Flashpoint (TV Series 2008–2012) Poster


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Perps are people too.
ru48620 July 2008
Wow, a cop show without perps. A TV drama with guns and not 'necessary' evil. Moral, caring cops with emotional consequences. Explosions, when all else fails.

I like 'The Unit' (also on CBS) when it addresses the egregious use of force needed to defend against force and the guilt that comes from fighting evil with evil actions. They have their moments of destruction far from home and leave the guilt for later (when they are home). Flashpoint takes place down the street. In your office building or mall. The consequences of action or inaction are to be replayed in their mind, home, community and above all on TV. And despite the preparations our heroes take, it just doesn't assuage the situations that go tits up.

This show is grounded in moral motives that will pierce the heart of it's viewers. Let the Rambo's have their shows, and let us tread the thin, ever moving and twisting thin blue line of Flashpoint. In the show's own words, "We're not here to target practice, we're here to save lives".
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Great show, hopefully more of the same!
GorobeiOgataSan12 July 2008
Excellent show, with movie quality cinematography that shows the behind the scenes of the snipers. It takes from some of those SWAT reality TV shows and throws in the personal issues and struggles that no one gets to see. Only one episode has been aired so far, so I don't have a lot to base this on, but I give it a 9 as this is something fresh although how long it can keep it up remains to be seen. My other complaint is the late airing time, but a very high quality show none the less (as their huge budget indicates).


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Some refreshing changes but it's still a cop show
adrian.chell10 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Flashpoint is one of the few cop shows I've seen where every action has consequences, and the protagonists have to live with those consequences, not just forget them in time for next week's episode. While each week gives us a different superficial scenario, they all contribute something to the ongoing sub-plots. Hugh Dillon is excellent as the enormously experienced but tightly-wound Ed Lane and he is admirably supported by Enrico Colantoni as the team's leader Sgt. Greg Parker. To be fair, some of the minor characters have suffered from a lack of air time, and so development so far, so we get left with the stereotypes. There is the token woman (Jules), the new hot shot (Sam), the techie (Spike) and the all-round utility player (Wordy). Over time, and notwithstanding Amy Jo Johnson's pregnancy, I hope these characters will become as fleshed out as those of the leads. I'm certainly ready to give the show its chance.
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A refreshing change from the cop shows out there
Seradan23 October 2008
The basic premise is that they show the 'flashpoint' of a situation, a brief glimpse at a volatile situation. This teaser provides a context for the story telling that comes afterward as a depiction of the various events that led to the situation, and then goes to resolve the issue.

I really, really enjoy this show. Working in Toronto, I enjoy seeing some of the same places that I travel to in this show. The 'shades of grey' antagonists, the not quite impenetrable armour of the protagonists and the fact that there are unexpected twists to the stories makes for some great watching. Unlike some of the other shows, where you get into a "Oh, we're getting near the commercial, he's going to puke / crash / seize" routine, the show has managed to use believable twists and character development to surprise, despite the 'spoiler' that begins each show.

I sincerely hope that there are many seasons to come, and that it will continue to develop the characters and story lines behind them. Kudos to the wonderful cast for their great performances, and to a show based in Canada that doesn't look like it was crafted on a shoe string budget.
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Brilliant series!
mr-bond-120 April 2009
I just love it. It is so different from the typical gung-ho super-commando, CSIs, Lost or Prison Breaks lasting forever. These guys have emotions, feelings. We see what led to the situation and that very often there isn't a simple solution to the situation. The negotiations are the very strong point and the will to solve it without guns. It shows what it is to shoot somebody - even for a highly trained and tough elite unit member. It takes its toll on every one. There is no going home in glory after a shooting - there is the procedure, debriefing and very strong emotions that not all are able to cope with. It is a unique series and I hope it stays for another couple of seasons. I'd miss it if it was gone.
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Great Show
melskee18 February 2009
This show is in it's first season in Australia (glad to see we have a 2nd to look forward to!) Only a half dozen episodes in, but so far I'm really enjoying it. Love the way it gives you the 'teaser' at the start, then you get the full story leading into the situation. Although it would help if the network airing it here could show the episodes in order for a little continuity... Yeah, yeah, we all know it's not totally realistic - that's why it's called 'entertainment'. I work in police communications here in Melbourne Aus., and I can assure you we NEVER have anything this exciting happen, but that's probably not a bad thing. I find the at the end of each episode I'm wondering where the hour went!?!
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Glad to see Flashpoint is back on. . .missed it
adelaidetaylor9 July 2010
A breath of fresh air. I love action/police dramas, but most are so predictable you can guess what the characters are about to do or say. Flashpoint is an exception. I find it more original, very suspenseful, and occasionally quite moving. The consistently impressive teamwork and professional attitude of the characters may be a bit unrealistic, but it makes for tight drama and people you can really feel connected to. The ensemble acting is seamless and effective. I am also a fan of Canadian shows such as Da Vinci's Inquest and Cold Squad. It seems our neighbors to the north are quite adept at creating excellent dramas with well-developed, appealing characters, and original plot lines.
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A sleek drama with a few wrinkles to start
letterblush12 July 2008
First impressions from the Pilot show "Flashpoint" to be a hybrid of special forces, hostage situations, lots of weapons and character study.

