually with no 'right' choice, but one that seems to be the 'lesser of two evils.' The world Geralt inhabits is dark and realistic, with issues such terrorism, drugs, prostitution and ethnic cleansing being just some of the things he has to face. The consequences of your actions usually come back to haunt you at a later stage of the game. The world is nowhere near as large as in many other RPG's, which does feel a little restrictive, but also favours quality over quantity. The characters are well drawn and believable. People go about their daily lives around him, the villages and city bustling with activity. In content the world is very adult, with Geralt able to indulge in pleasures of the flesh with alarming regularity! You have relatively few options in character creation and development, which will put off some people. Personally I found it easier than trying to get to grips with the bewildering array of options of race, class, sub-class, proficiencies etc. that many RPG's give you to contend with at the start. There are still ways to tailor Geralt's skills to your preferred playing style by focussing on his swordsmanship or magic. Upgrades in the form of bronze, silver and gold talents are given on each level up to spend as you will, bearing in mind you will not be able to accumulate enough to specialise in everything. Geralt is the only playable character in the game so it limits re-playability and is also probably not the best choice for gamers who prefer party adventuring.

The engine is based on the one employed by Neverwinter Nights 2, but this feels considerably different, especially in terms of combat, where timing your attacks is crucial to defeat tougher opponents. There are 'strong,' 'fast' and 'group' styles which are used against enemies as appropriate to their own abilities. Geralt uses a steel sword against humans and the like, while his silver sword is far more effective against monsters. Magic is extremely simple to use and can be easily used in combination with physical attacks without slowing down the action.

Simply put, 'The Witcher' is one of the most entertaining, involving and original role-playing games seen on the market in quite some time. For fans of the novels, it captures their spirit excellently, and is well worth seeking out. It is also worth mentioning the soundtrack which is superb. I had some trouble with reliability playing under Vista, but not enough to serious affect my enjoyment.
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My thoughts of The Witcher
elessardunedain15 May 2015

  • Geralt's character development (with quite original method of talents) - potion making (includes picking of herbs, harvesting jaws of vampires etc.) - moral choices reflecting in changing attitudes of other characters - multitude of quests - some parts are really intense - deep, immersive story - nice music, beautiful landscapes, amazing architecture - seducing women is kind of fun - becoming master of dice poker and fist fighting is also kind of fun - original monsters


  • somewhere midgame you get a lot of bothersome "run here, talk, run there, talk" quests - you need to adjust to game's combat system - first 30-90 minutes of the game are kind of boring


  • you don't get to use many weapons or armors, because other weapons than swords are not usable in witcher battle styles making them ineffective especially later in the game - after you start feeling which skills are important and focus on developing them, fighting becomes quite easy

Overall: you need to bite the bullet and endure the first hour of the game. After that you get a really good, immersive RPG with damn good story and lots of locations.
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Must be played by RPG game lovers.
hirador1 February 2021
This is an old game, so it's a little bit tricky to get used to combat style. But once you learn it it becomes very enjoyable to play and fight. There are some different combat styles in the game and you should know where to use which one. You need to learn the world and characters to play. This is one of my favorite things in the game. It's not just run and kill game. You need to understand "Geralt" and also other characters in the game. And your choices are changing your game's story. You need to make choices every moment in the game. It's world is also great and enjoyable. Despite it's an old game still playable and enjoyable. Also musics and cut scenes are so attractive.
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A beginning of epic proportions
japongt3 October 2023
After reading the books, I started playing the Witcher 1 right away. I was told that it was directly after the books so why not give it a try. At first, I was hesitant because I'm not really into RPGs and PC games and thought that it will very difficult for me to navigate and control everything. I can say that The Witcher 1, is very newbie friendly. Maybe it will make you wonder what the hell you are doing at first, get lost, can't track of the quests you need to do but eventually as you play the game, it is actually very easy to understand. I played the game on normal so I could at least experience the wonders of alchemy. It was very tricky at first on how to mix potions and stuff. In the end, it was just about collecting the right ingredients needed and just click which potion you like and the potion will mix itself.

