Jonas (TV Series 2009–2010) Poster


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Cute but nothing Earth shattering
caitybates13 May 2009
Okay, so this show isn't at all what I had expected. The format is much, much too similar to Hannah Montana. I was really disappointed that it wasn't given another angle other than a famous band trying to live as normal kids. That scenario is now a wee bit tired.

That being said, while you can't call them good actors by any stretch of the imagination, they are really, really endearing. Some jokes really made me laugh out loud and I think they all have great chemistry with one another, it's really super fun to see them just be brothers! The show definitely works best when it focuses on the relationship between the three brothers, whereas the episodes that explore love interests can get a little boring. The placement of the music in the show is hit or miss. Sometimes it works, sometimes it's hilarious and sometimes I wished I could have fast- forwarded through it.

The show didn't meet my expectations, but I find it cute nevertheless.
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The Jonas brothers get their own TV show on Disney. SURPRISE SURPRISE
chelseaxsmile77719 July 2009
Now honestly I've watched this show with my little sister because like most girls from the ages of 9-15 she's a huge Jonas brother fan. Now unlike the previous comment, that person has the stupidest idea of what is good on TV. Jonas isn't the best show on Disney channel, there's no avoiding it. It's more of Disney keeping trying to cash in on what's popular. Hannah Montana is a very lousy singer and an even worse actress. It's funny how her co-starts Mitchell Musso and emily osement sing better and act better then her. The Joans brothers are decent singers and especially for the pop rock genre there's no denying it. Their acting isn't TERRIBLE but it's not worth a gold star. Kevin's acting is funny because he's aware of how terrible he is but just rolls with it. Nick always has that same look on his face like he's in pain to be on camera. But you think he'd be use to it being a major music star for the past 4 years. All in all, you might not enjoy it the way you'd enjoy other shows such as phineas and pherb. But it's Disney channel, you really can't expect anything more then unpromising shows. Jonas isn't the worst, but it's certainly far from the best.
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Hey, Hey We're The Jonas Brothers
bkoganbing3 May 2009
The much ballyhooed Jonas show starring the Jonas Brothers finally made its debut on the Disney Channel last night. One hopes that when the brothers have had their run as teen idols they'll have invested their money wisely because it will take some considerable doing for them to have careers as musicians and/or actors when the vogue for them has passed.

As kids they're cute, pleasant and easy to take even for people over the age of 15. Their music isn't too bad either. What the Disney Studio did was reach back into rock and roll history and modeled this show on that first show about a rock band, The Monkees. The Jonas Brothers even have a fourth brother, little Frankie who can make it a quartet to have adventures just like the Monkees.

Don't look for much plot, the show is just another venue for their music which is in fact their bread and butter. Every show will have some kind of story to play between music videos. It worked fine for the Monkees, it should work for Joe, Kevin, Nick, and sometimes Frankie Jonas.
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Is this a joke? Seriously?
emily-faubert12 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, the Jonas brothers are cute, talented, moderately funny, but they need to get more imaginative writers for their TV show. The first two episodes I saw (Where they ruined the family videos and re-taped them, and when they all liked the same girl) consisted of the same plot I had seen on a billion other TV shows. It was actually painful to watch. After half the show, I only kept watching in hopes that the plot would get better, and it didn't. I started to question why this was called a comedy show, because the only people with funny lines were Frankie Jonas and Macy, who only have short lines then are gone!

There was not a whole lot of exceptional acting, which can be expected from a comedy aimed toward teens (being one myself, it is kind of insulting to my intelligence, but I digress) and the show is only really centered around the Jonas brothers. But I thought Nicole Gale Anderson did a great job as Macy, being really cute, funny and obsessive all at once! I hope they expand her character a little more, and stop her from feeding off the one gag of her almost hitting people with sports equipment.