The show seems to have a lot of potential, even if the dialog is a bit rushed and difficult to understand for the average viewer who isn't used to the office lingo of the special forces team that handles these high stakes situations.

The team, led by Sarge (Enrico Colantoni of "Veronica Mars") and Ed Lane (Hugh Dillon) seem to gel well so far, but future episodes will tell if they can pull off the show's premise.

There is some humor, but the Pilot also sported multiple slow-mo shots of character interaction, and each of their reactions to the reality of their job.

A bit rushed in places, and jaunty, as any series premiere is expected to be - hopefully "Flashpoint" will find its stride as a sleek, cop drama with brains, edge and heart.
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Not the worst tv show I watched
richardt-0184630 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I only just started watching it again, I realise why I stopped watching it. How sam a guy from the military that accidentally killed his best friend and is kicked out of the military & allowed to join sru without going through selection. He even gets to be temporary team leader from being a rookie on the team. And donna went through selection and scrapped through the psych avail gets to be team leader on team 3. After all the sru rules about team members being in a relationship, jules & sam get married in the final episodes. (sorry for the spoiler). This tv show just gets more & more anoying.
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Great overall show
spencer_village6 February 2009
Everything about this show is done well. From the cinematography to the locations, and the acting, this show is very well done. I'm a proud Canadian so seeing a great show being set in Toronto is awesome.

Great job to the filmmakers. It's about time we get a show that's made in Canada but doesn't try and look like an American city. CTV has done a really good job and creating this show, and getting the necessary funding with CBS to make this a solid series, and make it survive in Canada. It is doing well internationally as well, being sold to many different countries in Europe and all around the world. I'm a film student and I know what it takes to do the stuff they do, and especially doing it in Canada is very cool. When this season gets put out on DVD I will for sure pick it up.
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Keep it real.
tcmixman18 May 2009
This is a nice show, you guys have nailed the story lines and its worth watching. This drama has an appeal to both the soft and emotional side as well as something for the adrenalin junkies. However, CBS Please hire a better technical adviser. The tactical response, the outfit of the weapons, fire tactics, the way the SRU guys move and hold their weapons, its appalling. If you want a realistic drama, keep the tactical side realistic too. I know you think that the average person doesn't know the difference, but with other shows and movies getting more accurate and realistic. Flashpoint looks like a joke. Sooner or later you will loose your audience. Keep it real!
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good show
sabrinaleccese13 April 2009
I would have to say since the very first episode I have been hooked, I also got a glimpse of it on a talk show, who showed the audience a clip, then they talked about it. they talked about how the actors dealt with real cops to get an idea of the realism to the episodes they were about to act. The show is a DRAMA not and ACTION so that is why you wont see explosions and gun fights and not all situations come to that they are trying to give the view all the sides that cops would have to deal with on a regular basis. and to see it from my home town is even more exciting cause i have a lot of friends from high school who are metro cops. not tactical as far as i know but still to see what they have to deal with it makes you realize how dangerous their job is. I think anyone who likes a realistic drama that shows the highs and lows of tactical teams day drama with a little action this is the show for you. I watch all the C.S.I's and 24 and dexter, i pretty much enjoy a show that has a good story line unless it becomes unbelievably repetitive like 24. like how many times do we need to see Jack Bauer get captured and fall in love with anew woman and loose the respect of his team for the sake of saving the world! I am sure everyone can agree that not every time a cop gets a call its all about explosions and blood and guts come one now that isn't real life! not in Canada at least maybe in LA l.o.l where all lousy shows take place! the unit sucked i haven't heard one good thing about it he was better as the president on 24 than on that show! flash point all the way.
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Try and take them alive
bkoganbing16 January 2016
In America we call it SWAT, Special Weapons And Tactics. But in Canada it's Strategic Response Unit. These are the guys called in when in Toronto where the series takes place. They're not just go in and blast the hell out of the perpetrator. They do hostage negotiation among other things and the weapons at times are designed to try and take the victim alive. As often as not that's what happens in Flashpoint.