The game makes you decide on how you want your destiny to be fulfilled. And since you're choosing your own path, it made the game more interesting for me. It made you explore and play whatever you think fits best. I also like how they make cut scenes that looks like you are watching a movie. They even have a small recap of the path you've chosen after every major event. I think with those recaps, it will make you wonder if you've chosen the right one. Which is funny because the game doesn't really have a right or wrong answer.

What I don't like about the game is the fighting style. When you fight enemies, of course you wanted to do it quick fast and in a hurry. In the game you have to time it precisely with the icons that is shown in your screen. It frustrates me sometimes when they do that and I miss it or I'm too fast. I guess considering the time the game was made, should be pretty decent.

One of the funniest parts of the game is how Geralt ended up sleeping with a bunch of women even though it wasn't really what you want him to do. One minute you're offering bread and arguing about pity and the next thing you know, bang! They're sleeping together. Geralt clearly, doesn't just like sorceresses.

Background music is also amazing. You would know that CDPR has really given this a thought. I remember whenever monsters are close, the background sound will change and will give me panic attacks and I have to think fast and react fast. The music makes you aware of the surroundings you are in and I think that's great.

The ending though is not as great as I thought it would be. I think that's because the chapter before that is so interestingly good, that the last chapter loses to it. I definitely would want to play this again and would recommend it for people who wants to experience a good game be it a newbie like me or a veteran. 8/10.
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A great gripping story that can make you ignore all kinds of problems
PenetratorGod30 October 2023
Game begins in 1270, when Geralt of Rivia is found unconscious and amnesiac by his friends. Over time, we slowly learn that there are friends and enemies everywhere. The player's actions in the game will allow you to redefine your relationships with people and choose your path in the political intrigue that surrounds you. Since the combat system is automated, you only need to click on the enemy once with the mouse for Geralt to attack, but you need to click continuously and at the right time for him to continue. So you can also do combos. Also the block system is automatic. There are three fighting styles in total: strong, fast and group attack. We use them by choosing the most appropriate one according to the type of enemy. And we have five Witcher signs that unlock as you progress, each with a different function. Weapons and armor can be bought from the environment or from merchants.

Our character has a skill tree. When we level up, we need to meditate. For this we need a campfire, or you can squeeze a few bucks from an innkeeper or talk to some hospitable hosts and sleep in their houses. So we can distribute points. I should mention that Geralt is a master alchemist as much as he is with the sword. You can create various potions by meditating. Potions have a lasting effect. You can get the ingredients from the environment or from an alchemist with money if you don't want to deal with it. There are many different types of creatures in the game and we need to prepare Geralt for this. Drinking potions before each fight helps us survive. Especially if we are playing on high difficulty.

The game has a day and night cycle. The weather is also very variable. Sometimes there's torrential rain and sometimes there's a scorching sun. But unfortunately there is no open world and freedom in the game. There are 7 chapters and although there is a huge map throughout these chapters, there is no need to use it and Geralt is confined only to the areas where the main missions determined by the producers take place. And frankly, these areas are quite narrow and lack freedom. On top of that, we encounter a lot of loading screens in the game and this becomes annoying over time. The number of characters in the game is quite high. We have interaction with them. While the dialogs with the main characters are varied, there are simple conversations with NPCs. Sometimes, depending on the choice we make in the dialogs, the mission and story changes instantly or with consequences that we'll see later on.

I can't say that the AI is very good. Even though there are simple things like NPCs talking to themselves, sweeping in front of their houses, escaping under the roofs from the rain, etc., these things can annoy the player when they repeat themselves over and over again and you see and hear it over and over again. And sometimes they can become indifferent to what is happening around them. For example, in Vizima it's only dangerous at night. That's when things like monsters and bandits appear. When someone is being killed and eaten somewhere, you can see NPCs who see this and act as if nothing is happening. We also have a diary where these and everything else is recorded. In it, there are tutorials, information about characters, creatures, potions, maps and buildings, and much more. The game has a wide variety of camera angles depending on what the player wants. The interface is very simple. There are three difficulty levels and over 100 quests to do. I think the length of gameplay is quite sufficient.