Now, any die-hard fans of the Jonas brothers, buy their CD, go to their concerts, secretly drool over poster of them, whatever, BUT DON'T WATCH THIS SHOW! It will taint your love for them!
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it'll grow in time hopefully
azn_vision28 July 2009
I'm sure the Jonas Brothers aren't the best actors in the world, but if you're gonna try something new, you have to start somewhere; so I guess this is where they're building up. No, it's not the best series, no it's not very original but I'm still enjoying the cheesy comedy that they put into it. And hopefully in time, they'll become better actors just like what Miley Cyrus did with Hannah Montana. It's one of their first acting jobs so I didn't really expect to much out of them but Disney really, really might wanna consider more original scripts and outlines or at least give Jonas a twist to it because right now it's just a little too plain for a lot of people.
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I just don't like it
TheLittleSongbird3 July 2011
Don't get me wrong I do love comedy and there are some teen comedy shows I do like, even they are not perfect, but Jonas just doesn't do anything for me. The concept wasn't one that appealed to me initially but I went ahead and watched it out of curiosity. What I don't like about Jonas is that I just can't connect to any of the characters, I find them clichéd. The female lead is cute but nothing else beyond that. The acting is pretty dire in my opinion, I don't like the Jonas Brothers, never did, and Jonas did nothing to change my negative opinion on them. The writing is unfunny with jokes that are as painfully clichéd as the characters, the stories are really predictable and the music is forgettable. Maybe the production values aren't too bad, but they are nothing special so nothing stands out. All in all, I tried to give it a fair shot, but sorry I just don't like this show. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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better stick to my Asian drama...
Jia-Di4 May 2009
I watch Disney Channel, just cause there's actually nothing to see in TV and i start browsing the internet for Asian drama whether its Korean,Japanese or Taiwanese. The thing is watching the JONAS, just gives me the theory that Disney channel cannot come up with something a little bit more original these days. They are trying really hard to copy one of their own hit shows but this time doing it with boys that cant even act. Im not a hater but this is a point of view of someone who is not into their hip, while your a fan you might think anything they do is great just cause they might look kinda cute. As i have said before if the Asian shows were shown all over the world on TV, Hollywood would be down the drain cause at least they do have something called original.

The JONAS show, is about 3 musician brothers who are famous and show how difficult their life is being famous. The comedy is really poor, its completely force. Nonetheless they made the show had enough of that in the Disney channel movies. Though their songs for this show are completely ehh pathetic.

I was going to give it a 1/10 but decided to give it a 3 for the effort.
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Too smart for the target audience
williamrbabcock18 August 2020
Much like the Monkees before it, Jonas is a tongue-in-cheek comedy that saterizes the sound/stlye/look of the day, with a good dose of self-deprecation, and a surprisingly good sense of what it is and what it wants to be. To preface, I am 44 and obviously knew who the Jonas Brothers were, but honestly could kot have cared less about them, even though they are fellow Jerseyans. That said, thanks to some pandemic downtime and a hungover brain, I was surfing Disney Plus for something fun and easy to digest. Having plowed through the High School Musicals and the Descendants, I decided to give Camp Rock a try. The first one was, meh. The second one was WAY better. And since there was no trilogy, unlike the aforementioned movies, I decided t give Jonas a try. Very glad I did. I found myself genuinely laughing at some of the bits (like the angel wings...that was funny as hell). Im only a few episodes in and I find it throughly enjoyable. Now, If I were a 14 year by when this show was on, I would have hated, because i was a metal head and only loved metal and everything else was dumb, so I get why some would not like it, but I guess I am glad I found it at 44, when my musical tastes have grown to be vast and varied. But what really got me was the sense of humor. Kudos Jonas Brothers. You gained a new fan, even it is kind of creepy and sad, and 10 years after the fact.
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Why I liked this show
jwhale93821 June 2011
When I first heard that there was going to be a TV show starring the Jonas Brothers, I had to roll my eyes. Yeah, it's just another attempt for the JoBros' to milk their fame for all it was worth. But when I finally saw the show, I found it to be surprisingly entertaining.

Now, I'm not a teenage girl, so you can be sure I didn't watch the show to see the Jonas Brothers. Although, Chelsea Kane and Nicole Anderson were kinda cute. But no, the real reason I loved this show was the humor. It's a rare kind of humor we don't see much of anymore. It's a kind of humor based on antics as opposed to witty dialog. It was almost a throwback to the kind of antics we saw on Saved By the Bell. The show also didn't have a laugh track, so we didn't have to be told when to laugh.