This was a good Canadian police drama as we saw a lot of the various stories that unfolded from both a police and a perpetrator point of view. Enrico Colantoni headed the unit and regulars included series David Paetkau and former Power Ranger Amy Jo Johnson.

The couple of episodes I saw showed a nice series. A shame our neighbors to the north decided to cancel it.
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getting boring
mila270230 November 2009
since I'm a TV junkie i was watching every episode till now... just finding myself doing other stuff while it was running. The plot structure is pretty boring, usually nothing unexpected happens, the characters aren't really developed, basically anybody could play anybody in that show. Also its hard to get rid of the feeling having seen one episode and knowing how all other episodes end. Try it and you will know what I mean. The other thing is everything seems to be staged... everybody knows always exactly do to, never a situation that needs any rethinking or develops any other subplot. Once i missed 20 minutes in between... just caught the last 5 minutes and somehow everything was crystal clear and i didn't feel the need to watch the missing 20 minutes.
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All in one show! Excellent!
DarwinP3 December 2010
This is an amazing show! From the production point of view, it's very well done, made with a lot of effort and attention to details. The cast is superb, each actor very well placed in his/her role and with a collective chemistry that is palpable. (Just met Hugh today in the street and he's such a nice, cool guy!)

Each episode is very original, with just the right amount of action, drama and gadgetry to keep our interest and look forward to the next episode. The interesting part is that is also has a very high emotional content, sometimes from the victim's side, sometimes from the team's side and even from the "bad guys"'. I have to confess that I have teared up in the last few episodes at some point. Also love the fact that is set and filmed in Toronto, without trying to make it looks like any other city. I don't know if the real unit in our Police Force is that good, but nevertheless, it certainly makes us respect more their profession.
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Intense Canadian Police Drama.
gkpedersen25 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Flashpoint is an intense show, it's well written, well played by the actors and filled with emotional stories.

When the "normal" police gives up, they call for the SRU team.

It's about a strategic response unit, there have problems of their own, when at the same time, they have to solve desperate peoples actions, the best way possible, preferably without taking the last resort in use. Their strongest weapons include negotiation and sniper skills.

Know it's fiction, but I like it, because it shows that you can't judge people, before you know what lies behind their actions. Some might do it deliberately, but there almost, always lies a tragedy behind their actions, it's not always black and white, when you look closer. Even though, it's just fiction you have to be very strong emotional, not to be affected by the stories in the show, and even then you get affected. Yes I admit it, I get a tear or two in the corner of my eyes almost each time.

Also like it, because new layers is peeled of the characters is each episodes, you get to know a little bit more about them, and why they are like they are, what kind of people they are, their morale e.c.t.

Flashpoint is very recommendable, so is you haven't seen it yet, then give it a chance!.
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LPurch663627 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I love this show! It's probably my favorite show on TV right now. The acting is great, especially the characterizations by Enrico C. as the boss and Hugh Dillon as the master sniper. The two characters they play are strong and complicated, with Enrico playing the more sympathetic role.

The two young-uns who play "Jules" and the Iraqui-War vet make all the mistakes that newbies to the force make, which is grueling when you realize how much these guys' lives are in the hands of the others. Amy Jo Johnson, who plays Jules, seems a bit weak in the arena of having her "acting chops," but she is also the gal who may or may not be coming back after recovering (in real life) from having a baby in December 2008. The script right now -- absent Johnson-- has "Jules" severely wounded and possibly not coming back; another actress has taken her place with the warning of the boss that "Jules" will be the first choice if she can come back.