The fact that the follower system was added just for the sake of it, and that sometimes missions put you in a situation that you are not prepared for at all, makes it difficult for players. Also, some of the missions are located far away from each other and you have to constantly travel and run around. Missions are gradual. Doing a mission does not mean you have finished it. Sometimes when you finish a side mission, another sub-mission will follow or it will be a different mission. There is a series of missions that I personally feel uncomfortable with, which are the contracts we get from the boards. There is really a logic error in these missions because when we get the contract, for example, there is a hunter who wants us to bring 10 wolf furs. In any other RPG we would simply go and kill the wolves and get the furs, but in Witcher it's not like that.

First you have to find those wolves. Wherever there are rare creatures, those quests appear in the contracts. In fact, access to the places where some creatures are located is even closed at the time we get the contract, which is a completely different nonsense. This also applies to other side quests. In order to finish some of the side quests you get, you need to progress in the main quest and open new locations. Anyway, you barely find the wolves, you slaughter them, and what do you realize, there's no fur inside? But why? Don't start questioning because the mission description states that you must first read a book about wolves. Once you learn about that animal or creature, then the contract can be dropped. This is the thing I hate the most because these books are not readily available and they are very expensive. When the contract reward is 50 oren and the book costs 100 oren, you start to go crazy. I don't understand the logic of taking a loss to make money. As you progress in the game, this gap gets wider and wider. No matter how hard you try, you cannot put money aside for a certain period of time because of the expenses.

This seems like something that is done to extend the gameplay time, but it is a factor that reduces the fluency. When you repeat these things over and over again, you can get really overwhelmed. When the negativities such as the excessive loading screen and lack of freedom, which I have already mentioned before, are added on top of it, it may cause players with little patience to get bored. In Witcher 1. One of them is played with dice and the other is fist fights in taverns. The graphics are really nice for the year of production. Geralt and other character modeling, details, lighting are well designed.

However, other NPCs are not given the same attention as the main characters. The same NPCs are used in different areas with different clothes and hairstyles. You may feel a little uncomfortable when this starts to catch your eye. Sound effects are of good quality. The voices are great, especially for the main characters. In-game music and atmosphere sounds are also very good. I don't want to go on too long, the game is like an open book. It tells and teaches itself to you more than enough. In short, it should definitely be bought and played in original. Those who are not sure can try piracy for a while, but then if you have the situation, it will be worth every penny. The game offers an average of close to 50 hours of content.
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Great Story w/ gameplay that has not aged well
caleb-9696911 January 2021
Long story short. The story of this game is phonemonal. It excels in all areas that define an RPG! However, the combat is terrible. It really draws out the game and makes it horrendously slow. It is definitely a game you can learn to love. However I played it for the story and the story only. It's gameplay does not compare to that of The Witcher 2 and 3.
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Great of rivia
Badr90s6 October 2021
The first Witcher was actually a very good game, an introduction to a masterpiece franchise that tells a masterpiece polish novel.
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In my worst games of all time list.
tigrexthrasher7 May 2018
This is in my honest opinion one of the absolute worst games of all time. And thats because of one HUGE problem and its the worst problem a game can have.

The gameplay. The Witcher had by far the WORST combat system I have EVER experienced! An absolute atrocity! Getting past the fact that the main guy holds his sword like he has severe brain damage. It was soooo painfully slow. And not in a good way! I mean he just stands there slowly wafting it around with no purpose. No real combos or parries or dodges are anything to even remotely spice it up. Instead you just have a game with boring combat. A very boring story which should be a movie not a game! And a rubbish plot. Yo you have no memories. Wanna risk your life killing random strangers for no reason? Sure ofcourse I do! Because i have severe brain damage!

Ehmm sorry for venting but this game is a nightmare. Its like watching A most violent year (a bad movie) With a crazed rabies infected cat in your pants shredding and cutting everything.

Oh my god this game is so BAD!! What an insult to gamers!

If you are looking for a game to play then I would highly recommend Tetris. That game is like The last of us compared to this trash!
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