The characters were great as well. The boys almost remind me of Alvin and the Chipmunks; Kevin, the lovable dumb one (Theodore), Nick, the smart one (Simon), and Joe, the egotistic one (Alvin). My favorite character had to be Macy, Jonas' "#1 Superfan." She's so sweet and lovable, and she so funny to watch.

Having said all that, I thought Season 1 was better than Season 2. Season 2 had less focus on humor and was trying more to be a teen drama. And there, I think it lost a lot of its appeal. But it was still a good show.

The show has been canceled, unfortunately, but if you can find it on DVD, I say check it out. I would mostly recommend it for teens and fans of the Jonas Brothers, but if you like comedies, this one doesn't disappoint.
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Worth a watch if you like the Jonas Brothers
RuthieDear17 September 2009
I think this show has gotten too much criticism from people who dislike the Jonas Brothers. It needs to be kept in mind that JONAS was meant to be a kids' show targeted at fans of the boys. At best, JONAS is a kid friendly comedy sure to draw in young and old fans alike. I won't trash it - this is just my opinion.

Personally, I'm not a fan of the Jo Bros, but I am a fan of the Disney Channel in general. I'm eighteen years old and I still love watching shows like The Suite Life and Wizards. They have appealing, original characters, and the situations, while unbelievable, are engaging and creative. It's easy to get attached to the characters and their world. While I appreciate JONAS as a children's show, I think it lacks those qualities. The situations are used, the humor is trite, and the characters (particularly Macy and Stella) are stereotypical and shallow. It's just my opinion, but I find nothing engaging about their situations. In the last episode I watched the plot revolved around Joe accidentally dying their clothing blue. I was hoping for at least one laugh, but I was instead disappointed by a parade of unfunny jokes.

If you're a fan of Joe, Kevin, and Nick, then I'm sure you'll enjoy JONAS. But if you're simply looking for a quality Disney comedy, I would not suggest this one.
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It's not that bad...
mariewalsh51-120 May 2009
what were you expecting? the jonas brothers are not actors they have said it like 1000 times. the plot is not great but is not the worst thing ever either. the show has its funny moments and it's very kid friendly (ages 6 -12 ) for a Disney channel TV show is not that bad .. its not like it will air on fox,abc and those channels where the adult TV shows air ;) just give them a break and if you don't like it don't watch it like with any other TV show. besides it will probably be only 1 season, because that's what the contract said ;). I personally thought it was OK (and I'm 18) it just really depends on what you like :) I like those kinds of TV shows because they remind me of when I was younger and I didn't have to worry about anything but having fun.
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Sadly, this might be the best original show on Disney channel right now.
TOMNEL19 July 2009
Disney channel shows have really never been very good. They suffer from horrible jokes that only little kids with yet to be developed brains will find amusing, such as Hannah Montana's " (Insert name here) say what?!" Surprisingly, this show doesn't have too many moments with bad jokes. The show is fast paced, and though it is really stupid, the jokes aren't particularly corny, or bad for that matter. They're just extremely stupid.

The Lucas brothers (Played by the Jonas brothers) are fictional characters in a band called Jonas (named after their street). All three brothers go to a private school, and get into wacky mischief. Kevin Jonas is the oldest, and definitely the dumbest on the show. Usually he is the comic relief type. Joe Jonas is generally the center of attention on the program, but he's also an idiot. Nick Jonas is the straight man, who's role seems to be getting angry at the other two. It's kind of a dumbed down three stooges act.

The brothers give surprisingly good performances, with Kevin and Joe showing off their comedic acting skills with fairly good timing. Nick is the straight man, and possibly too reserved for his own good. But the three of them give decent enough performances. The other main characters are the guys' schoolyard chum and costume designer Stella (Chelsea Staub), who is an alright character, and then we have Macy (Nicole Gale Anderson), who is a creepy and annoying fan girl. Don't much care for the character, as she's on the borderline between okay, and Hannah Montana humor.

The jokes on the show are better than typical Disney. They are somewhat remnant of the type of joke on Even Stevens. It's goofy, but somewhat entertaining, perhaps because of the performances. It's really hard to describe why this is alright, and what every other current Disney show isn't. The lack of laugh track is a plus. The performances are better. The timing is more on. The show is clearly not meant to be realistic at all, but it has a small bit of realism to it. It's clear no one is taking anything seriously, and it's played off as a sort of alternate jokey reality. It's difficult to explain...