I have only seen this new actress once and she definitely has more gravitas than Amy Jo Johnson who is a very petite gal to be playing in such a "heavy-weight" role.

"Flashpoint" is not made for a relaxing Friday evening when you want to doze off! This IS a great show though. Thoroughly riveting.
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Five seasons of Great TV
willsons-220 June 2013
I have just finished watching the series finale and then had the misfortune to read some disgusting reviews of this fine show. The finale was the best finale of any TV show that I have ever watched. Most shows do not know how to end, let alone well, but Flashpoint had no such problems. Most finales make me cringe and when I re-watch the show on DVD or BD I never bother with the finale, but I will definitely make an exception with Flashpoint.

The show started strong and finished stronger.

So what is so good about this show? Fundamentally it is the characters. You actually get to care about them. On top of that there is action, drama and suspense that you would expect of a police show. There is the occasional plot hole or continuity problem but quite frankly every TV show has them. In this case they do not spoil what is otherwise an outstanding TV show.

There are 75 episodes in the series. Some episodes are fairly ordinary but most of them are engaging and entertaining. The show actually improves over time, although I suspect that is a product of getting to know and care about the characters.
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unrealistic but enjoyable
ollieoxen2718 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Flashpoint is an enjoyable TV program but things that happen on screen don't happen in real life. Like the woman who holds an abusive cop hostage on his boat and when the episode ends she is free to go. The law doesn't work that way where two wrongs make a right.

In this series no one is ever arrested if there is the lightest amount of justification for their actions and no matter how many innocent lives are put at risk. Another odd episode is the one where homeowners victimized by greedy foreclosures go to the top floor of a building to find the greedy business man. The SRU team doesn't evacuate the building. The just let the workers go back to work at their desks.

Where are the tazers? There have been plenty of episodes where a good tazer would have ended the standoff but bleeding hearts like the makers of this program decided not to employ them because sometimes tazers harm people.

This program is a fun watch but the unrealities are glaring.
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Flashpoint about to light it up
Terryfan6 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I first hear of Flashpoint by watching a ad for it on CBS and seeing one of my favorites Amy Jo Johnson was enough for me but in serious The TV show has it pros and cons. But still as a fan of cops shows like this, I will be as fair as I can be Pros We get introduce to the SWAT members each with their profiles and hidden past and we see them as everyday people with a dangerous job and will do what it takes to do the job and protect the innocents CONS Well I save the cons for last because sometime the show has a habit of getting too intense and too hard for fans to watch so and some of the writing is kind of weak but not all the time Overall I can't wait for more Flashpoint and I may buy the first season on DVD If you get the chance to watch Flashpoint give it a chance and you're in for a wild ride
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DirtDiver9313 July 2008
I found the pilot show to be a disappointment. In the commercials it looked good. It reminded me of the show the Unit. There wasn't enough action. They kind of just sat there. The suspense wasn't built up and not a lot things were going on. I don't think this show will have enough to make more than one season. Just like the show, Journeyman. The show went on. The writers went on strike and then it never even finished season one. People say it was because of bad ratings. If you would just ad more stunts and cool effects and scenes to the show. Then it would become more interesting. Put the characters in a situation of danger. As much as I hate when this happens. Build up the suspense so much, then flash. To be continued across the screen. Then your viewers will come back next week as well as people heard about episode number one and want to see episode number two. CSI does that. Look how many viewers they have piled up. CSI New York knows how to make a hell of a season finale.
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Technically flawless
kosmasp21 March 2019
Now I've never been to a SWAT training nor have I any background knowledge about proceedings. Well other than having watched quite a few shows and/or movies about it. This being one of them. And it could not be farther away from something like The Shield. Even though some may argue that the main guy (also head of the group) in both shows has some physical resemblance.

Other than that though this is more of a clean cut show. The Shield dove into the dark minds and went to the gutter one may say. While the people of this show also have issues, it is nothing compared to the other show. Having said all that this is really and technically really well made. It looks like a lot of effort has been made and a lot of thought has gone into this. The way the team and all act is or at least feels like very close to how they would respond in real life.

Overall the characters may seem a bit one sided at times and if you are nit-picking you can also see some cliches here and there. If you can set those and your cynicism aside, there is a really good show to enjoy here though
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A Good Show but Unrealistic to Prove Its Point
pv71989-124 June 2011
I'll admit that I was very skeptical when this show came on because it was a Canadian show going up against American cop dramas. But, it does have its moments.