The show is just a breath of fresh air, considering how bad every other Disney channel show is. Even this one isn't very good, and it's still the channel's best. It's one that possibly parents won't cringe at, and one that has some small bit of value, that makes it at least watchable and maybe even somewhat entertaining.

My rating: ** 1/2 out of ****. 30 mins. TVY7 My rating:
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No plot?
clueless_kitty4357 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
It's obvious that Disney didn't put that much effort into the plot with this show, unlike other ones. The storyline is pretty much the fact that they're famous and they go to school, which I think anyone could really come up with. It seems Disney thought this show would be successful anyway just because the Jonas Brothers are in it, which is true; if this was a new show without a celebrity to promote it, I really don't think it would be successful. At all.

On the upside, it really does have its moments. I have laughed out loud at some jokes. I personally think Joe and Kevin are pretty good actors. I'm not sure about Nick...maybe that's just his character. But it just seems as if the comedy comes to Joe & Kevin naturally.

I think they did this for fun, and didn't expect it to go far. Which is fair enough. It's a decent show, but it's not a favorite. 5/10, probably.
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overview of the show
pretti-in-pnk13 May 2009
OK. so like previous reviews yes this is a rip off of hannah montana... but it is with the jonas brothers and people actually know they are famous... personally i liked the ORIGINAL plot where they were like spies (kind of like james bond) and there cover was a boy band... that seemed better to me and had more of twist. anyways the comedy isn't as bad as people make it out to be... the comedy though HOWEVER! is only good or at least measures up to the word and term "good" when it is between joe and kevin jonas... specially kevin... it just seems natural.. where is nick jonas... well how do i put this in a nice way.... well he sucks... his acting in general is just forced and he brings no life to his character... i know he is meant to play off the "serious" character the one who "doesn't" smile but he is just a joke to the acting world. i will continue to watch the show however because it does and can have its moments like i said between joe and kevin...

The show will probably appeal to those under the age of like 8 or MAYBE 10.. just because it is the jonas brothers... (note: i am 19) personally i recommend you to watch it if u show any more than the slightest of interest... just to get your own thoughts on the show and construct ur own view...

i give the show a 5/10 because nick is crap and he is in it a fair bit unfortunately... lol so he brings the show down. Also Disney could of done better with the storyline... they should of stuck with the rumoured concept of undercover spies posing as a boy band which i stated earlier.
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how can you like this show???!!! it sucks.
did_u_know_pigs_oink6 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
this is easily the worst Disney show i have ever seen. the acting is horrible, and the camera/filming is rally bad. it's too...i don't know, reality like? no, i don't know how to explain it. the way they film it is just horrible. like the way they film dramas like home and away and Neighbours. but those shows are better. and Jonas has no laugh track. not that there's any bits that need one. but then, I've only seen one episode. i really hope this gets better, though i'm not really expecting that it will. just don't watch it, its a waste of time. try wizards of Waverly place. it is a MUCH better show. i don't get why people actually like Jonas. I sat in my seat cringing every time they spoke, hoping it would improve. it didn't.
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OMFG!!! it pains me to EVEN HAVE TO write this review!!!!! Don't WATCH THIS CRAPP!
prettyreckless4012 October 2010
so the Jonas Brothers get their own "Disney" show! oooohhhhhh BIG SHOCKER THERE! Didn't SEE THAT ONE COMING (sarcastic). don't even get me started with that recycled overused plot of "regular people during the day and stars at night" it has Hannah Montana and Lizzie Mcguire Movie written all over it... c'com Disney haven't you milked the cow for what it's worth by airing a fourth season of the hillbilly garbage AKA Hannah Montana??? but that's not why I'm here... JONAS LA or JONAS or whatever this stupid show's name is.. it sucks! now, I've only seen two episodes but they both sucked azz ... ummmm let me think. yep, that one where they decide to recreate their family videos and memories ... it was literally the most painful thing I ever watched; watching the Jonas Brothers act stupid and lame isn't entertaining at all.

I don't know what else to say about this garbage except that it REALLY SUCKS!