The SRU definitely have a way with words and it's nice to see cops try to talk a perp down from a situation much like negotiators do in real life.

What gets me down on this show is that it goes out of its way not to solve issues with violence, but to the point of being contrived. For example, in one episode, a kid who wants to be the next Son of Sam is holed up in a motel room with a violent felon.

He pistol whips the ex-con and escapes through a secret hatch into the sewer. The hatch is beneath a carefully made-up bed and a carpet so smooth it isn't wrinkled. The room is also on the second floor. So, we have to believe he pistol-whipped the felon, lifted the bed, pulled back the rug, lifted the hatch to the sewer and got down there through another room. Meanwhile, the hatch is put back, the rug smoothed over and bed set back down, the sheets and blanket neatly fixed by an unconscious man on the floor.

I'm not sure if the Toronto emergency response team that the SRU is based on is based on the SEALs or Delta team, but it's difficult to watch a team that is "Law & Order," "CSI," "SVU" and Goren from "Criminal Intent" all rolled into one.

Still, Hugh Dillon carries his weight. Amy Jo Johnson is okay, although I still can't picture her as anything but the Pink Ranger.

Personally, I'll stick to "Criminal Intent" until it ends. I don't think I'll replace it with "Flashpoint."
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Canadian, but still cheesy American
Board16 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
In my job I have subtitled 24 episodes of this show, and I can say that this series is really not much different than so many other shows: Cops chase criminals. Cops catch criminals – every time! Here it's a S.W.A.T. team/S.R.U. team (it's Canadian), but they have just replaced the usual detectives with a different division. The acting is decent, and the scripts are decent, but that's really all it is. This is really not much different than crime films/series from the last 80 years - except that the pace is faster. It's all glorification of the police and what they can do (and all their new high tech gadgets). Crime never pays is still the lesson. While we are on the subject of lessons, the show always want to draw out a lesson at the end. I'm perfectly fine with that – I mean, entertainment is nice, but what's the point in watching something if it doesn't stir something in us and makes us think about certain things? The way "Flashpoint" does it is simply too cheesy. Right after the cops rush in and catch the criminal, save the hostage or whatever (and they practically always talk the perpetrator out of killing anybody), the images switch to slow-motion, and "Dawson Creek" music comes in with acoustic guitars, piano, and very, very, very meaningful lyrics. If I'm not mistaken, the segment with songs and slow-motion pictures has featured in every single one of the 24 episodes I have subtitled (fans of the show even have a name for it, "the montage"), so it's simply becoming cheesy and predictable. It's almost like watching a soap opera. The main characters, of course, also always learn something from their cases about their own lives. If you want to watch predictable crime shows, there are many others much better than this one (for instance "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" or "The closer").

This show uses that trick of showing scenes that occurs three quarters into the story as a teaser/prelude to catch the viewer's attention. Afterwards, they rewind to the beginning. Honestly, in some programmes/films this is done when there's no good beginning to the story. I believe this trick has been used in every single one of the 24 episodes of "Flashpoint" that I have subtitled, so it does seem like this show lacks good beginnings. The show lasts 42 minutes, and the opening credits and title section usually starts after 7 to 14 minutes. That's quite a lot of action they have to put in to make sure the viewer doesn't switch the channel. This is, of course, also a symptom of our day and age. When people have eight different Youtube tabs open in their internet browser at the same time, we lose interest so quickly, so we have to have something hyper stimulating constantly. This is what "Flashpoint" has to work with.

One thing to notice: Hugh Dillon who plays Ed Lane wants to be the new, even tougher, Bruce Willis (especially after Willis shaved his head). His stare (which he has 70 % of the time) is the same, but meaner, and his way of talking (meaning giving out orders, etc.) is the same but meaner. It became a bit comical in the end to see this 110 % tough guy.
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so underrated
danikagver23 January 2021
I really wish more people knew about this show: it is so incredibly brilliant, even the acting is top of the line, and not just for canadian tv. this show has heart and portrays a much more accurate version of the trauma cops go through rather then just "boom boom bang bang"! each character has a purpose, and their connection built through the moments of vulnerability are evident.
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