AND PLEASE OH GOD PLEASE Don't GIVE JUSTIN BIEBER A $HIT-COM it's the only thing you haven't done yet.
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Is it 30 Rock? No. Is it far better than most of the drivel Disney Channels pulls out? By far.
GonzoBarbossa11 June 2009
I'm not a fan of Disney channel, in fact I totally hate it and blame it for the lack of great television for younger kids. However, I had an opportunity to watch this. I had to record this so I could watch a sneak peak of "Up!". I decided to go ahead and watch this and give it a chance, because as an aspiring film/television director I always hope people would give me the same chance. With an open mind I found it to be cute and entertaining.

Will it be the next Office or Lost? Well no. However, it's good in the "it's so bad it's good" way. People complain about the writing and the acting, but I find it to be surprisingly better than most Disney channel shows past and present. The premise isn't crazy-original, but what isn't? The writing is okay, but it works if you enjoy random silliness and great one-liners. Some of the acting is pretty good, the extras are far less annoying than Hannah Montana's and their family in the show is tolerable and their father isn't treated like an idiot.

Out of the three brother's Nick is lucky to be so adorable, because he's very weak in the acting. Joe is actually pretty funny and enjoyable to watch. As for Kevin, you can tell he isn't taking himself seriously as an actor and just having fun (and that is very evident with Joe too) and I can appreciate it. They don't try to be more than they are, as with this show and I actually set a series recording and enjoy watching episodes in my spare time. And kudos for nixing the laugh track.

I will still hit it on weak story lines and execution, just because it's Disney Channel doesn't excuse poor production quality. This show actually has potential to be a monkey-esquire and could be very good. And some of the music is bad- or more or less written for the show and just to fill time. But they get credit for writing it and trying. It's not groundbreaking or thought-provoking, but it's a fun way to pass the time.
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Great fun!
Alysandcastle12 June 2009
Yes, I'm an adult. Yes, my kids are mostly grown and certainly out of the age range of the usual Disney TV fan. But I am old enough to remember the happy randomness of Beatles movies and The Monkees on Saturday morning television -- and that's what "Jonas" brings to mind.

I love the innocence and silliness of this show. IMO, the brothers have an easy rapport on camera and great comedic timing. And I have to say that Nick should pursue a career in acting in the future if he doesn't want to be in the music business. He's got real leading man potential.

Do you remember when you were a kid and you just felt like laughing about nothing and didn't care what grownups (or anyone else) thought? When you could look at your brother or BFF and whisper something like "shoehorn" and dissolve into laughter? Please view this program with that mood in mind. Sit back, smile and don't take life so seriously.
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I Love The Jonas Brothers, but....
lisa777-116 July 2009
Before I start my review, I'd like to say that I totally adore the JB. I own all their CDs, I've got a million posters on my wall and I even went to a concert in June. All of that was AWESOME. The show, however...

For a start, it's completely unoriginal. The plots have all been done a million times before, and they seem to have been dumbed-down somewhat.

The format and the scripts are all very similar to that of Hannah Montana. I don't think this show is simply a recreation of it (which is what many people DO think), I believe that the producers and writers simply saw HM's success and tried to make it happen again.

The music in the shows is, of course, teen pop-rock. Which I love, duh. However, the music seems a little overdone and the show, to be honest, seems like a series of music videos strung together by simple, diluted plot lines. If you're into their music - GREAT! If you're're not gonna like this show.

The simple plots, are, however, saved by some quality comedy. Joe is the most naturally comic brother, but Kevin has really stepped up and become rather hilarious too. Nick cracks some good jokes and is obviously putting a lot of effort in, but his comedy seems a little more forced. He is the naturally quietest brother, so maybe that's why. I personally think he'll get better as the series goes on, because you can see that he's improved quite a bit from episode one to episode five.

In short, if you love the JB, you will love this show. If you don't love the JB - you will absolutely hate this show.

I'm going to give it 7 - because they're making a great effort. The plots bring the show down and they didn't write them, so it's not their fault.

Too see some better quality Jonas acting, plots, etc, please go and watch Camp Rock. It really is very good!
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I think I've seen this before...Oh, yeah, in EVERY OTHER Disney SHOW!
katzrok119 July 2009
So, the only original element in Disney's new series Jonas is the absence of a laugh track. I'm fairly convinced the producers were sitting around stoned and decided this would be enough to create a better show...they were wrong. I, however, dub this three stars for three reasons; 1-While yes, the absence of a laugh track is NOT an example of originality (who knows, maybe the sound effects machine is broken), it certainly helps because it comforts me to know that no one else finds this crap funny either. 2-It is fun to laugh at Kevin and his lack of fangirls, even if that is not addressed in the show (it should be...Kevin is a loser). And 3-Joe is H.O.T., but only when you mute the T.V.
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It's a funny show to watch with my kids!
jnjmitch30 July 2009
I agree with several previous reviewers that the format of the show is similar to that of a Monkees series and/or Beatles movie in that there really doesn't have to be much of a plot. I don't feel it's true there is NO plot, the plot is just VERY weak and simple. I mean why is Kevin, a 21 year old, going to the same high school as Nick and Joe for heaven's sake? However, I personally enjoy the fact that they play ORIGINAL music and you can look forward to a new song every episode or so (unlike Mylie Cyrus where you're lucky to hear a fragment of one old song every now and then). Basically, as far as I'm concerned, the best part of the show is that you get to see the Jonas brothers UP CLOSE: talking, singing, being silly, being insecure, and often they share interesting tid bits about their real lives (ie: family videos, visit with Queen). So if you have to watch TV with your kids, I am glad that iCarly, Hannah Montana, Wizards of Waverly Place and Jonas are different formats so it is not so redundant.
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JONAS picked up for season 2
gijoet215 November 2009
I was surprised to find out that the newest Disney show "JONAS" has been picked up for another season. Being the parent of a little girl, I have been watching a lot of Disney Channel since there is very little my wife and I will let her watch. When I first watched JONAS I was like many viewers who gave it a 1/10 or 3/10. But the fact that the show reminds me a lot of the Monkeys I watched a few more episodes and became a fan. However I don't think there should be a season 2.

While JONAS is a cute funny show that Disney is trying to milk for all the Jonas power it can get, that is not enough to keep fans with the show for too long. The characters are likable and the Joe-Stella plot is cute, but not where they should focus. As a matter of fact, the chemistry is not that good between the two. Chelsea Staub is a beautiful and talented actress, and the show only benefits with her on the show, but her character is still minor, as well as Macy (Nicole Anderson) who has evolved into a normal character and not the stereotypical "Jonas Head".

Kevin and Joe are too old to be in high school, and where do they go when they graduate since their school is the premise of the show. I would much rather it been more like the Monkeys in that the four boys where struggling musicians and not famous. The Jo Bros try convince us that they are "Keeping it real", but how much longer can it last.

I gave this show a 6/10 because it is cute and funny, but Disney should not let it go more than another season. Even Miley Cyrus knows it time to pull the plug on Hannah. It's time to travel in a new direction Disney Channel, and move away from the Pop Star Characters.
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buterfly697227 March 2020
It's boring and not funny. It doesn't make any sense, also why is their last names Lucas?
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lauren_h722 August 2009
i mean really Disney channel? come on... its just another excuse for another laughter track show! the Jonas brothers are really talented at singing but they're just not meant to be actors. some episodes are OK and cleverly thought out but the fact is its supposed to be a comedy and i haven't laughed once. It will not do as well as Hannah Montana or suite life of Zack and Cody or wizards of Waverly place.... watch one episode and you decide, but the other characters are just pointless... The set is lame and so is the theme tune... sorry Jonas Brother fans... Nick best actor :) by far/// Joe OK, Kevin... meh... 4/10... if you've seen it you'll know what i mean
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It's not the brothers, it's the script.
njfanyup14 June 2009
Honestly, if Jonas had the same writers as a show like Hannah Montana it would be absolutely brilliant. Hannah Montana is THE most popular TV show right now, just test it on google.

My point is, I think if overtime they get new writers this show might actually amount to something interesting. Analyze anything popular, even something like Twilight; Despite the terrible acting, the plot and the script keep you hooked. And the Jonas Brothers deserve better. But as for now, lines like "do you have to go to the bathroom or something?" are really really NOT funny.

I feel really sorry for the brothers. This is all Disney's fault. It's ruined their image.
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